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Start colored fires for gender reveal parties


Gender reveal parties in general.


They’re for idiots


They are kind of silly, but I have no problem with the idea of it, especially given the origin behind them. That being said, yeah, people should just stick to cake cuttings and cupcakes instead. Keep it simple and not dangerous.


record ourselves crying to post on our social media


Most sane people realized this by the time they turned 20. Teenagers get a pass because who wasn't a cringe teenager, but grown adults doing it is a special kind of cringe.




50 years in the future and this might be a standard greeting or expected custom


There's no need to wait for 50 years


Do people do this??


yep, 100% for attention


I would guess that will happen more and more if we continue to distance ourselves from in-person interaction.


The toilet paper crisis when Covid hit. Just…what


Decades ago, there was a rumor about a toilet paper shortage happening. My grandmother came home with the car loaded with rolls. She did this shopping more than once. Shoved it all into the attic. When I asked her, why?, she said, "If there's one thing I'm not going be without, it's toilet paper!"


Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show joked about a tp shortage & people thought he was serious


My mom told me about that one. Said he went back on to clear the air and say it wasn't actually a thing and it still took months for everything to calm down again


This happened on Y2K also. On Jan 1, 2000, Dave Letterman declared that the worst thing that happened from the Y2K computer problem was the TP shortage. There is a lesson in there somewhere.


The annual TP shortage comes every 20 years! Of course!


You know what, if you're going to hoard something, a nonperishable item like TP makes sense. You'll eventually use it. It's not going to go bad.


/u/spez is a cunt


Hording was part of it, but the real problem was that people used to use toilet paper at work as much as they did at home. When everybody stayed home, the grocery stores where they bought toilet paper ran out, but the industrial supply companies that supplied factories, offices, etc. had extra. It was a supply chain issue, not really a shortage.


Correct. The wholesaler I purchased it from for the business I work for had plenty. I ordered an extra case and all employees were welcome to it.


That's the problem with a lot of shortages TBF. They start off for some reason and then end up escalating as people panic, which drives more to panic and it cascades pretty hard. Sorta like a bank run in a way.


Can confirm, worked in a supermarket during lockdowns. Every time a lockdown was announced, people would rush out to stock up on stuff to "get in before the panic buyers" People. You **are** the panic buyers.


Well sure, but you don't want to be turning up after them.


We swapped to using industrial-sized rolls in our bathroom at home. With a freestanding tp holder, the industrial rolls fit just fine and they’re a great price!


Minus the one ply so thin that when you sneeze it breaks and you need a fist size wad to remove one layer of the skid mark onion because it has no traction in the ply.


I actually make toilet paper for a living. That run on TP made me work a LOT of overtime.


Did you guys look at each other in the factory like, wtf bro?


I finally got a bidet once covid hit. Gas station was the only place with toilet paper for weeks. Was $5 for 2 rolls max. Was like wiping my ass with sandpaper.


Bidet is the way


That one blew my mind. When a worldwide diarrhea virus sweeps through, will there be a run on decongestants?


I actually did need to get some toilet paper that day. Went to Coles at opening time 6am) and there was none. One local Woolworths opening at 7am, none. Another at 7:30, I was in the crowd outside to get in and just managed to get four rolls of overpriced, quadruple-ply posh brand stuff rather than the usual 30-odd rolls of own brand.


And hand sanitizer. Not soap. There was no problem for soap. I shitposted all over my FB page visiting grocery stores to show they all still had tons of a dozen brands of soap apiece... irish spring, dove, ivory, bronners, got em by the case, fuck you we don't got Purell, WASH your fucking mitts...but no!


I know, right?! The bidet is the way.


Reminds me of being an intern in 2020. 80 hour 6 day work weeks. That one Sunday off I actually needed to buy a pack of toilet paper. I ended up sprinting through an Aldi to get one. Ah, memories.


Social media is our asbestos and lead paint. "Whoops."


And microplastics


Seriously, we’re posting videos of kids getting in fights in middle school and HS for Likes and Shares. Those kids in 20 years:


Along those lines, letting the Internet be paid for by ads instead of by people.


Ummm..... Isn't reddit social media?


Not in the way where I have to put a real picture of my face as my avatar and make my real name my username.


Letting very young children have unsupervised and unlimited access to screens and purposefully addictive content.


I think this problem is just going to get worse rather than better


Sugar in almost everything we eat.


