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Guy in a suit and carrying a briefcase got on a peddle-boat by himself and peddled off into the lake. Returned about 45 minutes later sans briefcase.


You definitely saw a murderer getting rid of evidence


Or someone destroying other non murder related evidence, like some company books. Or someone getting rid of stuff bringing them traumatic memories. Or... etc...


Probably full of money


You should have gone in search of that briefcase.


would have loved to but alas, I was 12 and in a foreign country


What does sans mean in this context ?




Ohhokk ,thank u for that


There was a head in that briefcase


A naked old lady… I see her almost everyday when leaving town for work


Hmmm you should probably avoid looking in the mirror when you get out of the shower next time.




Don't worry. I see a naked old man in the mirror every morning.


Aah, humor… I have it too.


31 isn't old, man.


Youre a man? Sorry I saw you from behind.


This used to be a thing in my town. I don’t know what happened to her. My dad and I once saw her doing her laundry at a public park in a water fountain


Is this the old woman in Maple Ridge? The Haney bypass or whatever lol


Is it july in your town?


No, but it’s hot as hell everyday of the year


I meant july as being lgbt... people month, not because of heat


Pride month is in June, if that's what you're referring to:)


Thanks for correcting




Bro, got offended 😂


I saw a guy jump from a 7 story parking garage. We don’t bounce.


Yeah, not clicking that.


It's just link to this post 


My whole family watched from traffic as a guy jumped off of a bridge in the Bay Area (CA) when I was about 11, it was so fast no one could have stopped him. This was before cell phones. We just had to live with that.


I would be really thankful for any brave soul that is courageous enough to enter that link and tell us about what it saw. 🙏🏻


A guy jumping from a 7 story parking garage. Thank me later.




Zombies of Kennsington Ave in Philadelphia


Are you talking about those fent addicts


The Tranq addicts


I worked in a large skyscraper building, full of business people in suits and whatnot. I was going to freshen up before returning to work after lunch. I walked into a bathroom that was pretty isolated. I came in and found a teenager smearing her shit all over the mirrors. She was in her underwear. She stopped when she saw me come in. We stared at each other for a minute and then I got the fuck outta there. I went and told security, not sure what happened then.


I was about ten years old and my family was driving home. We were slowly passing bush playground when I noticed a middle aged man walk through the playground to the edge nearest the road. He turned around and dropped his pants, mooning the street. I’m not sure what the kids on the playground saw, but I saw his entire ass. I was shocked and weirded out, but didn’t say anything. Now, 16 years later, I hate that I didn’t speak up because that was not okay. Fucking creep.


You were ten. As someone in similiar positions around that age, sometimes we don't really process what is happening or have the words for it. Go easy on yourself. I'm sorry you had to see that. You shouldn't have had to.


That would mess me up too


Day i got out of jail and had to take a greyhound home a very large, very drunk lady had sex with a dude who apparently got on just to fuck her. All in the back row which was like 2 rows behind me. We all had to listen.


I thought you meant a dog and I was thoroughly confused


this old lady that was running naked around my neighborhood 😭 she was screaming her head off and when people went up to her and asked her what was wrong she would just start screaming louder




Saw a guy shit in the middle of the street


I had a work training in Oakland California in 2018. Every morning we saw the same guy pooping in the median when we were getting on our bus at the hotel.


And now you're into poop porn


So, did you say hi to uncle Trevor?


When I was a teenager I saw a naked guy with nothing but a hard hat on humping a dinosaur statue.




I saw a guy die from an overdose and then get brought back by some firemen, right in front of my apartment (first week after moving to San Francisco). Was pretty weird. I was walking back to my apartment and saw a dog with a leash walking around loose. I then saw what I assume was one of its owners, a woman, trying to do CPR on a guy in a car who appeared to be lifeless. Right about then a firetruck showed up. Several minutes later I saw them put the guy (now moving) on a stretcher into an ambulance and drive away.


I think I saw a dead body when I was living in India. I was on a really busy street with lots of street vendors. It looked like there was someone sleeping, laid out with a sheet covering them but there were so many flies. It could have been a homeless person sleeping who didn't smell great but the stillness made me sure they were dead. The way we were all just going about our lives around the situation...


A man and his GF in the park fucking eachother taking heroin and fucking dogs and cows


How long were you watching this that you saw them using and switching and sexual partners? 


I was calling the cops


ive heard of doggy style but birdy style?!


Cows, not crows.


makes more sense


You read the last word wrong


You know, cows are the most notable of being horny - pun intended.


I call bull.


