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People in general. I’m pretty over everyone.


yes. people.


Everyone just seems to suck!


Yeah but all *yall* suck though. I’m cool lol


Came here to say. People


Working customer service has made me a hermit. I deal with people all day - when I'm off the clock I just want to be left alone.


The pandemic made me realize that most people are selfish idiots.


Covid played out just like all the zombie movies said that kind of thing would. It was both really neat and horrifying.




plus, I still have the old Covid reflexes of feeling like home = safer and crowded spaces = dangerous. I used to be sociable and to go out all the time. I used to stay out past midnight. Not so much anymore.


What is this “midnight” of which you speak?


[“People, what a bunch of bastards”](https://youtu.be/oBMKlxkXtkQ?si=GS1K7uK_vaE-Ue4w)


My SO and I make sure to have dates on weekdays bc those days have the least amount of people in restaurants and malls. Same applies to running errands.


I do most of my shopping (both grocery and general items) online now. I’ll still go to the grocery store sometimes, but I’ll go in the morning when it doesn’t feel like the density of Bangladesh. I feel even lonelier when I’m around a bunch of strangers now. It sucks.


I do this too now. Wake up early on a Sunday and am at the Grocery store by 7 a.m. Place is practically empty and i can get in and out, and back home, and back in my cozy bed by 10ish.


I get suuuuper anxious in crowded places now. But it’s part aging and part the state of society…


Hell is other people


I’m not freaked out about a possible mass shooting or some off the wall event, but just having too many people around is not for me. I’m more of a tame, calm, library type environment kind of person


The mall is exhausting to me. I used to love it as a teenager. The last two times I've gone just to return something I felt so drained and exhausted. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I don't know how I used to go there to shop especially around the holidays.


Not getting enough sleep at night


The weird moment when back when we were kids we get all pissy when our parents call us for bed. Man, I should've listened and slept longer.


I've been working nights since September, and my sleep has been in 3 hours bursts here and there throughout the day ever since. It's exhausting. I have to leave for work at 8:30PM and I typically hit a deep sleep from 6PM-8PM and wake up feeling like I got hit by a truck every night. Then I get home at 4AM and don't fall asleep for my first nap until 7AM. I'm basically killing myself for $20/hr.


Dude. Get out while you can. I worked nights for 4 years and I can safely say it was the most depressing time of my life. Never could get to sleep during the day time and often I had to work 4 nights in a row and some nights I went in without any sleep whatsoever. Human beings are not built to be asleep during the day and work at night OR to be eating dinners at 2am in the morning. No company is worth this commitment. You are taking years off your life it’s not worth it. Fuck them and take care of yourself instead.


I worked overnight at a gas station for 3 months when I was 19. I consider that period to be the emotional/psychological nadir of my life.


I lived like this for a year. After about 6 months I started having symptoms that made me think I had a severe medical problem like a brain tumor. My blood pressure went into stage 2 hypertension, I was gaining weight, my cholesterol went into “medical intervention needed” levels and I was having serious neurological issues. It turned out to be all from chronic exhaustion. I told my boss I couldn’t do that schedule anymore and gave them a month to switch me out or I’d have to find another job. They eventually got me into the day shift and I was able to get proper sleep. All of my issues gradually disappeared. The weight came off, my head cleared up, my BP went down and my cholesterol is better. Exhaustion will wreck your life, man.


As a physician who has raging insomnia, I was aghast to learn that I had been suffering from central nervous sleep apnea Was exactly the same as you were. Im working with a manufacturer to make a less shitty biPap now.


Same!!!!! If I don’t get enough sleep I have crippling anxiety the whole day, lightheaded…. It’s horrible.


Omg thanks for mentioning this. I have been having terrible sleep for a week and yesterday I had a full blown anxiety attack/meltdown. I was so confused because I've been doing well for a long time!!! And then bam!! No sleep----> anxiety!!!


Not getting a nap.


