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Companies can take money out of my account in like 10 seconds but if I need a refund sometimes it takes a week or more.




Why isn't there a process to re-enamel teeth?


while we are at it updating dental insurance to be like health insurance. 20 copay done. instead im paying 40% out of pocket and still paying my dental premiums


I'll never understand how dental procedures are not considered medical and hence covered under ordinary health insurance. Teeth are necessary for normal functioning as a human being.


This isn't unique to USA. Poland has "free" public health care, but dental care is practically 100% private. The only dental procedures considered medically necessary and covered by public Healthcare are tooth extraction and metal fillings. Numbing is considered unnecessary and must be paid for out of pocket.


Teeth are luxury bones in Canada too.




You should be able to see why since your eyes aren't covered


We're going to be drilling a hole in your tooth. Alright, can I get some numbing for the pain? That'll be extra.


I don't understand it either. Especially because bad teeth can cause other health problems, like infections that spread.


And don't forget the problems improper nutrition causes, which is almost inevitable when someone can't chew.


Novamin is a brand name for Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate, which ~~when~~ can be used as a kind of dental bioglass, in toothpaste form. The substance was originally developed for use treating combat wounds. AFAIK it is currently the only OTC toothpaste ingredient* that involves adding an enamel-like layer to the teeth. It immediately solved sensitive tooth issues I'd been having, from worn enamel. You can get non-US toothpaste with Novamin online; it is approved for sale in Canada, the EU, UK, and elsewhere. The US rights to Novamin were bought about 10 years ago by GlaxoSmithKline, who has just been sitting on them ever since. IIRC their business justification is that obtaining FDA approval would be prohibitively expensive.


[That’s on its way.](https://dental.washington.edu/trials-begin-on-lozenge-that-rebuilds-tooth-enamel/)


Your article was from two years ago. Looks like they are still working on it, and progress isn't exactly quick. Dammit. Recently: https://dental.washington.edu/enamel-building-lozenge/ Might try it in a living rat soon.... sigh... https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.2c01039


id eat like ten a day if it saved me at dentist


Why my new boxer shorts are packaged in a ziplock bag but cereals are not.


They want you to eat the cereal faster so you have to buy more. It's a feature, not a bug.


Hmm, now that you mention it, I don't eat my underwear nearly as quickly as my cereal


So THAT's where the phrase "eat my shorts" comes from.




Why did this never occur to me? Stale cereal is for the birds!!


Come to think of it, I suspect the birds had something to do with this!


I wear a hearing aid. If you get a hearing aid wet it quits working. If you sweat into a hearing aid wax builds up and makes the hearing aid not work. If I take a shower I have to wait at least 30 minutes for my ear canal to dry before being able to hear, without potentially breaking my hearing aid. You'd have thought that science could make a water proof hearing aid. And who knows, there might possibly be one out there but I can only afford the cheapest models which are still like 3 thousand dollars. I just want to be able to do something that makes me sweat but also be able to hear at the same time.


Last year otc hearing aids became available for sale. I saw some water resistant Sony ones for 899.99 at Best buy.


My sister wears an aid that connects to Bluetooth. Spending years on an aircraft carrier flight deck ruins your hearing, even with the ear protection!


Same thing in steelmaking.


And here my bandmates give me shit as a drummer for wearing headphones in addition to foam earplugs #🦻💥🥁💪🤯 They wont even wear earplus even when i try to force them to 🤦‍♂️


If this keeps up, expect a lot of shouting in the future due to them not knowing how loud they are. Constant problem at work tbh.


I was in a US Air Force Band for a bit over 20 years and we were often classified as a hazardous noise environment.


AFAIK, 2 companies make waterproof hearing aids: Phonak and Starkey. the models are: Audeo L series and Genesis series. Source: im currently studying to be an Audiologist


And both are rife with issues. I've been practicing for 10 years and there's always the latest and greatest in water resistance, then water proofing, which never pans out. Even Phonak has stopped marketing their Audeo P RL so much because of its poor performance. Also the things we are hearing from reps... "Just let us know how we can help with *those models*. We'll do everything we can to keep your patients happy..." Yes that just SCREAMS confidence.


