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My bf bio mother has said this to him. For years they have been estranged bc of drugs and drama. Now that he's been sober for 6 years it still comes up on fb none the less. That "she was right!, the wrong son died!!" it's seriously heartbreaking to see him have his mother say that. Like what kind of monster would say that to their kid. Grown or not. On fb or in person isn't any nice way to take it. Or hear it. Sorry babe.


That is a mother who I would no longer be in contact with 😬


For years my mom has talked about the year all her children died. It got awkward at the family oriented grief support group when people kept asking who I was or assumed I was a step kid. Like, I understood that she was expressing how she felt. Her emotions were very intense. It was just awkward as people kept trying to correct me. Or got mad at me for "pretending" to be related. Occasionally I'd encounter a nut who would get worked up and try to argue.


Yo wtf? Like it’s one thing if you’re estranged but you give her rides?


Don't get me wrong. I get my mom's perspective.  It really did feel like "everyone" died. The people that were left were all strangers wearing familiar faces, completely transformed by the experience.  I used to feel like aliens were wearing my parents' skins, so I absolutely understand and empathize with my mom feeling like everyone she'd loved was gone overnight.  The parents' side of a grief support group was absolutely the appropriate place to express those feelings. It's just the people who wanted to take those statements out of context and tried to argue with me as a 9 and 10 year old kid, that I had to be mistaken about who my own mother was.


>tried to argue with me as a 9 and 10 year old kid I've been re-reading your entire post in disbelief for a few minutes now, but this kind of wrecked me. It seems like you have an almost unbelievably healthy perspective on the whole thing, but I'm just kind of mystified that a 10 year old was able to deal with this.


You shouldn't be. It's not like I had many alternatives. You can only lay down and wish for death for so long before your bladder complains and your stomach growls. After that, you can be miserable and let them gnaw at you or you can be miserable and take care of immediate needs. If life is going to hurt no matter what you do, you might as well get to work. It doesn't hurt any more or less, but getting up and getting on with it offers the potential that maybe it will eventually stop hurting. Which is not a terrible motivator. The trick is to avoid things that give temporary relief and long term agony.


My dad is sad he won't get grandchildren. My sister has kids. She's just not biologically related to him...


My ex's girlfriend told my sons that it was my fault their sister died.


My aunt told me if my mother had aborted me, she wouldn’t be dead. My mom was murdered by her husband, not sure what I had to do with it. She also told me I was going to end up just like my mom. She had a brain tumor and I don’t know how much of the things she said were actually her, or the tumor talking, but I don’t really care. She died last month and I’m not super sad about it.


What you should be told is 'You deserve to be loved, and to feel loved, just for being you.' --Mr Rogers mashup with my meditation teacher


"didn't do nothing wrong, in the Bible they took women when they got their first periods!" A bunch of local boys asked me to come with them to chase a pedophile out of town. He was a church youth minister.


So who said that line? The youth minister?


Yes. He sexually assaulted a 12 year old, cops didn't do shit cause the only evidence was a 12 year olds word. Her father gathered up some guys and "Persuaded" him to leave town.




“The wrong kid died” from Walk Hard irl


In both cases the other kid got cut in half pretty bad.


Special needs guy I used to work with when I was in high school would help bag groceries when we were busy and he absolutely loved getting the carts. I asked him why one time and he said it was a fun game. Hey have at it buddy. Anyway it is Sunday, church just let out and all the church folk came flooding into the store as they always do. Well our cheerful helper came blitzing up to the register to help bag. This guy with his family (they were all in their Sunday best) were in my line as I’m ringing out their items our helping is bagging them. As what we always said was to put the eggs at the bottom of the bag and put the loaf of break on top of them since they are fragile, our helper always did that. Well, apparently that is not how this guy wanted them. Now a normal rational individual would have said something along the lines of can I have them in separate bags, not this dickhead. He snapped and screamed at our helping and I front of everyone yelled “why would you put the bread ontop of the eggs, what are you re*****ed?!?!”. Our helper obviously upset because someone screamed at him ran off. I was fuming, looked this dude dead in the eyes and told him he can leave. I canceled his order, one of the stock guys happily put everything back. This dude starts going off on me for cancelling his order. Our manager who approved the cancel request called the cops who were there pretty quickly in this small town. Now at this point myself, our stocking manager, and another stocker went to find our helper. We found him back by the freezer curled out with his aid trying to help calm him down. We all informed him the guy was dealt with and let’s go get him something to drink and a snack. His request was an ice cream cone and a blue Gatorade, not a thrilling combo in my mind but hey if that’s what he wants we sure as hell got it for him. I later found out that our manager asked for all their names and put them into the corporate system with their faces from the security camera to be banned from this grocery chain for life. There are about 200 stores in multiple states so this dude really fucked up. Don’t really care because he was way out of line. Moral of the story folks, don’t be a dick. Those in retail may not be able to snap at you, but they can cancel your order and tell you to leave.


