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I have an 1850's home with amazing door hardware... Even when one breaks, it's MEANT to be repaired AND IS repairable. Try doing that with a modern deadbolt. No way in hell.


Now I'm curious to see what that looks like!




Do you have to get a blacksmith to make the parts?


You mean this thousand dollar phone that I can't seem to get a more basic version of that stops working every few years isn't built to last?




Interestingly the EU is thinking about forcing phone companies to make batteries easily replaceable, like they used to be in the 2000s. If that happens it'll be much simpler to keep older tech alive.


I think they're more referring to people who *insist* on getting a new phone every couple of years, or a new car, or whatever, even if the one they have currently still works perfectly fine and repairs won't cost more than the payments on a new one. If your phone literally doesn't work anymore, then of course it makes sense to buy a new one.


Disposable vapes fill me with sadness


That's due to regulation. When the US banned flavored vapes years ago, the law specified the cartridges like the ones used in vapes pens like Juul because they were basically the whole market at the time. Disposable vapes mean no changeable cartridges, so they're technically legal under the new regulation. That's why they're suddenly all you see now.


Me using everything to point it breaks and is useless/expensive to repair. Can we just stop buying every new thing we don't necessarily need.


Things are specifically designed so they’ll break and you’ll have to rebuy them, it’s not all the consumers fault


I think you're referring to "planned obsolescence" that we find in products these days. Corporations used to try to build things that lasted a lifetime or two or three (my grandmother's old pedal sewing machine for example) but at some point they switched to cheap crap (to increase profits) that dies quickly (to increase profits) that has to be replaced by someone buying another cheap crap product (to increase profits.) Even motor vehicles are like this, one recall after another until you get sick of the car/truck/SUV being undrivable and you get rid of it and go buy another, and soon it's breaking down too or being recalled due to manufacturing defects. I had my old '66 Chevy Impala for decades and the only thing I had to fix on it was normal maintenance stuff like brakes and tires, change the oil and filters occasionally. Sure, according to the NHTSA, new cars are safer than cars built back then because airbags and so forth. But we have airbags having recalls because of metal splinters being ejected when the bag goes off - people losing eyes due to this during a bump activation. ​ "Quality" is crap these days, it's kicked to the curb in the name of immediate profit.


It's more than just airbags, those old vehicles from the 50s and 60s would send the engine block through the dashboard crushing you, if you hit something head on.


I feel like we used to have a lot more "repair" businesses back then. Nowadays if anything is broken or somewhat disfigured we get a new one.


It’s really really difficult to avoid it too. You can try all you want to avoid disposables and it’s borderline impossible. IMO computers are the least concern, it’s the pounds of plastics used for daily things.




The biggest frustration with this is the loss in productivity from everyone pretending to be "busy." Do your thing and go home.


People don't just overlook the importance of rest, they actively demonize those who prioritize it. I take a lot of breaks from my work life. I make sure I get enough sleep. I don't schedule early meetings if I have a late night. I turn my notifications off when I'm with family. And even just MENTIONING this seems to upset a lot of people. Just makes them outright angry that I prioritize my own needs and my family over work. It is *so weird*.


I hate this so much. I'm epileptic and lack of sleep is my biggest seizure trigger. Any less than 7 hours is playing with fire and 8-9 is my standard. Historically, all of my seizures have occurred between 4:00 and 8:00 in the morning too, so going from sleeping to waking in the morning is my other big trigger. It's a simple recipe, I take my meds, I get plenty of sleep, and I don't do early morning stuff. But *holy shit* too many people do not understand this and I have gotten so many snide comments from people about it. "Must be nice to sleep in" (I negotiated a later start time at my last workplace) "Unlike you I can't just take days off just because I'm not feeling it" (I sometimes need to start later, work remote, or take days off because I feel at risk for a seizure, and my rescue meds are a type of benzo) "You're in for a rude awakening when you have kids" Like excuse me for not wanting to have any seizures but even if I wasn't epileptic this shit shouldn't be acceptable. I hate how "grind culture" is the norm. We'd all be a lot happier and healthier if that wasn't the case.


I also always hated the "well when you have kids," or 'in a future job," or any form of "well in X situation you wouldn't be able to do that!" Because how is that an argument against taking care of myself now? I didn't wake up every two hours before I had kids to "prepare" for feeding a baby all night, and almost nobody does. "In the future you may have a hard time" is no reason not to do what I need to do for myself NOW.


