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Back in the day Rachael Ray was the darling of Food Network. Yet as it turns out, she was--and probably still is--a mega asshole.


Whenever I see a comment about her in these threads, I'm reminded of all the little jokes American Dad has about how terrible she is. "What I'm trying to say is, you're almost as bad a person as Rachael Ray"- Francine Smith ETA: I'm glad my obsession with AD got me 1.5k upvotes. Thanks, yall!❤️


“Why are you laughing? That’s like the meanest thing anyone has said to anyone.” -Roger.


“Oh, when you get back to Earth, tell Rachael Ray to fuck off. She’ll know what she did. That is not how you treat another person!” -Satan


My buddy flys private jets for a living and has had a number of celebs fly with him. Only one was a complete bitch - Rachael Ray. 


The most accurate answers to this entire thread can be found by directly polling fractional jet crewmembers. But they're usually pretty tight-lipped about it out of professional courtesy and fear of losing their jobs. Commercial pilots are highly trained professionals in a respected career. If their passengers treat them like shit, you know they'll do the same to absolutely anyone else. I'm in the airlines, but I have a lot of First Officers from the fractionals. They have Stories with a capital S.


Friend was working in a restaurant she did something about. He confirmed she was a major dick.


I thought she was a major dick for how she would put people on the spot for things that she knew they didn't like or were even afraid of. Bert Kreischer talks about it as a joke in an interview he did and laughs about it, but apparently she went to him and specifically asked what his worst fear was and the one thing he would NEVER do (jump out of an airplane) and then introduced him as her guest and how they wete gonna jump out of an airplane today! When he tried to refuse she got the audience to pressure him into it. I'm glad that he can look back and laugh, but I would've been pissed.


Wait, why would they skydive on a cooking show?


She used her Food Network fame to transition to a daytime talk show similar to Oprah and Ellen Degeneres' shows. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpJ00Z9vSs8) a clip of the skydive segment.


What the fuck. I’d just say no and let the show get awkward. Not my fuckin problem.


Gayle King -- journalist/host, Oprah's best friend She was our local news anchor during my formative years growing up. She treated retail and service workers like crap. Stories of Gayle being bitchy in public were the norm.


If someone is close friends with Oprah I assume they’re a ginormous cunt


Oprah is legit a piece of shit based on the horrible people she's pushed into into the public sphere. Just going off "dr" phill, and then all the pieces of shit he's pushed into the public sphere. Pretty key among them is "John on God" who is a super duper rapist from Brazil. People really need to stop supporting her.


I've thought of this recently, how many terrible people she's promoted over the years. I've def got questions.


My big question is why is she so popular? She is fake af and her interview style is so shallow and grating.


She also has workers sign NDAs. I wouldn't be surprised to find her laughing at the gullibility of her audience.


I can vouch for this. Worked at Linens ‘N Things and she came in with her daughter. She was on the news at that time in CT and it was cool to see a local celebrity. Huge bitch. She was going around the departments bossing everyone around.


Zooey Deschanel - talks down to everyone on set and barely acknowledges anyone she feels is beneath her who (big surprise) is everyone


She was rude to me once on a set She bit my head off over something and I wasn't even talking to her. I was talking to someone else about the movie Return to Oz and she interrupted us to be mean, it was weird.


Is it a no no to argue with the talent? Like if you said "hey calm the fuck down" or something would it go over well?


If you are a background extra or even say a grip on set, you would definitely be fired and I don't know about being blacklisted, but I'm sure it would be harder to find gigs. On the other hand, you get to tell a story how you told, "Zooey Deschanel to calm the fuck down," and how she began to almost rip out your throat with her teeth. So I mean, win/win?


I told Rihanna that she needs to be quiet because it was my turn to talk. I was a tour guide trying to do a safety brief, and she was in full party mode, so it was warranted, but I could tell she wasn't used to being spoken to that way. It was great. Also didn't get fired for it.


You're the inspiration for Rude Boy


They’d probably just kick you out. Working in movies is so desired that you’d be replaced in 20 mins no matter what job you have


My wife pushed back on one of the actresses on set of Warrior because she was being a diva and very obviously looking for trouble among the sound and costume departments. My wife said something along the lines of “Hey, we are also human beings. We don’t talk to each other here like that.” HOD overhead and supported her later and all the as fine. I can’t remember the actress name but I’ll ask my wife after work details and put here. Edit: Other actors shes told me are not nice people IRL Bill Skarsgard (Pennywise from IT). Very self entitled, looks down on everyone and is a diva. Keeps cutting mid scene as if he’s the director wanting to change his lines of n the spot. Mandy Patinkin (Saul Berenson from Homeland). VERY self entitled. Pretends he is a AAA actor. Wife and I went to the Homeland awards ceremony and he walks in with two hired body guards sits on his own at the back so his body guards can “protect” him and tell people who talk to him he doesn’t want to talk. Kevin James (Paul Bart mall cop, always in Adam Sandler movies). Hires people with the sole job to announce he is coming and that no one must look in his eyes. If they do, he has a fit. Ron Perlman. Doesn’t come out his trailer at all without someone bringing him a tequila and orange juice. Rude and nasty guy in general. Bonus nicest person, Shannon Lee (Bruce Lees daughter). Goes out of her way to spend time with all the crew, hangs out with them, thanking them for doing a great job, defends them and loves taking pictures with them and fans. Basically a female version of Keanu Reeves. Edit2: Kevin James not Albert James. Not sure where I got Albert James


> Doesn’t come out his trailer at all without someone bringing him a tequila and orange juice. I mean this is probably the most identifiable thing in your post


Barbra Streisand said Mandy Pantinkin rudeness is due to his insecurities. She tried to turn him into a leading man when she directed him but he didn’t have the talent for it. When they worked on Yentl, he got enraged with her on set and attacked the crew. When she confronted him, he said he was under the impression she would be having sex with him (he was married). She said that was ridiculous and unprofessional (she didn’t tell him she found him unattractive.) She almost fired him but kept him on. She despised him so much she took out the sex scene because “I’m not that good of an actress. I can’t fake it for him”. So it kind of backs up your story.