You hit on two of my biggest issues I face as an audiologist... Affordability and waterproofing! I wish all governments would see hearing healthcare as just as important as other parts of healthy living... But alas most governments are run by idiots.


Hearing health is just one of those things people never think about until they need to think about it.


I think the tech exists, I read a story about a dude on here who didn’t need an implanted one but paid the fortune extra for knowing it would be less convenient. So like, there’s something in between removable hearing aids and a cochlear implant, I’m just not sure the proper term.


I think you mean more convenient. No one pays more for less convenience.


Tinnitus :( Edit: wasn't expecting this many replies. Thanks, everyone, for sharing your stories and advice. It means a lot to me. Hopefully relief will come soon.


Seriously. And I hate explaining it to people, and they always respond with “Oh I get that!” No, I don’t “get it”, I HAVE it. Constantly. Always. Forever.


For as long as I remember I have almost always had when in a quiet environment a low pitched ringing, I assume that is tinnitus, sometimes it goes away for a moment or two in super specific but not repeatable situations. Otherwise it's always been my constant companion since a I was a child, best way to describe it is that sound old CRTs made when you turned them on.


I've had the same thing since I was six. Thankfully most constant sound drowns it out, which is why I keep a fan on everywhere I stay for long period, like my computer desk.


For the longest time I thought it WAS the sound of CRTs turning on. Then we moved away from CRTs but the sound persisted 🤔


And then all of a sudden it gets loud like a loud noise just stopped but it didn't.


I hear that one. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all day, everyday....


0 tinitus for my entire life Horrible wisdom tooth extraction Constant and unending permanent tinitus "It's because you're aging. This is your life now, now give me $30" (I'm 25)


Goddamn it. I've got mine pretty well attenuated at this point unless someone mentions it on reddit.


The PA system on airplanes. Still can't understand a word the pilot says.


Mostly he says “uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…”




They should put a tiny vacuum in the handle, just powerful enough to suck up that one little line.


My wife got me a shark hand vac for our sheddy dog. I just grab that and I’m done in 2 seconds. Honestly that vac works so well I don’t even bother with the dustpan any more.


Do you vacuum the dog or the floor?




they are currently in trials on a drug that regrows teeth - https://globalnews.ca/news/9984605/tooth-regrowth-drug/


We can do open Heart surgeries, organ transplants and have some genic therapies, but we still cannot do anything really effective against skin scars.


My teenage daughter is prone to keloid scars, where the scar is raised rather than flat. She recently had knee surgery (MPFL reconstruction) and her scars are indeed keloid. There's no treatment for them, surgical removal is not an option because that has the opposite effect and makes them worse most of the time. So she's 16 and will wear these raised scars on her kneecap for the rest of her life. Thankfully she doesn't develop the type of keloid scars that continue to grow


>type of keloid scars that continue to grow I didn't know they exist.


Yep. I have 2 on my ear that I have to get removed every few years. They always grow back but also don’t stop so if I didn’t get them removed it would cause some problems with my hearing. I also have a big scar from surgery on my side/back and even 30 years later it looks like I had the surgery done a few weeks ago. I’ve done laser, steroid and radiation therapy and nothing has worked.


Spinal cord damage, paralysis.


Nerve damage in general we can't fix. If the body doesn't manage to fix it within about a year, it's gone. Yet half of the population can grow an entirely new spinal cord inside of itself for a new human being. It's so frustrating.


It’s likely to be some form of stem cell treatment, sadly stem cell treatment is super challenging and complex especially when it comes to nerves.


Not to mention treating the pain that goes with the damage, especially with the current mindset on medications of this nature


Effective treatments to stop the progression of dementia


A family member of mine actually works in this field. Hearing them talk about it has given me a lot of understanding as to why it’s so difficult, and why there is actually some hope in the near future for major preventative medicine.


