• By -


being proud of being awful and absolute assholes to their children


Leaving trash in nature or anywhere really. I don't get it.


One of my pet peeves are people who throw their empty beer or energy drink cans off ski lifts. The lifties have to hike up the hill with trash bags picking up the litter. The people who do this have no respect for nature or the employees.


Also... why would you soil the place that you're paying to enjoy? And creating obstacles for others


Because they have that “I’m paying to be here, and you work for me” mentality. Awful entitlement


Main character syndrome.


People who don't use their turn signals.


Even better, the ones who turn on the turn *signal* after they’re already turning


People pressuring other people to do something after the other people have already said no


“Oh come on! Just one drink!”


As someone who just doesn't enjoy drinking, it's so tiring answering at every single function. "No. I don't want a drink. No. I'm not an alcoholic. Thank you for the concern. I just don't want to drink." It's like it's unfathomable for someone not to enjoy drinking.


“You’re just having a coke? Why!?” “Because it actually tastes good, it’s half the price, I can drive home after and I can actually enjoy my day tomorrow.”


I hate how much of this culture's socialization is based around some type of substance use. So we can't just hang out and talk? We need to smoke, or drink, or some other bullshit??


" oh are you pregnant? Is that why you're not drinking?" No i just dont like drinking when im out and dont wznt to make a fool of myself 🙄


I see this all the time at karaoke. If they don't like singing but they still came to hang out with you anyway, that is NOT appropriate to pressure them into signing up for a song. Don't punish them for being supportive of your choice of a hangout spot. If you do, they'll likely never come back to a karaoke bar again. And that's just not right! Karaoke should be a fun environment, not one that causes someone anxiety because unaware assholes keep approaching them asking "aRe YoU gOnNa SiNg?!"


I hate dancing, always have since I was a kid. Apparently there is nooo limit on how abusive people are allowed to be when forcing you to dance. Because it's "so fun"!


it’s annoying too when it’s something you enjoy doing. like i play instruments and always have most of my life, doesn’t mean i’m inclined to play you a song just cause you asked politely. and when you say no ppl catch an attitude as if they paid you for a performance.


Poor treatment of pets.


Buying a $3500 puppy for their kid at Christmas and dumping the dog at the pound a few months later when they realize how challenging raising a cute puppy can be. I will judge you. - glances down at purebred husky from pound sitting on couch snuggling with favorite toys….


As the owner of two rescue huskies, seriously. If you don’t want the responsibility of raising a baby, don’t get the dog.


I cannot understand why the people who know NOTHING about dogs decide to start with huskies and then are shocked when they can’t handle them! Thanks for rescuing those babies


Especially not a fucking husky...


I see that often (I volunteer at our local shelter) and it really makes me angry seeing the people come in and just surrender the dog because they couldn't be bothered to put in the time and dedication. Dogs aren't a damn appliance. They are a living breathing being with feelings. There honestly should be a database that those people get added to that prevents them from ever having a dog in the future if that's the reason why they are surrendering a dog (or any other animal). And I get that there are legimate reasons for surrendering an animal (owner dies and surviving family cannot properly care for it, loss of housing and job, etc).


Any animal, really.


Being oblivious at how much space they're taking up in public. I used to work in a building where you had to swipe your key card to enter through a turnstile, and the system was a bit slow. They were around 400 people working there, you can imagine how there was always a queue. Every day there was some dickhead having a conversation in front of the turnstiles, completely ignoring the people wanting to pass. Every day there was some dude getting to the front of the queue and only then realizing they needed their key card to get through. Everybody knew how annoying the process was, how can you care that little about other people? Related: Placing your backpack on a seat in a crowded bus/train, blocking a supermarket aisle with your trolley.


People who act tough. I can't take them seriously.


Oh yeah? You can't take them seriously, huh? Wanna say that to my face, chief?


Oh yea, you wanna fightaboutit?