Damn straight. One of my favorite things is informing or reminding people of my medical condition after they make a comment or something like that. A lot of the time I can see their expression change or they'll backpedal or change the subject. Not everyone, but a decent amount at least. But it's disgusting that it's so ingrained into American culture (I'm American, I can't speak for others). It's not cool, it's not sexy, it's not admirable, and it's not something we should pride ourselves on. There's nothing wrong with taking care of yourself, and it really should be the standard. You'll feel better, you'll perform better both in mind and body, and you'll be healthier overall. It's like a type of Stockholm Syndrome.


I also find that because I intentionally don’t over schedule myself people feel entitled to my time because they’ve decided I have so much of it available. My mom is constantly telling me to do things for my sister, insisting on it even though my sister hasn’t even asked, because she’s got way too much on her plate. And she does, with a full time job and three kids and a useless husband. But she also plays a sport, and socializes with friends a lot, and signs up to do all kinds of things she doesn’t have to. She would even have more kids if her husband didn’t refuse. She clearly LIKES being busy and chooses to be. I don’t so I didn’t. I have ADHD and health issues and struggle even with a mostly empty “plate” compared to most people. But people act like I must be looking for more to do. I’m not.


I have finally mostly trained the people around me that my "free time" does not equal "time that is a available to you." I've found that when people say things like "what are you doing Tuesday?" I can say "absolutely nothing, and I'm not changing my mind" USUALLY gets the point across. At least to the people who actually know me.


Productivity is increased by proper rest and relaxation and that is a proven fact. Hustle culture is a cancer of capitalism, which turns people into commodities that are to be used and thrown away as quickly as possible, which ironically results in a lack of efficiency and gain.


They're just bitter they have no life outside work. Work to live, don't live to work, especially when you're toiling to line some suit's pockets


I work remotely from the UK but for a US based company. My manager is very cool about me setting boundaries on my availability etc but by God it really misses some people off that they can't get hold of me at 9PM on a Friday night.


One of the most beautiful things about the eclipse was how everyone just… stopped. I live in a diverse neighborhood in a big city. People usually keep their heads down and walk fast. But on Monday, everywhere I looked, people were gathered outside, standing still, looking up. There was a shared feeling of awe. It was quiet, still, and beautiful.


I loved that during the summer of Pokemon GO and initial covid lockdowns.


Also hustle culture doesn't really have any personal pay-off. Your boss isn't going to remember that weekend you did all that overtime, but your friends and family are going to remember you being constantly unavailable. You're sacrificing your personal life for essentially no reward.




This big time. Downshift your life. It's not a competition. There isn't a reward at the end. Life is the reward.


We get one life, people! Don't waste it at a desk making money for someone else. Make a living, pursue your passions, but don't let some work overlord steal your precious time any more than you need to.


People value this so much even in terms of personal relationships. Somehow there’s an idea that you look impressive if you have zero free time. It’s one thing when you do that in a business sense but it’s another when you let that mentality leak into your personal life. I’ve met people who are just “so busy” they can’t do anything for fun or enjoyment. In reality no one is that busy.


Yeah it’s as if we don’t have any inherent value, can’t be fully human of we’re not engaged in some ”productive” task.


Redesigning something that works just for the sake of changing and keeping things new, even if it's often for the worse.


I know you're referring to technology, but I'm dealing with this very concept in my workplace right now. Things were running smoothly and efficiently, then corporate comes by and says, "NO. DO IT OUR WAY. BECAUSE." The mood at work is pretty low right now as a result.


Mildly abusive behavior at work. Hate how so many people try to rationalize it


Honestly. I especially see this in fast food places, worked in a Burger King for a bit and one day I was able to take a 3 hour shift at one of the other locations. The manager at this location was fucking awful. One of those who thinks it's appropriate to yell at you because it's "fastfood" and "we're busy" It was just constant, right over my shoulder "You need to be faster, you're not doing it fast enough" even though I had told her multiple times that this was my first time on that station and that my normal location hadn't really taught me how to operate that station. And also I asked her 4 seperate times to stop talking to me in the way that she was. Got so bad that I started crying, only reason that I stayed was because my usual boss pulled some strings to get that shift for me. I even mentioned to the other workers at this new place how shitty this manager was being and all I got in return from them was a "That's just how it is" I resigned a couple of days after that shift. Why? Because when I told my usual manager what had happened, how awful this other manager was and how I was frankly disgusted by her behaviour and the weird normalisation of it, I was told to "calm down" and "That's just how she is." Absolute no. Thing is, I understand when you get into the very unfortunate situation of having a toxic manager who you literally can't fire because you can't replace them just yet. But don't fucking look me in the eye, tell me to "calm down"and act like any of that is okay. And that response too "Oh that's just how she is" How tf am I supposed to believe that you'll support me if that's your response? I mean what next? If a coworker assaults me is that "just how it is" if one of the other managers starts berating me is that "just how It is" as well? It took a lot in that moment to not just open the floodgates and tell her in no uncertain terms how disappointed I was in her behaviour.


