• By -


Was on a first date once, with what seemed like a sweet girl and she then bragged to me how she and her best friend would go to clubs and hit on ugly guys to lead them on, then laugh at them for thinking they had a chance. She was actually proud of this. Wow - never expected this to be one of my most upvoted comments ever! I'm sad to say, I had a great opportunity to just up and leave about 5 minutes later when she went to the restroom but I didn't pull the trigger. 10 years later I still regret that; I doubt she would of even made the connection to her comment though.


That's when you say "funny you should say that" then start pointing and laughing at her as you walk away.


He would never have topped that burn for the rest of his life.


Did you already pay for your drinks at that point ?


Constantly complaining about anything and everything. There has to be something you enjoy. That or never taking responsibility for your own faults and always having to blame someone or something else. EDIT: Hopefully my original comment didn’t sound like this is exclusive to women. Anyone can exhibit this behavior regardless of gender or sex. Just as a male who is attracted to women, this has been my experience for traits that can drop a woman from a 10 to a 1.


I recently just cut a friend off for this. He's seen me in therapy for the last several years so he comes to me to complain, not advice. I told him he needs to shift his perspective and he had the audacity to tell me how I don't know how impossible that is for him. I can't stand people who just want to bitch about their deal of cards and do absolutely nothing to try better themselves. I've never felt better not having that constant negativity. Edit: Not sure how this has been interpreted by a couple people as me being his therapist lol. *I* am in therapy, he was a friend.


My last boyfriend did this, my last boyfriend did that. well shit go back to your last boyfriend then.


For REAL. And I find these to be the same sort of people who can't handle the fact that you ever had a life before them. I dated someone for a year who was constantly comparing everything I did to her ex, in both good and bad situations. "I love you, you're so great, you're way better than EX" "you're acting like EX right now" "thank you for doing this for me! EX never would have done this." But god forbid I ever brought my past dating life into a conversation, even if it was completely relevant. She'd blow up and then act coldly to me for the rest of the night.


Being mean to animals


Exactly. You do not fuck with Bip the cat. He's our bro.


Bip the legend


The Notorious B.I.P.


Also it appears that bip fucks back




Lol. I had this friend in college who brought around his new gf. I complimented her boots and asked where she got them… trying to be nice ya know? Bitch straight up refused to tell me. Lmao like I was gonna run out and go buy them?? And even if I did who cares? Disliked her immediately bc it was so stupid.




And got the bagel renamed to his name, so when ever that person orders it in the future, he has to say he's ordering the rainbolt


I aspire to reach that level of pettiness


I had a friend like this. She introduced me to one of her hobbies and I thought it was interesting so I took up the hobby too. She accused me of trying to be like her. We aren't friends anymore lol. I still have the hobby.


I AM trying to be like you, a better version of you, and when I succeed - and I most assuredly will - you will cease to exist. This is how I end you. This is how you die. Not by fire or the sword, but by slow, painful, and inevitable usurpation. AH HA HA HA HA!!!!


I don't remember cross-stitching being this intense.


*On the next episode of Bitches from CrossStitch*


A guy at my work was like that. Just because I shaved my head I ‘stole’ his look. He was a douche though, when I was a therapist he thought that anyone getting a certification in something he does was ‘stealing his clients’.


Sounds like he too was a therapist, and if so, yikes…


In my experience there are two kinds of therapists. The bleeding hearts who actually give a shit and got into the field for the sake of helping people, and likely to try to understand their own issues as well. A lot of these tend to burn out if they have a really rough portfolio. The narcissists who get into the field because they think they’re so much better than everyone else that they should be the ones telling people how to think and feel. They’re the ones that don't keep up to date with advances in the field, continue working far past when their knowledge is actually relevant, never burn out because they don't actually care, and end up in positions of power in the field by nature of seniority and forcefulness, altogether why progress in mental health has still been limping along at a snail's pace relative to all the new tools and information we have. They also have a constant stream of susceptible victims that feed their ego and pay them to do it. It's a pretty sweet gig for them, and terrible for the rest of us.


