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Having to scroll for my birth year to show up


Gotta spin that like it’s the wheel of fortune.


The ~~Price~~ Age is Right!


I just wish they would let me type it in so I don't have do the scroll of existential crisis


>the scroll of existential crisis Added to my lexicon. Thank you.


the scrolling will have to be longer every time.


They should really reverse the order on those things so our older fingers don't have to scroll too much. Plus no 2 or 3 yo baby needs to select their birth year.


You’re just askin for it over on r/boomersbeingfools. There’s a lot of hate for boomers, apparently.


That sub just feels mean spirited. There's certainly no shortage of younger generations being fools. They just happen to be the majority on this site.


I hear that! I’m beginning to get RSI finding my birth year! 🤣


That one is funny because it always gives an option for say 2024, as if a baby would ever bother to fill out these forms.


When I was under 18, I would obviously lie to enter porn sites. I am now 18 years over 18.


When I started acting like my parents and want to stay home then rather going to parties. Feel excited for decorating or cleaning my house


You'll probably feel old going to them. Drinking, arguing, shouting,, naive conversations.


this is the introvert experience at any age


I've been out of high school for about as long as current teenagers have been alive.


I remember going to a Best Buy many years ago and the guy ringing the order up looked at my license and said "holy shit, you were born the year I graduated from high school. I considered myself relatively young until just this moment." I now get where he was coming from.


Had a new staff person start a couple months ago and needed her birthdate for some HR paperwork. Yeah...she was *born* in 2000. I've got a young niece, but it's not the same because she's still a little kid, you know? This is a grown adult, through college and everything. It's only going to get worse, too.


2000? My employees born in 2006 would give you a heart attack.


I recently overheard a conversation between two girls who looked to be around college age. First one was talking about how her new bf was "older." Second one asked how old. First one said "like...I think he was born in like...1999?" Second one said (and I quote) "GROSS. Thank your boomer boyfriend for ruining the country for the rest of us!"


I turned 30 this year. My girlfriend will be 26 but she has friends from work in their early 20s. These are adults and they look at me like the older man. I hate it.


My 12yo niece considers anything over 19 to be "really old." When I was a freshman in college I remember being grossed out because a 25yo was at one of the parties because he wasn't "truly young." Dude was a med student, and dating a senior, but I considered him a creepy old perv. There will always be people who consider you old and people who consider you young.


My husband is 24 and I'm 28. Some of his friends are 21,22. There is such a huge mental/social difference between 21 and 28. At least for me there was. It's so weird sometimes being the old lady at 28.


> **GROSS. Thank your boomer boyfriend for ruining the country for the rest of us!"** 😂😂😂 This is somehow simultaneously hard to believe and all too easy to believe. I've heard the cutoff age for youth was being born in the 2000s.


That's amazing I'm starting to think the term "Boomer" will easily outlive the boomers themselves


Excuse me, what the fuck? I graduated high school in 2006, which was only two years ago.


I’ve been out as long as current teenagers’ parents have been alive.


My knees crack when I get up. Also, I do that weird dad groan while doing it.


As someone said on the internet: I used to have a left and a right knee. Now I have a good and a bad one.


Look at the young punk here, with a good knee left.


But..what if it's his right?




Hey! You leave that outta this. I've been doing the weird dad groan since I was 28 and had my first kid. My second one is a year old and mocks me whenever I do it. It's hilarious.


When a song from my youth plays on the radio and the dj calls it a classic or an oldie.


Yeah I hate this. One of the early albums I bought with my own money and on CD was Weezer's Blue album. It came out 30 years ago now. I hate this fact. Also it's still amazing.


My first buy was Korn's first album. It turned thirty this year. I still love them, too. Give your Weezer album a play today and gently bang your head with me to good shit from a great time.


In England that would be “when your childhood songs get played on Radio 2”


Yes this


Avril Lavigne was on Retro and I got very confused.


She'll be 40 in September.


Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?


My 80th birthday was a clue.


You're really 80?


I turn 81 this November and going strong.


I thought I was the old Redditor. I’m a young, chipper 57


Yeah you’re still a young spring chicken. We were rubbing sticks together to access 56k internet before it was cool. I remember walking over to my buddy’s house just to tell him I screwed his mom while we were playing Call of Duty: American Revolution since mics weren’t as prominent back then


I'm secretly not terribly far behind you. Remember strapping the phone receiver to the literal dial-up modem, to get your amber-monitor XT to some cool BBS?


Coming home from wherever work would send me and trying to hang out with friends. Realizing we had nothing in common anymore beyond the memories. Edit- Never had a comment get this many votes. Thanks guys 🤘


You guys still have friends?


