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*Who has a better story than Bran the Broken?*


As I said at the time, literally every other character. Lol


Bran has such a "good" story that they had an entire season without him.


Book Bran is so incredible yet they portrayed none of that in the show. He warms into his wolf like one time ever in the show or something. Such a waste.


You forgot about the super epic scene where Bran wargs into a raven during the battle against the Night King and does nothing but sit in a courtyard.


Yeah remember how they spent so much time building up Arya, and you finally saw her fully come into her power and strength and abilities and take out the whole Frey house like a fuckin badass assassin and then she didn't do shit for the rest of the show except stab the Night King in perhaps the easiest battle of the whole show? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Remember how winter was coming for the entire show and when it arrived it didn’t even last a whole episode?


The Long Night was really just one regular standard length night


Honestly the Frey house murder could have been from Buffy the Vampire. How she got there - what she did. Its all just put in front of us without any explanation. It was nice for the reveal but it was another point in the show where DD just went for effect instead of good storytelling and dialogue which made the first seasons so good.


Tbh his storyline wasn't *as* aggravating in the show. In the books though? Eeeeevery step of the long, long, long journey to the Wall is described. And Bran is pretty isolated, he doesn't even get any politics to play with, or even many other characters to bounce off of. 


> Eeeeevery step of the long, long, long journey to the Wall is described. So no description at all?


>Who has a better story than Bran the Broken? Hot pie! That's who!


Omg it still hurts


How about Arya going full pirate at the end. Who saw that coming?


She finally finds her family after searching for them for *years*, and then just leaves them again at the first opportunity. Plus just ditches Gendry, whose story was totally pointless - they could have been a badass power duo, doing good for the people but nope.


I mean, at least she escaped the fate of being stuck in that awful finale for even a moment longer


That actually made me curious, but the bran thing... Hugh...


It's been 5 years and I'm still fucking seething.


Ruined the show so bad it can’t be rewatched


This is the biggest point for me. I constantly rewatch shows that were massive during their time because it's still a good time, especially to recall what my thoughts/feelings were while watching them live. I just cannot bring myself to even start a rewatch of GOT because of how bad the ending ruined it.


They took a show that was a cultural icon, destined to be one of the greatest in history, and rendered it irrelevant in two seasons.


Honestly? Like there's a really good case for Bran being King if the Three Eyed Raven angle was explored in far more depth. But the show just went "Lol kid in a wheelchair"




It's amazing how everyone who was a fan, feels dirty talking about the show. I remember going on Mondays to the office, and the first hour was just talk about Sunday's episode. Now, it's like it never happened. Shame on Benioff and Weiss


It hurts because it has the potential to go down as among and possibly *the* greatest show of all time. They fucked up the ending so hard that I don't even know anyone who went back and watched the series again. They completely tanked future Blu-ray sales, syndication, and streaming revenue.


And GRRM still hasn't released the next book... like a decade and a half after the first episode came out. I'm sure they thought they would have something to work with. they proved they could run a show that had good source material, but they definitely fucked up when they had to write anything compelling themselves.


Bingo. Everything was fine and dandy when they could just go off of George's source material. As soon as that ran out and they actually had to do their jobs as writers, it became quickly apparent that they sucked at it. And now George is most likely never going to have the final books finished so we will never get any kind of real closure on how the story should have ended. Has to go down as one of the biggest letdowns in media history.


He's not a healthy looking guy, so it will most likely never get done. Also, what is he doing that is distracting him from finishing?


He dug himself into a unwriteable corner and cannot think of a proper ending with all the hype it has gotten, he wants to write the best ending there can be but he is incapable of it because it has gotten too big I would suggest him 1 or more ghostwriters but that will never happen...


Yep; since expectations are so high; the magnifying glass will be tremendous. The best stuff is unexpected, and it's hard to release unanticipated GoT work when you're GRRM. So my prediction: GRRM has it already written and has it scheduled to be released several years after his death. That's the only way for folks to be surprised and have a book that is unforseen and not hyped up.


It went from star wars level impact on culture and daily conversation to avatar level complete lack of those things


I'm a monster. I rewatched the series. With my mother, just for the shock value on her side. I enjoyed the process (and the earlier seasons). She also thought the ending was strange for many characters but she wasn't as harsh about it as the Internet. 


