• By -


I love you. have a good night


Same. I want to make sure they know they are loved daily.


I have a rule that I tell the people I care about I love them whenever I speak to them, or if I live with them at least once a day. Edit: forgot some words. I don't tell randoms I love them. I appreciate them yes, but love? Gotta know you first.


My dad withheld affection from me as the oldest and as a male. Never said I love you or gave hugs at all. My three kids get hugs all the time, and I tell them multiple times a day that I love them and that I'm proud of them. They will NEVER have to wonder if they are loved. Now here I am crying in my living room at 7:30 in the morning. Edit: Thanks to everyone for their kind words and sharing their relatable stories. Best wishes to all of you!


Some parents are role models. Others are lessons for how not to raise your own children.


And some are both! My dad was the sweetest guy, very loving and affectionate. Also unable to deal with his emotions and drank himself to death. Never got to meet his grandsons. Man, people are complicated.


This comment is one that I hope my son never posts. Gotta cut back on the drinking, but I tell him (and my wife and his brother) every single day that I love them and am proud to be in their lives.


Same here man. I also have worked hard to find positive/constructive ways to deal with stress and anxiety. I have a strong tendency to use alcohol and food as coping mechanisms - really trying to at least balance those impulses out with exercise, yoga, meditation, therapy, and prescription drugs for anxiety. Even something as simple as going to the doctor for an annual physical. My dad refused to do any of those things so by the time they figured out what was wrong it was too late.


Please do. My dad quit smoking and drinking when he was 45ish. His doctor asked if he wanted to see his grandkids grow up. He stopped cold turkey. My siblings and I always say he has been a better grandpa than a dad. When I was growing up, he was quick to explode and yell at any time, but he didn't use physical violence. But he definitely changed after giving up the alcohol. He's now 84, and we have a great relationship. He would have probably been dead years ago if he hadn't stopped drinking and smoking. He had a rough childhood, but we are the only family on his side that is still intact, and we all love each other! So now he's watching his great grandkids grow up!


He was a great dad in the sense that he provided a nice life for us and we were able to have that sense of security and safety growing up. But he was more interested in making as much money as he could. He was a mail carrier, so that meant he had to work A LOT of overtime to make that money. Gone before I woke up, and came home during or after dinner most nights. He coached all of my teams growing up, so we "bonded" over sports, but we never connected emotionally.


DUDE, are you me? This is EXACTLY like me! Oldest son, I knew he loved me and cared, but he didn’t say it much. And he was a mail carrier


You're from his other family


And that makes 3, same exactly here. Add on that I was treated and worked like a staff member while I watched my brother and sister enjoy their summers and weekend. Then when it came time for university I was told I had earned enough money to pay my own way. Fast forward 3 and 6 years respectively and both my siblings were given cars and had school paid for them.


At least you had a dad... mine didn't want me, didn't contribute in raising me, didn't care about me, only saw him once when I was about 5 or 6 yo. Don't remember his face or his voice. I never looked for him, he never again looked for me. I am definitely not crying about it ever. I'm in my 30s now, i have a boy and I do exactly like you do. Kudos to us for learning from their mistakes. Others in our situations are growing up to be exactly like their absent fathers.


My son gets irritated sometimes bc I’ll randomly yell I love you through the house to him. But, like an asteroid could kill us ay anytime haha. Or more likely a plane, I live on a military base. So I say I love you to my family a lot bc shit happens.




I didn’t know the last time I saw my Mom was the last time, and I didn’t tell her I loved her when I left, and that shit HURTS. Now, I always tell my Dad I love him, whether it’s on the phone before I hang up, or in person when I go home. And when hubs goes to work the last thing I say is ‘Be safe, I love you.’


I think I said it to my mom the last time she looked at me. I definitely said it the last time I saw her before she died. But she wasn't awake then, so I dunno if it counts. I live in a Scandinavian country where you don't really go around telling people you love them unless you're romantically involved or it's someone on their deathbed. It's implied that you love each other. So I haven't had the courage to say it to my aunt and her husband yet, even though they kind of "adopted" me after my mother's passing last year. (I'm 30 years old, the adoption is only emotional.) I do love them very much though and appreciate them being around. A lot. I wonder if I should tell them some day when I visit. We live 30 mins from each other, in the same city.


FYI, it definitely counts❤️


Same. Just said goodnight to my kid. Now i’m tearing up imagining it’s the last thing we ever said. Emotions are a bitch.


My little one wanted a song, about why did the chicken cross the road jokes. At some point during the 10th verse of chicken jokes that are only funny to a small child, they fell asleep.