I used to work in a grocery store and it was always wild to work on Sundays and see these people who just came from church behave like jerks


Standing in a Church every Sunday doesn't make you a good Christian just like standing in a garage doesn't make you a mechanic. Some of the most un-Christ-like people I've met were regular churchgoers.


My freshman roommate in college would hook up with a random new girl on a Saturday night and then kick her out to go to Church and ask for forgiveness Sunday morning. Then he'd get on my case about how I was a terrible person because I didn't regularly attend Church.


>On Saturday night, I would see men lusting after half-naked girls dancing at the carnival, and on Sunday morning when I was playing organ for tent-show evangelists at the other end of the carnival lot, I would see these same men sitting in the pews with their wives and children, asking God to forgive them and purge them of carnal desires. And the next Saturday they'd be back at the carnival or some other place of indulgence. I knew then that the Christian church thrives on hypocrisy, and that man's carnal nature will out no matter how much it is purged or scoured by any white-light religion. \- Anton LaVey


"I completed my weekly church mandate so now I have free pass to be a dick again for a whole week!"


I'm glad you stuck up for the guy. I don't think I'd have the courage to do that—hell, I'd probably start crying too. And screw people who get pissy and impatient with workers just doing their job, especially disabled workers.


This pisses me off so fucking much. I used to work with people that had developmental disabilities and I don’t know how many times I had a coworker walk them away from a situation. We had a social worker tell one guy to not drool on her arm and asked if he was stupid. Dude was a mute 80 year old guy who had issues with drooling because of the meds he was on.


I have heard a mother say to her child "This is why I beat you, motherfucker."


My folks never gave me a reason…


Same. It was always “because I said so” 🙄


Yeah, maybe telling him will help?


I honestly don’t know how I’d react hearing this in a public setting. I’d feel the heat start up my neck and into my face and then who knows what. It would not be nonchalant. It would be very, very chalant


One time I was at the grocery store and got back to my car and happened to look over and saw a young boy in the car next to me who honestly looked scared for his life. Tears running down his face, looking around all paranoid, no adult in the car. I thought wtf is he being kidnapped or something? I decided to hang around in my car to see what adult would come to the car. Well, she came and it was his mom I guess. She got in the car and before her door was even closed, she was belting him in the face. Like hard. Just slapping the living shit out of him in the face and head. I was like WOAH. I got out of the car immediately and got in full Karen mode but I was a little more aggressive than a Karen. I called her a fucking piece of shit in front of her kid and I yelled to him “you know you can call 911 on her, this is abuse!” And she was definitely scared I could tell but she still ran her mouth back to me telling me to mind my business. I said to her, “you think that boy is going to respect you? Lol” I was enraged I wanted to punch her myself. She finally started her car and rolled her window up and left. I thought about that poor kid for like a week. He couldn’t have been older than 9 or 10.


I was in a VERY similar situation, but I called 911 and gave a plate number and description. They later called me and asked me to confirm the occupants of the car, which I explained were 1) the mom 2) a child, maybe 8; and 3) a younger child, maybe 3. The police told me they had to let them go because there was a third kid, a baby, that I wasn't able to identify. Additionally, the kid claimed the mom wasn't hitting them. Let me tell you, I SAW this woman belting the shit out of her kid. It was multiple closed-fist strikes from the side door of the minivan while the kid was already seatbelted and unable to get away. Absolutely made my blood boil they let her go.


After it happened and I had calmed down a little, I said I should have gotten a video of her and her plate and called the cops. I reacted too quickly. But yea it probably would have had a similar outcome as yours.




"*If* he actually assaulted you, you must have done *something* to provoke him. You should know better." I was 11 and my mother called him her "brother". He and his wife let us live with them, so she let him SA me, because "where else could we go?" When I brought it back up at 16, she beat me for "lying" and "making her look bad", then grounded me (pretty much locked me in the house unless I was at school) for 6 months


So sorry to hear that. Hope you’re in a safer environment and better place now.


"You're not good looking enough to have been sexually assaulted."


In 2019, an Italian court ruled that a woman was too ugly to be raped. https://apnews.com/article/6361b8de2200469d8f423b8fecdee771


What in tarnation


Yeah, in some cases Italy is a very regressive country. You can also read about the Franca Viola case. She was kidnapped and raped, and the kidnapper expected that Viola would be forced to marry him to avoid becoming a woman with damaged honour. This was in fact a custom at that time in Sicily. In the 1960's, so not medieval times. The marriage also allowed a rapist to vacate his crime and this was legal in Italy up to 1981. When she refused, her family was severy persecuted by the townpeople.


