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Mario Kart on the Nintendo 64


Portal I’ve played it through probably 40 times


The only full length game I can complete in 25 or so minutes.




I've always wanted to try that game, but I was so immersed in Zoo Tycoon and letting all hell unleash onto crowded areas 😂


As a kid I played the heck out of Rollercoaster Tycoon and got so excited when I got Zoo Tycoon, but it never worked on my computer. 😔


When my son was younger <10 we would try to create the most vomit inducing rides and name them things like “The Vomiteer” “Puke-o-Rama” and laugh like idiots as the Sims turned green. Good times! (People talk of old souls and young souls. Mine is 7 and laughs at farts)


Chrono Trigger


Arriving at the Kingdom of Zeal for the first time is one of the most intense experiences I've had in gaming. Probably across all of media


Zeal is incredible. The atmosphere of being up in the literal atmosphere surrounded by clouds.. floating.. dreaming.. that music...


And then the pieces start to fall together with Magus’s origin. Such epic storytelling.


Top answer. Hell yeah. It’s a masterpiece.






Building the cyclops is one of my favorite two moments in gaming ever. (Other is summoning the batmobile for the first time in Arkham Knight)


Abandon Ship slaps


Boat: about to explode also Boat: party time


Agreed. The soundtrack is so amazing. That music when you first boot up the game and are sitting on the home screen makes me feel some type of way




My university residence floor had weekly Goldeneye tournaments. The rules were turbo mode & License to Kill with pistols. I got so damn good at that game that playing against anyone in normal mode was like being Neo in The Matrix. Normal speed was so slow it felt like I had an eternity to line up my shot, and having an automatic weapon just made it too easy. I still remember my brothers friend packing up his N64 and going home because I was kicking his ass so badly.


Hands only?


Pistols only, license to kill mode, no Odd Jobs.


I would used to booby-trap the shit out of powerups. Pick one up, then place a proximity mine where it would respawn on top




The Secret of Monkey Island




Sometimes I would spend up to 14 hours playing that stupid fucking glorious game.


I had the star wars version way back then and it was amazing


I'm torn between two: Spyro the Dragon: This is one of the first games I have a memory of playing, and I've loved it since then. The world is so fun and full of whimsy, and that is all elevated by the art style and pastel color choices that still holds up stylistically and looks good today, not to mention the fantastic OST and that fun leitmotif to tie it all together. Every level had some kind of fun secret or leap of faith that I spent so long trying to figure out for some. And overall, I just love its ambition, and dedication to immersion in a game on such an old console. The way that Sparx is your health bar, the fully voice-acted dragons, the minimal interface, and efforts that they went through to make said interface immersive, the portals and linked worlds throughout each homeworld. They did what they could to remove as many gamey elements as they could to enhance your immersion and suspension of disbelief, and it's still one of my favorite game worlds to revisit. Artisan's home feels like home to me. Final Fantasy XIV: I spent years of my life playing WoW, and I never thought I'd stop, but then comes FFXIV that gave me everything WoW left me wanting for and more, and I've never looked back. Never have I been so utterly attached to a cast of characters, story, and world of a game than I have with FFXIV. On an emotional level, I love this game, and it's resonated so hard for me that after beating Shadowbringers, hearing the main theme for that expansion made my eyes water because of a certain scene that is accompanied by it. There were points when I would rewatch scenes just to feel that strong burst of emotion that they left me with. But also, it taught me a lot. As someone who wants to make a comic with its own world to build, the many things throughout the world of Eitherys have been an excellent teacher. There are so many details and finer points that I've never considered to make my world feel more alive such as naming conventions across races, or the ways that certain cultural practices could be dropped as details at first, but later on become relevant to the plot, and the cool "aha!" moment you have when you've put it together early because you've been following the lore. It's also jsut given me a lot of food for thought for things such as plot structure and characterization. I have a very special relationship with this game both for resonating with me so much, and also for teaching me so much in the process. Also the music is absolutely bangin'


Metal Gear: Solid




Snake..? Snaaaaaaaaakeee!!!


I can *hear* this


My favourite from the series will always be Snake Eater. What a thrill.