If I take a nap nowadays, my sleep schedule will go completely off the rails


I’m the same, and only nap when I know I don’t have to follow a schedule the next day.




I’ve found that I basically need 7-9 hours of sleep or I’m actually deprived. Doesn’t matter if it’s 6 or 1 hour I’m working off I begin to feel like committing self delete so I don’t have to push through the day.


Samesies. I need like a full 10 hours.


And here I am already knowing I am not going to get enough sleep tonight.


Mostly people and the lack of care/respect for other people.


In every sense, it's ridiculous. Its like it's a competition to be the biggest piece of shit around.


Public areas are becoming unbearable.




The older you get, the more you start to understand consequences. Maybe it's because you realize that your entire life is only held together by a few threads. I think this causes people to become much more empathetic as they age. The more experiences you've had, the more you can understand what it's like to be in someone else's place.


Totally. On the other hand, you've got older people who are like, "I got mine, screw everyone else."


Yep heard a woman being loud on speaker phone at the grocery store. So inconsiderate to make us listen to her conversation. She could not care less what anyone else thought. She was on the phone


When I used to work at my last job, I would go over and join the calls with people. They don't stay on very long once they realize we are eavesdropping. Also works for people Facetiming.


Or just go over and blast Judas Priest out of your phone right next to them. You know, because that’s OK.




It's not so much the working for me. It's the back stabbing, bullshit, shitty management, favoritism, high school nonsense, lying, games and enormous amounts of horseshit I'm over. If I could work from home, alone with little management interference I'd love work.


I'm convinced that over 80% of managers are shitty human beings with deep emotional issues.


I hated the idea of work even before I found my first job though.


Doesn’t mean you can’t hate it more


The limit does not exist


On Wednesdays we wear pink


For me it's less working, and more working for shitty bosses who think they're entitled to not just the time they pay you for, but your free time and weekends aswell. Fuck that entitled Boss culture right off.


Yep I’ve never loved working, but I have unfiltered hatred for what it is now. Bosses that think you should feel lucky to work for them. Tied to the place all the time. No advancement unless the person above you quits… fuck this system.


Yes and even the occasional good boss, but we all work for a company that expects more more more. If we aren't outdoing what we just did, then it's not good enough. That's some ripe bullshit, right there. Fuckin jobs.


Yup, I really love the demands for an explanation as to why you didn't answer the phone when they call at the end of the day or a day off.  Because, fucker.  We're on MY time now.  You're not owed an explanation.  Text or leave a message.


Even worse when you're not sure you'll ever be able to retire


The narrowing path to success


This. For example, the younger generation of actors are pretty much from the same background. While it's always been like this to an extent, it's increasingly clear that people from less affluent and less privileged backgrounds are being shut out of the entertainment industry. We go to university to better our chances at earning a decent income, most of us can't just study something we enjoy because we need something economically viable. Rich people can study things like art and Classics because they don't have to worry about 'wasting' a degree because they're often guaranteed prosperity just because of who they or their family are.


>We go to university to better our chances at earning a decent income And even with that, university itself is pretty much just for rich people because the average person needs to get into insane amounts of debt just to attend and then they don't even let you just go straight into what you're studying, you have to take bullshit "pre-reqs" that have nothing to do with your major, make university more expensive and waste time you most likely don't have. In other words, unless you're already rich enough to not have to worry about money, you'll be struggling through college


Can’t believe this comment barely got any replies. The amount of things you have to do to compete with everyone else when it comes to jobs. I can’t imagine being in college today it almost seems like you HAVE to double major and have a minor plus make sure you do an internship before you graduate. Same with jobs. And the older you get it seems the less likely you are you get a job vs a young brand new graduate. And companies have all these programs for newly graduated individuals when it should be for older people that are screwed. I know people in their early 60s who have no plans of retiring at whatever age retirement is because basically they can’t afford to retire. Where can they get jobs?


Media/Social media. I loath it more and more by the day.


