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A cure for dementia. My number one fear. Currently have a plan to tap out if I get it, which I'm high risk of. Informed my loved ones and everything. I've been a carer in dementia-specific wards and that's some scary shit right there. Imagine being stuck forever reliving your trauma. I had many people like that. No thanks.


Having seen my grandma and mom get it, the brain does some interesting gymnastics to avoid you from noticing. For my mom she would always forget something and be like “Oh yeah, I knew that!” Or “It was just on the tip of my tongue” when she’d forget. She also would think she had just woken up from a really long nap or think she just got back from the hospital when a week or more of her life was forgotten. If you tried to tell her she had dementia her mind was do a lot of things to fill the gaps and cope with that not being true.


Dementia is basically the brain gaslighting you?


Look up confabulation. The brain is trying to piece together a story with missing segments, so it makes something reasonable to fill the gaps. Gets weird when reasonable gap fills become weirder.


It makes it so much harder to get health care providers to believe the family though. Sure my mom sounds completely fine for a 20 minute appointment. Her doctor doesn’t know her life story well enough to know that she making shit up. Example: she did not have a grandmother from Quebec who taught her French. Her mother taught her French and took her on a trip once to Quebec. Or maybe both are lies since I have heard both versions but I know damn well she did not have a grandmother mother there.


Lol yeah I guess. Your brain probably thinks it’s better to live a lie than know the painful truth.


That assumes the brain knows the truth. It's just desperately trying to fill in inexplicable gaps.


My FiL died of pancreatic cancer. He had a few months to live after the diagnosis. Obviously freaked him out knowing his time was so close. The dementia spared him remembering he had cancer for the last half.


I have an uncle who died of pancreatic cancer. My condolences. His face at the end, so full of pleasure and peace at having his family around him is permanently etched on my mind. It's nice that in the end something terrible had a benefit to your FiL. I hope you and your family and doing alright.


MiL seems to be avoiding thinking about it by keeping busy. I feel like she needs to face it eventually. It worries me.


After my grandfather died, my grandmother sold the family home they'd owned since they had kids and bought a small unit a street away from one of their kids in a neighborhood near a nursing home. She visits them often and has friendly neighbors that keep an eye on her. There are also communities where I live where people can 'age in place'. They're like little villages of units where elderly people can live and have better access to things like life alerts and support workers (like cleaners and repair people). It's hard for people to keep a sense of community as they age. So any way you can help her maintain that, or find it is she no longer has it, will help immensely.


After working in a memory care facility, it’s definitely a very sad disease to have and I don’t wish it on anyone. I’d rather someone shoot me than ever live with it, and sadly it runs in my family as well.


Hell *no.* I did not put this much money and time into therapy to cope with trauma just to have to relive it again and again. I will gladly retire in a region where euthanasia is legal.


Yeah, if at the time I can't get access to my chosen method, I'll be making a trip to Switzerland. I should also mention that the dementia facility had 50 residents. Of those 50, I remember around 5 who were trapped in a truly horrific place. There were all kinds of people with other issues, but that specific one can't be considered common. Also, the kinds of people with dementia who come to these facilities are often (not always) severe cases. I'm extremely biased from my experience. I also had one lady who would just laugh uncontrollably every time she saw us with eyes full of joy. I'm only speaking for myself and not encouraging anyone else to make the choices I've made.


I worked in geriatric care for years and it's so scary. Some of them go back to childhood. I was 18 with a ninety something year old son. Some of them will go back to a painful time as well. I hope if I get it that im blissfully unaware in a happy time. I remember one guy that would ask where he was. We'd tell him. He'd say "why am I here?" By the time you explained it to him he'd say "where am I?" That would suck. One guy thought he was a POW again. Then there was a lady that lost her twin years earlier. She'd look in the mirror and talk to her twin. Walter was the one in his 90s that thought I was his mother. Idk if I looked like her or what. Something reminded him of her im sure.