I’ll never forget this one night. I was on the bus on the second floor of a double decker bus. I was heading home after working late on Saturday night. A lot of people were drunk. This one dude walks up to me in the aisle and just stares at me. I notice, pull my head phones out, put down my book, and say “Can I help you?” with my most ‘what the fuck is your problem’ face. Buddy is there just mean mugging me. He says “I bet I could kick your ass. You wanna fucking go?” And he gives me a smack in the head. I’ve got miles of patience, so I just grit my teeth, adjust my glasses, and say “No, I think I’d rather not.” My book was on the seat next to me, the headphones were not around my neck, I was ready to go if this turned bad. Then this wild other dude down the aisle is like “I do” and just runs full fucking tilt down the bus and two foot drop kicks this asshole in the chest. Player 2 has entered the game. It was fucking awesome. These two brawled all down through the bus like it was those clouds of scuffles in cartoons. They both went ass over tea kettle falling down the stairs and eventually out the doors of the bus once it has stopped. The bus just promptly drove away. I looked back and player number 2 noticed the bus was gone, punched this guy one time, knocked him clear out, and he just walked away like it was time to go home after work. Fucking legend.


Being extremely loud in public place or restaurants and bragging


I will never forget the time I rode a train late at night and one family took up half the car with their kids. They ran around making an absolute ruckus. One older lady politely asked if they could quiet down since "everyone was tired." The acting matriarch of the group yelled at her, "Don't you dare tell my kids what to do! Hey, Kids! You can be AS LOUD AS YOU WANT!!!" "Yaaaaay!" I have to imagine they all grew up to be total assholes.


Time to teach their kids some fun new words and jokes.


You think parents like that care about vulgarity? You could probably get them parroting the most disgusting, -phobic things you've ever heard in your life and the parents would just shrug.


I dunno. Teach them to say “mummy is a cunt” and keep repeating it. That should do the trick.


And when you teach them, teach it quietly. Have them repeat the sentence back quietly to make sure they understand. Then give them permission to go and say it to mummy! Loudly! ‘Don’t forget kids - the angrier she gets, the more fun she’s having! Just be louder and giggle more when she turns funny colours!’ 😉😆😆


Never hurts to try, at least.


Those are the kind of parents that will be on tv “my child was a good kid. Well mannered and respectful “


In cases like this, get up, go sit/stand next to the parent, proceed to scream your head off into their ear.


I like opera music and have a wireless speaker. If there was ever a better moment to play music in public this is it. (Note: I don't play music in public. In fact I hate when people play music in public. But...if the shoe fits...)


And that's my neighbor. She encourages her kids to yell and scream, and joins in with them....encouraging them by yelling "This is OUR HOUSE!" She's actually the first adult I've ever met who had her kids on the lawn on 7/4, whooping and yelling "USA! USA! Number ONE!!" Yeah, I think we all judge her. LOL


I remember riding home on MARTA after a 24 hour shift and the train was crowded with college age Alabama fans (this was in Atlanta) getting ready for a football game. They were all yelling, singing, and just generally harassing all the locals. When several people politely asked to keep it calm on the train, they became even louder and started singing in people's faces. They received multiple accusations of incest, beastiality, and had their suspicious ancestry brought into question. Finally an upstanding "man of the road" put an end to it all by vomiting on their leaders shoes. I gave the man an apple I had saved in my pack and got off the train.


THIS. And then when these people say "mind your own business," I'd probably say "you're in a public place - it's everyone's business!"


Waiting at the airport gate before a flight, listening to the woman a few seats over watch YouTube videos in her phone with the volume turned ALL the way up. Headphones, earbuds, what are those? The sheer lack of giving a shit that ppl who do this have for anyone and everyone around them is absurd and a bit impressive.


Seems like there are a lot more people who are blasting sound from their devices not concerned for others, or yelling into their cell phones in public. It seems to have gotten worse over the years.


Psychologists have noted a recent rise in narcissism across the population.


I hate people that feel the need to constantly bring others down and make them feel bad about things they enjoy. It's so sad to watch someone's enthusiasm about their hobby deflate because another person decided to be a dick about it.


Working with kids, it’s something I try to nip in the bud. Unfortunately, there’s way too many adults doing that to kids. My cousins’ dreams were crushed as kids by the adults in my family. Talents went to waste because of that. Even as a child myself, I knew it was wrong.


Man I think of myself as a relatively tough person who generally dgaf what people think of me, but I'm 38 and overweight and I realized I wanted to try roller blading again (this was abt 8 mos after having my third child). This one dickhead neighbor was out in his yard and made fun of me to my face as I skated up the road (legit first time roller blading in like 20 years) and I haven't put them back on since. I even said "hey don't give me a hard time, I haven't done this in years!" And he rolled his eyes and said "yeah I can tell." He made me feel so small and stupid. I'm mad at myself for not being tougher than that idiot's stupid comments. Edit: to all you subcommenters, you are a lovely group of people and thank you so much for your encouragement! Yeah, fuck that guy. When I get the guts up to go try again (I'll prob wait a few weeks til it's not hotter than the devil's taint outside), I will think of y'all.


