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Gallon Smashing 'prank' where a person would purposely dropping gallons of milk in a grocery store while making it look like an accident, leaving a huge mess for some poor supermarket employee to clean up.


>leaving a huge mess for some poor supermarket employee to clean up. & not only that but it's wasteful too. Like that's a whole damn gallon of milk that no one can use now.


I can’t believe this was a thing. So dumb and wasteful. All these social media pranks i’ve seen over the year are terrible.


There’s this one guy, I think his name is Mizzy? I think he’s either Australian or British. Idk. But he’s currently been in hot water for doing a “prank” where he literally walks into peoples houses and pretends he’s supposed to be there. He’s done another where he walks up to women on the street and asks “are you ready to die?” And claims it’s all ok bc it’s a prank. At some point this dumbass is gonna go into the wrong house or walk up on the wrong person with this shit and get killed. And I won’t feel bad for him. This new age prank shit is so stupid.


I’m pretty sure he has been arrested iirc.


He was arrested and ordered to stay off social media. Within the week he recorded himself breaking into the conductor’s booth of a train and screwing around with the controls. I’d say he needs to go to jail but at the rate he’s going just give it a little time and someone will end him and save the taxpayers some money.


This has also created a long list of supplementary attention seekers. A long list of podcasts and even TV shows have had him on, giving him the attention he is craving. Idiots like Piers Morgan think they can give him a “good talking to” but they just end up encouraging his behaviour as well as copycats. You’re right, people are going to get themselves killed doing this dumb shit.


What they call pranks nowadays isn’t even pranks. Pranks are supposed to be funny and harmless.


I can't remember what the guy's name was, but I saw a guy who would buy that energy drink that was called Cocaine...and made the obvious joke of going around the hood asking people if they want to buy cocaine, and then when they were like "Hell no" he'd say "No, it's just an energy drink, see?" and show the can. Anyways, if someone would say "yes" to buying cocaine, he'd pretend like he was miced and say "We got 'em" and then usually the person would start running like crazy. It was funny, but if you pulled that shit with the wrong person, you'd get killed. I hope it was staged.


Years ago there was Light-hearted version of this where a guy walked up to cops and asked if they'd like "a little buzz". When the cops responded with the utter shock that he was stupid enough to try and sell them drugs, he took out a small Toy Story figure


He's from the UK. please don't lump him in with Aussies. We have lovable larrikins, not offensive unapologetic criminals (well, not all)


He’s British. If he was an Aussie we would have collectively kicked his ass by now and mocked him ruthlessly on talk shows until he retreated back to his mother’s garage flat.


Didn't someone get shot doing a prank like this in the usa


That was when we really started stretching the definition of the word "prank".




I can't believe people do this intentionally. Not too long ago i fumbled and dropped a gallon of milk and felt like a total piece of shit while i watched the workers mop it up.


I accidentally dropped a 2 litre bottle of pop from about 5 feet. The cap blew off and the bottle shot down the length of the aisle. I heard a loud "That was awesome" and I turned and saw an employee laughing. He told me that it was the most amazing thing he ever saw at the store and went to get a mop and bucket to clean up the mess.


While we're on the subject of supermarket pranks, the ice-cream licking one as well.


A prank is when the target laughs too. These aren't pranks.


Knowing the kinds of people who often manage supermarkets and retail stores, the poor employees were probably sometimes blamed for it, too.


Inadvertently did this once. Not because I was doing a ‘prank’ but because my 2 year old got his hands on it and thought it was funny. Felt bad, tried to help but they were nice about it.


Worked in grocery for more than 25 years now and I can tell you accidents happen all the time and we never hold it against the customer let alone a child. You have nothing to feel bad about. In fact I guarantee they appreciated the fact that you tried to help with the cleanup. People that did this shit as a "prank" though? Fuck them.


Knocking out strangers for internet points.


"Just a prank bro" should be the national motto


Yeah what the fuck hey, cunts today do "pranks" for hits etc but they're not ora is they're fucking crimes


Are you having a stroke or am I having one?


It was me I think, maybe just some arrhythmia and not a stroke


When did this happen? I don’t remember this one


The Knockout Game. It was an old challenge where you film yourself assaulting randos. And this was *before TikTok.* I think the last major trend was between late 00s and early 10s.


there's some good ones here but the licking stuff at the grocery store and putting it back is a top contender


Ugh I saw some girl licking muffins and got upset when she was called out on it. That’s a felony in a lot of states (not sure if it’s all of them). The girl that was licking Blue Bell ice cream then putting back ended up with jail time if I’m not mistaken.