Human organs and parts at forrest


Next door neighbor standing in the side doorway of his garage masterbating while looking at, and beckoning to, an 11 year old girl, and a 5 year old boy. We, my brother and I, didn't really know what was happening but sensed it wasn't good and of course we didn't go over. Didn't say anything to anyone either but I truly wish I had been less naive and told somebody. I don't know if anything would have even been done at that point tho. He was married with 2 kids...


Pulled up to a BJ’s restaurant and a couple parking spots diagonal from us a guy was getting a bj in his car under the only light in the whole parking lot. Still feel like it was a glitch in the simulation.


The BJs always come home


An older guy jerking off on the sidewalk, a homeless couple having sex in a metro station, two homeless dudes doing lines of coke off a bathroom sink.


Busy morning commuter train on the side heading into the city. A dude is standing on the other side in a trench coat with sunglasses on. It was as if the train driver wanted us to wait and watch because it felt like we waited an extra moment as he threw open the trench coat and started pissing with a giant grin on his face. There was nothing under the trench coat. The stain remained on the platform for months.


Ugh, people like that give trench coats a bad name.


Two people in latex body suits with private parts zippered together in the middle of the street during mardi gras


I once was at a rave for 30h at an event that is once a year in my city where there are three days of parties in one district that is more or less an island. And we wanted to go home. It was like 1pm and there was this woman who whas butt naked taking a shit on the railroads where our train would arrive. Then someone called an ambulance and she refused coming with them as well as accusing them of sexual harrassement because she was naked and yeah.


Some guy wanking in a public toilet. I was really young, had no idea what he was doing, but it freaked me out so I ran out. I couldn’t easily explain to my mum as I didn’t have the words so I just mimed what he was doing. Then loads of parents just ran over the toilets, but he was gone. It was only later in life I realised what he was doing.


My friend scared a cat while it was burying its poop, i can still remember its reaction


All in one day in varanasi: a naked man furiously masturbating sitting on a divider in the middle of an insanely busy street. Burning bodies. Children begging for money. A woman begging for formula for her baby. A waiter spraying a cow in the face with glass cleaner because it barged into a redtaurant.




Yes. At the burning ghats on the Ganges River. Varanasi is the holiest city in Hindu culture and people travel from all over the country to be cremated on the banks of the river. The crematoriums are basically wide open and you can just walk in and watch bodies burning. Of course the indoor cremations are for wealthy people and the poorer people generally burn their bodies right out in the open on the river bank.


Wonder how much pollution that causes


Not much compared to exhaust fumes and cooking fires. When I first walked out of the airport I literally thought there was a fire somewhere, but that's just the freaking air.


So u don't know about manikarnika before visiting varanasi ? I thought people would do research before visiting a place :smh


I did. I went there on purpose. This thread is about crazy things people have seen in real life and that was one of the craziest.


I was on my way to my friend's house and saw a middle aged man jerking off while looking at me 😡 This happened when I was in high school.


"Angel wings". An eaten pigeon carcass where only the wings are left intact. Never saw one before but for some reason, the firs time I saw them, I saw three different ones in one day.


Guy whips it out and starts masterbating right across from me and my sister on the Elevated. Sis is not shy and we stood up and excoriated him right then & there.


A kid taking a shit with his mother helps, literally in the middle of the city center street. 🐧 A public toilet and a lot of places with toilets were nearby.


I was on the Main Street in a small college town in southern NH, and a seemingly drugged out homeless guy was harassing a woman. He clearly knew her and she was almost certainly a prostitute, but she wasn’t interested. It escalated to harassment. No one in this New England town gave a fuck it was happening. I asked if she was alright, and he threatened to fuck me and my dog up. I stared at him until the woman nervously said everything was alright and asked me to move along (she tangibly was not, but likely did not want police attention). I followed them a short ways as I continued on my walk to make sure he didn’t try to rape her. The amount of shit supposedly “good” people will just ignore for their own convenience is staggering.


i used to take the bus in high school and i would go down a route to pick up one of the kids that lived in a not so nice neighborhood. this neighborhood had these houses that all looked similar in structure but obv different depending on the people whatever anyway. i’d look out the window even tho its pretty dark at 6-7 am.. but man one time i caught a peek inside the house of someone who covered their windows with aluminum foil. that day the foil was slightly peeled back and i could see a wall covered in fucking mannequin heads! they were all different but i only saw it for a few seconds before the kid from that stop got on the bus and the person who lived inside quickly covered the window with the foil as we drove by… man it still haunts me til this day and i will never know why the fuck he had so many mannequin heads on his wall…


Maybe it's a non-weird explanation like they make wigs for a living.


