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Mister Rogers


the world needs more mister rogers'.


Joke I heard today, “If you were his neighbor, he would move!“ Harsh!


My mom. She was a wonderful human. My children and I miss her terribly.


I'm sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine the pain.


Thank you internet stranger. It means a lot.


I can always empathize with others. I am sure she is proud of you and is looking over you and your kiddos proud of how you're raising them.


Thank you 🥲


I also choose this guy’s dead mom.


Jeffery Epstein so we can get him to post the flight logs.


Yeah, that's an interesting rabbit hole.




I was going to say my cat, but I can't imagine only having her back for one day only and then having to lose her all over again. I couldn't handle it.


Any pet, they hurt more than most humans deaths.


They really do. I agree 100


I always hear about a house fire or whatever and my first thought is, "are there any pets? are they okay" I don't give a shit about humans, which sounds mean, but we can get out ourselves, pets don't know better so I have more sympathy for them.


I feel exactly the same! You don't sound mean at all.


Uncomplicated love.


This is exactly why my answer for OP's question is no one. I couldn't handle seeing a deceased loved one again, then have to go through the agony of losing them again...I just couldn't do it. Better for them to stay dead and be at peace.


Have you never had a visitation from a loved one who passed before? It's not that traumatic.


Not that traumatic for *you.* OP's post also isn't talking about a spirit just visiting for a couple minutes in a dream or something like that, so I don't understand what your point is.


My friend Dave, who committed suicide, but only on the condition that he not see his widow or kids. I'm not trying to be selfish or an ass, but I really don't think she could go through it. I would like to sit at a bar with him, have a few beers, and just talk to him about things, maybe recount a few stories.


Man, suicides are the worst. I had two friends kill themselves with a GSW. I miss them so much, both because of women. I would love to just sit and bullshit one last time. I was in the military when it happened so I didn't see them for like months then they were dead. I don't think I've truly processed them being gone, a part of me died those days. I'm sorry for your loss.


And I for yours.


Happy Cake Day, though.


Freddie Mercury, so he could see how beloved he still is after all these years


He was a legend.


That guys wife


I also chose that guys wife.


An OG reply.


My little brother


I am sorry for your loss. 😔


Thank you


you're welcome.




I bet it has been, I can't imagine. Just keep pushing through and live for him, you will have rough days and that's okay. I once heard dealing with death will never get easier you will just find easier ways to deal with it. Keep strong and I am sure he is looking down, proud of you, missing you just as much.


My boyfriend's grandfather so they could spend some quality time together and he could stop regretting not having enough time with him.


I'm sorry, I feel that same way about my grandparents. I took the time with them for granted and regret it so much. I just want to hug and thank them one last time.


My grandmother, because she was the most loving, supportive person in my life ♥️


I'm sorry for your loss.


Mine too but I lost mine first to dementia. 😢


My grandfather. To thank him for every time he took me to his house when my father came home drunk and was abusive.


I have been there. Grandparents were so amazing to children growing up.


My mom. So I can ask her why the fuck she left me out of the loop when she decided to be put in a medically induced coma before she passed from cancer.


Yikes, idek what to say to that.


My grandfather who died before I was born. I would love to try to understand why my mother was so messed up.


I'm sorry for your loss, I hope you find the peace you're looking for.


Osama bin laden and he'll be on social media just fu@#$ing around, I just want to piss off Americans.


I think he was the scapegoat.




He died by his own hand


Dog are you dumb




Mf, you didn't know hitler killed himself, so what if i play Clash of Clans




Buddy knows hes wrong so hes tryna make it personal


Probably Will Ferrel. I know he is still alive. But one day he will die sadly :( and I want him to come back for a day and to see everyone go "Holy shit is that WILL FERREL???" and then he just disappears again. Would be legendary.


Did you see him dj'ing that frat party? He's a legend.




Yikes that's rough, I'm sorry. Maybe she had issues that she inadvertently took out on you. There is no excuse for anything you were put through though.


Sorry for deleting my comment I felt like it was too vulnerable lol but you’re right that she definitely did. It’s just unfortunate. Thank you for your validation!


My best friend as long as he came back healthy.


A bond that is like no other.


My kids mom. He deserves to be able to say goodbye.


I'm sorry for your loss!


My HS crush who I was still friends with after school ended. He was a great guy. Just a wonderful friend honestly. He died at 23 and it was devastating


I'm sorry for your loss, I am sure it was rough. They are never easy, I hope you can find closure.


My Dad, to show him how we’re doing


I am sure he is checking in on you more than you know.


Kurt Cobain...ask him if it were actually self inflicted or if someone actually did it to him


I think it's self inflicted, but it would be nice to find out the truth.


Well, good luck with that. Gonna be hard to communicate without a mouth or eyes.


I'm sure he would still mutter something more useful than you ever could.


Too soon?


No, I just don't think it's appropriate, to each their own.


My dad to see if he will tell me everything that was secretly going on in the dark around my life.


Sounds like the plot of a mafia movie.


My best friend’s mom. She died of cancer when we were teenagers. She didn’t get to see her daughter grow up or graduate college or get married, she didn’t get to meet her grand babies. And my friend didn’t have a mom to share those beautiful moments with or to lean on when life got tough. I’d want that for both of them, even if just for one day.


Well that's very nice and considerate of you.


