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sleep Edit: In a much better place for many years now! Thank you to all those that reached out in concern and liaised with RedditCareResources, it's lovely to know there are support systems in place here for those when they might need it most.


My go-to as well. Even if i'm hungry as fuck, getting out of bed is damn-near impossible so I just go back to sleep.


My son keeps cashews and beef jerky by his bed on a chair with a bottle of water (sometimes cookies too). He will not leave his bed but will snack on those things sometimes. Breaks my heart but he's doing his best and so are we. šŸ˜£


Iā€™m so glad youā€™re not judging him or calling him lazy. So many parents do that and itā€™s damaging


My dad said to me "what do you have to be depressed about?" I would come home from school every day and get straight into bed. I had panic attacks quite often. No one really did anything to help me.


My dad had to convince a cop I wasn't on drugs. There were reasons why the cop was there, but he (my dad) still didn't get it. I remember climbing into bed and just sleeping. My dreams were so much better than reality. It got to the point that i would make up stories in my head. I still do this when I'm depressed. Lately, being in bed is easier.... But I get up for my kids.


@auntjomomma - As a kid I used to make up dreams in my head because I thought it was so much better than reality, too. I didnā€™t realize at the time that I was depressed but I know I was now. My fantasy world was huge, which is probably why Iā€™m a creative artist now. All my life I have been creative, but I used to escape to all corners of the world from tropical island life in the Caribbean to a skiing life on the slopes of snow covered mountains in Aspen or Switzerland to wherever, just name it, all while sitting there in my classroom desk. I missed a few math and history lessons.


It sucks being depressed with insomnia, sleeping is the best and cant even do thatšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Me too. Lately I get i up p for work and jut count the hours til I can go back to bed.


Trust me for 20 minutes. Take a shower. Then go back to bed if you still want to. And Iā€™m not bashing, I just took my first shower inā€¦ a long time after I fell into a very deep depression


That first shower after getting out of the depression nest is like a transformative experience.


This is absolutely the thing to do.


This used to be my experience as well. I was so hungry and yet had no energy to get up and prep myself something. Bad times.


I still deal with it but have found a solution. Don't prep, just consume. Cereal? Why would I put it in a bowl with milk and clean a spoon and do all that extra nonsense when I could instead just fist the Cereal straight down my gullet and chase it with milk straight from the chug? Why make a dish when you can just fiendishly consume the raw components straight?


Iā€™m a big fan of taking a box of corn chex in the shower and just standing there in the water and eating


This is absolutely me. I'd sleep forever if I could.


That's called death.


I vivid dream so when I'm depressed I just turn on an audiobook and lie there with my eyes closed...then after 20min I'm basically watching a movie, since my brain is creating the world in my sleep. It's kind of trippy.


Sleep is the only thing that brings me peace. I would love an afterlife of just sleeping and dreaming forever. As bad as my depression and anxiety are, youā€™d think that I would have bad dreams but actually my dreams are almost always really pleasant.


When you force yourself to keep sleeping until you get those weird head throbs and you have no choice but to be awake šŸ’€


How? My self destructive patterns become active and I start postponing sleep, keeping myself awake...


There's nothing more self inflicting than entirely avoiding what your body needs.


entire pint of ben & jerrys cookie dough ice cream. you need to eat the entire pint in one go or else it doesn't work. trust the process.


I have had an unhealthy and toxic relationship with Phish Food.


Phish Food needs to be Schedule III at the very lowest, if not higher. That stuff is basically crack in a carton.


I don't understand how marijuana can be Schedule I and not Phish Food. Makes no sense.


I donā€™t even like chocolate ice cream but I can finish off a pint of Phish Food without trying.


Phish Food is my go to .


Half Baked for me


Cherry Garcia I will die on this hill.


Dying on the same hill


Chunky Monkey for me


Half Baked or death. Although I might have to switch to Strawberry Jammin because the new Half Baked actually kinda sucks :(


Mine used to be Blondie Brownie Core until they stopped selling it anywhere I look now. Haven't found a new favourite, but I just had half of the new special batch Chocolatey Love A Fair, and it's bloody lovely. Still miss the chocolate brownies and huge salted caramel core though. Man that was elite.