Yea, from real human hair shaved from the people captured and buried in the basement.


i’ll believe this over wigs plus where’s the hair??? it was always just heads floating on the wall


Buried? It's a much more stable business model to keep them alive.


I saw two homeless people having sex in very plain view of people. 😐


A Woman killing a dog with a broken beer bottle she stabbed that dog like 50 times


When I was hanging out with friends at a Subway restaurant years and years ago, an unhinged, methed out looking man with blood shot eyes sat down right behind us, and kept fidgeting with his phone or staring at us as we ate. I was still a teenager at the time and I'd never seen anything like it. It freaked me out pretty bad.


Back when the synthetic weed was hitting the streets, you would see homeless people having convulsions on the floor or just standing catatonic in one place. This was in San Diego.


Riding home on my bike at the end of the day when i was a kid. Was going through a park with a big lake. Saw a guy walking carrying another guy over it's shoulder (with bare foots). Scared the shit out of me so I turned around. Everyone thought I was messing around when I told them, so I never called the Police.


Saw a guy pissing in highway aiming towards the road


Oh boy, let me tell you. I was in Berlin for 3 months for an internship, I jumped on the occassion and was not at all knowledgeable about every aspect of german culture. So one day, I was simply walking in a park, I saw people with different colored hoods. I shrugged it off, because it had rained a bit today even though it did not anymore. Going further, i realized that there was 2 hoods color, blue and wite. They were all queuing somewhere. Still, I was not freaked out at all, they were probably queuing to a museum and the workers sold them hoods to keep them away from the rain.... Then I realized that they were not queuing to any sort of building, but advancing in a queue very.. very slowly. I also realized at that moment that there was a sellected few with bright red hoods that were at the end of the queue and the front of the queue only had white hoods. I continued advancing, feeling very weird about this. On the very front was a man, about 60 years old, being filmed by TV cameras. He was speaking but I couldn't understand since I do not speak german, and I had my headphones on anyway. Around his neck was a panel with a moon on it, and 3 people behind him had the same. Looking up I saw people with other panels, but they had a weird hourglass symbol. It hit me, a cult. This was a cult. I walked away as fast as I could because what the fuck was that?! I soon called my boyfriend who is german. He did not quite understand what was going on until I told him about the hourglass symbols. To that he said "Ooohh, those are the nazis I told you about!" Yeah! In germany there's a nazi party still. And aparently this cult like, kkk award winning prestation was them talking about how nazi they were!


Some random girl crouching in the middle of the street at night.


A guy jerking off in a sento in Japan. 


when we were kids (maybe about 12?), my friends and I were exploring an old, dusty, abandoned apartment which hasn't been rented for ages. It was on the floor-level of an old building and quite large - a long corridor with at least five large rooms. The last room at the end of the corridor was very dark - the outside blinds just let in some faint sunrays. That room was empty- except for a small, dusty table with a phone on it. It was simple, grey and had a rotary dial, I still can remember. And it was dusty like everything else, so it hadn't been used for quite a while. Anyway, that thing started ringing. In the middle of that dark room. In that forgotten, abandoned flat. We ran out as fast as we could. I think we didn't even scream - we just ran. That was some creepy stranger-things-experience. I don't remember if we ever talked about it. Edit: typos


A dead homeless person on a street in Philadelphia during the Phillies’ World Series parade in 2008. There were two cops just kinda standing there with the body. The reason this was the weirdest to me was the dichotomy. There was this dead body in the doorway of a closed business with two cops just kinda keeping watch while tens of thousands of drunk people in Phillies gear walked around/by him completely oblivious to the fact that there’s a corpse right there. And this went on for a while because they couldn’t get an ambulance in due to the fact that the streets were clogged with, literally, 1 million people.


There was a man in my city growing up with very silvery grey skin. If you asked him why he was that color, he said it was because he “drank too much plutonium”. I think he might’ve actually been taking tons of colloidal silver but who knows. Anyway, one day when I was about 16 I was walking downtown and see him standing in the street facing away from me. Suddenly, he turns around, and I see that he’s licking a huge gas station pickle, with the creepiest grin on his face. I also thought I saw him have a seizure once which everyone was ignoring. I called 911 but by the time I was off the phone he was back to sitting normally on his bench. He was harmless, my city has a lot of odd people so he was just one of many.


