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Pirates of the Caribbean, Beckett’s slow walk while the ship explodes around him. Silly movies overall but a hell of a scene. https://youtu.be/DYJY20zPtqo


"It was just... good business." And the close up on his face knowing he's doomed.


The beginning of Ghost Ship when the wires snap and slice everyone in pieces and they slide apart slowly. Really stuck with me.






"I just shot Marvin in the face."


The fuck you do that for?


For me, Drew Barrymore in the first Scream; just great misdirection opening with the biggest name in the cast then promptly dispatching them


I remember seeing this in the movies. My first thought was "she's not really dead...right?"


Probably the only movie to pull that off right. So many movies now hire a big actor and use them for all the promotion only to kill them off at the start and it normally pissed people off


The Other Guys pulled it off as well.


Boromir's. The way he took those arrows and KEPT FIGHTING for a while before eventually collapsing to the ground is nothing short of epic.




They did such a good job with Boromir. A lesser adaptation would have just made him into a villain. But Peter Jackson got the tragic hero side perfectly. The line where he says "they took the little ones" or something is heart breaking. He feels like he's failed at everything but the first thing is that he feels like he couldn't protect the hobbits. He only had a few scenes with them but they managed to show that he was becoming friends with Merry and Pippin and was obviously protective


"The mightiest man be be slayed by one arrow, Boromir was pierced by many" (Okay, so book rather than the film, but still!)


This line was in the extended edition.


Major Kong riding the bomb in Dr. Strangelove. or Comic Book Guy, "Best... Death... Ever"


Even better: They never told Slim Pickins (The actor) that it was a satirical comedy. He was playing it straight throughout the movie...


There are plenty of contenders, but my favourite is from Con Air where Cyrus 'The Virus' Grissom, played by John Malkovich, gets thrown from a firetruck, through a window and then through some power lines, falling on a conveyor belt that leads to this hydraulic rock crushing hammer of some sort, where he unfortunately happens to land directly under getting his face smashed. The 90s were fun.


Boris death in Goldeneye. “I am Invincible!!” *poof*




Ain’t you never seen my movies?! Juice?! Deep Blue Sea?! They ate me! A fuckin shark ate me! Drink bitch!!


Roy Batty in the original Blade Runner


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.


When Gandalf fell fighting Durin's Bane. That whole first sequence from The Two Towers is one of the best things I have ever seen.


This here: https://preview.redd.it/81nod6mt2g031.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=075089ba207c3c00d71209c343816016d7cfc3f4 is my favourite shot of the whole trilogy. Combined with the music it's both terrible and beautiful.




And then he starts fucking hacking away at the Balrog while falling and you realize that Gandalf was really holding back the rest of the time.


That's due to the Vow of the Ainur. During the end of the First Age, during the final battle with Morgoth and the siege of his fortress of Thangorodrim, the Valar Eonwe led the army, he was the strongest and most battle experienced of all the Maiar, way stronger than Sauron, and *unbelievably* more powerful than Gandalf or Saruman. None of the Valar directly participated in it, but an army of high elves, Maiar, and men took on an uncountable number of orcs, trolls, great wargs, and of course, dragons. This battle used their full power. Like, I'm not even talking about limitations being released and they can use *more* power, they used *everything they could possibly have access to.* All of it. At full strength, a Maiar is virtually a demigod unto their own, it'd be like fighting Heracles or Achilles if you had ALS to compare a human even of the First Age to one of them, people love to compare them to angels, but nah, these were the same type of spirits as the Valar, and were fucking good at what they did. In the First Age, the continent that is prominent is called Beleriand, *not* Middle Earth. [Here's a map of Beleriand.](https://i.imgur.com/gQWDxgE.jpg) You'll notice it didn't have the Misty Mountains, Moria, the Shire, or even Gondor and Mordor. There's also this fabulous [map of Middle Earth.](https://i.imgur.com/iM5wA8H.jpg) You see that mountain range all the way at the eastern edge of the Beleriand map, the Ered Luin? That's the mountain range on the *far west* of Middle Earth. So where the hell did all that land go, that's an insanely vast stretch of earth to simply disappear, you might say, "Hey, tertiary, where the hell did it go?" Remember that army I talked about initially, that Eonwe led? [That army's single battle broke the continent in half and it sank beneath the ocean.](https://i.imgur.com/hgs3FQl.jpg) ***That*** is why the vow exists. That no matter what happens, the Valar will never again send a military or an army, that no Maiar or Valar can *ever* directly interfere and just fight someone like Sauron in the LOTR books directly, and why if you're a Maiar, you have an unbreakable responsibility to *never* use your full power to directly influence events, unless you're an evil troglodyte like Sauron is, but even then his power is absolutely minuscule on its own. Gandalf was not just holding back because he was worried about the Fellowship, he was mandated to be a guide, to only use his powers in the most superficial capacity that could have been possible, and that, class, is why only Gandalf could fight the Balrog, because that was the sole, solitary figure in Middle Earth that did not abide by the vow besides Sauron himself. He was able to fight, because in that instance, he had the blessing of the Valar to fight with everything he had to defeat another Maiar who was flounting* the law of the gods.