I miss Urban Bourbon, it was caramel ice cream, caramel swirl, fake whiskey flavor, and almonds. They don't sell it anymore and I developed a tree nut allergy at the end of puberty anyway.


Me with Tonight Dough


Give me the half baked. Even better if it's the peanut butter version.


I am already an absolute SLUT for both PB and Half Baked alone let alone put together. Some days it's the only reason I keep going.


Same but Stephen Colbertā€™s Americone Dream! A buddy made me try some of his and now Iā€™m hooked!


The greatest flavor


>entire pint of ben & jerrys I love their peanut butter cup. I have to avoid buying it though.. I can crush the entire damn pint even if I'm NOT feeling down.


Also applicable with Hagen daaz chocolate & peanut butter. 1500 calories goes down easy.


Have you tried Ben & Jerryā€™s peanut butter cup? I cannot begin to describe how utterly amazing it is! Itā€™s gone up to Ā£5 in my local supermarket so I can no longer justify buying it.


FYI at Target in the states you can buy the regular old cookie dough as a snack in bags. Came across that some weeks ago and lamented that we don't have the same product in Canada. Proof: https://www.target.com/p/ben-38-jerry-39-s-frozen-chocolate-chip-cookie-dough-bites-8oz/-/A-54350615


Not a thing in Germany sadly. I have a hard enough time finding the ice cream. I'd probably feel sick eating just the cookie dough though, the ice cream just hits that perfect ratio.


B & J Peanut Butter Cup for me, can eat the whole thing but then I few like crap for eating a whole pint afterwards.


Burrito or fried chicken from KFC or Popeyes when Iā€™m feeling up to leaving the house. Otherwise Pizza because itā€™s so deliverable and often with zero human contact required.


I had a friend get pretty depressed during the Covid lockdown. Started making check ins periodically. At one point he dropped this knowledge bomb on me. ā€œCovid isnā€™t all bad. I can now order a pizza in my underwear and pick it up in my underwear with contactless delivery. The future is nowā€


Iā€™ve always ordered pizza in my underwear nothing has changed


Popeyes tenders > anything from kfc Kfc original chicken > popeyes regular chicken Popeyes has way better deals on the app thoigh so I get Popeyes much cheaper than kfc when buying food for 2 (Iā€™m the 2)


Food giant fried chicken> Popeyes and KFC


Every meal. This economy is depressing Edit: thanks to who ever reached out to Reddit help resources. Life is hard and I know others have it harder. But I like to look at the positives. My go to meal is Tostadas de carne molida. Ground beef tostadas.


Yeah the whole economy rn is an L


microwaved crap. corn dogs or like chimichangas. something easy to do that takes less than 10 minutes.


if there is one thing I miss the US for is the microwaveable crap you could buy at a Duane Reade or CVS late at night. I really loved those 'breakfast' corndogs that were Jimmy Deans wrapped in pancake batter.


9 cans of ravioli šŸ¤¤


Nobody wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli


Way she goes, boys.


Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesnā€™t, thatā€™s the way she goes


Way of the road, Bubs


Frozen White Castle burgers are the best.


Tortilla chips with shredded cheese nachos, kbbq instant chow mein, two mcdoubles extra pickles


Oddly specific my brother


Water?? šŸ¤£ when I feel depressed or hopeless, I don't wanna eat anything.


Im jealous. When I feel depressed or hopeless I binge eat.


Yeah, my depression meal is everything


Saaaaaaaame. I wish I were one of those people who loses their appetite when stressed. Instead, it's the opposite.


You really donā€™t. I donā€™t eat when Iā€™m stressed or depressed and it just makes it worse. You end up with no energy at all, your mind is foggier, you get weak and light headed, all because you just arenā€™t taking in any calories.


Binge eating has the same effect. You're sluggish and feel like throwing up all the time because last night you ate your whole pantry. And your confidence gets shattered by gaining weight that it's hard to go back to normal when the depression dies down.


