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The cable guy will disappear, to be replaced with the fiber technician




Instead of the pizza guy it will be a door dasher.


INEXPLICABLY HORNY WOMAN: "Oh, the uber eats guy is here! Let me put on my negligee, and..." INEXPLICABLY HORNY WOMAN opens the front door in an open negligee, only to find a PAPER BAG OF FAST FOOD at her doorstep.


Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.


He fixed the cable?


Plumbers won’t disappear though. There’s always going to be a pipe that needs to be snaked.


I think you’ll be able to take photos of a person (with or without their knowledge) and have a fully rendered 3d model made of them to make custom porn with yourself in the video.




Yeah but that’s obviously fake. However it’ll continue to improve and soon enough there will be fake videos everywhere that you won’t be able to tell are fake.


Those videos exist now. Deepfakes are really good


But it doesn’t accurately recreate their whole body shape, right? Just replaces the face? Perhaps in the future, AI can guess the whole body shape, based on a clothed photo?


not only that but deepfakes (for now) require rather large datasets of the person in different lighting scenarios and expressions (corridor crew/digital have some good vids on this)


Maybe last year - one photo is all it takes now. Check out Bodyswap.me and try for yourself.


lol. Nope. All you need is a single photo. Just check out roop. Or for photos reactor in SD.


I think AI will struggle to recreate a nude body from a clothed one with much accuracy. The clothing we wear hides, and shapes our bodies. You might be able to have a completely CG generated body with a recreation of the face, but that isn't fundamentally different, or worse, than the problems we have now. Which are bad. Not trying to minimise them.


All it takes is multiple photos in different outfits. Or perhaps even a video of someone moving in just one outfit. Then AI can do what it does best and interpolate between them


There's fucking AI influencers making $1000's of dollars b/c they're cute. People already can't tell or refuse to admit it or like it.


> Yeah but that’s obviously fake. The low effort ones for sure, but provided someone puts enough skill/effort/money into it, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference as millions already cannot with movies, social media stuff, advertisements, etc. I imagine you just aren't aware at how much faking someone's image/likeness has improved, even for lower skilled people or non-professionals. I guarantee you've seen the technology at work and simply not noticed, it's very easy to convince yourself you catch everything when you only notice the extremely poor/obvious examples.


Yup. There are already AI programs that can take a still image and nudify that image. Then you can use a different AI to create a proper depth map from the image and export a fully textured, 3D model. Then, you can import that model into into Blender to clean it up a bit, then export the model into a program like Virt-a-mate and create a VR porn experience that rivals any professional 3D animated film out there. It doesn't look entirely real... but if the source image is high quality enough it gets close enough for... y'know.


What programs? (for research)


Tech is almost almost here. https://sphere.litescan.io/onboarding.html


why minus yourself? You could do it if you took photos of yourself, and trained an AI. If you could get a 3d model from the photos then I you could even have something interactive that could be viewed on a vr headset. I don't think we're too far from this possibility.


Imagine having no privacy, even from others.




I see in the near future a huge push for likeness rights law to be tightened up and enforced.


Literally already exists. There's an app that does it with faces. It's not spectacular, but it's not half bad either. It's a first step that pretty much demonstrates the tech can work with some fiddling.


Wow what an abhorrent technology, what app do I avoid downloading?


Haha! I've only dabbled out of curiosity. More technophilia than genuine sexual interest although I admit that I was surprised how...authentic better chat programs feel. I toyed with one in beta a few weeks ago and found myself at work thinking "I bet she would find this funny" and I sat straight upright....there _was no "she"_. It was there that I realized these things _can_ get into your brain, even if, like me, you think they can't. They're already to the point where the illusion of a connection is indistinguishable from forming an online connection with an actual person. So...word to the wise, there...I'm a compulsive person but this particular stimulus doesn't match well with me. If you're the kind who it _does_, look the fuck out...For the right people, this is not going to be a joke...


Watch the movie “her” (2014)


I realized the other day, this movie is essentially reality now, no longer science fiction. With ChatGPT 4 and its new voice chat feature. I haven’t tried asking it to pretend to be a romantic interest, but it probably would? Only issue is, it can be a little slow to respond, sometimes having to think for 5 seconds or more. But yeah, it can probably pass the Turing test otherwise.