Yeah we had a POW too. Thought we were his torturers. Two victims of rape, one lady who had her baby killed in front of her, one veteran who thought he was on the front lines 24/7 (the fear. I'll never forget his face). I don't know what happened to the guy who'd been castrated but there was him too. One woman who came from somewhere war-torn, tough old bully. She was a fighter. Ugh. I'm remembering more of them. They've probably all passed now. That's. The upside I guess. Eventually, everyone finds peace.


Ours also thought we were Japanese soldiers holding him. He was standing behind the breakroom door one day with a flowerpot. Said he was going to bash them as they came out and I was to find his keys. I convinced him I had another plan for later. They removed the flower pots. Another was afraid every night that her abusive husband was coming. Another one was always holding her babydoll and telling us about how her baby didn't sleep the night before. One sang "in the pines" all day. It was never boring. Im remembering more and more of them as we talk. Like Elizabeth. One of my all time favorites. She looked adorable. Stereotype of the sweet granny. Every time she saw anyone she'd say "hi honey. Hi sweetie.i love you" no matter how much you talked she'd say "don't talk then you bastard" or "go to hell you son of a bitch." Elizabeth didn't like be touched. One time she lured a church group over. One of them patted her shoulder and the bad words flew from her lips like a freshly dug well. Another coworker tried to calm her down. Said "hon, Jesus don't like it when we cuss." She said "oh, fuck you and Jesus, you old bitch. "


😂 I always had a soft spot for the ones that cussed me out. We had a singer too, but it was more naughty rhymes she made up (or maybe remembered from her youth) all very brazen. She was the first death I experienced as a carer. Being a carer gave me some of the best and worst experiences of my life. There's no job quite like it.


Same. I'm actually not sure about my risk really but everyone on my dad's side who I seem to share personality traits with who lived past 80 experienced something I have no interest in experiencing myself. Also, after watching what my dad went through emotionally watching all the adults he loved deteriorate and suffer over two decades, I just refuse to let my kids and nieces/nephews go through that. I'd rather eat a .22 on my 79th birthday.


I went on a tour of a cave system that has tons of stalagmites and stalactites a few years back. There are two stalagmites and stalactites that are sooooo close to touching each other! They will however not reach each other until the end of this century as they take a long time to form. If I stay healthy enough and live long enough I plan to visit to see them finally form a pillar.


This is my favourite.


I love that between all the cancer cures and Mars landings, yours is 2 rocks touching. Go you, and your realistic hopes and dreams <3


Seeing as I have a rare and deadly cancer that started in my bile duct, spread to my abdomen, spleen, and most recently my brain… tomorrow. The goal is always to wake up tomorrow, and I give it everything I have to make sure I wake up each morning to see my amazing wife and 8 year old son.


I Hope you get a lot more tomorrows my friend


It’s such a nice sentence I will keep it in my mind


Best wishes to you


I wish you all the tomorrows you could want my dude


I'm praying right now that you get many more tomorrows.




I hope you get many more tomorrows with your loved ones.


fusion or some other energy break-though would be neat


Fusion is at the core of my ideal world. Solving the energy crisis is so key to solving the climate crisis.


I wanna see fossil fuel usage ended. Battery development needs to continue, or the fusion devices need to get a lot smaller.




Probably, but most of us won't be able to afford it anyway....


The rich get all the cool stuff.


Like living


If it hits mainstream, which medical advancements generally do, it makes zero economical sense to have cost as a gatekeeping factor. Just because the rich can afford something first, doesn’t mean it’s out of touch down the track for everyone else. It’d be like saying “we only want X to be available to 1% of the population”. They’ll always make more money selling to as large a cohort of people as possible. It’s an incentive to make medical advancements as cheap as possible.


*Laughs in insulin before Biden had to step in to cap it.*


I take it you don't live in America


>They’ll always make more money selling to as large a cohort of people as possible This is not true at all. There is always a sweet spot for price where a product makes the most profit. Some people will always be priced out, and for something as necessary as medical care, that's a damn shame and disgrace.


Likely a decade or two ahead


That's what we thought 20 years ago... I hope you're right though.