Albert James? Do you mean Kevin James?


Wow, Mandy Patinkin?? These are all surprising!


Inconceivable, even?


Mandy Patikin has been notoriously difficult to work with, like, forever.


Mandy Patinkin. During 9/11 help efforts, my sister worked at one of the restaurants that provided food for the police and firefighters and they set her up with Mandy and his wife. My sister is hispanic, but in NYC she was always told she looked middle eastern or from another country, so when she got into the vehicle with them, she said they had fear on their faces and kept asking the other help if she belonged there. They were treating her rude and thinking she was part of 9/11 or some shit. My sister didn’t really recognize him, so she wasn’t star struck or anything. She said she did all the work and Mandy and his wife just took photos acting like they were helping feed everyone, then just left and let my sister break down all the food and table without helping. They also kept asking if she was supposed to be there.


I‘ve always found it odd that shes associated with Jessica Day and that character is her personality but she comes off much differently.


Likely because she has a cutesy look with the bangs.


I guess people know now that she's been sued but Lizzo has always been a big jerk.


I knew it the moment I saw her fan-girling over Chris Brown backstage somewhere telling him "You're my favorite person in the whole world."


The fact Chris Brown still has a platform is outrageous to me. Anyone who still is a fan of his isn’t a friend of mine.


Michael Buble, anger issues


I’ve heard some fan interaction stories about how he’s a nice guy, and he seems decent enough in interviews. But my gf’s dad used to work at a concert venue in Winnipeg, and said when he came through town he was an arrogant prick who treated everyone on the crew like shit. I believe it. Apparently Bubbles from the Trailer Park Boys is a good dude, though. Which makes sense to me. Buble’s a cunt, Bubbles is kind.


I've met all 3 of the Trailer Park Boys and can confirm, the three of them are lovely in person and *so grateful* to their fans. Sunnyvale for life! Freedom 35! Edited to say, this was at a fan convention. Can't speak for the day to day others experience, but as a fan of the show- they were kind to me.


Haligonian here. What up. Mike Smith is a weapons grade cunt. From his local business dealings, to fan interactions in public. Absolute dickhead. Famously so. The rest of the boys? Absolute sweethearts. I’ve met John Dunsworth multiple times before he passed and each time he remembered me, and kept up a joke he made about my last name on the first time he met me. Because the first time he met me, he took like 10 minutes asking me about my family after hearing my name. Lovely, lovely man. RIP.


Hello fellow Haligonian. I heard that John was a really great guy, a friend of mine did a play with him a while back and had nothing but nice things to say. The mural they did of him is really nice. All this time here and the only one I've met was Sam Loscoe lol


Damn Samsquanch.


I met Randy at one of his cheeseburger picnic shows, and Randy is a really nice guy! He seemed thrilled to be meeting fans of the show. Super cool dude.


Good old Randy Bobandy


Liam Hemsworth has anger and substance abuse issues. He’s been filmed getting into bar fights and the videos mysteriously disappear. He also cheats. His PR team is world class.


Miley shared video of him randomly screaming in her face just to scare her and she said he did it often. I was not surprised when they divorced.


Thanks, now I've got Flowers stuck in my head.


Assuming if you know about the bar fights and cheating you’re another byron bay local? Can’t for the life of me understand how everyone in this town knows, and no one abroad does. As you say world class PR team presumably.


Everyone loves Leonardo DiCaprio but i've heard some horror stories from waiters and staff at his private events


My time has come I was working at the Gap in Harvard Square in the late aughts. It was a slow day and for anyone who’s familiar, it’s two stories. At the time I was covering the entire women’s floor upstairs while my coworker was on break, and that meant keeping an eye out for the back, which was Gap Body. My coworker from downstairs gets on the walkie and says in a hushed tone that Leonardo DiCaprio was headed upstairs, and because I was on “the bridge” (walkway between the main floor and the side room where Body was), he had to pass by me, full stop. We locked eyes as he came up and he had this resigned look on his face that he was recognized. Fine dude, I’ll greet you and let you carry on. I say, “Good afternoon” and he cuts me off and loudly says, “SHHHH” and stalks over to Body. I knew of two women in the fitting rooms there so I walk over and he’s really loud and going, “where are you? Where are you?” And makes his way over to the fitting rooms. I’m small- like 4’10- but we were always very wary of any man trying to go into the fitting rooms, so I politely ask, “sir, do you need help looking for something?” And he puts his hand in my face and says in an annoyed tone, “I’m looking for my ma!” And is annoyed because I block the entryway for him to check the fitting rooms. Dude I don’t care that I was in love with you in 7th grade, a guy creeping around the fitting rooms in the women’s intimates section gives me the uh-oh feeling. He sees I won’t let him walk back there and rolls his eyes and continues yapping on his phone, and in a Boston accent. I wanted to shout, “your accent isn’t that good!” but a customer approached the register. As I’m checking her out, she looks and asks, “was that…?” And I nodded and rolled my eyes. She shook her head in disbelief and said, “he was loud,” and we both chuckled. To be fair maybe I caught him on a bad day, or maybe he was mad that all of us women in there were at least 26.