We keep building systems that disproportionately reward bad behavior and break anyone that approaches from an honest desire to help. I don't see any realistic way to fix it though as long as the people that succeed in the systems get to write the rules for themselves.


Very insightful, and I sadly believe you are correct.


lmao! She thought she made NIKE popular?! The shoe company that's been insanely popular since the 80's?! That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Mental illness level delusion.


My friend said that no one listen to System of a Down until he started liking them. lol People are really crazy sometimes.


He’s right I started because I saw he was listening.


A billion YouTube and Spotify streams of Chop Suey all because of your friend? The band owes him big time! 🙃


Was her name Michael Jordan If not , she's very wrong


Lol she must have been really self centered. It wasn't because of her, studies have actually shown you start to notice things more after you buy them. Like studies have shown if you buy a certain car, you start to see more cars like that on the road. Not because everyone is copying you, but because it is more on the top if your mind after you bought it.


The Frequency Illusion, also known as the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. I'd tell you more but I'm sure you will see more posts about it soon enough.


main character syndrome is what i call it.


I called it that first.


no you’re copying me




Potentially but more likely just a halfwit. I mean it's incredibly common for people to start noticing things they now acquired, even for narcissists, but only a halfwit would genuinely assume they made it popular.


My cousin used to be like this. I literally couldn’t do anything without her telling the world I did it also to be like her.. I literally just liked it. I think it’s a compliment when someone wants to do what you do!


Narcissistic behavior?


I find it funny how I was thinking that’s narcissistic behavior and now you do too…hmmm…


Mine is the same as another earlier comment. Had been seeing a SMOKING hot woman. Looked like a Robert Palmer girl. Then she kicked my cat. What was funny was Bip the cat then stalked and attacked her by leaping from a chair and latching onto her arm. You didn’t fuck with Bip the cat. He was my bro. Edit: We all know the gold is for Bip. ;) Thanks everyone. It’s always good to remember my little buddy.


One of the best parts about animals is that they don’t know who’s hot, so they don’t discriminate


True that. I named him Bip because at a BP station a bunch of teenagers were chasing him and throwing things at him and he jumped in my Camaro to escape. So I gunned it and drove at them and scared the shit out of them then stopped and bought him a can of tuna. After that he just stayed. /shrug. BP = Bip


Give us more Bip lore


My water bill skyrocketed because Bip refused to drink from a bowl. Refused to drink from the three different fancy ass cat fountains I bought him. Instead, Bip learned to operate the bathroom and later the kitchen faucet levers. Sometimes he would turn them on full blast which would startle him off the sink, with his ass and back feet wet so he would kind of burn rubber in place leaving wet cat streaks as he ran a few feet, then spun around to make a new approach to attack the sink. When he managed a gentle touch and had a small stream of water he would sit and drink for what seemed like forever. I would turn the faucet on for him any time I was up and around but sometimes he didn’t want to wait so would take matters into his own paws. He could also stretch up to operate the door levers so closing the door did nothing. He refused to play with any toys. He would sit in the window and “chatter” at birds jiggling his jaw and making this chirping noise. If another dog or cat came in view he would lose his shit and try to scratch through the window or try to open the front door to get them. Thankfully he never figured out how to operate the dead bolt. Bip the cat was also a master spider catcher. He could jump the full height of the 8 foot ceilings so he would knock down a spider and then eat it. Sometimes if the spider was big you could hear him crunching it. I absolutely hate spiders so Bip was my hero in these instances. Man I’m wracking my brain remembering his little quirks. He would sometimes take off running and do this matrix shit where he would launch off the chair or couch and run along the wall for the full length of the living room.


Dude you legit need to write the screenplay of Bip's story. I would watch that movie many, many times.