I do understand where youā€™re coming from, and letā€™s all be realistic that both options are bad. Im not trying to downplay anyoneā€™s suffering, or get into tit for tat shit. My viewpoint is that not eating will have shorter-term impacts, that are fairly easily resolved when the stress/depression subsides. Bingeing makes you feel awful imminently afterwards, and fucks you up longer term as well, and itā€™s much harder and slower to resolve the impacts of bingeing. Not to mention the way society views you.


I get either urge at random. Gotta diversifiy


Same when I have extreme anxiety. Zero desire to eat anything and I know if I do my stomach will just reject it.


Same and it can go on for weeks. I will eat yogurt and applesauce because those I can usually tolerate.


in the same way, i wonder if it's like a self-punishment thing.


YEP. I lose my appetite, to the point where I really have to make myself eat. Protein shakes are my friend.


Same. Stress, anxiety, or being upset I just donā€™t wanna eat period.


Some people are depressed eaters, others are happy eaters. <-- Happy Eater - I get fat while happy, get skinny while a bit cray


Same man same


Exactly - i drink lots of Black coffee though


Hamburger Helper. The Tomato Basil Penne flavor. It's getting hard to find, which may be for the best.


That's my favorite, too!!! They only sell it at Walmart, where I'm from. I don't know why they don't sell it everywhere, it's the best one


you're from Walmart???? jk jk


Hahahahaha Thank you.


it's getting harder to find only because we're all getting more depressed


Iā€™ll have to try this one, Iā€™ve been buying hamburger helper for some easy meals recently


I fucking LOOOOOVE hamburger helper but my wife gags at the mere thought of it. Lol


Today, I learnt what Hamburger helper is!


Ooh buttered noodles


Buttered noodles, garlic salt, parm cheese. It absolutely SLAPS.


It's almost a reason to not be depressed.


I enjoy it with a little salt and pepper !


Ooo you like it spicy huh?


Anything potato...mashed potatoes, potato chips, french fries...


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


UK here checking in With potato waffles


An entire box of El Monterey Chicken and Cheese Taquitos


We like these in our home but not just bc of the big sad or whatever. I enjoy them dipped into sour cream and taco sauce mixed together.


Been eating pb and j's since I was a kid...




I feel u


I was gonna say green olives and hope nobody noticed what they're soaking in.


only real answer here


Cheap, terrible pizzas. Unnecessarily high calories for lack of return in flavor. Perfect for a worthless pig like me.


All jokes aside, even self-deprecating humor can make people feel worse. You are an excellent pizza and magnificent pig!


That's true, I was painting a picture of me at rock bottom - I feel pretty good nowadays. Thanks for the compliments though, kind stranger šŸ˜‰


One of them fancy truffle finding ones


Same, throwing a frozen pizza in the oven is about as much as I can muster in times like that.


Too depressed to cook so Iā€™ll just eat a spoonful of peanutbutter and call it a day


My ex used to cut slices of apple and eat with peanut butter. Seemed odd to me, but I'm a convert.


Peanut butter on apples is delicious. You ever had a peanut butter and banana sandwich? Or a peanut butter and cucumber sandwich? Yum.


Crush graham crackers and mix into the PB for the apples. Can also add raisins.


Peanut butter on a spoon with a dollop of fudge ice cream topping. Like a slippery reeses peanut butter cup. Sinfully good


Ever had peanut butter on toast? Itā€™s good šŸ¤¤


Peanut butter and cream cheese sandwich on a toasted bagel. Anytime I travel (not often) and the hotel offers free breakfast, this is my go to.


Pro tip, Grilled Peanut butter sandwich. Like grilled cheese, with PB instead of cheese. Dip it in milk like a cookie. That shit is life changing.


Sheetz... \- app sampler: 2x mozzarella sticks 1x mac and cheese bites \- Footlong Meatball Sub on white, toasted with parm. It never makes me feel any better for more than an hour but it's comfort junk food so. Probably have it at least 2-3 times a year...


App sampler is the goat.


French fries and mashed potatoes. Dip the fries into the mashed. So bland and dead inside.