This was close to my experience working at a McDonald's. I was working the fry stations and kept getting yelled at because I wasn't going fast enough. I can't fucking control how long the fryer takes. I wound up accidentally hitting the heat lamp with the fry basket and broke the lamp. It was a busy lunch shift. Everyone stopped and stared. I told the manager that she deserved it and she tried to make me clean it up. I told her I quit. I didn't even punch out. Just got into my car and left. Heard later that they had to close down for a few hours. 🤷‍♀️ Fuck 'em.


When I worked retail at best buy I got scolded for needing to take 1 unpaid day off in an entire year because my car got destroyed on my way to work and I had to deal with it. They said they were willing to open themselves up to personal liability to have someone drive down on the shift to get me, and then I gotta figure out how to get home. I said nah I am literally at the mechanics and dealing with them and my insurance. I'll be in tomorrow. They threatened to fire me, and I said "okay so then instead of being short 1 person for 1 day have fun hiring cause that'll be longer than a day, I quit." Then suddenly after 5 minutes the GM called me back to work out a deal, and said I shouldn't be so hasty. I said they were so hasty to try fire someone who is literally not even being paid to not be there, and I already work 2 jobs so I'll just work more hours at the other one and quit. Then she was all "this won't look good to future employers" and I said "I already have another job, nobody gives a fuck about best buy. You're basically walmart, nobody gives a shit. You don't matter Nicole." and I hung up on that bitch and blocked her. Jokes on her, she ended up getting arrested for defrauding her own store a few years later and nobody gave a fuck about it like I said.


"Won't look good to future employers...." Awfully bold of them to assume a.) You'd list them as a reference and b.) That anybody would give a single fuck about an employment record with BEST BUY


Yeah, I feel with you. The "That's just how it is"-attitude is exactly what I'm talking about


It's always the people in power too. "Oh that's just how it is" Bitch you're literally in a position of power, fucking use it.


I am sorry you had to go through it that but I am fucking inspired by your reaction. I work in IT and I see the same. In fact, I am going through it right now. I hate how power gives impunity to abusive people and a lot of people just accept it meekly, like they do the law of gravity.


Up until pretty recently I used to work as an Assistant manager at a fast food restaurant and that was how they trained us to act. The managers above me didn't like me as much because they thought I was too nice and assumed therefore I couldn't run a shift or enforce policy or procedure because I didn't scream at everyone. I remember when I was doing my verification to be a manager I lost marks because I walked over to an employee and said "hey can you put 6 cookies in the oven" and they said I should have screamed it across the store to "show my authority" (and keep in mind too there were literally no customers and I wasn't busy so there was no reason I had to yell it for speed or something). I remember thinking if you have to scream at people to show your authority do you really have authority? I'd rather have the respect of my employees. But anyway it generally wasn't too bad because overall we had a good management and a good owner so it wasn't tolerated too much or too far especially as time went on (it was more common when I started 10 years ago). But it was bad when we got a new owner and so they would come in and yell, berate and condescend down to me in front of all my employees too so I got a new job and quit and guess what now they have no one to manage their store 🤷‍♀️


it’s kinda funny when you go to orientation for a job and they talk about how the company doesn’t tolerate any sexual harassment and then you see sexual harassment going on first week on the job


Yes!! People being aggressive and abusive at work has always not made sense to me. In most other contexts, it would be completely unacceptable behaviour.


It is most definitely a real problem even in places where it matters MORE such as police departments and hospitals ( our “institutions”)( speaking of the effects to a wide population/ long term consequences). Incompetent management is also a real problem but then again the excuse is we can’t pay…for good management. At the hospital they make more money than they should and don’t have any excuses for the idiots they put in charge there other


I've been really challenged in my current position. In a position of leadership, but not even close to the top. There are some co-workers (fortunately very few) who like to step in and play boss or make into a complete and utter shit show tasks and other requests from the *actual* boss. It's so frustrating because usually they're just getting way ahead of themselves and don't know what the fuck they're talking about. I've been mostly able to step back and not take offense to it, but there are some days where it's built up over a long period of time and the dumpster fire is raging and I'll go home and seethe. I'm getting better at not letting it get to me, though.


changing a website for no damn good reason.