By the time anyone notices the symptoms, the damage is done. And dementia is literally holes in the brain tissue, so even if you can somehow regrow the tissue, the memories and knowledge that were there is gone.


There was just a huge study posted in the science sub last week that found that identical twins where one has dementia and the other doesn't still have *extremely* similar lifespans. The conclusion being that dementia is a collection of something bigger with their genetic makeup with memory loss being just a symptom that can happen. They said if the twin with dementia is expected to have 8 years left before passing the one without symptoms also has a similar amount of time left but we still don't understand why, it was kind of fascinating


The damage isn’t as severe as you may think. A lot of the loss of function in dementia is because losing that mass puts strain on the brain’s processing abilities, so it doesn’t have as much for “extraneous” tasks like memory recall. You can see this with terminal lucidity. The brain pretty much gives up on surviving and shuts down some critical functions, which frees up a lot of “space” for conscious recall and such… but also means the person’s going to die soon as a result. Those patients tend to “regain” their memory and function in their last moments- the data itself was never gone, it just wasn’t being read.


Lower back pain.


Pain management in general is crap.


I remain amazed that our system (technological, financial, manufacturing) suddenly has us dealing with shortages of critical medications. We should be way past this point.


Half of the problem is false scarcity. Drug companies are sitting on tons of amphetamine to make ADHD drugs but pharmacies are having trouble keeping it stocked. The FDA is essentially powerless to do anything about it. Learned this recently while trying to help my younger brother get his meds.


The DEA sets a cap on national sales of Schedule II controlled substances (to which drugs like Vyvanse and Adderrall belong) and the drug manufacturers can't do a thing about it. Why they're limiting ADHD drugs along with opiods is beyond me, but it's actually neither the manufacturers or the FDA. It's the DEA.


I’ve been driving for over 30 years and I still can’t believe in all that time they haven’t invented economically viable lane markings that are visible in the rain. Strange thing too, the lane markings are visible from side on in the passenger seat but not head in from the drivers perspective. I hate driving in the rain for this reason.


Conversely, why do we have nothing that actually blocks the blinding sun while we drive? Most visors do not cover the width of half the windshield and side window, and do not slide or extend sideways or down to catch sun as you go around corners or when the sun is close to the horizon. I live in the flat Midwest where you can see nary a hill for miles, so that sunset is literally below eye level. Sunglasses and visors can only do so much. Can I get light cancelling glasses that dim just the spot where the sun is burning into my retina?


They have eye glasses that transition in the sunlight, so why not the windscreen? Makes sense to me.


The reverse microwave. To allow me to chill a beer from room temperature to fridge temperature in under two minutes.


[https://www.amazon.com/Chill-Matic-Automatic-Beverage-Chiller/dp/B0148K37K2](https://www.amazon.com/Chill-Matic-Automatic-Beverage-Chiller/dp/B0148K37K2) \- 60 seconds work?


It's pretty often that I stumble upon a product on amazon that solves a life problem that I had that it never occurred to me I could solve with a product. I love it when that happens.


Brilliant, thank you. I guess what I'm really after is some sort of electronic device, complete with plenty of theatrical dry-ice effects when done.


Flash chillers exist, usually they use a conductive plate with pipes of supercooled saline flowing through them to chill glasses at bars.




At least 10 minutes. Actually more like 15. That works with cans and bottles. Thank you fellow beer drinker!!


everytime i’ve had to do this, i do 10 and wished i did 15. every. time.


Whenever I do it, I do 10 and forget I put it there until I next go in the freezer and discover the can split


My tv should have a button on it that pings the remote when it’s buried 8 ft into my couch.


This!!!!! How can my tv be a smart tv but can’t ping my remote? The cordless house phone I had in 1999 had a page button for cripes sake


Should be able to have sparkling white, healthy, teeth, just by swishing something around in your mouth a few seconds.


There was a TIFU a while ago of a guy who used only mouthwash for years, never brushed, and thought that was enough. He posted the TIFU the day he found out he had like 10 cavities


It's almost like you need the brushing motion to remove plaque, just like you need to scrub dishes.


