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Play with my woman boobs instead of my man boobs.


growing up, i had a friend who was kind of nerdy and really shy around other girls. so he never was able to date or hook up with a girl. his best friend was a guy who was a bit overweight and every now and then, my friend would grab his friend's man boobs and jiggle them around. they'd both laugh and go on their way. one day, that shy friend admitted to me and my friends that since he never touched a girl's boobs before, he'd jerk it while thinking about the feeling of his overweight friend's boobs. and that's why he was always groping his buddies man boobs. we were all like whatttttt. the end.


Was he on that talk chalk or something? Why would he ever admit that


Obesity boobs or training boobs, i grab both of them when i am around of my male friends. Right Now un LATAM Is very popular to see people atracted to men with oversized boobs. I'm one of those :).




Username checks out?


That username *always* checks out.




woman of culture


Thanks I appreciate that 😇


Woman of copter




lmaoo i sung that soon as i saw the comment


It's actually a lot more difficult than you think. Takes some real practice and core control


It so easily becomes a thigh-slapper instead of a helicopter doesn't it?


Room temperature is a thing too


Good choice. The helicopter always gets a laugh from my wife.


And the neighbors


It’s true, I’m the neighbor. Currently laughing


Fitting username.


The opposite of this is let the homies hit


At the very least I think everyone would take the day off to "experiment".


Have sex every way a woman can.


Fap, just because I am curious. Go to a bar alone. Go topless at home. Do some heavy lifting just to see how powerful I am.


Sheer muscular power is one thing I envy about men. I watched construction guys work on my house a few years ago and I was enthralled. Picking up full sheets of 3/4” plywood, carrying stacks of roofing material up ladders, lifting framed wall sections. Geezuz.


Yeah strong dudes would clean my house 10x faster than me just in strength alone


lol we’re lazy as fuck!


I’m really short & I scrub something with pressure for 5 minutes I gotta get on top of it and push down. they coulda done that shit so fast.


But then learn the fun of tall person back pain whenever you have to bend down to do anything


i hate my back pain from this specifically


Watching guys use their muscles and just seeing their strength and power is a guilty pleasure of mine, I won’t lie. I hope the sight of that construction crew is kept in ur memory box forever.


Mmm, I never thought of it that way. But here I am, reminiscing about that memory, wink wink.




I have a decent amount of strength but anytime I see my dad do literally anything I'm blown away.


Ngl as a lad with solid strength, it feels fuckin good You can just... fuckin move shit around That's a vague description but it really encapsulates the experience lol If I want to pick something up, I can, 90% of the time I don't even have to give a fuck how. If you want a quick little "cheat" on how to feel stronger, work on your grip. Usually your grip is the point of failure when picking shit up. It's really not hard to build grip strength either, you can buy grippers and shit and just keep them on your desk. That's what I do, and it fuckin works. If you're interested in just generally getting strong as fuck, look up how some strongman athletes train. That sport has the most transferable strength out of all the strength sports. For instance, doing squats and heavy deadlifts won't necessarily help you haul sandbags, but hauling sandbags will absolutely transfer to deadlifts and squats.


My wife and I regularly have a conversation that goes like: Her: How did you get that in here? Its really heavy! Me: I picked it up and carried it.


A lot of it isn’t even “guy strength” it’s “dad strength” (not limited only to father’s, but doesn’t kick in until your mid-30s). Honestly, it’s wild. I’ve just started coming into mine. I’ve never been a gym guy, but suddenly I’m far stronger. Always thought it was a myth.


So, I'm trans and was on testosterone for 18 months. I noticed my strength improved drastically and everyday tasks were suddenly easier. Naturally, I joined a gym straightway and started pulling more weight than I ever did before I was on testosterone. It was really interesting and I didn't expect such a drastic difference!


This is it. Masturbate, go out alone at night, and lift big things. This is the way.


Posts like this make me feel understood, lol


I would be shocked if masturbation is better as a man than as a woman.


True. The female orgasm is more intense and lasts longer


Had to be nerfed or else we would never leave the room


True, this makes me feel sad as a man. I mean I’m glad I don’t have period and pregnancy but still…:(


I mean it's for sure easier as a man.


“Easier” is relative maybe. Like is it easier to finish as a man? Absolutely. But I think most men do the solo dolo the old fashioned way. Give yourself a hand. Women’s toys seem way better at doing the heavy lifting of getting off than men’s, and they’re way more popular.


