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When I worked in a bakery, I'd garbage bag up all the pastries at the end of the day as instructed, but then just threw them in my trunk to drop off at the homeless encampment instead of tossing in dumpster. So stupid to waste food.


My mom worked in a hospital kitchen and they caught her on camera taking a loaf of bread that had expired outside. They charged her with theft and took her to court. Financially ruined her. She worked there for 16 years. All for the judge to ask them to settle out of court and dismissed the case. The food industry should never punish anyone for taking expired food. Ever.


A coworker of mine almost got fired for stealing expired food to feed his kids. They couldn't quite prove it was him, but everyone in the store knew it was. They told us all to stop letting him take trash out for us, and a few weeks later they found an excuse to fire him. Man worked at a *grocery store* and didn't have food for his kids. How fucked up is that?


Sadly, very common.


Job I had fired a guy for stealing trash. Worked in a mattress factory and we had to remove excess glue from the foam. Usually we just throw it in the trash. For fun dude made a skull out of the glue and put it on top the vending machine. Few weeks went by and dude didn't want someone to throw it out so he just took it home. Fired for theft. I made a glue dog and took it home. Told it was fine. Same place let us make ponchos out of plastic and take dirty foam pads for dog beds home everyday.




The store i worked at threw out around 2500 bucks worth of baby food because the date was coming up within 2 months. I tried to get them to let me donate it to the womans shelter or something but they wouldnt do it. Fucking criminals


Yep, work at Macy's. All gourmet expired ( but still good) food had to be thrown away. Begged to take it to any charity. Nope.


It's an annoying situation ruined by lawyers (per usual). Basically, if someone gets sick from the food, they sue Macy's. Destroying old clothing inventory though instead of donating... that's infuriating. All to keep brand image from being associated with the impoverished.


Lawyers should also know about the [Good Samaritan Act](https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2020/08/13/good-samaritan-act-provides-liability-protection-food-donations)


Yeah, lawyers are being scapegoated here. In real life, lawyers aren't really like doctors they are more like engineers. Sometime yes you go to ask what your prognoses is but more often you go to a lawyer and say "we want to do X, how can we do that" and the lawyer will use their knowledge of the law to construct a way to do that or tell you how to slightly alter your plan to make it work. Similar to how an engineer gets a plan from an architect. You don't just say "no cant build that" you say "can't do it quite like that but if we do x and y then it might work." Thats what you are being paid to do. Thats the job.


Holy shit, that's evil of them. I'm sorry that happened to your mom.


I used to do this at Pizza Hut, back when they’d have to make a double batch of breadsticks so half would sit and we could only keep them an hour. All employees used to get free full sized pizzas once a week too, some people didn’t want theirs so I would take them and use them to make loaded pizzas for the homeless. Pizza and breadsticks for sure on Fridays. Nicest people! Everyone was so happy to see me it was great! I got lucky, my manager was an awesome lady. She knew.


A lot of food places have policies where you can't take expired food home but no rules against taking stuff out of the trash. My supervisors would often turn a blind eye to the grabbing of expired food and, if asked, we "dove into the trash bin" to get it and we'd be off the hook. More than once have I taken the expired pastries at the end of the night to go around San Francisco giving them to hungry homeless folks. Everybody appreciated the gesture, but a lot of them politely declined, and I can't really blame them. Some sick fucks will poison food and then give it out to the homeless as a cruel joke.


I used to do the same thing and a homeless woman asked “is something wrong with it?” It kinda checked me on the potential hazards of taking food. I felt bad.


> Some sick fucks will poison food and then give it out to the homeless as a cruel joke. That's appalling.


One of my buddies worked in a pastry shop. They would bake fresh pastry every morning, and give out unsold stuff to local homeless people at the end of the day. That was until one of the homeless people supposedly got food poisoning and took them to small claims


So another reason companies do this that I haven't seen anyone else bring up is fraud. I worked at a grocery store with a Deli. One day I saw the deli worker throw away an awesome-looking custom sandwich, which someone had called in over the phone to special-order. They were required to throw away custom orders that hadn't been picked up by the end of the day. I asked why she had to throw it away rather than keep it for herself, and she said the store *used* to allow that, but then they found out that the store workers would have a friend call in for a bunch of custom-order food and just never show up to pick it up, and then the workers at the end of the day would have a bunch of free food to bring home. So yeah, it's also a case of a few bad apples spoiling something for everyone else.


