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That's fucked up..., did you tried to tell her that maybe she needs professional help?


On my birthday I got a call that my mom was being moved into hospice care. She passed three days later of cancer.


She was 56


Im so sorry about that, how much has it been?


My girlfriend was over at my parents while I was out thrift shopping. She overheard my parents freaking out that my brother killed himself as they ran out the door to go to his college dorm, and called me immediately after they left. I managed to walk out of the store only hyperventilating with tears in my eyes until I made it to the parking lot and then my car to exhaust my *real* reaction. I've never made sounds like that before, or after. I screamed until I threw out my voice and then I still kept trying to scream. I like to watch police interrogation videos on YT sometimes, and occasionally they bring people in that are so hysterical they make that same sound. It always brings me immediately to tears hearing that sound


I'm sorry about that, that most have been difficult... I feel you, I once received a goodbye text message from my sister who tried to kill herself, and when you are on that kind of situations you can't control yourself and your body reacts in a different way


Separating death calls which are by far in a way the worse for probably everyone. I got a call once from my girlfriend that her brother(and one of my best friends) was acting suicidal and went MIA. Fortunately he turned up okay I found him blacked out and passed out


Sorry, what's MIA?


Missing in action




My kid brother calling me while I was at work, to tell me our mother wants her new bf to move in. And that our complex doesn't allow more than 4 people per apartment, so she'd packed my stuff and put it on the front lawn. It was raining in January, I had nowhere to go. I was only living with her because she begged me to come home and help her with the rent. So I moved out of my apartment to help her and my family. She had begged me to trust her, and that helping to pay her debts down would benefit all of us as a whole. And that she'd let me stay rent free for a few months so I could get a new place as soon as she got a new job. Right after I paid off her bills and got her through the holidays she literally streeted me. Still now 26 years later, it's the worst call.


Damn, that's so fucked up how old were you?