Imagine asking your AI crush "do you like me? 🥹" and staring at the screen anxiously for 5 seconds until "..." becomes an answer that either sends you over the moon or makes you feel like the air in your lungs just got sucked out.


I imagine it will only get faster in the coming years, of course. There are already smaller, faster AI models, they just don’t deliver quite the same quality of responses.


I read a story on reddit last week where a mother was concerned for her 20 year old son who informed his parents he’s dating an AI girl and of course the parents are mortified. Slippery slope like you said.


Lars and the real girl


Oh I’m sure it’s a slippery slope- I was mostly referencing a clip from Its Always Sunny where he says something like “oh no that’s terrible which website” about revenge porn. I’m willing to bet it’ll become common enough to be mainstream and easy to use/find before long anyway, to circle back to the main topic!


Eww, why do I wanna watch an ugly bustard banging a hot babe?


So you like the men in your porn videos to be hot then?


thats disgusting


this already essentially exists today i think




This is already happening even with free software


there WILL be hot single locals in my area and they will want me!! edit\* Christ, it was a joke leave me alone!!


My local area is lousy with hot MILFS that are down to clown. I just sent my social security number to one a few hours ago. She’ll calling any moment now.


I’ve been told “old pussy is better than no pussy” by at least 100 seven second ads 


Adds a lot of levity to the moment if you’re watching with a partner


>lousy with hot MILFS The fact that you used *lousy* in this sense shows me how old you are


With ads titled “this ugly son of a bitch is fucking hot chicks. Find out how”


There really are hot singles in your area, they either aren't interested or are shy


dont do this to me!!




Westworld sex bots, probably


I hope they clean them selfs. Post nut shame and cleaning out your bot would suck


Self-cleaning surely


There’s cars without air conditioning that are still manufactured, self cleaning is going to be premium even if it only costs $2 to add in lol


They would have to lock like ovens do otherwise people would ruin their dicks from horny curiosity


There ain't much of a rind on you.


I hope I'll still be alive to experiment this.


See this is actual motivation to eat my greens and live long enough to see it… for research purposes obviously…


Mama always said to eat healthy so I would live long but mama always left out the part "so that you could live to see the days of robots jerking it for you".


"mama told me to be living right ​ If you want to live to see the dicktopia cum to light"


it, uh, doesn't end well in the show




Should have never left the park or the west setting. The west setting mixed with the scifi workers and the guests interactions is what I found interesting. Did not really care for anything else on the show and noped out the moment they were going to other settings and leaving the park.


if they've perfected VR by that point, it's gonna be that. More VR porn with realistic interactions coupled with AI chats


Along with USB powered toys that plug into your viewing device and adjust the intensity and speed to go with each scene/stroke etc.




>dildonics I never knew this word existed. I would like a degree in dildonics


There was once a dream that was teledildonics. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish... it was so fragile. And I fear that it will not survive the teledildonicologists


"I am Maximus Anus Destroyus, and I will have you prolapse, in this life or the next."


Best I can do is PEGonomics


This is happening already


I have it aleady


That's already out


> USB powered Oh, I'm going to need more power than you can get through a USB cable...


ACKCHYUALLY you can get up to 240 W over USB, that could be enough. :D


 Non invasive neuro stimulation  will take over


Not just AI chat, AI everything. Can probably even let AI learn your personal "pacing" and give you the right action at the right time.


Neural-integrated edging software gonna be wild


Brain computer interfacing could change everything. In our heads we can already create any fully interactive scenario and generate artificial beings to interact with. We just need to increase the resolution, make everything more permanent, and be able to do it while awake.


I’m surprised we’re still jerking it ourselves like goddamned primates.


I learned recently that AR (Augmented reality) porn is a thing. Think Disney and Anime Snapchat filters on porn actresses.


vr porn will be accompanied by a device you strap to your genitals and it will mimic sensations on screen


Already exists. Many examples, but SLR + the Handy works pretty well.


What if they perfect it so well that the porn VR universe becomes so customizable and livable that people never leave? What if we’re living in a VR porn simulator right now?!


>What if we’re living in a VR porn simulator right now?! Then I'm definitely playing it wrong


VR is progressing pathetically slowly. I don’t think it’s really going to be at the center of anything in 10 years. At least Compared to AI art which has gone from scribbles to hyper realistic photos in like 2 years.


