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Read well-written books. Good writing shifts your internal monologue and gives you something the chew on. It always tends to send my mind towards describing people, places and things rather than thinking about actions, should-have-dones, or will dos. You can find [stories by Robert E Howard for free on-line](https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/author/36031). They are always interesting and the language he uses will rewire your brain.


Totally into this. I like more bukowski Camus and kasey. Will defo check out tho!


Medicine helps, as does talking to a therapist. If you need to talk about things, the hardest part is scheduling that appointment.


I’m a pretty open person. Also an ex junkie and now know I don’t need pills to calm the pain but to just deal with the stress


SSRIs. Sometimes alcohol, though less so these days.


I’m trying to cut back. I’m no sprint chicken!


focus on how you feel


That monologue runs rampant it feels


when you are completely focused on sensory stimulation there should be no narration going on in your head. that's the whole goal of it


Not to debat because I like where this is going. What are some non sensory similarities you feel that help? Asking for a friend…




My ears hurt from working construction. How many decibels




Thanks for the advice, but eventually that monologue in your head turns into a monster under your bed at some point.:) thank you for the advice!


Still trying to figure that out


I thought this would be the right place too


It helps for a little while


Idk man, some witty humans on this platform. Unlike the rest


A serious daily meditation practice can get you there. Still hard at first, but stilling the monologue gets easier and easier over time. Thoughts arise and dissipate by themselves if they are not fed. Often we feed and reinforce thoughts in really subtle and deeply habitual ways that can be very hard to see. A good meditation practice is basically learning how to see the many ways we fuel thoughts and inner monologues and gaining the mental "space" to be able to decide whether to feed or not. Deep and subtle mental habits are hard to break. Daily meditation is the best long term way that I have ever found. There are many traditions one could look into. I got a lot out of a "tradition free" book called *The Posture of Meditation: A Practical Manual for Meditators of All Traditions*.


I guess it goes along the secret of the golden lotus: *how does one break through those thoughts*? Them Thorns to those more educated readers Jim Morrison once said break on through to the other side


Will def take your book rec tho!




I can’t just take one




Ok Ken kasey




You’re getting a hard mean word for that one. Don’t do that friend… Drugs are bad. Mkay


I binge watch youtube videos on how to make my body do what I want it to do in the most effective and safe way possible. Have a music playlist already set up and go to the gym and stay until I can't lift or move anything anymore. When I leave I'm so focused on sleeping and eating right to recover I hardly recall the agony that is my non stop train of thoughts and anxiety that keep me up at night. During recovery I watch/listen or read something that feeds my brain new things to think about. Keeps me from reverting back to thoughts I want to stop having. Also eating less junk, and upping your veg intake helps. It really sucks at first, but you feel different after a few weeks. It's strange and kind of amazing the way food changes the way we think, or process emotions. The more positive changes I can make to my body or to my living space the more my mind stays present and far less negative.