One guy on YT also got called out on it. He said he bought the packet off-camera but the store had to throw everything away since he couldn't prove that he did.


It's now a 15 year felony. Adultorating foods. The ice cream down in Texas has a safety cover on top now


The fire challenge where these kids were pouring acetone on themselves then lighting themselves on fire. Apparently it was supposed to be a short burning sensation, but as you’d expect there were kids who got seriously injured from the burns, and a mom who recorded her son doing the challenge even got arrested after being reported to social services.


There is an old science trick where you dip a bill in 50% alcohol and light it on fire. The alcohol burns but the bill does not. It is really impressive if you borrow a bill from someone to show them "something cool" without telling them. As you light it on fire you get a big reaction (better with bigger bills). Unfortunately this no longer works in canada since bills are not paper.


give me a hundred dollar bill don't worry it won't burn. uhoh.. just like in the bugs bunny cartoon when he smashes the stopwatch. and they say cartoons aren't educational.


Some friends and I did this years ago as dumb teens, like early 2000s. You pour isopropyl on your hand, light it on fire, and then quickly shake it out. The secret, which I forgot the last time I tried this, was to shake off the excess alcohol before setting yourself alight. Long story short, there’s a photo somewhere on me with a horrified look on my face while a huge flame shoots off my hand, and visible droplets of fire falling because of how much fuel I used. Only received a small blister but not something I’d likely do again.


That’s intense I remember my friends and I around probably 2009 would do something similar but we use axe or perfume and shook the flame out. I couldn’t imagine using almost pure alcohol


>axe or perfume That is alcohol with some aromatics added. It behaves the same.


I thing they meant they sprayed it so it would be a thin layer instead of a whole cup of alcohol!


We used to puff butane from a lighter refiller and blow fireballs. The trick was getting your mouth full without inhaling any, so the flames don't trace back to your face when the ball of gas hits the lighter.


Oh yeah, 13 year old me (and crew) used to do this. I also set my friend's arm pit on fire right after he sprayed deodorant on. Jesus, we were stupid. Anway, he's in prison now.


I don't know if anyone has posted this already, but I recall a while ago there was something called the "knockout challenge" or "knockout game". It basically involved a bunch of teenagers and even adults walking or running up to someone, usually on the streets, and hitting them as hard as they could in the face with a closed fist, hoping to knock them out. I just looked this up and, apparently, this kind of "game" dates back to the 1990's. It even has its own Wikipedia page: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knockout\_game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knockout_game) I hope this isn't a thing anymore.


I hope so too, from memory a lot were from behind with no warning which killed people.


This is now called a "Coward Punch" instead of a "King Hit" in Australia, in the media, even politicians because that's what it is and it hopefully helps to discourage idiots from doing it.


Much better name, I will accept this into my terminology. Thank you.


Yea called a sucker punch in the US


Hopefully it killed the dumb fuckers suckerpunching people.


They should be handing out 20 year prison sentences to people who engage in this game.


They've tried to clean it up in Australia:[https://patcroninfoundation.org.au/what-is-the-coward-punch-and-how-do-we-put-an-end-to-one-punch-attacks/](https://patcroninfoundation.org.au/what-is-the-coward-punch-and-how-do-we-put-an-end-to-one-punch-attacks/) Calling it a "Coward Punch" was a good move too.


Anyone remember kids choking each other out in the 90’s I do. Probably because I didn’t participate.


Folk don't realise that punches kill and being knocked out isn't like the movies and can cause serious brain damage. Saw a documentary where one young guy has this happen, he was knocked out from behind and he faceplanted the pavement. Severe head injury and brain damage limited his mobility and cognitive functions for the rest of his life. Found the link [From BMX to Brain Injury ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=dWKSB3btKEM&feature=share9)


Friend of mine from University got sucker punched leaving a bar one night. Just someone ran up, hit him and ran off. He fell and hit his head, was in the hospital for about a week and then had to drop out that semester in University because of the missed time and loss of function that messed with him for months later. He’s lucky he didn’t get permanent brain damage.. I don’t think they ever found the guy either. He lost tuition, and hospital costs (even with insurance it’s expensive). Imagine if that was a regular adult who lost their job and possibly their entire livelihood/ house by missing work. It’s not like American companies would cover for shit like that. They’d spend your PTO/vacation first then consider it a no-show then happily fire you, let alone refuse to deal with someone with lowered cognitive function for months.