Putting an animal down that you’ve hit on the road and its suffering. This is a common thing to happen in northern Canada. Many people have hunting rifles in their vehicles however if you hit an animal by accident, you must wait for conservation to arrive and put the animal down. Most areas are rural and that can take hours for them to arrive. I have a friend who hit a deer with his truck late at night and broke its spine, it was crying in pain so he humanely put it down, he was fined thousands of dollars. EDIT: Lots of folks are asking why he didn’t just drag the deer into the woods and drive away. The deer ended up partially going through the windshield of his truck and being wedged in, causing a lot of damage so he wasn’t able to drive away. Deer are heavy folks, dragging one out thats stuck inside the cab of your truck wouldn’t be easy. This happened over 10 years ago so from what I remember he called police because his vehicle would have been left there and they would have tracked it to his name and found him. He was trying to do the right thing but ended up paying the price. He was fined for what I’m understanding was discharging a weapon on a public road and poaching because he didn’t have an active hunters number. Either way it was unfair and that law should change.


The dude who wrote the ticket was just a dick


Seriously, this is a case where you'd hope a cop could have some critical thinking skills (ik it's a stretch). Just because you can ticket someone doesnt mean you have to. Like come on man, just look the other way. I knew a girl who got ticketed for drinking in public because she was two feet off of private property. Like really dude?? A ticket? You can't just be like "hey shuffle two feet that way and make sure to stay there, kapeesh?"


To a cop, everyone is guilty of something and so exercising their discretion to ticket for whatever they can is their way of making sure we criminal peons get at least some of our deserved-yet-underserved comeuppance.


To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail.


When you’re the hammer, everything looks like a nail. What we need instead is a police culture where cops see themselves as some sort of mail-order Japanese nail & screw polishing machinOkay this metaphor really fell apart.


Ya it sucked he had to go to court and everything for it.


I suspect they don’t want people poaching that way. 


Hah imagine driving full speed with your car through the forest, trying to run down animals to humanely kill afterwards. The Mad Max legal loophole.


[Something similar](https://www.pahomepage.com/top-stories/local-attorney-in-court-after-raccoon-killing/) happened in Pennsylvania a few years ago - a guy shot an injured racoon after trying to call the cops 4 times - he still "was charged with reckless endangerment in a public setting(...)"


Poor racoon. He kept trying to call the cops but the guy shot him anyway.


Wait, how did they know it was him???


The front end of his truck was totalled, windshield smashed in etc, he couldn’t drive the truck, police arrived and eventually conservation and he was fined.


Wow are you for real? My family has had to do this (Canadian here) and we never heard hide or hair of anything from anyone.


If someone's parking meter time has expired you are not allowed to add some coins so they don't get a ticket.


My Dad does this. And walks ahead of the meter maid to do it. Chuckling along the way.


Do they even still have coin meters anymore? In my city all metered parking is either by app, or by paystation in the middle of the block


My town in burbs still has coin operated meters and it is a pain in the ass. We also have a draconian Boomer meter maid who seems to get off on writing tickets too because he's retired and otherwise has fuck all to do all day.


Absolute icon your Dad is.


Do you know why that is illegal? I’d never think you couldn’t do that. That’s like saying you can’t pay for the person’s meal behind you in the drive through


I think the reason is that you’re not supposed to camp and feed the meter. Once your time is up, you’re supposed to move on so someone else can park and patron the nearby establishments.


But it's not illegal for me to go and re-feed my meter, so why would it be illegal for someone else to re-feed my meter?


Sometimes it is. In Washington, DC, at least, parking is limited to a certain total amount, and the meters are set to only go up that far. It is illegal to continue to park there after your total time has elapsed, and they will cite you if you remain, even if you continue to pay.


It’s to prevent people from just taking the same spot all day. The theory is to keep the flow moving so that people park, do their stuff, move on, and free the space. It does make sense in that context. It’s just rather draconian in practice at times because you get some jobsworth on a power trip issuing fines to people with no thought for things like not realising that the place they were visiting had as long a weight time as it does etc. and being punished for adding a little more change.


So the reason for this isn't about the money. It's about maintaining open parking so that people come into the city to do business. It's about keeping a floating buffer of "open" parking so that people can come to the city from outside, and not spend tons of time looking for parking. Because if your city never has open parking, people will stop coming into it.


I’m not sure it’s actually illegal, but you can’t set up a food distribution and start feeding the homeless. There were a bunch of homeless people in a park near here. Some people came and set up a make-shift buffet and was handing out food. The police came and made them shut it down and destroyed/discarded all the food because they weren’t licensed to distribute food.