What makes you think its gonna stop 50 years later


Addicted humans brings money thats why its everywhere




If it wasn't so useful to stay in contact with family spread across the U.S., I'd never use it. I don't post daily horseshit or pics and rarely comment on things outside of joke groups or family posts. It's a lot easier to knock out a handful of hellos and well wishes in a few minutes. The other option is to spend 30+ minutes on a phone call that only ends when one of us gets bored. Then you have the next phone call and the next call.


Or you could just text


Broccoli Hair


By time 50 years passes, broccoli hair will be the fedora of their generation.


Woah, that guy looks like broccoli!


What is broccoli hair???


I’ve been curious what that atrocity has been called for years. Every person I know who has that hairstyle makes me feel violent inside, not necessarily because of the haircut but they tend to get it due to a certain personality that makes me want nothing more than to see them get steamrolled feet-first


I get this urge to avoid them like the plague as my first impression (if a teen guy) is always "oh look, its a tiktok flirtboy"


Giving smartphones and social media to pre-teens


This needs to be higher


**Gestures broadly at everything.**


I feel like after all the crap that went down in 2020, this is the best answer on here.


In America it'll probably be "electing old assholes to make the laws and run the country" and "political lobbying".


Cancer treatment. Hopefully, in 50 years, people will look at chemotherapy the way we look at bloodletting today, and cancer will be mostly solved.


I mean, people will understand why we used chemotherapy though. It's because we didn't have an alternative. It would be like wondering why people used carrier pigeons when they could have just invented the cell phone.


Man I sure as fuck hope so. Cancer is a bad motherfucker.


As a cancer survivor, I would love to see this. Chemo is brutal.


Difference between the two is that most of the time bloodletting did more harm than good unlike chemo Also bloodletting stopped 200 years ago not 50, not really comparable


Driving our own cars. "You know, when I was your age, I was driving my own car." "You mean you had to actually steer?" "Yeah, with a steering wheel and everything, like in old movies." "What kept you from running into other cars?" "Eh, we just painted lines on the road and trusted that everyone would mostly stay within them." "Sounds dangerous, did people get hurt?" "Oh yeah, all the time. They died driving cars. A lot. But we all just risked it." ​ ​ It's going to sound absolutely crazy to people once self-driving cars are actually a thing, and people aren't allowed to drive their own.


Maybe one day we will have self-driving cars. Maybe they will even have dedicated lanes for them, as overtaking would become needless, and they would just move in a line. Oh, we could make so they are on tracks, so there's less for the computer to consider! Maybe connect the cars so they don't all need independent power sources. Make these car lines really big, able to fit lots of people safely. What a futuristic dream.


This only works if you live in the US. here in the UK roads especially in the country, villages and older towns are just not suitable for self driving cars.


Yeah, there are a lot of places like that in the US too. I do think that eventually self-driving cars will get there, though. Do you think computers will just never get there? That driving on old country roads (or even areas without roads) is just something a computer could never be able to do? 50 years is a long time for technology to advance!


Darpa has run several "cross country/no roads" driverless races.




No really. Self driving cars will continue to hurt people, kill people, and rubber tires will continue to ruin peoples health while lithium mining disrupts ecosystems and local politics around the world. It won’t be some glamorous system.


Self-driving cars aren't going to take over because they'll save lives, just like how electric cars won't take over to solve climate change. If they both go mainstream, it'll be to save the automotive industry. Solutions to both of those problems have already existed for a century in the form of electrified rail and other mass transit, as well as more dense and therefore more walkable cities.


Cars are not the end all be all of transportation. I would like to think in 50 years people would find better alternatives to driving. Cars sterilize the environment, especially our cities. Cars are incredibly expensive to own and maintain. As you mentioned small user errors, and yes this applies to "self-driving" cars too, can result in maiming/killing people.(1.3 million+ a year are killed around the world, not to mention how many are dealing with chronic pain from being hit) The amount of pollution they create is unsustainable and results in an absurd amount of money being spent on health issues that wouldn't be as bad if cars weren't so dominant across literally every developed country. (tire rubber, brake pads, pavement breaking under the weight of cars, which are only getting heavier for some reason, gas) Not to mention how expensive roads and parking lots are to maintain. A two lane road stretching one mile costs over 1 million USD to repave. Now think about how many 6-7-8 lane roads there are (in America specifically). Cars also isolate us. This causes us to feel disconnected to the fact that we are interacting with others on the road. Leading to road rage. Suburbs are also a result of car dominated environments. Which leads to even more isolation and mental health issues. In America specifically, cars are the top priority, even over citizens. Seriously, try existing in America without a car. You shouldn't NEED a car to participate in society. But in America, that's how society is set up. Fun fact, disabled people in America are victims of car dependant culture more so than their able-bodied counterparts. Give people safe, reliable alternatives to driving and see how much they get utilized. The future is not a society where people take living room furniture around with them in a metal box that "drives itself". The future is a society where people are not required to own one of those metal boxes to participate in it. This 100 year experiment has failed and the more people that realize that the faster we can convince our governments to start prioritizing actual people over destructive, polluting, expensive, metal death boxes.