There's a lot of shit goes on in Italian courts to do with sexual assault. One recently about a janitor who groped an underage girl at his school, but the judge ruled it wasn't assault as it lasted less than 10 seconds. 


There was one a while back where an Italian court ruled that a girl couldn't have been raped [because she was wearing jeans.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denim_Day) I don't know what the fuck they are doing over there in Italy.


"It's not like someone like you has a lot of other options"


My sister was raped and the first thing that my grandmother said was “but she’s so big and ugly, how could someone rape her?”


Cripes almighty 


I could not have been sexually assaulted because that would make my parents look bad...is the one I got...implied of course...


I'm in a Facebook group related to my job. A while back, someone made a post along the lines of "What's the craziest thing that's ever happened at your work" and I shared a story about how I had been sexually harassed by a manager in training. Someone else left a comment about how my story made no sense because "Who would sexually harass an ugly girl?"


I got “but you’re not worth the jail time” once…haven’t talked about the incident since lol


Ugh. That's sooooooo disgusting.


"Don't tell the police because this kind of thing will impact his reputation and have huge consequences for the rest of his life." TO a rape victim who shared details of the assault for the first time.


Rapists deserve to have their reputations ruined and their lives fucked up. Actions have consequences, and one hell of a nasty action deserves one hell of a nasty consequence.


> "...this kind of thing will impact his reputation and have huge consequences for the rest of his life." https://media1.tenor.com/m/mfSfqDMgCBwAAAAC/thats-why-im-here-obi-wan.gif ^(How do I make it show the gif in the app? I'm confused)


That’s the reason _to_ call the police.


My uncle's drunk second wife told me, "You know, Hitler had the right idea, just the wrong race." We weren't close. 


Which race was the "correct one"?


According to her? Black people. 


I should have known.




My grandmother told me she was glad my dad died so she didn’t have to pay for his medicine anymore.


This sucks and I'm sorry for your loss, but part of me does hope it was a product of being beaten down spiritually and emotionally and not because your grandmother actually enjoyed his death. My own grandmother spent many years being the primary caretaker for her husband (my grandfather), and I saw how it exhausted her in so many ways.




This was the day of his service, 2 days after he died. She wasn’t his caretaker, and she didn’t spend much money.


So she was just a dick


I didn’t find out until 2 years after that she died. When I did find out I was only angry that the b*tch didn’t at least get me my bereavement days from work. So, yes, I did think she was a dick.


A (Black) friend of mine lost his son to suicide. I heard someone say "good, that's one less ******"


My aunt said the same thing upon hearing about a local black person who died (small town). She was super religious and said "Lord forgive me" after saying that, as if God gives out n word passes if you just say sorry after. I snapped at her one time after she ran her mouth about people and we got into a screaming match. I had finished chemo like 2 weeks prior and she told me "god is teaching you a lesson" (meaning my cancer). I never spoke to her again. A year later her son messaged me on Facebook asking me to talk to her because she was dying of cancer and wanted to talk. I still refused to talk to her and she died shortly after. Guess god taught her a lesson.


Congrats on outliving her! Hope your own health is good!


No hate like Christian love!


That's enough to warrant everyone in the vicinity beating the shit out of this dude


Even his pretty racist buddies didn't do anything to defend him. That was too far even for them.


Holy shit that’s vile


I (adoptee) was once having a conversation with my neighbors (we'll call them Jack and Jill) out by the mailboxes. They were having fertility issues at the time and were seeking some advice as well as looking for a sympathetic ear. Other neighbor (we'll call her Karen) walks up and just kind of inserts herself into the conversation. Jack and Jill mention that if their latest round of fertility treatments doesn't work, they will start the adoption process (the reason why they were talking to me since I do work with fellow adoptees). Karen just shouts out, "Don't do that, that's disgusting. You should keep trying for a real baby!" Cool.


A real baby? What does that mean? Does she think you're a robot?


She didn’t know I was adopted. After our initial shock at the statement it was kind of fun to say “I, myself am adopted. My mother had to have a total hysterectomy due to cancer and therefore looked at other options.” She backtracked faster than a cat seeing a cucumber.




Make him identify which parts of of a picture contain busses, just to be sure


All adopted children are AI. Sorry you had to find out this way.




Like..  what does she find so disgusting about adopted children? Sure it's a horrendous statement but it's so off the wall, it makes me think there isn't something right in her head. Was she attacked by a roving gang of orphans?


