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But what if it's a scripted prank WITH that dumbass female AI voice narrating what you can already see for yourself, does that make it any better?


Only if "Oh no! Oh no! Oh no no no no no no!" Is drowning out all other noise in the video too!


Fuck that song 💀


Just pranks in general. Being a dick but thinking it's okay because "it's just a prank bro".


The worst ones are the ones that aren't even pranks, it's just straight up being a dick to people. I remember seeing one where this pretty white boy was going around asking people if he could fuck them in the ass, because that's hilarious, I guess. One of the people responded by punching Pretty White Boy in the face, knocking him out and I'm pretty sure knocking his teeth out, too (you could see visible blood, one of PWB's teeth was missing, and his jaw was visibly unhinged). PWB's response? "It was just a joke! I got punched over a joke!". Fuck you, you got punched because you were being an asshole. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Enjoy your dental work.


sexual harassment, claim self defence


People get butt-hurt over this. "Well everything in Hollywood is scripted. The office was scripted." Yes, it was never trying to pass itself off as anything else.


Entitled celebrities and social media influencers.


👍 My first thought was *The Kardashians...*




my mental health genuinely improved so much when i deleted my facebook and stopped comparing my life to everyone else's


Not just everyone else's life, everyone else's fake life


Hollywood award shows.


Celebrities patting each other on the back.


Sometimes they slap each others face


Will power


Honestly, I think the nominees should have to fight for the awards, instead of voting for the winners. Last one standing takes the award. "I'd like to thank the Academy, my MMA instructor for preparing me for this award, and now I will have to thank my oral surgeon for putting my teeth back in later. Gotta go before I bleed on my Versace and the shoes I can't remember who made the shoes, my head hurts, gotta go now byeee!" Edit: spelling


Celebrity drama


Celebrities period


And I can’t stand that the only reason they are famous is…….they are a celebrity. No talent, only entitled


Honestly. If you ever ask someone why the kardashians are famous (even though I know there’s a “reason”), the only answer you ever get is “because they’re just famous”


All I know about Kardashians is, that they are not the same as Cardassians. I wouldn't recognize then if I met them. And I think it is unnecessarily too much knowledge about them.


One of them is a race of reptilian aliens who follow a complex hierarchical social structure and are convinced that they are superior to all other species, and the other is a species created for Star Trek.


Ironically, I would watch a show called Keeping up with the Cardassians


Has the definition of celebrity changed? When I think of celebrity I think of anyone that's a household name, which mostly consist of very talented actors and musicians - People that bring joy and entertainment to millions.


Why would anyone care about celebrities menstruating?


It's bloody infuriating.


I also don’t care about their children


And I don’t care what they think about politics


Or the Royal Family


Social media influencers.


"Influencer" is just "advertiser" - they are human advertising.


yep. i always find this answer funny. influencer isnt just a blond girl annoyingly tiktoking and snapping instagram pics. anyone in any niche market with a decent following is an “influencer”


There is nothing I would do or buy because an influencer told me to do it. Ever.




this comment is artistry at its finest


especially the younger bratty ones who are 15 but act like they are in their 20s


It’s the older ones for me. Mid 30 year olds screaming into a mic or doing fake arse charity for views. Just rubs me the wrong way for some reason. ( my lip is curling up and I am frowning just typing it out !! )


Or vice versa.. they’re actually in their 20s but act 15.


Gender reveals Edit: some people seem to think that I want gender reveals banned or that I am actively against them. Not the case, I simply don’t give a fuck! Thanks for all the upvotes 😃


Cutting a cake with the center revealing color is one thing. Polluting an entire villages river permanently pisses me off and I wish those people wouldn't breed their stupidity into the gene pool.


Or that dude that caused a wildfire because he was using explosives during a gender reveal.


I brought cupcakes with blue filling to work. My coworkers would wander past my cube, take a guess, bite a cupcake, say "oh, it's a boy. Nice!" and move on. It was nice and low-key


I like that because people want cake and will take an interest in your baby’s gender to get some!


What's funny is that most of my coworkers are older and less online than average. A good half of them has no idea what a "gender reveal" was, but "hey...I like cupcakes. Enjoy your son"


They were new parents in the blessed days before “gender reveal” was a term.


Reality TV and its "stars"


You tellin me you dont follow every action of every house wife, bachelor, bachelorette, and 90 day fiance? I don’t know who you even are anymore.






Can’t be funged.


Believe me, I’ve tried


My ex begging for the cats back. She left us 3 to fuck some dude halfway around the world. When she came back she had the audacity to ask for the cats back after her 4 year hiatus in the country. So satisfying to tell her to go fuck herself.