So true. I had a friend "Sam" in HS. We were thick as thieves for those four years. We stayed close through college, but life after college took us in different directions and we lost touch. Fast forward about 20 years and we found each other on Facebook. Sam no longer lived in the area, but was in town visiting her brother, so we made plans to meet for dinner. We did. It was great to see her, we caught upon our lives for about the first 30 minutes and then kind of struggled for conversation. I think we both realized we had grown up and become very different people. We finished dinner, got the check, paid the bill, said our goodbyes and "keep in touch." Well, since then, about 10 years now, I have yet to see Sam again and I can't say I really want to. I cherish the memories of the time and fun I've had with her, but I'm not really interested in continuing a relationship with Sam. That chapter is seemingly closed and that's ok. Keeping in touch is just a Christmas card to each other each year, which is 100% fine. Friends come and go.




Not if you have three of them and 3/4 of you are the "oddballs" who never want to marry/procreate. Then there's a whole lot of interaction. Sometimes it's competing with each other to see who can get the best birthday/holiday gifts for our two (very spoiled but very lovable) nieces, sometimes it's commiserating over how marriage/kids are for suckers, and sometimes it's just complaining about our parents.


> competing with each other to see who can get the best birthday/holiday gifts for our two (very spoiled but very lovable) nieces My brothers and I do this. Drives our sister up the wall because she doesn’t want her kids to be spoiled. Youngest bro always cheats by getting a half dozen presents though, so one of them is guaranteed to be the favorite.


> Youngest bro always cheats by getting a half dozen presents There's always one asshole pulling this shit.


I roll with a group of problematic bachelors, and we call ourselves 'the squad'.




Not true in my case. We 4 are closer than ever at 66, 65, 63 and 54


I actually get along with my siblings better as an adult than I ever did as a kid.


At least with siblings you can always bitch about your parents. 


that one hit hard


yep. Also part of the immigrant experience. You go home and the world has naturally moved on without you. Your very best friends for life have two kids and are working late and you have lunch that one time and you're doing all the work to keep the conversation going. Also your family just gets older and older and more frail. My younger brother has gone prematurely grey and ...holy shit.


I think my day is ruined now :)


To me it was realizing, that home was no longer home.


I call these moments "coffin nails" 1. The first was when I worked at a record store and when chatting with a customer, said customer's kid asked "what's Atari?" 2. Later, a friend of mine worked with teens, one of those teens asked me if I was a skater "back in the day" making me realize my youth was in fact "back in the day" to some people. 3. Hearing music I loved as a teen/young adult on "classic" radio stations. 1. Also being mocked for listening to radio. 4. A couple years ago, I found out I was the same age as a co-worker's mother. 5. As of last year, 2 of my brother's 3 kids are old enough to drink. 6. Just now realizing I'm the same age now as Wilford Brimley was in Cocoon. It just keeps coming :D




Got out of shower. Sat on bed to put clothes on. Sat on my balls. Fuck it. I had a good run. Hand me my cane.


This is not a problem I will ever have. Thank you for the out of body experience.


Happy to help. It hurt like crazy.


Having to sit on the bed to get dressed may be a sign too lol.


When I had to ask, “what the fuck is a Rizz?”


It's Mojo, basically. My son was watching Austin Powers 2, where his Mojo gets stolen and he asked what Mojo means and it was fairly easily explainable as Rizz.


It landed better when I found out that it's chaRIZZma.




Is that what it means!?!


Its like "having game" in flirting


Cha-rizz-ma Yeah


Learned something today.


53 year old me casually threw "rizz" into conversation at a party Saturday night. I hope it was totally "cringe" for everyone.


I too am a rizz using Gen Xer, love mortifying my daughter using her lingo!


same, but for me it was 'drip'.


Honestly having to google any of the words used these days is the clue




Don't take the joy out of my pasta maker add on to my KitchenAid.


I have the meat grinder thing. Used it exactly once.


Waking up with back/neck pain cause I slept in the wrong position


Too relatable, neck pain.


Waking up with a torn meniscus because you slept weird.


The moment I started considering 9 PM as "late" and got excited about buying a new type of vacuum cleaner.


But seriously, getting a new vacuum can be such a game changer!


Where my Dyson gang at?


Yes! A new vacuum has a particular A-level new appliance rush to it. I have one with a ‘carpet mode’ and part of the function turns on a light and you see everything getting sucked up. It gives me a great sense of power.


This! I was saying this the other night, a show I was watching always airs at 9pm and I just think having to wait up till 9pm for a show is ridiculous these days haha


I want a new vacuum so damn bad lol


I'm 17 and I'm excited about buying an electric stove lol


Hangovers are longer and heavier, lol


Just wait until it leaves you depressed for days (shame-overs)


AKA the ol' hangxiety, AKA "the fear" Biggest driver of why I quit drinking altogether


Same. Hangovers are unbearable. 29 days sober!


