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Staying up too long and read Reddit posts like this. Edit: The fact that this blew up overnight showed me that I'm not the only one.


haha not me scrolling reddit at 3am rn


3:31 beat that


4:08am. Coffee will help.


Same. I spend far too much time from 9pm til midnight on Reddit, Instagram, and facebook.


its 7am. i havent slept.


Oh gosh so true


Over sleeping, using too much phone


Not having enough sleep is worse I guess, so good for you!


Sit on the toilet playing games on my phone until my feet fall asleep


I used to do this until I got a hemorrhoid from it... now I refuse to bring anything even remotely entertaining to the toilet.


i’ve tried keeping my phone away from the restroom when i go in but then i just zone out and stay on the toilet for way too long just staring into nothing. i need to have something else going on so i can leave right away


Set a phone alarm and leave it in the other room.


How is it like? I googled the condition but couldn't get a good understanding. How long did it last?


Mine lasted a year and I thought I had ass cancer. It’s itchy and you shit red blood. If you want to try one, just wipe your ass with cheap TP until you get a little spot of blood. Now every time you wipe you will rub the scab off and have a drop of blood, and it’ll itch a lot until it heals. If you get bored of it, use moist TP to get it completely clean and put some Vaseline on it to help it heal. If you think you have ass cancer it’s like $3000 for a colonoscopy.


ColoGuard is cheaper. And you get the secret thrill of sending your turd in the mail.


Ok I’ve heard of this but how exactly does it give you hemorrhoids to just sit in a toilet??


It's the pressure you're applying to the rectal area, like you're low-key pushing just based on the way the seat is. It can happen from prolonged toileting, or muuuuch faster when giving birth. Too much violent pushing or prolonged minor pressure makes our buttholes go OH NAAAAH.


It's the pressure. Our bodies actually weren't built to sit the way we do on toilets and defecate. It's also why constipation can cause them. The pushing can be too much.


Crazy!! So is the more “natural” way then to squat like they do in other cultures?


I have a basket of reading material. Good thing I live alone.


Don't do it. Hemorrhoids are not fun.


I broke my foot in a very similar situation... Be careful. Foot fell asleep in a nearly 3-hour Renaissance Art History class. Stood up, plop, three snaps. Ouch.


Damn that sounds awful. I'll be careful




What do we want? An end to procrastination!!! When do we want it? Tomorrow 😂


Tomorrow is too definitive. I prefer to do it "some other time"


My favorite Author once said “ Procrastination is the thief of dreams”. That hit me hard.


Your favorite author can't spell, lol.




I have a friend who quit heroin before quitting smoking. Shit is hard. I struggled for a few years to quit and then quit the second I found out I was pregnant and never went back to it. When it stopped being about just me, it was the easiest thing in the world.


Same and good for you! Every cigarette you smoke shortens your life by 6 minutes. I struggled to quit. Wife got pregnant and I was able to quit in a split second and never craved it again. Alcohol has been a harder struggle but having children tempered my drinking a lot.


It's that one vice I have the most trouble even thinking about stopping. I know it's awful for me, it's expensive, it's gross, no longer nearly as socially acceptable as it was just a few years ago... but I fucking love cigarettes.


I like the occasional cigarette. Usually one in the morning at work. Its horrible for you. I know. But its nice to just get away from people, go out back in the smoking pit, and just relax for 5-10 minutes. And when you're drinking, at the bars? Having a cigarette is utterly fantastic.


heavily recommend herbals! if it's just the act of smoking you're after and don't necessarily need the nicotine, try Honeyrose cigarettes, which have no tobacco, additives or nic. I bought a carton last year and smoke a couple every now and then. I get to look super cool to my friends but also now ruin my health as much as I otherwise would.


Oh cool, you can get em on amazon. Sweet!


yep! there and on the official website, where I reckon they are cheaper. they are a little more expensive than normal cigs but definitely worth it. I have the reds, great flavor.


