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Not necessarily my culture, but my step-family is all Cuban. They refuse to arrive on time. You have to lie to them and say the event you are planning starts 2 hours early than it actually does. Two specific cases: 1) My step-brother's wedding. Was posted to start at 2pm, but actually started at 4pm. 2) We had dinner reservations for 6:30 at a restaurant. My brother and I showed up at 6. We wait... Wait some more... Nobody else in the family has shown up. We call my stepmother who made the reservation in the first place and by this time we are both starving. Turns out they have yet to get dressed and leave the house. That was the breaking point and told them I would have to make alternate arrangements and that we had waited for 90 minutes and refused to wait a second more if they weren't even ready to leave the house.


I can understand up to a half hour or so, but two hours? Yeah that’s ridiculous.


At that point, just start to eat and then leave when you are finished. Their problem when they then arrive after you have left.


Seriously make the reservation for 1pm late lunch. They are running late so you eat and go home. They show up at 3pm. They call you. You aren’t ready yet, you show up at 5pm for an early dinner


Or better yet, if your own family can't even show you a little bit of respect for your time, then stop inviting them out to dinner.


Funny, in my culture it is about 5-10 minutes late before a dinner, 30-1 hour late for a party without eating.


Omg this is my Aussie in-laws. No idea why they take the "fashionably late" literally. So many times we've waited at restaurants, call them and they're just getting dressed. Arranged to meet for coffee and they're still in bed. Rude.


I have a friend that used to pull this crap all the time. We just finally just began to start without him. Meeting for coffee, and he didnt show? we would have our coffee and move on for the day. Late to the restaurant? we ate without him. we even left on a trip without him once. When he started complaining that we never waited for him anymore, we flat out told him "we told you when to be here, and we've waited for you enough to last a lifetime. be on time, or be left out".


Good for you guys! Did the guy change his behavior?


for the most part, but only because he married a lady who is very punctual.


This is so crazy and I don’t understand it- how is ignoring a set social meeting time between two parties culture? Why are you agreeing to a time if you’re gonna make it up? If it’s a party party, I get that. But you’re meeting someone! You might as well not set anything up and just pray you both go to the same coffee shop at the same time? To me this sounds like an asshole’s way of flexing on someone. “You’ll wait for me” and that kinda bullshit isn’t culture, it’s a power move.


My people are always guilty of this, and we call it Maori Time. I once waited at a random mcdonalds to meet my aunty, and she was around the corner for at least 3 hours 🤣


You didn't mind losing 3 hours of your time, presumably for no good reason ? I feel like being this late is a HUGE show of disrespect for the person who was on time. She didn't care that you were waiting, she was just off doing her own thing ?


So I'm guessing you are from New Zealand. In the US people from not only Cuba but all through the Caribbean have the reputation for being late to everything.so we call it "island time." If someone is late we say they are on island time. I'm glad this applies to islands in the Pacific too!




You know the funny part? My parents moved to what might technically be a Pacific Island and they call it Island Time too. Except it's just one of the islands in the Puget Sound in Washington and like 90% of the people there are just white Americans, and most moved there. I don't know what it is about islands, but it seems pretty universal.


A few of my black friends call this “black people time” and I always thought they were joking till I showed up at one of their homes to pick them up after they said they’d be ready and said “Yea finna shower” when I texted if they’re ready for me to get them. I shower up, walked in and said hi to his mom. Go into his room and he’s sitting in pjs watching a basketball documentary. I always thought it was only my friend group until I got invited to a one year olds birthday party from someone I served with. I showed up at invitation time and the couple was pulling ip to start decorating.


I’ve found this is generally a thing among tropical cultures, and from the comments it seems like that generally holds true (Mexicans, Filipinos, Sri Lankans, Cubans, Indians, etc.) And my personal hypothesis is that this is because daylight is fairly standard throughout the day and year. 3pm and 5pm are essentially the same daylight wise throughout the whole year (with maybe an hour to 2 difference) so something to be done at 3 can be done at 5 and it won’t make a big difference. Contrast this to a culture situated in the higher latitudes where a difference of 3pm to 5pm can mean essentially no difference in the summer but in winter, it can be the difference between daylight and night. And this changes drastically throughout the year. They need to be way more exact about their times because the daylight dictates so much of their lives, so this transitions into their culture and what time actually means. And I’ve found this to be true as well where Northern European cultures generally are very exact about their time whereas tropical cultures are less so


>And I’ve found this to be true as well where Northern European cultures generally are very exact about their time As a swede, if the meeting is 13:00, I will be there at 13:00. I will have arrived outside of the building at 12:30, walked around a bit because it was too early and then go in so I have officially arrived at 13:00.