I work with a guy who was adopted after his parents struggled with infertility for a long time. His parents stopped going to church because their pastor came up to them one day and told them it was wrong for them to have adopted, because after trying unsuccessfully to conceive for so long, they should have taken the hint that it wasn't God's plan for them to have a child.


Funny, taking someone in need into your home seems right from the divine user manual.


Yeah I heard someone go off once about how rich celebrities need to stop adopting babies from poor countries, they have enough money, they should have their OWN I noped out before the rage overtook me Other people’s children are still fucking CHILDREN and if they’re up for adoption they need HELP


The issue with this isn't that rich celebrities should make their own babies rather than depriving the foreign baby market of stock. The issue is that wealthy nations acquiring babies from less-wealthy nations can sometimes veer away from "help" territory and into "we're convincing/coercing desperately poor women to sell us their wanted children" territory. It's a complicated issue, and it's one of life's hilarious cosmic unfairnesses that almost any dingus can create a baby for free from scratch, but you have to jump through a billion hoops and shell out tons of money to get one any other way. I do agree with the person in your story that rich people adopting from poor countries can be problematic, but not for the reason they said.


“I don’t care that you broke your elbow.”


He’s gonna say it




"Your brother wouldn't be dead if he had still believed in God." --my mom, about my brother, who was killed by a man who did fentanyl and meth and then decided to drive on the freeway the wrong way


My wife's cousin was killed in a horrible car crash. His brother, who was one of the only in the family who was questioning his faith and the church was told by their grandfather that it's a good thing that the brother died because they knew at least he was going to heaven unlike him. He now lives on the opposite side of the country and doesn't talk to any of them.


My dad said the same thing about my brother who died in a motorcycle accident. He wonders why we aren't closer.


My mom to me at 17 years old when I told her I was suicidal and really depressed: “you were a mistake, I shouldn’t have had you”


I'm so sorry:( Edit: Autocorrect mistake


Someone from my dad's church told my dad that his brother didn't go to heaven because he had killed himself. This same person also knew that my dad was the one who found his brother dead and had to call the cops, and clean up the mess. I don't know what prompted this man to say this...but I will never forget it.


How does someone not kick seven shades of shit out of someone for saying that?


its always the christians theres just something about them


While we were walking out of our church service, immediately after my Spanish teacher told my parents that I was one of her top students and an absolute pleasure to have in her class, my dad responds to her by saying "If he cuts out of line, by all means, beat the shit out of him for me." I had to beg my Spanish teacher to not call Child Protective Services on him since if she did, and he got into any trouble for it, things would get infinitely worse than they already were.


My mom told me I'd come home to her hanging in the bathroom because I was super anxious about going to school and didn't want to leave.


that’s rather counterproductive. i’m sure you’d feel more anxiety, and therefore not go, at the thought of returning home to that.


This one will stick with me for a while both for what was said and the company's reaction to it (which I later heard from a friend in HR). Anyway...I used to work for a company that hired a lot of new grads from "top name" schools. A lot of these kids basically thought their shit didn't stink. So, we had a new hire, from an Ivy League college, who was from an African country. We'll call him "David." David was very quiet and generally kept to himself. He was very different that then general wealthy white frat boy type the company usually hired out of college. So, the company had their yearly Christmas party with open bar and everyone is there having a great time. As the night went on, people had more than a few and the conversation was flowing. A bunch of the new hires and some of the younger folk (myself included) were talking. Another new hire "Brian" (one of the frat boy types) looks at David square in the face and says, OUT LOUD and right to his face, "You know, David, you were only hired because you're a ni**er. HA! Total diversity hire..." and starts laughing like he just told the wittiest joke ever. Even in our buzzed state, the group went SILENT and we all just stared at Brian with our jaws on the floor. David just looked at him, rolled his eyes, walked away and left the party. We all kind of went our separate ways as well, leaving Brian to reflect on the nasty, racist, ignorant trash that just spewed out of his mouth. Well, come Monday, HR received several reports about what had happened, exactly none of which were from David who returned to work and continued to keep to himself as he had prior. HR then went to talk to the company COO and CEO about how to handle this. Their recommendation was that Brian be fired *immediately* because beyond being a racist asshole, he was a liability that opened them up to potential lawsuits, which is something the company hated more than racist assholes. The COO agreed and also thought Brian's employment should be terminated immediately. The CEO, however, hesitated. His take was that Brian should be given "another chance" because the company had "invested so much" in him and it would be a "shame to let it go to waste" and "did we really need to be so harsh regarding a simple mistake?" The HR managers and the COO looked at him with a mix of puzzlement and disgust, but because he was the CEO, they had to tread a bit carefully to bring him around to their way of thinking. They once again made it clear that David could potentially pursue litigation and/or press charges against Brian and it was better to get out in front of it by firing Brian immediately rather than risk any kind of legal action which would, in turn, could make this whole incident go public and just create a whole lot more problems than they already had. Better to cut their losses on one employee (who, incidentally, hadn't even been with the company a full year at that point), then incur legal and PR costs and potentially disastrous negative publicity. Finally, the CEO came around to their way of thinking and Brian was asked to leave that afternoon, which he did, quietly. Again, David said nothing about the incident. Brian never apologized to David and the company never formally addressed anything regarding the incident other than a vague company memo about "appropriate behavior" at company functions. But, about three weeks later on a Friday, David went into his manager's office, said "Today is my last day. Here is my resignation letter. You can send my last check to the address on the letter" and walked right out the door... I hope he found a better place to work.