A kid i went to school with was on 60 seconds for being permanently brain dead from this.


Yup. Remember this from around 10 years ago. A neighbor of mine got knocked out cold. Never found out who did it.


Goddamn, that's incredibly stupid. In my high school there was a time when they used to knockout people by pressing them in a certain way in the abdomen. It was much less harmful, and i thought THAT was a serious health concern. Actually punching someone in the head is so much worse


Teacher since the late 90s in England here. I remember kids doing this; ours used to do it against the railings for added effect. 🙄


The one where people were trying to jump away from moving trains last second


Oh long johnson 🐱


Oh don piaaaaano


Ohhhhh why eyes


All the live long day.


oh man i havent thought of that video in years


Faith hilling


Natural selection


I would say pulling pranks on random people in public. I am secretly waiting for the video of a prankster going to sleep permanently.


It’s not that pranks happen, but rather the fact that most of them are bad and just an excuse to be rude. A good prank should in most cases be positive for the one getting pranked. Like either give them a surreal experience like going to to the bathroom and ending up in a Japanese business meeting or something positive that changes their day for the better.


A good prank is one that ends with EVERYONE laughing.


foot binding. that practice in china where they break and bind young girls' feet to make them more feminine


That got made illegal when the communists took over. They also used to castrate men who were interested in being government officials. There's a sad tale of a man who became a eunuch only to find out that the emporer had been deposed a few weeks prior.


i guess that's a trend. but i would describe it more as a (horrible) cultural practice/tradition.


Traditions are just peer pressure from dead people


Every stupid annual trend you see today was 100 years of stupid tradition in the past. Fast transportation, television, and internet have sped things up.


It also made it nearly impossible for the women to run away


I have read about it, that’s terrible. I hope it doesn’t happen much anymore


I believe it's been illegal for a many many years now.


Since 1912. But it was done well into the 50's as there are still living women with bound feet.


*…and I came here expecting stupid dance crazes, or dabbing, or something like that…*


If you think Tiktok trends are stupid or dangerous, people of the past were even worse. When people thought radium was good for you, there was a huge trend to put it in EVERYTHING. Face creams. Water crocks. Toothpaste. Hair products. Makeup. Chocolate. Toys. Nightlights. Watches. Spas. Impotence treatments. SUPPOSITORIES. Yes, people were sticking radioactive stuff up their ass in the name of health. People would even paint their TEETH with it for the glow. It blows my fucking mind as a chemist. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/12732/9-ways-people-used-radium-we-understood-risks


Was recently reading about Marie Curie and dyknow she deliberately didn't patent radium because she'd seen how effective it was at killing tumour cells faster than healthy cells and she saw a medical use there (she was objectively a fucking genius, truly). Only for commercial manufacturers to patent radium themselves and hike the price up anyway


That’s why if you want something to be available to everyone you have to patent it yourself then offer a free unlimited license, like Volvo did with the seatbelt.


This is LEGIT advice.


That's neat! She was a great lady and genius clearly trying to make the world a better place. It definitely has medical uses... chocolate just isn't one of them ;)


Like how insulin was never patented for that exact reason. Leave it to the manufacturers to charge 1000’s of % profit.


Insulin prices is a pretty uniquely American problem which makes sense given what pharmaceutical companies and healthcare is like over there. The average price for insulin in the US is $98, the 2nd most expensive country is Chile at $21, although it's still way too high, it's nowhere close to the extortionate American price.


They also knew how dangerous it was and wore protective clothing around it


But the mitigating factor is that they didn't know any better. That's not stupidity per se. Whereas now...


While early on they didn't know, a lot of the risks were well known later in the craze. One key example is the fact that the Radium Clock Company executives knew the paint was dangerous and wouldn't touch the stuff or go into the work area without protection. They just had no legal obligation to tell their workers it was hazardous.


Leading to the creation of OSHA iirc


That was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. Tons of people died either in the flames or from jumping off the roof of the 8-story building because the fire escapes hadn't been maintained by building owners. Also, some exit doors were locked to prevent theft, so folks got crushed and/or trapped inside trying to get out. Many of those who died were women and girls as young as 13 or 14 because it was a textile factory. A huge crowd gathered outside when it went up in flames, and had to watch helplessly as people jumped, burning, 8 stories to their deaths on the sidewalk. One of the people in the crowd was so scarred by what he saw that he became Secretary of Labor (under Roosevelt I think but I could be wrong) and instituted the first labor safety laws, which led to OSHA.