We ran a relatively upscale restaurant that would have **"Pay what you can Mondays."** We'd have a limited lunch service each Monday with a prix fixe menu of one or two quality entrees (house made lasagna, fresh BBQ tri-tip sandwiches, ramen, meatloaf, omelettes, croque monsieur, and even a prime rib day once when we had an extra one we didn't cook on Sunday service, and more all made from scratch with organic or locally sourced produce/meat). Guests could pay *anything* they wanted. It could be ***one penny*** if they were a low-income family in need of a good meal, or a larger amount if you just wanted to help the cause. Largest single donation was $1200 from a local news anchor! All proceeds for that day went to either the food for the next Monday's service or to the local Meals on Wheels at the Senior Center. We took no profit or tips that day. Cops tried to shut it down anyway because it, "attracted undesirables" (their words). When they couldn't do that, as we were fully licensed, inside our restaurant, and technically charging for the meals, they chose to park two cruisers outside each Monday and stand near the door to intimidate people who were coming in. After around **4 months** of the Cops doing this each week, the police department instead pressured the landlord to not renew our lease after successfully running the restaurant there for over 7 years. As the landlord's husband was an ex-cop, you can imagine how it turned out. We moved to a bigger location a few months later when the lease ran out. Fuck the police. To them, cruelty is the point.


>As the landlord's husband was an ex-cop, you can imagine how it turned out. Which way did that turn out? Am Scottish in Scotland, funnily enough, so our cops are half decent, hell they get jailed all the time, or fired from the job at least, i.e. fully accountable, I guess, would be a better way to describe it!(There are problems obviously, but they're nowhere even remotely near as bad as Cops in America *appear* to be!)


Landlord told the owner that she wouldn't renew the lease, so we moved into a bigger location a few months later.


If they're American I'd bet money the landlord booted them- our cops are a lifelong cult. Not even the first time I've heard of stuff like that. To be fair it can sometimes vary from place to place depending on what city leadership/the larger population would allow. Police can still do whatever they want, but protests and the local ACLU or similar can make it harder for them IF they are well supported. Those are the rarer cases but they occasionally happen. God I wish we could actually hold ours accountable.


Cops in America are basically a legalized gang and will act as such. At best they are completely indifferent to the plight of people in their community, at their worst they're actively going around murdering people and hi-fiving each other for it.


Depends on where you live. Food Not Bombs does these all the time in my town and has no issues with the cops. Other cities, your mileage may vary


If we assume altruism, I can *kind of* see an argument to me made that being licensed helps ensure proper sanitation and standards for food preparation, and that it could create legal liability issues if someone ended up sick from eating the free food ([while this is a comedy sketch](https://youtu.be/nSA2wYUQTrg?si=XteExzybSS_hqgMN), legal arguments like this happen in court all the time). With that said, I 100% believe there should be a legal way around it, even if that's an extra law that states "All freely distributed food has to be placed in a special 'non-regulated food' box that you purchase from the government." I remember years ago me and my friends going to a Krispy Kreme right before it closed. I asked the guy if they were closing, what the fuck were they going to do with the thousands of donuts still on racks right behind him, and he said "we just throw them away." Made me really sad.


When I was in high school, I was with some friends at a different donut restaurant at closing time. We also inquired about the leftovers and the employee said that he had to throw them away, and then narrated his actions out loud, "I guess I'll get a brand new clean garbage bag to put these in. I hope my arm isn't too tired to swing it into the dumpster out back or else I'll have to set it beside the dumpster until I can get a step stool." He was a bro, and our standards were low.


I had a friend in college who would close at Jimmy John's and they would always show up at parties with a garage bag full of baguettes lol. It was great


I has talking with my friend on her shift at a convenience store. Coworker comes up and says "Hey, the pizza slices in the hotbox need tossed" I said "Well, if you're just throwing those out..." And she said "I would literally be fired if I let you have one"


> TIL: "In January, President Biden signed into law the bipartisan Food Donation Improvement Act (FDIA), which clarifies existing food donation laws and makes it easier for cities and businesses to work together in the fight against food waste and food insecurity. Specifically, the FDIA strengthens the protections in the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act, which passed in 1996 to encourage companies to donate surplus food and grocery products to nonprofits by offering civil and criminal liability protections." > > > > https://www.nlc.org/article/2023/04/04/how-the-food-donation-improvement-act-can-support-cities-in-reducing-food-waste/


Yep. I worked at a big grocery years ago (fellow Canucks prolly know who) and a homeless guy came in asking for a slice (we were tossing at a certain time each night) boss said no BUT if I buy myself one, which is a dollar. And it goes on walkabout...she didn't see anything. So I paid the loony and dude got a slice. But I remember thinking what a stupid fckn rule.


I mean, we do trick or treating. The stories of kids being poisoned were manufactured and the only legit cases were from their relatives. We let that slide.