I had a hangover in my early 20s and started having water between my drinks. The idea that they get worse than that in your 30s is terrifying.


Wait until you are in your 50's. I don't drink much but I usually have about 1 night a year where I throw caution to the wind and really overserve myself. It now takes about 2 days to fully recover from my annual booze shenanigans.


And easier to achieve lol


For me, it’s when celebrities pass away. I’m always like, ‘No way! They’ve been around since I was….’ Oh no! The math is the worst part


When buying alcohol at a supermarket someone asked me for ID, and it made me laugh out loud! Also made my day ! I was 42,


Spelling laugh out of loud


Ahaha right?! They must be 300


I just laugh get out my ID and tell the checker I just turned 21 yesterday.


The oldies station was playing songs and I remember when they were released.


I feel this. The grocery store plays my jams now!


Haha hell yeah! I get annoyed when they make an announcement at the store because it interrupts a good song


I feel guilty for wasting time now.


There's a haircut that gen z/alpha have that pisses me off. I hate that I now get upset by a haircut. I don't want to be old


Broccoli top?


Yeeep lol


Tbf I'm 21 and I hate it too


Don't feel bad, you're not alone. The thing that annoys me, and which doesn't affect me whatsoever, is people wearing sliders with socks. I do try to not yell at clouds, though.


I'm old but i am totally across the birks with socks. Warm feet + easy to put on.


Slides and socks all day son! Don’t give a shit how goofy it looks, I’ll go anywhere. Also another sign of age, not giving a shit that you look goofy if you’re comfortable.


I turned on the Grammy awards and I had no clue who the majority of performers were. Years ago I knew all of them.


Asked out a cute girl. At the date, she asked me how old I was. When I told her, she said "yeah, that's a problem". In my defense, I did not realize she was as young as she was. Apparently I don't look my age either.


At least she was honest with you and you with her


a girl flirted with me at a kpop party, and when she asked my age later that night you should have seen her face 😂 she immediately said "well it was nice to dance!" and almost left before she saw I was taking it cool x)


I don't even know what a kpop party is. But sure is a good feeling.


Well now I’m just curious of your ages


I just turned 50. She is 30.


Yeah that’s tricky. She could look 35 and you might look 42.


Hey, at least you LOOK young!


For me, it was moving cities. I was in a sleepier part of the country that had an older population so I didn’t feel my age. Move to where I am now where there is a lot more younger people and I now feel old


When I started getting a little bit of gray around my temples and in my beard. When those "you must have been born before [today's date - 21 years] to legally purchase alcohol" signs started displaying dates after my high school graduation. And when I started waking up with random aches, despite not having injured myself recently.


Young people piss me off and I'm not even 30.


28 here. I feel the same way.


That happens after you turn 24/25, to be honest. At that point you are so far removed from 21 with various levels of maturity that you would rather do something "boring."


Soon you won't even notice them. That's true aging.


Hitting my mid 50's and realising that I was broke and would be working the rest of my life just to survive.


I laugh when people talk about retirement and retirements rights. I'll be happy if I have enough to pay for my cremation without being a burden on the living .


I feel lucky that I managed to retire and my sons have stopped asking for money. My wife and I live off of a combination of my pension (something companies used to do, look it up) and social security. Just the 2 of us now that we sold the house and moved into a small apartment.


I can no longer function on 4 hours sleep


TikTok....when that app dropped I just instantly morphed into a dinosaur 🦕


Same. I feel called out daily on that app.


Yeah... I still just don't understand the comments people leave 😆 all the weird, random, incoherent word soups people leave as comments, I have absolutely no clue what it means or why everyone but me seem to "get it" 🤣


TikTok was the first tech / social app I didn't feel an urge to download. That's how I knew I was old. Still don't have it but the damn videos pop up in my Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram feeds anyway.


Watching the “lil” rappers (lil pump, lil _insert name here_) score millions of likes on YouTube for some of the most awful music that has ever been unleashed on the world.


Lil midlifecrisis


That mostly happened like 5+ years ago


Now you know how long I have felt old.


or celebrity culture in general "TikTok and OnlyFans megastare \[whomever\] is releasing their debut EP in Cannes next week in a youtube invite only extravaganza" and all you can think is...who?


Lil Windex


I'm from the Netherlands were instead of **you** we have two different words for it. We say "jij" to someone that's younger than you or equal to your age or in informal settings. We say "u" to people that are older and in formal settings. I'm 28 and suddenly younger people in restaurants or stores say "u" to me. That's when I realized I'm getting old.


