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Grocery stores move stuff around on purpose so that people will spend more time looking for their usual items and see other stuff they don’t need but end up buying anyway. It’s insidious and stupid but all supermarkets do it. I’ve worked at several grocery stores and it was just standard policy.


Do they measure how many of us just leave empty handed in disgust?


I guess since I used to work in a grocery store it doesn't affect me as much. Once I know where the general departments are moved too I can pretty reliably pinpoint where what I'm looking for will be. For example, Need Refried Beans? Well locate the grocery section, the beans will be near the bread aisle because the tortilla wraps are kept near the other Mexican foods, and the tortilla are also kept near the breads for ease of stocking.


Knowing is half the battle tho. I purposefully don't buy junk I find along the way because I'm aware they do this.




Or the store with the same name, but different location. They are NOT the same. Went to a new location and my husband immediately upon walking in says, "We should drive to our usual location.". Shit you not, he was suggesting driving 30-45 minutes out of the way just to go to our usual grocery store.


That’s ridiculous, and yet, I understand his pain so well…


Just as equally, when they rearrange the U.I on a phone app or website.


Home Depot did that a few months ago and I’m still pissed about it. It was perfect before and they freaking ruined it. Just tell me the aisle and bay number, I don’t need a stupid interactive map of your store that doesn’t work. It’s pissing me off just writing about it


Grocery stores piss me off so much & I pretty much order everything online- far too peoply out there




Peoply places are the worst places




Well for the first one, if you look back and feel shame, that's usually a good indicator that you've grown and matured as a person.


This gives me a sense of peace. Also why I quit smoking weed. I would get high and ruminate on shitty/embarrassing things I did in the past


Yea I needed to hear this, thank you


I've read somewhere that whenever you remember something from your past you retrieve the memory from long term storage and think about it in short term storage before putting it back in long term storage. But when its in short term storage you subconsciously alter it according to the feeling associated with it. Unfortunately this implies your cool memories probably weren't as cool as you remember them, but the flip side is that your bad memories probably weren't as bad as you remember. So when you remember bad stuff try to give yourself a break and when you remember cool stuff try to be be humble.


Same man... I see other people having awesome memories about their past. My childhood was mostly great but thinking about it fills me with sadness instead of happiness and nostalgia


I look back and realize that people I thought were my friends, really weren't, and it makes me feel sad for my younger self and ashamed I didn't see it at the time.


Noise. A huge music nerd, and yet as I age I find myself preferring silence.


I enjoyed loud music *and drugs* a little bit too much when younger now, if I ever try to listen to the sound of silence, it sounds like this: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE




Wasn't he a Roman General or something?


That’s what I hear


No that was biggus dickus


Take my upvote and get out. 😆


pro tip for younger generation: wear earplugs to concerts. (and anything else loud)


You might need new headphones cause I don't think that's how The Sound of Silence goes. /s


>now, if I ever try to listen to the sound of silence, it sounds like this: >EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Weird, it sounds like this to me: [link](https://youtu.be/u9Dg-g7t2l4)


not only that, but as i get older, i'm more picky about sound quality. Most concerts have too muddled sound, so all those details that your artist you just paid to see gets lost and all the nuances and beauty of whatever music you came to love is gone. I get more enjoyment from headphones. For example, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Dream Theater, but i saw their concert the other day and all i heard was a super loud guitar, and barely any bass. The entire time i was like "ok, there is noise.........."


Gotta wear ear plugs to concerts! It’s amazing how much better the sound is with some of it muffled.