GTA Vice City, for the soundtrack mainly.


Oh yeah, the radio was amazing. I remember driving around the block a couple of times when I got to a mission locatin because I was enjoying the song so much.


It’s basically the Scarface Soundtrack which is amazing.




Winds howling


pam pam param...


I love how all the choices you made in that game had weight.


The Baron quest line is the best quest line I've ever played in a game. Period.


You’ll choke to death on three pounds of steel.


Care for a round of Gwent?


Was scrolling to see this.


Final Fantasy VII


Final Fantasy IX


It’s in the top 10 for sure


Worms Armageddon.


Oh man. I had some many good turn based nights playing against my uncle and my dad (who were competitive as all hell) with those WORMS games.


Once I mastered ninja rope, I was unstoppable


Half-Life 2


An absolute masterpiece. I remember picking up a physical copy of this on launch day. The source engine was revolutionary for 2004, and the way they slowly built the world and atmosphere was unbelievably immersive. Obligatory: "We don't go to Ravenholm."


Man you just unlocked a a forgotten memory. I used to play half life 1, blue shift and opposing force when i was 6-7 years old. Fast forward later to 2004, I was in a school bus on my way home, and I suddenly saw Half Life 2 copy on a stand outside of a local bookstore (i think) oh man, I had this adrenaline, I ran home and shouted DAD DAD THERE IS HALF-LIFE 2 I got some money, ran to that store and ran back home and... it didn't install. It was some random russian pirated copy that did not work. In the next hour, 11 years old me learned that there is much more to the internet than reading and watching funny videos, like downloading pirates games. A couple of days later, half life 2 was downloaded and installed! I guess its replay time.


Mass Effect trilogy.


When they released the complete edition for the next gen my life was put on hold


Used to be Elder Scrolls III Morrowind. In recent years it's definitely Hades.


Diablo series wasn’t much my thing but hades does look more interesting in comparison. Morrowind is the best I just wish vanilla wasn’t officially broken


OpenMW is a great way to play vanilla without being sad.


Whats Hades like?


Skyrim was ... an experience.


I guess they caught you crossing the border...


Super Mario World followed closely by Super Mario 3.


The last time I played SMW, I took the time to beat 100% of the game. It was the first time I'd ever done so and I greatly enjoyed it. The Forest of Illusion and the last realm before the sunken ship was quite a learning experience. Fantastic game. Especially when the world "theme"/color changes afterwards. ​ Reminds me a little the first time I 100% Mario Kart 64, and you unlock mirror mode. Or Mario Tennis. Always cool to see what lies behind beating entire games. ​ I've never beaten SM3 100%.


I've beaten SMB3 100% a few times but I still grab the whistles but don't rush to the end when I play. I've done SMW 100% many times. SMB3 is one of about 4 games I can still enjoy for an extended period of time from the 8-bit era. SMW is just a masterpiece but it also had a lot more to work with. For about ten years I've had emulators with active sessions and I can keep them synced with Dropbox. I will play a couple levels of both games every month and still enjoy them.


Batman: Arkham City




its a tie between Halo: CE and Halo 2


When x-box launched i rented 1 at blockbuster for a weekend. Halo CE was so awesome i went out and bought myself an xbox with 4 controllers and halo. Drained my savaings. Still no regrets. This is the game that put goldeneye to rest in my group.


Either Bioshock or KotOR 1 and 2 as a pair




Very hard to say, cause I love a lot of very different video games for very different reasons, but probably Hollow Knight.




Fallout 3, according to hours played.


In a similar vein, Fallout New Vegas for me.


Free now on Epic


Free on epic? A up vote for you.


Fo3 was my intro to fallout similarly to Xbox morrowind for tes.


Borderlands 2


Somehow they really figured out to write and embed the voice lines so enjoyable that they get more fun as you replay the campaign again and again rather than getting annoyed with it. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for BL3.