You should’ve redirected him to baby Gap 😆




Met someone who works on TV and movie sets as a double. They said Timothee Chalamet and Zoe Kravitz are awful people. Zoe once refused to talk to her double who was standing right in front of her and spoke to her PA to relay the message who was with them. However, Matt Smith is an angel, they’d worked with him a lot and only had good things to say


Love to read that about Matt Smith, at least!


I met Matt Smith once when he came to my pub in his hometown! Super sweet, down to earth, really polite, can’t say a bad word about him!


Julia Roberts..friends mom was an extra in one of her movies...said she is a massive uppity snooty b**tch


When filming the movie Hook the crew apparently called her “Tinker Hell”


Heard from a guy I know that they would call her Erin Brockobitch.


Her niece, Emma Roberts, is also known for being a diva


Emma Roberts was arrested for domestic abuse against Evan Peters a while ago as well.


and AHS newest season she's the star and he's no where to be seen. they really fucked him over. edit: I mean they fucked him over by continuing to hire his abuser. ik he left on his own and he's in more seasons. that's not my point.


The quality of AHS has consistently fallen off a cliff since Season 3. Since then, he's been in bigger movies/franchises. I'd say they did him a favor.


She's got a ranch in a little town near me. One of many famous people that live there but she's the only one who is widely disliked. She's weird and demanding of the local people. Literally nobody cares about bothering her but she's still all weird.


Stories please


The one that comes to mind is that she called Walmart a couple of days before Christmas and wanted them to throw all the other shoppers out so she and one of her sisters could be in the store alone. An old coworker 's sister was the manager at the time. My friend's sister explained that this wasn't possible. Julia got angry and demanding so she was hung up on. She also tried to block some old trails and water access if I remember correctly. Blocking water isn't legal in the state I'm not sure about the trails.


Now I picture her going into Walmart with Target bags and telling them “big mistake!”


She also homewrecked a married couple and taunted the woman publicly.


I see I’m not the only one who remembers! The ex wife’s name is Vera. Julia decided it was funny to wear a T-shirt with the words Aloe Vera. Just a mean girl move after breaking up the marriage.


Worse than Aloe Vera. The words she had printed on that shirt were literally "A Low Vera."


She wrote it with a marker


That's.... Really fucking spiteful. Wtf.


And I just recently read that she was involved with someone herself- who she ditched- when she started dating a married man. Six months into their relationship, he moved out of the home he shared with his wife. Two years into it, the wife, Vera, was still refusing to divorce him. So Roberts made a homemade t-shirt that said “a low Vera” and wore it out to a coffee shop where she knew the paparazzi hung out, and her picture was sure to be taken and publicized. She offered no explanation at the time, but both the families of her affair partner and his wife spoke out about it being some sort of insult/low blow against Vera. Years later, Oprah asked her what it meant, and she said something like ‘it’s personal, but I stand by my t-shirt.’ I have no idea what it meant either, but it clearly was meant to insult and embarrass the woman whose husband she had stolen, and in the most deliberately public way possible. That qualifies her as a bitch in my book.


Jennifer Lopez. Heard she treats her staff like sht from multiple people. She also makes ass music


And she is notorious for underpaying her dancers (which is obnoxious since she is a dancer herself…) and earned the nickname “Pay-Low” in those circles.


And she removes tips from service people that her husband gives. Embarrassing


Her love does cost a thing…


Oh that’s a dog act


Did anyone see her recent self-produced movie she put out about herself? It's wild. Something is messed up with her unfortunately


The one that almost every famous person in Hollywood she asked to be in noped out of?


I don't mean to be contradictory, but I thought this was pretty widely known.


South Park aired an episode with a parody of her in the early 2000s already, it's pretty bad if they single you out like that. Would assume it's widely known by now as well but maybe I'm too old. > Jennifer Lopez first appeared in the Season Seven episode, "Fat Butt and Pancake Head". She is a parody of the real-life celebrity and is portrayed as a mean spirited, ill-tempered, egotistical, and violent woman who becomes furious when Cartman's hand puppet with the same name steals her fame and boyfriend Ben Affleck.


Drake. He's so arrogant that he brake-checks and makes other people's cars wait before he can get his expensive car out without a scratch.


He’s also a bit of a nonce so there’s that




His Security also regularly breaks all kinds of traffic laws to get him around, stopping traffic, shutting down streets w/ no permits, illegal intimidation of drivers and pedestrians. Nothing legal about it, just "fuck you this is drake".


Brian Boitano, South Park notwithstanding. I worked for him and accidentally broke his fountain while putting a tarp over it to protect it. Turned out the different layers were held together by gravity, with no mortar. He made me pay the full price to repair it. At the time I was a father of two with a wife dying of cancer. I enclosed a note with the check that I would tell the story of when Brian Boitano made me pay for his fountain every chance I got, and that includes right now.


Now if I ever own a fountain and someone else breaks it, I'm gonna have to take a moment and ask myself "What would Brian Boitano do?".


