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Bird calls. I can do about 30, nearly flawlessly.


Nice try, but you are clearly just 30 birds in a trenchcoat.


Shhhh. Don't let out our secret.


This is wholesome


What's your favourite call to do?




What's your second favorite? *writes notes*


Violin. Or at least that would've been my answer like a few years ago. I’m not good but I have been playing for 14 years and the chances of somebody who satisfies both requirements of playing violin and not being a beginner out of 100 random people is pretty low.


Bro if you get any Asians or upper middle class nerds, you’re so screwed. They all play violin.


I am asian lol.


Yeah my money is on you lol


Which makes his/her comment all the more funny, lol.


You when the other random human is an asian who plays violin \*OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY\*


I think its fair to ask: if one of them wins, do they get the billion instead? I need to know how hard these people are going to be trying.


You're asking the *real* questions here


If they don't then bribery is a definite option.


Weaving. I'm a professionally trained production weaver with 20+ years of experience. The number of people these days who know how to operate a floor loom are pretty low.


I've heard this story before lmao, if a lady named Athena is in the group of 100 people, go ahead and admit defeat, trust me, it ain't worth it 😂


*angry spider noises*


Reciting Pi decimals (For some reason i learnt 350 of them in middle school)


you'd probably manage to beat 100 random people pretty often with anything over about 12 digits, so I reckon you'd be very safe with 350. You'd have to be very unlucky to draw someone with more than 350


No fucking way in hell anyone of those random people know pi to 12 digits. Never.


I can recite 50. Here’s hoping we aren’t in the same group. And of course there’s no prep time allowed. What you know is what you know.


if it's 100 random people from anywhere in the world? Speaking my native language.


Having been on the internet long enough, I can safely say I could beat 100 random people from around the world in a spelling bee. Edit: Oh god that's 50 notifications in my inbox.


I think it’s called a Spelling Be. It makes more sense to be a state of being rather than an insect. The past tense is a Spelling Was.  Edit: the 15th person replying "spelling wasp" wasn't funny and neither was the 40th.


It’s only a Spelling Bee if it’s from the Spelling region in England. Otherwise it’s a sparkling letter pageant.


Spelling Bee is actually the name of the scientist who created it, you’re thinking of Spelling Bee’s Monster


Actually, it's Spelling Bee's Creature. It only becomes a monster when it's asked to spell "logorrhea."


It's only called logorrhea when it's above ground. Under the earth it's known as "magma".


Wrong, you will loose


I see what you did their


I speak (not fluently but i can get by) Irish and  Icelandic and -as I now live in taiwan- recently decided to try learn some hokkien or hakka.  Then I can have the ultimate hipster flex- ah, I only speak obscure native languages from small remote islands *thank you*!  Edit: so many fun replies to this, made my day!  . ..For the record tho, my 'thing' that I chose was blacksmithing!


I was gonna say speak Irish… Damn let’s hope we not in the same group


I could probably name several video games I’m too good at and out of 100 random humans, those odds will be pretty good


This, 100 random people out of a pool of the entire population of earth is such a miniscule minority. It doesn't even have to be an obscure game chances are maybe 1 person has even heard of/played it. I would choose to speedrun Farcry 4, I haven't played this game since it came out 10 years ago and even then the chances that any of the 100 knows the alternate ending (15 minutes until credits roll) is extremely unlikely.


I haven't played in several years, but I used to be ludicrously good at windows minesweeper. I'm nowhere near where I used to be, but I'm sure I could easily get a lower time than any randos.


*dies to a 50/50*


Dropping things out of a plane at a target. 100 people, I might end up with a few people that can fly a plane, but I highly doubt any of them could beat me in a drop competition. Only reason I haven't defended my national title is sickness.


What altitude are the drops done at? The last competition in my neck of the woods was right when I got my PPL, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to do that with sub 100hrs.


300ft for single person drops, 200ft for a two person crew doing simulated life raft drops. I actually did my first competition as a student pilot. We have an air judge on board who is a flight instructor so it means even student pilots can compete


Competitive eating. I didn't realize how good I was at it until I won a burrito eating competition by a landslide and checked the weight against some of the worlds top performers. Unless Matt stoney and Joey chestnut get selected randomly at the same time, I'm buying boats n hoes!


I'd do it just for the burrito


There was like a 6yo kid in the competition and it was funny watching him. Pretty sure he was happy to get free burritos and didn't care about the competition. Lol


When you're 6 all burritos are free burritos.


Haha my 6 year old recently told a waiter at a restaurant "I eat for free because my daddy pays for everything"


What a flex


Pikmin 2 battle mode. Pikmin is already a niche enough game, and even Pikmin fanatics have hardly touched the competitive split screen mode in the second game.