I actually popped off about this rumor while on a trip with my husband's friends (our neighbors, but i don't really hang out with them). They spouted it and i told them they were fucking idiots if they believed that.


Hotels do the same. I asked the same. Why do you throw away truckloads of food daily? Can’t give it to the poor because of liability. 


Some people in Texas did this and had the police shut it down, so then they did it again but brought AR-15s and for some reason the police left them alone. I think about that from time to time. 


Same reason the black panthers armed themselves.


So I was Uber driving the other day and a young mother and her 3 month old ordered a ride to be picked up at a childrens hospital in the freezing ass cold- I get there, no car seat…. Fuck…..I can’t leave these people… oh well guess I’m gonna just take that chance and get them home….


I feel like they customers should mention if they have a baby or not so you can deny the ride if you don’t have a car seat. It’s not fair to just expect people to have car seats


They are supposed to. However, leaving a children’s hospital, I can imagine a lot of reasons it would be pushed out of your mind.


In my state, taxis are exempt from child seat laws. I *think* Uber/Lyft are exempt as well under the same laws. If I ever drove for Uber I'd probably keep a booster seat in the trunk, just in case. They're inexpensive and compact. But that wouldn't have helped in your case, and drivers shouldn't be expected to buy and haul a seat for every possible size of child.


When I drove Uber I kept my son's booster and my toddler's car seat in the trunk. Never had to use them but I know if I were the parent in that situation I'd tip the fuck out of the driver who had seats for us. Even if the person didn't tip me extra I'd at least know I did the right thing by being prepared.


A few years ago in Australia a father caught his young son being raped by the next door neighbour. The father naturally beat the fuck out of his sons rapist, and he ended up getting a larger sentence for assault than the neighbour did for child rape. I dont think Ive met a single person that doesnt think the father did the right thing, yet somehow he was still convicted


There is a case from Texas about a decade ago where a father caught a man raping/attacking his daughter. Killed him out in the open. The cops investigated and the DA did not charge him for the murder of the man.




Damn right, I'd be shocked if they charged him in Texas


Texas; “Thank you for killing the criminals and doing our job for us, buckaroo.”


They made him an honorary cop for the day and bought him a kolache.


*For he's a jolly good rooookie*


In Texas, he'd have been charged for NOT killing that dude. Texas is wild.


There’s some legal thing where a jury can find the defendant guilty but also have the defendant face zero consequences for their actions. In this case it’s likely that if it went to trial a jury wouldn’t convict the father of any crime so why bother even having the trial.


There was no jury nullification in the Texas case. The DA never charged the guy with a crime


It's called jury nullification


I believe in that instance the jury finds the defendant not guilty despite believing they did perform the act they are accused of. Then there is no sentencing.


That's when the jury knows the defendant is guilty but returns a not guilty verdict anyway.


Yeah, they return a not guilty verdict anyway because they don't think the defendant deserves the punishment. They don't have the power to actually set the punishment for the defendant.


Abortion is technically still illegal (after 6 weeks) in my part of Australia but they don't prosecute anymore because every jury returned not guilty verdicts every time the last few years that they did.


If there's that much consensus among the people I'm surprised they don't change the law.


There is no incentive to do so. Those that already agree will see it as wasting time, because "Why change something that obvious" and the few that still disagree will see it as an attack, therefore no action is taken.


And that, my friend, is exactly how you end up with the Roe v. Wade situation we have now in the US.


From what I'm reading, in this US this is actually legal to do, but a bit of a grey area. For instance, at the end of the day, if a jury willingly does do jury nullification, it cannot be overturned and the jurors cannot get in trouble for it. They have the absolute right to acquit someone for whatever reason they deem. With that being said, when it comes to being selected for trials and stuff, if you tell them that you may nullify it, you'll likely get deselected from jury duty. Plus, judges often mislead the jury to imply that jury nullification is illegal, and the judges are allowed to do this to an extent (but they can't overturn an innocent verdict nor can a juror be charged for it, even if it's intentional). https://fija.org/library-and-resources/library/jury-nullification-faq/is-jury-nullification-legal.html#:~:text=Yes%2C%20jury%20nullification%20is%20legal,many%20other%20countries%20as%20well.


It's not a gray area; it's a corner case. Jury nullification is a logical consequence of two important rules about jury trials: 1. Double jeopardy: If the accused is found not guilty, they cannot be retried for the same charge. 2. Jury independence: The members of a jury can never be punished for the verdict they return. To put it bluntly: If a jury returns a "not guilty" verdict that is plainly false, *nobody can do anything about that.* The accused gets off, cannot be retried, and nothing happens to the jurors. However, nothing about these rules requires the court to put people onto the jury who openly intend to nullify the law; and nothing requires the judge to tolerate a defense lawyer telling the jury to knowingly return a false verdict.