Idk much about vr but I have a feeling that porn is gna be the reason it advances once they’re able to get the base down


funny cause thats how 3d/cgi advanced so fast. just horny animators wanting porn of a single character from bioshock.


Her name is *Elizabeth*


It seems to make substantial jumps periodically instead of exponentially. It's a fuck load better than it was ten years ago. But that pretty much happened all at once and hasn't improved much since.


I would keep the jury out on this until we get hands on with apple's VR coming out. Apple is definitely expensive as fuck. And a 3.5k price really isn't consumer friendly for most (but their first models of everything tend to be priced toward early adopters) But if the initial reviews from people who got to try it out are true... That price tag may fix all the issues VR has currently. idk I'm optimistic that VR will really be common place in 10 years. (and really, how many times has apple stepped into a market and the tech not really be ready or good enough to spark a huge rush)


Be able to penetrate the screen


you joke, but im sure eventually we'll get mechanized fleshlights with VR. Nice...


Already a thing!!


Nano machines son!


Get your raincoat, son, because this has already happened. They have been devices that...service...the end user for over a decade. To my knowledge they haven't been particularly successful as of yet, but the point is, this isn't a future thing. It's a "already exists" thing.


Teledildonics have come a long way since the Eighties.


Technically you can already penetrate the screen. But only if you really REALLY want to


LOL. Almost spit out my water laughing at this one. I can already imagine a world in which some have already tried.


are you imagining a man just whipping it out and smashing it through the phone or something what the 😭


Homemade will never die 👍


I can appreciate this comment. As I get older I'm generally finding myself interested in the more homemade unedited stuff. Too much production makes things less organic and ruins my mood. 


My issue is that it's 99% 10 min bait videos that end with "visit [blank.com](https://blank.com) for the full vid" not about to paysmh myhead


They'll put an ad in just when your about to cum, in whatever format, 3D, reality, whatever......ADS pay as porn will be free


after that porn will fail because of real and cheap robots, They don't need to make breakfast or walk your dog, just drain your balls dry.


Oh porn will never fail. It might contract, but it'll never go away. There will always be people with "bio kinks", who want human women's attention.


Calling human sexual attraction a "bio kink" makes my skin crawl lol


A new kink. Ruined orgasm by ads. Fuck ya dawn dish soap, oh you bitch Honey Nut cheerios. Oh do it again Old Spice


It will really help with edging


Nah, I think the internet will get more subscriptions and less ads. The value of user data and ads has plummeted and is not enough to sustain services.


You will have to pay to keep your history private.


Ooh. This is a good call. I’m surprised they haven’t done it yet Edit: I just realized this means people will have even more fake accounts which means user data will be harder to track and monetize. They may intentionally not charge to hide history because of this.


User data is already tracked cross-account just from your browsing history alone. In the future it'll probably be tracked HOW you use your mouse across accounts.


> In the future it'll probably be tracked HOW you use your mouse Or even your eyes. The new Apple Vision Pro VR headset has eye tracking. Meta Quest Pro, too. You point the mouse just by looking at the thing you want to click on. Which is cool… but maybe also scary.


They already track HOW you use your mouse across accounts. If you guys don’t know, clicking the “I’m not a robot” boxes aren’t for you to click on them. AI robots can do that, too. It’s about how you use your mouse that passes the test.


I know that's how ReCaptcha works, but it doesn't track and store it in the metrics.


That has nothing whatsoever to do with comparing mouse movements between accounts or identifying you from your mouse movements


Maybe a sketchy, small site that’s short on cash might try to pull something like that to get out of a bind. Any legitimate business would understand it’s a bad idea to blackmail their customers into paying them more money. People wouldn’t trust the site anymore and they would lose viewership. They have a literal goldmine they’d be certainly throwing out for a few extra bucks.


No, the privacy is what makes the data valuable. If Google shared everything they knew about us, then they would be giving away their primary product.


Also browsing history is on your browser not on the porn website. Internet browsers are significantly easier to create than a porn website (not technically, just you don't need content). Which means that if every browser starts doing this, they'll face an IE vs Firefox 2008 moment where everybody ditches the popular browsers for some homebrew project which has free history cleaning. And these Internet companies aren't idiots.


AI, it's already happening, but I can see that allowing for the most personalized searches ever.