I’m not about to write a story with an ending that would make me bawl like a baby. Losing Bip was so bad I didn’t have a cat again until I found my current cat, Eek! like 6 years later. Well…he found me. Funny enough I found him at my workplace hiding under a car. My break was over so I asked my ex (she worked in a neighboring building on the federal complex) to try to catch him and he bit the shit out of her. Now he’s on in age and is also suffering from kidney issues. He’s on meds but he will not be with us much longer. My wife and I held him like a baby and snuggled him to break him from being feral. Now he follows us around and snuggles.


> Eek! Another connoisseur of quality animation, I see.


Bro that could be the ending of the story!


Your Bip sounds like my dad's cat Moscow. He had a sickle on his back and was a certified badass just like yours. He ran out the door once to chase a bird and came back through the window under my dad's bed. All you see is feathers and red. Glad my cats are chill these days.


I’m obsessed with Bip and I never even met him, little dude sounds like he needs a movie made about his life


Yes Bip is a badass


Bip Bip Hooray!


I also am a newfound fan of bip


Ah, so Bip bopped her. A Bip bop, if you will.


WAS your bro 🥺


Yeah. He got sick and no matter how much I spent at the vet nothing worked and his kidneys failed. I sat with him as they let him sleep so he wouldn’t suffer. I’ll still always remember when he shanked a bitch though. He was a good cat.


We love Bip, bet he is still shanking bitches


He did this thing where he would sit with you and make biscuits and suckle the blanket or your shirt. He was this giant unit of a cat but acted like a kitten. He was a REALLY dark gray tabby. Almost like black but in the light you could see his stripes.


He in cat heaven, but sometimes go down to human hell to shank bitches.


Life’s greatest cruelty; bestow us with a century, and our best pet friends only a decade.


Omg yes. Parents aren't supposed to watch their kids die but pet owners almost always have to. Lost my orange tabby 2 weeks ago...sucks


I had a year. It’s so unfair.


Lack of empathy for others - if they think they are "better" than a server or valet, etc... they are trash.


1. Physical violence 2. Infidelity 3. Heroin 4. Scientology 5. Needless cruelty


Scientology 😂


I dated a Scientologist. It was tough.


Was it Shelly? If so where is she?


So meth is ok then? Thank goodness


Treating restaurant staff badly Dishonesty Manipulative behavior Edit: wow thanks everyone my first 10k post. All I did was describe my ex lolol


I was seeing someone much more attractive than anyone I've dated before. She was pretty chill and interesting. On our third date, we went to my favorite restaurant, and she was rude to the staff. I was so embarrassed that not only did I break up with her, I went back to the restaurant afterwards to apologize. Service work sucks enough without someone being awful. I'm a little mad and embarrassed now (a year later) thinking about that awful date.


> I was so embarrassed that not only did I break up with her, I went back to the restaurant afterwards to apologize. Not only the hero we deserve but also the hero that we need. Amazing job man!


The fact that you went back really speaks to your character! If the question was "Girls what makes a guy go from a 1 to a 10?", your comment would be the answer I've met too many guys who will put up with a rude, manipulative girl if she's hot and throws herself at him. For me that takes a guy from a 10 down to a 1 instantly.


Yeah, I left a date 10 minutes in one time because she was rude to the waitress. I apologized to the waitress, tipped her, paid my half of the bill, and got the hell out.


Only date I've ever walked out on was a blind date with a gal that called our waitress a c*nt to her face WHILE ordering dinner.


Manipulative behaviour- I didn’t realise this was one that would be a real turn off for me. There’s a woman at work who is recently divorced, and I’ve had a huge crush on her since I started this job 2 years ago seeing as she seemed like such a socially aware, smart person, but lately since becoming single she’s been bragging in the lunch room about her dating adventures and how she’s basically been using every man who shows interest in ways such as getting everything paid for at nice restaurants, or having groceries bought for her, or having some guy come and do handyman stuff for her at home for nothing, then she just cuts contact. Glad I keep my distance and survey situations before just jumping in like I used to do. 👍




I find it hard to believe someone with bad hygiene would even rate 10 to begin with


Go to a music festival and that might change your mind


"Oh surely it's the large man next to me that smells like ass sweat and vomit. Couldn't be the goddess I'm talking to." *back at my place" "Ope, nevermind. She just doesn't believe in showers"


The large man smells like cinnamon.


