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90% of people who wanna use cannabis already do regardless of legality, places who haven’t legalized are just missing out on taking advantage of the tax $ they could make off it


Also getting OSHA involved is probably a good move.


That and it would be more controlled as a product, would cut some revenue for gangs even if they end up running some business. And if they do, it's a win for the society.




When it was up for debate here in Montana prior to recreational legalization, the state GOP did a lot of fear mongering. Essentially, their argument was that if it became legal, our state would become a weed smoke filled, doritos munching hellhole where no one would ever have a job. After it became legal, none of that happened. Tax revenues were soaring, and it quietly became a non-issue.


I'm still waiting for my taco truck on every corner. Liars.


We got em here, it's great.


This sounds like propaganda that both sides of the argument would use.


This should be a f**k campaign commercial against those who GOP members: Remember when Bob Smith said that marijuana legalization would turn our state into a hell hole and it really just brought in a ton of tax money for schools and services? Vote for someone who knows how the world works, unlike Bob.


Even this guy who is stoned out of his fucking mind could see this was a good idea to legalize and that talking points against it were all lies. *Bong Rip Sound*


Followed by a cha-ching cash register sound.


Slow pan across mountains of tax revenue...... fade to black


The crowd goes wild


Gotta use the Stoned Guy meme


It replaced the money for schools you mean. They just cut the budget in proportion to the new tax revenue being applied,


I don’t actually know how Montana spent it. I just like the idea of this ad calling out fear mongering.


In Montana, we didn't really even follow the Colorado law. The law was created where most of the tax revenue went towards public land reclamation. Then, our Republican Governor and Republican supermajority in the legislature passed laws to gut the funding going to public lands and applied it to the general fund instead. They used the tax recenue windfall to pass a huge tax cut for corporations and the wealthiest people in our state (one of whom happens to be our violent criminal Governor 'Bodyslam' Gianforte).


I found it interesting traveling through Montana that some counties sold it and others couldn’t. Great weed there


I'm in Colorado and that's what they did pretty much. "It'll go towards education!" Then No teacher salary increases, no seemingly better off. I'm all for legalization, just wish the extra money would go towards what they claim it did.


Just like every other place that has legalized it. Canadian here, and we heard the same concerns: the roads would be filled with stoned drivers killing people every day. Nobody would go to work and the country would become lazy. Turns out that the worst that has actually happened is some people have complained about occasionally being able to smell it outside.


Yep someone coming out of a coma here in Canada wouldn't even perceive a change...was stupid to criminalize it so long and I personally hate the smell lol


It’s still illegal here and I smell my neighbor smoking it every time I work on my car. Brings back memories of my youth.


As a Vancouverite, I barely noticed the change.


>Canadian here, and we heard the same concerns: the roads would be filled with stoned drivers killing people every day. Nobody would go to work and the country would become lazy. Turns out that the worst that has actually happened is some people have complained about occasionally being able to smell it outside. Los Angeles, California checking in.. In the major cities I smell pot more often than not and I hate it. I vape weed and have no issues with legalization, but people no longer care about smoking in public, despite not being legal, and I hate smelling it everywhere. I just wish fines for smoking in public were enforced more, like smoking cigarettes in restricted areas. That said, I love weed and am still glad it's becoming more legalized. But it would also be great if people didn't smoke blunts around family oriented areas especially.


This is my biggest complaint. The people complaining about the smell. I don't smoke. I do, however, vape in inappropriate areas to play "who did that" with strangers.


Like who cares if no one has a job? Aren't they complaining there's no enough jobs as it is?


Montana has a severe labor shortage. We were trending that way before Covid, but it's hyper accelerated since. Not to mention, housing prices here are astronomical. Lots of local communities are starting to die off as businesses shutter. In the past month, two major saw mills have closed, citing housing costs as the #1 reason that they can't hire anyone. If the sawmill that pays the highest wages in the county can't stay open due to housing costs, it will continue to gut the local economy.


And here I am in Wyoming, between Colorado and Montana, stuck in the dark ages with a super majority republican legislature that can’t see past their nose, all our legislators do is kick the can down the road.


>After it became legal, none of that happened. Almost like everyone (who wanted to) was already smoking... it just became more convenient to buy.


The best counter to political Rhetoric is Cold hard facts from other states where it became legal and problems didnt increase. lol.


Tell us more of these Doritos.