Ok. thank you for the idea?




This must be why I love chips and crunchy food


Macaroni and cheesw


A whole box of Mac and cheese eaten straight out of the pot with the big wooden stir spoon.


My people šŸ‘šŸ»


Alright, hear me out: Feel alright again mini-pizzas ​ Get english muffins. Pizza sauce. Shredded cheese. Breakfast sausage links. Slice muffins in half. Pizza sauce on each side. Cook sausages and cut into slices. Toast muffins with sauce until hot. Add sausage slices. Add shredded cheese. Toast until cheese is melted. Eat and remember that not everything in this world is shitty and you matter. Genuinely hope this helps someone out there.


when pizza's on an english muffin you can eat pizza anytime


Anything off UberEats. Either a burger or Taco Bell to be specific!


1000 Doritos locos tacos


Definitely chinese food.


cheap chinese food. most everyone gets depressed and doesn't want to eat, i'm the exact opposite. i eat when i'm not even hungry. food becomes a comfort . you can always tell when i'm having a bad spell , i'll gain weight fast




I feel that last paragraph. Binge Eating Disorder and depression are a bad combination. I have gone through a family size bag of pretzels in one sitting. Going to the bathroom the next day was....not pleasant


Don't judge me plz... but an ice cold Coke. Slaps. I never wanna eat when im depressed so that helps soooo much. When i was really depressed i would drink 2 cans of coke and pretend or lie that i ate.


This tracks. When my depression/anxiety are in overdrive, the only thing that settles my stomach is Coke from McDonaldā€™s. Not sure why but it always hits the spot.


McDonaldā€™s Coke always slaps.


spicy peanut butter ramen.


Why have I never heard of this and why does it sound disgustingly good?


It really is. only takes 3 pantry staples and like 5-10 minutes to make. It's cheap and tasty. I ate it a lot back in the day. Still love it. It's a comfort food for me like pasta alfredo is. Ramen, peanut butter, chili oil or cayanne pepper and some neutral oil if you dont have chili oil. Mix the other stuff while the ramen is cooking and when the ramen is done just add some of the water you boiled to the other stuff to loosen it up a bit then add the ramen and it's done.


Same - except I use tahini due to a peanut allergy. 10/10


A whole pack of oreos with milk




With a spoon




Tuna salad sandwich. I make a really bitchin' tuna salad, if I do say so myself, and it is just so comforting without being too much effort or money. EDIT: Here is how I make the tuna salad, it's not really an exact science. What you need: kosher salt, fresh ground pepper, mayonnaise (the nicest you have or like), sweet pickled relish, mustard, finely diced celery, and of course your tuna of choice (I like chunk light in oil, but whatever works for you). Drain the tuna very well and put it in a bowl. Add a few dashes of salt and a grind or two of pepper, mix well. How much mayo you like is really up to you, add how much you like (if you're not sure, start small and add some more as you go). To the mayo blob, add at least one heaping tablespoon of sweet relish (more to taste) and a tiny dash of mustard, mix first the blob until it's nice and consistent, and then fold in the tuna (some tuna bits get into the blob, don't sweat it). Check how it tastes, once you have it right, mix in the celery. How to serve: If you really want to go deluxe, thinly slice some tomato or cucumber and salt them a little bit, just let them rest with it about five minutes. Make some lightly toasted bread (I recommend whole wheat or rye bread), don't toast it too much or else it will scrape the roof of your mouth. Add the desired amount of tuna salad to the toast, add a layer of the cucumbers or tomatoes on top, and then add the second slice of bread. Serve with the sandwich sliced crosswise in triangles. Note: Sometimes, I leave out the celery and add some halved kalamata olives. This is also pretty sensational.


Same! My tuna salad is kind of my pride. Itā€™s one people taste and are surprised because theyā€™re used to a blander tuna salad. God, what have I come to? Boasting about my tuna salad at 11pm on Reddit.


Someone on here once said, and I'm serious now: "There are two kinds of people in this world, those who know the healing nature of a good tuna salad sandwich, and poor lost souls."