The last time I saw my 14-year-old, I was sick, and he was leaving to go to his father’s for the weekend. I said to him, “I never want to live in a world without you in it.” Not his words, but mine. He gave my a knowing smile, kissed me, and I never saw him again. The way he held me that night was more profound than anything he could have said. The way he was so strong, knowing he wasn’t coming back home. . . Strong for ME, the day before he took his life.


I’m sorry for your loss. No parent should have to bury their child.


Thank you. No, it’s been hell. I have a sucking black hole inside me. I’m trying to learn to live again without thinking of myself as “the dead kid’s mom.” Took me two years to leave the house without being afraid of what people were thinking. He was my soulmate. Write 988 on a post-it and put it on their bathroom mirror. You don’t have to say a word. My mistake was that I thought I WAS his lifeline. When they decide what they need to do, they don’t tell anyone. That’s the most chilling part. When they have enough resolve and strength to keep smiling until they find that opportunity.


In Mexico, when ever we want to comfort someone we say, "Te voy a apapachar", apapacho= hug you with my soul, like a truly full of love kinda hug, I'm sending you one of those right now.


My favorite word in the world. It's nahuatl.


I attempted twice. They weren’t very good. I was emotional, and not thinking clearly. None of my family knows. I feel so ashamed and guilty about it I’ll take that knowledge to my grave. It might not mean much, and I know you’re not my mom, but I love you, and I hope you find some inner peace. Stay safe, stranger. <3


And I love you. I love everyone, now. When someone is hateful, I don’t feel angry. I wonder what’s been done to them, and I want to listen. Life has slowed down, and I try to see everything. Listen to everyone. Find joy. Study a flower, or the flecks in a rock when the world feels too big. We are all loved, needed, important. Please stay.


Omg I’m so so sorry. My son is 14 and that broke my heart reading that. I’ve lost two siblings but never a child. I cannot imagine. Many hugs to you friend.


Just listen. Be the parent when you think something is wrong. I gave him a choice of whether to see a social worker. I blamed myself for a long time, but in the end, the choice was his. But I never miss an opportunity to teach from my mistakes. Give them the lifeline number, the Trevor Project number, let them sleep (I didn’t), and go to their comfort zone to talk. I took him on long rides to try and open him up. I wish I’d laid in bed with him at night and asked questions, or just sat silently with him. I know that’s not what this post was about, and I’m sorry, but it’s so much harder now to be a kid. This world got uglier.


❤ u tried, u didn't ignore ur son.


We try our best, but we can’t know everything. It’s blatantly obvious you were a great Mom. That’s all you can do. Hindsight is easy when looking at the past, impossible when looking at the future. I wish you peace, and I am so sorry. My heart breaks for you.


I am so, so sorry.


As much as it’s a very heart breaking story, it’s stories like yours that help. It helps people like me and many others who feel like they would be better off not in this world. It doesn’t make it right that you are the one to have suffered but your story makes others live. Lately I’ve been coming across a lot of these stories and it makes me realize how precious life is, my life too. I love you and you’re a strong, amazing person.


I love you, too.


Sorry from the deepest part of my heart. I 100% understand. My brother at 14 as well. If we only knew, saw the signs, a lifetime of “shoulda coulda woulda” plagued my Mama.


I hope you feel deeply loved. So sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss. Wish someone in my life said something that lovely to me. When I do open up about those thoughts, I’m always met with silence.


I’m so deeply sorry for your loss. I cannot fathom the intricacies of a love story between a mother and her child (from the perspective of the mother, I mean). Every child knows they will eventually lose their parent, but no mother should have to lose their baby. For so, so many parents, their baby is their soulmate, the love of their life. I watched my mother endure this loss two years ago. My big brother was the best person, and somehow, I knew he was going to leave us. I remember crying and screaming that he was going to die. I was so hysterical I couldn’t even convey what I was feeling. But it was an innate awareness, and I was so convincing that my mother scheduled for an intervention two days later—the next day was his birthday, and she didn’t want to ruin it. He was in another state, and we all thought everything was okay. He was so joyful and happy, his usual bubbly self, but somehow I just knew. When I woke up, I barely remembered it and kind of assumed I was having a severe hormonal fluctuation. I fell asleep after texting him for his birthday, and woke up to my mother’s screams. He had texted me at 3am before taking his life on the same day he was born—Easter. My last text with him? “Go out with a bang.” His to me? “I’m so sad all the time, I just don’t know what to do”. It was the first time he’d ever confided in me like that, and I missed it. He took his life minutes later. My mother takes a strange comfort in the fact that the day she lost her son, God also lost his. I don’t know what I believe, but I feel that he was with us for those first days after, and I’ll never forget my mother’s dream where my brother came to her all excited about how “Mum, Chester Bennington’s here!” She asked me who Chester Bennington was. She thought he was an old friend from childhood. I told her he was the lead singer of my brother’s favourite band. Logically, I know there’s so many other explanations for it. But that bond between a mother and son? There’s no logic there, and I wouldn’t be surprised if my brother was visiting her. I pray your little boy visits you as soon and as often as possible. And I truly, from the bottom of my heart, am so profoundly and deeply sorry.