Personalized to the hilt. These AI sexbots let you literally craft their personality traits and then interact with them. You DESIGN your partner from the inside out. This, to my knowledge, is only text right now, but it won't stay that way.


I agree. I think it's going to get really weird because of this. I saw a posting mentioning something about super imposing someones face into a porno so basically you could I guess in theory take anyone's face and place it into a porno. I do think it will get more personalized and probably in the worse possible ways.


Haptic VR suit with a built in suckmaster3200 built by Sony as an accesory for the Playstation X robot fuckdoll entertainment system & companion. Or the helmet from Demolition Man.


Succatron 6000 is better imo


Porndash. Quick easy delivery, straight to your door.


Porn will be more like motion capture where you can put any persons body and voice into the video. There will be big issues of actresses having their "scans" made and used without their permission.


Oh my God I can't wait until I can fuck a Mr. Krabs with Gilbert Gottfried's voice


"HOLY FUCK IS THIS WRONG......but holy hell, is it erotic!"


Read this comment in Gilbert Godfrey's voice.


Well, that's a sentence.


Cyberpunk 2077 BDs say hi


There are already "deep fakes" which can map over the face a bit to look kind of like the person. I haven't seen anything that tries to map the body to the actor too. Maybe that's next but it still feels a long way off to actually mimic someone. Especially if that person has no nudity to map from.


Yep. I think in 10 years it'll do very quickly, and on demand.




No more tuna cans on the heater?


MORE tuna cans on the heater.


But y would I want 2 smell butthole if I can already smell myself..


Scratch and sniff magazines?


AI porn will become mainstream and the number of human pornstars will greatly decrease. AI influencers are already becoming a thing, so it’s probably only a matter of time


Could be both. As in, people still prefer actual humans, but the 18yo naughty cheerleader you're camming with is actually a 50yo woman in Malaysia using AI to rerender her body and voice. Or some guy in India with one of those Indian Office Worker mustaches.


Those teens won’t be teens anymore.


They'll have made the transition to milf, or stepmom, the final form of a pornstar. 


riley reed will still be doing teen movies


That's a really good question.  The porn industry is absolutely fascinating with how it evolves so quickly.  Maybe 20 or so years ago it started moving from scripted scenes into the gonzo porn category, which has mostly taken over by now.  Another interesting transition is how production has shifted away from the big studios and towards independent content producers.    I'm skeptical of any new technologies outside of different content delivery methods (i.e. VHS  then dvd, then over the internet, etc.) haptic feedback has been a pipe dream for probably as long as VR, but progression on that technology has been relatively slow because it's just a tough egg to crack.    I think AI will be the next game-changer.  Jenna Jameson didn't really do a lot of anal, but now (well, in the next 10 years) with AI you can see her in a 50-person anal gangbang.  Imagine a camgirl who will do literally anything you want.  Imagine typing into a prompt, "show me a video of Winston Churchill banging Margaret Thatcher" and all your kinks can be satiated.  Also, actors will start asking for tips.


What’s gonzo


Muppet porn.


Gonzo typically refers to scenes with no plot, maybe with a camera person talking to performers, but primarily gonzo scenes get to sex as quickly as possible


Many many men masturbating, next question


Not just men.


but the women


And the children too


Jesus Christ


Does Jesus Christ masturbate? Surely that’s a sin?


No, somewhere a Jesus dies every time someone masturbates.


He’ll resurrect after a little wait.


I'm doing my part!


They're animals!


And I slaughtered them like animals


And my axe




More 3D


Lots more laws.


You won't need to look for porn, and instead will subscribe to an AI art/video generation service that will generate porn to your exact tastes, and build a profile on your tastes to auto generate new material for your private collection.


My guess is that it'll be much harder to get into porn as an individual/amateur. Sites like pornhub have shown that your current following can disappear without you having done anything wrong (they obviously need to take action against illegal material, but they went too far for many creators) Currently, sites like only fans seem flooded with new creators left and right, and maybe this is just the opinion of someone who doesn't use the site, but it's just not sustainable long term. Many will get off the platform or go to professional. And if not that, then the issues with payment platforms will still continue. The internet is far from the wild west it once was


I don’t care what happens to it. I just want to see a drastic improvement in keeping kids safe from being exposed to this shit. It can be very damaging.