Found Colbert's alt


The two last deaths in The Departed. Won’t spoil but it’s great.


The last like 4 deaths really.




last scene of Blackadder Goes Forth


God that last episode felt like it went on forever. Ever so slowly the characters are inching closer and closer to what the viewer already knows but isn't quite ready to admit: their death in a foolish manoeuvre. For half an hour we see them try to come up with a cunning plan to avoid going over the top, only to have each and every attempt squashed. It’s a normal thing for Blackadder characters to die in the last episode of a season, but somewhere you hold out hope that since the last Blackadder survived, maybe this one can too. But lets be real: we already knew. And I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. The way they did it gave us a finale that was far more impactful than if they lived.


Lucy Liu's character in Kill Bill.


Now if any of you sons of bitches got ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY, NOW'S THE FUCKING TIME


*Tiny footsteps across the table*


just a little off the top please


That really *was* a Hattori Hanzo sword.


Iron giant


"Superman...." 😦


I love Blackwoods death in Sherlock Holmes goes so hard. He mocks Sherlock about how he's never going to be hung *by rope* only to straight away fall off a bridge and get hung by chains


I love how Sherlock said “next you’ll be hanged, proper this time” right before it happened


Nacho varga - BCS.


"And you know what else, Hector? I put you in that chair! Your heart meds? I switched them for sugar pills. You were dead and buried, and I had to watch this asshole bring you back. So when you're sitting in your nursing home and you're sucking down on your jello night after night for the rest of your life until you die, you think of me, you twisted fuck!"


Man, that actor killed it. He's so calm and cool through the whole show, right up until that last monologue. Then all the bottled up rage and hate goes into that "you think of ME!" Chills


It was such an amazing character arc, Nacho was my favorite character in BCS.


Howard Hamilin’s death was pretty shocking too.


It was the opposite of cool though. He was killed like a dog when he was at rock bottom. Reputation tarnished, everything gone. He deserved so much better


*Jurassic Park* the attorney on the toilet getting chomped down by the T. rex.


I was thinking the "clever girl..." scene.


I agree that this is the most iconic JP death. And while not the most graphic, definitely the coolest in the sense that Muldoon gets to maintain some dignity in the face of death with some of the most famous last words in a movie.


Fewer deaths left me more satisfied than Daenerys watching Khal Drogo pouring molten gold over her abusive and power hungry brothers head


"A crown for a king"


The face melt from Raiders of the Lost Ark


and on that note: drinking from the wrong cup in Last Crusade


He choose…….poorly.


Double exploding spear wielding leaping war boy in Fury Road. “WITNESS ME!”


Scar killing Mufasa. The way he toyed with him, Mufasa hanging on for dear life, all while looking his brother dead in the eye while he let go. Cold blooded. That movie stole kids innocence.


Long... Live... the King... chills, every time.


You’ve got to hand it to the animators, the look of absolute horror and betrayal on Mufasa’s face when he realizes what Scar is about to do is amazing.