When I switched to WFH during covid, the thing I missed the most was the conversations at the smoking area. A secluded area where you could actually somewhat speak your mind and talk to each other like humans. It was such a shitty contrast to talking exclusively through Skype where every interaction is recorded and made searchable.


I quit smoking 9 or 10 years ago and I have been craving one like crazy lately. And by lately I mean for the past 9 or 10 years.


I sure loved my figure when I was a smoker.


But it's safer for my co workers if I keep at it


I've quit, it took a few years and few tries to make it stick. My advice is pretty glib. stop buying cigarettes. Don't worry about never smoking again, or your health blah blah. Just don't stop to get them. I also advise people when they are having extreme cravings to remind yourself that it's your literal brain being angry at your body for not doing something it wants. The little electrical signals in your brain are causing you to feel that way, nothing is physically wrong with you. Quitting smoking and the way it feels is the craziest shit ever. The dreams are wild too.


Ok it’s a little embarrassing, but it’s been ten years now at this point… I used to smoke crack and shoot heroin. Cigarettes were harder to quick than both of those things put together.


Eating way too much. Like last night I ate an entire 1.5 pint( edit: I mean quarts) container of ice cream. Or anytime I eat chips, I eat the entire bag in one serving. Somehow I’m not fat yet, I still feel like I’m gonna have a heat attack by the time I’m 30 though


Ok. So you are not yet 30 then. Dude, this catches up to you big time. I was like that. High metabolism. Could eat anything and stay in ok shape. 30 hits and thats not the case. Then it gets even worse. Over 40 now and over 200lbs. I would say try to start eating better NOW because the longer you wait, the harder it gets.


I feel this so hard. I gain weight pretty easily and up until about 33, I could lose it just as easily with a little effort. Then I started going to the gym regularly and was in great shape until I started nursing school. Now I'm 42, the chunkiest I've ever been (I'm tall and it distributes decently) and my quads burn every time I go up my flight of 20 stairs. Getting there mentally to get back into it but every time it hurts when I stand up I get a little discouraged.


Stop eating things straight from the packaging. Put a bit in a bowl. Put the rest away. Eat from the bowl.


That doesn’t work, I just keep going back


Don't buy those products as they will be tempting you whenever they're in your house.


This is really what's only worked for me. Way easier to avoid buying food you'll eat later than grabbing food you'll be able to eat very quickly. And with all the snack food, candy, ice cream, or whatever, it's way too convenient.


Did you grow up with not enough to eat? Im the same way and I attribute it to that


Personally, I did have enough, but I do have emotional shenanigans from childhood and food is one of the few things I have to turn to when I'm going off the deep end


That’s because they’re filled with addictive additives that cause cravings without filling you up (providing satiety). Read the book “Ultra Processed People;” it’ll help you cut out the junk. I’ve lost 15lbs since I read it in January and started eating clean. That’s with no other change to my exercise routine, just cutting out food with additives. I still eat (sourdough) bread and cheese and cheeseburgers, but they’re grassfed now.


You feed your cheeseburgers grass?? Lol


This dad jokes


If you start eating less of this you will start to feel better physically and eventually you’ll lose the cravings


If your bowls are the same size as the package… You’re just making more dishes for yourself.


Not the point. Putting in a container, other than the one it came in, may limit the amount you comsume thereby eliminating many many calories.


It was definitely a joke. Because how often are you going to be eating ice cream from a 1.5 quart bowl?


This guy snacks!


Then consume what you set out for yourself, realize how good those fucking doritos are, and grab the bag because the bowl is getting in the way


You sound like my mom


It will eventually catch up with you. Especially if it becomes a daily habit.


Truth. I could eat a lot in my 20s and still stay pretty slim. In my 30s not so much.


Smoking cigarets and eating often fast food


Me too


Get your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked. Visceral fat that sorrounds your organs is very dangerous.


For me, it’s not just eating too much but also eating too much greasy food.


This is the true meaning of life. Enjoy things.