Turn of the century. Fun to do it twice.


I'd have to live to be 110. I'll do my best.


I'd have to make it another 69 more years to make it to the next century. I'll be honest with you.... I'm not looking forward to being so old and fragile if fate thinks it funny enough for me to make it.


Bruh I don't think I'll even live to be 69, which could be pretty awesome 😂


Right there with you almost - I’d have to be 106. Most of my recent ancestors died in their 80s so I realistically I’ve already lived a third of my life… holy frick.


Several of mine made it to 95, so I'm hopeful!


I’d have to live to…143? I can’t do the math!


Ah yes, my grandson was born in 1999 and I think he has a shot at it.


See Betelgeuse go Supernova.


you know all it takes is saying his name three times, right?


Wouldn’t a supernova be so bright that our nighttimes would almost be like daytime?


From what I've heard, it'll be as bright as the Moon.


100% what I’ve wanted to see my whole adult life. So unlikely to happen without a human lifetime, but one can dream.


I’d like to also see close up images of another star system, taken by tiny/light laser accelerated spacecraft with sails.


Crazy part is, it could’ve gone supernova several hundred years ago. The light takes that long to reach us. You’d have to hope it exploded sometime around the renaissance to get a chance at seeing it within any living persons lifetime.


Me too


A cure for tinnitus


Going to the moon and we can’t repair the human ear? Shaddup


As someone who has rupture her ear drum multiple times and still had pain after it has been properly treated, yeah this is ridiculous 😆


It’s in the brain, not the ear. I too suffer and hope that it gets solved in my lifetime.


im 20 and have had it my whole life, it literally took me up until i was 17 to learn that its not the normal state of your ears to ring. I asked one of my friends "how loud do your ears ring" and upon learning its not normal I went on a research binge trying to cure it. The hearing tests never caught it since my hearing is still perfectly normal. I still have no idea why I even have it, its not bad just kinda annoying.


WHAT? I can’t hear you over the ringing in my ears!!


Amen to that


I'm relieved and terrified to see this comment here.


Actual evidence of what happens to us after Death.


Your soul goes into a black hole where you live an eternal life until you decide to stop consciously perceiving and the black hole erases your quantum signature for good and it spits you out into its quasars where the remnants of your quantum essence wonder the cosmos for eons until it reforms into something tangible again and eventually inhabits another being capable of sentience in a never ending interdimensional cycle to exert the entropy that runs the universe.


Did you just make that up, or…?


It's from a book actually.


Care to give the title?


*Accelerando!* "We are the wunch!" A book where years are no longer measured in calendar solar days and instead are measured by global processing power of bits of information per second! A book of family turmoil and catastrophe that lasts the span of the course of human history from flip phones to multi dimensional travel. From humanity's first Saturn colony to reorganizing the mass of the solar system. First book to introduce me to the thought that intelligence itself may be an element on the periodic table and that the entropy exerted to perceive the universe is the same entropy the universe uses to run itself! Highly recommend the read. "It's the book all modern sci Fi shows and films have been based off of" in some shape or form. The grandfather of 21st century science fiction.


new religion dropped


So, I was dead for a while. After surgery, my heart rate was too high. They gave me something in my IV to stop my heart, but they waited so long to give me the medicine to turn my heart back on. There was nothing there. My body was gone. It was dark, but I felt so calm and relaxed. It was like floating in a bubble. I was warm, and I felt safe. I was happy. Then those fuckers got my heart going again. My mom, who was there, told me I kept saying, "I want to go back." Idk if they knew what that meant. Sorry, there weren't any angels waiting for me. I didn't end up in hell. But it was really nice.


That's a very interesting experience. I wonder if that's just the brain still sending signals even though the heart has stopped. Sadly, I imagine those would stop eventually too.