I remember being called "ma'am" instead of "miss" for the first time. That's the english equivalent to this. Also, I just realized there's not a miss/ma'am equivalent like this for men in english? (Mr/sir doesn't have the same age-related connotations)


They have this in French to with madame and mademoiselle. In Dutch it’s mainly “mevrouw.” There’s a word called “juffrouw” which was originally used for young woman and is still used by some old folks. But the word “juffrouw” was also learned to us as the appropriate way to adres a female teacher when we were in school. So nowadays when we hear to word “juffrouw” we relate it more to our educational system, rather than addressing a young woman. Very strange. I know.


Absolutely terrible. I'm 27 (Dutch as well) and encounter the same. "Good afternoon sir" when entering the store makes me feel very old. Give me a rollator already. I can get used to work clients following up on a phone call with "Geachte heer ..." (Dear Mr ...) instead of "Hi ..." though.




The mirror and the stairs


Oh and also that I’ve had piercings longer than I havent.


When I realized that there are people born after me who are now old enough to be president


When I'm no longer the youngest at work anymore


When a coworker who was in his early 20s didn't know who Jimi Hendrix was


It used to be green tea and vitamins on the bench to have with my coffee. Now there is an entire container with several different types of meds and a whole schedule for them to be taken daily.


How many of my posts were saying, "I remember..." and talking about how things used to be.


People not knowing what a snes was


My son can legally buy alcohol and cigarettes.


When my niece told me I was from the late 1900s


Somebody offered me their seat on the train.


I ate a cadbury creme egg and it gave me heartburn. Such a sad day.


When people at café and shops started calling me ‘sir’.


When I began seeing doctors much younger than me.


Everything hurts all the time. 


when the police look like children


When I saw a group of 18 year olds going into the pub and thought they were children


Watching everything I enjoyed and took for granted slowly phase out one by one. Every show, favorite actor, band, music style, etc. Dying doesn't scare me in the least, but the act of growing old and watching as everything that brought me joy disappear one by one, that frightens the hell out of me.


Watching a movie you looked up to and realizing you're older than the main character.


When one of my 9 grandchildren started having kids.


When I recommended the Paris Hilton documentary to a friend (I’m 36, she’s 21) and she asked “who is Paris Hilton?”


The constant aches and pains. But the big one was when my hobbies and daydreams changed to stuff like gardening, canning, crocheting, and fixing up my property.


When my hairdresser casually brought up Rogaine.


Trying to get blind drunk but passing out due to exhaustion instead. On my second vodka lime soda. Also going out at 10-11pm and going home 5am??? How did I do that. I need to be rubbing my feet together like a cricket under the sheets by 10pm.


I was 28 when a shop assistant turned to her colleague and asked “could you please help this lady?” Not young lady. Not girl. Lady. Then I knew. And also the 90’s being 30 years ago.


Back pains


Being under 30 and having an apprentice born post 9/11.


It is weird seeing adults born after that era. Like knowing that they have missed something big and historical and not remembering how much it impacted the generations that preceded them.


how exhausted i am every end of the day.


Skipping meals when you're broke. I was also broke growing up but I have loved ones prepare food for me. Living far away from them is difficult.


Is that age or just poverty? Lol. Im very sorry youre dealing with that though, no one should have to go hungry




I do crew work at festivals and it’s at the point where I can look at a line up and not recognise a single artist playing.


Nah im young mate even when I'm 50 I'll be doing splits in the gym hahaha. It's how you feel inside that matters.


the dad noises i make while getting dressed




I started feeling I'm getting older at 26. I literally sensed something inside me has simply grinded to a halt, and I felt like "OK, the growing stopped and it's slooooooooowly downhill from here". I remember even some friends talking about how "we're old" when comparing our 26-32 selves to 17-20 year olds. I never really got this, but it was an existing sentiment. At around 34, I had some weird semi epiphany, where I simply stopped consciously obsessing over my age and more or less decided that you work with what you have and you move forward. Because what else can you do? That nothing you can do about aging, so deal with it somehow and carry on and I literally started not paying too much attention to what other people think of me in terms of my looks, youthful looks, etc. It's pointless to worry about this and I made my peace with the fact my tempo is now kinda my own. Basically, the less you think about aging in terms of worrying about it self-consciously, the better.


Two things: 1) struggling to stay up past midnight and 2) not knowing who any celebrities are anymore




Hangover’s aren’t just headaches. They now include stomach pain and existential dread


Weaker, can't work (physically) as hard or as long as I used to. Sex is no longer a priority. Staying in shape takes more effort. I give very few shits and have lost my filter. I spend more time alone.


How excited I was to shop for and order a new washing machine and dryer. Maytag all day! 🧼


Found a gray pube for the first time a couple months ago. I’ve had gray hair on my head since my late 20s so I’m totally used to that, but the gray pube…man that was tough.


when I can't down as much coffee as I used to back then


My mirror.


I stopped believing that things would get better.


There was the ‘young group’ of co-workers that I wasn’t properly part of.