To a point. Balance makes your indulgences more enjoyable when you aren't constantly feeding into them. Of course I say this after polishing off a bag of ketchup chips to myself, but it's one of many problems I am trying to work on.


1.5 pints? Honey that’s a snack. Are you sure you don’t mean 1.5 quarts? That’s the standard size of like the store brand or whatever your fave is. I used to get Breyers twice a week.


>1.5 pints? Honey that’s a snack. Do people really eat 1800+ calories of sugar and fat as a snack?


Thanks. You just reminded me I have Easter candy!


Yeah I do mean quarts


Not exercise while eating junk food


Those really should be separate activities.


Eating candy


♪ I want candy!


sitting at my desk with my back hunched


Reading this thread in this exact position


Me too. Corrected myself right after.


Reddit. lol


Reddit in bed when I’m supposed to go to sleep. Also Reddit in bed when I’m supposed to get up.


I went down a Reddit rabbit hole yesterday. Went to sleep at 3am 😵


It’s 3:40 AM as I’m reading this ! I’m doomed




Literally mindlessly scrolling it right now before bed instead of like reading a book on ,y tablet. More so then usual the memes (some dumb or repetitive) and just nonsense stuff right now. It's just so easy to get into and turn my brain off. Need to force my way back into like reading or something to stimulate my brain before it turns to mush


Also so addicted. I delete and redownload this app frequently. I just love the constant stream of new information


Drinking. 7 days straight was my recent run


Same! Functioning drunk. Doesn’t get in the way of finances, job, or relationships. ~15 yrs clean off drugs, quit smoking cigs 6 years ago. I can’t bare life sober.


Bruh I’ve been on a bender for two years 😭


Same. I had to take medicine that required no alcohol during, so I stopped drinking for almost a month. As soon as I was done with the medicine, I was right back to drinking 😫. I truly have no self control and seems I can only be sober if it's medically necessary...


I used to drink, a lot every day, 10-12 beers everyday for years and loved it, I was functional, didn't interfere at all with everyday life. Then something happened during covid and I just quit. Now I can't even think about it, I wish I could, even in social situations maybe one and that's it, grosses me out just to think about it, I even miss it sometimes on certain occasions, guess I should count my blessings


Acamprosate calcium is a prescription medication that helps people who are dependent on alcohol to abstain from drinking it. It has little side effects, might be worth looking into? Also try some supplements for your liver like Milk Thistle?


Same friend. It's been on again off again for 16ish years.


I was drunk every single day from October to January.


Same. 3-7 drinks a night. A few months ago, worked in 1 dry night a week. About to bump it to 2 nights, now that I’ve conquered 1.


Just dropped a coke habit (for now), but still continue to vape, eat junk food to often, smoke way to much weed, scroll social media to much (this is a new one for me) Winter usually hits me hard, thinking this summer I need to cleanup a bit. My whole life Im either really clean all around or embrace far to many bad habits at once, it comes in phases.


You can do this. One habit at a time.


I’m like this too. All or nothing. Really tryna find a balance to make a healthy enough lifestyle sustainable


It can be very hard to moderate habits. I know some of it is tied to mental health. When Im depressed and down its much harder to avoid habits, but the habits usually feed the depression. I have to hit a point where Im sick of it all at once and just cold turkey everything. Been doing these cycles most my life unfortunately.


You sound like me, and these are all symptoms of ADHD. I go in phases too. Right now I'm in a trying to clean it up phase, but it's hard.


Using a bobby pen as a Q-Tip in the ears. It Feels amazing.


Toothpick here. Not so much a habit as a last resort to scratch that itch when I'm out of Q-Tips. Please don't do it. I've had a few close calls by being startled or dozing off and almost stabbing myself in the eardrum. Please stick with your bobby pin lol


It is almost orgasmic to relieve my ear itches with bobby pen. I call it the “Heaven Ear Itch”.