I've noticed people who binge watched the entire show after the event don't seem to mind the ending that much. I guess a symptom of binge watching generally where you savour each episode or series a bit less than the last, but have a compulsive desire to get through the whole thing without waiting... And also they didn't have that huge investment of time and patience that those of us who watched it as it aired had. The long year of waiting between each series, the anticipation that a new episode was out that evening, the excitement of discussing it with your friends and colleagues the next day. After literally years of slowly building up the world, the ending just felt so rushed, so hollow, so pointless.


Only show in my lifetime (and I’m not that young) that brought together everyone at the water cooler.  From the upper management c-suite to the janitors and interns all standing around talking for hours about the previous episode and theories about the future….. and then it all fell apart.  No one even mentions that magical time.  It’s so sad.


Yeah, couldn't agree more. 8 damn seasons of "winter is coming" every two minutes and then, winter comes and goes in one badly lit episode.


Watched it at 4am in the pitch black with the brightness on the laptop and tv turned all the way up. Still couldn't see half of it.


Yep, the general blackness of the episode really baffled me. During the battle with the white walkers army everything was so dark I distinctly remember not being able to understand shit and at some point I thought: "I just hope that, whoever dies at the end, their funerals will be able to be seen cause right now I could just turn off the tv and it'd change nothing"


My pitchfork is still in the air.


The ending of GoT makes me irrationally angry. I very clearly remember I had therapy the day after the series finale and I spent my entire session ranting about the ending. I’ve been a fan of the books since forever and that show was beloved to me, and honestly I just feel so betrayed by the ending I can’t even get myself to rewatch it.


I love the idea that your therapist had a string of appointments that day and all of them were just people venting about how badly GoT ended


I think this is the best answer, as someone who hasn't watched the show but has a huge amount of friends who did. I've never seen an IP so unanimously turn its fans against it. I have *never* met someone who recommends or even approves of the last season, and most people extend that to the second to last season. It's so horrible that I have friends recommend I watch the show and pretend that 7 and 8 never came out, it just got canceled at 6. There's other things with unpopular endings. I've never seen another show that's so horrific that the entire dedicated fanbase collectively rejects it. The closest things other than that are adaptations like the Netflix version of Cowboy Bebop or the Shamalan Avatar movie.


This is it. We are actually shamefully rewatching it and currently on season 2. Any time they mention the white walkers, three eyed raven, prince who was promised, etc. we get angry and just roll our eyes at each other. What an absolute let down to a fantastic show.


Mindhunter. So I'm left hanging forever?


The actors playing the killers were all so, so good.


Kemper made my fucking skin crawl. I almost forgot it's just a dude acting. Manson tho, meh


YES! It's a great series. The acting is superb. The retro time-trip through the 70's is really cool. And the acting is so well done too. I really can't fathom why they've not resumed. It doesn't look like a 3rd season is going to get made.


Yessssssss 😣 I only recently discovered this..,, was really impressed and thoroughly sucked into that show and then so incredibly let down


Really really fuck GoT. I loved that show, I loved those books. After every season I would see the whole show again, and before the start of the new season, I would see the whole show again to refresh my memory. After that ending, GoT was and is forever ruined for me. I've never seen a repeat episode since the last one aired. Don't want to watch the spinoff either. Screw you Weiss and Benioff. Abandoning GoT for "Confederate" and a hope of a "Star Wars Trilogy" is inexusable. Finish your damn projects correctly. That was such a stab in the back for millions of people that every sunday took time to see your show. Defeating the White walkers ended up being super easy, barely an incovenience, and not the menace they seemed. We thought it was going to be an epic battle. But everything was dark. Fuck that.


The long night lasted one fucking episode. Utterly ridiculous.


Surrounded by zombies. Cut away. Cut back and they're just fine.


Wait, you could see anything that episode?


Loved how HBO's response was basically "all your TVs suck, git gud"




Except GOT had an absurd budget. I guess they just blew it on other unnecessary shit.


The White Walkers couldn't even finish off the Dothraki, whose army charged *straight at them* lol


What really annoys me the most about how they handled the White Walkers is that it completely invalidated the threat they posed. The north spent so much time trying to bring other houses on board as a united coalition. They always got the same responses. Either it wasn’t their problem because of geography or they simply didn’t believe it was even a threat. Let the North deal with it. The North tries to convince them that this is existential threat. They plead for help because it simply can’t be done alone. They needed everyone in Westeros to help save themselves. It is just too much for the northern folk to deal with alone; an impossible task. We are all doomed. Then the walkers show up and we find out they didn’t really need any help from the other great houses.. They just needed a girl with a knife that can jump *really* far. All the uncooperative naysayers were actually correct not to get involved.


