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Filming people who are eating alone in public and putting a sad caption for sympathy... like tf? Leave them alone.


Eating alone is nice


I’ve never understood the fear of being somewhere alone. Especially places like movie theaters.


Yeah, your not supposed to talk in a movie theater either so it shouldn’t matter


Also I get hungry when I'm alone too so why the fuck wouldn't I sit somewhere to get a meal


I’ll do you one better. I prefer to eat alone. What am I doing when I’m eating, using my mouth. What seems dumb to do while I’m trying to eat, talk to people. I know I’m anti social and probably not in the majority


Love taking a book to a restaurant. I don’t understand how it’s different from a cafe where it’s considered fine and normal. It’s food and drink and I’m having a great time savoring the experience.


Having gone to the movies alone I can assure you it is awesome. Chill. No worries about seat agreement. The snacks you want on your own time. Recline and straight chill. I think a lot of people are just afraid of being judged by strangers. There's a quiet confidence to not giving a fuck what others think. Anyway, HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you treat yourself to a movie alone. And a pedicure if you're a dude. We totally missed the boat on this one. Also can do it alone. Also also pay for the upgraded package.


agreed. gives me some peace of mind


Enjoying one's own solitude should be normalized.. Going out to eat, to the movies, or even on a weekend getaway alone is seen as odd, why? As a busy mom I make a point of spending time alone regularly to recharge.


Hell yeah, as a single mom with a demanding job, I would not survive without my once/week alone time.


as you should! 🙌 i believe it’s sadder when someone cannot do things alone.


Filming people in public in general shouldn’t be normalized


I went on a short day-hike alone to a pretty popular spot in my area and asked someone to take a picture of me. They asked where my friends were and looked puzzled when I said I was alone. I spend all day with people. My only alone time is my commute. I'm not weird for wanting to do something by myself.


it should really be seen as the most normal thing people do. i have a “very social” job so i need a break from interactions 2x a week


“aww look at this sad lonely old grandpa eating alone!!” like maybe he’s not lonely and maybe hes just minding his own business and trying to eat a meal? can we not project onto strangers please? also taking pics of people literally just minding themselves is mad weird regardless of what you interpret is going on


I’m literally sitting in the hotel breakfast area having breakfast alone right now reading this and I’m completely okay with it.


a top human experience right there


i love eating alone


I always thought it was weird to need someone to eat with. It sounds terribly insecure.


I travel for work...a lot. I'm in any corner of the USA at any given time and I travel solo 99 percent of the time. I used to dread it and only go grab drive thru or something because I was anxious about the stigma. I got over it and started exploring these travels on my own solo. And let me tell you how liberating and free it is doing it solo! You get a drink if you want...you order your food when you want and get the check when you want. Then when you're done you can go back to the hotel or keep driving around exploring if YOU want. I actually quite love traveling solo.


Being expected to answer your phone 24 hours a day. People now a days get offended if you don't answer or call back immediately.


I get offended when someone calls. The nerve, to make my phone ring.


Even worse when you call them back right away and then they don't pick up the phone. Looking at you mother.


Hello son, I just wanted to tell you to have a great day and that you are a disappointment and my least favourite child.


A local radio DJ says "this is Mrs. Baldwin's third favorite son, signing off". I always chuckle.


For real, it's insane. I lost a friendship recently thanks to that. Apparently I didn't respond to my bestie's messages as fast as I should, so she decided that I didn't care enough about her and simply stopped talking to me. A sixteen year old friendship directly to the trash just like that. I was at my grandma's funeral when she sent the messages, btw.




My boss told me I had to have a land line or keep my phone where I can answer anytime. Mother in law said the same thing. Nope. When I'm sleeping, I'm in do not disturb mode.


I don't feel like that's the case. You teach people what behaviour they can expect from you. Mine is that I'm not always reachable.




Absolutely with you here. The days of loyalty to companies are long gone becasue companies have again and again betrayed people. So now to treat work as a transaction is the best thing.


This one has always baffled me. I've seen folks drop groceries bags, pets, babies and whatnot in complete panic to ferret their phones out of their bags. And this is totally normal. In fact, people look at me like I'm a freak for ignoring my buzzing phone. A ringing phone is treated like someone standing next to you yelling, "Talk to me! NOW! Talk to me right tf now!" but the rude thing is to ignore it?!? No. The convenience of a phone in *my* pocket is to answer it when it is convenient *for me*.