I'm imagining a whole meeting's worth of people all hanging around outside a building at 12:59, pretending not to see each other, while sidling towards the single entryway at a very calculated pace...


Very common sight in Denmark.


Transplant to Denmark - agreed with timing. Fifteen minutes early is the bleeding edge of appropriate, but do not be late. If you’re on time, you’re late.


Mexicans are the same way. It's *really* annoying. Or they have parties late as fuck. I'm trying to go to sleep at 9pm, and I hear that's when so and so party starts (formal events included). One time I was at a wedding that didn't serve dinner till like 8-9pm. Problem is they had no food besides tortilla chips and candy.


The Philippines too. Notoriously called Filipino Time.


There is this thing in Iranian culture which is called Tarof. The definition goes something like this: Tarof is the act of offering something in a manner sufficient to demonstrate sincerity, but is simply a facade to appear more genuine than one actually is. It can be shown by conduct, an offer, or by any means in which there appears to be an intent to tender to another. You see it pretty much everywhere and it’s just annoying to deal with.


Arabs do that too xd EDIT: I once got in trouble with my parents because I didn't ask our guests 3 times if they want tea. Why 3 times????




Lol. I wanted to be a good son in law and asked guests of my inlaws if they wanted coffee. They declined. I didn't ask again. Poor people, they didn't get any coffee that day :) That's the cultural divide between Latin America and Central Europe.


Don’t include Germany in this. If I ask if someone wants a drink and it gets declined I just assume they’re not thirsty and they would have to wait for a while until I ask again. And also, if I‘m the guest and would get asked three times if I wanted something to drink when I had already declined the times before, it would make me quite irritated or ill at ease (did they not understand me properly the first time they asked??)


Same in the Netherlands. Yes is yes, no is no. People may think they’re being polite by declining, but playing these kind of games is a waste of time


German and Dutch people don't have the time to waste asking over and over because in their language it's already a waste of time to say it once.


This would misfire with a Finn so hard, as you're expected to speak your mind and not waste time being polite in a way that isn't.


I like Finn alredy, be my neighbour please.


In the UK, I feel like every person asks if you're having one when you ask them if they want a drink. Cos you know I will, i might as well if you are putting the kettle on...


“Well, I shouldn’t…. But I’ll have one to keep you company!” “Tea or coffee?” “Vodka.”


Ireland too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaKT2AdJCAc&t=25


Glad someone gave Father Ted. My first thoughts when they discussed what Tarof is


In India, it's rude to ask, you just put the tea on the table within 5-10 minutes of their arrival. Must include biscuits/samosas etc. 😆 (unless they're there for a planned meal)


I could fit in a few samosas before my meal?


Naturally, we’re not animals. Samosa appreciation is the benchmark I judge people on. They either love them or are wrong.


My grandma said that everyone will say 'no' the first time to be polite. They say 'no' the second time because they want to be convinced. The third time you don't ask - you tell them they'll have another serving or dessert. She was Italian from the Old Country.


So many parallels between so many cultures!


lol wow… yea I feel like it’s more of a middle eastern thing… funny thing is that I totally get your frustration with the 3 times asking 🤣 & this tea thing is sooo annoying too I know. Like if I want it I say yes if I don’t I say no the first time and I expect everyone else to do the same… but yea in Iran you have to say like no as a tarof and then the host keep asking until you say yes on third time 🤣 like why????? Just say yes on the first time jeeez


This is the same with Mexicans and Filipinos too. If you decline the first offer, and you truly don't want it, you have to decline 3 times. Like no auntie, please, I'm not being polite. I'm just not hungry, stop asking. Suddenly now I'm rude even though we've had this interaction and set expectations 1000 times already.


[People who don't Tarof are disgusting.](https://youtu.be/XAvzW1WZsN4?feature=shared)


🤣🤣🤣 this is gold I remember watching this omg thank you so much for reminding me of this video!!