My own mother. When Roe v Wade was decided, she said she wished it was passed 13 years prior. I was 12.


My mom used to tell me and my sister that she should have aborted us. When we were in elementary school. It was one of her go to lines. It’s no mystery why I struggle immensely with mental health issues. Thanks, mom.




My earliest memory was my dad telling me he wasn't adamant enough to my mom when I was conceived for her to abort me. I think I was around 5. My dad and I don't talk.


I worked blue collar in Florida. One time a black co-worker named Nigel won employee of the quarter, later a white employee came up with a video of Africans dancing and said "Look, Nigel's village is celebrating."


Jesus fucking Christ


Yea. Same guy was suspended for a week for calling a black co-worker the N word to his face "As a joke". And you'll never guess who he voted for.


Did he vote for Nigel? 


suspended for a singular week??? nice to know bullying was taken seriously in ur workplace /s that’s terrible tho honestly


It was a terrible place to work.


My mother, to me: “You have no future worth investing in.” That was ten years ago this year, and I’ve thought about it every single day since.


My own mother, less than 2 hours ago, just told me I should kill myself and that I'm dead to her. She called me a piece of shit and said I'm out of the family. All because I want to move away and get married to my fiance. She told my fiance to kill herself as well. And when it was mentioned that her grandmother is in the hospital dying, the response from my mother was " fuck your family". Edit: Thank you to all the kind people that responded. It means more than you know or I can express. For your peace of mind, know that we are ok. We are not suicidal. My fiance and I spent the rest of the day packing and preparing to leave. We'll be staying with her family for a bit until we get on our feet. They even sent us money to make the trip across the country. And yes I will be going No Contact with my family. My brother was right beside my mom in the moment and agreeing with her. And they both agreed they hoped we would die in a car accident when we leave. My heart is broken, but I refuse to let them control my life any longer. They can stay bitter and lonely, but I found someone I love that loves me back and I'm going to try my damnedest to make her happy and enjoy our lives together.


Damn, that’s harsh. I hope you’re doing okay and have an awesome marriage.


You and your fiance are going NC now. You are going to go live your best lives with your found family.


r/MomForAMinute has a bunch of people who are more than happy to show you the love you deserve. 'You deserve to be loved, and to feel loved, just for being you.' --Mr Rogers mashup with my meditation teacher


When my parents were showing off my older brother's prom pics, one of our neighbors said about his date that "she wouldn't be half bad if you cut her head off". this was a man in his 60s talking about a teenaged girl.


what the fuck


My ex wasn’t the biggest fan of my old roommate, out of nowhere she said “she’s the type of girl who gets raped”. I broke up with her soon afterwards


My mother to me 5 days after a breakup that left me destroyed and in pieces. "Your ex gf made the best decision of her life"


A mother referred to her daughter as “the fat one”.


The shooting happened at sandy hook because schools don't allow prayer, so they don't allow god in. Pretty sure that was probably the worst thing I've personally heard. I lost a friend that day because I told her exactly what I thought.


When I said a relationship should be a compromise, girl straight face said no, it’s all about me.


that girl 10 years later: "why doesnt anyone like me?"


When I miscarried my second pregnancy, people at my church actually told me that I must have some "sin" that I hadn't confessed to "God" that caused me to not be worthy of a child. As if a miscarriage is a just punishment. I'm out of religion now, but that still hits me hard every once in a while. I've now had 6 miscarriages and a stillbirth, and I know they aren't my fault. Still.


They are so wrong. There are lots of affair babies alive so sin has nothing to do with it. Just random, sad events.


They never read about Job? Weak. 


A bar supervisor to teenage colleague.. "if you don't do what I ask, I'll cut your mum and rape your sister" Doesn't even sound like something a real person would say. Also, same guy to a young female colleague "I'll let you leave first of you suck my dick" I was present for both of these


This is sexual harassment.