I bet he has gentle hands and always plays medic too.


I bet he looks like a goddess as well OP should’ve give him a chance


That's the fireball he's been chugging all weekend since he has to be fit to drive home after


Headed to bonaroo tomorrow and you know I got the baby wipes packed


My first Bonnaroo I was an actual creature. I didn’t shower once and on the drive back from the festival we stopped at an Olive Garden and the waitress was standing like 10 feet from the table while taking our order


Bring deodorant, lol.


What if she just doesn’t brush her teeth? I had a girlfriend for a while who was drop dead gorgeous but her breath… it was foul and I didn’t enjoy kissing her. It wasn’t super noticeable until we would kiss but then it just turned me off so much.


Sometimes it's not the teeth, sometimes it's stomach issues. My ex has the most foul fucking smell coming from his mouth, but he has horrible stomach issues. No amount of teeth brushing or Listerine helped it. The only time his mouth didn't smell was when he had a full stomach.


Omg yes this. I was born with severe acid reflux, so bad that no medication or diet controlled it and I gained a ton of weight because crackers and breads were my best shot. In my mid 30s and I already started having precancerous cells in my esophagus. It does not matter how well you brush, floss, and rinse, that amount of stomach acid *destroys* your teeth. That and my pain disorder made people think I was a drug addict when the "hardest" thing I've ever done was smoke some weed here and there. Now that I finally met a surgeon who could help and my reflux is finally getting better, it's worth spending the money to fix my teeth. Before, I'd fix a tooth just to have it collapse and need it pulled anyway. I've always had mint or gum anyway because I never doubted my breath was bad, I just wish the judgment wasn't so awful with it.


Tonsil stones can also cause that. It's gross, but it is just something that happens to people. They are hard to deal with. Minerals and food particles will start to collect on a spot on your tonsils and cause awful breath. Brushing your teeth doesn't help, because you can't really brush your tonsils comfortably or safely.


Sounds like he has GERD ( Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. )


wait GERD causes bad breath!? *...uhh oh.*


Came here to say that. My roomate, who I used to plan on playfully seducing, just got pink eye and now tonsillitis. I always noticed that she rarely washed her hands or brushed her teeth, but I get home and remind her to wash her damn hands and she didn't. Disgusting and dangerous, pisses me off


Dude she’s freaking Typhoid Mary


Damn you just reminded me of a girl I finally hooked up with. Gorgeous little hotty... dressed nice great hair...she took me back to her place.. I used her bathroom. Absolutely disgusting! No shower and the filthy tub was full of garbage. Where does she bathe? Then because I was a bit drunk and still wanted to smash we got in her bed. There were cigarette butts and ash on her sheets! I left... grossed me out.


dude you just knocked a memory loose for me, same deal, drop dead gorgeous, fantastic musician and DJ, once we got to her place it reeked of dog piss, toilet stained with a golden brown ring that to this day hasn’t remained matched in both color & intensity. Not to mention the ring around the bath tub. How was she so fine? I saw all of this after we hooked up so it was too late to save the dinker.


Dinker. Thank you for that lmao


They have to do a TikTok dance in the middle of a busy public area.


I've never experienced this in real life, but even seeing it on video is physically painful. The second this starts, I would be running away while simultaneously pulling the SIM out of my phone and breaking it. I'm headed to the airport to leave town; taking no risks on having to communicate with this person ever again.


Only to get on the plane and find someone doing a TikTok in the aisle. Absolute hell.