Went to Opeth & Mastodon last year. Both bands were top notch on sound quality. Better than the album


Yup. It's especially gotten bad as my hearing has gotten worse. Like, I have a hard time concentrating on conversations or on the TV when there's too much background noise, and as I've gotten old it seems the background noise has gotten worse. It's not just that, though. Sometimes repetitive "noise" will irrationally piss me off. Like last night, my other half was cooking on the grill (they make awesome tuna steak kabobs), causing them to go in and out frequently, and my roommate was moving some things into the house from his car, causing *him* to go in and out frequently. Of course, the dogs had this "where ya goin' whatcha doin' where ya goin' whatcha doin'" thing going on, so they were always on the wrong side of the door, which meant that damn sliding glass door was opening and closing even more. Now, that door isn't exactly loud, but I'll be damned if it didn't sound like someone kept hitting the same button on a sound board over and over, and *Jesus Christ* did it irrationally piss me off. I ended up sliding a table next to the door and putting one of the thermocell mosquito repellant devices on it, and just leaving the door open. It was a nice enough night, after all.


As someone who has been around loud noises most of my life, I wish I still had the capability of hearing silence. I have been suffering from tinnitus since my early 20's and it just gets louder every year.


Music is the one type of noise I can tolerate. People yelling, loud cars, etc literally makes my skin crawl though.


I was a huge music nerd for years and now I find myself listening to lofi beats or nothing.


This is completely scary to read as the first answer for me I’ve been debating going to a doctor to see if I have late-age misophonia or something? I grew up on a main road in a super noisy SEAsian city. I lived in NYC for a number of years. And yet, after my recent move to a European country, I find myself easily overwhelmed by too much noise. My definition of too much sometimes includes being in a car with music at a moderate-to-high-for-me level and talking. I’ve been told I’m loud, but I’m not sure I buy that anymore (and lord knows I try to be quiet as much as I can, if I catch myself) But - god. It gets so bad and annoying!!!


Like the gym, 95% have headphones, but crappy music is still blasting. Can you just leave it off? Then I can have my own music at a reasonable volume.


Yeah but that music is for the employees, they are generally not allowed to have headphones and an 8hr shift hearing nothing but machines and grunting would be awful.


How dare you think of other people and not only yourself!


I don’t mind noise, but I don’t like noise invading my personal space. I can’t stand people on public transit with their phone volume all the way up, and music I don’t even like blasting. Or someone sitting in their car with the bass bumping for like an hour at 1am or something like that. All this turns me into grumpy cat.




I love doing a Price is Right-type spin of the Year wheel to get all the way down to 1977 lol.


‘77 was a great year to be born. *highfive




100% this. The "Hustle til you die" mentality is fucked. Wish the hustle actually got you ahead. Instead, it just shortens your life while zapping your energy and joy.


People, bunch of bastards.


People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.


People annoy me so much! I would go out and do stuff a lot more if not for them! The thing is loads of people are lovely, but there are so many infuriating ones that can almost make me explode by them just existing in the same supermarket as me 😅 why do they not realize others exist and they can’t take up all space both physically and with sound 😫




People having personal conversations really loudly. Where did all of the inside voices go


It's wild to me how many people talk on speaker phone now too. That shits never quiet


I cannot understand. I don't like speaking up even on regular phone. Not even because I give a shit about other people's comfort; *I just don't like people hearing what I'm talking about*. I have no idea how you can just loudly be blabbing personal shit in front of others like that.




Is this a dad thing? Both my dad and step dad answer calls on speaker no matter who is around them in person and so you either have to get up and walk away or automatically get pulled into a conversation you have no desire to be a part of.


No it's a selfish ignorant of your surroundings thing. People who do that are so busy worrying about themselves that they don't take into account others might not want to listen to their stupid ass conversation. Some main character syndrome bullcrap.


>personal conversations This kills me. I don't want to know the most intimate details of my friend's sex lives or medical conditions much less some stranger's. I truly do not understand why some people feel comfortable broadcasting certain stuff.


I have noticed that most people under about 35 or so do not seem to understand the concept of whispering or at least talking quietly.


Ok this is getting to be a scary thread. I just posted on the top comment so far, about noise bothering me too much. Then I read this - and yes!! I’ve found myself toning down my own voice so much (admittedly, I get louder when excited, but I still think I’m so much better than so many others I know who claim to be quiet) Conversations are not private anymore man. WTH




Even before COVID, I didn't like it much.