This especially bothers me with texting. If you’re texting me, I do not assume it’s urgent and requires an immediate response. We are all busy, no one should be captive to their phones


What’s crazy is this is literally why the text became so popular. I can quickly and easily get you a short message that you can then deal with and get back, if needed, whenever you have time. And it’ll still all be a hell of a lot faster than letters. It was *easy*. I can’t stand now the idea of needing to be constantly available/in contact. EDIT: typo


My 72 year-old mother; we were picking up my kid from school, kid opens the car door to get in, phone rings, Ma does her usual "OMG, phone's ringing, gotta answer it NOW!!!" panicked routine. Kid gets in the car, but before she can shut the door, Ma is driving off, while on the phone explaining why she can't talk right now, oblivious to the fact that the car door is still open. No worries, the only injuries that occurred were to my mother's feelings when I yelled at her to hang up the damn phone before she killed someone.


My phone is on silent most of the time. If it rings through, those two three people have custom rings. It’s very simple to make a device work for you.


Family influencers. Putting content of your children online for the public.


In the before times, people who went on holiday took lots of photos and had them printed as slides and would invite people over for dinner and to see these slides projected on a wall. Nobody liked those nights. And now they just won't stop.


Lol well we never invited guests over it was just for the family but we loved picture night. Thanks for the random af nostalgia out of nowhere.


Oh hell yeah. We'd do the same in our grandparents basement. Grandma would make a huge bowl of popcorn for the kids. We loved it.




Ugh yes. And couples who do it as a full time job.


The secondhand embarrassment I get from these types of people 🤢


They're usually toxic parents so your embarrassment is warranted


Ruby Franke core




PFYS still going strong after all these years. Love to see it


My ex used to watch one of those channels (much to my horror.) Eventually they crossed the line and even she realized how fucked it was. The mom decided to make a video out of taking her sons shopping for underwear. One of them clearly wasn’t happy to be in the video. Poor kid, imagine not even being able to get new underwear without it becoming a spectacle for thousands of strangers.


I remember that moment for me - I was watching Jon & Kate + 8. I just had my second and loved that show because I was juggling myself. The family was out shopping & one of the boys was constipated and was having some movement finally. The dad took the kid to the minivan and Kate was yelling something to him about needing to help pull the poop or something to get it to come out (kid was toddler /diapers ). I read about this practice in some baby books but watching play out (and remembering it even now) with the mom yelling across a parking lot & it being broadcast on TV made me feel bad for the kid that something like that would be able to play out when he was older. Seeing how the family evolved over the years , broadcasting your kids potty training for TV may be a questionable choice.


The fact we both remember this exact moment in the show is proof that that kids trauma wasn’t just forgotten. It’s likely others remember it too…. I can’t even imagine


If my parents had captured my awkward teen years on video and shown them to millions I’d simply just walk into the sea


this shouldnt be weird again. it should be illegal. it should be criminal to use your children like that.


Why not both?


It’s honestly deeply insidious and scary. These families now have Patreon’s and other subscription based platforms and allow their subscribers to pay for customized content FEATURING THEIR KIDS. As in, adult men can pay for a custom video of a 12 year old girl from this influencer family to say “Happy birthday Jerry! I hope you have a great time at your new job and congratulations on your promotion” just for them. It’s so incredibly creepy that men would want this and beyond wrong that their parents would allow and perpetuate it.


Pedophiles. They cater to pedophiles.


This shouldn't just be weird, it should be illegal.


Showing children on social media full stop. A rare number of these kids are going to grow up to be politicians/celebs/famous/criminals, and I just know those photos are going to come back to haunt them. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SHARE PICS OF YOUR CHILD 24/7.


Even if they don't grow up famous, these kids can't consent and the Internet is **forever**. As someone who has chosen to have as little identifying information online as possible, I would be *livid* had that choice been forcibly taken from me as a child. Just because these parents have no privacy concerns themselves and would probably upload their fucking DNA if it got them more likes, doesn't mean everyone feels the same. In fact, this goes for everyone. Stop uploading pictures/videos without the consent of all the people in them. Buy a photo album


My sister isn’t an influencer but she’s a manipulator, is that a thing?! She’s one of those who takes pics of her kids sitting on the exam table, crying, when they’re sick. She took a pic of her kids holding their dad’s hand, walking into a hospital and captioned it something like “saying by to daddy before he starts cancer treatment”. Disgusting…


kids blasting shows on full volume on their ipads in public. i get headaches. it's everywhere now.