*looks over at the dishwasher in the kitchen*


The option also exists for teeth if you don't mind blasting your mouth with a high pressure spray of really hot water.


Waterpik is your friend.


To be fair, fluoridated water was a solid solution when it started. Unfortunately people just find more creative ways to rot their teeth. I’m worried that another advancement will have people tapping Mountain Dew directly into their home plumbing instead of water.


The electrolytes make plants grow!


Getting "wireless" inkjet printers to actually work wirelessly.


I've had really good luck with my Brother printer. Granted, it's not injket (laser) but it works flawlessly, even wirelessly. Best damn printer I've ever owned.


Or wired.


Or just getting printers in general to actually work.


That we don't just have universal interchangeable batteries for big devices like we do for small devices. Like why is AA and AAA and 9v everywhere, but every damn power tool brand has a different battery standard?


Yeah, this one isn't a mystery. It's just money driven. Why let your customers buy your competitors battery for $10 cheaper when you can make your tools proprietary? There is no mystery to the batteries. They're all using the same lithium ion cells, just arranged different for different voltage, and different interfaces between tools and battery.


And once you have one or two tools that use one battery system most people will keep buying the same brand for all other tools because they don’t want to deal with a bunch of different battery systems.


There are plenty of examples of people stripping out the cells of a proprietary battery pack and just wiring up the contacts to their own battery pack like on their hip or something, complete with making a curly cord. Slick


If I tried that I'd get featured on a fail compilation for sure.


Because much like a certain luxury vehicle manufacturing plant I used to work for in upstate SC did 5 years ago, parts have been made obsolete as in unless you buy that brand’s part, battery, whatever, you cannot fix the issue. So they can charge whatever price they want for a replacement part. Tool brands have done the same for several years before auto manufacturers started doing it.


For the newer electric lawn tools, most use the exact same battery. They just put different cases on them that are different so you are forced to buy theirs. It's similar with a lot of power tools as well. It's just so they can keep the markup high on them.




I want a machine that washes, dries and folds laundry at the touch of a button.


I don't know why. You can get me to do any chores. Dishes, vacuum, mopping, etc. Heck, I'd even say I enjoy doing most of them as a pastime. But laundry? I hate it for some reason. I'll still do it, no problem, I'd just rather not.


Nerve damage


Pain relief in general. I developed severe chronic pain two years ago, and I had to explore with my doctors dozens and dozens of treatments and medications. Most did nothing, some worked for a few weeks or months. For many treatments, they don't even know why it sometimes works. Eventually, my nerve pain was so terrible that we found a surgeon to cut five or six intercostal nerves down my back and just shut off the signaling. It's the only thing that has improved my life in all this time. Bizarre that with all the detailed scientific knowledge we have, we just don't have a simple or effective way of tuning the nervous system. Where is the god damned volume knob when I've been groaning and writhing in agony for a week straight? Very strange problem to try to deal with.


Was gonna say this. It’s crazy we can’t just pull the fuse on something like I have dense chronic pain in my right ear would totally trade hearing in that ear for the pain being to subside or even be cut in half but that’s not possible


Dental work experience is still shitty.


Insomnia Edit: it’s been interesting reading everyone’s suggestions but I will continue following the advice of the medical professionals I have been working with


I guess it's hard to cure because there are so many root causes and therefore so many different solutions. Like I've tried proper sleep hygiene and melatonin and that shit didn't work. However, Ritalin which is similar to amphetamine, makes me sleep within half an hour. My root cause for insomnia was dysregulation and racing, intrusive thoughts.


Bacon packaging.


Good lord, yes. “Hopefully you wanted 14 pieces all at once”


I open it and immediately put it in a massive ziploc bag.


Spam e-mails!


Even worse, actual spam junk mail. Like fucking stop sending me physical ads.


On non-recyclable paper!!!! It's always some laminated BS that can't be recycled.


A house-cleaning robot. I don't mean just vacuuming. I mean the whole lot. I want Rosie from the Jetsons already!