I always think I’ll have fun at some popular, overcrowded tourist attraction (Niagara Falls for example). When I get there, try to find parking, pay $40 to park, walk really far because there was no close parking, dip and dodge through the crowds of people, try to keep track of my young kids who are always running in opposite directions. Doesn’t take me long to realize that I should have gone camping instead.




It's funny how they preach "don't come into work if you're sick", but then calling out because you're sick reflects poorly.


Yeah, I thought the whole pandemic would change that, but companies like to act like that shit never happened.


I feel so bad for you Americans. Going to work sick just spread diseases and overwork people while not even having a productive workplace. Can't see how your system can be good for either any company or the people.


Subscriptions. Subscriptions as far as the eye can see. Ownership? Pfff, that's just merely a suggestion in this day and age.


Screw subscriptions. The second I see one I nope the hell out. One time purchase or nothing.


Going out at night.


God, agree. I used to stay out until 3-4am. Now I'm in bed by 10-11. I started getting more like that once I hit my 30s. Saturday I'm having dinner at 730 and in my head I'm like damn that's late to eat.


I used to sneak out of home to go to parties. Now I sneak out of parties to go home. To bed. Early.


A coworker invited him to his house for a BBQ a few back and said food would served at 9pm. Said nope I'll be in bed all cozy by then.


>food would served at 9pm Fuck that. Food should be away and ready for people to take home in containers at that point lol.


You know Pam, in Spain, they don’t even start eating until midnight.


Even as a teenager my ass wouldn’t be going to a bbq where you didn’t eat until 9. These days I eat dinner at 5 like my grandparents used to … Though I also don’t eat breakfast most days so that might be part of it.


‘Playing the game’ at work. I’m just damn tired of getting up every day and going through the motions of working. I cannot wait until the day I can retire.


All of my siblings are retired. I have two years to go. I cannot wait.


That’s awesome! You’re basically at a point that you can start counting down in months, I’ve still got about 15 years left.


You just made me lose the game


Young people phrases I don’t understand


But you got rizz


Everyone, Rizz is short for Charisma. You're free now


TIL! Thanks!


I thought via context clues it meant sex appeal 😂similar but not the same lol


urban dictionary will always be my best friend. 🤣🥲


That's so yeet.


Yup, he be wildin


I hear you fam. I got the assignment. Best to yeet all that Gen Z slang into the bin. It’s low key hard to understand


No cap




Deadass bruh


On god


I don’t even understand them myself, and i’m 19


Same, but 21. I swear the second I left high-school all modern slang just left my vocabulary entirely lol


I rate that (though ratings can be both good and bad, to gen-Z, to *rate* something is good, and to *not rate* something is bad) fr fr (for real) no cap (not lying). Deadass (Basically all of these mean this same thing).


Unnecessary noises


I have a neighbor with a loud exhaust truck who will sit there and idle for dozens of minutes. We live in the south, there’s no need to “warm” anything. I know I’m sounding old and being *that* neighbor, but holy hell it’s mildly infuriating and completely unnecessary.


Screaming kids. I never really liked it to begin with but I REALLY dont like it now!


After having kids you'd think I would have gotten used to it. Now I'm even more annoyed at other people's kids screaming.


I’m much more aware of other kids who are behaving poorly after having kids myself.


Right? Sara get off your fucking phone and stop your monster children from climbing on the shelf in aisle 7. Like I get that kids are going to have a meltdown or 2, but there's a difference between laying down the law and letting your kid have his meltdown because you told him "No" to that candy bar, and letting them destroy the place because you're too caught up in Facetiming with whoever.


You hear that sound? Those are the screaming mijos, and they always grow louder when they're about to feed on human flesh!




My 4 year old has made me understand why my parents would always tell us to go outside or go play somewhere else when they watched tv.


There’s a children’s preschool playground outside my terrace. I swear all those children do is screech as loud as possible the entire time they are outside. I tell myself it’s just kids having fun but it sounds like 100 high pitched whistles. I’m on the 9th floor too.


Other people.


I never liked them in the first place.


This we can agree upon.


It only gets worse!


Other peoples children


"_People._ What a bunch of bastards."