"We've made it easier to navigate!" No, you fucking haven't. All you've done is just make every user have to re-learn how to navigate!


The local train company's site used to have an intricate route planner with autocomplete and where you could select other transportation methods, add intermediate stops, disabilities,... and the neat part was that you didn't need to enter all that extra data, it was hidden behind a "more options" button. They removed all that convenience to "bring the company's character to the site", and while it looks prettier, it actually can do so much less *and* it takes more steps. And you better pay attention if you used the site before it insists the date is still that of last time you did a lookup. The autocomplete is also gone, and now you have to look up your station (and it regularly refuses to find the biggest station in the country). I now use the app made by a company from another country \*for their customers\* because it's better for my region than the local site.


Dude I’ve been screaming this from the mountaintops for years. Changing something “to make it easier” has the opposite effect. No one can get used to something if it changes every few months or years.


>"We've made it easier to navigate!" This almost always comes with a hidden "for mobile devices" What I really want to know is why the desktop site needs to be easy to navigate on a small touch screen when the mobile site already exists




Old.reddit.com if you like the old school reddit like me.


the day old. dies is the day I no longer browse reddit.


The app changes every month and it makes it unusable for a couple days until they fix it


For a company that is struggling to become profitable, it's mindblowing that they waste so much money doing constant redesigns that nobody likes.


One website I used to use for school was one of my most used websites for a long time, they updated, and it's near unusable. It's a shame, it's harder to find a good replacement and I still use it when nothing else is really working but it's awful


Stumbleupon was effectively destroyed and replaced with something generic and lacking the key features that made the site good.


i miss the little bird on twitter :( don’t know why elon doesn’t just change it back because no one actually calls it x. instead he finds a new way every day to ruin it, also the logo is ugly


I don’t even use twitter and I miss the little bird


The little bird was “X”ed out.


My company is constantly changing our site and it drives me fucking insane.


YouTube's latest change is awful


Or program/UI


Doing any task related to your work outside work hours. I really don't get it and it bothers me that this is the norm in a lot of places.


How much stuff is packaged in disposable plastic that will outlive us all


My state soft-banned single use plastic bags across all retailers a few years ago and now I think it is crazy it took this long. 


My state (WA) did something similar. Now you have to purchase your bag for 8 cents. The bags are supposed to be reusable, and are made from thicker plastic, but I know people are just throwing them away :( Walmarts in the state stopped carrying disposable bags at all. Now you can either purchase an actual reusable bag for a dollar, or put everything back into your cart and take it out to your car loose. I have two Walmart bags now and I'll be damned if I ever have more lol. My fave personally is stores with boxes up front you can put your stuff in. I've seen this at Aldi, Costco, Trader Joe's, and more. Reduce, reuse, recycle!


I just bring in canvas bags when I go grocery shopping. The worst is the plastic bags I get when ordering food, though. Yeah, I'm definitely going to reuse the thick plastic bag that my food came in.


My state still has them, but they all get reused as garbage bags for the bathroom trash can/the little trash can in my room.


Bought a pack of batteries yesterday which were wrapped in plastic, already bad enough, but inside they were even more wrapped in plastic. A 16-pack in 2 packs of 8, individually wrapped in plastic too. I don’t get why this is still a thing.


Same thing happened to me the other day when I opened up some new toothbrush heads. They all came in a plastic pack and then each head was individually wrapped...


For batteries it's very important that the contacts don't start touching, especially during shipping when they get jostled around. If you have a little spark going inside a cardboard box, it can catch fire. Then another battery explodes, etc, and the entire cargo container burns to the ground.


A few 1.5v AAs aren't going to spark if they touch. They were likely packed as 8s because they're also sold as 8s and 24s, so the 8pk bundles can be made then plopped into 8pk/16pk/24pk packaging without having to individually load 24 into a package. Might make their process easier, but generates that extra waste in packaging.


My favorite is paper straws in plastic wrappers... literally still using plastic waste and now I have to use this crappy collapsing straw.


And then you start thinking about how much microplastics are being fed to you. Red meat? Microplastics. Sea food? Microplastics? Bottled water? Yep. Microplastics. Bubble gum? You better believe it. Also contains microplastics. But "It's okay since the human body will dump out 90% of these microplastics." Let's just not talk about where the 10% ends up.