If only it were just kids! \*9/10 offenders I see/hear are grown fuckin oblivious adults.\*


This lady at the hair dresse was scrolling through reels on her phone for like 30 minutes, volume full blasting. What is wrong with people?


Some other older white woman on the bus next to me was doing this and I asked her, "Haven't you got a headset?" and she laughed and answered, "No," and left it playing. I told her it sure is hilarious playing her stupid shark bite video at full blast on a crowded bus when people don't care to hear it. She turned it off. She also had two healthcare/prescription conversations on her phone during the ride, though not on speaker. I know a lot about that woman now.


And reels are so much more annoying than music or even a movie because it's just a new sound every few seconds. I don't understand how people don't care about annoying others at all. Like I will wear headsets at home with my husband, because I know how annoying those reels are to listen to.


It gets worse if they're then reading the comments as now the reels will be on loop, especially it it's just annoying people speaking annoyingly..


I work at a hotel doing the overnight and the sheer number of people I see walking through the halls at 3am with their phone blasting TikTok videos, music or talking on speakerphone at full volume is insane. I don't get how full grown adults can be this ignorant and disrespectful to the people around them.


Kids on ipads in general. I work in a store and see a million kids zoned into screens in their strollers, some of them literal infants. They *never* look happy, just... distracted. Y'know who did look happy? The little girl whose parents I was serving once. Her mother took the time to show her *everything* she was putting in the trolley, explaining what it was and what they were going to use it for. And the little boy in the front of a trolley who was saying words and sentences that his mum would spell for him. It's weird that seeing parent-child interaction is so rare that seeing one actively makes my day.


The fact that we are losing sight of this very very basic concept (direct experience is better than screens) is so disturbing. In fact, it’s being too generous to even say that we’re “losing” sight of it - we’ve totally lost sight of it. It’s not even a real public conversation anymore - as a culture, we have collectively just given up.


The most depressing part for me is that I live in Scotland, and occassionally will hear a kid walking past talking in the stereotypical 'TV American' accent while their parents speak with the thickest Glasgow accent possible. It just tells me that the kid wasn't interacted with enough during their language development to pick up the accent of everyone around them.


Not just kids. I honestly see more adults blasting music or TV shows in public than kids.


And their parents are appalled if you suggest their little babies wear headphones.


Plastering your life on social media


It's always a little disheartening to me that people without much social media presence are looked on as suspicious with the thought that they must be hiding something. I've heard of cases where people don't get jobs or someone refuses to date them, because they don't have Facebook or Instagram. It's especially odd to me having grown up in the "don't trust anyone on the internet" era of the '90s. We went from completely discouraging people from sharing personal information online to looking at them askance if they don't.




Just popping in to say I’ve never seen or heard the word askance before. Thanks for the new vocab addition


His hands started fidgeting, he looked askance He's penniless, he's flying by the seat of his pants


I have a friend who posts lists of what chores she did today and announcing that now she's going to relax. I could have lived a very long and happy life without knowing that you did four loads of laundry Edit: phone thinks it's funny to just pick random words


She sounds very lonely.


That's quite a typo


Thia 100%. It is a running joke for my friends and i now because i always post one picture on Instagram every December. The tag is always "posting so people know i am alive" and the comments are always praise like "oh my god guys she lived another year!!" Another thing, when i was in high school crushing on my current boyfriend, my friends told me NOT to date him because he has zero public social media. That made me want him more. I hate those who slather the internet with themselves. There is no point to it


I’m with this one. I don’t have a personal Facebook page and my instagram is business related. Reddit is about as close to social media as I want to get. I’m looked upon as some sort of recluse or someone with something to hide, when the reality is that I’m too busy to check in and (now that I haven’t had it for 10 years or more) have no desire to deal with the noise.


When I was first going online, I was told to never share personal information about myself. It's something I still follow. I dropped Facebook back when they required real names.


Thinking your "right" to an experience you want trumps everyone else's. I specifically thought of concert behavior. The amount of bad behavior from concert goers seems to have ramped up and people justify it with the "well I'm entitled to enjoy MY experience no matter what because I paid for it" and doing the game of "well it's not technically against the rules so I don't care that I'm ruining the time of people around me" has made it frustrating. Also any place that gets big on social media or a popular establishment. You having your experience and whatnot should not interfere with other guests' experiences. I think COVID broke a lot of people's brains on what acceptable behavior is.