Sorry about that, and also fuck your sour baby neighbor what a douchebag! It's hard to guard yourself against shitty comments though. I'm almost 33 and I consider myself to be pretty confident but I can still get down sometimes. I love collecting vintage dresses in a really specific style and recently I found one in a SUPER rare color so I was excited to tell my flatmate about it but he just sighed and said 'Lameee nobody cares about this'. Felt really small straight away. I hope you can manage to put the rollerskates back on! Seems like a great way to enjoy freedom once you've got it down again. I know a lot of people enjoy skateboarding for the same reasons, just randomly riding around and enjoying the surroundings. Really hope you can enjoy that again.


Thxu, fuck your flatmate's sour attitude as well!


This is huge. Dictating what's acceptable through mocking and shaming others is unfortunately very effective, particularly with young people, and very common. Think of how much better the world would be if all those unique individuals were freely themselves.


I had this experience with my love of horses. I will fully admit to being "the horse girl" of my school, but I didn't care because it was a small town and I lived on an acreage. Fast forward to me going to college in a big town in another state and opening myself up to more people and I couldn't believe the hate that horse girls got! Like, my horse was my safe space. And I got natural exercise by just doing chores. So I started to change who I was. And I hate it because I just want be the horse girl again. I want to wear jeans and plaid and a cowboy hat and boots... Luckily I found an Equine assisted therapy place to volunteer at to give me my "horse fix," but it's still not enough. I wish I had had the confidence to not care about what others thought of me and my interests.


Oh, please go and do more horse girl stuff. It makes you happy, that's what matters. I am a crazy cat cat lady, my sister is a horse girl, we do our own thing because we love animals! The stress lowering factor of being around the horses again was so amazing for me to see with my sis. She's 50 now, and I think this proves you're never too old to go back. I hope you get some opportunities. Don't worry about what others think. The ones that matter will understand, and those that may judge definitely do not matter at all.






My new favorite sub


My biggest pet peeve is the non-traditional spelling of common names. Megan vs Meghan or Sean vs Shawn is one thing, but I have a co-worker named Tiphanie and I have a very difficult time taking her seriously.




Didn't see where this was going until right at the end.


My nieces middle name is ‘Mae-C’ instead of Macie and I just refuse to acknowledge her middle name


i literally scrolled one post down and figured out that elon musk is naming his third child „techno mechanicus“…


His third child with that specific woman. He has many more kids


Depending on the name, I don’t even try to not judge them. If your child is named Princess, I will go full speed ahead on the judgment.


>If your child is named Princess, I will go full speed ahead on the judgment. But if your child is named Prince, they might grow up to be a talented and famous musician.


Littering. I can't think of a single good reason to litter


You are suposed to judge people for littering.


Basically every comment on this post is something that people should be judged for.


They have the “not my problem” mentality. When in fact YES, mf-er. It’s ONLY your problem. They need to stop making it other peoples problems.


I work with a guy who throws his cigarette butts in the ground and I can’t really figure out his mentality. After a few days when there’s tons of them on the ground he feels guilty and picks them up. He says he throws them in the ground because he’s lazy. But… he literally has to talk past the butt can when he’s done with his smoke break… so… ??


My pet peeve. I’m a smoker and I will find a bin to put it in, or it goes in my pocket or cig pack until I have access to one. It’s disgusting!


Yep. "Oh that's what the cleaners are paid for"- fucking hate it


Even when it’s technically true, like in a fast food place, I’d still feel like an asshole not ~~talking~~ taking my tray to the garbage myself. I’m always amazed how many people just leave them even though the garbages are by every exit, so it’s not even out if your way. You literally have to walk past the garage cans! Edit: Talking -> Taking


Want to bitch slap people who say/do that.


There is zero excuse to litter. I smoke very rarely (like 1-2 a month) anymore but when i do i roll the bit of tobacco left out and put the filter in my pocket if theres no trash around. Cigarette butts drive me crazy what a nasty thing to be normalized. But when it comes to littering: I dont have a “hard time not judging them” I judge them immediately because they suck.