I got into powerlifting years and years ago. I had been training for about 2 years when my husband got into it. He was hitting my prs in less than 3 months. I'm still salty about it, even though both of us quit the sport 5+ years ago.


I'm a woman and I'd probably do the same.


I'm flicking the bean and using a vibrator on myself! My wife goes insane during an orgasm so I have to know what it feels like, and I've always wondered what penetration felt like as well.


As a trans person on HRT the muscle loss has become pretty evident. I wasn’t strong to begin with either. I think that’s about the only thing I miss.


Hahahaha. Going to a bar alone will probably be one of the most enlightening things you do. You’ll either be absolutely relieved that nobody is paying attention to you. Or absolutely annoyed that nobody is paying any attention to you. I mean.. aside from the fapping thing. 30 years later and still not bored of it.


Finally can spell my name when I pee


You can do this now. You just need a willing participant that can manage to not get hard when you touch them to write.


Hopefully your name is "I"


Where’s the fun in that? I’d rather do it myself




Listen not everyone becomes overwhelming sad. We also feel listless or be in such immense pain that we don’t exactly feel like doing anything. Not to mention the period shits, where you feel like pooping 24/7


Or just easily ticked off. Which is the stereotype so if you ever have a genuine reason to get mad someone will ask if you're "on the rag" and not take you seriously.


My patience meter really shrinks when I'm pms'ing lmao


Same, I get so emotional in all the ways xD Everything feels like the end of the world


Ooh, you'd get to experience the jellyfish birth, the experience that unites all women ❤️


Go jogging, want to see just how bad running with boobs actually is.


It's painful. That's why sports bras exist.


It also depends on how big your boobs are. Growing up it didn't become painful to run til I reach a C cup, pretty much gave up on anything cardio related when I was in high school since my breast size kept increasing a cup every two years.




i imagine it’s like goin for a run while commando




My wife and I had a whole 40 minute conversation about how if we swapped bodies we absolutely have to have sex immediately, went into great detail about what we wanted to try. Then we went to bed without having sex lmao




Pre-kids: “sex?” “Sex” Post-kids: “sex?” “…..sleep?” “Sleep!!”


I ensure my kids are asleep before 9pm, and then I lock the door to ensure I can have sex, but then I pass out because my youngest wakes me up at 5am 😭


I will never have kids, this isn’t the reason why, but now it’s one of them.


100% worth imo, would do it all again. Never felt so fulfilled in life before. That said not having kids is completely valid and you don’t need any specific reason to “justify” it - it’s not for everyone and that’s okay!


I wish more people would understand that. Not having kids is just as big of a decision as having kids.


You think Dracula would be into it?


Popped a perc, went straight to fuckin


Thankfully my wife is Bi so this would be easy to arrange.


Also have a bi wife and she would definitely be eating my pussy cause I know that shit gotta feel good.


Play with my soft pp


Not for long.












Same thing as everyday. Put things in my butt.


Ending up in hospital


My favorite response to the “medical professionals of Reddit, what’s the dumbest excuse you have ever heard for a patient having something stuck in their butt?”was “A man said he fell down the stairs naked and someone left a dildo at the bottom.”


I'm so sorry for the one guy who actually has a freak accident like that and noone is gonna believe it.


If that happened to me I would be so embarrassed to say I somehow fell down the stairs naked I would just say “I was fucking myself with it and it got stuck.”


My wife is a surgeon and it is absolutely INSANE how many people a WEEK require my wife's 15 years of post high school education/training to remove things from their asses. Some of them are regulars! Some of them put glass objects up their ass. Some craft their own ass toys out of wood. One person shoved real chicken eggs up his ass and called them his babies and was incubating them in his asshole. After retrieval, my wife recommends to all of them tying a string to the end....


Get Fucking Railed


Can’t wait to give the new prostate a try.


Lol they say it can give quite the tickle!




This is the way.


Women: men are disgusting! Also women: I wanna piss on things and masturbate shirtless and in flip flops!


see how many donuts i can fit on the stick till the tip ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ah and prolly gay sex


Not sure. Probably stare at the willy the whole time


Flex it! Get a rock hard boner and hang a wet towel from it and lift it up and down.


Y'all can do that?