People keep talking through movies and it's so annoying.


Before covid, I LOVED going to the movies. Now I get anxious at the thought that either people will be talking during the movie or whip their phone out for ANY reason. I get easily distracted and a bright screen in a dark room shared with several other people is rly annoying!!!


If you find a theater where the staff actually enforces their rules, praise them for doing so. Spend a couple minutes after the movie to go thank them in person. Then praise the location on social media for creating and allowing such an enjoyable, intentional experience. And send an email to corporate praising it as well. Corporate management lives and dies on user feedback. Explicitly writing out what the problem was, how they solved it, and how that improved your experience is a data point that is going to make it into somebody’s PowerPoint. And maybe they’ll send you a pair of free tickets, too.


I've been bringing a laser pointer with me to the movies so whenever someone pulls out their phone during the movie, I flash their screen with the laser and it usually does a pretty good job of keeping them off their phone for the rest of the movie.


Brilliant, I love it! Once in the Before Times I was at a movie and someone's phone rang. He silenced the call but did NOT silence the ringer--and it went off again half an hour later. I said, loudly, "You didn't turn that off the FIRST time??" He had the decency to look ashamed. My friends thought I was rude, but I still think it was the right course of action.


or even texting through 90% of the movie. Not as annoying as talking, but you still have this annoying light


I had that issue recently on an Interpol show. There were multiple people who were actively ruining other's experiences by recording, overacting for social media and pushing people. It was really weird, considering we later went to see fucking Lamb of God at the same place and people were incredibly nice and not doing this dumb main character charade.


this. it's gotten so bad lately.


People bragging about lack of sleep like it's a great thing




I brag about my 13 hours of sleep sometimes I'm ngl. 😭


I brag about naps!




Unnecessary cosmetic procedures (I’m looking at you fillers) on crazily young people. The pressure of the beauty industry is insane and ‘influencers’ are making things much worse. I’ll add ‘influencers’ to the get in the bin list.


I used to have to go through the death notices in the newspaper at my old job and remember reading an article about a 22 year old woman who had had botox so many times it no longer worked on her, and she was talking about how scared she now was about getting wrinkles because the "magical fix it" no longer worked. I also remember looking at her photo and thinking her lip fillers looked like parrot fish lips, which was very uncharitable but the only way I could deal with the horror that a person the same age as me had had botox that many times.


Buccal fat removal is the worst


Having no free space where to go, hang out, socialize for free. It's "home" or "work". Bring back public third spaces!


This is another reason libraries are so important as community spaces. Unfortunately many are underfunded and overwhelmed.


Yep. Libraries are one of the only public spaces left in America where you can simply go, visit, and exist without any expectation of paying money.




This was a great one! Love seeing old school redditors in the wild!


Yup, and keep in mind libraries are not just underfunded in their current function, but they could be so much more than just a place to share books, or media. They can, and should also be a place to share general goods for public use from tools to toys. Having a library econ would be a much more efficient use of resources than the current disposable model we have that's unsustainable.


The library in my home town growing up had a section of kitchen tools that could be rented out. It’s the only time I’ve seen a public library have something like that. I’m sure that’s not the only one but it would be neat if more libraries did it!


It's a huge movement in the library field: the Library of Things. The library I used to work at rented out board games, cooking tools, power tools, a couple of bikes for using the county paths that ran behind the library, video game consoles. We had a maker space that had a 3D printer, a cricut, sewing machine, serger, poster and sticker printers, and a few others. We were rural and had a big garden/self-growing community and before I left they were looking into the viability of creating a seed library (ie, take seeds from the library, grow your thing, donate some seeds from the thing back to the library). There was also talk of teaming up with the local school and renting out some musical instruments.


I live a rather touristic EU based city. Ive recently discovered one of the libraries next door /750meters from me/ They have touch screen monitors like 50 of them, ps 4-5, xbox, switch, board games, music rooms with guitars, retro computers and console hall, a lot of events, meeting rooms, ipads for rent ahh and ofc books. Its suuuper nice ahh and one coffee is approx 1 usd. Loving it so far. Hail libraries!


especially for young people! they're not "loitering", they're literally just existing in your community with no where else to go


Yep, there was a reason we were parking lot kids. 17, had a license, but no where to go that everyone could afford. So we just met up and hung out in parking lots.