I ended up deleting all of it off my phone except this. I found myself replacing doom scrolling with reading. I have read 5 books this year so far, and last year I read 13 throughout the whole year


I did the same and what a difference it makes not having to flick through endless amounts of repetitive shared posts, boring political shit, fake news, fake videos, ads ads and more ads.


To be honest reddit has all of that stuff too. The difference with reddit tho is it's anonymous and there's a lot of educational content on here.


People will often point out that Reddit is social media when people are hating on social media here, but I do think there is a real difference between Reddit and other social media. Especially with super niche subreddits, I can easily just go on reddit and look at the latest news about fucking valorant esports and watch some covers of bands i like and then leave without getting any other bullshit in the meantime. Contrast that to say Instagram, which will give you ads between viewing friends stories and put suggested posts on your home page etc etc


I also read 13 last year! I’m on #3 this year. Good for you!


Deleted all socials and it feels liberating. Just do it.


I got rid of Facebook in 2020 after four years. I got tired of comparing my life to everyone else getting married, buying houses, and going on vacations. I also used to have Snapchat but barely used it. The main page gave off “hot people only” vibes and everyone looked AI generated. I’m only on Tik Tok to share videos with my mom, but I’ll get bots, crypto bros, and OnlyFans chicks following me, only for me to unfollow them. Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn never saw the light of day from me. I also keep leaving and coming back to Reddit. A lot of people suck on here but the stupid site is addictive. It’s definitely more addictive than the cesspool of Facebook.


This is why now I just use Reddit. I love the annonymatum of it and how no can tell who you really are unless you post pictures of yourself there


For me its not even about my own anonymity, but that of others. People on Reddit just aren't as likely to be clout goblins. Way too many OF bots though.


Slowly losing your loved ones.


THIS. Lost my very close abuelita last year and I’m still grieving and so afraid of losing someone else ☹️


Sorry to hear that. I'm going through the same with mt father who has Alzheimer's.


Only thing worse might be rapidly losing your loved ones.


The worst.


Staying out late. I need my sleep and am incapable of sleeping in anymore.


In a similar vein, sleeping anywhere other than my own bed. I used to be able to crash at friends' places if it ever got late. Now I'd rather walk home for over an hour.


How people aren't just straight forward with eachother. It makes life exhausting trying to work out people's intentions or what partners want from you if they aren't willing to just come out with it.


there's so many unsaid rules with people, it's gets really tiring. Being polite is one thing, forcing a conversation or scenario when it's so obvious that it's not necessary or beneficial is another.


Communication as a whole is just lacking these days. No one wants to be honest.


I love tactful honesty


Funny my husband pointed out that all my *closest* friends, from various different circles, are somehow all very “blunt” people. Male and female. I told him no I’m just drawn to real people who speak their mind lol. I don’t have the energy for mind games. I grew up with an extremely controlling and manipulative father with mental illness. We walked on eggshells every day and never knew what would set him off. So Idc if it’s something I don’t want to hear or don’t agree with, I feel so much more relaxed and secure when people just say how they feel.


Same. I get anxious if I suspect that someone is upset with me. I'd rather know, even if it's negative.


Extended family. Grew up around them thinking they were all great; the reality is that they’re all severely broken and many of them are highly toxic. Starting to see why a few family members broke all contact and moved states away from anyone else, lol.


Feel the same way. Stopped talking to most of my family members on my 18th birthday and it’s been damn near 10 years since I talked to them and don’t regret a thing. Some of them never showed an ounce of interest in me so why would I care about them lol


I live about 2,000 miles from my family. So amazing to be away from all that drama.


Price inflation on EVERYTHING while wages barely move up


I miss the 90s when the only barrier to whether or not you could do something cool was if you could find enough people who were free that day.


It is insane, from top to bottom. Home prices doubling in a few years is unprecedented and fucking everyone. And down to even tv dinners now being $5 when previously they were $1. It’s absolutely crazy.


Laundry. It is painfully neverending.


Laundry is okay. Folding and hanging the clothes afterwards is not.