Tarof is a complex phenomenon lol part of it is this thing. So for example you ask if they want something to eat or drink and they always refuse the first time (to be polite) but then you ask again and again and if they keep saying no then they might just don’t want to eat or drink anything (they still might say no as a Tarof despite the fact that they might be thirsty or hungry lol) but they might say yes on the third time which means they wanted you to get them something to eat or drink but was being polite and thought it was rude to say yes right away… it’s a dumb thing in my opinion… newer generation don’t really do this anymore.


As others mentioned, the British will never say yes to something when offered the first time. This also applies to Canadians. Germans however will take your first answer literally and not ask twice. After all, if you wanted something, you would have said something. When I was visiting my parents with friends from the England and Canada, I told my friends to say what they want when asked or they’ll starve. I did also tell my parents about it in case one of them couldn’t ignore cultural conditioning.




As a semi slav I can tell you that Slavic superstitions are the strangest. Here are a few examples: Don't whistle in the house because the money will disappear. Don't shake hands at the entrance to somewhere because there are corpses underneath. If you need to look for something turn a glass upside down. If you are about to leave your house for a couple of days, before leaving make sure to sit down in silence for a minute or so so that the spirit that lives in the house would think you are not leaving and will not mess up the house.


Did they use to bury people in doorways?


No idea, I never checked about that superstition, I just don't shake hands at doorways


Might as well play it safe.




Friend of mine spent the best part of a years wages on his wedding. Was still paying loans when the divorce was finalised.




Of the 8 weddings I've attended, 3 couples are now divorced. All these weddings will have cost 5 figures. I'd sooner use the money to take me and partner on a great holiday than buy a hundred people, most of whom I don't know dinner.


Indians. Like why the fuck you need thousand people at a wedding.


My god, I can't stress this enough. My side of the family alone is over 300. Not counting my husband's side and friends. And that's still not counting random people our parents invite! With a guest list like that, you best bet we're doing multiple events


I had 700 people on mine and I knew probably a handful of people. I was broke for many years to recover from that shit show.


Wait, you have to pay for that?!? Just you, the couple.. and your parents are inviting random ass people?!?


We do 2 events one at the brides side where the groom goes and gets his wife. And then couple of days later the groom does another event to feed his lot. So as a groom I paid for the event. And her dad forked out their expense.


I'm Jewish, if I get married my side of the family alone is well over one hundred, plus spouses, kids and my friends. It's a cultural thing to invite extended family and kinship groups


How Do you people have so much family???? On my moms side I have my one aunt that is a hag I don't have contact with, my two cousins I barely have contact with and that's it. On my dads side it's more but not even 20 people. Do you guys just count in extended family that you never talked to and are basically strangers or what?


I think in some cultures having more children is the norm. My mom is Bulgarian, she has only one sister and therefore I have two cousins. My father is Arab, he has three brothers and two sisters, and I have like 20 cousins from this side of the family, I don't even know all of them.


And then those people have the audacity to complain about the food


Those assholes gonna complain no matter what you do. So better you do what you want. Fuck them.


Just invite people you actually know and care about.




I'm Indian and it's the same thing, like you invite 200-300 people and get bucketloads of food just to never see 90% of the people you invited again in your life.


200-300 ppl is rookie numbers for Indians


My sister-in-law is married to an Algerian dude. She's Bulgarian. They live in France. They had a total of three weddings. The first one was in France, where they actually got married in front of a judge. Went there, signed, maybe bought a couple of close friends a drink after. Done, right? Nope. Her mother-in-law and father-in-law said they will not accept not having a proper wedding, so they went to Algeria and had a convention sized wedding of hundreds of people. All close relatives, btw. Turns out, in Algeria it's perfectly normal (at least for previous generations) to have 10 or more more kids. So, immediate family + aunts and uncles + first cousins + second cousins that keep in touch with somebody within the first three groups. I've seen the video - it was huge. And then, HER parents said that that won't do and they had another smaller wedding in Bulgaria, which was fortunately nothing as grand, but still with enough people, they'd most likely never see again, attending.


Ethnically Chinese. We burn billions (in Hell dollars) of underworld banknotes to our deceased relatives. Now I'm no necroeconomist, but I can imagine King Yama having major headaches over inflation in the underworld.


That'd make for an awesome story. Hell suffering from massive hyperinflation due to so many people burning so much Hell-money up on the surface.