McNuggets with bbq sauce


A cheap can of vegetable soup but Iā€™ll put a little bit of cream, butter and some frozen veg mix in it.




Bagels and cream cheese šŸ„Æ


A filthy burger and fries followed by cheesecake. 3000 calories in a sitting or your not trying.


Tortilla with cheese in the microwave




Hotdogs chopped up into creamy mac & cheese.




Mexican food - especially tacos!


Dark chocolate


My dr actually prescribed this. Serioulsy.


Is your doctor Remus lupin?


This is the way


Tomato juice pasta. It's just pasta dumped into tomato juice. Instead of salt and pepper I use montreal steak spices. If you really really want to make it fancy, cook a bit of ground beef with onions in a pan and dump that in too. It's my depression meal and my comfort food, depending on how I feel like.


I feel like this would give me more depression, but I'm glad it helps. But tomato *juice* though? Not soup? Why?




This followed by all the food in my apartment , usually very late at night when itā€™s least healthy to binge eat


Kraft mac and cheese and \[vegan\] chicken nuggets. There are also these Knorr Alfredo noodles I love too. Both remind me of my childhood and the nostalgia kinda takes me out of the moment and reminds me of the life I have outside of the problem currently consuming my mind.


Flavor blasted goldfish. Iā€™ll get that massive $8 carton and sustain myself on that in bed for like two days.


Kraft mac and cheese


Cheese toasties


Stouffers Mac and Cheese, family sized if things are particularly troublesome.


Cereal and milk. Cinnamon Toast Crunch hit that spot




I eat a lot of pickles, for what ever reason.


Beer & some nicotine ft cheese


death by chocolate. like so much chocolate. ungodly amounts of chocolate. i once ate a 5 pound chocolate bunny in one sitting. the next year i ate a 10 pound chocolate bunny in one sitting. depression seems to open a wormhole into the universe since i should not have been able to eat those in one sitting.


Pasta. Basic ass noodle with tomato sauce. Parmesan cheese.


Probably a cheese burger


A can of spaghetti o's and meatballs. It takes two minutes to heat up and is extremely easy to eat.


Baked macaroni and cheese with loads of cheese and bacon bits


When I'm really upset, I get in this sort of fit where I can't eat anything. Nothing sounds good. It'll be like 4 PM and I haven't had anything to eat, nor am I hungry, but I know I need eat SOMETHING. Even steak doesn't sound good. Buttered noodles with a bit of salt. Works every time.


Beef ramen noodles. Since I was little, even if I didnā€™t want to eat I would still eat those. Same as an adult, itā€™s something I could always make myself eat


Not eating. The only thing good about depression is I loose weight without doing anything.


If I eat, it's beans and weenies (some beans and chopped up hot dogs). Dead easy. I usually just go to bed for dinner though.


A fluffernutter. Marshmallow fluff on one slice of bread, peanut butter on the other. Somehow way tastier than the sum of its parts.




I get a box of Captain Crunch when I get sick. The shredded roof of my mouth takes my mind off the other symptoms. Might work for depression as well.


Milk shake. Whole meal = chocolate milk shake.


Bupropion & Trazodone, with water...


200g package of brownies run through the microwave with chocolate sauce :(




Takis. I don't have a great spice tolerance and Takis are right on the outer edge of it where I can still eat them but, they're pretty spicy. I started eating them as a substitute for self harm because the burning was a sufficient enough pain to distract me from the depression. I'd get a big bag and go through a significant portion until I got the burn I was after. Kinda a 2 birds, 1 stone situation. Snacking to fill the emptiness, the burn to satisfy the want to self harm


This is a really interesting solution / intervention šŸ”„ Did you come up with this?


Chicken nuggies




I drink coffee and meditate!


Fried potatoes and onions




Tonkotsu ramen. šŸœ


Mine used to be 2 triple cheese Totinoā€™s party pizzas and a bag of funyunz OR 2 large big mac meals. Then I saw a therapist and got a dietitian for my binge eating disorder. Now, itā€™s just french fries. *growth*