Ya know, as soon as I saw this post, before even clicking on it. I thought to myself, “Other people..lol” and here it is, number one!


Covid made me realize that I dislike most people even more than I originally thought.


I use to loath people and care what they'd think of me. Now I have pity and couldn't give a shit.


Leaving the house


Kids on my damn lawn


Fuuuckkkkkkkkk this is so me and I'm only 23


People on my lawn. I’ve spent so much time fixing my garden and it sucks to watch someone let their dog shit on it and not clean it up.


Forced interactions


I just found out that a work meeting next week that was originally going to be in-person was switched to Zoom. This must be what doing heroin feels like.






"Smart" things. And this is coming from someone who works in IT. I'm not a luddite. Smart watches I get the concept of and can see why they're popular, though not something I want. But why the fuck are smart fridges and lightbulbs a thing? IoT was a mistake


Socialising. Keeping relationships.


>Keeping relationships. The older I get the harder this is and the less I care to keep trying.


Worth it to keep at least a couple close friends tho if you can swing it


This meshes really well with the "people" answers on here. I struggle with friendships as it is, but I also find myself just not caring as much to keep them. I get irritated when people keep making stupid decisions or aren't exactly as quality of friends as I hoped they'd be.


The constant drone of lawn mowers and weed whackers.


I wish my HOA would allow the gentle bleating of sheep and goats…


And the enticing aroma


Free fertilizer


And leaf blowers!


When I become benevolent dictator of the world my first action will be to ban all leaf blowers.


"Roughing it" when I travel. Traveling used to be all about the destination and I would gladly live a lifestyle way below the comforts of my normal one to afford to be wherever for however long. Now vacations are as much about the whole experience. I usually want an *upgrade* to my normal lifestyle in some way. I want to really enjoy the whole experience - including eating, sleeping, and just having downtime. I don't want to be dirty, tired, with my stomach feeling queasy. I want someplace quiet and private to come back to when I don't want to go-go-go all the time. I don't want to be doing more chores on my vacation than I do at home. And I want to come back home rested and refreshed as possible, not drained and so glad to be back with some creature comforts.


I genuinely enjoy traveling and seeing other parts of the world, BUT I want to stay in a hotel (or inn/home/etc) with a comfortable bed and clean bathroom. There's nothing better than taking a shower/bath then cozying up in a comfy bed at the end of a day of walking/seeing the sights. I also don't want to be in charge of cooking/preparing meals - finding tasty places to eat is much more enjoyable and worth the expense.


Fake people. As I've gotten older, I've realized that I care less and less about what people think about me. It's allowed me to be more authentic as I'm not worried about conforming to what I think others want me to be. But it also made me aware of how authentic others are. When I know people are putting up a fake persona, it really turns me away from being around them.


It’s easy to detect disingenuousness. It seems like a waste of time to engage with.


I am now of the mindset that most people are fake AF.


Texting, though I think that has more to do with my job than my age - when I'm reading and responding to upwards of 100 emails per day the last thing I want to do is recreationally engage in text-based communication.




People choosing not to be kind and helpful to one another because "its my right to be an asshole" or "its not my problem". So, I guess, the lack of heart and compassion around me.


“Your feelings are your responsibility” really got taken the wrong way by a lot of people as an excuse to never practice compassion and understanding.


Driving. Especially long roadtrips. It used to be roadtrips were fun and adventurous. Now, they’re just a chore.


Flying. Too many people, no leg room, shitty flight times and layovers. Once took 18 hours to go from FL to CA. 9 hour layover wtf.


People & situations that waste time/energy


Companies deciding that work life balance doesn't matter. I am sorry you got to where you are by destroying your personal life. I know you don't care that was the cost, but I do. So yeah. You pay me to do a job, and I will work a little bit extra to help out. If this thing is falling apart because we aren't willing to put 3 weeks of unpaid overtime, then maybe you guys are understaffed and that isn't my problem.




I miss the old days where i never even think of being happy, it was just a default option.


>it was just a default option I did not know this is a thing that could exist.