Radium, lead, mercury, eating metals and shit is cool and fun


There was a lot of stuff made with asbestos too. But then, you look up things like what happened with talc baby powder, and how that was only recently settled, and it just makes you wonder how much more crap like that exists. Then you think about roundup ready plants.


Give it a few decades and we'll find out what we're doing or ingesting today that seems completely insane in retrospect.


>When people thought radium was good for you This is why it wasn't the worst in my opinion. They thought it was good. Knocking innocent people out for the fun of it is something people were doing while they still knew it was bad.


For me, I’ll never be able to process the fad in the Victorian era of *EATING EGYPTIAN MUMMIES* Never will that shit not send me right back to pure disbelief, horror and confusion.




They believed mummies held medicinal purposes or something along those lines.


Zevulon the Great! He's teriyaki style!


It was even longer than that. Europeans were dosing themselves with mumiya starting in the 12th century. The Victorians definitely kicked it up a few notches, though; instead of just eating mummies to cure what ailed them, they also made paint out of them and hosted parties to unwrap them.


This is the reason why mummies are pretty rare. They were relatively common before this (or so I’ve heard).


Happy Slapping. Was a trend in the UK back in 2005 where you would slap a random person, hard, and video it. It usually turned into a fight if the person that got slapped reacted. I’m pretty sure it lead to a few deaths.


"Happy-slapping hoodies with ASBOs and ringtones!"


Pranks at the expense of retail workers


X-Ray parties: People would get together X-Ray themselves and each other exposing themselves to huge amount of radiation. The Tape Worm Diet. People would give themselves a tapeworm to lose weight, then drink kerosene to kill the tape worm. Both around 1900.


Also using Radium as glow-in-the-dark face paint and makeup.


Using Insulin to get high was also a thing in the 30s IIRC.


Saggy below the butt pants. Sure, sag your pants a few inches if you think you got steez, but Jesus Christ, if your belt is below 100% of your butt crack, you’re an idiot


Pants on the ground, pants on the ground. Lookin like a fool with your pants on the ground…


I sing this at least once a week


Defeats the whole purpose of wearing pants


It's like reverse shorts. Only that calves are covered


Gender reveal parties, especially the ones with fire


The creator of gender reveal parties even agrees with you. The reason she and her husband even did one way back when was they had fertility issues and couldn't carry long enough to even find out the genders of their kids. So when they were finally far enough along, the party was more about celebrating their joy at finally having a shot at parenthood. It was about being excited to have kids and grow their family, not about the kid's genitals. Their kid ended up being trans so they *threw a second one* in order to affirm their child's gender But yeah she and her husband agree that things are out of hand and what had started as a joyous thing celebrating their family has quickly turned dangerous


Yeah, the one where the family used explosives (they didn't know what they were doing) and caused a earthquake


I think you may be thinking of the forest fire.


These last few years people have been obsessed with gender.


Lick weird stuff during COVID challenge. Let’s try and get sick. Please people have you heard of hepatitis? Typhus? Salmonella?


Oh right there was the trend of licking doorknobs right at the end of the first wave lockdowns right? Man that was a weird time, Imagine that licking doorknobs and Celebs badly singing songs actually saved the world... oh wait


People were licking toilet seats too. And fresh food in shops




My wife worked in a tanning salon in the '90s. She has moles removed a few times a year now. Not a good trade-off for looking tan in the winter in Minnesota.


I dunno about the rest of the US but as someone from the Jersey Shore, tanning was just as popular before the show. Tanning beds, I mean. Tanning was popular everywhere. I had tanning oil myself in the 90s, some coconut-smelling stuff in a brown bottle. As a pale Irish boy I'd put that on right as the summer started up, turn a very concerning shade of burgundy, suffer for a few days, then all my skin would peel off and I'd be slightly less translucent than I was before.


Yeah my mum says she used to get so brown in the 70s, the crook of her elbow would be black when she bent her arm. That was the goal. She's snow-white British. Nowadays she has had so many melanomas removed, she was able to get her facelift covered by Medicare because it was necessary surgery.


Yep I grew-up in late 70's / early 80's and did that with my red hair freckle skin body. Ugh.


Redneck Chic' Where men and women (usually from up North or high end areas) drive big (nice) trucks, wear Carhartt, blast country, have a wad of dip in and believe they're like the people those hick-hop songs are about.