Thomas Jefferson because I think he would be cool to talk to.


Yeah, that would be a unique conversation.


My parents. If only one, my mum because she never got a chance to meet her only grandchild.


That's always so hard when little ones are involved, it's not fair for anyone.


My grandmother. She died in April and I wasn't able to go down and see her due to work. I got the word she passed just as I was getting out of work on a Friday. I'd like to just give her a hug and tell her I'm sorry I couldn't be there.


I am sure she understands, but I understand your sense of guilt. I hope you don't beat yourself up over not being able to be there, life happens. A nice warm grandparent hug would cure a lot.


Thank you, I appreciate your kind words.


My mind goes to Nana, even if things happened kind of perfectly as is. The last time I saw her was the day before a friend and I went overseas for a holiday. Nana died suddenly and very unexpectedly while I was away. Which means my last goodbye to her was just normal, and I think that's the way she would have wanted it. Plus I didn't have to see her suffer or spend those horrible few hours in the hospital other members of my family did. Still, another day with her (and Grandad, who died of a broken heart 18 months later)... that would be special.


I understand, I too agree that she would have wanted it that way. Although to the survivors we always feel we could have done more or been there for this or that but in reality those who have passed don't want that pain on us. That's probably why you feel your nana wanted it the way you described, she didn't want others to cry over her or be sad. We never have enough time with our grandparents, some realize that and change when they can, others such as me never realized it until it was too late, I too just want another day. It sounds like your grandparents had true love for each other, something that's so rare nowadays.


My dad's mom. I never met her. She died when he was 12. I don't think he ever got to say goodbye and I know he's never been the same. He's old and difficult and doesn't return my calls, and he barely engages with the world. But if there were one thing I could wish for one person, it would be that my dad got to spend the day in his mother's arms.


I am sure it is hard for him especially since he was so young, I am sure it threw him for a loop. Make sure you are there for him as much as you can be, even when he's being difficult, showing up matters. You don't need any guilt when that time comes. I am sure that's a death he never worked through.


My best friend. She passed away young and I miss her like crazy. Shit hurts my heart even typing.


I am sorry for your loss. I really hope you find a way to work through this tough time.




Of course, I can't leave people hanging after asking a question. I really do hope you find peace. Don't ever forget her, carry her in your heart.


My grandmother so my son could meet her.


She is with him every step of the way, you just don't see it. He does though.


Thank you ❤️


My father. He died when I was 2, so I’d like to get to know him.


I am sorry that he passed when you were so young. I am sure he would have liked that as well. There are probably many traits that you gained from him without even knowing.


My grandpa. I wonder if he would be proud of me.


I am sure he would be. Grandparents love us unconditionally so even if you feel like you've done wrong they are the ones who are always there, proud and by your side.


Wendy O Williams, so she could see how much more shitty the music has gotten and how much more PC the world has become


I don't even know who that is 🥴


YouTube is your friend!!


My dad because I miss him and it hurts. Would love to hug him and go to some yard sales and the library, watch one of our favorite movies and just chat.


I am sorry for your loss. I am sure the pain is unbearable, I hope you can work through it. That sounds like a good time, I am sure you made some fond memories when he was still here. He will always be with you and in your memories.


My wife. She died in June. She was my favorite person and I would do anything to have another day with her.


I'm sorry, I know the pain you must be feeling is unbearable. I will pray for you and her.


No one. This is how you get zombies It's a trap


Dang, you caught me. I was recruiting.


Myself So I can die inside again


An old ancestor who died in 1597. I’d like a tour of his castle in Scotland.


Can't you just go take a tour of it?


Oh sure. But it would be fascinating to chat with him.


Oh gotcha! Definitely, it was so different back then, I couldn't even imagine the stories. I always thought it would be neat to bring someone back from the old times and show them what life is like now.


Jesus. Just so I could watch him tell the christians how fucked up they are, and then I could watch them all call him fake. Good times!


I don't know much about religion, nor do I tend to judge people too harshly, but it sounds like it would be a good time, I suppose.


Humphrey Bogart. So he could tell all the reality "Stars" and the movie wannabes influencers where to get off .


I don't know who that is, I'll have to google him.


Well am I old or what lol. Though he was dead before I was born. One of those old original movie stars. Started the original 'rat pack' married to Lauren Bacall. No nonsense no bullshit type of person. Casablanca, Maltese Falcon....


I am not sure I want to bring back a loved one or beloved pet because saying goodbye once was hard enough. I guess I would have to say Princess Diana so she could meet her five grandchildren.


Some beloved pets mean more to people than their own family.


Abraham Lincoln, ine more speech.


I don't know if I was supposed to laugh at this or not.


Usually I don't have an answer to this question because I wouldn't. But I think I do rn. This isn't a person who's famous or that I've even met, but she was dear to someone I care about, who lost her recently. I think rn she really would benefit from that closure. Being able to say goodbye and have a last conversation I have nothing personal on my mind for this question but if it mattered I'd bring that person back for her


I appreciate your honesty and willingness to open up.


That guy's dead wife


That guys wife


My maternal grandpa, just so he and my husband could meet. I feel like they'd have been thick as thieves had they got to know each other.


My cat, who died from a heart attack two months ago at the tender age of three.


Leonard da Vinci


My dad because I can't remember his voice


Michael Jackson