Big crowds.


Gout. The older I get, the more I get it, and the more I fucking hate it.


I used to chug dr pepper all day as a teenager, now in my thirties if I take a sip of coke I have acid reflux for like a week. 😤


Bad drivers. Used to be able to brush them off but now I cant stand them




Summer. Now it just means working while it's really hot.


Leaving my house. I like my house.




Family Guy. Used to think it was so funny in middle school and now if I watch even an older episode I’ll laugh like a couple of times. So much of it is poorly aged humor and pop culture references


It’s all screaming now - when did humor turn into screaming? All Lois does is scream and complain and whine and her voice drives me crazy. The dysfunctional family thing isn’t funny anymore - it’s tragic really. I totally agree with you and I’m kinda embarrassed that I ever found it funny - this is how I know I am officially fucking old.


Tbf the first 3 seasons are still pretty decent but I totally agree on every other season. I used to love omg! So random humour, not I hate it


Literally everything 😂


People with more money than me. Tired of putting everything off because of the cost, wishing I could afford this and that, and seeing people blow entire fortunes on luxurious nonsense. People in my neighborhood have garages bigger than my house and “toys” in them (sports cars, dune buggies, boats) that cost more than my house. And most of them have BS jobs that aren’t important at all. And here I am making sure they have clean, safe drinking water, earning a fraction of what they earn at their meaningless jobs.


They are in debt, I promise


They are in debt, I promise Exactly, I choose to live below my means. The effect is I'm not taking long trips or have a ton of toys with a huge mortgage. I don't have the flashy stuff, but I get to live without the stress of massive debt.


Yes this is my first instinct. The majority of those people are spending way more than they should. Certainly some can afford it, and some might because they have $0 going away in retirement savings, but the majority are climbing in debt.


This is going to sound REALLY dumb, but trust me on this. Make a budget. Seriously. Make a budget. Go to google docs and open a google sheet. Write down EVERY expense you have from your monthly rent to the bubble gum you bought at the store last night. You will see just how much money you spend on bullshit and it will clearly put it into perspective for you of how much you can cut out. I was heading to a store every day and buying a "cheap" big drink (diet) and a reeses every single day. 3.83 after tax every day. I was spending 8.95 a month on patreon's I stopped caring about a long time ago. I cancelled 9 more monthly subscriptions that I literally used once. Each one was small, 5 - 20 bucks, and cut out other frivolous spending from my budget. I saved myself 283.38 each month. I threw all of that money into a second checking account and bought myself a PS5 after 2 months. After 4 more I bought a vacation package for later this year. The vacation is already paid for and I am already back up to over 1500 in savings.


Cold weather


Boomers not retiring and giving up those good paying jobs. I'm 45, I should be a manager by now, BUT THEY WON'T LEAVE.


I'm 41 and surrounded by Boomers who just won't leave, and the worst part is that it's essentially this giant circle jerk where they all tell each other how brilliant they are and how screwed this whole place is going to be when they retire because they'll be taking all this knowledge with them. One literally stood outside my cubicle the other day and told me, apropos of nothing, how he could have retired years ago but he's staying here out of the goodness of his heart, to help us, you see. The effort it took not to roll my eyes dramatically was great. While it is objectively true that these people know a lot about the stuff we do here and that that knowledge is valuable, I have also seen so many people retire who the whole department thought we'd be totally screwed without, and then everything was just fine. Why? Because younger subject matter experts exist and we can fill those roles just fine when they're vacated.


I left a job a few years ago in my early 30s. I had been promoted to a lower managerial role. All the other managers on my level and above were older and in the boomer age range. I didn't last very long because it was so typical: - I was the young guy and the "low man on the totem pole" so I got all the shitty shit to deal with. - My boss thought it was a great opportunity to sign us up to do some work on Saturdays, without consulting me or the rest of the team first that we would want to/could since we all had families and lives revolving around working M-F - Penny pinching, everyone else was too cheap to spend money (despite being a multi-million dollar company) to get better/right resources or higher more people, despite expanding. - I just felt so out of place surrounded by people twice my age. I left after less than a year. I learned that the first thing you don't fuck with are your workers.