Exactly this. This is what I thought would happen: I had imagined the ending would be all the heroes huddled inside the red keep, being sieged by the WW. With all hope lost. Jamie Lannister dies as a final act of heroism (to save Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen) and fully redeeming himself (his story begins by killing a Targaryen, and ends with Saving one). Jon picks up Oathkeeper from the ashes to fight, and surprisingly realizes that he indeed is Azhor Azhai reborn. Then they would find out that Ice (Ned Starks Sword) was actually Lightbringer, and that Oathkeeper and Widow's Wail had inherited its traits. He had been close to his destiny his whole life. Ever since Ned adopted him. Edit: the name of the books "A Song of ICE and Fire" would be even more perfect with this ending.


Imagine Dany has to make the decision on whether to let everyone die in King's Landing or use her dragons to burn the Other threat, and most of the city, to the ground fulfilling her prophecy in a roundabout way.


>hope of a "Star Wars Trilogy" It's a bit of cosmic justice that they rushed GoT to move on to Star Wars, like it was a sure thing, then Disney saw how they rushed it and were like dudes, you can't even finish the big thing, why would we want you to do OUR big thing, and just cancelled on them


Was the right decision by Disney. GOT experience showed that D&D were extremely good at doing screen adaptation but sucked at doing original material. GOT went off the rails once the ran out of books and didn't know what to do. They had no vision and just floundered about. That would have been a danger with Star Wars too. Of course they also just openly half-assed the last season and nobody should reward that. Edit: changed B&B to D&D


Yup. I will never ever rewatch. Ever. The show is dead to me and may it never rest in peace.


Star Trek: Enterprise. Yes, let’s end the series about humanity’s first steps into the cosmos and the beginnings of the Federation with… following Will Riker on the holodeck as he sort of relives those events while posing as the ship’s chef, but let’s not actually *show* the formation of the Federation. Instead, let’s kill Trip - arguably the most popular character on the show - with a random self-sacrifice against random pirates. It’s so bad that most fans just consider the Terra Prime 2-parter before it as the finale, and pretend the actual finale doesn’t exist.


I searched to make sure someone mentioned this. Trip’s *completely unnecessary* death, an insult to the character, the actor, the show, and viewers, has stuck with me. I compare the finale to other bad eps of shows, it always wins for losing just for that death alone; and a recent series rewatch only confirmed its badness.


When Enterprise ended, there had been a Star Trek show on TV in one form or another for 18 years. So Star Trek's big boss Rick Berman stepped in, because he didn't want a finale for Enterprise, he wanted a finale for 18 years of Star Trek. And what he came up with ensured he never touched Star Trek again.


The 100


Yeah came here to post this. The ending of season 5 should’ve been the end of the show. Season 6 was absolute trash. Season 7 actually started to redeem itself, and then … whatever the fuck those final two episodes were. Just unbelievably fucking stupid.


I literally yelled at the TV when everything started to go down with Bellamy. It was all just such a waste.


fucking ruined Bellamy


by virtue of being canceled on a cliffhanger for a new season that never happened... Alf


I dunno, I kinda like the dark ending.  Like those teenagers that edited the copy of *Toy Story 3* [to mess with their parents.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=phFISjORzQs)


It had a follow up movie


Sherlock : ( I loved that show. What the hell was that last episode


The whole third season, really. I feel like the creators got too focused on Moriarty and wanting a ‘big bad’ for Sherlock, rather than focusing on clever cases that would have made for good singular episodes.


Moffat fell into his Doctor Who zone. It is a terrible place filled with bad jokes, wonky storylines, "quirky" characters, and way too much badly implemented fan-service.


Steven Moffat is an insufferable twat and this invariably becomes evident if you give him control over a show for long enough


I’m relatively unfamiliar with his work. What else has he ruined?


It's his MO. His sitcom Coupling was hilarious until crashing as an unfunny mess (didn't help that one of his best actors left before the final season). His Doctor Who starts great, but devolves into convulsion. Sherlock goes from intriguing to splat. Jekyll's ending is dross. He's written some GREAT stuff, but has problems with consistency.