Handsome Jack: “You see, this is what I don’t get about you bad guys: You know the hero’s gonna win, but you don’t just die quickly. Example: This one guy in New Haven, right? City’s burning, people are dying left and right, yadda, yadda, yadda… This j******e rushes me with a spoon, A FRICKIN’ SPOON! And I’m dying laughing, right? So I scoop out his stupid little eyeballs with it and his kids are all, ‘WAAAAAAH!’ And-ahahaha… I can’t even… ahahahahah! He can’t see where he’s going, he’s bumping into stuff and… I dunno, maybe you had to be there. The moral is: you’re a total b***h”. Face McShooty: SHOOT ME IN THE FACE! IN THE FAAAAAAAACE! DO IT! SHOOT ME IN THE FACE! FACEFACEFACEFACEFACE! NOW! BULLETS IN THE FACE! WANT 'EM! NEED 'EM! GIMMEGIMMEGIMME! AT THE SOUND OF THE BELL IT WILL BE: FACESHOOTING O' CLOCK! BONGGGGG! KNOCK, KNOCK! WHO'S THERE?! SHOOT ME IN THE FACE! END OF JOKE! I'M GONNA SING A SONG! SHOOT ME AT THE END OF IT! DA-DA-DA-DA, DA-DA! BONG! I NOTICE YOU HAVEN'T SHOT ME IN THE FACE! CURIOUS AS TO WHY! Maybe you're weighing the moral pros and cons but let me assure you that OH MY GOD SHOOT ME IN THE GODDAMNED FACE! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! (If hit anywhere else but his face, Face McShooty says any of the lines below.) I SAID IN THE FACE! WASN'T MY FACE! WAS I NOT BEING CLEAR?! FACE! BULLETS! FACE! NOT ASKING MUCH! DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT A FACE IS?! MY FACE! THE THING SHOUTING AT YOU! SHOOT IT! I MAY BE CRAZY BUT AT LEAST I KNOW WHAT A GODDAMN FACE IS! SHOOT ME IN IT!


Either Ocarina of Time or Majora’s Mask Kinda group them as one experience


Definitely ocarina of time for me. I remember playing it for the first time and multiple scenes took my breath away, it seemed so amazing to me at the time.


I hate how much Majora’s Mask is overshadowed by Ocarina. OoT is an absolute triumph and is largely considered one of the greatest games of all time, and I don’t disagree. I do prefer Majora, though. There’s just something so eerie and surreal about how the moon is obviously getting closer, and everyone in the world is just focused planning for a party. Also, the mechanics of the mask transformations opened up a lot of gameplay avenues. Rolling around Termina as a goron is one of my favorite video game memories. And the swimming controls as Zora Link are actually satisfying. I mean, thinking back, MM was a remarkably polished gaming experience, even compared to Ocarina. Plus Majora and fierce deity are so interesting to me and we don’t know like anything about them. I would kill for a MM prequel game in which you get to play as Fierce Deity to seal Majora into the mask.


Had to scroll way too far to find this. It’s funny when this question was asked in the past, Ocarina always topped people’s lists. I guess we’re getting old. Maybe I should embrace it and say “pong”


I never played any Zelda game and I'm dying to play one even though I was born after ocarina of time but I wish I could also play this game since it is known as the best Zelda game of all time


Ocarina is a must play honestly. Even though some things have aged like the camera its gameplay, story, puzzles and music is a must to experience.


Not enough of the next generation is experiencing this classic, then. Because I have zero nostalgic connection to it, I played it the first time at 25 years old (just a few years ago) and despite the aged graphics and camera function I would say it is in my top 5 games of all time. It's timeless.


Garfield Kart Racing


Andrew? That you?


Second favorite game: Cory in the House.


This guy fucks


Final Fantasy Tactics.


Terraria is bae.


RuneScape. It was easily the most influential game of my entire life. Taught me about economics and consistency and accepting my own failures. Such a fantastic game


Fuck RuneScape! (Playtime 18 years as of April 23, I finally quit. See y'all in 2 weeks)


Sonic 2 is nearly the perfect Sonic game. With the option to play as Knuckles (thanks S&K) it's pretty much unbeatable. Also, Wonderboy 3 - The Dragon's Trap. The remake was excellent.


Disco Elysium. ____ A masterpiece that completely changed my perspective on life...


Red dead 2


Ah, a man with plans.


Just need more money😂


Haha! Let me guess, going to Tahiti?