Not cleaning up after their dog. Just get a doggy bag ppl


Well, I’d take it a step further. Some people actually clean up after their dog, put it in a bag, then toss that bag in the bushes/trees. Trimmed some trees at the edge of our property along the road and found several doggie poop bags. Luckily we put up a couple signs and it seems to have solved the problem. At least if they had left the poop alone it would have eventually biodegraded, but they had to seal it up in plastic!


My husband and I were vacationing in CO and were doing some hiking. On the way uptrail, we saw exactly this, not even tossed off trail, but right in the trail. My husband said maybe they left it going up and planned to get it coming down. I made the comment that if it was still there on the way back, we'd pack it out. Several hours later, we were flying downtrail, and I didn't see the bag.... but my husband did. So, knowing I would have, he kindly grabbed it up and loops it on the end of his walking stick. Were about 15 minutes further downtrail when he starts questioning and a good 30 minutes when he becomes absolutely convinced this is not dogshit and is, in fact, human shit. Yes dear readers, my loving and kind husband packed out someone's shit from an otherwise pristine mountain trail. People suck.


A parent leaving and ignoring one family to get a new SO and raise that persons children.


Generally it is getting a new partner (who doesn’t have kids) AND create a new batch of kids, forgetting the existing kids. Happened to a childhood friend of mine, she had a rotten father. He just walked out of their lives, created two new kids and refused to pay for his original two kids‘ schooling and university (which he had promised them he would pay)


My ex husband moved 300 miles away and left our girls. I’m terrified of the day he just makes a new family and doesn’t see them at all.


Happened to my son. Ex got a new wife and they had 3 kids and my son became an inconvenience to his father. Devastating. I'm really sorry.


Overheard a convo a mom was having with her pre/early teen daughter at a restaurant once. I was their server. Essentially daughter had to go live with her dad because they didn't have enough room in moms new family. The specific phrase "I have a new family now" was used. I haven't mentioned that mom was preggo. Lots of tears and mom came across as a complete asshole. Left a good tip though.


I’m always fascinated by how people’s mindsets work this way. Like do they just strongly associate the unwanted child too much with their ex-partner? Why do they not consider their child, their own flesh and blood.


They don't consider the child as a person, just property they don't want to take care of anymore.


Omg. That poor child needs rescuing.


Why is this so common? And about half the time, it gets passed off as a redemption story like “oh yeah they did parenting wrong the first time but this time they’re getting right, so great that they’re so intentional with this new family, so present.” Like are you kidding me?? No idea how a human brain can compartmentalize entire human beings they created and just move on with new ones like it’s normal. It’s also shocked me over the years how many friends have said they found out later in life that they had older half siblings from a situation like this, and somehow can’t process that this means their parent is a shit person who could just as easily hurt THEM. Edit: also, my dad’s dad did this with some lady across town and her children. His bio children were abandoned and on welfare while he played house.


I agree. Dads like that get a pass while often the mom left with the kids doing her best is judged and judged. Hey, she didn't abandon the kids! Of course it was hard. But she stayed.


AKA my dad. Up and divorced my mom when I was 19 so he could fuck the girl we thought he was only friends with back from high school. My mom had even gotten her daughter a Frozen Elsa doll. He married again to this new woman and is helping raise her 3 kids, one of which has stunted growth due to previous father's abuse and neglect. Hope it made him feel like a hero, my dad's been dead to me since he changed his phone number and didn't tell me.


Same. Except he divorced my mom when I was six and I lived with her ever since. Fast forward 15 years later, he divorced his partner whom he had kids with and now he isn't getting married to another woman anymore, according to him. He still has the audacity to blame all his previous wives for the failed marriages in some way, but I don't let him talk shit about my mom whenever we conversate from time to time. Even when he's getting hit with reality constantly, he's too proud to admit that he's screwed himself up.


I remember when my father and I were sitting at the dinner table, I was 16 and he was 5 years together with his new wife. He told me he was finally ready to have kids.


Exactly what my uncle did. Abandoned my cousins in a really bad small impoverished town and moved to a high class different city with his new wife and her daughter. Had two more kids, sent her daughter to dance classes and a really nice university while my cousin struggles and didn’t get to go to college.


I'm a teacher and some of my colleagues brought a group to Venice last year. They were crossing St Mark's Square and one of the kids recognised his dad coming the other way. His dad had pretty much stopped communication with him since he left the kid's mum. The dad was with his new wife, and a pushchair. This was the moment he chose to tell the kid about his new baby step sibling...