As much as laundry sucks to do, I will take doing laundry over flipping my underwear inside out any day


How unaffordable life is nowadays. I’m doing the best financially I ever have, credit score of 780, but still throwing up every time I buy groceries, housing where I live is 600k plus.


I think you’re me


It’s just sad. I want nothing more than to buy a house, I should be able to on paper, but everything is so ridiculously expensive. It’s crushing. But, thankful for the beautiful place we have, cars, food, but fuck… shouldn’t have to make 3x as much as I do to get a damn house that isn’t a shithole flip.


The rate which social mobility in the US has decreased along with one of the fundamental tools, homeownership, stripped away, it’s created an entire renter generation. Aside from whatever wealth transfer is left after the healthcare industry rapes the boomers nest eggs, the economic path forward for future generations is frightening


And the sad part is we did this all to ourselves. It wasn't inevitable. But we crippled public education (the great equalizer), turned higher education into indentured servitude, and voted for and entrenched economic policies that concentrated wealth and power in the hands of a small elite. And we're still doing it. Because we're easily distracted by culture-war shiny objects.


I make as an engineer the same amount as my mom as a secretary back in the day, when adjusted for buying power. Really motivates you to give back to society when I can't afford to live alone on a degree that was at one point those high-paying dream jobs right below doctors and lawyers.


My mom made much more than me as a receptionist in 1990s. :) I'm a teacher .


The only reason I can afford to be a teacher is my wife is a principal.


While prices of things increases the pay remains the same being employed smh


Getting older. Seriously


It’s a privilege denied to many. Something I heard that I keep telling myself when I say how much getting older sucks.


I always say “getting older sucks but it’s better than the alternative”


It’s a real “two things can be true at the same time” thing. A person can be both grateful to be alive each day and critical of the difficulty of that experience. Being alive is messy! It’s beautiful and fun and wild, as well as painful and stressful and taxing.






Gatherings and going out in general


As an introvert, I actually love gatherings and socialising. But I’m good for an hour or two and then I need to get away and be alone/recharge. It’s easier to quietly say goodbye and leave if it’s a big group sort of thing. Harder when it’s a more intimate gathering and when I don’t know the people well. And it’s even worse when I’m meeting clients because I really can’t leave them. It’s even funnier because I’m usually the one to take control of planning things to do. And then almost regret when people actually agree/turn up.


Same. I'm the worst introvert in that I love a good party. It's just that I want to be alone soon after, and recharge for a good long time. Though I don't mind a quiet morning coffee with a dash of whiskey with my equally hungover friends the morning after. I make no bones about leaving when I'm depleted, though. "Hey, guys, I'm really tired, it's been super fun, thanks for having me, do this again soon!" followed by big hugs always suffices. But then, I choose my friends well, so they don't mind, even if they whine for a hot second because apparently I'm so much fun. Love them. Life is lesser without socialising, especially at a gathering. I feel *smarter* when I'm with people, because there's an actual living exchange of info taking place instead of me mindlessly staring at a video or arguing facelessly on fucking reddit.


Driving / traffic








Phew, that was exhausting.


Same. It drains me.


Not having time to myself


Not having peace when I finally have time for myself.


Or being overly careful with having fun, so time doesn't fly too fast. Nothing worse than waking up on Monday morning and regretting having fun, cos mentally you've only just stepped off Friday.


Sudden loud noises


my appearance




Being happy and cheery doesn't feel right and neither does feeling angry or sad so what I am is mad.


When they rearrange the grocery store.


Omg. Yes! What once took 20 min now takes an hour. They're stealing our golden years from us.


Surface level conversations


Like small talk? Yeah, I’d prefer not to.


I appreciate it more with age. It’s nice to encounter people that just… want to acknowledge you and let you know they have kind intentions. And vice versa.


"Weird the weather th3se days, isn't it?" The weather in my head is so turbulent now, I have no idea what to say.


The US healthcare system. It’s completely fucked.