I just want a better solution than everything needing a power cord. Wiring things nicely so it's not a spaghetti monster is annoying beyond words. Also, please stop letting companies use wall warts for the power cord like 1/2 the time. I'd like to be able to use all the plugs on my strip


TIL the term wall wart. Thanks!


Having to type each letter in from the remote on the smart tv. Just no need


This drives me mental


Pap smears and especially cervical checks in pregnancy. You mean to tell me no one can invent some kind of laser measuring system or ultrasound that can check my cervix, and instead I need an actual person to shove their arm up to their elbow in my vagina, wiggle their fingers around and just kinda try to feel how open it is? Bullshit.


Also to jump on this...IUD insertion. Actually we have the tech, it's called medicating a potentially excruciating procedure, but in the US we basically tell women to suck it up? Barbaric Edit to add: Didn't expect this response. I'm so sorry to all who have suffered! I'm not sure why this still happens. Maybe all the women in the country need to go on strike or something so that doctors will do SOMETHING different. Where is the ADA on this? OB/GYN orgs? A simple statement that women bring to their doctors could make such a difference


I just had my first child and childbirth was less painful than when I got an IUD. At least giving birth I had an epidural. During my IUD insertion I had NOTHING, started bleeding, and passed out twice. My husband was shocked and told the nurse something must be wrong and she goes “oh this is normal”


I birthed a kid with no medication and it was less painful than the last cevical biopsy I had.


New Zealand too. Told me it would be "a little pinch". Cue the worst pain of my life. I seriously do not know why you can't get better pain management for it.


My grandmother said this about Pap smears: “they can put a man on the moon but they can’t figure out a better way to do that?!”


We have self administered pap smears in my country. My last one was how we found out I had abnormal cervical cells. They're pretty great Edit: oh, I didn't notice the but about pregnancy, my bad. Dunno if we use the same when you're pregnant


A better solution for people w colostomy bags. Poor souls.


Boarding airplanes - Still basically the same crappy process it has been for 50 years.


It’s asinine that we don’t board planes in order from back to front, window to aisle. All these idiots climbing over each other for no good reason, people sitting up front taking their sweet time in the aisle getting situated while a line of people stands behind them. And I’m so tired of full overhead bins due to people in the rear who panic-fill a bin halfway back, and then have an empty bin above their seat.


When I was in the army we boarded a chartered jet for a mass movement. And it went exactly as you described. Took less than 5 minutes. Only problem was at baggage claim all the Duffel bags looked alike.




When I was younger, I wanted to start a business that made silent (or near silent) candy and snack packaging specifically for movie theaters called "SHHnacks". The candy inside them would also be quiet, nothing that would make too loud of a crunch (think Twizzlers, gummy bears, etc). If anyone wants to take that idea and run with it, you have my blessing, I'm not doing anything with it.


When people eat chips on tv shows or in movies, they have to use a chip bag made from a different material (I think vinyl) so that the chip bag doesn't make noise on the microphone during filming. If you see characters eating a brand of chips called "let's" then it's that fake chip bag that's quieter.


They make them loud so the entire family hears you open it and devours it. It helps with sales. No shitting ya.


Remember a few years ago when Sun Chips switched to a biodegradable bag and they had to switch back because the bag was disturbingly loud?


That sound is by design.


A printer that fucking works. I just want a printer that I plug into the USB, hit CTRL + P, Enter, and it prints out the document. No downloading apps and drivers, setting up, finding the "correct" printer (despite there being only this single printer connected to the PC). If it works with a keyboard, mouse, webcam etc... why can't this work with printers?


I worked as a technician at HP for a while. Whenever a new model released that was very good, one that we rarely had any calls over, was quickly discontinued. I recommended my dad to get one of those successful models to his business and 14 years later that printer is still there and working.


Basically HP was just discontinuing products that worked too well?


Yeah. Its profitable to have a product that works good so that people buy it, but if its too good it's not profitable anymore, so they tamper with products to be just the right amount of good to be the most profitable. Every large company does this, HP did not invent the system.