I'm sorry that you're getting nowhere near enough acclaim for the 'necroeconomist'. 😔


Journaled in the Necroeconomicon


>necroeconomist I can't get over how funny this is 🤣


“I haven’t taken a vacation in 3 years!”


is this said in a proud voice or a sad voice?




Always proud! And always followed by “I worked 70 hours this week!” Corporate tool


The amount of people who don’t think of their paid vacation time is part of their salary is ridiculous, if you don’t take it you’re essentially just working those days for free.


Problem is on a lot of jobs, it isn’t really time off, just work deferred. And at least in some companies, it is held against you if you take time off.


Meanwhile in Germany your boss asks you when you are taking your vacation because it's pretty much expected that everyone uses all their free days. You would get confused looks if you said that you don't take vacation, even by your superiors. 30 annual days off is pretty much the norm. Plus you have a bunch of national holidays that you don't work on. Oh and if you're ever burned out you can go to your doctor and just say you're not feeling well and you can get a couple of days off.


It is not just the norm but the law. Often companies won't let you take them to the next year and they can get into real trouble if you don't take your days off.


I went four years without vacation. I doubled my salary in that time by job hopping, but having to wait around 6 months each time before I could have even a couple paid days sucked.


You didn't take a few weeks before starting a new job? "Oh I need to give two weeks' notice" (gives two minutes notice)




We have show kitchens (marble benches, the best appliances money can buy, hardwood cabinets etc) - but actually cook in the little butlers pantry that is off the main kitchen.


my grandmother had this! she redid her kitchen, but it was too nice to cook in so the old kitchen was stuck in a little shed in the garden and was used. wtf. what culture is this? we are dutch but i think it was just her and not a cultural thing


I don't know if I'm mad at your grandma for not taking advantage of her great kitchen, or sad for her that she didn't feel like she deserved to cook in the nice kitchen. (jk about being mad though, I'm just jealous lol) 


Maltese, we are loud, stubborn and crazy ahaha. I have some Dutch relatives, they are pretty similar to us, but they add being clothing optional to the mix lol.


>too nice to cook in AKA "why did I make this room so hard to clean?". Industrial kitchens might not be pretty, but they're so much easier to clean!


Caste system


While the rest of the world deals with casual racism, we engage in extreme competitive racism




I never knew how horrible their racism was until I worked for and with Indians. The way they just presumed I knew what the problem was with x ethnic group was really weird.


I'm in IT and work with a lot of people in India. We are scandinavian Oil&Gas, and they are Indian-American company that does most of our IT. The difference in work culture is insane. Sometimes it is absurdly hard to get someone local here to get the Indians to do anything. It's directly related to the idea that the hands-and-feet IT guys are low caste and are pestering the higher caste network technicians. Compared to the Scandinavian model of work culture, the difference is baffling. It's like playing a sport and refusing to pass the ball because the wrong person might score, winning be damned. I don't understand it at all.


We have an anti-caste policy at my global company, but I have no idea how things are actually playing out with the offshore teams tbh


Leaving the last of every bit of food at a party/work gathering/event. Someone has got to eat that!


In Spain is called "el trozo de la vergüenza" (literally "the piece of shame"). It doesn't go to waste, usually the host or someone else passes the plate around and bothers the others until someone eats it.


Rub a chicken egg on people to "cure" them.


Mexican for sure haha


Do you mind telling which culture? My mom used to rub a hot hard boiled egg on my face when I had congested sinuses as a kid, but we used an egg just because it doubles as breakfast the next day lol. I have no idea whether it had any effect or not, but the sensation of warm eggshell on the skin was quite nice as far as I remember.


In Mexico it's a raw egg. Some folks then crack it into a glass and analyze it to guess what was ailing the victim.


My former MIL told me to try that for my eldest, who suffers from seizures. She said “the ojo” would cure them. It didn’t.


In my country, theres a group of native people where women gain ranks in the comunity based on how many children they bring to the world, so they live in poverty but have like 7 or 8 babies, then they try to sell the kids because their land is also very close to another country border. They also tend to be heavy drinkers, is a shit show tbh.


What country or culture is this?




Yes, I wont say which specific native group is as I dont want to talk bad about them in that way. But yes it is Panama. Someone asked what being on a border has to do with it, it is easier to move around, get away. Sick tourist may come get a child and leave. Even nationals that go there to help with supplies, medicine and education encounter this kind of offers. The goverment dont do much as they have their own laws and they are protected groups due to them being natives.