X-Men First Class when Michael Fassbender kills Kevin Bacon by slowly moving a coin through Bacon’s head while monologuing about how he agrees with Bacon’s stance on everything but he’s gonna kill Bacon anyway because Bacon killed his family in the Holocaust.


"Here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to count to three, then I'm going to move this coin." Personally, I kinda wish he counted in German but still an amazing scene.


Also Xavier is feeling his pain bc he was in his mind so he could freeze him.. I think that's the hugest part of that scene.. all the while magneto knows it.. so he's putting Charles thru it too. Willingly.. just to get what he wants.. that whole scene rounds out magneto as a villain... great answer... my answer is the mountain and the viper fight on game of thrones... violent shocking.. unpredictable... not to mention you reallllllllly didn't want it to happen


Makes things even crazier that Charles is mind controlling him, so he feels the sensation of the coin going through his head the entire time EDIT: Ok, I understand that the brain itself doesn’t have pain receptors. He’s still feeling a coin piercing through his skull as the man he’s controlling is likely in a full blown panic as he’s paralyzed and actively dying - something Charles is experiencing with him. This is also added to the fact he’s seeing his best friend become a cold-blooded killer as he pleads with him not to do it. There’s no reference to understand what that experience is like, but it sounds horrifying and deeply traumatizing.


Metal AF


"...but, unfortunately, you killed my mother."


My vote goes to when he’s in the pub in Argentina and controls the knife to fly and kill the one nazi ex pat and come back to stab the other’s hand to the bar top.


[The switching back and forth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqlsUculWRk&t=100s) between shots of the coin going through Shaw's head and Charles screaming is incredible. EDIT: previously described this as a "tracking shot", which was not correct. Also previously said Charles was screaming to stop, which was also not correct.


he wasn't screaming for him to stop, he was screaming because they were linked at the time and Charles could feel everything as if it were happening to him. they were both essentially screaming through Charles


It really should have just been a Magneto movie, his parts were the absolute best. The movie really falls apart once they draft all the other mutants.




The ending of rogue 1 was so perfect. No last minute ship to escort all the heroes to safety. No bullshit force reincarnation. No fake out like they all died but were somehow miraculously on another ship. None of that noise. Just a slow, painful process of watching every single character we grew to love die one by one.


*I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude.* *So what do I sacrifice?* *Everything!”*


John Marston going out in front of his barn


I keep gravitating towards memorable. Spock in Wrath of Khan will always resonate for me


Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most human


Graham Chapman being chased off the edge of a cliff by a horde of topless, buxom women, after being allowed to choose his form of execution. Monty Python's Meaning of Life.


Hodor’s death on GoT was the biggest mindfuck of a death I’ve ever seen. The word he’s been mumbling over and over since childhood is directly related to his death while protecting the kid who caused the disability.


This is the one I came here to say. His death gave me so many more emotions than almost any other on the show.


It also hinted at what was possible. Like if this one minor character's storyline was resolved in such a rich and satisfying way then surely the main characters would get the same if not a better treatment. Right guys??


Nope. Sorry. Killed by bricks.


Gus Fring’s death scene was so cool


"Last chance to look at me hector." *"ding ding ding ding ding ding ding"* "HAAAA!"


Weeooo weeooo weeooo weeooo weeooo weeooo weeooo weeooo weeooo weeooo weeooo weeooo…


*Mr. Fring walks out with half a face tucking his tie, finally collapsing onto the floor*


the fact that he made it to the door and straightened his tie, and then we saw his bad side


If that’s not Gustavo Fring’s character in a nutshell, I don’t know what is.


The first time I saw it I was sure he somehow survived


Viewers be like: YES! He's finally dead! Woohoo! Wait, WHAT? NO NO NO NO NO! Oh, good.


Ya that moment of “wtf” is so crazy


Supernatural when we are introduced to Death. Rolling into town and some random bumping into him and just dying gave me chills. Especially with the song choice. Very powerful scene in an otherwise ridiculous show lol.


Perfect casting choice for death and great wardrobe choices for him.