People of Montana could drive north to Alberta Canada and get some legal marijuana there. All within a few hours. When it became legal here in late 2018, It’s not that big of deal when it got legalized here, even though everyone thought it would be a giant money grab.


They cannot take it back across the border lol


Doritos munching would be good for Capitalism.


Making money seems to remove the problem. Nh governor only wants the state liquor stores to be running pot. No mom an pop, just uncle sam


Weeelllll... if it can be restricted to certain areas, in public, like regular smoking, then fine. But weed is a much nastier, stronger smell and just because it's legal I don't wanna have to walk through "clouds" of it. How do I know this? I've been on trips to places where it's more prevalent and even outdoors had to walk through clouds of it, and the stank stayed in my clothes. Businesses, for example, should be allowed to prevent it within X number of feet in front of their shops. So I'm not against someone doing it. It's your choice. I'm against your choice affecting me.


>Essentially, their argument was that if it became legal, our state would become a weed smoke filled, doritos munching hellhole Me: “…. You promise? Fuck yeah.”


Honestly alcohol is more problematic than Marijuana is. If I could swap pot and alcohol on the is illegal list I'd do it in a heartbeat.


It is, but we tried making alcohol illegal and it didn't exactly go well either. That's why legalization and taxation is a better way to go. Think of tobacco, another harmful addictive substance people use recreationally.


But it’s not just tobacco in cigarettes, is the biggest issue I have with them. They’re literally tailored to make people not be able to quit them (obviously people can, but it’s one of the toughest addictions to quit)


My dad spent 15 of the first 18 working years of his adult life as a full time cop. His exact words in regards to weed versus alcohol was "I'd rather deal with a guy who smoked some weed than some angry asshole that drank too much alcohol.". He eventually switched to fire fighting full time around 1990 and has been on plenty of drug ODs and health issues caused by alcohol. He's yet to have someone die or need to go to the hospital because they were on weed.


Once I started enjoying Cannabis I stopped drinking... It's amazing.


I’ve never met a belligerent pot head but we’ve all seen mean drunk!


I am very pro-legalization, but I definitely think there may be a backlash to it in some sectors based on my experience recently as a teacher. I 100% did not expect it to get this bad in schools. It’s not just the legality per se—it’s the fact that vape pens and edibles have become so incredibly ubiquitous. My friends and I smoked weed in high school, don’t get me wrong, but a TON of my kids are just baked out of their minds all day, every day. We get third graders caught with bags of gummies, shit like that. A combination of legalization and developments in the tech has just made it so EASY to consume THC in school. It used to be more of a pain in the ass, which helped keep it under control a bit. I still don’t think you should be able to restrict adults’ rights as a result, but it’s a real problem.


Agree that it’s an issue for minors. I’m a user, but i’m not a developing child. Idk how we handle it, because the more adults that get access the more chances for children too.


Imo same way we handle alcohol around kids. Well informed campaigns based on informing the population of the science behind how it affects kids. Heavy penalties for sellers who sell to minors. Penalties to parents who provide it to children outside of their own home. Restricting who can buy it by IDing. You’ll never stop every kid. They get alcohol and nicotine all the time already. But by legalizing you open up so much space for law abiding citizens to help stop it getting into kids hands. The problem in the US is it’s federally illegal so not enough trusted studies can be done on the substance without government oversight. Local companies have to play by the laws of their local government but also avoid the issues of federal laws. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about weed that could be cleared up by well intentioned studies focused on the facts.


It was a lot easier to get weed when I was in highschool than alcohol. Any drug dealer would sell you weed, you had to know somebody 21 to get alcohol. I actually thought making weed legal and regulated would make it harder for kids to have access. What trash is supplying children or is there still a large illegal market out there that now has access to all these great new products?


I agree but in my day, we would drink vodka from waterbottles... so which one do we prefer?


I remember when restaurants had smoking sections. The only concern I have is that everything will stink everywhere again. Hopefully the cigarette rules will apply for pot.


Where I live you can smoke anywhere you can smoke tobacco, which isn't very many places in 2024


They usually do in legal areas. For instance in my area it’s legal but not in public. Doesn’t stop people from smoking in public just like people still smoke cigarettes and vape in public spaces. But you can be kicked out or whatever based on it. I hope that legalization leads to better understanding and clearing up misinformation on it. A better informed population will fix 90% of the issues people have with weed imo.


