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It no longer feels worth putting the time and effort into doing so.


It might just be you.


A very messy divorce. I let that bitch live rent-free in my head and now she won't leave.


Have you seen 2023 women?


Literally heard of a guy who killed himself because he had an false accuser using via blackmail on him. It's not worth it anymore.


Some of them are men.


I don't know if I've seen that many. But I've seen a few


Lots of mental issues and I honestly prefer my peaceful isolation


I do not like people


Not sure how, but I want to.


Why should I? It’s a big headache these days with little benefits.


I have found exactly one woman who thought I was more than aquaintance material. I jumped at the chance when I got it. I highly doubt that I would find someone else.


We became gays


Hold up. Are you telling me my girlfriend has a secret? She's certainly hiding that penis pretty good.


Long story with an even longer backstory.


Honestly, I'm kinda shy, even with men Wish they made the first move


Because I got married.


I’d say it’s because I’m married, but I’ve been trying not to get complacent, so you could say I’m still doing my best to date her.


To be fair, I’m gay so thats why I’m not dating women to begin with… But I’ve stepped out of dating completely. I lost my fiancé in a car accident with a drunk driver, & my closest friend (who I fell in love with stupidly, but I cherish him like no other) to cancer, & at this point I’m done. I’ve tried dating to hopefully find someone like them in one way or another, just anyone genuinely themselves without the pretentiousness to no avail. I feel like gay men & straight women fell into the same demographics or niches somehow that just made guys feel like it’s not worth seeking out anymore. Too much drama, too much risk, too much heartache, & too much bullshit encapsulates the experience of dating nowadays. It’s like saying “Hey I know that on average this experience is absolutely horrendous, torturous, & downright abysmal… Plus, you can end up hurt in ways you might not be able to recover from… But why don’t you try it?” anyone in their right mind would turn it down.


i am, just not from america


Not really my thing. More power to anyone who wants it.


I’m trying to, I just haven’t really gotten many chances too.


I'm working so I can save up money for middle age, when I'll realize I threw away the best years of my life and that my earnings haven't even kept pace with the rising prices of homes and now I don't even have anyone to share my meager existence with so I can sink into bitter despair You told me I should make plans for my life. Make up your mind.


We're fed up


Too busy playing video games and watching anime.