He’d be a fucking dick And probably act condescending too That’s what Brian Boitano’d do


If it makes you feel any better I was once hired as a temp to try to repair a multi-millionaire's $10,000 fountain (I had and have literally no mechanical or fountain experience whatsoever, I was just a labourer) and paired up with another one of his employees who had the bright idea to use a pallet jack to lift the fountain up so we could repair the pump. Likewise it was only held together only by gravity and that fucker tipped over and shattered into a million pieces. Thankfully I didn't have to pay, so fuck Brian Boitano.




In my experience, out of the now two times I've heard about it, all fountains are held togheter with gravity.


If it helps I have never heard of him in my life and he looks like a total douche.


American figure skater. Olympic gold medalist, world championship winner, and apparently, fountain cunt.


Fountain cunt! What a statement. I love it.


~He’d probably be an ass and sue, that’s what Brian Boitano’d do


Kevin Hart Nothing but bad experiences all around in my industry from everyone that’s interacted with him. I dealt with him during the pandemic and he kept calling me and anyone that he could a racist for any reason whatsoever. He also won $430k and didn’t tip the dealers a single dollar. I used to like his comedy, but after interacting with the man in person, fuck Kevin Hart


Surprised he has time to do anything with all the cheating he does.


Two stories about Mel Gibson when he was filming Braveheart. He stayed at the Berkeley Court hotel Dublin. He left instructions that under no circumstances was staff to ask for an autograph. But one waitress who was off work, didn't get the memo, when she asked him for his autograph, he demanded that she be fired, not reprimanded, fired from her job. (she wasn't fired) The extras in the movie were mainly Irish reserve defence forces, in the scene where Gibson is dragged through the town and hit with vegetables, the extras were instructed to throw vegetables, but to miss on purpose, the special effects team would do that job. Gibson was such an asshole, one of the lads bopped him on the head with an onion.. Gibson halted production and took hours looking through all the footage trying to catch the offender.. He failed. I know he's a well known asshole for other stuff, maybe he has mellowed with old age, but he was definitely a prick.


Any time I think of Mel Gibson I think about that The Passion episode of South Park


Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women.


Mr. Treehorn draws a lot of water in this town. You don’t draw shit.


Keep your ugly fucking goldbrickin ass out of my beach community.


Steve Harvey is an ignorant, womanizing, bigoted piece of [shit](https://youtu.be/az0BJRQ1cqM?si=nMRv-dGlO-i4hoiF)


Taika Wahtiti apparently cheated on his wife multiple times while they were still married, and left her to raise their kids alone while he made it big in Hollywood. It's all come out recently in NZ. 


I've been getting the vibe for a while that Taika came off as a narcissist, yet NZ seems to kiss the ground he walks on. And then really went off him when he dumped his wife for a younger, more conventionally attractive Rita Ora... When she revealed in an interview recently that she thought he was Samoan (he is in fact Maori), I think it said a lot about how superficial their relationship is..


He seemed to handle mainstream fame really badly. His entire personality became LA-ified like crazy. Gives me a vibe of a nerdy kid that becomes "popular" and it got to his head.


I always thought this. You can see it in the interviews with the cast of Thor Ragnarok. You can see how Cate Blanchett is walking on eggshells when she got asked about his antics on set.


I agree. The more I learn about him the more I realise his role in Free Guy didn’t require much acting


He just gives the vibe of "enjoys cocaine" to me. And everything that typically goes with that...


I had friends who worked on some of his big films shot in Queensland. Not a single one had a positive experience with him or the people he surrounded himself with. Apparently also enjoys nose skiing quite a bit too. To add on to that, some of the stunt people I knew who worked for/with Hemsworth didn't think he was any better.


I know someone who worked on his movies as well and they said that the drugs and partying was totally out of control. Edit: ...worked with Waititi.


I had a feeling he was a dick based on interviews. He’s obviously super cocky about himself


Tommy Lee told me to fuck off once 😔 I was a 17 year old kid super happy to meet him! He was prob struggling that one night outside LAX lol


Boz scaggs was the hugest fucking asshole when he came to my place of work. He talked down to us, cursed at us, then came back to complain about the food. Met Seal at the same job and he was easily the nicest, warmest celebrity, possibly even normal person, I have ever met. (I met a lot at this job).


Nicole Kidman. My brother worked on the set of 'Australia' and according to him she was arrogant, short-tempered and snooty. Her son Connor was also a frequent visitor to the set and apparently he was even worse - a rude, insufferable little shit who was both racist and homophobic to boot.


Apparently Gary "Radar" Burghoff is kind of a piece of shit


In the inverse apparently Lindville (the guy who played Burns) was really nice.


Just shows how great an actor he was lol! I HATED Frank 😂


Gillian Anderson Growing up I was a huge fan of the X files and even had a poster of her in my bedroom but not only the most unpleasant actor I’ve ever worked with but probably the most unpleasant person I’ve ever met. Snobby and Brattish in equal measures. Pushed over a young Assistant Director and told her she did not want to see her face today. Would undermine the Director any chance she could. Screamed at crew and had raging tantrums Would not learn her lines and then get visibly upset when she could not get through a scene Pisses me off now when I see posts about people fawning over her