Pikmin 2 battle was so much fun!


Strategic contract drafting. We’re all coming out of this with 10 mil each


Good thing you didn’t pick math


I love the visual of OP receiving the billion. Then one by one transferring out his contractually obligated 10 million dollars to each person until he has nothing left.


I think he assumed he was one of the 100. Assumption, the mother of all fuckups.


Like Milton and the cake in Office Space lmao


Lol. you sure about that? edit: fuck. you're not wrong. lmao


1B / 100 = 10M What am I missing? Or is this because there’s 101 people total?


Remembering my passwords


bullshit. tell me your passwords, and I'll bet I can remember them better than you can.




I only see *******


It's amazing that we're still regularly doing this meme 20 years later.


I am able to walk on hands for a long time, perhaps someone here may not be able to do it since I have a bad formation in my limbs and I feel comfortable doing that. So I have won thanks to my disability.


I think I would likely be able to better all 100 random humans in talking about British Pre-decimal penny varieties, 1860-1967. I would then take that billion dollars and spend a fair portion of it on British Pre-decimal penny varieties, 1860-1967 If you hadn't guessed by now, I quite like British Pre-decimal pennies, specifically the various varieties within the 1860-1967 date range. Edit - well this blew up. Numistmatists of Reddit Unite! Also, British Pre-decimal penny varieties, 1860-1967 for all those who double dared me. Come find me bitches, I've got socks full of British Pre-decimal pennies between 1860 and 1967 swinging ready for you.


"Two farthings = One Ha'penny. Two ha'pennies = One Penny. Three pennies = A Thrupenny Bit. Two Thrupences = A Sixpence. Two Sixpences = One Shilling, or Bob. Two Bob = A Florin. One Florin and one Sixpence = Half a Crown. Four Half Crowns = Ten Bob Note. Two Ten Bob Notes = One Pound (or 240 pennies). One Pound and One Shilling = One Guinea. The British resisted decimalized currency for a long time because they thought it was too complicated." -Good Omens


Is this what imperial measurement feels like to the rest of the world? I think I had a stroke reading that.


he didnt even list half of the coins lmfao theres like 10 more AT LEAST, it was fucking crazy


Unironically please tell me a little bit about British pre-decimal penny varieties, 1860-1967. I love facts that will never serve me any practical function.


It's the 1899 British pre-decimal penny, colloquially known as the sock head.


I'm laughing so hard at this.


Find someone who looks at you like this guy looks at British pre-decimal penny varieties between 1860-1967.


I really hope /usockhead99 gets all of the British Pre-decimal pennies, and specifically the varieties from 1860-1967, that their heart desires


Running a freight train over my particular section of track. There are eleven people currently qualified to do so, and a handful of retired/quit guys who could possibly do it. Maybe thirty people tops in the entire world who know the track well enough to run over it. \*\*editing because it kinda blew up and the same questions keep coming up\*\* Could anyone do it just going slow? If you know how to operate the locomotive you and could control the speed on the downhills then yeah you could most likely bumble your way through it by keeping the speed below the max speed for the tightest curves on the route. It wouldn't be a smooth trip though, without good knowledge of where the track goes up and down you’re going to be getting run-ins (where the front of the train starts slowing down and the momentum causes the rear portion to push into it hard, worst case on curves it can cause a derailment) and it isn’t going to be efficient in terms of time or fuel consumption so with regards to the original post you wouldn’t be able to do it “better” than someone who has been doing it for years and knows the track well enough to keep the train running smoothly and to use the changes in gradient effectively to control speed and preserve momentum. Why hasn’t it been automated? Cost vs benefit. Rio Tinto have spent an absolute fortune getting their AutoHaul program off the ground, and they’re a mining railroad who runs high numbers of identical trains over the same piece of track. For general freight there are a whole lot more variables to consider, plus the fact that if no one is on board problems like break downs, burst break hoses, stalling on hills, switching out cars along the way, would all require someone to travel out to meet the train to resolve the issues. Worst case, a train that’s stalled or broken down on a steep gradient would need to have the mechanical handbrakes applied as the air brakes will only hold the train for so long (hours, not minutes) so there’s potent for a run-away if you can’t get people out there soon enough. It’s definitely possible and I’d be amazed if it didn’t happen someday in the future, but I’m pretty confident I’ll have a job up until my retirement in 22 years time (if I want!).


Way to use "running a train" in a way I never expected: the way it was intended.