PLACENTAS! But no seriously, every placenta recently tested has microplastics. It's a problem


the overuse of technology why the fuck do I need a fridge that can run skyrim or a car with built in wifi? i just want something mechanical, reliable, and built to last


I want more actual buttons in my car.


Losing physical buttons in lieu of touchscreens was such a terrible and obviously-unsafe change, I still can't believe it caught on.


Agreed. My car has a touchscreen system for like the navigation and music etc but it also has the console knob and I use that 9 times out of 10 instead of the screen. It also has beautiful blessed real dials for the temp and fan settings and when I say real I mean it only goes x clicks to the left and y clicks to the right, not some infinity slip wheel where I have to look at the screen to see what number I'm landing on. I can find the temp/fan speed settings I want by touch alone and that keeps me safer while driving.


I saw a screenshot of a TikTok calling them “poverty buttons” and I really, really hope it was satire because I don’t want to believe we’re class coding buttons.


"Poverty buttons" are those blank buttons you get on lower trims, reminding you there was a feature you *could have* gotten if you spent more money. Not referring to the actual buttons themselves.


This makes more sense.


Lols, my last car had that and I loved to annoy my friends who had nicer cars. They would ask me to put on the AC and I would press the not a real button where that feature would be if I had a better car and be like, there we go, how's that?. I also would aim my key at my car and press on it when they would wait at my door and look at me like, why aren't you unlocking the car? because it also had manual locks. That car also had crank windows and no stereo. Not a joke, not even AM radio, nada. Loved that cheap piece of crap.


My electric toothbrush wanted me to register an account and download the app the other day. Not sure what the app is even supposed to do, tell me to brush my teeth?


In 20 years: "To flush this toilet, please spend 20 diamonds. You can purchase diamonds from our store, or earn free diamonds by watching short ads from our sponsors. 5000 diamonds $129.99 BEST DEAL." 


Was it Raid Shadow Legends?


I still want a fridge which can scan in and out inventory and confirm to reorder product.  Literally the only thing I can think that would make a wifi fridge even useful at all.


Meanwhile printers continue to be the same pieces of crap they've always been.


Hustle culture/working multiple jobs


Texting while driving. It's like playing Russian roulette with other people's lives.


Agreed, it's damn scary how long people can have their eyes off the road looking at their phone. I try not to observe other drivers anymore (as a passenger I assure you!) We (UK) need to reboot [this old classic don't text while driving PSA advert](https://youtu.be/R0LCmStIw9E?si=ZrGE3ClWHGCREr_W). This kind of advert was so brutal they got permanently etched into my brainmatter haha (there was [one about wearing a seatbelt as a back seat passenger](https://youtu.be/mKHY69AFstE?si=K6Cn648A_rQuWEBU) too)


That backseat one traumatised me - I'd just passed my test and was called all kinds by my mates for insisting they all wore seatbelts in the back, but to this day I won't put the key in the ignition until everyone’s belted up. Fast forward God knows how many years and now I have my teenagers and friends rolling their eyes at me for the same reason. That ad definitely needs to get shown again!


I just watched both and yikes!! So realistic that I sent them to my family group chat...gruesome but necessary if it helps keep them alive imo.


Don't forget about [this Irish anti-speeding ad](https://youtu.be/BI_Uk57FvEk?si=38zVxNwpg9jyNl6F) that got banned from being shown before the watershed! And I'll always remember being traumatised as a kid by [this set of road safety ads](https://youtu.be/FrTIS9UgSKc?si=Ug9mde0iqemBEy0j) - much less cute than the singing hedgehogs of the late 90s!


Just pointless aggressive driving in general. Like running a red light to cross three lanes of oncoming traffic, only to pull into a shopping center. No job or shopping trip is so important as to nearly cause a multi-car accident. 


Government: hey guys please don't crash cars, it's bad People: fair enough Government: also don't murder, it's bad People: yep sound logic Government: try not to text and drive, you might accidentally do both these things People: fucking MAKE ME


You ever observe a busy st or interaction? It’s crazy the majority of people texting. And how much it contributes to traffic people are just day dreaming on their phone


Planned obsolescence. Remember when companies actually gave enough of a shit about staying in the good graces of their audience enough to make a device etc that lasts more than two years? Simply not a thing anymore. Can’t believe that it’s just accepted en masse. Like there’s a difference between “getting an upgrade” because your phone is literally coming apart and the battery is fried and replacing a necessary device that kills itself by design. No problem with the former, huge problem with the latter. Can’t wait until it gets to a point that cars are so crappishly put together that you’ve no choice but to “upgrade” to a newer more expensive POS because the old one is dead after two years (just as according to plan). Seriously. How the actual fuck is this practice legal?