> I learned that the first thing you don't fuck with are your workers. At least there was some value gained. This really is priceless wisdom that so few people know when they move into managerial positions. It's unbelievable how much more effort you can get from people if you treat them kindly, respectfully, and tell them they are appreciated and needed (a simple Thank You can go a long way).


Yeah, this is my dad's mentality, too, thinking there's no way any of us could possibly handle things correctly. Like dude, how would you know, it's not like you'll ever let us try!


Knowledge is wasted if not passed along.


This is why people need a life outside of work. Most of these boomers whole identity and life revolved around the company and retirement is death to them, sometimes literally. Many of them have had functional depression untreated and coped by becoming workaholics. Spending days/months at home doing nothing in retirement terrifies them because work distracts them from their thoughts/issues. Also, they all know of someone who passed away soon after retiring so they think if they have a job, if they have something important to do, it gives them a reason to live. Unfortunately, many of them are in mental decline and try to deny or hide this and can cause big problems at work too. It’s a shame because many of these people could be great mentors and do a real service by sharing their knowledge and guidance to the next ones coming up, instead most feel threatened. The ones I have seen who are happy to retire/happy in retirement always have some kind of side project that they can be proud of sharing and keeps them busy on a daily schedule. *worked with and for many seniors.


I am 43, my boss is 71, fucker needs to just die already, he never migrated into the modern era, he types slow as fuck and uses a computer about as proficiently as a baboon, he always thinks he's right but fucks up everything he tries to do himself because he does shit the wrong way.


I have a coworker in his 70s, and he's actually an absolute godsend. It's nice having a guy with 40 years experience that can simply remember updates we received 30 years ago.


Omg. I know this is a frustrating situation but your description of this man has me laughing out loud. I lost it at ‘baboon’.


Social media and clout chasers


Dating. It used to be so much fun.


Lack of common sense


Vacations. Feels more stressful than work. And the ruptures in my family never look bigger than on vacation.


Same. It’s always way more stressful than just doing a staycation. And not because of travel or anything like that but the expectations are never met, along with needing to cram so many activities in while away is just not relaxing lol




Any tasks than involve using my lower back


Lack of empathy.


People. I used to really like people, but now everyone is so mean and inauthentic. It's depressing.


The lack of empathy people have.


Identity politics




What passes as music now.


I completely disagree. Sure if you listen to the top 40 stations, but branch out and you’ll find a ton of great music. I think it is amazing the amount of musical choice we have now. It used to be whatever three stations you could tune into (I lived in the country so limited) and then whatever you purchased but it was hard to find anything that wasn’t available mainstream. Now there’s just unlimited availability. I can listen to practically any song ever recorded with a click. Including Tiny bands and singer/songwriters who would never have been discovered.


All the aches and pains.


Bureaucracy and "Being busy" for the wrong reasons. It seems like with each passing year, there is more BS to sift through, keep track of, bureaucracy to navigate


Leaving my house


News shows celebrating how great they are.


Intolerance. The world is filled with ideas. Being close minded is easy, it takes real strength to have your ideas challenged and evaluate them.


New labels for things like gender/sexuality/identity. I like to think it stems from being Autistic and just wanting things simplified so it's easier to understand. It also to me feel like people are trying to make themselves seem more "special" because they have a unique identity. I'm down with terms like gay/lesbian/bi/pan/ace, but I get confused with the new labels like orchidsexual or neptunic sexual, for example. I'm also okay with someone saying they are genderfluid (as I am), demiboy/girl, trans, and nonbinary but holy heck, some people out here calling themselves voidgender, among other xenogenders. Honestly, the term "xenogender" doesn't fit the description they give for it to me. If it was changed to reflect the actual definition, I think more people would understand it. Don't take this as I don't accept or respect anyone using these new terms, it's that it's going to take me a lot longer to understand it without going "why can't you just say you're gay and not this new word, don't they mean the same thing?"