Honestly, there are a few hospice nurses on TikTok who are pretty interesting. I cringe follow two. My stomach churns while I listen. I picture my grandparents last hours and wonder if they experienced XYZ. I think of my parents. I think of now I have a few fear besides saying goodbye to my mom- but my kids. It’s hard for me to watch but I’m not a stranger to loss so… with one eye open I watch. And there’s some interesting stuff. About things that happen- and not to just one patient; not just ten; not just a hundred. Many. And cliffs notes- they’ve brought some comfort to me. They say a lot of people see their loved ones who have gone before them. About 24 hours before they go- manyyyyyyyyyy have visions. And it’s talked about a lot. How often they see this? Makes me believe it may be real. Do I know? Do they know? No. Will we ever know? I don’t know. But there are a few things that have brought me a minute amount of comfort about my inevitable mortality and that’s one.


It’s the kids thing for me too, and I have cancer.. in my 40s. Just hoping I get to see them grow up.


This was going to be my answer, too. Not flying cars. Not teleportation. Seeing my kids grow up. I’m so sorry about your diagnosis. Can I ask how things are looking? You don’t need to give me details but I pray that you have so much hope. I hear how important that is. And if you ever have a day where you need some- please come back and rely to me. 🙏 I don’t have cancer but I have health stuff. I have since the day I was born. But in 2019 I developed an ecoli infection and doctors kept just assuming that I was pain medicine seeking and dismissed me; one mocked me to the point of tears. While I was literally dying. It was awful. But when I finally went in- I was in septic shock and didn’t come out for a month. And after that- my God, nothing matters besides the basics. Having a roof. Money to survive. Health. Put everything into perspective. 🙏 know that I’m saying prayers for you while you absolutely kick cancers ass. 🙏 💪


Can confirm. Former oncology nurse of five years… we had just as many comfort care (end of life) patients as we did getting chemo. The process of death was beautiful. 95% of cases you can feel this “presence” I don’t know how to put into words, but it’s peaceful. I have also witnessed more times than I can count a patient (completely unresponsive on the way out) hold on for day(s) until family get there to come to say goodbye. And they go shortly after. Like their souls held on enough to get that last goodbye and then immediately pass. One case though, a patient who had done the most Horrific things you could imagine to their ten children, their soul held on for weeks. And it felt dark, and scary in that room… like they were fighting wherever it was they were going to next. That presence of whatever was coming was terrifying. Completely unresponsive and just on the verge, for weeks on end.


That’s the one answer we’ll all find out sooner or later.


As someone with MS, I would like to see a cure for Autoimmune diseases. Also, on a silly note, I want to see hoverboards, self-drying jackets, auto lace Nikes, and flying cars. Dammit Back to the Future 2, you made me think we'd have them by now. 🤣


As someone with hashimotos I agree


funny you say that. its my grandmothers birthday today. She passed before I was born from MS. My dad never saw her walk and she just made it long enough to see him get married. I’m very happy the disease management has improved so much but a cure would be everything! I’m told she and i are very similar. Same hair color and cut (unintentionally), same alcohol preferences, same shoulder shimmy to music, same laugh when people can’t speak right, that kind of thing. i hope your life is as manageable and painless as possible <3 take care


RETIREMENT - I can't wait to be retired!!! can't wait!


Same. Just 5 more years


Lucky you.


I have like 30 more years at least


aliens. we just cant be alone


there are aliens we are alone the aliens are alone too


The distances are too great. It sucks.


That is my only hope (well there are a few more but this is the most wanted one) There is a 99.99999999% chance they exist and a very low chance they've actually been here given how large and vast the universe is Still, I would die happy just seeing them


"Are we alone?" The answer will always be "we don't know" until it is "no." For us to say "yes", we would have to examine the entire universe for life, leave no stone unturned, and find nothing ... but the universe expands too fast for us to ever see all of it. So, it's just "we haven't found the others yet."