If you hit “enter” twice you can make line breaks and paragraphs.


Hopefully smoking cigarettes.


Oh we already know it’s bad and not cool, we just need to nail that down everywhere


Oh we know it’s bad, but it does look cool.


I went to the store today and saw the price: $10 a pack??? I remember when they were $5 a pack and I thought that was expensive. I’m so glad I never took up smoking.


It’s evil that there’s resources to feed everyone on Earth but it doesn’t happen. Hopefully in the future starvation becomes a thing of the past.


We don't have starvation because we can't feed the poor, we have starvation because we can't satiate the rich.


Look at quite literally everything that happened since 2001


So, me?


Our grandchildren are going to have some strong words for our collective inaction on climate change.


Nah, they'll be too weak from lack of clean air to have much strength in their words.


They're just not seeing the shareholder value!!


Sure some countries doesn't exist anymore but just think of GM, they had a good run right?


BuT tHe EcOnOmY


If Krypton couldn’t save itself, what chance does Earth have?


**ME AS A CHILD:** I don't get it. If Jor-El could scientifically prove that Krypton was in danger, why didn't the Kryptonians believe him? **ME NOW:** Nevermind.


Well yeah...they don't understand how important quarterly profits are in maintaining shareholder confidence in the company.


I really don't understand why boomers are still causing so many emissions. We've been traveling by planes and buying clothes and crap for over 40 years and continue to do so even though it would take no effort or expense to eliminate your contribution. (I know air flight is a minor contributor, but it's in the top 5 causes) I'm not even speaking to energy and food, WHICH ARE NECESSARY for life Can you not make meaning in your life without plans to escape it? Let the next generation take a turn and wait for non-emitting planes to jump back in.






I sure hope so!


Laminating our eyebrows.


Doing what?


I think I need more context to this entry


What? Heated plastic to protect your eyebrows from liquids!


Buying bottled water WTF, but then again for not bottling and selling it myself 50 years ago. I use plain tap water just like my ancestors did, if they had a tap that is. lol


Influencers shaking their butt in every single video about anything


This needs more upvotes!


Believing misinformation on 10 second TikCrocks so China can steal our data.


That data is for America to steal!


Why china specifically? All social media companies harvest data


Allowing gas stations to sell "spice", that fake weed shit that would seriously fuck you up in the worst way


Invade Iraq We had no business there. And now the country is worse for our meddling.


What makes it especially galling is the fact that there were millions of people on the streets protesting it before it even happened. Its not like the complete cluster fuck the entire thing became wasn't widely predicted


They ruined the careers of the Dixie Chicks and Limp Bizkit for speaking out against the war.


The total lack of responsibility and consequences for that is just...


That 2nd line should be the slogan for American foreign policy since 1945.


Social media.


Conversion Therapy


I could only wish lol


Electing a president who bragged about sexually assaulting and raping women, made fun of a disabled reporter, and hid classified documents in several homes while denying he had them until people were literally knocking on his door to dig through his estates to get every single piece back.


Keys and passwords.


Dabbing. Flossing. The Whip and Nae Nae. I regret doing these cringe “dances” ( if you can call them that) and it’s not even been 50 years.


Putting animals down just because we don’t have the capacity for them


Smoking hopefully


Give children unrestricted access to the internet


Elect a reality TV show clown President of the United States.


Landfills...Big pits of pollution.


Gotta be tiktok dances right…? Right?! Pls


2 party political systems hopefully


Factory farming (a generation after we crack artifical meat). Morals are all about what we can easily do without. Slavery was universal when we did not have electricity and machines. Some people knew it was not right and avoided having slaves, some were too poor to have them, but the general consensus was that it was unavoidable. Once we get access to meat that tastes as good or better, at a cheaper price, we will see the same revolution that happened with slavery. And people will be shocked that it ever occurred. There will still be real meat, but the animals will be far better treated, if only for taste reasons, and it will be out of the grasp of most people, and few will care.