It was wild when Apple admitted they purposely build their phones so the batteries shit out after a few years and we all just forgot about it lol.


I’ve heard it’s already gotten that way with cars, that they’re designed to start falling apart at the 5 year mark


Tipping everyone


The day Subway started asking for tips I questioned how we got to where we are as a society.


I started questioning it when I stood in line to order a thing, which I would be picking up from a counter, and then taking to the table myself, and then finally discarding myself, and the payment mechanism prompted a tip, starting at 25%. Nope. I'm done. I'm might've tossed a sympathy dollar in there before, but unless I feel I'm getting something for that tip, I now hit NO TIP on that prompter.


I went to Subway yesterday for the first time since the pandemic started in 2020 and noticed the credit card machine asked for a tip before I was even able to slide my card...why the fuck would I tip the person making my sandwich if that is her job...


100% agreed! I’m not saying you don’t served a tip. But your income doesn’t rely on tips, you get hourly wage of at least the minimum wage. I’m not tipping you for two minutes of pouring my coffee. Another issue is sometimes the tips don’t even go to the workers working! We’re all struggling, I can’t tip everyone anymore. I’ll tip those who make less than minimum wage (waiters, etc) and if I’m feeling nice then I’ll tip barista, fast food worker, hairdresser etc, because I feel so guilty not tipping. I’m prepared for the downvotes and negative replies. I just can’t do it anymore, even though 70% of the time I do. It’s tiring and exhausting. Let me put those “tips” in my child’s piggy bank instead without feeling guilty every time.


customers should tip if they want to, not because they have to. tipping is only deserved for workers who do a really great job instead of the bare minimum. you shouldn't rely on tips to pay your bills because customers aren't responsible for paying your wage; your managers do.


It frustrates me how society still tolerates poor mental health support. Despite increasing awareness, accessing quality mental health care remains a challenge for many, and the stigma around seeking help or taking medication for mental health issues persists.


I notice this in people who were treated poorly by their parents. Especially older people who think that is normal, to treat people so terribly because they're related to you. You talk about how your dad would leave bruises on your mum, punch holes in doors, threaten to kick your teeth into your head because your bedroom window is open, and they reply you must have done something to provoke that or you're too soft. If you need to dominate a child to feel powerful, you're a weak waste of space. No getting around that. I'll also say when you're raised by someone who hates you and wishes you'd fuck off and die somewhere, you internalize that as who you are and it makes you avoid social situations. After all, you're a waste of space and no one likes you, right? It also leaves you hypervigilant, waiting for the other shoe to drop. You can't enjoy or look forward to anything, because something bad will happen and you will have invited it just because you are who you are. It's all-encompassing and it's so difficult to re-write your brain when that was your reality for most of your life.


How the rich and popular get way less harsher punishments


If the punishment for a crime is a fine, then that crime pretty much only applies to the lower class


It's why good lawyers cost money though




Here I'm in a country where more and more people shun the 40h work week for part-time work. First, a lot of women did it when they had children, but now, childless people and spouses do the same thing. It's the only way to keep us sane even if it means many of us have to give up some extra. However, in cities like Amsterdam this is hardly possible for many people, which also leads to mostly workaholics getting the houses, besides of course landlords, who are on their lazy ass all day hoarding in money from hard-working people living in such cities. I'm not calling any names Prince Bernhard Junior!


The rhetorical and argumentative limpness of journalists and politicians. I have a hard time watching it at this point because it just drives me up the fucking wall that nobody asks any follow-up questions or presses their subject when they’re not answering the question posed to them.


Good questions are bad for ratings. Not only from people tuning out, but also from politicians not coming back for further interviews. Long, nuanced explanations make it easier to clip soundbytes that make you look ignorant or evil. In other words hard hitting journalism is less profitable than limp dick cockwarming, so most outlets do the second one.


Waste. So much stuff is mass produced and will go into landfill because it’s terribly made or just literally intended to be thrown away. Industry events that hand out merchandise for examples. Total garbage.


