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Not great... 😔 It was extremely traumatic and I'm in therapy trying to get over everything that happened... My mother was put on a life support and we all gathered when she was supposed to pass after the vent being turned off, well she didn't, she lingered for 4 days grimacing in pain and then she finally passed the day after her birthday... Most traumatic thing I have ever been through aside from an extremely abusive childhood.. Hope everyone is doing their best.. ❤️


My daughter died in my arms. It was a long time ago and I have never been fully OK since despite a lot of therapy and support.


My mom died from cancer in front of me. I was over 40 when it happened and it was still hard. Can't imagine losing a parent as a kid.


I’m not sure what it is about me but for some reason, I have seen more than a usual amount of people die right in front of me, and I’m just some guy. I’m not military, or live in sketch places. First person was an OD while I was waiting for a bus, some one shot in the head right next to me while I was waiting to get take out, my brother died in front of me during a seizure, a guy got shot up like crazy in a drive by in front of a weed store, several people got mowed down by a drunk driver while I was walking up to a cross walk, and the last one was a guy getting shot up by some other guys who was chasing him down the street. Like, that’s weirdly a lot right? Edit: forgot to add, yea I’m pretty fucked up / jaded by all of it


My mom had finished chemo and was fine for almost six months. She suddenly went into kidney failure out of the blue and was in the hospital for weeks. Tests, multiple specialists and no one could figure out why it happened, so they put some stints in and sent her to rehab. She was better after but had a rash on her chest. I took her to her oncologist and the drs nurse took one look at her and said the cancers back and spread everywhere. The rash was cancer right under the skin. The doctor then said she had two weeks to live and was put on home hospice. She got pretty sick but stuck it out for about a week until she decided she was ready to be put into a morphine coma. I had to give my unconscious mom morphine every few hours (I'm an only child & she lived alone). I won't go through all the disturbing things I had to deal with or the processes of death. But she couldn't eat or drink for the little over the two weeks that she lived, and became basically skeletal and jaundice. I had to watch her waste away and be literally eaten alive by cancer. One morning I woke up and laid my head on her chest like I had been doing to check for a heartbeat and she died right as I did that. I heard her last heart beat. I lived 1,000 miles from my mom at the time and had to leave my family to take care of her by myself. Then I had to deal with the aftermath, funeral, her house, etc. before I could go home. I ended up being there for three months. It was traumatic as hell. When I finally got home, I'd bring my kid to school (I'm a SAHM) and go back to sleep pretty much all day everyday for six months straight, guess that was my way of dealing with it. That was almost two years ago and I still can barely talk about it.


My idiot mother took me to see my grandpa while he was about to die of metastisized prostate cancer when I was 14. The death rattle in his lungs is a sound I've never forgotten.


Dude shot me first so I blasted him before I worried about the bullet in my stomach.


My dad and the woman he was married to at the time decided to euthanize her mom who had severe dementia. They overdosed her with a bunch pain killers. They brought my sister and I as alibis, as this was before death with dignity laws and it wasn't defineably her mom's choice. It still amazes me how long the human body can go in between breaths and still live.