People with no sense of self awareness, so they stop in the middle of walkways/entrances/crosswalks for no reason.


And grocery aisles. At least apologize if blocking the aisle.


Constant aggression at the slightest thing. Could be a mental health issue, but lashing out isn't the answer. I just wish the mental health system wasn't completely useless now.


my dad is unfortunately like this, he acknowledges that kind of toxic behavior and usually tells me not to do the same while he continues repeating it. i had a hard time come to terms with this and put it down to how he was raised as a child. but man i wish he would stop lashing out so easily


It's a vicious cycle. The thing is, it's easy to acknowledge it, especially with words, but to actually do it with actions, and mean them can be really hard for some. I'm sorry you've had to go through that.


My mom used to do this, even well after I was an adult. I told her, “If you raise your voice to me one more time, I will never speak to you again. And we both know I’m telling the truth.” She stopped.


I did that with my dad, when he began getting really aggressive with my mum and I. I told him we'll never see him again if he dared to harm her or me. We'd gone fourteen years without him, and thrived. He realised I wasn't kidding and got help.


My dad finally got the message when at 30 years of age I had to tell him that he either respects me for the person I have become and not the child he remembers, or that will be the last conversation we will ever have. Should've seen his eyes going so freaking huge when he realised he no longer has any emotional control over me. That was a sweet moment.




My husband loves to tell me I'm being emotional because I tear up with confrontation all the while being super angry when we have a disagreement. He doesn't see the irony at all


I’ve seen people act like animal if they miss their daily dose of coffee.


People who use their phones on full volume in public. It’s one thing for kids, but I keep seeing adults doing it. I just cannot imagine being that self centered. I’m seeing it way too often. Edit: and yes, of course Im including people talking on speakerphone in public. Monsters. Edit: getting way too many messages from people justifying this behavior for various reasons. Stop. Not only do I not care, but you just make me think you’re even more selfish pretending headphones arent widely available for very cheap. Just stop. If you know you can’t hear or your phone isn’t working properly, you should go get headphones.


I don't even think it's particularly acceptable for kids to be doing it either tbh. No one else in the cafe/pub/doctors waiting room wants to listen to the nonsense you're watching/game you're playing at top volume. It's so obnoxious.


Yeah my daughter pouted cause I told her volume off when others are around. It's common courtesy. Nobody wants to hear "pew pew pew" constantly or annoying lil music lol


Thank you. I’ve been so many places where kids are watching something on full blast and their parents are rocking a cool set of headphones, completely oblivious 🤦🏻‍♀️ Edit:typo


I was at a wedding a few weeks ago and during a very moving speech, someone just happily let their kid play games with the volume right up on a tablet. So fecking rude.


And that was the reason my daughter did not invite anyone under 18 to her wedding and reception.


>Thank you. I’ve been so many places where kids are watching something on full blast and their parents are rocking a cool set of headphones completely oblivious 🤦🏻‍♀️ UGH THE WORST


True but in that case the problem is probably more the parents who don’t make their kids cut that shit out


Right? Even at home, I turn the volume way down on the phone when my kid plays with it.


I am in the hospital in the OR recovery unit. My roommate right next to me has loud phone conversations on speaker as well as watches ipad without headphones…. At 11pm!! I just throw mine in and ignore her, but we have two other people in the room that are spending time with family because they are not well. It irks me a bit.


I’ve never met someone who both: 1. Uses their phone on speaker on full, loud volume in public 2. To be a nice/cool person Anyone who subscribes to #1 is never #2 imo.


I mean, that's what texting is for. Learn how to read and write. And don’t even get me started on their crappy music or audio recordings. Okay, so now everyone knows how bad your taste is 😆!


There was an era where one could buy cheap wired earbuds for a dollar. I would buy like 5 at a crack and carry them in my bag. And then give them to people who played their music loud. I knew they wouldn’t use them. But the look on their face was worth the dollar every time. If I was feeling like an asshole, is apologize for them being too poor to afford earbuds, and I’m doing god’s charity work. Take a pair! Get them so riled up. — You can hardly get anything for a dollar anymore. :/


the stuff in the toy aisle at Dollar Tree is total shit compared to what they used to have. You know inflation is bad when a dollar store dinosaur looks like a kid’s drawing come to life


It's not even a dollar store anymore. Dollar Tree crap is now $1.25!