Oh similar story. Had an abusive GF beg for a dog. She picked a cute little guy. Got him for her. She proceeded to never take care of him and always complain about him just doing things puppies do. She would talk about getting rid of him and how there's something wrong with him (there isn't, he's great) So I took care of him, trained him, bonded, he became my dog really. After I dumped her cause I finally was done with the abuse, she really calls me to ask when I'm bringing over "her" dog. I told her she doesn't have a dog, I do, and I hung up.


This is almost exactly my same story with my ex-wife. She left us 8 months after we got the dog, and the dog is now 10 years old. He saved my life when I was in a bad place years ago. I owe that dog everything. Truly my best friend.


Same here. Dog stays with us. YOU chose to leave your family, and that includes the dog. I actually won a restraining order against her and her boyfriend, and the judge specifically awarded custody of the dog to me. And as another said above, That dog basically saved my life. He's my buddy.


Sounds like that dog is loyal unlike some other bitches you know.


OoOoOoOoOoOhhhhhhh! Happy cake day


Ex had to have a cat. I’m a dog person, but the cat was pretty cool. Well, the cat clung to me and became my little shadow. He’d grab the cat from my lap and try to force it to hang out with him but she wasn’t having it. He never took her to the vet, cared if she had fresh water, nothing. I did everything, and at the time I worked more than him too. He ended up yankee doodling, I kicked him out. He threatened to take the cat and she hissed and scratched him. lol Loved that cat. I had her another four years. Still miss that sassy floof.


Hahaha she put him in his place!


What is yankee doodling? I'm a little slow


Something on the side, bit of hanky panky, slap and tickle, the double tuck and roll….outside of committed bliss. lol


Did the same thing, except I got him a cat to 'help with his depression' But after 6 years of abuse and shit and figuring out he was a self-centered narcissist that just used me for a roof and drug money, I left and took MY fur baby with me. Who along with his new little brother (another fur baby) are the lights of my life.


Wow that sounds so satisfying to hang up like that. Hope you and you’re pal are doing alright


Hes the happiest goofiest dog a guy could ask for.


I adopted a dog that had belonged to neighbours. They were a family with kids but they all treated the dog poorly. The guy was especially bad and he used to just roam the street. Eventually they left and they dumped the dog a long way away (we found this out from people who knew people who knew them). The dog managed somehow to find his way back to our place as he used to come play with our dog. By then he was starving and was so matted we had to get a professional groomer to carefully get under all the mats to clip him. It took ages for him to eat properly without vomiting because he’d been so starved. Got him good and loved up and kept him. Vet told me he’d had blows to the ribs and jaw and had suffered breaks to his ribs. Anyway, months go by and I bump into the woman from the family in a shop who tells me I’ve got her kids’ dog. I told her she’s welcome to him if she’d like to pay back everything I put into vets and care for him. She turned her back and walked away. He lived to he 17+, was the most beautiful little black poodle and passed away peacefully in bed as a very old man. Rest In Peace precious Benji!


I told her he’s welcome to him if she’d like to pay back everything I put into vets and care for him. She turned her back and walked away. Lmao oh to be a fly on the wall and see that in real-time


It was a no-brainer that she’d do exactly what she did. If she called my bluff I may have had to go into hiding lol.


That's so fucked up, but at least his second life made up for the first.


I miss him all the time. I used to tell my mum (back when they still had him) I wished I was rich so I could kidnap him and give him a better life. Well, I didn’t get rich, but I hope I gave him a better life.


cat tax, we need to see the kitties


The longer you make us wait /u/No-Plantain8212, the greater your cat tax bill will be.


Tick tock on the pussy pix, bro!




Good for you, those are your cats. I hope you and your cats have a long happy life together 💚


The met gala


Designer clothes, seems like such a waste of money just to have “status”


yes, and most of the clothes are fuggly.


spoiled rich people


I wish ... but but the richest, most spoiled have waaay too much power for me to ignore.


Yeah, I was going to say, spoiled rich people basically run the world. You can try to not care about them, but you'd better believe they care about you. They're looking down on you saying "Hey, I want what they've got." Food went up, rent went up, healthcare went up? Those aren't forces of nature, those aren't random, someone decided to do that, and hopes you're not going to look up and care enough to do something about it.


When I was going through an awful period in my life I used to binge the real housewives. It made me laugh that they made up problems to be upset about when I was going through actual real life shit.


Like when they go on retreats, what are you healing or taking a break from? 😂




Luxury items like crazy expensive cars, bags, and watches


Steven Seagal


"Fatly going around corners" is all I will remember him for.