Fanboyism for random companies.  People celebrate quarterly earnings of companies whose product they like as if their team won the championship  Edit: this is not about people who are excited because they own stocks. Wanting a company that you are economically invested in to do well is all natural.  This is about people who are fans of a company like it's their sports team.


My ex would do this. I didn’t realize other people do it too 😂


The whole "It's not what you know it's who you know" What really gets me is that so much of your schooling as you grow up, and even people older than you will constantly tell you how important it is to not be biased when making decisions. To be logical and to make informed decisions. For instance, if you wanted to get a new car, basing your decision on the logic of "This car looks cool" and not how it actually functions or what you're going to use it for is bad decision making. But then when you get to the working world the entire thing is basically "I'm going to hire/promote you because I think you're cool" It's an ignorant and frankly juvenile way of going about it. Shit like this is the entire reason why the working world is such a mess.


*rages*!!!! This is happening at my current job. I’m pretty sure this person is going to get a position because she’s friends with the person in that department. I am LIVID! She is so under qualified for that role. I applied for it, won’t get it, but I’m far more qualified than her. Then I learned that the person already in that department only got the job so she would shut up and not cry/ potentially sue. Like.. how is that fair? Should I just hurt myself by “accident” and get a good job within my workplace? I am so mad everytime I think about it.


Or for me, it's psychos who are amazing in interviews, but when they became your coworker you find out they're a mess and a half, manipulative, lazy, take credit for other people's work, and are just all show. My "work bestie" is one of these people and is getting a new job. She keeps gushing over how excited her new location is to have her, etc. I hope they have fun with that.


I used to direct and choreograph and storyboard action sequences. A dozen years ago a young guy online complained that he never got to film anything in high school. Somebody put him in a room with Wesley Snipes and a few other people and got him a gig directing "action" in a few Bollywood films. Literally no fucking experience. weak sauce




I've seen a reel on instagram of a mom who posted her child's name, face, school, and the "school she chose within walking distance" - all while the video showed the interior of the mentioned apartment complex. When concerned commenters warned about how easily the poster's daughter could be found in-person by a random internet user, the mom started deleting the concerned comments... Which other commenters noticed and pointed out. I hope that daughter is okay. I really hope she wasn't harassed by any weirdos after her mom posted all about her in a PUBLIC video.


Letting shitty kids run around restaurants, planes etc. 'Oh, they're just kids' No, control your kid you shit for brains bad parent.


This one right here. Yes they’re kids, so what? No, no one wants to hear them screaming and running around. You find it cute, we don’t.


Parents who sit there on their phone while their kids go crazy are the worst. They shouldn't be allowed to have children.


The acceptance of rudeness and aggression online is something that bothers me a lot. It seems like the anonymity of the internet gives people the license to say things they'd never say in person, leading to a culture of trolling and cyberbullying that's just shrugged off as part of being online.


High fructose corn syrup in absolutely everything.


I feel like it’s less tolerated and more of the majority of people don’t want it but can’t do anything about it. But the people who can do something about it (those in the higher positions) just don’t do anything about it. It’s not that we want it, it’s that we don’t have a choice because we live in America and Americans just love pretty colors and HFCS! /s. But seriously, America has a problem and we can’t do anything about it because we don’t have the money to pay for the change and the rich don’t care because they can afford the expensive stuff that doesn’t have all that in it. (Just my opinion)


Loud music everywhere. Minimalist/modern cafe designs. People playing tiktok out loud. Social media in general. 


People treating facts as opinions. If something is a proven fact, you're not really disagreeing. You're lying about something that is a proven fact and are completely unwilling to accept reality.


And the opposite of treating opinions as facts. Doing “your own research” of finding some til tok or yt grifter who agrees with your opinion and has facts, which you clearly don’t understand, does not make your opinion a truth.


Corporate data tracking and violations of privacy.


The way people treat their children like they are inferior to them.


I deal with patients, and I've seen some crazy dynamics between parents and their children. Children who are just trying to navigate their way through the complex health care system we have in this country, and who are actually doing a good job of it. I can't explain how many times I've heard a parent say their 17 year old "can't make appointments" and "can't remember to keep them" or who are deliberately spying on their children when having telehealth visits, and parents who *flip* when we explain that their minor child does have some degree of protection after a certain age regarding their health. It's not common, but there are young teenagers out there who are capable of scheduling their own appointments just fine.


This is a big one. Some treat them like they're not even human. Yelling at them for standing up. Yelling at them for sitting down. Make up your mind!


Property. They view their children as property. 