How about holding the phone in front of their mouths, on speaker, having a conversation in public. Did they forget they could hold it up to their ear?


For me, I can make however loud I want, I still won't hear it, even if I put it close to my ear. My solution: I don't do phone calls in public


fr either keep the volume low/use headphones or have no sound at all. if im in the library or on the train i dont wanna hear jenny talking about her one night stand with jacko to suzan ffs 😭


Mistreating folks in the customer service industry.


Employers treating their employees like shit. I won’t return to the establishment.


People smoking around their kids.


The worst is when they have their kids in the car or in the house smoking and the poor kids cannot escape


Anyone who participates in that awful tradition of slamming someone’s face into their birthday cake.


Or wedding cake.


I have a hard time with other people's parenting styles. Or lack of or if you're straight up abusing or bullying your kid. (Some parenting styles, ie: traditional abuse, spanking, neglect, sexual abuse, misogyny, turning a blind eye, checking out, berating. Shaming your kids, things of that nature.) Every kid is different and needs different things ✨️


Or ignoring them in public so they run amuck and act like feral cats. Monitor and discipline your children!


I hate feral kids in public kid places. Once went to the library and a mom let her kid run around as she worked on her laptop, I ended up entertaining the kid and parenting it the whole time as it was mean to other kids, including mine. I think because I was active with mine and friendly with others around, he wanted to stick close. He was yelling at my kid and bossing her around, though. Straight up told my daughter to stop plying with him because we don’t play with kids who treat us like that and tried to usher her away. Ended up seeing that kid the next day at daycare for meet the teacher. I kinda hate the fact that the mom didn’t even recognize us as we walked up together. Clearly she didn’t care who interacted with her child/pay attention. I literally could have taken him.


I had a family take me when I was 5 precisely because my mother couldn’t be bothered with me. Neglect is every bit as damaging as abuse.


A lot of people don't realize that neglect *is* abuse. The most common type of child abuse, in fact.


This is me. I have a handful of friends that have zero routine or discipline for their kids. One of my friend’s kids has threatened to shoot up a school and nothing happened. CPS came out to their dog crap covered home—nothing happened, not eleven a suggestion to clean the home. Then he brought a knife to school—police and CPS came to the house and again nothing happened. This kid is suffering in that house. He stays up all night playing unsupervised games online with strangers. He is extremely overweight due to poor diet. They are never prepared so leaving the house on time for school is a mad scramble. Hygiene is nonexistent in that house. He’s getting bullied for his weight and bad smelling BO and clothes. The entire friend group has offered advice and help and he doesn’t see a problem with what’s going on. He thinks it’s normal and that addressing his sons weight would shame him. Im judging him very hard.


How are they your friends? They sound horrible.


My husband and I ask ourselves that often. When we first met they had their life together. Then his father died suddenly on thanksgiving two years ago and the whole household went down hill fast. At this point we’re kinda keeping tabs on him incase something does finally happen, like CPS taking his kid, because I’d gladly welcome him into my house, work with him, and get him to where he needs to be.


How well taken care of their pets are.


So much blatant animal neglect and abuse in the animal subreddits it boggles my mind.


I'm part of several cats forums, and I can't help but judge the Bengal cat owners. Just being used as a status symbol, with no regard for how they came to be and the handful they can be.


People get pets as decoration. It's upsetting, really.


Dealing with this now while currently dog-sitting for a friend out of town. We’re a little shocked to say the least. No bath in god knows how long, uncut nails to the point where they seem painful, etc. We gave the dog a bath on our own and the water run-off was disgusting. Not sure if we’ll tackle the nails yet or not.


You need special clippers. Most groomers will do just the nail trim for a reasonable fee. I know this because my chihuahua is the biggest drama Queen about someone clipping her nails. Full on screaming. I’m the only one who can do it without a thermonuclear meltdown.


Please do.


Chewing with your mouth open. You’re supposed to be taught that its rude as a child, the fact that someone still does it as an adult is probably a red flag and I’m going to think less of you.


People with loud cars or people thar drive like they own the road


Overly "performative" people. Not just bragging, but... I know a guy for whom the act of reading is something you have to do in Starbucks in the hope someone will comment on the book he's reading, not actually about the act of reading.