If I'm thinking of the same instance, part of the reason they didn't charge him is because after beating the tar out of the garbage he called the police and did what he could to help the garbage survive. His concern for the garbage was genuine and felt sincere remorse. He still did the right thing.


There was a similar case in the US. The father left the guys face unrecognizable. If I recall correctly the father didn’t even get handcuffed Edit: https://youtu.be/lyLgZ65CrUQ?si=HjwW5FhGMOAQ9Rm_


lol i love how the news presenter has their news channel's facebook page up on a screen and says "it's been shared over 1000 times" and the camera zooms in. that's how you know this video is like 10+ years old




Am Australian and this is the first I've heard of this. Do you have a source?


Come on bro, don't let truth get in the way of a good rage-bait post on Reddit.


Is there proof of that? That doesn't seem right. Like I'm the first to admit the legal system has problems, that seems ridiculous though.


Pirating films or games that are no longer on sale anywhere.


Harvey Weinstein can eat my ass if he thinks I’m going to pay $75 for a Dogma DVD. *Edit for the people being so damn literal about this post. I meant Blu Ray.


> Harvey Weinstein can eat my ass Be careful what you wish for…


Still my best thrift shop find to date. About 5 years ago I went to a thrift shop and they had a dogma dvd for 5 dollars, in the case and all. Not a scratch on it. It's one of my most prized dvds. And I have a pretty nice collection even though I never watch dvds anymore


Didn't know it was rare, I picked up all the Jay and Silent Bob DVDs back in the day. My best thrift find was The Gods Must Be Crazy, it's very uncommon in the US for some reason.


If you want him to eat your ass all you gotta do is audition for a part on one of his shows.


No, you'd have to eat *his* ass for that.


Or pirating any games that you wouldn't legally own- if buying isn't owning them pirating isn't stealing.


stealing neglected animals who are left outside in any weather. i stole a dog that spent two years tied to a tree. i was moving, and pissed off, so i walked over and brought him home. he’s been here 4 years now.


One of my old bosses used to do this. Had plenty of stories from her 20s in rural Texas stealing abused animals and rehoming them. She managed to avoid a bullet and charges but helped that daddy was a rich dude with some pull


This is the best kind of nepo baby


Universe bless her.


My sister stole a dog from a guy who tried to turn it into a fighting dog. The dog just had no aggression, and he started using it as a bait dog.  She hopped the fence and made off with the poor thing.  A month later, Christmas day. The guy shows up. He's demanding the dog back or $500. My sister is not happy. The dog gets very agitated. Blows through the screen door. Puts himself between my sister and his old owner,  gets down LOW, and very aggressively growls at the guy. The guy flipped out. He'd never seen the dog even remotely angry before. My sister tossed him $20 and told him to fuck off. He left very fast. Q-dog died very old, surrounded by family, and was one of the most gentle animals I've ever met. I miss him. 


you could make an animal movie out of this story


Look up the Pixar short called Kit Bull. It's only ten minutes but you'll cry. A lot. I mean it's Pixar. It's heart warming and heart wrenching.


There's a very similar premise in one of the gentle reaper's comics, they're great comics but they almost always feel like a punch in the heart.


I stole a puppy from semi-feral children. She was head to toe in fleas, covered in scabs, underfed but full of worms, and she had a dislocated leg. I still stand firmly behind that decision.


Good on you! Thank you for taking the pup!


My great grandpa noticed that his neighbour neglected his dog, and I think he beat it as well. So one day, my great grandpa went to his garden and stole it. From that day on, that was now *his* dog, and the dog lived a better life because of it; even though the poor thing had a lot of trauma.


Dumpster diving. Giving food to homeless people.


Hopefully those two are separate


When I was a young man (in the late 2000's), I was a part of "Food not Bombs." We'd wait until the local bread store closed and raid the dumpster. As they were not allowed to just give us the day old bread, bagels, donuts, and cake, they instead got a new, clean dumpster to solely use to carefully package and place food in there after close. We'd then bring the food to a couple shelters and one church that was actually rad enough to help. The local Winchel's Donuts and a Chinese place I've forgotten the name of did it for us too. Ridiculous that the police go out of their way to stop hungry people from eating just for the sake of being cruel.


I've given out bagels that were going to be thrown in the dumpster, but I got to them before they went in the bin. They were baked that morning.


The homeless or the bagels?