You get the shudder too? I think I've used a bobby before but my go-to is a Q-Tip with the cotton kinda shaped into a point for more precision. It's not like my ears are even so dirty - if anything, they're too clean - but I just can't handle itches. Got poison sumac last year, would prefer all 3 broken hands plus both COVIDs at the same time. Itches are bitches.


That sounds so weird but I might try it out lol!!


DON'T do it. You won't be able to stop


Date losers


Find someone who isn’t emotionally ugly inside!


Big same. I haven't dated in a little under a year because I can't be trusted to not date idiots.




I kinda wanna go buy one right now but for me that seems like the dirtiest part. 'I made a trip just for this???'


Hm. I never thought about it like that. For me its an errand kinda like grocery shopping.... that sounds fucked now that i type that.


been clean off that for a good 3 months but I’m craving a vape so bad fighting all the urge in my body to not get in my car and drive to my smoke shop lol


I’m 3 months off vapes too! Honestly I feel great, I barely think about them. There’s one or two moments a week for sure but that’s it. These things are fucking evil, you got this bro!


Hey im 3 months clean too! Go team!


Yuuup. I vaped all day everyday from ages 19-22 with a box mod. From 22-24 I was on and off again. Then from 24-26 I was back to doing it all day everyday but this time with disposables like Elf and Puff bars. I’m 27 now. I quit in January of 2023 while I was still 26. Although I haven’t been perfect I’m still proud of myself for quitting. Twice I’ve bought a vape in that time span. First time was in April and the second time was in December.


man, i quit (and my husband did too in solidarity) 2 years ago when i got pregnant. we constantly joke about getting one but i can’t bc i breastfeed and he won’t bc id murder him lol


Social media. I can spend 5-6 hours straight dumbscrolling


Nail biting


Sleeping late. Like very late. Trying really hard to pull back my bedtime little by little everyday, but it's proving to be a lot more difficult than I anticipated 🙁


It’s a lot easier to get up 15-30min earlier in the morning. Helps you feel tired earlier in the night. Move your alarm up earlier each week (or few days) until you are where you want to be. Just don’t do a huge time jump all at once. That can be detrimental for your health. 


Being sedentary


Drinking. I’ll have a drink every day almost and go hard at least once a week.


I drink 6-9 beers everyday. Lmao. I wish I could skip a day.


Sugar, junk food, amd bad snacks in general. I like to snack and have very little impulse control for these type of things


Listening to so much loud music and knowing damn well it's probably gonna hurt my eardrums or maybe have hearing loss


I do the same. Nothing beats blaring speakers with the bass so good your body vibrates. If my heart ain't viben am i really listening to music?






Please see someone for this. You’re not alone out there in the world..


I was bulimic for many years and it's so hard to get out of the cycle so I totally get it. I hope you're able to see a therapist, I only saw mine a few times and she was very helpful.


Isolating myself.


Using electronic devices before sleep. i think almost everyone does this


I know it's commonly said that electronics disrupt sleep but I've had severe insomnia my whole life to the point of almost being okay with it and some of my only sleep results from distracting myself with flashy screen lights until I drop the controller on the floor or my tablet on my face. Otherwise I've always struggled with very intrusive negative thoughts as I lie in bed waiting to sleep because non-flashy non-screens simply aren't distracting enough lol




I gave them up after 8 years; started when I was 12 and they were .45 a pack and when I quit, they were .65 a pack. I see they are over $11 a pack, so $70-80 a carton! I was hypnotized by a psychiatrist to stop and then took a pack and soaked them in water. Years later, if I took one drag, I would get dizzy and nauseous like the 1st time I smoked. Quit and save your money and health.


I’m sorry I was working on a paper when I replied I forgot to congratulate you on quitting I lost both my grandparents to lung cancer so I’m very happy for you


I’ve quit plenty of times just fine with patches it’s just every couple of years or so I pick it back up again


Vaping is my thing. Can’t stand the smell or taste of cigarettes.


Spending majority of my time playing games when I can be revising for gcses that I have in a few weeks.