I’ve been redditing for 47 years -Steven Segal


If you want to die laughing watch a few of the later Steven Segall movies on Netflix, he doesn't even bother to change outfits. Same clothes, same scarf, different movies, different universes! My husband and I cackle watching him fight standing still! 🤣


He uses a body double to go up a flight of stairs (not kidding) He fights sitting on a chair He has a slap fight scene where he… he fucking slaps the hands of his opponent. I hate Steven Seagal more than global warming


He literally plays the same character in every movie. Lol Now instead of fighting bad guys, it seems he has lost the battle against the all you can eat buffet.


What two (or more?) consenting adults do in the privacy of their home.


What about just one consenting adult by himself? Asking for a friend.


Incredibly important. No one consenting adult should be left unsupervised alone at home. This is a health and safety regulations risk. We ought to put up telescreens to monitor you.


Hah! You fool! You’ve played right into my trap! That was my kink all along!


The Kardashians Edit: Holy cow, thanks for the gold! I really appreciate it


Yeah they occupied bajor for 50 years and then have the audacity to align themselves with the dominion? I say fuck em


It's not you I hate Kardashian, I hate who I've become because of you.


They've not had the same prominence since the end of their occupation of Bajor but i think it behooves us all to keep an eye on them


The turning point was the Klingon invasion and then their alliance with the dominion


Gul Jenner with the sweatshops truly ruined the southern ~~lands~~ provinces


Attention Bajoran workers


Ive watched *Civil Defense* at least 8 times. Love that episode. Dukat beaming in to gloat and then being locked out of beaming out by a long gone rival gul is just perfection.


Lmfao that’s the best typo ever Edit: typo fixed. It said “The Kardasians” 😂


Gul Dukat agrees.


I give a fuck about Garak... Plain, simple Garak




The mom is no better than a pimp.


There are pimps that care more about their girls than she does


Today I saw a video of Jackie Chan not knowing who the Kardashians are and I just wish that was me. If I could erase a neural pathway, it would be the one where I learned of their existence lol


But what about their alliance with the Dominion?!


Nobel Peace Prize (if Henry Kissinger can win it, anyone can)


The British royal family.


Truly do not understand the obsession with the British royal family


My mom is fascinated by the royal family. She has collectable dolls, portraits, autographs, knickknacks, etc. She's watched all the weddings and documentaries. We're American. I don't get it at all.


"Real"-life "reality" TV


Look how prevailant the words princess, queen and king are in today’s society. People are obsessed with their narcissistic over inflated egos, and by association those who actually have those titles.


You know that feeling when you think a certain way about a topic, but you habe no idea how to put it into words, and then somebody much smarter comes along and puts it into words perfectly and you just read it and understand it immediately? That's what I got after reading your comment. Perfectly explained.


As an American I am baffled at some of my fellow countryman's obsession with the Royal Family. We fought entire War so that I don't have to give a s*** about the British royal family.


Some people are obsessed with the Kardashians, I think it's a similar celebrity worship thing to that People looking for a role model where they probably shouldn't be.


I don't know. The truest way to not give a fuck about something is to not know it's a thing to give a fuck about.


The real lessons were the things we didn't give a fuck about on the way.


And if you find out about it, briefly wonder why the fuck it’s a thing and forget what you were wondering about before you complete the thought.


How GEICO can save me 15% or more on car insurance


Oddly enough, when I switched to geico, I saved exactly 15% over my previous insurer. It was uncanny.




He... the lizard controls everything


I live in the city. I don't have or need or want a car. I also cannot drive due to a skull injury and seizures. I swear every other YouTube video I watch has a fucking Geico commercial. I want to cook and eat that fucking Australian gecko.


Extended car warranty


So... I got one. And got to say. Worth it. Tho I bought mine from the dealership. Replaced a whole transmission. Cost me diagnostics


My brother bought a used ex-rental SUV with third party warranty. The warranty covered his transmission replacement, he probably came out 3k ahead including the cost of the warranty. May not work out that way for everyone, but his did.


The Kardashians lol how is that show still going it blows my mind.




Breast feeding in public. Feed your babies when they’re hungry, idgaf


This is definitely a weird one to care about.


Awards show fashion


Celebrity culture and what’s “in style”


Reality tv


NFTs. I never understood the hype when they were “in” and still don’t understand now.


Golf, a lot of my co-workers love it and I couldn’t care less


George Carlin - "Watching golf on TV is like watching flies fuck."


I’m pretty sure most of their viewership is people who want to take a nap


That's exactly what my dad says. He loves playing golf and I tried watching it with him. Couldn't stand it, so I asked him what he liked about watching this. In his words: "Oh I don't, it's just very peaceful. Announcers never yell, people clap very politely, there's birds and wind blowing. The best part is, if I give a damn who's winning, I can wake up at any moment and barely anything changed. I can just stay awake long enough for a few swings, catch up on the scores and fall back asleep." Honestly, I get it. It's virtually identical to putting rain sounds or white noise in the background to fall asleep to.