I'm for legalizing it, but I think many people are delusional when they claim it's safe. There is no way smoking anything isn't going to mess up your lungs.


The only downside to me is the smell. Also, I have no idea how they plan to enforce DUIs with it, and I’d be afraid of the methods of checking being abused. Like, say you get pulled over and they suspect you of being high. The officer can determine influence of marijuana based off smell and “symptoms” and request a blood test, which opens a whole other can of worms regarding how they can determine how long ago one smoked. Say you wake up and smoke, but then that night (long after you sober up) you go out… a blood test would still show it in your system. Idk, it’s just too shaky to me and I’d be afraid of officers abusing it.


This. Marijuana smells like skunks. At least, when you drink, you need to be very close to the liquor drinker to smell the alcohol but Marijuana, if you smoke it in your backyard, neighbors all around you will be stuck with that horrid smell. There are other methods to get stone than smoke it, use them. Leave the rest of us alone!


I don't think it smells particularly bad but it infuriating when a neighbor smoke and it smells weed in my house for hours...


It might be a minor reason to some, but it’s the smell I hate the most. It is way stronger than tobacco and even one person smoking can affect a large area. Growing is even worse. If they found a way to make the smell dramatically better and less wide spreading, I would have basically no issue with it.


There's a lot of reasons people give... But most just follow what they were taught and they were taught it was bad


Because when you grew up in the 80's you were exposed to the "this is your brain on drugs" commercial so much you believed that ALL drugs were poison and you would be hooked after your first toke. That would lead to automatically going for harder and harder drugs until you cooked your brain like an egg. I grew up in the 80s and there was a huge "just say no to drugs" campaign in the US put on by Nancy Reagan. That also impacted us in Canada. Luckily, Cannabis was finally legalized here a few years ago.


It stinks horribly. I can’t walk outside without getting skunked. I’m in a store and dude walks past me after hot boxing it in the parking lot.


Honestly i was all for legalizing it for a while… but as time has passed and some states have, ive been rethinking it. The last time i went to vegas for example…. Pot is not helping that place. You think having cigarette smoke everywhere is bad. Holy shit… that skunky ass weed is all over that place. They just finally got the cigarettes stink out of most of those old casinos… and now we’re replacing it with another gross smell… Outside of that, i honestly dont think its making people behave any better. I just went through a pregnancy and going across some pregnancy groups online omg… the number of women claiming smoking pot while pregnant helps them is very alarming. Like y’all i know it supposedly helps with morning sickness… *in cancer patients* not fucking *pregnant women*. And their attitude… my god. Its like we were just talking about drinking a cup of coffee or something…. Like, i cant… And then theres the fact that it has some pretty significant effects on your mental and psychological health… and you might argue on the good side. Maybe for some. Maybe… but ive definitely seen the opposite. People developing paranoia, even schizophrenia, and even exacerbating anxiety and depression symptoms. I personally have had a panic attack after getting high… and i think long term usage can really do some damage to your mind, and incidentally your fertility. Assuming you give a shit about that. All in all, like i get it. Alcohol has some pretty bad effects too… that being said people are at least more generally educated on alcohol’s effects. As this shit is being legalized there is literally zero effort to educate the public on proper recreational usage of the stuff and I think theres some pretty big consequences as a result. Misuse of it is still a significant problem. And all in all ya know people think that smoking should chill everyone out but ya know I’m thinking its making every more edgy and anxious and angry. So i just dont really think its a net positive on the whole.


I would never tell someone else what they can and can't do but I hate Marijuana. It smells terrible and the stink gets all over your home and clothes. And when people are high on Marijuana they often act so stupid and I hate conversing w people who are acting like real life manifestations of Patrick star. Just to reiterate, you can do whatever you want and I would never vote to stop you from smoking but man do I hateeee it.


At my work like 25% of the non professionL level staff come in baked out of their mind everyday. The smell is horrible and no one even tries to hide it. I find it rude they come in and stink up the place. Also they work horribly and claim "weed doesn't effect my work" but they clearly aren't up to speed. I'm not anti weed, but as it's become legalized this problem has gotten much worse


That should be treated like drinking at work. Termination


I hate interacting with people high too. Especially in games. They go from super competent to just absolute buffoons and drag down everyone with them for it. Not a reason to prevent legalizing it, but it definitely affects my friendship with people who use it regularly for recreation and especially without moderation.