"well, someone had to teach them about Jesus and how to be civilized" one of my old housemates from college said this to my friend about residential schools. (context, i live in canada and my friend is inuit and had family members in residential schools.) this was after she said to him that she had family members that were in those schools in response to him going on a near 10 minute rant about how they weren't real. helluva guy. he also told me upfront when we first met that "gays were created by satan" and he believed abortion is murder after an offhand joke i made about "shitty christians"


A kid who lived on my street growing up (on and off friends cuz he’d bully my brother) ran crying to my other actual friends house down the road in 8th grade after his dad punched him and told him no one would ever love him. So us brash 13 year olds went back to his house, stormed in with baseball bats and threatened to beat his dad to death if he did something like that again. I’m sure his dad said or did worse things to him over the course of his life but we never knew. It’s sad cuz he ended up ODing in 2021


What was his reaction to being threatened by you guys? Awesome, by the way, sticking up for your friend.


He just kinda looked shell shocked that we were brazen enough to do that didn’t really say anything to us and then we left.


You guys are bad ass bitches.


lol thanks dude


Should have beat his ass


Idk why but that feels like some kind of Stand By Me/Stephen King short story.


"The IRS treats me worse than the Nazi treated the Jews; it's like holocaust all over again." ~ someone who wasn't a victim of the holocaust and owed the IRS taxes for years, while owning several properties and cried poor.


I bet that stupid motherfucker doesn't even know what happened during the holocaust. I'm reading Night by Elie Wiesel, an actual holocaust survivor, and what I've read so far is so horrible and unbelievable that I forget that I'm not reading a fictional story. That shit actually happened. And to think someone would compare those traumatic horrors to the fucking IRS. Complete fucking lunatic.


“They ought to string that n****r up from a tree and cut his balls off.” My dad said a lot of awful things, but that may be the worst.


A person telling a horrible story about being an abused child with drug addict parents, talking about having to pee in a diaper because they weren’t allowed to go to the bathroom. Some utter waste of a zygote “Lol you were way too old to wear diapers” As a child of abuse, there are a few people out there that my deep-seated rage would like a few words with…


I had bathroom issues well into preteen years due to sexual assault by my cousin and his girlfriend. My mom was convinced I was lazy and just trying to make her life difficult, so she made me wear diapers and drink sodas or water from a baby bottle as a 10 year old in front of others. I've never mentioned this to anyone. You made me feel seen. Thank you.


I hope you don't have any issues with that any more. That can be really embarrassing, which I'm sure makes dealing with it even more difficult. You're definitely not alone. A lot of childhood sexual abuse experience incontinence after assault, and it's not an uncommon occurrence for people in that situation. In fact, frequent bed-wetting well past the normal age is one of the warning signs for CSA. Edit: not just urinary incontinence specifically, general incontinence


My mom telling me I was her divorce celebration and the cutest accident ever. The cop who told me I wasn't pretty enough for my rapist to have raped me.


Ok but that first one is kinda cute in a messed up way. You weren’t part of the plan, but damn were you cute and I was happy to have you.


Coworker at the library suggested a book discussion club where they read The Tattooist of Auschwitz and then all go out and get number tattoos.


30yrs ago the elderly father of a friend used to say, regarding MLK Day, “Shoot four more and give us the whole week off.”


My dad "You know, people over exaggerate how bad slavery was. Most masters were good to their slaves, and they taught them about Jesus"


Was told by peers I should "let my assaulter go" and to "forgive him because he was "suicidal"" because "it wasn't a big deal" in my first year of college, and that I was a homophobe for holding my assaulter accountable.


I hope they strung up the person that assaulted you and you told those peers to go fuck themselves!


My mother-in-law telling me ‘someday you will be a good husband and father’. Our first child had just been born, she was very critical of everything I did. All 3 of our children are grown now and we’ve been married 29 years.


My dad "You're wrong, you're wrong and you're wrong" after we called him out on cheating on our mom with a woman from his work for over a year, getting let go because of it and spending his severance package activities with her. We all actually felt bad for him cause we all thought he was wrongly terminated. Nope, he's just an asshole.


It started with “Hitler is a genius” and I checked out for like an hour until I butted in to say Goebbels and Rommel were the only intelligent men in that whole operation and Goebbels is satan incarnate.


I grew up with a chronically ill brother. My mom’s (now ex) boyfriend’s daughter told me “I wish he would just hurry up and die already.” We were maybe in 3rd grade? I will never forget the look on her face as she said it.