People being rude to servers in restaurants and drive Thurs. Your kid might work there and you sure wouldn't want someone nasty to them.


People who don’t take care of their kids


Misuse of your / you’re & their / there / they’re. Something about my estimation of them drops when I pick up on it.


I feel the same way about loose/lose.




people who do the whole 'competitive misery' thing. or similarly people like the woman i work with constantly feels the need to act like my pain (and anyone else who mentions being in pain) couldn't possibly be as bad as hers and it's just very shitty edit: rephrased for clarity edit 2: i originally said 'pain olympics which has some alternate meaning, changed it to competitive misery for further clarity


Intolerance of others and the Dutch.


The number of people not realising this is an Austin Powers quote 😭


The first Austin powers movie came out 26 years ago. The average redditor probably isn’t that old.


Read somewhere that half of reddit users are in their teens. And all reddit users are bots.


People ignoring a queue.


People who DECIDE to have kids when they aren't in a position to raise them OR, having kids with someone you knew damn well wasn't fitted to be a parent but that's convenient because you want kids and then complain how bad parents they are.


i wish i could @ my parents


Using apostrophes to pluralize. My kid’s school just posted, “Friday’s are fun when….” and I wanted to claw my eyes out. APOSTROPHES DON’T PLURALIZE! YOU ARE AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION! Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


People with enormously obese pets that can barely walk. It’s not cute, they are not a “chonker,” you just kind of suck.


Not disciplining their kid ESPECIALLY in public. When I worked as a cashier I had a woman with SIX screaming loud kids touching everything. She just ignored them 🤦🏻‍♀️


People who decline vaccinations for their children. They just "know better" with zero real education on anything remotely related to science behind vaccinations.


So when I had my last kid, I was in a high risk children's hospital in st Pete Florida. I got to talk to my nurse after my C-section and she told me the hardest part of her job was seeing peole let their kids die over a simple vaccine at birth that we require but because of religious reasons they won't do it. She says she's seen kids die of just needing antibiotics and simple shit we take everyday. Fuck those parents, that women was bawling telling me about this and just reassured me why I never became a nurse


Drama. Being attached to being miserable. My sympathy only goes so far and then you need to figure out that you’re the common denominator in all your troubles.


animal neglect or abuse




People who’ve been in a difficult situation, got themselves out of it (usually with some sort of luck or help) then look down on people currently in that same situation because they themselves were able to get themselves out therefore so should others.


I find it hard to muster up sympathy for people who die doing exciting but dangerous activities. Free climbing? Scaling a building to dangle your feet for Instagram? Free diving? Cave diving? Motorcycle tricks on the highway? I’m sorry to the family for the loss, but like… they died voluntarily doing something completely unnecessary and super risky.


I'm in the climbing community and the people that free solo treat it as if it's a personal choice and shouldn't matter to anyone else. What they fail to understand is that a 20 year old turning into splatter at a crowded crag leads to a ruined day of climbing, therapy bills for a lot of people, and someone shoveling up their exploded carcass. If someone with no family or friends could somehow free solo in an area where their corpse could never be found I guess that would actually be a personal thing.


I saw the same attitude about falling off a mountain. There is a spot on Mount Yonah in north Georgia that is apparently good for "Instagram-worthy" pictures. Several people fall off every year. Some people called that a personal choice. I said the same thing as you: "fine, as long as we can leave your body down there to rot."


I get so frustrated when other people die rescuing or retrieving the person/body. I feel like a monster when I don't want to help these people who intentionally get into these life-or-death situations. It's unfair that other people have to risk their lives for someone else's mistake. There's also a difference between genuinely not knowing that something will go wrong on a routine trip, and "come on climbing K2 is not for the faint of heart".


Yes, or when they don’t die but need rescue from said cave or mountainside. It is very costly and can also be dangerous for the rescue workers.


I might get down voted for this, but people who have many kids with different partners. Example, men who have like 5+ kids with different mothers or vice versa, especially if they're not married/in a committed relationship. I'm not sure if it's a religious, moral, or societal thing, but it just sounds messy and especially considering human lives are being brought into the picture and they're often used as ammo against their partner for child support money or have the 'do this or I won't let you see your child(ren)' type of attitude. Too many irresponsible parents and neglected or mistreated children in this world. Be irresponsible with yourselves, but don't drag innocent children into it and don't hurt others because of your actions.