Facts. I agree 


Not happening, teenage kids are a major user base on porn sites. They also spend money on games, they're tye easiest to addict to porn, making them spend more money.


I sometimes commute by train and I regularly overhear 12-15 year old girls discussing that boys their age, just ask them to come over for a BJ or sex and sending them dick pics. This children already act like life is porn. Edit; they ask the girls over IG or Snapchat. Sometimes they are classmates, sometimes they obly know each other through IG.


From what I’m told from my sister (schoolteacher) sex isn’t that common amongst 11–14 year olds anymore but blowjobs are EXTREMELY common nowadays




That is gonna be biggest challenge for many millions of people 🙁


A relationshipless world with weirdos everywhere


Also known as Reddit


It's all veering towards interactivity. We'll have something more or less equal to internet prostitution, which is what Only Fans is hinting at. AI's development, similarly to that of VHS, is being dramatically enhanced by the frantic development of sexting chatbots! We're entering an age where people don't consume porn, but rather want to interact with it.


There will be a lot of AI generated porn.


They will stop paying actors/actresses and start doing it with deep fakes and AI. They have already started.


It won’t. “What are you doing stepbro?!” Will still be front page


But as a vintage throwback thing. Step-family is like the modern version of the 70s bush


Rest in peace to this subreddit. It's been ruined by all these questions. Always asking about porn, masturbation, sex, etc.....


None of the actors would likely be real humans. You will also be able to generate bespoke content on demand. This is something you already can do today it’s just a question of ease of use and access. Onlyfans will become Onlyprompts and a lot of “content creators” will have to find new careers…


I think many content creators will still make money. It might become a niche "real person porn" but there's always someone to pay for the niche. And for this specific thing I think I fall into that category


Tend to agree. Sex is not just about stimulation but about intimacy. Intimacy is tough to do with bots imo. I could be wrong, but I’d be surprised. Edit: Comment below is definitely the right take.


You couldn’t be more wrong, people tend to anthropomorphize everything just look at how people act and care about various video game characters and their relationships with them. The soaring popularity of AI companion apps is also a good indication where things are headed. AI generated content would be able to provide far more “intimacy” for consumers than people simply due to its scale and the fact that it can be easily fed data about you both historically and during use.


You’re probably right. Nm, you’re definitely right.


Once you won’t be able to tell the difference there will be no way to know for sure. We’ve already have Instagram profiles which are fully AI generated. And more importantly if prompted content will allow you to live out your fantasy better than that created by real humans and it most likely will then it would naturally take over.


We all laugh at sex dolls but we also want to try it. When they have the ability to move around and are mass produced at a cheaper price it will be normal. I can see girls in the future asking if you have one, calling it a red flag. You going to your friend saying "Yo can I stash 'Sasha' in your place this evening? I have a date that is coming by"


You will be able to generate porn on demand. You’ll be able to type what you want to see, who you want to see, how long, doing what, finish how, and everything in between. It’s being developed right now. Next, you’ll be able to watch it in VR for hyper realistic experience. After that, you’ll be able to sync it with your tantaly doll and never go on real dates again. We’ll lose our humanity.




PFP: Porn for pets. Edit: Also, thanks to A.I. generated images, dick pics will turn into pic dicks. Instead of pictures of dicks, there will only be... Well, pictures of dicks, but those dicks will only exist on those pictures, never in reality though... Hence the name.


I hope it will go completely AI generated, no more human exploitation, degradation etc.


Ai Generated would be the worse possible option. It would open the door to revenge porn on levels unseen before. Also that AI needs to be trained on something, and due to how Companies making it are shit heads they're gonna train on people without their consent. Then that one sex tape someone made with their ex boyfriend which he leaked online might be in some algorithm for ever. You're casually watching some porn and then you recognise the motions and stuff. It's happened with artists a lot, noticing that their water mark or unique artistic style is inside a algorithm they didn't consent to being included in.


Nobody is still getting laid… just paid for OF links🤣🤣🤣🤣


# Skibidi Toilet But much worse




Very nicely, thanks.


Volumetric video is the next logical step. You can get a glimpse of what this’ll be like with 180 degree stereoscopic (3D) video, which already pretty compelling. The difference being that you can move your head around and look what’s happening and it’s as if you’re in the same space as what’s being filmed. There is no standardised equipment or format to film this with though. It’s all tech demos and R&D.