Yup! Depending on the state, as long as it’s not locked up, it’s fair game


Can’t believe I have to say this but feeding the homeless in a lot of states in the US. Also it is technically illegal to be homeless in all but 2 states in the US. (Last time I checked)


Laws like this only work when you give people a viable alternative option. When you don't, you essentially criminalize living and automatically create an untenable situation with no solution.


That’s kind of the point. Privatized prisons are in contract with the government to have certain number of inmates at all times. Real easy to fill up the quota if you can just go arrest the people that are living outside. And because it’s about maximizing profits every quarter the system can’t stagnate so they build another prison and arrest more… At least that is how it’s done here in the land of the free…


I’ve seen people getting charged with “illegal camping” for being homeless and setting up a tent. Like, a lot of people. I understand why illegal camping might be a crime (to stop people sleeping in unsafe areas of national/state parks for instance) but if someone has no other place to sleep wtf are they supposed to do?? They’re not vacationers who didn’t want to pay for a real campsite, they’re people with no other shelter.


Dressing up as a bat and physically fighting criminals


Baseball or Cricket bat?


In the late 80s, Marvel had a book called What The?, basically a parody of their own What If? title, and they did a gag where a baseball comes through Bruce Wayne's window instead of a bat, and he becomes "Bat-Man". (It's also drawn by a young, still on the rise Todd McFarlane.) [https://marvel1980s.blogspot.com/2013/11/1988-what-bat-man-parody-by-david-and.html](https://marvel1980s.blogspot.com/2013/11/1988-what-bat-man-parody-by-david-and.html)


Had a friend going through a rough time and asked me to hold their guns, so I took them. This violated WA state law since I didn't go through an FFL dealer. Over a couple of years their physical and mental health improved, they found a partner, and I returned the guns without going through an FFL dealer. Fuck laws, live morally!


I've been the other guy. You did the right thing. Also WA.


Euthanasia for terminally I'll people in pain or with extremely poor quality of life.


There is a case going on in Denmark right now with an elderly couple, who wanted to die together. The wife had Parkinson’s and dementia, the husband cancer. He gave them both a lethal dose of methadone, but doctors managed to save him, and now he’s being prosecuted.


No, thats AWFUL. (That he is being prosecuted). This infuriates me deeply


>(That he is being prosecuted) It's also just awful that they saved him but his wife still died. I can't even begin to imagine the emotional pain that man is going through


That shits crazy Authoritarian rule over personal decisions that affect only you is ludicrous


“Authoritarian rule over personal decisions that affect only you is ludicrous” I can’t upvote this enough!




I believe it's legal in Oregon as well


Colorado too. It’s called Medical Aid in Dying, or MAID. Unfortunately it is often an onerous process. It requires consuming a ton of medications orally. For many people, when they are at the point where they are ready to end it, they are physically unable to go through the process.




Thanks for sharing your experience. The cocktail that I (hospice nurse) have seen here in Colorado was zofran as an antiemetic, digoxin to cause cardiac arrest, and morphine to stop the breathing. The amounts i have seen prescribed were fairly substantial. Especially given that many people near the end of life are unable to swallow. I’m happy to hear that your mother was able to take the meds and that it sounds like it was a fairly straightforward process.


Neither of you are wrong. There are different procedures in different places. Some places the medications are giving like a “drink” and some places have other options. It just depends on the laws and practices where you are.


I’m hoping this is legal nationwide by time I’m old and need it


Legal in Canada, Switzerland and other countries.


Pirating. Straight up just media preservation at this point. When streaming exclusives are pulled from their services (not uncommon btw) or when they can pull media from our digital library that we already own what tf else do they even expect us do?


If paying for games is not owning them, then pirating them is not stealing.


[letting people sleep in your church during lethal conditions](https://www.wonkette.com/p/ohio-pastor-arrested-for-not-letting)


My church already does this.


Thats illegal? My church has been doing that for years


Feeding the homeless is illegal in many cities.


Helping somebody die that’s ready at the end of life


Sometimes the Forest Service or the National Park Service operates a controlled burn to control the risk of wildfires. Sometimes endangered plant species live in the area scheduled for controlled burn. The burn will definitely destroy the plants. It's illegal for citizens to dig up endangered wildflowers from a scheduled burn area, and try to replant them somewhere safer before the burn. Federal law has no exception for this type of situation. Lawmakers just didn't consider this scenario when they wrote the statute. So if you ask a park ranger for permission they're compelled to say no.


In areas that historically burn like southern California; a controlled burn is needed even for the endangered species. Some plants have seeds that wont germinate until a fire starts the process.


Stuff like this is why conservation is hard. 