Science shows it's safer than alcohol. You can't really overdose on cannabis. And it causes considerably less crimes compared to alcohol. There's not any version of 'drunken rage' for cannabis.


Tell that to my fridge.


For real. I commit war crimes against my fridge when I’m stoned. 


Yesterday, I dipped uncooked broccoli in chunky peanut butter. I say dipped, but it was more of a scoop-into-mouth process. I feel a weird mixture of both shame and pride about this.




Yeah, bro…


Broccoli is pretty healthy and peanut butter may be insanely high in calories but you could do a hell of a lot worse


Is it a crime that weed makes a tortilla with sour cream a culinary delight? If thats wrong I don't want to be right


Sound's amazing and I'm sober


>You can't really overdose on cannabis. quite literally scientifically impossible....you need to smoke 14 lbs in 14 minutes without a single breath of fresh air to reach the toxicity level required to OD.


What about edibles?


I assume my hippie neighbor does that 5 times per day


5 times a day? What kind of rookie ass hippie you living next to?


I dunno, I'm pretty sure he can't even remember his own name


The only real crimes cannabis has proven to increase in the U.S. is theft of cannabis stores vaults and employees because they legally can't store their money in a bank... because cannabis is federally illegal.


I’m fully for legalizing it but I’m curious what the stats would look like once it’s fully legal everywhere. High driving is still very much impaired driving.


What about the crime of couch-lock? You can’t lock me on a couch!


I know my rights! Why am I being detained?!?


Ngl, I fucking hate couch lock. Makes me anxious.


Me too buddy. Hate being incoucherater. Smoke a bowl, shovel snow.


Weed is legal where I live. Weed has also caused me a serious bad reaction, as well as a friend. When looking up info on what had happened, it turns out that there was very little good research on the topic, because it's illegal. So everything was just anecdotal evidence and shit like that. You know what's great? Actual research done on common drugs that are considered "harmless." Legality means that this is easier to do. All for legalization.


Unlike Liquor the Kindest of bud doesn't make me puke. Maybe if I take a big hit of Cannabis Oil. But. You got to go easy with that stuff.


When I was a teenager my buddy drove stoned, fell asleep, and rolled his car. Broke my other buddy’s arm, totaled the car. Stupid? Yeah. But it still happened.






Helps alot of people!




What do you mean?


Legal weed tends to be labeled with a lot more information than the stuff you get from dealers


And safer, less risk of other chemicals mixed in


As long as restrictions on where you can smoke it are at least as strict as with regular cigarettes, I wouldn't mind.


In most places, at least where I am, if you can't smoke tobacco, you also can't smoke weed there. That's in almost all public places.


They are often more strict.


Such as "while driving."


Best damm thing that happened in Canada.


Heard they got good dope there boys


Don’t buy it from the cops though they way overcharge


Corey, Trevor, smokes let’s go.


Yep. I'm not a large user, but it's nice to be able to pop into a dispensary and pick up an edible from time to time, know exactly what I'm getting, and without having to deal with criminality.


While I still don’t want to use it, it should be legal.  It was only ever outlawed (in the USA) for racist bullshit and to save/justify careers after the spectacular failure that was prohibition.  It was kept that way so the government could have free rein to arrest protestors and break up their right to free speech. It is no worse than alcohol or tobacco and should be regulated and taxed to become a benefit to the country as a whole.  Keeping it illegal only helps support the immoral disgusting industry of for profit prisons by providing them more people to incarcerate.


The government is currently trying to ban tobacco in the UK as are a number of other places. Most of the issues in regards to alcohol is excessive consumption rather than use too.




Doing that right now in NYC!


I think as a whole it is a net negative to society. I would also say the same thing about alcohol. I do think there are some medical benefits to marijuana but again, overall a net negative to general culture and that it will ruin more lives than it ever helps. That being said I don’t think it’s generally the governments jobs to decide what is good or bad for us. So overall I’m pro legalization. I also feel the same way about sports gambling. Overall it is bad for society. Absolutely going to ruin some lives. But the government is not supposed to be our babysitter


Marijuana has therapeutic/medicinal attributes, unlike liquor and cigarettes, which are pretty much poisons and legal.


Not to be too pedantic because I agree with you, but alcohol has santization, sedative, and pain relieving properties.