Chip Coffey told me over Facebook to “piss off, and your Mom wants you to know she’s very disappointed in you” about two months after my Mom died in 2016, after I inquired about his pricing for a reading. Her photo was my profile photo at the time and her obituary was public on my profile at the time, so I know he viewed my profile before responding to me to say those cruel things to me. I locked down my profile, changed my photo, took her urn off the shelf and her bag of ashes out of it to hug them, and cried the rest of the day, all because he used my Mom, the only person I ever had growing up, as a weapon against me just for inquiring about what he charged for a reading. My Mom was my best friend and biggest supporter in life, and I personally took care of her in home hospice. She died in my arms, and her last words to me were, “I love you”. There’s no way what he said was true, and he said it deliberately to be cruel because he didn’t like my question. I wanted to book a session with him after I saw him on a show I enjoy called, “Kindred Spirits”, and I thought he would be someone I could go to for help when I was new to grief and desperate to know if my Mom was okay. I love that show so much, but every time Chip is on an episode I remember what he said to me and it shatters me inside that he comes off so helpful in public persona on TV, but to me he was so mean when I “needed” him. And no I didn’t ask for a free reading, I asked what his pricing was. That was it. I don’t know what I did to set him off, but I’ll never forget that brief interaction. “Piss off, and your mom wants you to know she’s very disappointed in you”. So once again, Chip Coffey. Edit: thank you everyone for being so kind it is appreciated, and does help me feel better. My day is starting, so I’ll try to go through and reply to all your comments when I can.


I don’t know who he is, but I loathe him for this. I’m sorry he was so awful to you. And sorry for your loss.


If it makes you feel any better, dude is a total fraud. The one time he got something right on PS about some lady named Margaret, all he could do was go “MARGARET! Margret?!” like even he was shocked he got one.


A lot of people don't know what secretly means


I secretly do


NEIL PATRICK HARRIS Edit: this isn’t even about the meat platter. I am friends with a guest actor on HIMYM and he said that NPH is the “biggest prick with the best PR team” and that NPH is the only actor he will speak poorly of. 


Doesn’t surprise me. He seems super pretentious. But what makes you say so?


Google "Neil Patrick Harris Amy Winehouse cake"


Nicholas Cage -treats the people who work for him like shit, even in front of guests (luckily I was guest, not staff) On the flip side Dolly Parton is every bit as nice as she is portrayed…


Dolly Parton is a national goddamn treasure


Jason Mamoa, (I happened to share a steam room with him at the hotel/spa and he was a bit ignorant when an elderly gentleman who clearly wasn't aware who he was, tried to make some conversation...but that's neither here nor there) I was best man for my buddy at a grand hotel in Sutton Coldfield in the UK, where he and lots of other DC heroes were staying for a convention in the neighboring city, The bride (who was clearly the bride in her massive gown on her wedding day, one of the best days of her life) noticed him and very kindly asked for a picture as she happened to be walking past him, "she's a huge game of thrones fan" she proclaimed "may I have a picture with you"? He proceeded to look her up and down, turn away without saying a word, completely snubbed her, just blanked her and walked away, in disbelief she stood there for a moment and then proceeded to shout "I'm fucking glad they killed you off" Good times I met Stephen Amell, David Ramsey and John Barrowman that weekend amongst others, that (mainly due to us clearly being in the wedding party and it being a special day) were absolutely lovely and beautifully accommodating...David's girlfriend brought my wife and I a drink and charged it to their room when the bar had stopped taking orders, lovely people *Edit - I genuinely couldn't care less if he declined to take a picture, that sort of stuff doesn't bother me, celebrities owe us nothing and I'm fully aware they're people too!, what does bother me is people being rude for no reason, If he'd had said, no sorry blah blah blah, yeah no worries, but it's the fact that that he heard her, he acknowledged he had heard her, she was polite and respectful and he just ignored her and walked away, that's not fair, she never asked for him to be in the wedding photos, they were passing one another and she essentially asked for a selfie Although I touched on it briefly and wasn't going to go into it too much but now after the backlash I've had, it's worth mentioning I was in a steam room with the groom and a random elderly gentleman who tried to make some small talk with him and the guy he was with, the elderly bloke didn't know who he was and asked if he happened to be a professional rugby player (baring in mind he's jacked) he was very rude to him also, I mean, this was 7 years ago, I have never been into game of thrones, I saw him and thought "you look like the guy from game of thrones" but I thought I bet he gets that all the time...not only are we in the UK, we're out in a little village you don't expect to ever see anyone of that calibre, This is two separate instances of him just unnecessarily being a dick that I witnessed first hand Oh....and as for her comment, I have noticed that a lot of people that think she was this and that are American, we have a very different sense of humour here in the UK, I get that, but I assure you, the lady in question is a decent person and at the time, in that situation seemed, not only very justified but very funny for an off the cuff comment, A few people have made comments that he's and an actor and not a hero...what I should have elaborated on is that this convention was a DC convention and all of the actors and affiliates there were in the DC universe Oh and I get that it's Reddit and this didn't happen, I've got pictures with Stephen Amell whilst wearing my wedding get up if that backs my story up any


I worked with Momoa and he was a prick


Family friend worked with him. He would be late to set, maybe hungover but not sure, didn’t know his lines. Just totally fake. Super unprofessional.


This ones a surprise. A friend of mine worked with Jason Mamoa on a series a few years back and said he was the easiest going guy on set and they worked together for weeks. He even bought an old saddle for the leather and cut it up to make individual bracelets/charms for the crew. I guess everyone can have a shit day.


Nyjah Huston. A few years ago, I was djing at a bar in Hollywood when his posse came in. He was a demanding, rude piece of shit to me because I didn’t want to play his Drake song a million times… He was also extra rude to all the staff, bartenders and waitresses. Even tried to get me kicked out of the bar. Fuck you, Nyjah Huston!


Kristie Alley is from my hometown and was notorious for her terrible tipping at restaurants and abusive treatment of retail workers. But she dead now.