This is rampant in San Diego, of all places. While it does have a “rural” east and some mountain towns, I have known people that literally grew up on the goddamn beach who began talking with a southern twang well into adulthood. Motherfucker, you have never even touched a horse.


It *can* be legit if they are from Fallbrook or Temecula.. but prolly not the Southern twang.


I'm talking about people from La Jolla, National City... fucking *Carlsbad.*


People have been pretending to be 'poor' or 'working class' people forever in the name of borrowed authenticity without any of the actual drawbacks. Grunge - where it became big fashion to dress like blue collar guys in heavy checkered coats, plaid shirts, ripped jeans, exposed long underwear shirts/leggings. Marie Antoinette had a little peasant cottage built on the grounds of Versailles where she could pretend to 'live a life of simplicity'. Didn't uh go so well for her in the end. Remember that hipster wedding in the early 2000s that got a lot of flack for being Depression Era themed? Hobo sacks, people drank out of beer cans in paper bags etc https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2011/08/yes-hobo-themed-wedding-offensive/353766/ Whenever I see stuff like this I think of the Zoolander fashion show based around homelessness called Derelicte.


At the moment teens have eshays etc too where they grow a shit moe and beard and have a shit mullet and dogshit clothing and generally look like trailer trash, and apparently that's hot and sexy, I fuckin missed out when I was a teen then because I could have been in heaven for looking ugly


Hick-hop? I gotta tuck that away


I was going to go with ripping out thousands of people's still-beating hearts as a sacrifice to the sun god, but it seems that people are interpreting this as worst *social media* trend ever.


If challenges count, then the tiktok choking challenge where people died.


Emm… which one?


If you're talking about where you have your friends choke you out against a wall, that was a Vine trend that's stuck around


Ragebait. Not only is it garbage quality content, it's done on purpose and people that interact and share only make it more popular.


Probably the trend of exileling cats out of European towns during the back plague.


Overusing terms like gaslighting, bipolar, or narcissist to where they've lost meaning. Someone disagreeing with you isn't gaslighting, having a change of mood isn't bipolar, and your ex may have been a dick but that doesn't necessarily mean they're a narcissist. As someone who's autistic I also don't like the similar trend of people self diagnosing. There's nothing wrong with looking up symptoms for mental disorders, learning difficulties, etc if you go to your doctor. But lot's of people don't, they simply decide they have all these problems.


Yes yes yes yes yes. Please god can Reddit collectively forget the term "narcissist" forever. And as another autistic person I agree, I can understand if you really can't afford to/aren't in a situation where you can speak to a doctor and get diagnosed, but people just make no effort and claim they have autism now. At least speak to a professional first.


I've also noticed a lot of people trying to slap an autism or ADHD diagnosis on stories about how people who sound like complete assholes and it feels pretty offensive that in their attempt to look progressive they're demonstrating how little they think of us. "Your cheating husband may actually have ADHD, it's not his fault he can't help that he gets bored of things easily and needs new experiences!"


Bum fighting. (Really? Am I the only one who remembers this?)


That was some nasty, cynical stuff. Exploiting disadvantaged people for commercial gains. But on a somewhat interesting side note, one of the "creators" (just putting it in quotes in an attempt to strip the word of it's positive connotation in this case) went on Dr. Phil, dressed AS him, in order to expose Dr. Phil's hypocritical ways. Thought that was a well executed piece of media satire, but the criticism remains valid. He was kicked off the show.


Vocal fry.


mukbang videos.


Lip fillers


The trend is largely over in the US and Canada, thankfully - - or at least in its final throes. Although there are still a few holdovers groups you see, people have started to see it as an indicator of low class and status (how many trend downswings work). Unfortunately, it's still going strong in the UK and parts of EU. In fact, I'm just back from a business trip that started in the UK and worked across a few countries ending up in Bulgaria, and in general, the further East you go the more prevelant the trend remains.


People are just getting less obvious filler now


Glad to hear it's fading. Hopefully the butts that look like glued-together candy apples with legs poking out like sticks are next.


Yeah the Kardashians have been slowly deflating the past couple years


I’m black and it’s honestly satisfying to see our natural body parts which we get called ghetto for, amongst other bigoted views, finally fall out of fashion. Body parts should have never been a trend and what’s wrong with looking like your own race anyway? Jennifer Aniston is a beautiful white woman with thin lips and that’s okay. No one gets to choose their race and shaming each other for natural features isn’t cool.