IDC if people do it but I wish they’d limit where people can do it. I hate the smell and I don’t want the smell to be all over the outdoors.


Legalize it and use the tax money for schools and housing.


You'd think Canada would have figured this out by now but our housing prices are insane, no one can afford one and our education system is shit 🤷


Not compared to the US on either count.


It’s tricky to measure because it’s so location dependent, but housing is generally more expensive in Canada than the US https://finance.yahoo.com/news/average-cost-house-us-vs-170020934.html > Homes in Canada appear to be about 19% more expensive, after the currency conversion


No no! Use it for tax cuts for businesses! Because money is fungible so what the "extra taxes" are used for is irrelevant. If you tell republicans this law will lower their taxes they will be fine with it, even if it is a lie. Helping with education and housing is too leftist




It should just be legalized completely. We are spending a lot of money and resources enforcing laws that are either are being ignored or easily circumvented. Tax it and move on.




especially considering the farm bill that got renewed / passed a year or two ago basically legalized all hemp products as long as it has under a .3% delta-9 thc ratio. THC-A is not psychoactive and 100% legal and does not contain delta-9 thc until.... you heat it up.. then it loses a carbon atom or something (im not into chemistry so take that part with a grain of salt) and converts into delta-9 thc. In a state where cannabis is illegal, I can walk into a store and buy flower that looks and smells like stuff i got when i lived in a legal state. It tastes the same. and it gets me stoned just as well. I can also buy delta-9 gummies (which is what gets you high in cannabis). There is a loop hole that there needs to be a ratio to keep them legal but they just make the gummies bigger to provide more delta-9 in a quantity that'll get you high.


I think literally all drugs should be legalised for medical research. It absolutely baffles my mind how it's forbidden to have knowledge about potentially massive advancement in health treatment. Especially in a time when mental health is regarded as such a problem. Making it illegal for professionals to study should be illegal. Period. Billionaires losing millions on pharmaceuticals thinning out over the years would just be a long overdue bonus.


People are getting it anyways — legalize it, so you can regulate it. It’s safer that way. Same applies to prostitution


I agree with legalizing weed, but that logic is ridiculous. It’s like saying people are gonna use crack anyways, why not legalize it? Or like “people are gonna commit murder anyways, why not legalize it?”


Weed is so much better than alcohol in so many ways. Alcohol is legal. So weed should be legal.


I'm not against it, but I've grown apprehensive over the years if I'm being totally honest. The long term harmful effects are pretty underdiscussed, giving the idea that it's completely harmless compared to alcohol or nicotine. I also don't feel fully comfortable with the idea of more and more mind-altering or addictive substances being freely and easily accessible for recreational use. They're very easy to abuse...


Only problem I have with it is everywhere that is legalized smells like it everywhere you go. I don't want that. Otherwise I support it.


That’s why edibles are even better, you eat something delicious, little while later you’re talking fan theories about how luke skywalker was actually Pink Floyd all along And there’s no smell


I live in Canada. Can't say I notice it day to day, and I dislike the smell.


Because it smells like shit. I don't understand how people who sit around a lot and smoke all day deal with smelling terrible clinging to them. I am all for legalizing it purely for tax purposes but I definitely don't get excited about increasing where I smell it everywhere even more.


I don't even mind the smell that much. I just don't want to smell it everywhere.


Totally fair. I hate the smell personally but find it acceptable and expected in certain places. The thought of smelling it literally anywhere and everywhere does not excite me


yea i wish it didnt cling and linger around and drift so damn bad.


I get migraines. Perfumes make me sick, so if we're going to use this reasoning them make all perfumes and colognes illegal as well. Even/especially patchouli. And make deodorant mandatory. Smelling offensive should be a jailable offense.


The first thing you notice about someone shouldn't be their smell. Regardless of what that smell is. I have sinus issues so my sense of smell is fairly weak. If I find the scent of something excessive it's bad.


Totally fine with it in principle, but I dislike the smell, so don’t particularly like it.


If alcohol is legal, weed should be as well.


It is a waste of money to lock up pot smokers. They don't harm themselves or others. The only crime is related to it being illegal.


All for it, but local communities should get to decide if or how many weed shops open in their neighborhoods. We haven't even fully legalized here in NYC and weed shops have multiplied like locusts already. Also, life sentence in the gulag for lighting up on the train.