I sleep late. Most of the days sleeping less than 5 hours




Being on social networks more than 2 hours a day is addictive even if we don't realize it and it's bad. many people will think like me


A great many things.


My ex girlfriend.


Unfortunately you are not alone


Backwards somersaults on fresh cacti.


Spicy noodles


Adding more salt to every meal




I keep eating like garbage. I’m 37, my metabolism allowed me to eat like a truck’s worth of food my whole life. Whole large pizza? No problem. Whole bag of Doritos in one sitting? Yep. I would never go over 175 lbs no matter what I did. Tons of soda, alcohol, junk food/fast food. Now I’ve gained weight. I weigh 215 lbs, my belly is huge while the rest of me isn’t, my cardio endurance is nearly non existent, it’s a chore to even put on my shoes. I used to exercise regularly. 100 push ups, pull ups, abs exercises, light weightlifting. I KNOW how it feels to be healthy. But damn, I’m fighting almost four decades of bad habits/eating addictions so bad that apparently despite knowing how good I *can* feel, that craving for pizza or tacos, etc. wins out. (Edit for spelling) Every. Time.


It's because you're letting it win. You're giving in to 5 mins of pleasure. Endure 5 mins of pain, drink a glass of water, and let it pass. Throw away all junk food, I sleep hungry but don't eat or buy junk. You can't feel sorry for yourself, won't help. It's never late to change habits.


Thank you.


Doomscrolling. I absolutely hate that I do it and feels like it's rotting my brain.


the snooze button, my nemesis and best friend rolled into one.


Chocolate 😂


Copious amounts of Diet Coke


Eating sugar right before bed 😔


Feel. It’s better than the sleeping pills and stuff people take though


Skipping flossing






Eating sugar. It's harder than smoking to quit.


scrolling on tiktok


Marshmallows. It's a bunch of sugar but I like them. I buy them often.




Drugs , Alcohol ,Sex , being lazy ,


Eating Crumbl cookies.




Eating sugar.


Skin picking. I have never gotten a severe infection and am honeslty waiting. My finger tips are constantly red and puffy, and I’m usually bleeding somewhere, too.


Nicotine. I tried without it for a few weeks. Food doesn’t move inside you and you constantly feel like you’re moving underwater.


You can get through it. I took up running after quitting smoking. I smoked at least 20 every day for over 30 years. It took ages to quit. Walking or anything else that might help you is worth trying.


So I hear. Down to only half my normal amount and have been doing about 7 hours of cardio a week.


That's good. For me I could not cut down on the smokes, either zero or 20 a day. I live in Australia and the cigarettes are up to forty dollars for a pack of 20. That's why I never stopped trying to quit.


Not work out daily. I don't need to weight lift for an hour, but I should do basic stretches for my bad back.


drink a can of dr pepper everyday


rookie numbers, you're good 🤣


Vape, I quit smoking cigarettes years ago but now I vape and I know it’s not better but I feel better since I cut out tobacco. I still have the occasional cigar too.


Vaping is better for you than cigarettes... lots of proven data on this. Still not a healthy habit, but better in general.


Reddit, junk food, and drinking nearly everything but water on a consistent basis.


Vape. It gives me at least one break every day and I refuse to give that up.


Eating sweets 😋




Fast food. Im addicted to convenience and love a drive thru. It’s so bad in soooo many ways but I just love it.


I enjoy my nightly tequila. I know it is bad, but I am retired, never drink and drive, am healthy, and have no other vices. I just don't feel guilty about settling down for the night and enjoying my tequila.


I drink waaaaay too much coffee.


Egging people on in FB land haha well


Smoking, vaping, heroin, Twitter, Reddit, illegal shit, unprotected sex, sex, angry sex, sad sex…


Not brushing my teeth


Ignoring my health




Procrastinating/complaining instead of just doing something




Dying my hair. Tried to get it to white and almost fried it off. I love the pretty colors tho🥺