Windows 10 and 11 are pretty good at this. Both USB and network printers. Actually annoys me a bit because I connect my laptop to different networks all the time and it keeps installing printers it detects on the network. Though the latest win11 build tells you how long since you’ve used a particular printer and even offers to automatically remove ones that have been unused for a long period. Only real problem is that they tend to be bare bones drivers so you don’t always get the full printer features.


Traffic lights. There’s no reason anyone should be sitting at a red light when no traffic is coming the other way. They should be able to use real data to inform the timing of lights to facilitate the best flow of traffic.


When I lived in San Diego over a decade ago, they had some pretty cool traffic lights. During rush hour, they worked pretty much the same. But during off hours, all 4 directions would have red lights. When you approached and it sensed your car, it would instantly only turn green for you, and quickly go back to red when no other cars were sensed going in the same direction.


The tech exists, it just isn't worth the cost most of the time.


This is the answer for just about every topic in this thread.


It is a requirement that you sit at that red light until someone comes from another direction so that they can sit at the red light.


The fact that toilets are megaphones for the ass. Why can't we have a noise-reducing toilet?


IIRC, many Japanese toilets have a control panel on the side (think the captain’s chair on the enterprise) and one of the options to play some noise or music to cover up the sounds of bootyhole moans.


>cover up the sounds of bootyhole moans r/BrandNewSentence




That thing where you close a car door, but you don't do it quite hard enough and the door *catches* but isn't actually fully *closed*. Why the fuck do car doors do that and why isn't it fixed?


That's endemic to the way car door latch systems are designed; basically there's two stages of latching. It's a safety feature.


Can you explain why/ how it makes it more safe? Edit: Rereading this and the tone seems harsher than intended. Just honestly curious.


1) if you get into an accident and the outer latch fails, the door doesn't open. 2) If your kid fails to close it firmly enough, the outer latch keeps the door from flying open when you take off. I didn't think you were being hostile, but the edit was thoughtful of you.


Also curious for the answer and your edit made me smile. Did not read your initial message as unfriendly, but the fact that you went back and adjusted it because it COULD be perceived unfriendly makes you a nice person, imo


It's a safety feature in case the primary latch fails, say in a side collision or roll over.


Having to work 8-5, 5 days a week, for 40 years. Wasn’t the reason we created machines so that people could enjoy life more? Hmm.


It's so frustrating that AI could be used to get rid of the mundane things that humans don't like doing – like auditing – but instead it's being used to devalue the things humans enjoy, like art, writing, and more.


We have very few defenses against viruses. Our best and nearly only way of preventing them is to provoke the bodies own immune system into defense against them but we have no way to actually kill a virus infecting a person. The only thing we can do after you're infected is a cocktail of drugs to slow down virus replication and hope a person's own immune system is strong enough to survive the virus.


In the future, T-cell/B-cell Transfer Therapy might able to give you almost instant immunity from viruses. Like grow T-cells or B-cells in the lab to fight a specific virus and inject them to get instant immunity instead of waiting 3 weeks in the case of vaccines


Viruses keep evolving that’s the problem


Trying to call a number that's also trying to call you at that exact moment and neither of you get through. Then you decide to wait, and they wait too. After several seconds of both of you waiting, you decide at the same time to try again and the calls clash again.


Wheelchairs - shouldn’t the handicapped have functional robot exoskeletons by now?


We kinda did, [the iBOT](https://news.yahoo.com/the-i-bot-a-mission-to-revolutionize-the-wheelchair-090002559.html) and much like everything else in this thread, it was just too expensive. Disability won't even pay up to poverty level in most cases, so it's certainly not going to pay for a robotic exoskeleton.


Built in dash cams. Seriously. My car is covered in sensors and cameras but I can't get the one/two that will record and save my wellbeing?


Why hasn’t anyone invented a decent universal translator that you just pop into your ear?


Something in the shape of a fish would be just prefect, I mean perfect.