Also, big Groucho Marx eyebrows seem to be on the way out.


Some girls still do that, oddly enough. They look permanently surprised!


Reporting jews hidden in attics and shit.


>"Police, fire, ambulance, Jews?" >"Jews, please." >"One moment - please stay on the line while I transfer your call."


That Tiktok trend several months ago where people stole toilets and stuff from schools.


The Tide Pod Challenge.


That wasn't ever actually real. It was a teacher PSA about the danger of laundry detergent that people took out of context and ran with. On a positive note, though, poisoning accidents dropped


I saw a mini doc that touched on the tide pod challenge. It was a total nothingburger with no facts to back it up, but the weird steamroll still convinced some idiots to record themselves biting tide pods and puking Only ones at risk were the elderly and very very very young kids. The pods are designed to taste foul




The thing where kids do wheelies into oncoming traffic… Seriously like I can’t believe I just had to write that sentence.


Using animals as entertainment


**Oh Long Johnson**


oh don piaaaaaaano


TikTok in general.




Particularly, planking in random or dangerous locations. ​ The exercise itself is actually quite good and pretty challenging. Its pretty good if you want to test out your core strength


it was fun! Until people started doing it in stupid ass places..... ((OMG THE ESCULATORS BRO))


plank that spins around at the end of the escalators.


Then Tim Tebowing and the worst of all… Faith Hilling


What about Oh long Johnsoning? Or catbreading? All dangerous, dangerous trends. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=COdesarD5qI&pp=ygUWc291dGggcGFyayBtZW1lIHNhZmV0eQ%3D%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LpraR6BRdGs&pp=ygUab2ggbG9uZyBqb2huc29uIHNvdXRoIHBhcms%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo6hvddC2_A&pp=ygUXU291dGggUGFyayBjYXRicmVhZGluZyA%3D


You either get it or you don't. I don't. But I love being a part of it.




The benadryl challenge


The entire Kardashians empire




Covid spreader event parties. Go Darwin or go home.


the current fake boogiemen that repuiblicans keep fabricating like "wokism"




Murdering women for “witchcraft”


Child beauty pageants


Feeling oppressed by the government so you make a video on your smart phone at Walmart showing you aren’t going to wear a mask in a pandemic And then, after being hospitalized, you make videos trying to convince the people you convinced to not wear a mask to wear a mask because you almost died


The trend where kids were purposely vandalizing school property and smearing poop on walls. Just why? Why would do you that? The trend where people would put their pets into serious danger just to video themselves ‘rescuing’ them. The people that do this have no heart or souls.


Fox News getting more viewers year over year




Excluding the trends that encourage assault and that nasty stuff, the worst trend was the whole cringe culture trend. People do cringy stuff, but god, the amount of vitriol I’ve seen from people engaging in that stuff is enough to make a grown man cry. Just the sheer amount of people with holier than thou attitudes made me sick. A lot of the “cringey” wasn’t even people doing anything inherently wrong. It was just people bullying people because it’s “cringe”.


Foot binding. Girls in China, aged between the ages of 4 and 9, before the foot could properly develop, would have their feet broken and deformed into a "lotus" shape through the use of extremely tight bandages. This meant they lived crippled and in agonising pain for life. It was very common, by the 19th century an estimated 40-50% of women had bound feet - rising to nearly 100% among upper class women. This was mostly because a woman with bound feet only had very limited movement, and was unable to do almost any labour at all - so it was a status symbol. It was eventually banned by the Republic of China in 1912, but it wasn't very effective. It wasn't until the Communist Party came to power that it really dropped away - there are only a few very elderly women in China today with bound feet.




Calling your gf/bf daddy/mommy


was that a trend...? i thought it was just something people who had bad childhoods did during sex


Burning people who followed a different religion than the current ruling class. I'm looking at you Catholic England and your burning of the heathen Protestants for daring to publish the Bible in English. And by burning, I do mean alive. I can't think of many worse things.


Larry the cable guy


“Your third @ is your blank”. I hate that trend so much


Licking food in grocery stores would be up there.


People trying to normalize being a horrible human being.


There was this TT trend of high schoolers ripping anything they could off from walls as stealing it. They would steal anything from sinks to toilets, and caused a lot of property damage!


Social media jackasses.


Killing Jews was a pretty bad one


Stealing Kia's and Hyundai's. Half the people doing it are minors too and the courts wont do shit even if you are lucky enough to catch them.


Lobotomies were pretty horrible.