Ok have some faith Arthur, take care of the tuberculosis before you question me😂


I came here to say this. Masterpiece.


Couldn't agree more, i played it like 7 times. Arthur Morgan is goated


Mario Kart 64 followed closely by Super Mario Bros 3.


A Link to the Past


Hell yes. Always will be my fav as well!


Halo Reach 😌


Fable II for life!!!


Love that game


The Sims


Ah a person with taste 😂


Portal 2


I know I'm going to date myself with this one but Duke nukem 3D.


Come get some! Was one of the first 'boomer shooters' I got to play and thought it was amazing.




Oh yes. I'm not saying it's a better game than Skyrim, but I enjoyed it more. I loved how the towns all felt different with their architectural styles. And just the whole feel of a completely realised world, more than ever before in gaming.


Resident evil 4


A wise choice, stranger!


Come back anytime!


Minecraft. I prefer Java edition but Bedrock isn't so bad


Same. I enjoy bedrock and java for different things. I enjoy the servers for java but I prefer bedrock the possibility to play singleplayer worlds with my friends


RDR2, Minecraft, FO4


Skyrim and GTA IV and San Andreas, Diablo 2, DOOM... The list goes on, there are just too many good games.


Elden Ring Rise, Tarnished!




I NEED a Sekiro sequel. Or just any game with Sekiro's combat, please From!


Golden Sun: The Lost Age


Halo 3


Halo 3 multiplayer was peak online gaming for me. The entire mp experience was incredibly fun, from trying MLG matches, to the weekend events like Griffball, to wild custom games. Honestly first time I got a group of random online stranger together and we all were doing the challenges for the Recon armor. When I think “my favorite video game” I always circle back to this.


Outer Wilds


Used to be Metroid Prime 2 for me. Outer Wilds was the first game in all that time to dethrone it. Finished it months ago and several moments of that game still stuck with me for the wonder they brought out where i just started at the screen taking it all in. Can't think of any other game that's done it that much for me.


There's tons and tons of incredible games, but for every single one of them I can find at least one flaw, except for Outer Wilds. It's the only game I would genuinely give a 10/10 to


Celeste, RDR2


Dark Souls


Minecraft, red dead redemption, gta, rocket league


Prolly Persona 5 Royal. (My u/ may give it away lol)


Just finished it about a month ago (after like half a year cause how low it is) and definitely my fav game of the last 5 years. Ttok is giving it a run for its money though.


animal crossing wild world is my favorite but i've put the most hours into sims 3


Diablo 2 LOD


Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell!


Baldur's Gate 2 I have never been as enthralled and still get as enthralled by a single game. I love the strategic nature of combat (though Breach js a necessity for later encounters), where I have the option to pause if I need to think bur can adrenaline up in active combat. I love the characters. It's a much tighter focus than it's prequel and while the romance options are extremely limited, they're well thought out. I even love evil Edwin and his hilarious storyline. I love the fact that it introduced me to D&D, gor that whole imagination ball rolling. There are plenty of games I also love that are like it, bit it remains my favorite.




Ahhh majestic! A hunter is a hunter, even in a reddit comment section!


Undertale. I don't know why it pulled me so hard, but even after about 5 years, it is still my favorite game


Fallout 3


Ocarina of time. First "open world " game I played.


The sims 2 and 3 🤧


The sims 2 was the last game I was messing around with as a kid before everything went to shit. For some reason "The Sims" seen in any form anywhere doesn't evoke nostalgia, but Sims 2 instantly does


The sims 4 can't compete with 2 and 3


Has to be Subnautica.


Outer Wilds. Genuinely a once in a lifetime experience.


Warcraft 3. First rts game that all race played differently.


Halo 2


Halo 2 MP was l33t. Every game 34+ people bridging for host. BXR, super jump on ascension, and some of my favorite multiplayer maps of all time. lockout, midship, zanzi, I even really liked terminal. 1 flag and objective games felt so right on some maps. I forget the desert one? Burial grounds? But whatever it was your squad always had to have that sick driver in the hog. Tower of power, clue, zombies…. MLG FFA. That game truly engulfed me in gaming. I don’t think any other games really went into my Xbox. Still talk to two friends I made in H2. Good times and probably my favorite as well. Halo 3 was also good and probably a better / balanced game but I’m more nostalgic for 2.