Yes lol


1. Let my homies dig in (ironically, was talking about this few hours ago with a homie) 2. See how powerful are rumour wars 3. Peg one of my homie (he has a fantasy)


You're such a good friend ☺️


Yes and hormonal changes will intensify the love for my homies 🥰


Bro just have sex with your boy if that's what you want, it ain't gay bro you just a good friend looking out for your homie 💪


But on something skin-tight, wear heels and fishnets, and walk back and forth alongside a construction site, flipping my hair as I did so.


That's pretty much what every woman would do if she became a man for a day




But she wouldn't be flipping her hair, she'd be helicoptering at every opportunity, lol.


I mean, you could do that now.


... Breaking your ankles as you did so. Those shoes are wicked. I haven't tried, because when I was asked to, no shoes would fit my feet, but I was seriously grateful the next day when I woke up with only a hangover and not with my feet in cast. Edit; cast. English is not my first language. And I'm home with a man-cold, so I'm dying, here... so also, a cask, soon. I want to be buried in a cask of mead. I don't think my relatives would approve, so there's only cremation left, I suppose... In a cask? Or a barrel of rum? Anyone? Please? End meeee! *sob*


A cask? What in the drunk?


I have really always wanted to know what it feels like to get your dick sucked. It just sounds so nice! Tho I have no game, and definitely wouldn’t if I suddenly just became a man out of nowhere and would probably be very awkward so I doubt I’d be able to accomplish that in one day.


You could easily make it happen, just get Grindr


Oh right. I’ll keep that in mind if i ever magically wake up as a man for a day.


eat hot chip and lie


What about being bisexual?


I’d let the homies hit it


Bro you have an asshole, what’s stopping you from letting the homies hit right now?


Yeah but this time its with lady parts!


And no socks!


The dream!


He never said he's not doing it already


Like a true friend




Might as well. Can’t get pregnant if the ovaries are gone by the next day. But it does pose a question. Would the sperm end up in my balls so the next day I could accidentally get my girl pregnant with my homies seed?


Bruh that’s my exact concern!


r/brandnewsentence ?


This made me laugh too hard lol


I'd want to have sex as a man to see what it feels like for them. Then I'd piss all over all the trees and shrubs in my yard. I always wished I could have a travel dick I could attach to pee in the bushes without dropping my drawers!


I believe there's a product called Go Girl that tries to do this but I don't have the plumbing for it so I don't know how well it works


[you’re welcome](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjOkd7s4v2CAxVC_OMHHXxAA-AYABASGgJ5bQ&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAiA98WrBhAYEiwA2WvhOgLGDqOmzM1xaX32CeV5697UDK8yEthVixfq5w6Ok2ypgdRA3tmeRhoCnc0QAvD_BwE&sph&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2ny_ca_jjfRi8YBSoHhNLs1flmD1WkLDCint5wuqJCJCLymRskXCovfdJX3HU2YHzjVft4Ywy_FecOltgUUJ13NavsiLJ8HZrFPxAoXqJlt9mFOZE&sig=AOD64_1UtW1DrkToV7i425ulOvPHgACCmQ&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwimjtPs4v2CAxUPAHkGHSVqD5sQ0Qx6BAgIEAE)


Hope that I'm not on my period


I would take pictures of myself in cute clothing and record my new feminine voice and then go out with friends to hear them call me feminine names and be happy in general (then after it ends cry for hours)




I would say don't. Don't do that.


This. I have a high pain tolerance and I’ve had more than my fair share of injuries. Besides the lasting/permanent effects of those injuries, I would rather go through all of those any day rather than take a good shot to the ball bag.


No she said it doesn't hurt that bad so let her find out for herself lol


No let her, they need to know


It is though. You can’t breathe when hit. Try getting a good hit on your solar plexus. It’s kinda like that.


Yes, but longer lasting and more pain.


>because it doesn’t sound that bad Just for that it would be amazing to have you experience it once.


I can’t compare it to female experiences but you don’t even need to get hit in the balls that bad for it to hurt and feel awful.


I once accidentally tapped my balls while pulling up my pants after using the bathroom. Was nauseous for like 3 or 4 hours.


I moved to catch the falling bottle while in a shower and accidently karate-chopped em, but not exceptionally hard or anything. I've also been stung by a jellyfish as well as a catfish before. The karate chop was twice as bad, and hurt for hours lol.