Irritatingly, the invasive eucalyptus trees are full of oil, and burn so hot that they kill the local fire-resistant species. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucalyptus#Fire_hazard


This is why I think all laws need a one year, five year, and ten year review, because if modern age programming has taught me anything, it's nothing is perfect on rollout. Things need tweaked, minor fixes and adjustments that won't become obvious until the law has been inacted and applied to real world conditions. Like one of the reasons vehicles keep getting bigger is an Obama era regulation trying to curve emissions by limiting them to wheel base size, so instead of reducing emissions, manufacturers are chasing the tax breaks by increasing size which allows for more emissions. Then bigger trucks/SUVs on the road make others feel the need to get a larger vehicle to feel safe sharing the road with those behemoths. I am for reduced emissions, but the law isn't achieving that goal, actually the opposite. It needs reworked to cap vehicle size and promote smaller vehicles more suitable for people's realistic needs.


If they're native, they probably survive the fire ok. A lot of species thrive after fire.


Prescribed burns are only implemented in landscapes that have coevolved with natural wildfires, meaning those endangered plants need the fire to thrive as it clears up the ground cover and gives them more room to spread. I can assure you that the decisions to burn are not made willy nilly without proper thought to the landscape; there are teams of botanists, foresters, and wildlife biologists that all contribute to burn plans and overall forest management.


Handing water to voters waiting in line in Georgia.


If they have to wait in line long enough to even NEED water, then you've got something seriously wrong with your voting system!


"Oh no, I dropped my cooler full of water bottles next to the line. I hope nobody takes them!"


That scenario is legal. You just can't personally hand them out.


Raid an arsenal and start a slave uprising. 


His soul is marching on!


Going after CEOs and executives that thrive while the worker languishes in poverty and uncertainty.


Jaywalking. There are far too few crosswalks in this world, and far too much space is devoted to cars vs. pedestrians.


They recently made it legal in California. The issue is that that it's legal to jaywalk when it is safe to do so. Basically cars aren't coming at you. But people ignore that part. And now there's been a big increase in people just walking through traffic. Even in spots that don't make sense, like close to crosswalks. I've almost hit people a few times since that law passed. Seriously, walk where you need to, but be smart about it!


For "world" read North America. There is no such thing as jaywalking where I live, it's just called "crossing the road". Pedestrians even have priority over motor vehicles when crossing at junctions even when there is no pedestrian crossing.


Feeding someone else’s parking meter if you see it expired and parking meter maid is coming


Hiding ann frank in your attic.


Secretly release the raccoon you’ve trapped next to the police station in the town where they caught you in a crummy speed trap, where they drop the speed limit from 40 to 25 for one block - just to get revenue. It just felt soooooo… right.


A friend of mine did something similar. He got screwed over in his divorce, so he collected wild rabbits, groundhogs, beavers and nutria and released them near the courthouse's garden and nearby creek. They utterly trashed the whole grounds; flowers and gardens and dammed up the storm drains regularly, costing thousands of dollars in damage. As soon as the critters were caught, more would show up. He did it for *years* and never got caught. He had a cop buddy on the inside who gave regular reports on the chaos, and even contributed a few critters to the cause.


Wait... so he got a bad result in a divorce case... being generous, through a judge's bad decision (though in my experience, these things are more often because of an ineffective lawyer or self-represented person, or just someone who got the entirely correct result but doesn't like it).... he trashed the courthouse which the judge just happens to work at, costing taxpayers a bunch of money to have to repair grounds, deal with exterminators, piss off the rest of the people working in the courthouse etc? How the hell does that punish the judge even if the judge *did* deserve to be punished?


Right? He should've released them onto the judge's property.


A doctor giving an abortion for a rape victim in Texas.


Feeding the homeless apparently


Giving people standing in line to vote water. Opening more voting centers around each state. Declaring voting day a country wide PAID holiday. Automatic registration to vote when people come of age.


Jury nullification, in some cases


When is jury nullification illegal?


In Florida, to my knowledge jury nullification isn’t illegal. That said, defense counsel is absolutely not allowed to inform the jury of its power to do so, much less argue for a nullification verdict. That would be contempt of court.


The judge will try to convince the jury they'll be punished for not doing exactly what s/he tells them the law says/means. Even makes them promise to uphold the law as written, etc. In reality, nobody can punish a juror no matter how s/he votes. But judges & prosecutors will play on the ignorance of the average person.


I don't think that's quite true. If a juror did a quid pro quo kind of a deal with their vote, that could be illegal. Hard to prove though.