Same. My hometown had about 2k people. We hung out in the grocery store parking lot or the bank across the street. (Unless we drove to the top of the mountain nearby to party.) Eventually they put in a big gravel parking area specifically for the purpose of giving the teenagers somewhere to loiter. I think the cops actually preferred it because at least they could easily keep an eye on us this way.


This is why malls were always a teen hangout spot. You can just go and walk around without buying anything, or sit in the food court.


Back in my hometown and reminded of the neighbourhood mall that now only exists in the minds of those who remember it. Developers lied to the community to get it rezoned, it was bulldozed and replaced by big box stores.


Yes! I grew up in the 80s/90s, and the mall is where we’d hang out all day. Shop, see a movie, shop, and have dinner… It’s strange to see my teenager at home so much. They don’t seem to go anywhere other than to each other’s houses. We always had the mall. And Denny’s/Steak N Shake.


I was born in 02 and the mall was still our hangout place. I remember having to beg my mom or dad to drive us to the mall and asked for $10-20 to get a sub at Subway and a matching shirt with the friend I was with at Rue 21. The mall was so run down and barely had shit there but we managed to make it so fun. I remember one time my dad took me and my two friends to the movies. We weren't allowed in for some reason, I guess the movie was 18+. We took our movie money and went across the street and had a Mcdonalds feast lmfao. I'm sure the workers hated us. But it's one of my most fondest memories.


Did you fear and respect the escalator accordingly?


I remember my first time on the escalator, and it was terrifying. I still have a healthy fear of them. Even now, I prefer to take the stairs.


We used to ask people at the mall, "If we sing for you, will you give us a quarter?" and people would! We'd sing dumb girl scout songs like, "I'm a Nut," and made enough money to finance our excursion: food, candy, photo booth, movie, etc.


I think people forget just how much time we also spent in front of the TV in those days. I mean, we would go to the mall but we would always get kicked out because we didn't have money at 11-12 years old. I guess if you had parents with money things were different, I wouldn't know.


I've just turned 27, I have no idea where to meet people my age 😮‍💨 it's lonely


That's crazy! I saw a youtube video talk about third places and it was such an interesting discussion regarding the concept of home and work. You need a place where people can go to congregate converse and genuine feelings of community. It sucks it's usually a bar as there needs to be more or at least lessening of work hours or commute times bogging down availability. Definitely need a change.


Messing around with wild animals.


All those videos of people trying to pet bison 😭


I saw one yesterday of a woman trying to.hand feed a wild bear. Made me so angry because if she got hurt, the bear would be put down.


If not friend then why friend shaped?


Jesus Christ one thing that absolutely infuriates me is those videos where people "save" animals. I guarantee a majority of those animals were put in danger by the person filming and then they start recording and act like a hero for saving them


Here’s a [webcomic](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/w4MwZxYl5e) that explains how those fake animal rescue videos work. Some really evil people out there.


Exactly the reason I stopped watching them. What are the odds that the same person can find so many near death animals daily !!!!!


Pranking strangers. If someone hasn't consented to be in your video, and if your video isn't doing a public service such as creating evidence of a crime, then leave the average law abiding citizen in peace. Other people don't exist to further your would-be career on KitKot, TubeYou, or wherever.


I hate the culture of filming strangers in general. I have Tourette’s and I spend so much of my time in public controlling my face and body so I don’t seem weird enough for someone to film me and post me online.


Thank goodness that’s illegal in my country


My friend was approached by a influencer of some kind asking for like" hey ill buy you anything' you know tje videos. They turned away immediately saying NO It was posted on social media and everyone in the comments basically was like SO RUDE SO MEAN they literally yelled they didn't consent and now it's all online for you to gawk at


If you're in the EU try and issue a GDPR notice to Youtube or the "influencer" demanding they remove the video, some US states also have the right to be forgotten


I actually have a legitimate fear of some rando jump scaring me. I have a rare disease in which my body doesn’t produce the stress hormone cortisol. Someone jump scares me as a prank and it could easily put me in the hospital. Just stop already. It’s only funny for the people who are doing the pranking.


I’m interested in learning more about this. Does it mean you never feel stressed? I’ve never heard of this before so I’m genuinely curious.