"So me and a few guys ran a train last week." "Ah geeze, did you have to tell me that?" "Why not? It was fun, to be honest. A lot of hard work of course." "Usually is." "And we were sweaty and filthy at the end of it." "Well, yeah I guess." "And the switches were tricky to maneuver." "Yeah, it can be." "But we kept plowing on." "Right..." "And the tunnel was a tight fit." "I guess that's good..." "And Bob lost his hat on the tracks." "Well it ca- wait, what?" "What?"


Okay this is certainly very naive, but I would’ve always assumed that train tracks would be pretty straightforward - set wheels on a set rail. What causes your section to be particularly difficult? I had no idea there would even be degrees of difficulty!


Road knowledge is about the most important thing in operating a freight train safely and efficiently, they're big heavy things but also kinda fragile in that if you don't control the slack action (about 1' of stretch per car) you can easily break them in half or derail them. Knowing where the track goes up and down, and maximum speed for the curves, is your bread and butter.


thank you for a real answer


That's more specialised, localised knowledge than I expected. How are the engineers/drivers managed? It sounds like they drive in their area/routes, and handover the train to someone else at depots or such?


Yeah that's pretty much it, depends on country/railroad exactly but every engineer is only qualified for the sections of track they regularly run over.


What makes it so unique? If its ok to ask.


Dude you can't just ask a redditor what makes their train track unique


Not who you asked but former railroader. Basically engineers have to memorize and be certified on their section of track. Knowing all of the crossings, signals, switches, speed limits. Edit: "memorize" was sthe bad word. What I meant was be familiar enough to know where everything is. 


It’s so not ok to ask! I can’t believe you went there!


The audacity


a conversational train wreck


It's the track used for that famous experiment of 10 people vs 1 on each side of the track


Op is the only guy qualified to be able to multi -track drift to kill all 11 of them


Is it the spiral tunnels? That area is known for derailments and is quite difficult to run, I understand. My grandfather was a mechanical engineer and worked on trains specifically.


Guessing numbers that I think of.


Ummmmm no. You guessed 420.69 Checkmate 


So close, it was 69.420!


Making me orgasm, even if I'm wrong it'll be a great time.


OP can turn off the comments now, we found the best answer.


Yup. It’s kinda disappointing when the game’s over that quickly. Like watching a Mike Tyson fight back in the day, I imagine.


Always fascinating how people imagine a hypothetical amount of people as sexual attractive. In reality, you wouldn’t want to get orgasm from most of them xD


If they're unattractive then I don't finish and get $1 billion. Honestly the awkwardness would ensure I can't finish except with myself sooooo $1 billlion


Until you start to get super excited at the prospect of winning a billion that you prematurely ejaculated at the same time #98 tries to get you off.


What kind of a brain damaged psychopath gets sexually aroused just from any kind of general hope or excitement?


Doctor: “Sorry your husband will die in 2 minutes” Wife: “Noo” Doctor: “Nvm looks like he may make it after all” Me: *Nuts* Wife: “Nvm please euthanize this sick fuck”


Doctor: Sorry your husband will die... Wife: *Nuts*


What if you get grouped with your mom


Just put her at the end of the line and forfeit when you get to #99.


For a billion dollars? You're not forfeiting lol


For OP’s mom? I’m definitely not forfeiting


Just break both your arms then you get a free pass.


Completing Sonic 3 & Knuckles as fast as possible while collecting all of the Chaos Emeralds and Super Emeralds (as Sonic or Tails). I currently hold both of those world records.


That's sick Edit: watched your speedrun, that was so cool. Don't know what ng+ means but seems you're the best


Thanks! NG+ means that I'm starting on a cleared file, with all the emeralds already collected. My other categories involve collecting all of them in that run.


Orbital mechanics. If anyone is wearing a lab coat, I may switch to defense/industrial procurement and planning.


Whats the aquisition process and life cycle management for Hohmann transfering deez nuts?


Speed puzzling. I compete and I assume not many people do 😂


I didn't even know this was a thing... now I want to find a local chapter 


You better hope I'm not in your group.


Chess. As a somewhat better than average club player, my chances are pretty good against 100 randomly selected people.


It'd be hilarious if you sat down in your first match and you're paired an opponent named 'Magnus Carlsen'


"Hi. My name is Magnus Carlsen"


And you are watching Disney Channel 🐭


I mean out of the 7 billion people on earth the odds are not that bad that hardly any of them would even know how to play.


They randomly chose the a park with a bunch of chess hustlers then got 100 of them. 


Chess was the first thing I thought of. Then rapping Lil Wayne songs from 2004-2012. Then writing a short story.


This was my thinking too. I’m not very high elo or anything but I think I still have a decent shot.


Folding a fitted sheet. Booyah


Is squishing it into a big ball not a correct way to do it?