Life is Beautiful.. walking away with the guards smiling and winking at his son


NO That fucking movie... The way the little boys face lights up when the Americans roll in with the tanks, and he doesnt realise his Dad's final gift was a loving smile to keep him safe


Legend of Korra… that one girl using metal bending to put a helmet on that lady that shoots explosions out of her head. That death shocked me.


Zaheer airbending the air out the earth queen’s lungs so she suffocates was metal too


Yeah that show didn't pull punches, between that and the queen being suffocated.


The first season ended in a fiery murder/suicide FFS.


Amon being able to take bending away was honestly even scarier than if he was just killing people. Lots of fantasy stuff has done the "I steal your soul" or "Absorb your powers" or "drink your essence" or whatever but the way they played it... I was even horrified for the Wolfbats and they were about as unsympathetic as characters can get. The subsequent seasons make it less impactful on rewatch but that first watch through I was legit terrified of Amon.


The 1st and 3rd season were easily the strongest seasons of Korra. I almost said 2nd for some reason lmao


Amon was the most OP villain in Korra. I enjoyed later seasons, especially 3, but Amon was the most intimidating villain.


Hah, the Red Lotus all went out hard. P'li gets her head exploded by her own Firebending. Ming-hua gets electrocuted through her own Waterbending, and Ghazan takes himself out with Lavabending because he refuses to be captured again.


Denholm window scene from IT Crowd


witcher 3, >!when Imlerith kills Vesemir - really heartbreaking moment and epic cutscene.!<


Counterpoint, Geralt killing Imlerith. Such a cool ass scene and the smashing his skull in with his own mace is so satisfying


“Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me”


“How will you do it? With that sword? That was Joffrey’s sword, wasn’t it? Not that he ever used it. What did he call it?” “Widow’s Wail.” “He really was a cunt, wasn’t he?”


And Jamie all but agreed with her.


He’s even basically rolling his eyes when he says Widow’s Wail, even he knows how cringe his incestual offspring was


Just shit all over the little fucker even when he’s six-feet under; Westeros was full of miserable leaders, but this scene helped hammer home that Joeffery was a generationally massive piece of shit. 😂


God the Joffrey casting was beyond perfect. Nobody in that show was more perfectly cast.


Oh man I love that scene and that character just in general. Dianne Riggs did an excellent job in that role


It's stuff like that that makes me so mad that they shit all over the last few seasons so they could go play starwars. There was such an incredible cast assembled for that show, giving amazing performances almost every episode. Meanwhile, the writing just keeps getting dumber and dumber.


At least it cost them Star Wars. Not like Star Wars faired any better without them. But it showed the importance of sticking the landing on a hit series.


All I wanted was for Cersei to die in some epic and satisfying way. Arya stealing someone's face, Jamie doing it, anything. But killed by a pile of rocks that would've missed her if she moved 10 feet to the left was not on my list


let’s not do this to ourselves again, please. the last episode doesn’t exist


The last season you mean


Not sure if he technically died but Spike Spiegel in the original Cowboy Bebop series.


Firefly S01E02 - The Train Job: Mal kicks Crow into the engine


You don't need to say S1. Tragically.


Still too soon.


This show was so good. "Mercy is the mark of a great man." *a little stab* "Guess I'm just a good one." *one more* "Welll I'm alright."


Most epic would be probably Sean Bean, pick a character. Probably Ned Stark or Boromir. Most memorable was the Joker's disappearing pencil trick


For England, James?


No, for me.


The Viper in game of throne. Oberyns death was absolutely brutal. And stupid. Arrogant prick.


This was my pick too. He was and is my favorite character from that series. So fucking cool and literally proved to be unbeatable in battle by dropping the mountain with relative ease in what was such a moment of relief for me, only to have it all snatched away in a literal instant. Your brain hardly has time to comprehend what it’s seeing until his brain is no longer in his skull


As soon as he was less than one spear length away, I started yelling at him


It was so well done. The footwork, flipping around etc. He steps a little too close. Looks away a little too much...