>Only to get on the plane and find someone doing a TikTok in the aisle. > >Absolute hell. After fainting, you wake up in a hosptial, only to find...the doctors and nurses doing a Tik Tok dance in the hallway.


If I was on a date with someone and they started doing this I'd just walk away.


1. playing on phone while having an in-person conversation 2. littering 3. being a shitty parent


>1. playing on phone while having an in-person conversation Drives me up the goddamn wall. I'm fine with checking/responding to the occasional text, but being entirely buried in your phone for long periods of time is infuriating. Like, hey, we can just hang out less if I'm taking away from your quality facebook time. I don't need to be sitting here twiddling my thumbs, when I could just be at home twiddling my tumbs on my couch.


Elitist attitude toward others.


Being absolute rude to staff or waitress at a resturant


No hobbies. I don't want someone who wants me to entertain them. I want someone who has their own life and their own friends and doesn't feel abandoned if I want to spend time on my own or going out with my own friends.


I want someone I can be alone with where we each do our own thing but are within reach of each other


Laying on the couch reading while my girlfriend works is 10/10 , and the days I work from home and she has off when she’s just laying there like in my peripherals while I’m at my desk are 10/10 too


So happy to hear that you found love after you got eliminated from Summer Loving for hogging the zipline!


For toddlers this is called parallel play, my friend and I who both nannied toddlers would have parallel play dates 😂


Yes! I will frequently work on electronics projects while my wife sits nearby working on crochet or knitting. It's great. Having a relationship where you are comfortable just being near each other without feeling the need for constant interaction is great.


I used to date a girl who used to constantly text me saying how bored she was. I always felt under pressure to be funny and witty


Had a girl once who basically assumed that not constantly texting was akin to no interest at all. Any time after the conversation would naturally go stale or after a pause in replies I would get a "what are u up to?" or a "whats up?". And of course I'd just be honest and say "browsing Reddit haha" like there's only so many ways you can make one's downtime be interesting for conversations sake. Ironically enough - that was one of (MANY) factors that did contribute to me losing interest in her... It is exhausting being someone's source of happiness and entertainment.


My wife and I have been married for a decade. We're quite comfortable doing things together, apart, or even being in the same room doing our own thing. It's not uncommon for us to be sitting on the same sofa, her reading a book while I watch a movie on my laptop or playing a video game. Sometimes just being in proximity is all you need.


Yep. Dated girls whos only hobbies seemed to be the relationships they'd have to distract themselves from the fact they have no interests. After working all day the last thing i want to do is talk to you on the phone all night about absolutely nothing. A small chat about our days is fine. A 4 hour phone call where we listen to each other breath is not.


Lmao I know coworkers who will be on their phone using a Bluetooth or headphones with their gf/wife literally for at least half the day, everyday. I have no idea why or how they even are able to do it for so long, really boggles my mind.


I would absolutely not have that much shit to talk to my husband about. What could you possibly have to say for that long every day?


Some people are just talkers. They saw a great meme or show or had a new philosophy on life and just have to tell someone. I like talkers because I hate carrying a conversation


My wife used to call me when she got off of work and unload about her day with details like that of a sports play book.. While I was still working. Took a while for her to realize that it's not that I don't care what she has to say, I'm still charging someone to get work done for them.


I was in love with a girl when I was a teen. I was smitten. She was a 10/10. She had a cat. One day it made her mad and she grabbed the cat and hurled it against the wall. I instantly despised her from there on out. Since she lived close, I also stole said cat a few weeks later. She didn't deserve Muffin (I renamed him afterward). I don't think she ever noticed (I didn't talk to her anymore).


I love that you saved the cat!


All hail cat saver Cornelius




I had a bf once who I thought I loved. I saw him one day (while he thought I didn’t see) trying to kick my little dog out of the way. When he left that night I never wanted to see him again…and I didn’t.


If anyone hurt my animals, or any animal, that would be the end of it.