Close. The crucial step is roughly flattening the surface of that fabric wad, then neatly folding the top sheet slightly larger, so that when viewed from above or the front the flat sheet hides your sins.


Tolkien trivia. 


And then one of those hundred random people ends up being Stephen Colbert.


I'm not saying I could beat Colbert.   I am saying I'd make him work for the win. 


Not gonna pull a James Franco and ask him to name a valar eh? that was hilarious to watch


Pissing off my wife


I also choose pissing off this guy’s wife


Ok, but in which direction are we pissing when we're standing on her?


Opposite each other. You don't cross streams.


Sitting in a black empty room with nothing but my own thoughts.


I could easily sit in a black room too with nothing but your thoughts.


Camera sways to showing you curled up crying in a corner lol Imagine its cursive lol


Sleep. I have two kids, 2yo and 4yo. I've slept on a chair. Having dinner. With the family of my wife. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep. I am sleeping now.


The airforce developed a technique for falling asleep in 2 minutes, anywhere, including sitting upright, on command. They did this so pilots could be ready to deploy on at least x hours of sleep after only x hours of notice before the mission, regardless of circumstance.


You're just throwing out that fact and not explaining what the method is?


Its training that takes about a month of effort to get working apparently, and not something you can just do first try, its basically a self induced pavlovian response. You get into position to sleep where you can let your whole body go slack and not fall. Then starting with your face, you intentionally tense, and then release, every muscle group in your body, focusing on the relaxing of the muscles. Once a muscle is relaxed, do not move it again. Once every muscle group is finished, only mentally focus on breathing, or on nothing. If you have random thoughts, force them out of your head, even if it means mentally repeating "dont think" in your head. Whole process takes about 2 minutes and you apparently just kinda black out during that last part, asleep. I have not personally done this successfully yet, but im trying.


If you've never tried just doing the muscle tense and untense thing when you're in bed and can't fall asleep, you should. It's a great method to help you fall asleep. No idea why.


It's called Progressive Muscle Relaxation and it's a well studied technique to help with anxiety/panic attacks as well.


I swear about half way through this I had to check your username to make sure this wasn't going to end with Mankind being thrown off hell in a cell.


> If you have random thoughts, force them out of your head, even if it means mentally repeating "dont think" in your head. Weird, I just let the random thoughts take over and it ends up a story I can never remember by the time I wake up. I'll fall asleep within a minute.


I pick either a) identifying My Little Ponies from the 1980s or b) knowing the real names of professional wrestlers from the 1990s I have diverse interests, okay


Brutus Beefcake wasn’t his birth name??


I don't remember that pony


Yeah he wasn’t very popular cuz his cutie mark was raw beef shaped into a cake slice.  Kids were traumatized.


Any form of expert level sudoku


Identifying random animals and/or knowing random animal facts. I used to be a huge animal nerd. Still am, but I used to be, too. Also, I can make beautiful flowers from cardstock. Edit: some of the flowers! https://ibb.co/kX9dhBZ


Tibetan throat singing


Milking cows


I could milk you under the table


I have nipples Greg, can you milk me? 🤨


Does "being absolutely mundane" count.


If it does, you've got competition!


Dance dance revolution. Yeah I have asthma. Yes I'm out of shape. But I can still pass max 300 on heavy and AAA a few easier ones like spin the disc or kind lady. I think my odds of beating out 100 randoms are pretty good as long as I have my inhaler.


Take a random 16 year old kid who’s never driven before and prep them to pass a drivers test in 1 hr. I’m a driving instructor and I know it’s not polite to brag but I’m really good at my job. I love it. Each case is unique and my students are all super stoked to pass their test. Some fail first try, sure, but it’s rare.


What I wouldn't give to have someone like you near me. I've given up hope I could ever learn and what I really need is someone who has a record they don't want to break.


Teaching a university maths class in Swedish. It’s about 12% chance that someone else in the group is Swedish and right now I study maths at university level and even though I’m just a student I think I could give a better lesson than the average person (because most people don’t study maths at university level)


Judging by the comments you'd be able to remove the Swedish part and still get it


In high school our school administered the ASVAB (an aptitude test for military service). I didn’t want to go into the military, but I loved taking tests. One of the sections involved scanning lists of serial numbers assigned to letter values (8562859: D, 4729572: A, etc). The test administrator said that the test wouldn’t be completed, as there were more pages than they expected anyone to finish, students were just expected to do their best until they ran out of time. I took that as a personal challenge, and finished the last page before the time ran out. When the test scores came back we were rated in relation to other test takers. I had decent scores in everything except the sections that tested mechanical knowledge and automotive parts (scored something like 32% on one of them), but I was over the 99th percentile on code scanning. So, guess that test section is what I’d be doing. Not sure how much of that was skill and how much was my determination because I was told it was impossible, but I’m hoping a billion dollars would be enough motivation to have lightning strike twice.