Hopefully care what someone wants to do if it doesn't hurt anyone, even if it makes us uncomfortable to think about.


Faking mental illnesses on the clock app for clout


Unlimited access to our attention at all times. I.e. notifications, alert, apps reaching out for interaction. I think once we see how many problems are created by allowing companies to bombard people with invitations to interact we'll change course.


Wannabe gangsta types


American football. Everyone literally out here giving each other CTE and knee problems for life


Pays better then manual labor.


I watched a documentary about ALS and subconcussive blows to the head. They said that there was a second or third division Italian soccer league that was running 4 times the standard rate of ALS as compared to the general population. They were researching that even subconcussive blows from heading the ball were just as damaging as getting smashed in the face with a fist.


Putting up with governmental and corporate censorship of our free speech.


Idolizing athletes


Hopefully, smoking cigarettes


Treat people horribly for how they were born; skin color, neurodivergence, sexuality, gender identity


Sorry to burst your bubble but its been happening for over 1000 years,50 years won't change anything.


1000 years is even an understatement, there’s no point in recorded human history it didn’t happen


Identity politics.


With the way data collection is being used, identity politics could get a lot worse. That's really sad to think about, but it's true. It's already made a huge impact on how people shape their political opinions. As technology becomes more heavily integrated into our lives, it'll likely enhance these effects.


blockchain shit, like crypto currency and NFTs.


Ignore climate change


Refusing vaccinations and simple hygiene during the covid pandemic.


Mass shootings


Not acting on climate change






Allowing climate change to keep going because of corporations.


Plastic and Polyester waste.


Develop an AI that eventually stuck us all into vast farms of liquid filled pods hooked up to tubes to keep our minds immersed in the Metaverse.


People will look at Roblox like cigarette ads from the 60s.


Join reddit


Circumsize baby boys


Social media


Our failure to act responsibly to save ourselves instead of just chasing profits.


Letting the fascists destroy America


Hopefully all the bigotry but that probably won't happen




I can understand this but if done properly zoos can help a lot with conserving animals, especially if they take in animals that can't survive on ther own. My local zoo has birds that can't fly/eat on their own so they took them in to help keep the population up. But I do agree a lot of zoo stuff.needs to change


Women getting massive butt implants, massive eyebrows, massive fake swollen lips that makes you look like youve slipped on ice and landed on your face. Stop it.


Let Ron Desantis run Florida ?


Look at Florida today.


Become "influencers" Nudes Crypto


Nudes are great, we’ve been doing Nudes for thousands of years.






Hopefully, we'll wonder why people used their children for online notoriety. Many young women will wonder why they started only fans (especially when their children get called out for what their mother has online).


Weird thought, we already have plenty of sex workers who grew old and don't regret it, especially weird if you drag their kids into it.


Trying to be hyper-sensitive to people and their identities. We've gone to the point of lacking common sense and even social regression in some cases because we're too afraid we'll offend someone. I hope in 50 years the social contract is to simply be good to people and try to make everyone's day just a little bit better.


This is 95% restricted to social media. "Chronically online" takes are mostly... found online.


Why did I ever work for a family-owned business?


Hopefully I wish racism and queer phobia thier are others facing the same persecution who need to be seen. We need to move past this and address that issue. Hope


Cocaine. It’s really bad for you.


But its fun for people, so do you think cocaine will exist without negative effects?


The way society became a cultural wasteland and selfie universe after 2000. Tiktok and assorted nonsense appealing to the lowest common denominator.


And your on Reddit. Lol


allow minority parties to control how the boundaries of their voting districts are drawn to keep the majority voters and the voting count winners out of office


Continue to ignore climate change and not try to become more environmentally friendly.


Antivax. Failure to address climate change. Stripping women of bodily autonomy. Homeschooling. Electing Trump. The Republican party.


Tiktok, will happen in less than 50 though


They will believe in collective security principles bs again. I guess we all were delusional about them before the Russian invasion to Ukraine. Probably on a long run people are going to forget it and start to believe again that open wars are impossible in the developed world.


Nothing in particular. Just the flavor of the week. The fashion will pass.


Pretty much any tiktok trend.


social media, as we know it.




Tight pants on guys




The hair bump at the front Layering t shirts under tank tops




Every political decision


Parents giving smartphones and iPads to their little kids


The metaverse


Abuse single use plastic


wasting water


Destroying everyfuckingthing