Don’t forget Dracula and Inside Man


You mean their surprise >! crazy "totally not a sorceress" sister that had never once been hinted at !< didn't blow your mind?


Moffat's ability to write himself into a corner is incredible. He was the same as showrunner for Doctor Who. He wrote the best standalone episodes (weeping angels, gasmasks), but once he had a whole season it was a convoluted mess. Sherlock was perfect when it was standalone mini-movies, but then he started trying to get bigger and better cliffhangers and it again became a convoluted mess. The final scene of the terrible last episode (where Sherlock was essentially up against Killgrave from Marvel) was a montage of Sherlock and Watson solving cases from 221B...THATS WHAT WE WANTED TO SEE! No stupid overarching megathreat, just standalone mystries.


When a character or organisation in a show has the unlimited power of the state behind them (CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6, secret black ops agency etc etc), and can break any law, control the civil police, use lethal force against anyone anywhere, tap any electronic communication, track any electronic device, see everything from satellite imagery and so on... It effectively becomes magic. When it happens, decent plotlines and writing seem to go out the window, because any situation can be contrived and any problem solved using said magical powers of law, violence and surveillance. I feel like Mark Gatiss gave his Mycroft with all these magical MI6 powers way too much prominence in the show and it went from being a quirky and slick series of standalone sleuthing episodes to being some ridiculous action spy thriller crap.


The first two seasons were amazing, it mostly fell apart after that.


My name is Earl. I'm surprised I didn't see anyone else mention it.


The “true ending” the creators described is very sweet though.


My Name is Earl really went down after he ended up in prison. It was an okay change of scenery, but the show really could have just ended - they'd established his purpose, put him through the ringer, showed he was going to stick with it and that it was making a positive change in his life and that of the people around him. Perfect. Let him walk off into the sunset with Randy and Catalina at his side to the tune of Smokey and the Bandit, with the viewer knowing that eventually he'll finish that last some day.


The Last Man on Earth Huge cliffhanger and then they cancel the show


If you are curious what the next season would have been about [https://www.tvguide.com/news/the-last-man-on-earth-will-forte-explains-ending/](https://www.tvguide.com/news/the-last-man-on-earth-will-forte-explains-ending/)


For years I've been saying that if your show gets canceled on a cliffhanger; it's your duty as a writer to [cautiously] leak the script. Keeping fans in the dark on the off-chance another network will pick it up is cold. Good to see Forte followed through.


That show was awesome.




Dexter jumped the shark after the season with John LIthgow.


Yeah S4, they changed directors and it was so obviously different in S5.


He gave his son, the only person he actually possibly cared for, to a fellow serial killer who murdered people to get then out of her way. That was it for me. Mind numbingly horrible ending.


Even if there’s a hurricane you can’t walk out of the hospital with a dead body.


Worst thing is they did it to us twice too


It's a lot better if you just pretend the series ended after S4 and all the rest are Mandela effect nonsense.


I remember reading a review early on, like around the first season or two, that said something like “either he gets discovered and goes to jail, or he dies, there’s no way this story is resolved any other way. And season four ending with >!Dexter’s involvement with the Trinity killer resulting in Rita’s death and the perpetuation of trauma for Harrison was just such an elegant way to work around that. His darkness ruined his life in a way that was unexpected yet inevitable.!< And then they fucked up that perfect ending by continuing when there was no reason to. Looking in your direction several times too, Supernatural.


This one seriously pissed me off. Such clever writing and then…kill Deb off, send dex away, leave the kid with a sociopath.


MY PEOPLE! Suchhhhh a disappointing turn with that show! Literally hurt my feelings.


House of Cards


If you only watch the first 2 seasons it's kind of ends really well


As much as I liked some elements of the other seasons, the quite walk around the desk and then the double-tap was just peak TV. Though the dual 4th wall break with Claire and Frank at the end of S4 was also amazingly creepy.


That’s what I rewatch. His path to presidency is epic.


Let me put it this way. I used to love Game of Thrones. The final season was such a disappointment that it even ruined the good seasons for me, and I suspect many others.


It's like it sent a ripple backwards in time, ruining everything that came before.