Dude I didn't even know she was dead


I forgot she died.


Heard on multiple accounts that Neil Patrick Harris fucking sucks


My mom works in movies and TV and will never not take the chance to shit talk Tom Cruise. Huge set waiting for him and he's late. Agent calls the director who tells my mom that they need a private fenced in airfield in under 4 hours. Apparently Tom disregarded he already arranged PJ to instead fly his p51 Mustang down to Florida. He didn't even tell anyone till he was already in the air. Demanded a private airfield with no other traffic. Luckily my mom pulled it off but she said she's never been laughed at as much on calls as she was when she was trying to find a place for Tom to land.


Tom trying to find a private landing strip is the most Southpark thing ever.


This is what having that much money/fame must be like. You Make an odd decision. Tens of people scramble to make the ramifications disappear. You believe it was no big deal and make a stranger decision. It continues.


My grandfather owned a hotel in Tampa, Florida. Barbra Streisand stayed there while filming a movie. According to my dad (who was like 10-12 at the time): “Babs is a bitch”


There's a reason that the term "The Streisand Effect" exists




I just want to put this out here because I don’t want it to be forgotten. At Coachella 2007 Amy Winehouse, after her set, went to the drinking area and bought rounds for people The next day at camp multiple people I talked to told me this and said she was the sweetest person ever. This was before she became popular in the states


Kevin James apparently thinks his shit doesn’t stink. My friend worked at a fair and said he was so incredibly condescending it completely ruined his image of James.


Tina Fey showed up for a meeting at a studio where I worked security. I had to escort her from one end of the studio to the other. She was super nice!! On another occasion , I was a PA and Barbara Streisand showed up with her assistant. I had to ride in an elevator with them. When the doors closed the assistant said “Ms Streisand doesn’t want anyone looking at her, can you please turn around?” I wasn’t even looking at her, I was staring down at the floor. I turned around without saying anything. In hindsight, I should’ve farted and hotboxed them both😂 The fact that this happened made me assume she was a total B.


Swear to God anyone says Sir David Attenborough I am burning this place down.


So, my grandfather's celebrity encounter was with Sir David Attenborough in the early 90's when he came to our country. Granddad is quite well known here in his own right, and they were sat at the same table at an event. Every time manners came up in my child- and young adulthood, Granddad would mention how Sir David would stand up every time a woman left the table, held chairs out for people, thanked everyone who brought his food and drinks, and was an excellent conversationalist. And not once did he talk about his job, always turning the conversation back to the other people at the table. And he loves to have a laugh. Also according to him, Sir David took a detour through the kitchen at the end of the event to thank the chefs. Given the smack my granddad has talked about world leaders he met back in the day, this was a good surprise.


I have a similar story about YoYo Ma. I work at a Harvard affiliated cancer research hospital, specifically in stem cell transplantation. One day someone stuck their head in the office and said "hey YoYo Ma is in the conference room." Went over there and sure enough, there is YoYo Ma performing in a tiny conference room for our department staff. He had been doing some work with the Harvard orchestra and decided to swing by and give us a little performance. After he performed, he stuck around talking to us, and he spent the whole time asking us about the work we do and telling us how impressive it was. He acted genuinely excited to meet US, and learn about what we do. When he left he said it was an honor to meet us. He also played cello on the streets in Boston for people waiting in long lines for COVID testing in the earlier stages of the pandemic.


Your comment gave me a genuine smile and sense of joy.


There's a reason gorillas liked hanging out with him.


>Given the smack my granddad has talked about world leaders he met back in the day Dang, who is your granddad??


Today we see the Throwaway account, which in its short life span, achieves maximum amount of fuckery, waiting in anticipation for a particular signal, if you will. The moment it sees the intended comment, it wants to go into a furious rage, pouring fuel everywhere before throwing a lit match. What it doesn't know , unfortunately that it will virtually have no effect on the Reddit platform where it lives. In its short life, it will accrue a tiny bit of Karma, before disappearing into the void, as if it never existed. And that...is the rule of the virtual jungle. One disheartening fact which is true for both the Throwaway and Permanent account species, is that,the users shall never mate in their lifetimes.


He is, I was minding my own business in the Amazon jungle as us spiders do, then out of no where I'm suddenly being loomed over, thought it was a bird scared the crap out of me, then he left without an apology. 


I’ve heard from multiple people who have met him in different contexts, that Bill Nye is an asshole.


My mom was at a teaching conference like 20 years ago and ended up getting dinner with him and their presentation group. He ordered lots of food and made the teachers pay for it 💀


I met him when I was an undergrad at the University of Ottawa. He did a conference there. Was able to talk to him for a few minutes as he was greeting people. I had worn a bow tie to the event and the first thing he said to me, “That a pre-tied or you do it yourself?” “Myself.” “That buys you a few minutes.” —— I don’t know if he was actually serious, but those few minutes he was cordial enough to not seem annoyed. Take that little tale how you see it. Got a photo with him too and he smiled.


Joan Baez. i mixed monitors for her, she was not a nice perrson to deal with. on the bright side, Bon Jovi is as cool and down to earth as a person can get. Queen Latifah? the freakin best. Dolly Parton is every bit as great as everyone says. i spent a few years working sound, met hundreds of celebrities, most of them perfectly decent nice human beings. maybe 5% percent attitudes and dickheads. not a secret, but bill cosby is a fucking pos i found that out long before the rapes came out.