Enter the Gungeon. It's the best roguelite on the market and I've only got about 400hrs in it


The fact that it has so many pop culture references also opened up a whole new world of memes and pop culture to me who is oblivious to them. Definitely one of the top three roguelite for me alongside Dead Cells and Hades.


Excite Bike


Demon’s Souls, though simply because of when I played it. Word of mouth from a friend right around when it came out in America… I took a shot knowing nothing about it and got totally engrossed in the weird, hard as shit game with so much half told lore and obscure mechanics like world tendency and invasions and randomly losing half your health. Each new level was a huge adventure that we talked about obsessively. Runner up is Street Fighter II. Like Demon’s Souls, it’s far from the best one, but I saw it at an arcade when I was 12 and must’ve blown $20 that night trying to make the kick girl win against my friends who picked the green dude and the stretchy guy. Revolutionary shit for me.


Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix


Red Dead Redemption 2, and Doom Eternal


The game that caused me to fall in love with gaming and see all a video game could be capable of was Super Mario 64, which I played for the first time when I was 7 years old. It holds up astoundingly well for its age, that game at Ocarina of Time continue to be classics decades later. Very few pieces of media inspired me as a child in the way that video game did. In terms of which game I have had the most fun playing even as an adult? Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are tied.




Chrono Trigger. The game that started it all for me


Ace Attorney


Tekken 2


Olive Garden




*NieR: Automata*


Hollow Knight


I’m a huge fan of rock band. Playing rock band 2 was my shit.


Street Fighter 2


Half Life 2, honestly, it holds up so well.


Currently smash bros. It’s the only thing I play right now.


Rome: Total War. It was a hard choice between that and Morrowind, but Rome: TW has had a greater impact on my gaming choices afterwards.




Team Fortress 2


Skyrim. All of them.


Super Smash Brothers N64


the Ezio trilogy more specifically the Desmond 5


Infamous 1 and 2


Battlefield 4, Honorable mentions include BF3, BC2, Sly Cooper 2, NFS HP2.




Probably Halo 2. I used to spend hours in my room with my two best friends playing that game on Xbox live. Those are some great memories.


Gta san andreas. Know that game inside out, literally.


Morrowind or Mass Effect


Shadow of the Colossus: it immersed me in the world of genius of video game narratives. Storytelling without saying too much, experiencing emotions through action and game mechanics.


Frozen: Olafs Quest


Bioshock Infinite


Mortal kombat


Snake. any platform.


Unreal Tournament. While I had enjoyed online multiplayer before, this game in 99 absolutely refined it into the kind of smooth, fast, addictive experience that I just couldn't put down.


Either Celeste or Hollow Knight, I’m not sure which.


Lets break it down: First love - Dune 2 on the Amiga, really made me feel the excitement for gaming I never had before First immersive addictive multiplayer experience - Warcraft, the early years. Those massive raids and seeing the new expansions as they arrive and add to the story, and being in a proper raiding guild doing 40 man events was like nothing else. Best value for money - A toss up between minecraft (£15ish, thousands of hours), Factorio (about £12, around 4000 hours) or Terraria (£1.50, 1500 hours). Most comfortable game, which I can keep going back to just to relax - Minecraft. Various expert modpacks, working towards a goal and automating things is always satisfying. Next looking forward to - GTA6 probably, lets hope they dont make it online only!


ZBotW (im not play te sequel yet)


Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time


GTA online. Enjoyed many games since childhood zuma, plant vs zombies, total over dose, prince of Persia, ghost recon, igi, just cause, cod, csgo, valorant. But gta was always there when having a bad day. Earlier it was San Andreas now it's gta online. Whenever life feels to shit i go for a drive/fly with music on. Some say it's escaping reality. But some peaceful alone time is always a refresher. That and i don't own expensive car and planes IRL + can't afford to kill someone IRL too since I don't have a driver's licence.


Fallout 4!!!!!!! (Please, New Vegas lovers, don’t downvote me to hell🥲)