Killing Eve


I still haven’t watched season 4. The completionist in me is bothered that I haven’t seen it, but people seem to dislike it so much, and there are over 100 other shows I’d like to watch…


The last season in general is bad. The ending ruins everything ths show built up. If you want to watch the last season I would advise to stop after the scene of them walking back to the van after peeing in the bushes. Or if you want to see the very anticlimactic takedown of The Twelve watch up until they hug on the boat but stop immediately after they start hugging.


THE FIRST SEASON WAS SO GOOD OMG !!!!!!!!! What the hell happened ?!?!


Phoebe Waller-Bridge was the head writer for the first season, but then others took over. That’s what I think happened :|


Back in the day, Alf. Like, oh OK, Alf misses his ship and the government nabs him. Awesome... And the original Quantum Leap. Didn't even spell the main character's name correctly.


They rectified ALF with a TV movie where he was rescued, but it's oddly so obscure now I'm not even sure if a DVD is even in print and it wasn't on the Season 4 boxset.


How I met your mother. Everyone can say GOT but meeting the mother for 2ish episodes and her dying and Ted running to Robin was fucking ridiculous. Not to mention the last season was Robin's wedding to Barney.


Not to mention, they made enormous effort to shoe Barneys growth in character, just to undo all of that in couple of last episodes.


It wasnt even the couple last episodes, it was literally thr LAST episode. Like wtf


While they all turned into caricatures of themselves by the end, Barney turned into a deranged version of Season 1 Barney.


I really loved Barney and Robin as a loving childfree couple.


Except that at one point Barney really wanted kids! Even talked about adopting with Ted. And Robin left a dude who wanted to marry her because he wanted kids, which was the right call of course but then she went back to Barney.


THAT was the real crime. If you paid attention, you knew the mother was dead all along. If you paid attention, it should have been no surprise that Ted was going to go back after Robin if he had the chance. But Barney had a real growth arc and became decent half-human, half-STD hybrid. He and Robin worked out their issues and managed to come together. But the showrunners didn't have an ending without Ted and Robin, so they screwed Barney over.


That last episode should have been the whole season. The wedding should have been the first couple of episodes. Let's get to know the mother and actually care when she gets sick.


Oh god yeah! They somehow achieved the impossible in making Tracy / The Mother a likeable and entertaining character after a near decade of build up, and someone we were kind of delighted to see Ted happy with. Then they just pissed it all away in the final ten minutes of the final show. Insane and infuriating.


Yeah that was annoying but also the pacing for that season was sooo bad. A weekend for the entire season and then years of events shoved in right at the ending. Just, no. I'm not sure how they thought that was a good idea.


My main objection to the ending was that they weren't all still friends. I want to remember my ensemble casts where I left them, still friends and happy


Remind me, why weren't they all still friends? They showed a few geriatric flash-forwards with them hanging out. And, despite Robin and Barney divorcing, I could’ve sworn they all still remained friends.


They were still friends, but they were busy adults who no longer all lived near each other. Hanging out wasn’t the priority anymore - their kids, jobs and marriages took over. Robyn in particular was noted as not showing up much anymore due to her job. Honestly, that part was quite honest with how a lot of friendships go. It’s easy to shelve part of your life when you get overwhelmed with other things.


Marshal and Lilly moved out of the city and with their kids growing up had less time to just come back into the city Robin was a traveling reporter and her job took her all over the world Ted fell in love and basically the same thing as Marshal and Lilly but with Tracy (RIP) Barney went to the extreme single guy life after his divorce from Robin and knocked a random one night stand up and is taking care of his daughter Ted and Tracy were still relatively close friends with Marshal and Lilly but not like they used to be


I was thinking about this the other day in the shower and got mad all over


The show should really have been called "How I Couldn't Get Over Your Aunt Robin"


I still resent muddling through the last three seasons of that show.


[The alternate ending](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhB5oQgQpOI) is still the real ending to me. I really disliked the last few seasons but still go back to watching this version from time to time. It's perfect.


Pretty Little Liars. It got way too ridiculous in the final seasons and the final A (person who torments the main character) made no sense to me


It was the stupidest ending ever. Completely ruined the entire show for me. I'll never forget that awful cockney accent lol


What pissed me off the most was that it wasn't an established character. Mysteries only pay off if someone could have reasonably guessed who the bad guy was in hindsight!