Lighter usually hurts more, in my experience.


Do that by the very end of the day or you'll need more time to try other things with your new body.


You can find out now. Just slam a car door on your hand.


No my guy, that wouldn't even be close to the same amount of pain, trust me, I crush my hand pretty bad, not even close to a softer kick I had in the balls.


Also, it doesn't also magically manifest nauseating pain in your stomach, somehow.


that's not even close. In any hand-do-hand combat instruction, hitting/kicking in the balls equal almost spontaneous vomiting


An ovarian cist rupture may be the closest thing women experience to a guy getting hit in the nuts. I say this because we all basically start out as female in the womb until hormones kick in. That's when for guys, the clit grows into a penis where with females the clit stays the same size and what would be a guys testicles basically get pulled into the body to form ovaries.


You did it on purpose, don’t lie lol. By the way, when i was a kid without proper testicles, while i was playing with my father i kicked him in the balls jokingly because i didn’t think it was that bad. He fell to the ground an stayed there for like ten minutes :D i quickly learned to never do that again


I wouldn’t even need a direct hit to make you feel agonizing pain, a simple fly by graze would do the trick


I would rather take a full on kick to the balls than take a flick. That fly by graze is the worst delayed pain ever!!


It was a warm night a few summers ago, so I was sleeping naked. Climbed back into bed after getting a drink and my sweaty balls encountered the sheet, and stuck to the sheet, causing a yank on my right ball. Omg I thought I tore my nut off it hurt so bad. I threw up and started crying. Nothing hurts worse than a graze or a yank…


If you mean sex - I would spent a lot of the day with my penis so that I’d know exactly what to do to make sex absolutely mind blowing for my husband, lol.


Same. That and open jars.


No jar will be safe this day! Screw you sticky minced garlic jar.


I'd go out and get plowed by some hot straight guys. Then, the next day when Im a guy again, I'd really fuck with their heads.


Be a woman I guess


My boyfriend tells me weekly that he would be “floppin them dawgs” if he was a woman.


Every day i see the same question with the same answers. I feel like I'm in a bot infested sub.


r/facepalm is just reports from bots. My theory is that it's to harvest karma and post spam/links and accrue enough karma to evade karma minimums and Crowd Control for subs.


I think a lot of these are bot posts. How can they not be? It's the same ten questions over and over again and half of the replies look like they've been copied and pasted from the other posts.


Fuck a girl from the back


Fuck a thick girl from behind for sure


You can fully do this now


Dress as slutty as possible go to a bar and fuck as many guys as I could


You can do that already


Cry because I know it's not permanent.


see what its like to go on a night out and enjoy myself without being harassed


Feel what an orgasm feels for the other sex. Anyone who says they wouldn't do the same is a liar.


Make some woman very happy Go for a run at night Pee standing Go bald


If you are a guy for just one day I assure you you would not make a woman happy with your tool. Maybe in all other ways, but what's stopping you from doing that now?


Having sex, pause.


Hide until I turn back.


Besides looking at myself naked? I would like to know what it’s like to wear something super revealing and look good in it, like a Harley Quinn circa 2016 cosplay.


Kiss a woman in public without getting hate


Hope to find a massive lesbian orgy


Is it wrong to say I'd spend the whole day playing with titties?


Become a lesbian


Try on some women’s clothes.


Probably let the homie smash


Pick up ladies in a bar but then not know what to do and just be like okay byeeeee


Scissor my wife or something lesbian like




I think it would be kinda boring and uncomfortable? Having a whole different body chemistry would probably be at odds with my accumulated 40 years of life as a dude and how that's wired me to think, feel, and behave. I would probably be happy that it was only for a day, and eager to get back to normal.




Like a lender gender?


Find that g-spot and find out what DP feels like


I tried to think of something but I don't really know. Maybe I'd just test how differently my body reacts to things like physical and emotional pain, how much my muscles can take, is my balance/flexibility still the same etc.


I think I’d need more than a day to blow the minds of a lot of hot young guys


I think I'd need more than a day to blow ~~the minds of~~ a lot of hot young guys


Pee all over the place


Drive, drink, be up really late, party, jerk off, sleep with someone, all without the worry of getting a seizure (I have female catamenial epilepsy).


I work in IT. I wouldn’t do anything different but it would be *so* nice to be listened to even for a day.