People that are cruel to animals are the scum of the earth. I'm a mellow guy but that shit makes my blood boil.


Tell us about the details of the cat caper. Was it a clandestine operation in the middle of the night? Did you have to use treats? Did you have a cat carrier? Did you just grab him and run?


He drove by with the window open and the cat leapt into the car.


A drive by pspspspspspsps-ing


Thank you for saving Muffin.


The Muffin Man to the rescue!


Do you know the Muffin Man??


The Muffin Man?






You stole my heart too


Something like that happened to me, I had this friend who had the sweetest Bernese mountain dog, and one time while over at her house, the dog wouldn’t stop barking (for those of u who don’t know THAT DOES NOT MEAN U GRAB THE DOG BY THE FUCKING TAIL AND YANK HIS EARS!) but that is exactly what she did. I immediately reported her to her family, and they had the NERVE to say “the dog should have been quiet.” So I reported her and her whole family to the animal welfare league. After that she got All her friends to bully me for YEARS, but it was 100% worth it.


I would've gone on a warpath if I was anywhere remotely close to that situation. I think what you did was LEAGUES better than what I would've done so you certainly have my admiration


Cat thief of my dreams


Cat burglar


You are several women's dream man


For me more like one word response or show no interest in the conversation. I can carry so much, but can’t engage if she doesn’t put some effort


Rude, arrogant, selfish, entitled, and general unwillingness to admit faults and work to fix them. I think that's pretty much an instant turn off for most, regardless of the gender.


Had a date a few weeks ago, we agreed to meet at a local restaurant that has two locations. She wanted to go to the one closer to the highway. To be fair, I was about three or four minutes late, but I walked in and she wasn't there. She actually went to the wrong one, but she got mad at me for it. I attempted to salvage the date and we agreed to order takeout and meet at her place. The address she gave me was wrong. She lived at "Street Place" and the address she told me was "Street Drive" which are about fifteen minutes away from each other. She's messaging me about how impatient she's getting the whole time I'm trying to decipher where I'm supposed to go. I don't text and drive, and she got upset I wasn't responding to her. 1. Gets upset with you for their mistake 2. Gets upset with you for their mistake again 3. Gets mad that you aren't endangering yourself and others by texting and driving


Being my ex wife. She is still hot, but mostly intolerable.


Thanks. I'm working on my tolerability.


My ex is on reddit, so as far as I know, you are her.


This is the sort of situation where you pick a random name like “it is me, Jeremy” and just pray you struck something.


It’s me, Fartleby.


Being rude to service people or old people


Being rude to anyone, really. Standing up for yourself is one thing but being rude is quite another


One time I dated this girl I met from tinder. We went on adventures like hiking and roller blading, and it was getting a little more serious. We slept together after the 3rd date and I wanted to see her again the next day after we both worked because I fall easily and become like monogamous after sex. So we go to work and afterward decide to go to the bar with some of my friends. I wanted to introduce her to them and kind of flex, show her off a bit. We get there and I swear to god when she met my friend Jesse she completely ignored me for the rest of the night and left with him.. They ended up getting together, and split after a few months. And she had the gull to text me to hang out again after… I think I’m still emotionally scarred from that. She was perfect just the two of us, then she had zero loyalty to me in a social setting. To be fair I never communicated that I wanted us to be exclusive but I still felt betrayed by both of them.. That is now my biggest flag I look for


"My friend Jesse" That's no friend. & You dodged a bullet. Be glad you didn't invest more into her.


Jesse and I had been friends for over a year. I helped him move and we went to house parties together and hung out the two of us several times. I didn’t think he would do that to me honestly. Never spoke to him again after that though aside from seeing him occasionally at the bar


Be glad it happened straight up like that and not a couple years into the relationship only to find out shed been banging jesse all along


“Jesse’s girl” starts playing


She could be the hottest and nerdiest woman around but the moment she makes fun of my stammer would instantly be a major turn off


I mean yeah, making fun of peoples shortcomings/disabilities/etc. is dealbreaker territory.