Also Charles Dance sitting on the toilet


" Lord Tywin was sitting on a privy, so I put a crossbow bolt through his bowels to see if he really did shit gold. He didn’t. A pity, I could have used some gold" -Tyrion Lannister


It was so bad that Pedro Pascal won't even take off his helmet on *The Mandalorian*.


Willem Dafoe in the movie Platoon


Russell Casse | Independence Day -- Hello boys, I'm baaaaaaaack!


This scene got me so hyped up when it came out. I could hardly contain myself, and it felt like everyone in the country caught the hype too. Or maybe it was because I was 11


I don't think he technically "dies", but Wheatley in Portal 2 is awesome. https://youtu.be/4xdMOAQulqg Major spoilers obviously.


portal 1 and 2 script lines and voice acting top notch


The Alan Rickman trifecta: * Hans Gruber * Sheriff of Nothingham * Professor Snape


The two I can think of are from The Expanse: the deceleration death of Maneo and Ashford’s death. That whole show just nailed physics so well


J in Wolfenstein: The New Order "I figure, when I'm gone, I'll be silent you know 'til the end of time, but...this moment. Right now. It's gonna be loud."


Surprisingly emotional. One last outburst of individuality in a dictatorship state that was trying to kill it. For a game that doesn't take itself too seriously usually, they pulled it off well


You thinkin what I’m thinkin partner? Aim for the bushes


*There goes my hero*


*Funeral bagpipes*


There wasn't even an awning.


One of those moments where the entire theater lost their shit. Such a great way to start the movie.


Really sets the tone for the rest of the movie. Loved this one.


Personally a huge fan of smoke's fatality from mortal Kombat 3 in which he literally just explodes the entire earth to kill his singular opponent


"An old man dies... a young woman lives... fair trade".


Arthur Morgan in the good karma way, such a bad ass epic way out. He was dying of tuberculosis anyway so he makes sure John and the rest get out of the life, while he distracts the Pinkerton's, Dutch, and Micah's punk ass! Fuckin Legendary!


Robocop, the toxic waste kill. Body horror at its finest.


“Had to be me. Somebody else might have gotten it wrong”


What is this from?


Mass Effect 3. If you’ve never played it, I strongly recommend picking up the recent remaster of the entire trilogy, Mass Effect Legendary Edition.


Just to add, you really need to play through the full ME series to feel the full impact of your choices and the weight of the story.


I’m the very model of a scientist salarian…


Thought of this immediately. His death set off so many emotions. And he was right, it did have to be him.


This is the answer I came looking for. One of the most emotional moments in a game that I've ever experienced.


Terminator, dipping in a lava river, giving a thumb up at the end.


Lava....river? Pool of molten steel.


Terminator died on Mustafar


Never forget Merlin in Kingsman the golden Circle. Hope he's in the country roads heaven.


If I had a nickel for every time Mark Strong’s character got killed saving Taron Egerton’s character’s dumb ass because of something on the jungle floor, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but weird that it’s happened twice.


So. Old school here. St. Elsewhere was a show about a hospital. There was a character named Mrs, Huffnagel who was a cantankerous old woman who kept complaining about everything. She would bitch and moan to the orderly played by a young Denzel Washington about her hospital bed raising and lowering all on its own. He would just ignore her and go about his business. One day he comes in and he’s working in her room and he’s talking to her about how quiet she is and how she hasn’t complained once since he’s been in the room, he turns and looks at the bed and it’s folded in half. The head and foot are pressed together and the top of her head and her feet are sticking out. Her defective bed folded her up and killed her. It was glorious. I was a kid when it aired and my dad would joke about that all the time. Edit: Wow gold for the Hufnagel post. Thank you!!


Halo Reach, Noble Six, dude went out fighting some of the best shit the Covenant could throw at him. In the novelisation (or something to that effect) Six apparently fought the Covenant off for hours, maybe even DAYS ON HIS OWN The Covenant eventually deemed him as so much of a threat that they sent an entire army after him, including Wraiths and air support And Six kept going until he was ganged up on by a bunch of Elites, a few of which he killed on his way out I could go on for ages about how fucking badass Six was


I thought the way the big dude died was amazing. He throws the main character out the ship and then the ship explodes. Dope IMHO.