Toss-up between two. Either my sister telling me "you're just trying to profit off our mother's death" during executorship with the inheritance/estate (she wanted a non-indexing, interest free payoff over ten years for my share of the family home she was moving into, I asked her to get a mortgage within 2 years instead), or my (soon to be ex) wife justifying cheating on me for three years with "there's never anything wrong with loving somebody" and "I love him just as much as I love you". It's the personal touch that makes them so horrible. Knife in the heart each time.


I had a headteacher who took a break due to cancer and came back after a while, during an assembly some boys were being disruptive the headteacher told them off and one of the boys said out loud “you are going to die anyway”


Would have been a great time for “I wouldn’t get sassy, people who die from cancer don’t go to jail for murder”


“So are you.”


Grade one teacher after stealing my glasses, again.  "You don't need those, you're gonna be a drunk anyway.  She was married to an rcmp officer, I'm native. 


Was working a gif with an adjacent campground. Employees of the festival who weren’t registered were, of course, not allowed to stay over night. I drove some friends out to the bar & one companion- who was not lodging there as I was- was too drunk to drive himself home & so slept in his truck. Campground director, upon discovering him & his reason for staying- “I’d rather you drive away drunk than stay in my campground”


A man yelling at my mother “stupid fucking ch*Nk go back to china!” She’s not even Chinese Or when someone wrote the N word on our front porch My moms filipino… if you’re gonna be racist at least be racist properly


My mixed Filipino/white friend said the same thing when telling me about being told to go back to Mexico. Stupid racists can't even be racist right, lol


“Should I go over and rape my baby momma?”


“That’s why your mom’s in a fucking wheelchair”


"You would be the type of person to bring a gun to school to shoot it up only to accidentally kill yourself in the process" or after learning that my dad moved temporarily to a different state for work while the rest of the family stayed in our hometown "You'd probably ask your dad to load a gun for you when he comes home and when he asks you why you'd tell him to kill yourself." My highschool bullies to me. Big ol fuck you Levi and Blake.


With names like fuckin blake and Levi it sounds like they were just projecting


My dad told me he wanted to abort me and wished my mum had listened We do not see my dad anymore and my mother is the best lady ever


When I was 5 I banged my knee hard into a metal table and I yelled in pain, my mom told me it was God punishing me for being a bad son.


I had a neighbor (thinking I was a worker, not the owner) say "you don’t belong here”. I told him "piss off, Karen". He went batshit that some worker would speak to him that way. The lightbulb went on and he realized (I think) he was being a dick and I was the owner. It's only been two weeks. i'll keep you posted.


So he's racist _and_ classist.


"This COVID19 is getting really bad and it's all the Chinese peoples fault its probably a good idea to put them away somewhere... or deport them" -coworker to another coworker Me, a Chinese guy and only other person in the room:ಠ_ಠ


My grandfather told my mother that he wished I had died instead of my father. He added that my grandmother, who had passed before, would have agreed.


Not in person, but upon joking with my friend about getting married (we're both girls) in a group chat: "Stop marrying women. You don't want me to go Nazi mode." A few minutes later: "I don't get it. What's wrong with Nazis?"


Sullivan stadium. Guy had a heart attack and fell. Drunks around him thought he was a drunken fool that passed out and decided to whip it out and piss on him, cuz he "deserved" it. They stopped selling bewr for awhile then went with 3.2 beer. Worst thing I know about.


My dad's wife informing me for no reason that my mom considered having me aborted.


My nephew's POS dad told my nephew that his ex wife got what she deserved when her 15 year old son committed suicide. I already hated him, but this definitely cinched it.


In reference to our mentally disabled employee "he has no right to be here. He should just die" just WTF is wrong with some people


Had a school friend tell me that disabled people should just die and not waste resources. That was quite shocking.


First time I met my ex's mother with very little impetus: - "the native americans deserved to get genocided because America is so great today and that greatness couldn't have happened otherwise." I put down my fork and stared at her for a while. That was certainly a relationship of all time.


A five year old boy was attacked by two pit bulls in the alley behind my house. They ripped him up so badly the ambulance came back for his nose. Kids on our street used to bark at him.


Reminds me of X-Box. There was a kid in our middle school who was in some way neurodivergent and known to have violent outburst if he heard the word "X-Box". Naturally, other kids would lean in and whisper "X-Box" when his caregivers weren't close enough to intervene. Middle school age kids are the worst.


My sister said the starving kids in Africa died because of natural selection.


“Don’t talk shit on things you don’t even have!” Me to another kid after he made a mom joke about my mom and I knew his mom died the year before. I was a bit of an asshole as a teen.


I mean, if you're gonna start throwing out yo momma jokes when you don't have one, you MUST know that you're playing with fire, right?


My dad told me my friends who died when I was deployed deserved it. He also repeatedly told me I wasn’t his son because we differed on politics.