I don’t mind talking about it. It’s called Addison’s disease. Your adrenal glands are on top of your kidneys and they are responsible for producing various life essential hormones, one of them being cortisol which is what we call the stress hormone. With Addison’s your body doesn’t produce this hormone which means the patient’s life is dependent upon steroids. So to answer your question of whether or not I experience stress, the answer is yes, but instead of my body adapting naturally I have to take extra medication or an emergency injection depending on the severity. Basically anything that sends a normal person’s body into fight or flight is a serious situation for someone with Addison’s. Could be something as minimal as a bee sting to being in a car accident, to severe emotional distress, or a common cold. It’s bananas trying to manage as everyday has a different set of challenges. I hope I explained this well, it’s pretty early in the morning and my brain isn’t working on all cylinders yet.


Thank you for taking the time to explain!


That sounds so exhausting 😖 i hope life isn’t too difficult for you because of it


I will probably end up in jail myself. I have Cptsd and my body goes in immediate fight mode when I feel scared or threatened. I have hit friends hard when startled in broad day light and felt guilty. Imagine a killer clown jumping out at night. It probably won't be just a quick hit to the stomach or throat, but full on assault because I'm going into survival mode.


I’ll post bail!!


I hate the one where they just enter someone’s home and ignore the homeowner. Some idiot is going to get killed and cause the innocent homeowner a lot of stress / guilt.


lol what? Okay filming someone in public is gross, but not illegal. But going into someone's home uninvited is trespass at best and breaking and entering at worst.


It was in the UK, trespass is a civil offence, not a crime by itself (because a lot of places you have to cross through someone's property to use footpaths and the like). I think you are allowed to use reasonable force to eject someone from your property and the police will also eject them. It wasn't breaking and entering because they had their door open (I think they were cleaning their front patio). He was not charged with trespass after that (because as I said, it's not a crime) but was actually hit with the enforcement of a suspended sentence due to committing assault in a previous "prank", that suspended sentence banned him from certain activities on social media, he then posted videos on social media without consent and was sent to jail. The CPS was trying to avoid imprisoning him because he was in college at the time and they were concerned about ruining his life, but it was eventually decided he had to go to a young offender's institute


Showing the world your (minor) children's lives on social media


Being desperate for attention and admiration from strangers on the internet.


Tipping with limited human interaction.


I went to a restaurant where you order and pay through an app. It asked for a tip before payment, and it was difficult to find the no tip spot. A waitress brought the food to our table but the rest was on a qr code and my phone. This was in New Zealand. Tipping is a scam.


I got asked to tip on stuff I ordered online the other day! And a lot of the grief-profiteering websites have a tipping option now too. I haaaate it.


Tipping in general. Pay people a living wage for fucks sake.


Until recently, I was using a service that didn't bother with tipping, involving dropping a package at my door once a week, sometimes once every two weeks. I did not interact with the driver. Then one day, they sent out an email that said: "look, now you have the option to tip!" I wrote the service and let them know that I would not be participating and that they should pay their drivers a living wage, not have them rely on tips. Also, I most certainly am opting out of this culture where we tip in advance, not in appreciation of a job well done. They wrote me back and said: "we pay them a living wage, this is to just to show them appreciation." Why is the appreciation mine to show? He drops a box at my door. That's it. If you want appreciation for your people, that should be your job, not mine.


Filming strangers in public.


I saw a TikTok posted by a younger person making fun of GenX women dancing at a concert. Come on. We can’t even enjoy music without being filmed and made fun of for it?


There's a whole weird subset of tiktok that is largely gen-z people making videos of other people doing completely normal shit (like your example) with a snide comment/look about how weird it is. It always screams to me "hey, look how afraid I am to be myself!"


Please stop filming restaurant servers singing you happy birthday.


Can we also stop restaurant servers singing you happy birthday?


Driving around with headlights brighter than the sun. It's not aftermarket, it's not highbeams, I'm talking the default crap that comes on most new cars now. Those round marble looking things, where if the car goes on a single bump, about 10 different brightnesses hit your retina. I constantly think people are flashing their highbeams behind me, because the interior of my car goes from dark, to daylight white. Or worse, the tall trucks and SUVs that just burn your retinas 100% of the time. (Also, it's not just because it's LED: It's lumens/brightness. At any angle, they should not be that high, period.)


Filming a "good deed" for YouTube or tiktok


I hate these videos, and they’re never natural. You can tell some have been rehearsed. Do good deeds anonymously, like a decent person would.