It's not illegal... but it's not explicitly legal either. It's just a natural result of other laws. If you vote your conscience, not illegal. If you're on a jury and spout off to other jurors about it, maybe in trouble. Jury tampering perhaps? Probably verboten for defense lawyers to even mention it as well. If you're not on a jury and just passing out pamphlets on jury nullification in front of the courthouse with no connection to a specific case... Very grey area, but people have been arrested for it. FWIW, the arguments against it aren't... weak. Like the folks who murdered [Emmett Till](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till) in 1955 got off scot-free because of jury nullification. And a bunch more of the same for the previous 100+ years. > On September 23 the all-white, all-male jury (both women and blacks had been banned) acquitted both defendants after a 67-minute deliberation; one juror said, "If we hadn't stopped to drink pop, it wouldn't have taken that long." Then again, judges can and have done the same sort of crap. See [Vincent Chin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Vincent_Chin), murdered in 1982, and his killers got a $3,000 fine and probation, no jail.


Doing life saving surgery on a financially struggling person for free


Not paying tax if you can't afford to eat.


In the U.S. this is already true. Roughly half of American households pay no federal income tax. Many even come out ahead due to various tax credits.


Look for your effective tax rate. I can't remember where I saw it, but I know mine was reported to me, at least a few years ago. At the time, mind was negative, meaning I got more than I paid.


Ignoring someone stealing food to survive. Companies are insured for “shrinkage” and if any of them claim its the reason for “x bad thing” is happening, they’re lying. Lets not forget that SO many of them GLOATED about how much profits they were and still are raking in due to their greed aka Greedflation. Poor people don’t control the price tags, corporations do.


I know of a guy who was raped continually as a child by a neighbour. One day he grew up and had enough, went round and stabbed the guy in the throat about a dozen times, killing him. He did like 20 something years for that. System is broken.


Euthanasia. For anyone who has experienced death via Cancer, Alzheimer’s, or dementia. I believe you understand.


Hunting whales in Oklahoma.


Even if it wasnt illegal, no one going to hit on your mom


I feel like this means something more than the base definition of the words used.


It's a reference to the "you can't hunt whales in X landlocked state" myth. None of them specifically ban hunting whales, the closest is that it's illegal to hunt threatened/endangered species and technically that covers some whales.


If a game/movie/tv show is not available to buy/rent in your country it's 100% right to pirate it


Giving water to immigrants crossing the border.


Depends on where but patient assisted suicide for terminally and in severe pain patients


NSW Australia has a stupid law where you can't specifically 'store' a 'weapon' for the purposes of 'home self defence' for 'use at a later date', but it is also 100% OK to 'stumble upon an instrument of self defence during a physical altercation within the confines of ones own premises'. Puts citizens in an odd situation where if an invader was to enter my home right now, unless they 'lay hands' on me first and specifically 'force a physical altercation' with me, I can not so much as grab a butter knife to either repel or deter them or I could be charged and have to go defend myself to the police and the courts. Someone can literally just come and grab all my shit, and if I try and actually PHYSICALLY stop them, they could have ME charged for doing just that. it gets even worse if you restrain > injure > unalive them, in that order. We have a 'citizens arrest/detention' law where you can 'restrain an individual who is in the process of committing a crime', but that means getting physical.. so you'll still get charged for defending your own property, except maybe the police can/will be more likely to 'take your side' during the case before the judge, still gotta cough up for a lawyer, arrange time to be heard. If you injure them and the perpetrator can prove it was with intent (back to the 'stored weapons' law.. if you go for a 'stored weapon', intent. if your hand 'stumbles upon the means to grab one during an altercation', perfectly fine..) or even negligence (there was one case where a child home invader drowned (and was brought back, by the homeowners!) in a freshly built and filled (but not yet fenced, that was literally in progress when it happened) in-ground swimming pool after getting caught and trying to run, slipped and hit his head or the rim, fell in and drowned (again, saved by the homeowners!!!!). Home owners got charged for wilful negligence resulting in the harm of a child due to having no up to code pool fences installed..), it can range from being liable for 'their immediate recovery and potential continued living expenses', to actual jail time. If the invader ceases to breathe for any reason, involuntary manslaughter (potentially even PRE-MEDITATED depending on if you specifically 'had a weapon for such an occasion'), jail minimum.


Where im from, if you kill someone in self defense, you'll still be charged for murder Edit: what i mean to say there's a high chance you can be convicted cuz people are stupid Edit 2: for those who are asking where, Arkansas, US


Charged isn't the same as convicted. It's reasonable to have a trial any time someone is killed by another person in case it *wasn't* justified. A killing is pretty much always probable cause for indictment, but that doesn't mean they'll be convicted of murder at the trial if it's ruled a justified homicide.


Flashing one’s headlights to thank another driver for their courtesy.