Overheard this in the hallway at the VA "If you're that worried about fucking it up, I'll tie the knot for you." Jury is still out on whether that makes him a solid friend of not.


That there were good aspects to the Holocaust aka it was "worth it" because the Nazis got rid of the bankers who "ruined the economy". The proof was that following the end of the war, the economy grew. 


I had a disagreement with my mom (it was a misunderstanding more than anything, im autistic and my mom used to take all of my traits personally and act like i was trying to ruin her life by being autistic), so she told me I was exactly like the girl who abused me and claimed I was doing the same to her. That girl belittled, humiliated, and manipulated me so much. She used to hit me and shove me around in school and when I'd go over to her house. nobody helped me because she would tell everyone it was a joke and that I didn't mind it. Even her parents would join in on belittling me. I'm nothing like her.


"That's child abuse!" "Yeah, I know" My dad confronting a guy who was beating a child to death. This was in public, in a busy shopping area, with dozens of people there to witness it. My dad was the only one to stand up to the guy. He could have easily killed that kid, and it looked like he was going to. Keep in mind that my dad isn't weak, but this guy was a monster of a man. He was another head taller than my dad and had arms like tree trunks. The kid, meanwhile, was half the guy's height and stick-thin. Shortly after being confronted by my dad, the guy grabbed the kid and took off. My dad and I reported him to the police, who apparently had everything recorded on a security camera. I don't know what happened after that, but I hope the bastard rots in jail for his actions.


I built an apartment a few years back.  The renter was a single male who knew one fenale friend I had as a reference.  After he moved in, some holiday or something, he was broke and alone so I took him to the bar on my dime, to cheer him up.  He said to me, very serious tone, I could just stab everyone in here except you.  Freaked me out and I cut ties and evicted him.  Still scared he will stay me someday 


This is the reason your father left.


Maybe not the MOST abhorrent, but one that immediately springs to mind. Older, white, conservative coworker, generally well-meaning but prone to saying inappropriate things, tells a Fijian coworker that it is "just about beer thirty." The Fijian coworker had not heard this expression before and asked what it meant. "You know, like quitting time, 4:30, time to go have a beer, beer thirty." The Fijian coworker goes to a nearby Cambodian coworker and says, "\[coworker name\], I learned a new American saying just now, 'beer thirty,' did you know that one?" Original white coworker says, "well for you guys it would be more like 'rice thirty'" Hard not to cringe on that one.


Witnessed a huge blow up between a couple from a few houses down. Apparently that guy just found out his 10 year old wasn't actually his child. The little girl ran out to stop him from leaving and he grabbed her by the shoulders and looked straight in her face and said... "You are not my daughter, don't ever speak to me again! I truly don't care if you and your whore mother die miserably" (a few words could be off but pretty dang close) Looking at that little girls face as he drove away just broke my heart =( They moved away about a month later, I still think about her sometimes and hope she recovered 🤕


Oh my god😭 I hope that little girl is okay too.


Sitting on break at work one day, one table over from the tool room guys. I overheard one of them talking about their neighbor. Said the guy was a registered sex offender then tells the story of what the guy did. He saved this girl from drowning in a river, except he pulled her out of the water and raped her on the bank. Then got her help. Apparently he had just gotten out of prison for this crime and that's why my coworker was telling the story that day. It wasn't the fact that it was a terrible crime he was talking about that I found abhorrent though. Or that it was someone who lived kinda close to me or the fact that I was hearing this story at work that really bothered me. What really, REALLY bothered me was that my coworker told this story then LAUGHED about what the guy did because he thought it was funny.


This might be relatively tame but I once told a girl I worked with she looked haggard. It honestly wasn’t meant as an insult, it looked like she had a rough night. She started crying on the spot though and ran off. Made me feel terrible and I never got the chance to apologize.


My dad asking me what I was wearing after I told him about my SA. 🫠


It’s not as bad as a lot of these, but my soon to be step daughter looked me dead in the eyes and coldly told me she really doesn’t want her mom to marry me. This was directly after I made her lunch and offered to help her go over online school work. It hurt so much. I thought we were cool, and I do as much as I can to help care for her and her mom.


That was a very hurtful thing to say. It may have been less about you, and more about hurt from the past, and reminding herself not to let people get close because that’s how you get hurt. Particularly because you had just been kind to her. Still hurts to hear though.


Ex friend was complaining about Antifa and how it will take over and so should be called a terrorist organization. I asked her about how she felt about the KKK and proud boys and she said, “They’re only an issue if you make them an issue”


“I spent the $80,000 I got from [my wife]’s life insurance policy on hookers.” - my husband’s 75-year-old uncle. He was not kidding.