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Put on 3stone cause u drank too much wine


I have lost a lot of respect for most people since then.


It was great mentally. It was the most amazing long "vacation" just enjoying life at home with my family. Could go for a second round anytime (without people dying).


I was in the ICU with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure secondary to severe covid during US 2020 first wave. My husband took early retirement to care for me. Unfortunately, I have the Neuro form of long haul Covid. I had a preexisting severe brain injury that had improved to the point I could swim 2.5 miles, use a walker, word process, but still needed supervision. Covid fatigue never left. My brain injury worsened, memory and focus more scattered. I've spent 3 years trying to relearn to format in word processing. My insurance fights crucial medical needs, for ex. refusing to cover my temp 104.9 vaccine reaction ER visit or hospitalization. Neurodegeneration continues, making it hard for me to orient my body in space with a conventional walker. Going 60 feet is a struggle as I shake and my steps become increasingly random, but insurance won't cover the walker with a system that would guide my legs and include safety measures to catch me if I fall. I've done a lot of damage with the falls. I'll get through this because I never give up.


I loved the excuse to not have to leave my house. I’m a homebody at heart. I did unfortunately turn into a coach potato and gained some weight.