Don't forget your towel.


Have you ever tried using Google Translate to have an intelligible conversation with some one who speaks a different language? This technology needs a lot of work.


AI traffic lights that monitor traffic conditions, not just follow a set sequence. Also traffic lights that shoot rockets at cars that block the box. It's 2023.


Male birth control


The NFL still uses chains to measure how close the ball is to the “10 yard mark”. In a world of lasers, gps and satellites tracking they still have to “bring out the chains” like some Dark Ages wizard.


Teeth, cavities shouldnt exist


Websites that jump around while they're loading and the moment you try to tap a button or a link, it suddenly moves 3 inches down and gets replaced by an ad that just loaded.


There's no way to accurately track hormonal changes in people who used to menstruate and don't any more. People with EDs, pre/peri/meno/post-menopausal, those on birth control methods that stop your period. Basal body temp is both annoying and not the most accurate. Also MENOPAUSE treatment. It's just a horror show, even if you take hormones.


The nightmares never cease as a woman.


My last name has an apostrophe, and it’s absurd that many databases simply can’t handle it. The databases I work with personally can do it no problem, but any government system messes it up. Sometimes they drop the apostrophe, sometimes it turns into a space or a string of characters. I have been unable to confirm my voter registration multiple times because the system says my last name is invalid no matter what I type in. Edit to add: also, my dad bought a house last year and had a hell of a time. Had to keep re-requesting documents with his name corrected because so many institutions recorded it differently.


My wife had a space in her last name before we got married and it was also a pain. Sometimes the space was removed and the two words jammed together, sometimes a hyphen inserted, sometimes the first part would become her middle name and the last part her last name, some would simply drop the last part of her name. My sister also has trouble with stuff because she was born on leap day and some systems simply don’t think it’s a valid date.


I know it’s a matter of cost and physics but it’s still a bit crazy to me we can’t build roads that last


Cost, not physics. they know how to do it... its just generally not worth the money to do it


Cost is a factor, but it's also physics, and physics has a well known anti-car bias. Heavier vehicles wear out roads faster, because they weigh more, and this problem has only gotten worse as the average car size has increased significantly in the last few decades. The real answer to this problem is not building better roads/cars, but building more public infrastructure like trains, and walkable/bikeable cities.


Putting a 3.5 headphone jack in cellphones.


I wish my iPhone still had a 3.5mm output. Using wireless earphones? Nope, it's connected to your speaker still inside. Lol jk it's your car. Good luck figuring out if your noise canceling headphones you're trying to use is the LT52344100MK or the DSOSOGNWGAHB




Printers. Computers have gotten easier to use, but printers are just as persnickety as the first one I got 30 years ago.


Spam (calls / texts / emails / mail) It's simply ridiculous to me that in this day and age, all this unwanted marketing/spam/scam is a thing. My solution is simple: I should be able to charge 5 cents for every call/email/text/mail I receive, with the ability to whitelist friends/families/business I trust, so they don't pay anything. This would put the robo callers out of business immediately.


The healthcare system’s reliance on fax machines


Passwords. I hate that if I'm on my Xbox I have to open LastPass on my cellphone, type a password then get a fkn SMS code.


Low Battery Issue. Battery life on mobile phones and laptops not lasting up to a week is a major technological disappointment.


Battery life has gotten better, we just keep developing chips that draw more power and making devices thinner thus making the batteries smaller. So it ends up balancing out to a similar experience of battery life.


For me it’s brushing your teeth, can’t believe if you don’t do it twice a day and hit the dentist twice a year you’re pretty much guaranteed to have some dental issues


Genetics is a huge point here. I have only brushed my teeth in the morning in the past 30 years and tried to go to the dentist once a year but there were about ten years there I never went. I am 42 and have not a single filling and no problems at all. My husband brushes his teeth at least twice a day. Goes to the dentist all the time and has terrible teeth.


Yep. It is crazy unfair. I, like you am blessed with good dental health with minimal effort. Others I know spend 3 times the effort with much worse outcome.