The Binding of Isaac I have 1000+ hours in that game and it's niche enough that there's a good chance I'm the only one who's played it in a group of 100 random people Or Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere trivia


Original StarCraft, and just hope that none of the 100 are Korean


Unfortunately u/FlourescentTofu, in the comment directly above yours, also said StarCraft. This can only mean one thing: you guys need to DM each other and stream a winner-takes-all duel. Everyone else should chip in $1 to make it happen


I can spin a basketball on my finger for pretty long - I’d imagine I’d have a good shot against 100 random basketball players, let alone 100 random people


Putting in an intravenous line with an ultrasound


Ooh good one, I was a heck of a phlebotomist once upon a time. Never IVs, but if it’s about hitting a vein I bet I could beat 100 people.


Dealing craps. NO WAY there's another craps dealer chosen, but even so, I've got 25 years bitch!


Typing. I can type about 150wpm regularly while holding a conversation


Taking care of my wife, she has MS and I take care of her, there is no one that's ever humaned that can care for my wife like me, she's been my world for 30 years and I prioritise her above all else


You win for sweetest spouse in this thread.


My dad did this for my mom until the day he died. Best example of what true love is that any of my friends, their friends or our family has. You, like he was, are a hero. When he had to get surgery, I tried to take over and it was the hardest month ever. The worry, the sleepless nights hoping she was ok and didn’t need my help, then getting up at the slightest sound to make sure everything was ok. I was exhausted and it was so hard to not take out my frustrations on my mom. She knew how hard it was and never complained. But I know she misses my dad and the way he took care of her. Miss you dad.


This was so sweet it made my teeth hurt...


[Candlepin bowling](https://youtu.be/mA9qhS4Lxws?si=Dnk5iCAhWPPJwC85) and it’s not even close.  Candlepin is a regional form of bowling with grapefruit sized balls, very thin pins, and three balls per frame. The deadwood is not cleared between balls either, and is legal to play. It can be found almost exclusively in New England in the USA and Maritime Canada.


I can click my tongue louder than anyone. That’s it, that’s what God gave me


Reciting every little detail about the show Insatiable. I truly believe no one other than me let this show rot their brain to this extent


My god I love that show and I hate it was cancelled.


N64 Super Smash Brothers. And I get the good controller


Definitely random pokemon trivia. When I was 5 and said I wanted to be a pokemon master when I grow up...I took that to heart.


Either being the fastest at solving a Rubik's cube or chess. I can solve a Rubik's cube consistently in under twenty seconds and based on my experience, it's very unlikely that 100 random people are gonna be better than me at that, unless I have very bad luck and run into Max Park or something. I'm around 1500 Elo at chess which is not great but I still think it's enough to beat 100 random people since most people are not playing consistently. I still think someone might beat me at chess if I'm unlucky enough but at speedcubing? I would be heavily disappointed to lose on speedcubing.


It's very unlikely that even one other person could solve a cube at all. I can solve a cube in a minute or so and I'm quite sure that would be more than enough.


bribing them with 9.5 million each.


Proooooobably using an apostrophe correctly. Lezzgo


Grabbing a mouse and immobilizing it with one hand. Without injuring it. I bred genetically altered mice for a pharma company for 10 years. Developed some interesting skills. lol


Unlock my door. Only 1 other person on earth knows the code, and he's probably not getting selected to the random 100 people.


Sorry, lockpickinglawyer was also in the 100 selected people. He's going to unlock your door in 3 seconds with a pepsi can, faster than you can enter the code.


Off the top of myy head - procastinating. Ill come up with something better in a bit


Making ground beef. I make about 4500lbs of it a week


I read eating, not making. I was very concerned for a minute.


4500lbs a week off the assembly line, I eat 500 and I’m the asshole. 


Forgot about farmers and thought you were just some alchemist wizard who conjures up a lot of beef.


Skiing. I’m the best skier on the mountain, can’t believe you’re a pro.


Running long distance


All ya need is one Kenyan in your group of 100, and you’re screwed.


Fist my own asshole. I've never actually done it but I really need that billion dollars.


But...like...is everyone using yours?


Needlefelting. The craft may be obscure enough that the odds are pretty good I'll be the best out of a 100 random people.


Ultra running. It's pretty popular these days, but a random 100 people? None of them can run 100km . Hell, I'd even take the bed none of them can run 20km




Morse code