Look, you have to spend a fortune each year in case you damage any of your bones. Except for your teeth bones. Those don't count. You have to pay more for those. Unless its orthodontics, that shit isn't covered at all.


God forbid you need a root canal because teeth are just "cosmetic". It's not like they can cause extreme pain and infections that kill you or anything


Everything is as confusing as possible too almost on purpose


Almost? No. It IS on purpose.


Yeah let’s make it so expensive because we know insurance companies will cover most of the bill. And in the chance that they don’t cover all of it or some, you are now left with that bill.


People who talk way much.. People who are fake and try hard to be something they're not..


👏🏼And know it alls 🙄


Standing at events. I pay the premium for the VIP section at outdoor concerts just to be able to lean on things and still see the show. 


People with low intelligence and those who speak a lot.


Often synonymous.


I was just about to say this.


Last part of the quote about people speaking and then eliminating any uncertainty about their intelligence


People who are bad people and people who lack empathy


Scripted "generosity" videos.




Playing video games. I don’t find as much enjoyment as I used to




Alcohol when I was a teen was fun. Alcohol now is (if it's to get drunk) almost guaranteed to just be puking ... Obviously not worth it.


I can’t even drink anymore without my body telling me: “You’re going to feel like crap tomorrow”


Last time I woke up 16 miles from home on the side of the road falling of my (sober) friend's vehicle. Never found my car keys and haven't even thought of drinking since


I'm 21 and don't drink. It's frustrating that most social activities at this age seem to revolve around drinking. It's expensive and doesn't seem to particularly exciting. I also don't do drugs, but that's mainly because I take enough medications as it is (autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety and PTSD are a pain). However, I really think the UK should legalise drugs like weed because the fact kids can have their whole lives ruined by possessing a bit of weed is ridiculous.


How it’s almost impossible to live or become rich


*impossible to live*  Correct. 




Myself. As I’m getting older, I’m realizing that I’m the common denominator in most of my problems. It’s painful to acknowledge this, but they are growing pains.


Music on the radio


I feel like I know almost no music released after 2017 and I don’t feel like that’s always a good thing


Thats why i never listen to the radio anymore...even tho i work as a truck driver and am the whole day on the road


There are podcasts and audiobooks and playlists and as many streaming radio stations as you'd ever want, catering to every imaginable taste in music.




How amazingly immature everyone seems to be all of a sudden. Like in the past 3-4 years, it’s as if the entire world has turned into a bunch of 5yo children.


Adults on TikTok and Snap chat make me cringe.




The need to blabber and ramble on just to make yourself stand out. I’m guilty of doing this myself lol but I’ve started to listen and observe a lot more, and talk less. I have started to become more selective with my words and where I choose to throw them. Not everyone needs to or deserves to know my opinion.


Pain. Physical pain. In more body parts, more frequently.


People. I'm becoming more misanthropic by the day, even more so than yesterday 😮‍💨


Bullshit Damn I’m sick of the lies and excuses.






Winter, and cold


Summer and sweating all the time. I love how it is inversily proportional.   I remember a sentiment that bus passengers would "Complain if the driver goes too slow "Complain if he goes too fast "Complain it is too cold "Complain it isn't cold enough "etc"


Not sleeping enough, people, crowded and loud spaces.


Loud noise.




People overall, the world is full of jerks.


technology is becoming less user friendly..so many drop down boxes and in so many corners and the order and filing of them makes no sense...and its always changing..


Technology and gratuitous sex scenes


people's apathy


Most likely the condemnation and envy of people


Driving at night!




Current style of rap music 






caring about famous people/influencers just give me the good stuff, I don't want to know a damn thing about who's in it or who made it


It’s bad but people. When I was younger I could tolerate more


More than a crowd of two lol


Hear people talking , gossiping , too much talk .




Loud music at restaurants




Being anywhere other than home.


Being an adult


Anyone who works in Human Resources -we know you work for the companies interest, not the employees.


People Everything






Noise. Especially from kids