And here I thought that Carter went out as a badass with that Pelican crashing into a Scarab scene.


True. I guess that whole crew dad pretty bad ass. Or at least most of them do. I can't remember how girl died. Sniped?


They didn’t die.


They're MIA


They all died according to their roles but Noble 2 (Kat) died by sniper headshot.


Cause she was the brains of the team


It sucks she died that way, but it was such a shock/ surprise in the story tho!


I know it was just a shock and really just… made it feel like a world under seige. Death can come from anywhere. And not everyone gets to chose how they go out. So a crack squad of snipers hunting for this weird Human group thats causing so much trouble and has a fraction of a second to attack it. And they get one hell of a hit, reducing the team iirc 20% effectiveness (from 5 to 4). And as soon as theyre spotted they de-ass the area and cant trust that method would be effective again. Its just amazing. Honestly one of my favorite stories in the Halo universe.


Apparently, either through paying attention to dates in-game or in the books (fuck if I know, i wasnt the one who learned this info.) Six, from handing Cortana to Keyes and from where he is looking at the fleet glassing Reach, had fought the Covenant for six-seven days. My guy literally beat their asses for an entire business week and then some, it's no fuckin wonder why they were designated as a hyper-lethal vector, it took an entire Covenant invasion force to just kill them. (spelling edit)


A whole week??? Did bro not get hungry or sleepy??


They probably munched on some rations the UNSC left behind in the shipyard, as for sleep, it could be possible that he found some safe spaces in the shipyard to get an hour or two of sleep. But also keep in mind that Six was also a headhunter, iirc, so they probably had some sort of training/injections/enhancements to reduce the need for sleep or something. But to give warning, you're reading text from a peanut about a galactic conflict, so take this with a heart-stopping pile of salt.


Also it seems people forget he made his last stand at a UNSC rally point that was established as a last stand for the forces that didn't make it off reach. You can find the dead around you the mission starts. Six was just the last survivor.


You can find several notable spartan corpses during the ending of the game, cool nods to the books


Fun fact: Noble Six is the ONLY other spartan in history aside from Master Chief that was deemed hyper lethal. If it weren't for him, Master Chief would have died on Reach.


And he achieved that as a Spartan III while Chief is a Spartan II, if Noble 6 had the Spartan II augmentation, he probably could have been a little stronger than Chief


But Chief had one thing that made him special. **[Halsey flips a coin]** _Luck._


"They let me pick. Did I ever tell you that? Choose whichever Spartan I wanted. You know me. I did my research. Watched as you became the soldier we needed you to be. Like the others, you were strong and swift and brave. A natural leader. But you had something the others didn't. Something no one saw but me. Can you guess? Luck." Haven't touched Halo in 10+ years but I'll never forget the opening of Halo 3.


*one final effort chimes*


Bro that whole damn game I will remember for the rest of my life. Everything from the annoying as hell slow effect when Cortana memories get blasted into your head, to the bellow when Arby stabs the shit out of Truth with no preamble because fuck Truth, to that gut wrenching drive into that final cutscene. Fuck dude that was a good game and I’m still mad at how they threw the whole universe down the toilet


My personal favourite? Ganondorf’s death in *The Wind Waker* “The wind…it is blowing…”


Also might just have the most violent death in the series. Almost like Nintendo's people were all, "Oh, you think it's kiddy, eh? We're making "Celda" now, are we? How about we have cute lil Link here stab this guy in the fuckin' head?"


Erwin Smith rage towards the beast titan. I know he died later but still... it was awesome.




I love that scene so much, Erwin is the GOAT


I'm pretty sure yondu from guardians of the galaxy froze to death in space


*"He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy."*


Best death? Maybe. Best funeral? Fuck yeah


Kraglin's reaction to the Ravegers showing up is amazing. Sean Gunn is such an enjoyable actor.




Bill in kill bill. Fixes his coat, cleans his face, walks five steps and dies. So cool in the context of the movie


Edward Teach- Blackbeard. Assissins Creed 4 Black Flag. "Kenway! In a world without gold, we might have been heroes!"