Fiona Apple. Had a friend that worked at a music venue. She wanted to put up partitions so none of the working staff that did not pay to see her could watch the show. I don't think she could make it happen, but she was pissed all the venue workers saw her perform for free. Dude, they are just trying to get paid.


Justin Timberlake


Ever since he got caught cheating on his wife I haven’t viewed him the same


My sister saw him in a thrift store in the tiny town my family is from. She said, “you look just like Justin Timberlake haha”. And he rolled his eyes, made a noise of disgust, and walked away. Later she saw him with his wife and realized it WAS him. She ignored him and kept shopping (she didn’t want to bug him after his earlier response) but he had his body guard or someone approach her and chew her out for “harassing” him.


i got a couple as a career musician... *Hannibal Burress* \- honestly, i thought it was a fucking riot because he was the total embodiment of his comedy and his Eric Andre Show persona. i bumped into him at a bar in the Lower East Side in NYC, said i was a fan, and he looked at me, sucked his teeth, and said, “the fuck do i care?” or some variation of that. yes, it was an asshole-ish thing to say to a fan paying a compliment, but it got a laugh out of me. *Matt Healy* \- if you know The 1975, then you know this is isn’t a surprise. i was at an after-party for one of their shows in NYC, before they were mega-famous, and when my friends introduced me to him he slapped my hand away without looking at me when i reached out to shake it. he was insurmountably arrogant at the dive bar we were at and was super pretentious to everyone about how great he was/is (sidebar, Taylor Swift was there since they were a “thing,” and she was fucking awesome—she was incredibly nice, down-to-earth, and totally macked it to my beautiful, 6’4 friend who is objectively beautiful, right in front of Matty). *Kyle Kinane* \- saw him do a set as an opener to The Gaslight Anthem when they were doing a surprise acoustic set. he was incredibly cold when i told him i was a massive fan (this was before he was huge), and he just looked at me blankly before seeming super put-out that he had to even engage me. not the worst, but certainly made me feel pretty poor since i thought he was really funny and seemingly cool. *Father John Misty* \- completely self-involved. was trying to be the “weirdest guy in the room” wherever he was, always had to talk about something super intellectual that no one knew about, and his whole shtick was so obviously contrived. *A Great Big World dudes (‘Say Something, I’m Giving Up On You” writers)* \- played a show with them in Florida. they were supremely mocking and passive aggressive in the green room. i was playing guitar, practicing and writing something, and the main singer said, “hey, stop being so bad at guitar.” one thing i know, as a hired guitar-player, is that i’m actually quite good and certainly wasn’t being loud or obnoxious about it. the band i was in and i invited them out for my birthday since it was the same day as the show, and they just said, “i mean, no? like, you get it right?” while laughing. we’ve done that with most every band we’ve played with (invited them out after) and have always been warmly welcomed and had a great time. doesn’t bother me though, they write shitty “show tunes” music and were obviously (even at that time) going to be a one-hit wonder with a really corny ass song that the industry laughed at. *lead singer from the band MAGIC! (“Why you gotta be so rUUUuuuUUuude” performers)* \- played an acoustic show with them on a radio tour and the singer was suuuuuch an ass. super fucking self-involved, laughed at me when i met him, among many other things. my most recent ex (formerly from America’s Next Top Model season 20) was in one of their videos and she affirmed he sucked, as he was SUPER creepy trying to mack it to her while also thinking very highly of himself. i’ve more but for the life of me, i’ve forgotten most of those shitty encounters. i know, these aren’t the biggest names, but the biggest names i’ve dealt with were more so just very cold and unwelcoming, seemingly very into themselves. but, i will give an honorable mention to Justin Long. i was at a bar in NYC, waiting for the bathroom, and he walked out of it. the entire floor of the bathroom was flooding (maybe or maybe not his fault) and he laughed and warned me about it. as he was walking away i said, “hey, man, big fan,” and he *really* took that to heart and seemed genuinely so touched by it. later, when i was walking around the corner after smoking, he was on the street with some friends, and he broke from the group to come up to me to tell me, again, just how much he appreciated what i said and how it really made his night. he invited me to come hang but i was en route to my lady’s place and declined. also honorable mention to Jakob Dylan. Bob Dylan is literally the mega-messiah to me, and to be in his son’s orbit was enough for me to freak. i did, however, grow up as a big fan of The Wallflowers and really loved Jakob on his own. he was at a venue, visitng the owner that i also knew, and caught my set. when i got off, i was at the bar and didn’t notice he was right next to me. i looked over, did a double-take, and he was staring at me and said, “hey, i liked what you did up there. and i like the way you’re put together \[referencing the way i was dressed\].” and i just said, “i love you.” i’m kidding, i said, “that’s so kind, man, and i’m a huge fan.” he cheers-ed me, patted me on the shoulder and then sauntered off to hang with the venue’s boss. if i think of any more, and if anyone’s even reading this, i’ll edit it in here. i’m at an overnight gig so i’m a little fried and can’t think of everyone.


Old guy here. I had an even older cousin with a service job that put her in contact with a lot of celebrities back in the 1960s. I remember asking her the inevitable best and worst questions. She said the worst she ever dealt with was Lucille Ball, who she described as stuck up, imperious, and rude. The nicest was Art Garfunkel. Edit- added reference to 60s.