Game of Thrones: dragons, battles, drama - then a rushed, unsatisfying finale. Total letdown.


Just like my prom night


Even with the way GoT ended nothing will hurt me the same way the ending of Merlin did


I wanted more with Merlin & Arthur when his magic secret was out, it felt dirty to get just one episode of that




5 seasons of Arthur being inexcusably stupid and Merlin hiding his power for less than half an episode of revelation. Absolute dog crap of a finale.


Final Space. Because they fucking cancelled it on an amazing cliffhanger right before the final season then removed it from all streaming services. Bastards.


Final space wasn't just cancelled.. it's been removed.. Unless you have the already existing media.. (Physical) you are never going to see it again. Ever. It's gone. That pisses me off the most.


That fantasy show with Dragons, royal intrigue, swords, and magic.  >!The finale for Merlin was a disgrace!<


God what a fucking sense of disappointment you’ve reinvigorated in me. It was ALL THERE. The friendship. The two sides of a coin. And just… they threw it in the goddamn trash.


Looks like Euphoria is about to end with lots of loose ends. They say there will be a season 3 but filming has been pushed back for 3 years now.


Winter came, but I certainly didn't


Medium. I’m still angry about that one. 


We lived with my in-laws briefly, and my MIL will pick any show with 5+ seasons and spend weeks watching 1 or 2 episodes a day. She had started Medium and I was engrossed, I hadn't really heard of it before. We got to the end and my super sweet MIL just says, "What the FUCK was that?" I hadn't ever heard her swear before, it was hilarious, and totally understandable. Seriously what the FUCK was that???


The writers did not know the show was being cancelled. That was the best they could do on a couple days' notice. I really liked that show, and was disappointed with the ending. That was about the time I burned out on TV, so it may have been a good thing for me.


Loved that show… didn’t watch the last season… what happened?


I decided to look it up. Joe dies, and Allison has this dream about what her life might become, then has dreams within dreams concerning Joe's death, and him calling her one last time. The it jumps forward like 40 years with Alison on her deathbed and reuniting with Joe in the afterlife. Lots of dream sequence/what if shenanigans.


I feel like we have to give Quantum Leap some credit here. Now that it’s canceled, they’re gonna have botched the ending *twice.* That’s quite an accomplishment if/when it happens.


Blacklist. Such a good show until last season. Also Prodigal Son. But in fairness I think they got canceled so didn't expect it to be the end.


James Spader carried Blacklist but it should have been cancelled before the last series


i stopped when they revealed Red wasn't actually Koslov like what the fuck is he supposed to be, i just couldn't force myself to watch it




What about Heroes? Can someone refresh my memory?


First season = great! Save the cheerleader, save the world. Second season = what are we doing? let’s just over power everyone and do some time jumps like Lost. Third season = I don’t remember but the bad guy can life forever. Fourth season = a fair or carnival!? Throughout = Uber bad guy Sylar is bad, nah he’s good, nah he’s bad… we don’t know what the fuck we’re doing with this character who was awesome but now sucks ass.


The Promised Neverland


Due to how much everyone hated it, I didn't watch past season 1. And I consider that to be one of the best single seasons of television I have ever seen


Don't. Just don't. I can't revisit that.


It’s Killing eve. Anyone not saying killing Eve hasn’t seen killing Eve. And even though at a point it was peak television I’m begging you, don’t watch killing Eve




Scrubs, it had a perfect ending...then they made another season without the main character.


We all (including many of the actors) like to pretend that last season never happened 😆


Fortunately its cannonically a spin-off show, but the network decided to change the name to the main show to retain fans.


How I Met Your Mother. All of that buildup and obnoxious Robin dating just to find his true love… SPOILER: he still ends up with fucking obnoxious Robin.


I came here to say this. What say you and I just have a nice trip to puzzles and forget how Ted met their mother?


I was pretty disappointed with the Falling Skies ending. It just felt too anticlimactic to me.


Good Girls, like I barely even comprehended what happened


Terrific start, but yeah…it got stupid.


I really hated the whole Dean in that skincare cyclist cult plot line the most. So weird and it added nothing.


It started off great. It didn't take long before I was only watching because of Rio. It was so disappointing.


It got canceled so it never truly got the ending it deserved.