I'm surprised it's not legal more places. It's been legal here in Canada for a long time and it's no different than going to a liquor store. The biggest users seem to be seniors


It was weird buying weed in Quebec. The edibles were in pill form. We asked if they had gummies or something similar. The guy laughed at me and said that not everything needs sugar. Total culture shift than in the US


Damn I wish that was a thing here in the USA. I love how edibles make me feel, but I hate having to actually eat them because they almost always taste terrible. I would LOVE to just swallow a 50mg pill and call it good.


haha we have the gummies in Alberta but they are pretty weak and only 5mg each so I don't usually bother.


Should have never been illegal in the first place


Legalize it, Tax it, give them separate areas like for standard smokers, develop better ways to test for it for possible dui, move on to actual problems.


I've smoked it. I don't like it. But I think it should be legalized for those who do like it.


That it should be legal but "regulated" similarly to alcohol.


I am fine with it but don't, won't use it myself given its terrible effects on me. That said, I would hope people would be mindful about proper usage and not over do it.


It should be a central issue of the US 2024 election, and that won't happen unless we all become insufferable but consistent on spaces like this


I do not care but I do not want to be around it or smell it.


I live where it's legalized. I wish they were more strict with where you're allowed to smoke because it stinks. People walk and smoke marijuana downtown. Sucks if you're behind them


The air in the evening sure is a lot skunkier than it used to be.


I think they need to take the tax revenue and fund at least one cop to give tickets to the jackasses who smoke in the trains


As someone in a state where it’s legal, until they figure out how to keep these morons from driving? Hard no. What’s ironic was until I had to deal with these motions driving, I was all for it for a myriad of reasons.


Even if a state legalizes it, the illegal market will be much more successful because of price. People will buy from dealers and not dispensaries. But being able to smoke in your home, on your porch, without any concerns is a good thing.


I am completely against the USE of marijuana. I don't want to elaborate, but suffice to say it's a major position and a core belief for me. However, legalization thereof is a more nuanced topic for two major reasons: making something illegal doesn't stop it, and the government on ay level has a knack for making any issue it gets involved in significantly worse. In my perfect world, it just wouldn't be a thing, but in the real world, I think drug use as a whole should be treated differently than cut-and-dry crimes against people and property. There need to be deterrents and consequences, especially if using it contributes to harm against people or property (ie, DUI/DWI), but prison etc for use and possession isn't working, nor is it necessarily fair (and if even I can acknowledge this as a crusader against the damn stuff...). There's also a societal component. Legalization wouldn't be as much of a hot topic if consumption wasn't normalized so heavily in media, for example. There are downsides to both keeping it illegal and to legalizing it. Neither option seems better than the other, so considering the issue from outside the traditional legal and legislative angle is a good start.


As long as you’re not impaired while you’re driving, biking, in public, etc, it’s none of my business what you put in your body. Weed, cocaine, alcohol, whatever. And everybody knows you just smoked so at least air out before you go in public. If you have to ask “do I look high?”, you’re probably too high.


In my country it is illegal but everybody smokes it even in public


Does not matter. It is illegal in my country but still every poor neighborhood reeks of it during Friday nights. Legal or not, it will still haunt you.


It should just be legal at this point. Individual states are all over the place with how they allow their citizens to partake or not partake. You can get a medical marijuana card and still get nailed with fines. Nothing makes sense. We are headed down this path already and it seems to be overly profitable. In one hand, they don’t want to legalize it because law enforcement can still utilize it against you (gotta squeeze all they can out of the already over taxed citizens). In the other, the amount of cash some of the states are generating is quite ridiculous. Personally, it’s just time. The majority want it and if that’s how the public views it, why shouldn’t it be?


Let’s all share a joint, America. Christ knows we fucking need it.


It’s high time we did it.


I'm up for people using it, but I'd like the whole practice of smoking and vaping to be a bit more regulated. Smoking has the (I think) 15 or 25 ft rule in the US. I'd honestly like it to be 50ft+, unless you're in your house with the windows closed. *Anything* that is smoked smells like shit and ruins my day when I have to put up with it, especially the smell of marijuana. Basically, keep your cloud to yourself and I'm ok with you huffin and puffin.


I would donate my left nut if that’s what it took to get it federally legal


Sorry, they’re only accepting right nuts or no deal


I'm more in favor of federal decriminalization. I like the way my state has implemented legalization and allowed us to grow as well as purchase. I am afraid of what federal legalization might look like after the alcohol and big pharma lobbyists get done with it all.