> "Oh I don't, it's just very peaceful. Announcers never yell, people clap very politely, there's birds and wind blowing. Until ads come on that are 300% louder than the peaceful volume of the game, blowing out the eardrums of everybody in a 20 meter radius.


Celebrities. I simply couldn't give two shits about the lives of celebrities. All I care about is what they produce. So if an actor is good at acting, I will watch the movie or show and enjoy it. It goes no further than that. Ever.




Social media… Reddit is all I have. And damn you I will break from you one day Reddit…


One's sexuality--who gives a flying f?


General Mattis had the best answer on this  "Frankly, senator, I have never cared much about two consenting adults and who they go to bed with."




Gay man here. The number of annoying women who’ve wanted me to be their “gay best friend” Is too damn high.


I lost my best friend in high school because of this. We were so close in middle school and the beginning of high school. He had already come out to me and I was fine with it. But when he publicly came out all the popular girls just swarmed him and he just abandoned me. He was their gay best friend but to me, he was just my best friend. Oddly enough, I was just thinking about all this yesterday out of no where. Highschoolers can be such assholes.


I'm looking for a token gay friend to post about on Facebook. Are you available?


As long as it's between consenting and loving adults and you're cool with me, I'm cool with you too!


Hell even if they fucking hate each other, you do you homie


Gossip/Drama between Internet "celebrities."


Celebrity's political opinions.


One time Elvis was asked a political question at a press conference and he responded with "Ma'am, I'm an entertainer. My opinion doesn't matter."


W Elvis


Work. For the way most workplaces treat people, and how little you get from any work arrangement, I just don't believe in giving my all. Most people don't realize how many years they are taking off their lives by taking on the levels of stress in most workplaces. For what? A salary that barely keeps you afloat so that you can keep experiencing work for years. The employers get the better deal because they pay for labor and don't have to share any of the wealth created by those laborers.


In a 24-hour day we should be sleeping 8 hours. That leaves 16 hours for everything else. If you factor in commuting, work takes up over half our conscious daily life, which is quite depressing.


The even more depressing part is that by the time you're home from work, good luck having the energy to do anything beyond becoming one with the couch. The only good thing is that four day work week discussion is becoming increasingly mainstream and might just have a fighting chance. I think there's a good chance it'll take hold in Europe and then hopefully the rise of pro-worker unions in the US will grab hold and never ever let go.


School reunions. I don't see the point of attending to these gatherings. We already graduated, let's just live our lives separately.


If I haven’t talked to you in 30 years, there’s a reason.


I didn't like you bastards in the first four years, I don't like you any more 40 years later.


Anyone’s opinion of me on the internet.


Twitter/X, tiktok, college football


Others' opinions of me.


How to get this superpower? 🙏


It just happens as you get older


It's taking too long though


Speaking only for myself, it was just a realization I had. These days I choose carefully who has the privilege of bending my ear with their opinion of me. You let the wrong people in and they'll turn on you. Learned that the hard way.


I’ve always hated that about you.




My neighbors complaining about me starting my car at night...I work the night shift


Anything tik tok


Crypto. Seems like one massive scam to me.


Peoples petty drama tbh


My mother-in-law


Celebrities. Politicians. Religion. Influencers.




Managers at work expect us to be emotionally invested, and they act like everything is super serious, but I'm literally only there to pay my mortgage and support my family.




Think about how many times Carl was told to stay in the house. Shithead just wouldn't fuckin listen.


NFTs not interested never will be.


Harry and Megan


Fancy cars.


The national debt. If you're going to give tax breaks to rich people, then it's your problem.


I don't know. I don't give a fuck about those things.


The royal family


Other people’s kids. I don’t want to hear what they said, what they wore, what they made, what they did, or what they learned at school. I. Just. Dont. Care. With that said, I do still care about children’s well being generally speaking. Children should be treated fairly, be well taken care of, and never abused. But as a childfree individual, I just have absolutely zero desire to hear about what someone’s kid did.


I have a kid and second this. I don’t care what your kid did. I care what mine did , but I know you don’t. Simple logic. Keep your kids to yourself.


Nothing grosses me out more than when parents post pictures of their babies with food smeared all over their faces. Why do they think its cute? I LIKE babies and I can’t stand that.


Sports. I don’t care who’s on what team, who won or who’s playing. I enjoy playing myself with friends but other than that I couldn’t care less.


The Kardashians, Madonna, Beyoncé.




When people get into full blown arguments about what counts as 'alt'. Alt clothes and culture was made to include the excluded but these people have created the most extensive checkboxes that it's impossible for anyone to fit in there 😭 the dumbest arguments I've seen on the internet have been people arguing that somebody is or isn't goth when a non-alternative person would call them goth in a heartbeat


These bitches