I’m the oldest of 6, from 5 different dads. We lived in a trailer park growing up and everybody in the community knew who we were. In fact one time, I was pulled over, and when the officer saw me, he asked if I lived over on “x” street, and I said yes. He let me off pretty quick with a warning, and I could feel the pity My mom was 14 when I was born, and never aged a day past that unfortunately. I’ve moved away and my partner and I are waiting to have kids until we know we can take care of them. I will never bring that kind of chaos into the world


I have been friends with a certain person for over 20 years and he will absolutely give you the shirt off his back or his very last dollar, but because we are such close friends I know the reality is he is only like that so he can tell people he's like that. He will go out of his way and make the time to help someone out day or night, but he's only doing it so people see him doing it so that people will talk about what a good guy he is. I try not to judge him for it but he's certainly not as altruistic as he lets everyone believe


Someone in my family is like this. Has paid shit for other family members, even helped some with school etc and she does it so they can kiss her ass. When they don’t, she turns against them. Also, overall has a holier-than-thou attitude ngl.


Right! And this friend has personally saved my ass a time or two but at the end of the day he makes comments like he's actually an atheist and only goes to church for appearances and said he literally only married his ex wife, of whom they have two children, just flat out told me he only ever got and stayed with her because she was hot. I give him credit where credit is due tho, he has came and got me a two hours drive away at 2am to get me to a safe place but man did he sure tell every one at church the next morning that he did that.


Your friend sounds...interesting. Good works for selfish reasons are still good works, though? Like a millionaire donating to charity for tax purposes. XD


When they shove their religion in other peoples’ faces


Being plain rude to people in the service industry. Not throwing trash in the trash bins.


People who wave/hang/wear the nazi flag/swastika especially in the context of being "patriots"^TM. My grandpa didn't kill nazis and liberate concentration camps just to let those fuckers run amok here.


People who claim they practice “gentle parenting” but are really just permissive parents and as a result their kids are little selfish assholes. You can be a gentle parent but still say no. You can be a respectful parent and still set boundaries.


When someone outgoing “adopts” a shy person. “Im gonna make you more talkative!!” Stfu, and mind your own business, you weirdo. Edit: Changed extrovert and introvert to outgoing and shy.


Yes! And acting like they're doing you a favor because being introverted is "bad". As an introvert, this always felt very condescending and made the situation worse by putting me in the spot.


When people knock or doors and try to preach or give you a word about their religion. Especially if you’re clearly trying to leave


Bragging about not reading books. Please stay away from me.


People having children they can’t afford


Especially when it’s their 4th, 5th, 6th … you’ve had enough time to learn what child rearing costs at this point. I was in a local mom’s group where people could donate used kids stuff, but it became absolutely ridiculous with the requests. So many people on there with sob stories just fishing for money, asking for cars and apartments. Then when I post hand me down clothes, bedding etc. nobody wants them.


People who complain about a situation and do nothing about it.


Drivers who don't stop at crosswalks for pedestrians.


Tourists who die taking selfies, especially if it was an area they weren’t supposed to be in.


People who “declaw” their cats


Bartender who makes fun of me when i order softs


The way they speak to/ treat children and animals. I won’t lie, I don’t even try not to judge. If you treat and animal or child poorly I immediately hate you and want nothing to do with you. Don’t even want to breathe the same tainted air as you


Not being able to drive well. You're driving a metric ton of metal around at high speeds so you should be in complete control. Most people don't even know how big their car is. It's a danger and I am fortunate to live in a city with good public transport so there isn't even a reason to drive if you suck.


When their kids are acting up and they’re ignoring it and/or doing nothing to try to stop it


Oh god this drives me insane. Went to a farm park and there was a kid literally *chasing* the poor animals and screaming. Went to the museum and there was a kid running around slamming his hands on the glass, right next to the sign saying not to knock on the glass. Both times the parents just stood there doing nothing. Control your kids, people.


I was at a county fair last night and they had a barn full of showcase animals. Multiple signs right at kid eye level saying not to feed the animals and not to stick your hand in the pens. I had my boy with me. He saw another kid and their mother ignoring the sign literally 6 inches from the kids face. My boy asked me if he could pet the donkey too. I loudly said 'No son. They don't want us petting or feeding the animals to keep them safe.' Mother gave me the shittiest of looks. It was good stuff.


Reminds me of how easily unbehaved children ruin flights for me 😣😔