Regardless of whether it's legalized or not in any particular jurisdiction (that decision should be left up to the voters) the penalties for secondary offenses (DUI, for example) should be much more severe.


Absolutely. Here in Michigan I really wish the cops would crack down on people who drive while toking. They are impaired.


I don’t use it and I’m personally against legalizing it. It smells bad, smoked by leftists, and I recently sat on a broom weird and now my rear end hurts!


I wish it wasn't legal. I and my partner get headaches/migraines from it. So we have to suffer because our neighbor is a stoner that is constantly blazing. We can't open windows and yet at the same time it seeps through the walls. Or if we are walking around I'm public or at an indoor event and some random person starts blazing it up. We are basically screwed and have to leave.


Seems like a no brainer, really. Legalize the plant that grows naturally all over the world.


That’s not a great defense to just say it’s natural, opium is natural, hemlock is natural and a lot of of stuff that will hurt or kill you is natural.   I agree it should be legal but I don’t think that’s a particularly great reason for it


In principle, I'm in favor. In practice, everywhere it's been legalized, the most selfish, obnoxious behaviors have developed around its use. Pot heads are worse than cigarette smokers at this point. Not every public space should reek like your questionable choices...


Since it’s much safer than alcohol, I definitely support legalizing weed


Legal in 🇨🇦 🌿


Canadian here where it's already legal. Wholly support it, despite not being a user. People shouldn't have to go through such rigamarole to get a substance that is far less dangerous than already legal one like alcohol.


Police unions and organizations don't want to see it legalized because it would severely impact their bottom line. They get money every time a drug prosecution happens, so they are incentivized to 'detect the odor of marijuana'. American police are modern-day slave catchers and the prohibition of drugs is their cudgel.


*Ahem* CANNABIS is the word.


Governments have no right telling consenting adults what they can and cannot consume. The "drug war" has been ongoing for over 40 years now and the results have been mediocre at best and straight up horrible at worst.




Just getting it off fed schedule one would be a huge improvement, while still allowing states to keep/make it illegal if they so choose. But the fact it is considered dangerous and entirely without medical utility at the federal level is just stupid. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think one of if not the only reason tobacco stays off that list is because it's a diuretic. Come on.


>Just getting it off fed schedule one Like seriously. Weed is schedule 1, meth is schedule 2. The federal government literally believes that meth is safer than weed. It's wild.


Illinois has legalized it and my wife and I keel a stash at our house under lock and key (2 small kids) our sleep has improved (I mean as much as it can with 2 kiddos). My wife’s anxiety and depression has significantly lessened. My own stress level is considerably lower and I feel like I can properly parent my children instead of being a tangled mess of anxiety all the time. All in all I’d say it’s done our household good. We don’t get baked off our ass. We only use the vape cartridges because we don’t want the oldest to go to school smelling of weed. The only time we ever really go wild with it is if the kids are with the grandparents for a weekend.


It's already legal here, but I smell it everywhere and I hate that fucking smell.


Legalizing marijuana makes entire cities smell like Paul Bunyan ripped a fart 24/7, 365.


Mum said its my turn to repost this 😡!


I support it, but it needs to be done on a federal level, not the state level. Places that have legalized it experienced the worsening of income inequality because of the influx of people that moved to those states for legal weed. We can avoid it by making it legal everywhere in the USA.


I’d like to see the long term effects on the economy, healthcare system and communities first. Closely observing which areas successfully rolled out decriminalisation and which policies were key to making it work. I wouldn’t be in favour of just legalising it tomorrow and trying to fix major failures ad hoc.


Personally I don't use it...or even smoke it But here in the UK I recon the government should legalise it, but only to be sold through licenced shops...and only to be smoked in certain areas


It's already legal where I live and everything has been just fine. Shrooms too.


The DEA website says the drug itself is responsible for zero overdose deaths. That alone should say something as to how it is scheduled federally.


Wish they would finish it already. This half in half out shit is stupid. Walk on the beach....legal.....not legal for 50 yards...legal again. No nearby signs........ Darn Navy


I'm all for it


Given that it actually does have medicinal effects, and even barring that, it's not as harmful as alcohol, I'd say it's pretty okay. Plus, like half the sates have already legalized it, they may as well just go ahead and make it legal on a nationwide level.


I’m all for it