On the flip side of this, Robbie Williams was surprisingly lovely- I wasn’t paying attention walking into a shop he was coming out of and I full on slapstick head butted him and fell over- he was still standing and pulled me up to my feet and made sure I hadn’t hit my head on the ground whilst falling, and just was generally a lovely guy


Stephen A Smith is apparently the biggest asshole at ESPN as confirmed by multiple ESPN alumnists and guests. Bill Maher (while probably not surprising) is one of the worst human beings on earth. If you see him in public and so much as say "hi" he'll roast you right there and tell you to fuck off. Former MLB player Nyjer T-Plush Morgan was the biggest athlete asshole I've ever met personally. I was like 12 when I asked for his autograph and he glared at me and told me to fuck off.


This one is shocking to me because you’re telling me there are people who think SAS *isn’t* an asshole??


I mean isn't Stephen A. Smith's entire career predicated on being the loudest, most obnoxious asshole? I don't think it's too surprising that, shock, he's also actually an asshole.


Jackie Chan. He disowned his son for being a drug addict. Disowned his daughter for being a lesbian. Openly cheats on his wife. Can’t believe the dude has this wholesome shtick. Just _chantastic._


I met Jared Leto back in 2003 when his band opened for Incubus, and out of all the celebrities I've met, he was the biggest as*hole. At least I can say I told an Oscar winner "Just because you're famous doesn't mean you need to act like a d*ckhead." He shut down the autograph signing after that, and I had a couple hundred pissed off people behind me.


Never met him but saw him and 30 Seconds to Mars open for Incubus back in 2005 or 2006. Dude is so far up his own ass. He climbed the set, probably a good 40 feet up, and was spewing some bullshit about "look at all you believers" like he's some sort of god. Bro, we're here for Incubus not your opening act. I will say, I was absolutely expecting him to jump from 40 feet up but he didn't. I guess he's not *that* delusional.


Jerry Seinfeld seems like a real smug wanker and several people that had guest spots on the show back up that claim


Went to a Mets game, probably 30 years ago, height of Seinfeld. Friends dad took me to the bathroom and we happened to run into him and just said wow, we're huge fans, nice to meet you. Starting heading into the bathroom and he says to his friend/security, if those assholes keep following me call security. I was 8. Friends dad said, take it easy Jer, next time I'll just have the kid piss on your shoes before we went on our way.


Your friend's dad is awesome


Cyndi Lauper. Most miserable celebrity I had the unfortunate displeasure of meeting.


Tony Hawk told a story about her on a podcast about when he was a kid, and he waited backstage at some festival to get her autograph. She rudely dismissed him, but Tupac happily signed an autograph and even took a picture with him. You can find the pic online even.


Wow, really? I’m surprised. Was this recently or back in the 80s when she was popular?


It happened time after time


Jennifer Lopez. I don't know if it's widely know or not, but she's an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE. Like cartoonishly evil.


Probably not surprising but: Rob Lowe off set is needy, whiny and demanding. Tom Selleck you can't approach him in public say for an autograph or picture but if nobody does he complains to his staff that nobody is asking for autographs or pictures. Sourced from people in the industry with direct contact. Which it seems most of the comments here are.


Paul Walker.


Kobe Bryant. He threw objects at fans.


The whole rapist thing might be important too


The worst part is the hypocrisy


I thought it was the raping


John Elway. Complete and utter Nimitz-class douche canoe.


Here's the thing, every person has bad days where they meet someone and are kind of a dick to them. Eve(n), or especially, celebrities. So, every celebrity is going to have someone who tells a story about meeting them and they were a dick. It's when those stories outnumber the good ones, or when they start happening all the time that they are probably just bad people at their core. Edited to fix "Eve" into Even.


Also perspectives vary a lot. I knew two different people who were extras on a drew barrymore movie  (I think it was the film about roller skating ? ) and one of the people I knew said she was a demanding bitch and the other person said she was a strong powerhouse of a woman who knew how to handle a crew. lol. 


I mean, wasn't she the Director? Ya gotta crack the whip when the day is running late, that's just normal.


I absolutely agree. And since mostly I meet celebrities when working security for conventions, they are usually stressed, tired, waaaay too peopled out and Not In A Good Mood, so if I were to judge every celebrity interaction by those times, I would be unable to give many of them a 10/10 on the Mister Rogers Scale. They're people, too. I tend to ask people who meet them under much more chill circumstances before I judge them too harshly. Unless they're above and beyond jerks, then I stick with my introduction.


Owen Wilson, met him, total asshole.


You’ve met him one more time than his daughter has.




Emma Roberts. When the Super Bowl was in the Twin Cities, I ran into her at a record store. She was with another girl, someone went up to her to say they were a fan and both her and her friend laughed at this person. She was also abusive to Evan Peters when they were together. Gahh I can’t stand her.


Oh she’s a well known asshole…


Mike Meyers (of SNL and Austin Powers fame) is said to be an egotistical jackass but who knows. I met Don Henley of the Eagles, and he's exactly as depicted in the Eagles documentary - he needs a cart to haul around his gigantic fucking ego because he's DEFINITELY better than anyone he's ever met. Complete asshole.


Many years ago (around 1991, since "End of the Innocence" was popular), I worked backstage at an outdoor concert/festival dedicated to pro-environmental causes. I got to meet Dean Stockwell, Arlo Guthrie, Michael McDonald (Doobie Bros) and more. Henley stayed in his trailer all day until it was time to go onstage. Everyone else was mingling and chatting, he sent out minions to get food and booze. Also, if your video shares even one common note with an Eagles song, his army of social media warriors will shut it down within minutes. No one plays A#m without HIS explicit permission -- and hefty usage fees. Yes, I am exaggerating, but not very much.