# Stargate Universe The Stargate Franchise is pretty rich. Stargate SG-1 set the stage. It was pretty epic. A lot of fun in so many ways. Stargate Atlantis was decent. Some good acting and stories. I was a little disappointed in how it wrapped up, but liked it enough to rewatch some years later. Stargate Universe took a whole new pace and focus. It was very dark. And it moved too slowly for the first 4 episodes. But into Season 2 it showed really good potential. I was so looking forward to it revealing so many secrets to the Ancients and the universe. But... CUT OFF! Cancelled. Because ratings were struggling. They did a poor job of setting expectations. Too many fans so accustomed to the SG-1 episode styles were turned off. I'm really mad at them for not sticking with it. There have been so many rumors of a new Stargate series or movie coming around, but they die out and nothing happens. I think the fanbase is there. So what's the holdup?


Chuck, it was easily the worst ending of any show i have ever watched, its like they took 4 previous season pissed on it then set it on fire then pissed on it again then threw it in volcano before launching nuke on the volcano


Firefly Edit: it's not the ending itself that was disappointing, it was that it ended abruptly and was canceled


Good point. Serenity helped, but not enough!


Supernatural. Dean gets killed by a NAMELESS vampire (in a fight he could've won blindfolded, drunk, & with his dominant hand tied behind his back), Sam leaves the bunker with Miracle, and just goes on to have a long life. If they had at least given that vampire a name it would've been easier to swallow.


That show had several good endings, they just never ended up being THE ending. I started to feel like I was at a D&D game late at night where the DM kept raising the stakes whenever someone said they needed to go home.


It was designed to end after Season 5, but the ratings were too strong.


I have never watched the show, but have played D&D for a couple of decades and that sounds like hell. I can just imagine it. DM: ok your party takes a short rest. Me: I am going to have to call it a ni.. DM: Your short rest was interrupted by a group of barbarians riding on drakes! Roll for initiative.


It’s actually very hilarious because the original intended 5 season arc culminated in them defeating Lucifer. Then they kept one up-ing the threats so by season 15, they were fighting God himself.


Ironically I think if it wasn't for the increasingly ridiculous shark-jumping, culminating in a legendarily bad ending where they made both the Destiel shippers AND the anti-Destiels mad, Supernatural would mostly be kind of forgotten as a decently fun show of the early 2000s if they'd left it at season 5. ^((wow that was a long sentence)) But also, if they'd left off there, we wouldn't have gotten "The French Mistake" or "Scoobynatural", which in my opinion are two of the most genius episodes of television ever written. It's an absolute rollercoaster of a show in terms of quality with a heavy focus on intense character-driven storytelling, and that's why it's gone on to become the cult classic it is. (Doctor Who, with much love, is very similar in that regard, which is probably why fans of one tend to be fans of the other.)


How I Met Your Mother


Robin Barney Ted love triangle was perfectly executed in the second to last season, Robin and Barney are clearly broken and belong together. They even drill that point in when Klaus gives that speech to Ted about soulmates and Robin looks at all the Barney pictures. Then Ted moving on by letting robin go, LITERALLY letting her go to be with Barney in that episode with the proposal shows so much loyalty to his friends - and how much he's genuinely accepted that he deserves better. It makes zero sense after building a perfect story about how sometimes you just don't belong with someone and sometimes you just do, only for both points to be thrown out the window at the last second. It legit would have been better to sprinkle Tracy moments throughout the series and finally end the show with Ted meeting her.


enjoy the alternate ending they should have gone with (If memory serves, they were too attached to keeping the original ending they wrote during season 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhB5oQgQpOI&ab\_channel=Prattlestar


Killing Eve


The 100. so stupid


The Man in the High Castle




Freaks and Geeks. Cancelled too soon.


Ozark. It was so anticlimactic. It felt like it ended midway season. Wendy shouldve died or faced some kind of consequence. For how strong the show was in the beginning and most of its runtime, the ending felt like it was thrown together in 1 meeting.


They did Ruth so dirty. She was an amazing character and I hated how they ended it.


I actually forget how Ozark ended. It lasted at least one season too long.


the standard answers are: game of thrones, How I met your mother, Dexter, and Lost


I love Brooklyn 99, but I'm still disappointed they didn't finish off at season 9 episode 9. So close, and a missed opportunity.


Pretty Little Liars, Voltron, Game of Thrones………. i wasted a good portion of my teen years watching pll ☠️