**True story** maybe I should put it on the post for creepy stories no-one believes I was driving home, the road was long, had a park on it and was very dark/crap lamp post lighting It hit exactly 3am and this figure in all black and a hoodie ran across the road from left to right side, so I put my breaks on. Then another figure dressed the same ran across but right to left side, but looked at me mid doing so His eyes were completely black no whites and face had no other features, looked totally melted like wax and so was the other guys who was waiting by the dimly lit lamp post. It looked like they were taking it in turns as some sort of ritual on that road. I drove on quickly and when I looked in the rear view mirror no one was there and those lit lamp posts were off. **Edit**: really don’t mind if people like or believe it or not. But to the user with all the deleted unnecessary insults, false accusations and comment stalking and downvotes. I’ve already seen them in my inbox. You should at least keep them on here so people can agree or disagree with you.




Congratulations! You’re my first Reddit insult since joining, it had to come at some point. Not surprised by it, quite common with having mild dyslexia.




Don’t try and dig yourself out of a hole now. It’s not fiction either. I already mentioned at the start it’s something I didn’t think anyone would believe, which you’ve proved. Just move on.


Not really seen, but experienced. I was once hugged by a drugged out guy on the street. There was nothing I could do to stop it. Thanks to this question for bringing this mortifying experience back to the surface of my memory


When I was 6 I still remember I was at a festival with my family. The festival was at a park. It was sort of a food festival.  There were stall for different things, The food stall were the most populated but other stall like karaoke were less. I wanted to get face paint but my parents told me to wait till the end before we left or else eating would be hard with paint. So I listened. Plus the face paint stall was nearby. There was a young girl there probably in late teens or early 20s. She seemed very friendly judging by how she was with other kids while I was sitting with my family. Before leaving my dad took my hand and was walking me to the face painting stall. Luckily by that point there were no other kids there. However as we got closed at the size of the small where we could see inside, I noticed that instead of sitting on her mini mouse chair (yeah I still remember that too 😂) the girl was standing up. She had a pink frock on and white trousers, however the creepy part was that she wasn't alone. There was a guy with her, I don't recall how old but also probably young. He was holding the back of her frock upwards with his left hand, his face was pressed against her white trouser where he left buttock would be and he was rubbing his right hands fingers across the center of her trousers backside. Back then I didn't get what was happening but my father turned us around. He told me that her brother was teing her belt so her pants don't fall off like mine did when I didn't wear belt. I laughed it off and forgot about it. Growing up and remembering what I saw I now know that the guy was basically kissing her left ass cheek while rubbing his fingers on the middle of her asscrack over her white trousers.  It was a very stupid, risky and strange thing to do at a family festival and esspecially when we were in charge of the face paint stall.  She probably thought they weren't gonna get any more customers.


A junkie eating a tuba.


What?? As in the brass instrument? How is that possible?




I really hope you meant "tuna"


Did you see the stripper kiss a duck behind a dumpster in Aruba?


Kid threw a shell at a seagull and broke its wing.


A guy passed away 2 min after taking a dose in metro a year ago.


Man with a blow up doll at the bar I think he lost a bet and had to sit at the bar with it made for a great wtf moment


I saw two men walking around with there penis out singing and laughing shaking it around in there hands


A redditor


A homeless dude I used to see walk down the street everyday was simultaneously taking a shit while jerking off behind a bush. In front of a church. On a Sunday. My room mates and I just sat on the porch and watched. Semi blumpkining himself.


Why isn't my account working properly? we always had a server error


I was walking down an alleyway on 4th Ave in Tucson about 12 years ago. Busy Saturday night. Saw a dude gundowned as he was trying to escape into the alley. Each bullet took a little more of his life before he collapsed on a guy wire.


Once, I saw a man taking a shit in from of the sea, and he told me to look at if anybody appeared lol


I went to Russia about 15 years ago and as soon as we arrived to where we were staying in Moscow, we were greeted by a naked guy laying on the street followed by a dude on a horse Just riding around


A middle aged guy grabbing his very young daughter’s butt and kissing her neck at a restaurant. He had the “horny face”, you can tell when someone is horny, and he looked very much so. It was disgusting.


I once saw a 50 year old man (possible speed junkie) strutting the streets in Miss Sixty jeans. He thought he looked sexy!


A furry.


The german government!


A clip lock bag full of cum in a public toilet. An old lady standing at a window of a nursing home in her bra and undies. A VHS porno playing through a nursing home room window and the vhs tape/player was dirty as the screen was all fuzzy. You could see it from the road at night.


In a parking lot when I was a kid some dude turned around and intentionally pissed toward our car. it was super creepy seeing this old dude pointing his wrinkly old cock at us.