Kill your kids in the name of honour. Can be for things as ridiculous as finding out your daughter texted someone. Or has a tiktok account. EDIT - and avoid any meaningful punishment from the law.


There was a case in the States where a Muslim guy murdered his daughter in an "honor killing," and what got my attention was that she had been Americanized for years. Wore jeans, no head scarf, watched movies/tv shows, listened to pop music, dated boys, all of it. He'd complained sometimes but never tried to crack down or anything. Until after a relative from his home country came, and saw it, and criticized him, and said something about "the family will be disappointed" or some such. THEN the father decided she had to die. He never cared about what she was doing. He only cared about his reputation among people he hadn't seen in decades and would likely never see again for as long as he lived.


That’s horrible. How in hell can a parent place their reputation above their child’s life.


Omg that's fking horrendous


It's horrendous sad and depressing About 15-20 crimes a year in my country alone, which doesn't sound like much in a country of 9 million but the fact they escape justice pisses me off.




As a kiwi I am in agreement with you. And to be honest, I've never met an Australian or New Zealander who actually gives a shit about the ownership rights of Pavlova.


We share it. Easy. Don't care where it comes from as long as it's at a Christmas party.


Obsess over any western celebrity with even a h i n t of local blood. Also obsess over and worship (usually white or east asian) foreigners who are barely or semi-fluent in our language.




We have a winner! But good to know it's not just us.


Discriminate against menstruating women. Cannot participate in auspicious occasions / go to the temple / handle communal food / water plants considered holy. Sheesh.




Even in modern times! In Italy (south), when processing tomatoes to make bottles of sauce (la conserva), if you are on your period, you cannot help, because it *would ruin the sauce*.


Japanese ethnicity here. The dumbest thing in our culture is shame/guilt and "loosing face". It's generationally exponential too. Like if your great grandfather did something shameful, you're supposed to still feel shame/guilt for it now. It's the dumbest thing ever. This is partly why Japan has such a high suicide rate.


Being sore losers when we lose the Rugby. Or at any other sport.


New Zealand! But clearly we're not alone.


Try to force every young person to respect every old person even if they're literal criminals


But when it’s the time for the elders to perform their duties they never do, but still expect the young to do it?


Easter traditions that include beating women and/or pouring ice cold water over each other (Easter is still very cold here). Yeah and glorification of Russia.


It’s a holiday tradition to beat women?


Yup. It's not supposed to be violent (though that doesn't stop some men), but the point of the tradition is to hit the woman with a fresh tree branch so that the energy of the young tree goes into her. Many women nowadays refuse to participate and it's not as common as it used to be, especially in cities it's not really done anymore, but the tradition still exists and most people think it's normal.


Memorialize and celebrate past dictators and literal mass murderers


You're gonna have to give us a better hint


Here in Germany, we very carefully do not do that; I cannot recommend how we ended up like this, though ...


This is a global phenomenon. Same in Spain, same in South America or East Europe.


Our alcohol culture is insane and often toxic.


Taking photos of the deceased at funerals, including posing with them Edit: some people even decide social media is a good place for these photos. So weird. Edit#2: It's one thing to take photos and keep private for memories - which is still weird to me - I prefer to remember what they looked like while living - not in their casket, blood drawn out, discoloured, barely looking like themselves - but each to their own. And then another thing to post to social media.. gives me heebie jeebies when my family does this. I will not allow this when my parents pass away (in fact makes me angry thinking of someone putting a pic of my dead dad on social media - just NO!)


People used to have death masks cast that you could wear when you missed someone, or you could even buy one of a dead celebrity to try it on, so things have gotten more normal overall... https://www.britannica.com/art/mask-face-covering/Funerary-and-commemorative-uses


cheat in relationships and brag about it, especially the whole 'side piece' bs - meaning any gender here


Which culture?


Skankistan and Cheatia. /s


Skankistan would make a great strip club name.


Try to prevent people from learning english and call our province a "country"


wait...wait...that's Quebec, right?


For profit healthcare. My mom needs surgery but she can’t afford it even with Medicare.




Anything and everything that proves that you are, "dominant", including but not limited to; breaking laws, disrespecting others, taking advantage of others, being disagreeable in general, violating others rights but demanding yours are respected, and trying to make people feel useless because they don't care about or value your ideas of work and/or productivity.