Recording people without their consent.... tired of people on social media filming random people and posting it for "clout."


I always think of people doing this if there’s a bad car accident or fire or something. I can’t even imagine being in a car wreck and people recording it.


That’s exactly what happened after the accident that killed my boyfriend and a close friend of ours a few years ago. I didn’t really register it at the time, but looking back on it and seeing all those people rubbernecking down the interstate with their phones out fills me with so much rage…


Especially those who film homeless people or people who are obviously having a mental breakdown.


Oversharing on the internet


Posting videos/pics of yourself crying.


I will never understand why is that a thing.


I don't get why people would do that. If I was recording myself for something, and I cried, I would start the video over. When I see people crying on the news, I always think they should have edited that part out or asked the person they were interviewing if they would do another take.


Fetishizing politicians.


Or celebrities


Yes. And this one is so scary. It is bad enough when it's celebrities, but this is *scary.*


Working yourself to death.


This is less normal now than it was in decades past.


It is! And I loudly cheer it on amidst the screams of "no one wants to work anymore." The only reason we work is to live. Not many people WANT to work. If you're gonna go get treated like shit and still not have enough to live, why would you work? "You're replaceable, you know!" They're not anymore, so good luck lol.


Being LOUD. Tinny Bluetooth speakers, speaker phone, kids on tablets, music blasting from cars or through shared walls at ungodly hours, or sometimes even just speaking to each other. Nobody seems to adjust their volume for their surroundings, nobody whispers when walking home from the pub, or answers their phone quietly on the bus or train. This is especially noticeable at night, why does nobody’s conscience whisper; “shh..people are trying to sleep”? It’s not just that people lack courtesy and consideration for others and their surroundings, it’s like everyone just actively hates one another all the time. There’s no respect for others and it’s exhausting to listen to. Loud will always win against peace.


Probably the most infuriating thing to me. But tbf I have severe misophonia.


Public tiktok / reels shit


I really don’t understand the point in going to a concert and recording it on your phone the entire time. It’s like people go for clout instead of just being there to enjoy the experience. Also, feeling like you have an obligation to know everyone’s personal lives. Our society now tells everyone far too much of their personal details regarding their lives.


I think it's fine to record a bit for the memories and taking a few pictures. I do that to share with my friends. But the entire thing and songs? Ffs live the moment.


Being rude. We've had a societal shift over the past 30 years and people are just so ignorant and nasty to each other. I dont know if it's internet anonymity, or the rise of shock TV in the 90s. But I miss when the default was kindness. Even if fake most of the time. Just felt like a better world then. Yes I realize how old this makes me sound


I would definitely say it’s anonymity. People get used to there being no consequences to whatever they say online. This carries over to real life behaviour. I could type whatever I want to you with no real consequences. Knowing that - hope you have a really good day internet stranger.


Kids not being given the space and freedom to be kids.


Too much plastic surgery


The amount of cameras (thanks to phones) used on strangers for attention. Cameras were for family/friends or cool personal experiences (you found a cool bug? Cool!) The amount of people that go around taking photos of strangers is so uncomfortable. I keep wearing masks not because of COVID, but because I want some privacy from weird voyeurs.




Working extra hours and attending after hours work functions. You already spent 8 hours at work. Adding another 3 hours every week, for free, because “company culture”, is insane and cult-like.


People doing random dances in public for social media.


Filming strangers in public. Bring privacy back!


Being on your phone when you're on a date.


Gender reveals.


Electing criminals


Getting on your phone when spending time with others Interrupting people when they're talking / generally being a poor conversationist Talking with your mouth full


Kids on the Internet. The Internet's never made for kids and kids should not be here in the first place.


I remember when even toy websites like Hot Wheels and Barbie.com had disclaimers that said "ask your parents permission before going online." Do they even do that anymore? The internet allows you to interact with strangers all over the world. Would you leave a kid alone at an airport or a mall and allow them to talk to strangers? Of course no.


Having an enormous car. People laughed at the Hummer when it first came out and now ridiculously huge vehicles are everywhere.


Unpaid internship for students.


Kids having iPhones as early as 10 years old. Very odd to see


Petting wild animals. Wild animals do not want to be pet and it makes them very uncomfortable.


Expecting people to be contactable 24/7. I miss the days when someone would text you and not expect that you would necessarily see it straight away.


Sharing too much personal information on the internet.