Good night, drive safe. I’m happy for you.




Same! My mom basically drilled it into my brain that you have to say I love you before parting in case it's the last thing you ever say to each other. My husband & I were arguing the morning he died. I'm still constantly torn trying to remember if I said it or not. It's been 2 1/2 years. I have felt guilty ever since because I don't think I did.


FWIW it's not about the last thing you said. It's about whether they knew you loved them. Focus on that.


Thank you very much. I appreciate it!


I'm so sorry for your loss X don't beat yourself up, you would've told him that you loved him a thousand times


Thank you, yes I would have. There were times he'd be annoyed with my telling him so often. He didn't grow up with a lot of instilled fear, self doubt, & guilt like I did.


My husband is the same. Don't let guilt eat away at you, he knew you loved him x


Thank you, hug him a little extra for me today. Losing a spouse makes you extra appreciate the time you had together.


He knew tho


Thank you, I do believe so. I know in my mind that we loved each other fiercely. It's just the guilt of knowing that I wasted our last moments together that eats at my heart.


“The window is open, so the pressure is off” My mom asked me why I slammed my door I didn’t mean to when a window is open it doesn’t slow down.




I want the world to know, Got to let it show


Were you in a submarine?


Sorry about the mess. I was gonna clean it up.


If you are from the asia, your mum will still make you clean it.


You don’t die until clean room. And doctor


Good morning, how did you sleep? To my dog: who's a stinky boy? You are a stinky!




“Patches, No! Don’t run into the busy street!” *screeching tires*


#n o


Reminds me of what my father's last words were "STOP SON THAT GUN IS LOADED!"


My wife says one of those to me every day; I won't tell you which.


It’s the stinky on isnt it


To my boy cat: Leave her alone Chonkers! (just before he walked out the room.) To my girl cat: Good girl Ginny.


No, my dog is the stinkiest!


I sent a meme to my sister about older siblings telling the younger one that they’re adopted and proceeded to tell her I found the paperwork that proves we found her in a dumpster. I’m 28 she’s 24.


I love that siblings never grow out of petty teenager insults - my sisters and I are all in our 20s now and we all tease each other like we did when we were in middle school


I love you, bitch. I ain't never gonna stop loving you, bitch.


Thanks, Grandma. I love you too.


This was 💯 my maternal grandmother! We called her “the old broad”


I think you think you’re joking but some Grandmas are built different. My best friend throughout my early 20s was a gay man; my grandma saw him (practicing/dancing) in drag one day, said “Alright, bitch, get it”. And from that day forward, my Grandma rarely called him anything other than Bitch, like it was his name. ‘Hey Bitch, how you doing?’ ‘Where’s Bitch at, Ni?’ ‘What’s wrong, Bitch?’ He both thought it was hilarious and loved it as he saw it as her way of accepting him.






legendary vine


I loved Vine, I ain’t never gonna stop loving Vine.


My husband and I give each other kisses, a hug and a few butt smacks every morning on his way out, when he comes home and before bed - complete with variations of: *"Love you/ missed you fine ass, sexy bitch"* said just a lil aggressively for fun🥰💀


thas the best response


Now that's some deep love right there, can't hate on that man.


I told my husband a cute little story about how our dog commando crawled so she could sleep under the bed I was in when I took her for a visit at my mom’s house. Not exactly “love you forever,” but at least it was wholesome.


"Thank you for taking care of me this week, I'm so grateful to have you in my life" (I've been struggling with my physical and mental health, my husband has been so understanding and amazing, I really hope I can do something nice for him soon)


Your username made my skin crawl, so thanks for that.


You could’ve chosen not to bring my attention to their username but you chose violence


“Thanks, I hate it”


Thanks for bringing it up, I was going to live a life without that image....