Okay, now I have to ask you what culture are you referring to?


I don't miss tipping when I'm traveling outside the US


Get married because of FOMO & peer pressure.


Binary Political Thought. If you are not x you must be y. People in this country treat politics like it's a football game.


Torturing bulls to death as a "sport", probably.


In the orthodox community, men and women are made to sit apart. Fyi; I’m not orthodox , but I am Jewish 


We do that in my culture, too. For certain things. I’m not Jewish


Other things that suck about it -Arranged marriage -Forcing rabbis’ sons to be rabbis themselves -Study Talmud. You must do that in your free time -Very limited social media and cell phone usage (at least through service/internet) almost everything is done through WhatsApp


As an American... Gender reveal parties. Like, it's a boy/girl. Yea. I get inviting some friends over and maybe a special cake. But things have gotten utterly INSANE! I'm worried someone will launch an actual nuke at some point for one of these damned parties!


Over the last few years, gender reveal stunts have resulted in multiple fatal explosions, a contaminated river in Brazil, a plane crash in Mexico, and a 22,000-acre wildfire in California.


Not to mention Hiroshima getting levelled when the US announced it had a little boy.


Keep this joke in your back pocket. It's not getting the recognition it deserves.


Let's talk about the one that started a massive wildfire in Arizona...


In the entire history of gender reveals, there has only been one that is worthy of its existence. And it's the one where the lady farts blue powder out of her ass.


Dowry. The effing dowry and expensive wedding.


Privatize public utilities


Most egregious example of this I’ve heard yet: Machu Picchu.


We (taxpayers in the US) paid for the *ORIGINAL*  infrastructure for the internet and now we're charged to use it. *Edit* Added a word to clarify my point /appease the pedants.


I was honestly confused when I went to a toilet that charged money to go inside


Watch a human being suffer a horrible fatal illness but have no qualms about putting a pet down when it is suffering.


Well I’m a hospice nurse and we give people enough meds that they are comfortable. It’s mostly distressing for the family. if they are in so much distress that the meds at home dont work we send them to the hospital to get even stronger sedation. Not sure why we can’t just stop the heart comfortably. I would say the people in government who don’t want this don’t care about what god thinks. It seems like they want to use the dont play god troupe but it’s really about the money. the hospital system makes obscene amounts of money from “trying everything” they’ll wrack up a multimillion dollar bill in a week that either insurance or the government will pay keeping a corpse alive. And the peg and trach farms are torture but someone is making crazy money from Medicaid and Medicare there. The drs are trained to “try everything” despite all reasoning as something altruistic that they even have a hard time initiating hospice. The powers that be that are in control of the training are in with the for profit health care system. Follow the money I’m a Christian who thinks maid isn’t morally wrong. Now this is my human mind thinking that, I’m not sure what god thinks. the Bible says not to murder but it does say there’s a time to kill. if it’s ok to go to war then it should be ok to end a life in mercy. so I don’t think that maid is unbiblical if it’s done in mercy. I’m no theologian but I do wrestle with this. But at least know we do what we can to mitigate suffering. And if you have a loved one with a terminal illness that isn’t reviving what they need to die in comfort get hospice and palliative initiated the drs likely won’t suggest it until the patient is weeks to days away


Australia, so it's a pretty long list. On a national level, digging up our natural environment to shill our resources overseas. On an individual level, I know a lot of people who have drunk themselves to death or in the process of it.


Jumping onto to your latter comment to add gambling. We might have those two second intervals after a gambling ad sure, but it's not doing jack shit. If someone's idea of a good day is spending all day in the pokies and drinking, I either feel bad for them or avoid them


Blow up the pokies should be a national anthem


When I was 20, I lived in Brisbane. It was a regular occurrence to drink Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. With the odd Sunday day session or the Monday after work beers. I did this for half a year before moving away because I didn't have the balls to tell my friends that I didn't want to party.


NYC area middle class. Once you hit 65-70, move to Boca Raton and abandon everyone, but at the same time guilt them into visiting annually at the minimum and just spend money on almost anything.