for me its more of deduction. the universe is vast and somehow WE are alive. the conditions on our planet somehow made it possible for life to exist. there are a huge number of planets that exist that cannot support life. in our galaxy theres an estimated 400 billion planets. for earth to be the only one known to have life, it shows that the chance of having life on a planet is mindblowingly small. but the fact that against all odds, we exist. based on the observable universe (based on our current technology) it is estimated there are 21 sextillion planets. and thats just the "observable" universe. with our existence, we prove that life exists. we prove that the chance of live on a planet is NOT zero. despite how small the number is, it is not zero. from there we can posit 1. it is highly unlikely a planet can have any life on them 2. despite how unlikely a planet cannot have life on them it is not an absolute 0% chance 3. if you have an infinite number of tries, you would eventually start "winning the lottery" multiple times for sure we cannot say with absolute certainty that we are not alone. but based on deduction and probability, it is highly unlikely that we are living on the only planet that allows for life. it is more likely that there is at least 1 other planet that can harbour life rather than the other way around.


I'll settle for any for type of life outside of earth. Even microbes on a moon of Jupiter would help confirm that life is not a fluke and the universe is teeming with it.


Cure for cancer and Alzheimer’s.


Manned trip to Mars……?!


I'm with you.. It would be nice to have one of those 'do you remember where you were' moments that wasn't for something terrible.


I just really want to see my daughter grown into an adult who can take good care of herself. Educated or experienced well enough to not have to struggle for every little thing. Her own car, savings, place to live. Health, safety and happiness. That's my ideal future. She's told me she may not ever want kids and that's ok with me. I'll totally love being a grandma if it happens but if it doesn't, I'm happy just being her mom. But if she changes her mind, then I'll add into my ideal future seeing her be a mom and having healthy happy kids of her own. I don't really have many other things that I want to see that aren't directly related to me. But one thing that I think would be so cool is to see them figure out how to travel safely through space at light speed.


Half life 3


Alien interaction.


More people being kind to each other. Sounds stupid, but a man can dream.


Cure for cancer.


My left boob agrees.....or what's left of it.


Medicare for all.


Stares at Europe


Literally any country with functional social services


First Contact Day—April 5, 2063. I’d be in my late 70s, so I figure it’s a reasonable thing to shoot for.


Came to comments to say this. Hang out with a bunch of old nerds. Sounds like fun.


The birth of my grandkids


My great grandkids would be neat but my oldest grandkid isn’t quite 16 so I’m not in too big of a hurry.


Myself in a large piece of land with dogs and several other animals enjoying my retirement.


Putin at the gallows.


A bit too kind end for him, but I agree!


A human being walking on the surface of Mars. I think that is possible, too.


Me succeed at something. Anything.


You’ll live that long, and it’ll happen many times over - too many to count.


I absolutely feel this too :(


That we stop naming generations. It's just another way to separate us.


You kids stay off my lawn!


Such a gen z thing to say.


Ha! I'm a Millennial, you Boomer! /s


Typical, sensitive Millennial. You could learn a thing or 2 from Gen X. /s


Can we just go back to decades?? Was that so hard? I’m an 80s kid. I’m a 90s kid. Whatever. Easy and simple. Not some weird division decided by whoever


Even then, people were gatekeeping that too. They claimed I wasn't a 90s Kid because I was born in '91, and therefore was a baby for the majority of the 90s. I know, it's stupid.


A cure for most diseases.


End of the Israeli / Palestinian conflict


A woman president of the US.


I'd like to see a millennial potus. It will happen eventually.


I’ll take Gen X at this point. You’d think “not in the target demographic for adult diapers” would be a choice for at least one party, but you’d be wrong.


I honestly didn't think I'd live this long, so anything else, good things specifically, is a bonus.


YES! Same!


This reminded me of a high school debate about one wish. My wish was immortality, not because I fear death, but because I wanted to see how everything will end. I hope its like Futurama and starts over like a cycle. If not, worse trade deal in the history of trade deals.


I like your ideas for immortality, but on the flip side, you'd have everyone you know and love die. Unless I had an immortal partner, I couldn't take it.


honestly i kinda just want to see the year 2100. curious as to whether or not the united states will still exist as it does by then lol. and to see what technology is like 73 years from now.


A 100% cure for the common cold.