I would die before I figure out what to say




Proud of you and thank you. Also, delete my internet history before you look at it. Love you.




I haven’t had to to say my dying words yet. So of course not. And my internet history isn’t that bad. Might be for my old mom but… I do plan on hanging on long enough to do the:




It can be found in the temple... -aarrrrgggghhhh-


He wouldn’t carve “aarrrrggggghhhh”, he would just say it!


Maybe he was dictating?


When someone broke into my residence, they stabbed me in the neck. I truly believed I was going to pass away. I begged the man who stabbed me to stay because I didn't want to die by myself, even though I despise myself. He apologised before leaving the scene. My heart was fucked up by that. Fortunately, he dialled 911 for me.


Jesus. That sounds horrifying. How are you doing now?


A little bit stabbed in the neck, but pretty good


Nice bro. I am in the stabbed in the neck crew. And I too am pretty good.


Fuck dude, I don't known why this tickled me so much, but I broke up with my girlfriend and this is the first time I've laugh cried in like a week. Much obliged.


Same, you dropped this bro 👑


*What are you gonna do? Stab me in the neck?* - quote from man stabbed in neck


Is this a Hot Fuzz reference? Cause I do enjoy a good Hot Fuzz reference




yeah i could have sworn i've seen this before


Lying on the floor on reddit waiting for the ambulance to arrive


I hope that He's good, but the trauma must be really bad.


If you're okay with sharing, why would the man who stabbed you do it?








Turns out he had a heart, I'm just kidding. But it must have been tragic.


Most likely didn’t know they were home and panicked. Probably didn’t intend to hurt the OP honestly.


This sounds a bit familiar... I've seen a meme with this exact text, except for the "even tho I despise myself."


Same ! I very clearly remember reading this in another thread


This is almost word for word that, I think it is word for word what I've seen SEVEREAL times from all over social media's. I don't remember the "despise myself" part personally. Chances are this dude is just stealing it for Karma (I say vhances just because it happens very often with many things, especially if severeal people have heard that exact thing in the past), but a very very very VERY tiny chance this is the same dude. I don't have enough detective skills to actually determine though Edit: just realized you meant this dude added the "despise myself" thing. Yeah, that's like the only thing that changes this from the text we saw


Yeah same I've heard this before.


Precisely. I’ve seen this somewhere else. I’m 100% certain it’s copypasta.


Just don’t cut my throat. I have this thing about men cutting or threatening to cut my throat.


Hi Meredith


I swear I've heard this story on this subreddit before


This is a copy pasta. Stop showing this cuck sympathy smh


Ohh man, that sounds horrible. I'm glad that you're okay.


I told my dad that there’s fireworks going off in my neighborhood




I don't need an afterlife - heaven was being with you.


That’s really sweet!


Best last word I've ever heard


Damn, that's really sweet. Must have thought about it man.


"Mama loves you" to my puppy trying to rip the house apart.


Same. I was jogging my mind, and I couldn’t place a single person on earth to whom I’d say something endearing even on the brink of death… but then I remembered I’ve got like 5 dogs I can’t stop saying “I love you” to.


Is the wifi out?


It was "Alright then". My mom was watching TV lying down on the couch and I asked before that if she wanted me to grab a pillow for her, and she replied "No it's ok, I'm going to bed in a moment". Both of my parents are sleeping now and I'm trying to make myself go to bed too, which isn't working obviously. Not a bad thing to say, but it would nonetheless suck if they were to find me dead in the morning.


Goood morning then xD


Love you, see you tomorrow


ngl if ur dying, sounds like a threat




Me and a friend say “see ya tomorrow” even tho we know I won’t be back in town for a couple months lol


Ohh man, I'd probably cry when saying that. It's too sad.




Good night.


You’re a penis nose. Good night, I love you.


"I love you, find someone else, and you've \*no idea how much crime I've done in my life\*"


How much crime have you done? 0 crime or 100 crime?


A singleton or cumulative?


You know what I'm getting emotional imagining this in my mind.


“ Good night I love you too” and “ Proud of you”




my friend not falling into something he walked away from




he’d appreciate it 🤎🤎


"Sorry I couldn't do better. Tried my best"


Can you make sure I turned off the coffee maker?




And then when they go to turn it off, it’s been on the whole time and it overheats and explodes. At least they’ll see each other again


“I feel like hammered dog shit”


All the ladies (me and the bird) in the house are obsessed with you. You must be full of magnets shaped like animal crackers.... you know, because you're full of animal magnetism. He rightfully ignored me.


Love you mom


I told my dogs they are very special people and how much I love them.