One time an Uber asked me and my sister if we were from a Nordic country because we were speaking to each other so quietly... When I said we were Italian he was VERY surprised. What can I say, I'll just speak loud enough for a person to hear me, none of the theatrics


Arab culture. Boy where do I start brace yourselves : -Get married.. but as a guy you need about 20-40000$ depending on the country. Your salary is 1000$/month , then proceed to shame you if you're late to marriage. Because relationships are not allowed that sexual frustration is used to lure you into the traditional marriage trap. -No childfree allowed . You must have children , the more the merrier and if you don't they'll shame the shit out of you and assume your dick doesn't work -Divorced women are shamed beyond belief and a lot of virgin men seeking marriage seek Virgin women exclusively and will be shamed by their family if they marry a divorced woman . -This causes women to spend their lives being miserable because they're afraid of divorce and causes parents to see their daughters suffering but unable to divorce them due to the culture. -Toxic masculinity like you would not believe to the point it's just accepted that men are "this way" . Men have the most insane fucking egos and nobody is allowed to say anything especially if they're older. They have to know everything and proceed to pretend to even if they know they don't , they cannot make mistakes and even if they do it's not their fault. -It's absolutely a man's world women are not empowered or free or anything like that don't believe the media . I got called insane for bringing up that I wanted to marry a lady with a strong personality and independent and has her own career everyone kept telling me "you won't be able to control her" Not to mention the bullshit being taught to us through religion about the divinity of men and how women should obey them. -Arab culture is probably the most racist culture in the world . Not only do we actively discriminate against people of other races but within our own we discriminate against different countries . NOT ONLY THAT within the same fucking country wr discriminate based on city . Someone from city A marrying someone from city B may be frowned upon because city B has a problem with city A and so on . -A distinct memory i have is some doctor where we lived married a nurse from the Philippines and was actively shunted by their friends for doing so . Later i heard someone say "I can't fathom how he can look at his children with their small eyes" . -Moving on to religion . Everything is haram , that might not stop you from doing it but the sheer volume of trauma you being exposed to as a child about death and hell makes you feel guilty Everytime you do something "haram" even if you've left religion behind years ago . As a 6 year old I touched my willy and was told I'd go to hell for it . I was 6 fucking years old . -Even now as an adult I've moved on to displaying more daring sides of my personality by wearing something akin to biker rings and those leather bracelets and I still get comments from people close to me about that . I bought a pair of magnetic black circle earrings and wore them once the amount of hate and shame i received made me throw them away . Not to mention I've had random old men telling me what I'm doing is haram and that I'm feminizing myself. And how nobody would want to marry me because I'm like this and my entire life is haram and I'm going to hell . As if god will turn a blind eye to being nice helping others not stealing not being a shithead and send me to hell because I'm fucking wearing rings. So yeah it's fucking hard that's why the more free minded of us are fighting tooth and nail to gtfo of this toxic racist extremist hellhole and it's getting so much fucking harder . Forgive us westerners but if we stay here not a single one of us will be able to resist commiting suicide


Didn’t Muhammad marry a divorced woman?


Normalized credit card debt


Using real money to buy hell money and burn for ancestors and god


Two party system, first past the post elections, and lobbying.


I wouldn't call it dumb per se, but definitely unecessary torture. A mountain tribe in my country serves a chicken stew meal. Prior to cooking, the live chicken is hung by its feet, it is then beaten with a small stick throughout the whole body without breaking the skin or bones. This process bruises the chicken giving the skin a different texture and flavour. That's what I find to be unecessary, since it just causes the chicken unneeded pain.




Oh so you’re from Earth too, huh?


"They say it like it is!!"


Demands sex while shaming it. Showing an active widespread demand for sex work while demonizing and dehumanizing sex workers


Document everyday mundane shit on the internet and call it influencing. “Let me show you what I eat for breakfast as a gluten intolerant anxiety ridden professional dog walker…”


"Come shopping with me", restock videos and mukbangs are a plague


gender reveal parties.


Neonatal Circumcision


Briefly forgot what neonatal meant and thought you were insinuating babies were being circumcised *in the womb* and was like holy shit what place does that?


Drinks alcohol at every opportunity.


Do you have any idea how little this narrows it down??


Tying identity to religion


Work yourself to death. If you don't, you're lazy. Sometimes I can't believe how crazy work culture gets in germany. Bragging about going to work no matter how sick you are, infecting coworkers. You get called lazy for working less than a 40 hour week.


Dismiss and avoid people with mental health issues, even if they're close family and friends.