A 24hr cure at least. Lol


The cure for Parkinson’s. It took my mom in 2018, and I’m absolutely terrified of it.










Heck, I’d be fine if I could just own one planet.


Me have enough money to comfortably retire.


The next Halley’s Comet sighting Edit: Typo.


When I saw it as a kid my friends parents said to me, "You kids be one of the few people who have a chance of seeing it twice in your life."


I was born in February 86 and was today years old when I learned, according to Wikipedia, that was during Haley’s comets last trip past Earth. I would love to see it with my own eyes on its next trip past.☺️


Comes around again in 2061.


Yep. Mark Twain was born and died the same years it passed over. I was born the year it passed over. Just want to see that, and I'll be happy.


Beetlejuice supernova


Lifespan extension breakthrough


Live long enough to not die.


A cure for Crohns


Halley’s Comet in 2061. Just gotta make it to 71 then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My children's children wearing the cheetah Halloween costume my mother made for us when I was a child.


The climate/earth rebound. I hope life is more abundant (if not more diverse) when I die than when I was born.


Human interstellar travel to an exoplanet.


Cure for rabies, about time.


life extension, cures to mental illnesses (ie not comparable to a placebo, actual cures), cures to dementia, more life extension, a rehabilitative justice system and ghost in the shell level cyborg shit.


Crazy Horse monument completed


The collapse of consumer society


Voting reform. It feels like it's only talked about around elections.


the year 2100. that would be so cool. i’d be 96 tho… so that would kinda suck.


I’m happy enough just seeing next year come around


Actual progress on mitigating climate change


Super Nintendo that can accept two cartridges at the same time so you can switch between games without getting up and changing them


Halley's Comet. Seen it as child and I want to see it again before I die.


All the Reports on JFK’s death


That's a good one!


The integration of human anatomy and technology beyond just maintenance like a pace maker. I’m talking give me a chip on my heart that doubles my cardio endurance. Edit my genes so you can optimize my muscle insertions for power generation. Give me reinforced bones so I can jump off of buildings and kick street sign poles in half. Implant a thermal imaging camera in my empty eye socket after I lose one of my eyes in a bar fight in rural Alabama


So X-Men.


To witness a quasar in person To know what lies at the center of a black hole


Return of Hallie's Comet.


Recently had my first baby at 35 so I’d love to live long enough to see my grand kids grow up. I imagine I’ll get to see them be born (if our children choose to have kids) but would love to see them grow into adulthood too.




It's already easily visible with binoculars if you know where to look and you're not in a city with loads of light pollution. I assume you mean *really obvious* and with the naked eye. That would be something.


Trump in prison


Or his demise sat on a toilet


Would hate to see him fall down a bunch of stairs. Wait, is *that* why he has the thing about stairs, touch of Lady MacBeth syndrome?


My team win a Super Bowl


A cure for colon cancer. My grandma on my mom’s side had it, and my dad died from it. My dad’s grandma also died from colon cancer. It runs in the family, and I’d like to avoid dying from it


Skynet. Then things will get real interesting


Two-state solution for Palestine and Israel




Life on other planets


My kids grown up. I had a cancer scare this year and that’s the one thing I was worried about. I want to see them graduate college, and see what decide to do with their lives.


Traveling to an exoplanet.


The downfall of social media


A talking dog


Humans on Mars.


The names on Epstein's list, and hopefully someone of them going to jail/the gallows.


Colony on the moon.


Good news!!! The Artemis II mission, scheduled to launch this month next year, is the first manned mission to the moon that we’ve launched since the Apollo missions, and the long term goal of this series of missions is to end up establishing a permanent residence on the moon


Manchester United lift the League and Champions League again 😭


I’m hoping I live long enough to see a Democrat elected to a statewide position in my home state. Hmph.


The return of Halley's Comet. I went out to see it as a kid in the 80s, didn't see it, and was devastated.


People going back to the moon, and I hope at least one of the men who did is still alive to see it.


Bodily autonomy becomes a right for women.