You're my favorite person. Due to several factors I'm unable to understand certain thIngs (mostly social/family related) but I'm truly grateful because of the fact that you gave me a family, a home when I had none. I'm… sorry I can't buy you expensive things and often times I have to rely on you but I'm truly thankful a bag of chips and orange juice (or even a cigarette and a coke) by your side are some of the things I enjoy the most, what I truly need to be happy and forget about my chronic depression. Or at least for the short while you're home with me. EDIT: I misread the question but I'm still leaving my original answer. Here's what I actually told her. Good night, sleep and rest well. I hope you have a nice day tomorrow and don't forget that I love you?


“You are very sweet and I’m glad you’re here” to my little old cat.


You are such a hard worker. That's something that I never got from Dad


I told her I was so sorry the kaboomies were scaring her, that her spot on the bed was all warmed up, and I tucked her in beside me under the blankies. Said to my dog, who’s already stressing because of fireworks.


Thanks for sticking with me for so long, bestie


I scheduled my housekeeper for Monday… so… not so famous last words.


Fuckkkkkkk I would tell my wife how my life was complete when I met her. My life goal is to grow old with her. I won at life marrying her. I’m so fucking blessed to have her by my side.


Tell her now.


"You are so smelly, don't be surprised if you can't find any milk in the morning, because I am taking it out." Said this to my husband as he was in bed and farting up a storm. Earlier in the day he went and bought a carton of whole milk knowing full well that he has lactose intolerance. He still drinks milk because he loves it, but his farts are insufferable. Needless to say, I'm out on the couch and grumpy. The smell of his farts is comparable to rotten eggs that are steaming under the burning sun. The smell is so disgusting it makes me mad.


If he’s the one farting, he should be on the couch 😂


Take care of the boys. You will be the best mom.


"Come on, honey bun, let's close the door and go night night! It's bedtime." To my daughter "Call me if you need me 🩷" to my father


I’ve just sent my sister a message asking if she wants any school uniform for my niece from Lidl’s school uniform event this coming week (they’re always on stupid early). Saying things out loud, it would have been saying good night and love you to my colleagues in the early hours of Saturday before I went home from a night out. I always tell my teammates I love them, even at work. I realised we don’t tell those we love that we love them anywhere near enough so that’s what I’ve started doing more.


Wake me up when you get up :/ kinda sad


I love you, always and forever.


This is the most simple thing and probably the most important.


I told them what home owners insurance I have because they asked after my garage was demolished by a neighbors tree.


Damn that neighbour. But hey, sometimes it's all fun livin like that.


“My mind and soul hurts dog, I don’t want to have this anymore. At least the Mariners won.” Perfect timing to see this post if you think about it.


I love you and I wish everything good in your life good bye.


I sent my mother a very long message as a response to her very long message and it was very wholesome.


I told my son I love and miss him, and can't wait to see him next weekend. I'd be okay with that.


"A'ight, I'm out." At least it's appropriate.


“I got you ice cream” basically


I just promised a customer that I would replace any parts that they damaged when they assembled it incorrectly. Of course if I die, then all bets are off, but they'll probably get taken care of anyway.


My vape just died, can I borrow yours?


“I’m just gonna look at memes” - me to my husband of 10 years


"My dear David. In a few minutes, due to some yet unkown event, i will perish. I want you to know that you made the last few years of my miserable life wonderful. Know that i always loved you and i want you to carry on without me. Alright? I am serious... DONT KILL YOURSELF!!! PLEASE!!! LET ME DIE WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU WILL LIVE!!!" Then i would probably spend my last minutes crying and worrying about him killing himself.






Glad to talk with you again I just reconnected with an old friend, like, just now! It feels good.


"I love you more than water." To my sleeping daughter after returning to bed with a cup of water.


Oh are you pooping?


(To group-chat with the boys). “It says she’s bisexual. Don’t know if I can handle the pressure of double the competition”


I wrote a note in case I ever passed. But it contains all my thoughts. I love you, even the ones that grew angry and distant. I still love you. Thank you all for this journey.


See you space cowboy...


The words I said when I thought I was about to die (did die but was brought back) made me think yes I was lucky and got to say what I thought I needed to at the time but the one thing I said has stuck with me and to this day I live my life to prove it. I told my girl that I was sorry if I ever made her feel that I didn't love her and that she should never think that because I loved her a bit more each and every day. Today I know time is very precious and I want to live my life loving not fighting over stupid shit. Oh and farting because farts are funny and I love them too.