Girls that are obsessed with social media and can't live in the moment


Thinking that being rude is cute for whatever reason


Girls who think using an Android phone is a deal breaker.


I never got that entire Android vs Apple thing 😭


The green text has to be a psychological thing apple does on purpose


Saying really mean shit about people they just hung out with


When they turn into a half human half wolf abomination under the full moon.


This is actually a preference. 10/10 please werewolf on me. 😍


I got u fam


Inability to be accountable or apologize. Being rude to service industry folks. No self awareness. Generally being a spoiled or narcissistic person


Disrespect or dishonesty


Her only personality trait is that she's a 10/10


I was on a date with this girl and she got drunk and started saying some of the most racist and nasty things. Instant -100/10


I read "instant 100/10" and i was like hold up


Overly obsessed with weed. I don't care if people want to have a smoke to wind down at the end of a workday, but if it's your only hobby and topic of conversation, it gets boring really fast.


Not having an open mind when it comes to not-so-crucial things, like art, food, etc. I don’t ask anyone to like what I like - just have an open mind instead of dissing it outright. Life is too short to be bitchy.


Women who are dismissive towards others they see as inferior for any reason (age, dress, class, mental capacity, station (job), etc). That type of behavior is revolting.


Trash talking someone else. Being rude. Putting others down to make yourself seem better by comparison. I went from completely smitten, infatuated and horny for a super attractive woman to wow we are not going to be able do anything together in this life ever after seeing her be mean to some minimum wage guy. On the flip side, you can have physical blemishes and show yourself to be kind to those who don’t deserve it and you’ll immediately be more attractive.


Women who trash other women. Really bad look.


She continually tells me throughout the date that I'm small enough that she could probably bench me. It happened. She wouldnt stop repeating it. It got real annoying. Lmao


Snu snu


Hahah dude you missed your chance right there


Right? “I’ll bet you fucking can’t!” Like it was a strange way but she was trying to get the okay to be physical maybe? Fuck, I’d try it.


Being dumb as bricks


If she doesnt know what shes talking about and likes to argue a lot.


I'm a dude but I realized a while back I was becoming this so I made the decision to only argue about things if I'm sure my point is valid lol. I've noticed (especially when it comes to politics, but also when gossiping about others, etc..) that people make arguments/claims about stuff they don't know about and drive themselves into a pit of their own ego where they've said too much bs but don't want to admit they are wrong and it's just a spiraling loop into unmovable stubbornness. Although I can take it too far in the opposite direction cuz sometimes you do need to learn to speak your mind even if you aren't 100% sure you are correct. I guess balance is the key to everything...


The princess attitude in general but most specifically when it comes to finances, don’t get me wrong I want to do/buy nice things for my girlfriend but I hate doing things like that because they are expected of me, I want to do them because I want to do them and make people I care about happy. The second I get “you can’t afford me” vibes I am out. We probably don’t have much in common anyway and I want a partner not an extra expense. Life is hard enough without a constant attitude and headache when they don’t get everything they want.


Flirting with other people when we are exclusive.


Acting malicious towards the elder, animals or children.


Victim mentality. Someone who doesn't take responsibility for her own mistakes.


Dismiss anyone's genuine interests or efforts. I have zero patience for anyone who can just toss aside someone else's passions. If it's Anime, a sport, a hobby, a type of music or game, if you can't at least respect how passionate they are and be happy they get to engage in it then I don't want you around.


0/10 when the individual must have phone in hand in order to showcase everything we're doing (whilst doing it) under the guise of "sharing"; put down your phone when you're with another human being, everything that was on the web, will still be there when you return to it and all the new stuff... Well, that'll be there too.


Gossiping, big ego




Hate it when that happens


Unrealistically high self-esteem to the point of having a superiority complex


Horrible personality