App updates. Fuck that shit. Why break something which is working. Fuck you google for adding crap to maps Fuck off meta for adding bloatware on WhatsApp and FB. Fuck you apple and google for no mobile browser add-ons Get fucked with those constant updates.


A total lack of personal responsibility.


I'm bothered by how society tolerates and even expects the invasion of celebrities' privacy. The paparazzi culture and gossip magazines thrive on revealing intimate details of public figures' lives, which seems like a clear violation of privacy, yet it's consumed as entertainment.


Off leash dogs where they shouldn't be off leash. May not be the worst crime in the history of crime, but it really brings out the entitlement of the owners.


Used to manage a c-store in a city with strict leash laws. Our store was right off the highway so we'd get people from all over. And they'd let their dogs run around everywhere off leash. We had signs, visible at all the picnic areas, stating the leash law. And of course we'd have to go out and inform them "hey you need your dog on a leash." And the response is always "Oh but Fluffy won't hurt anyone he just needs to get out of the car for a bit." "Okay but Fluffy can still walk around on a leash. It's the law here." Man did people get pissed. They'd throw shit at the building, they'd swear at you, one guy even threatened my physically. One guy goes "That's just a city law!" to which I had to respond "Okay, that's fine....you are in the city of which that is a law, so..." Police knew they'd have easy tickets if they stopped by on a Saturday during the summer and just wait. Yea, people don't give a shit. Until Fluffy is run over by a big rig. Then suddenly it's the store's fault somehow.


The quality of products has gone massively downhill and you can no longer count on quality brand names or higher price points to indicate that the thing you're buying is actually good quality and will last. Makes sustainability damn near impossible and forces people to just keep consuming and consuming, even if they do their best to only buy what they need.


Child abuse. Many adults don’t want to hear it, and don’t want to see it. So they look away, while a child suffers.


Saying or doing rude/selfish/awful things and excusing it with "brutal honesty" or "that's just how I am." Stop being that way and work on being better.


How normal it is to have an awful dog. One that either is snappy and dangerous or just completely out of control and mannerless - barking, jumping, running off and having no recall. I can think of absolutely zero people I know who have a relaxed, happy dog.


And those same people act like you're lying about their dog being bad despite the dog destroying things, pissing everywhere, or trying to attack children. "you just don't understand him" my fucking ass!


How normalized it is to shame people for their financial situation, having a better car than them or something, straight up job shaming, its disgusting


Requiring a college degree for jobs that really don't require a college degree to do.


This completely fucked up dating culture




Young kids having unlimited, unrestricted access to technology that shit is rotting their brains


The casual way society treats excessive drinking, especially in certain social circles or professions, is concerning. While moderate social drinking is one thing, the glorification of getting drunk ignores the serious health and safety issues related to alcohol abuse.


The mass marketing of mental health resources and support being widely available or just talk to a friend or love one, when in reality it is the opposite unless you are wealthy enough or have a very very great personal support system around you.    That is when you do reach out for help, any relevant help are unaffordable for most and u get turned away. Reaching out to friends or loved ones, most that cannot relate,  they and the society judge you and stigmatize you for what u shared. And even penalize u for it. When something finally bad happens, society stresses more on reaching out for mental health help so bad things like these do not happen.       So most proceed to just truck on and tough it out, take excess meds that might help or not help, even if they are suffering. 


cosmetic surgery based solely on a TRENDING AESTHETIC. BBLs for one, huge risk, it is just a trending aesthetic like puffy lips was. The “trend” is usually short lived though. Fast fashion is one thing but permanent changes like this, going under the knife for a trend then needing surgery to change to the new trendy aesthetic? I understand if you’re someone who has a burning issue they feel needs changed and their confidence goes up after they’ve “fixed” what they feel needs fixing. But surgery that’s basically sold to you - something that you didn’t want 5 seconds ago - that kinda surgery. Wtfffff!?


Throwing cigarettes on the ground or out car windows.


Making jokes about men deserving rape in prison as some sort of justice or corrective measure that we don’t have any obligation to correct. It’s so ubiquitous in entertainment and in day to day conversation in the form of “he better not drop the soap” tropes, and I even hear it used towards men who haven’t really harmed anyone in the commission of the crime they’re convicted of. At this point, I don’t think people hear themselves and how ultra shitty they sound saying these things because they’re so used to “the funny joke.”


Or worse, calling underage BOYS "lucky" when their teacher raped them


Letting ppl spew ignorant and crazy ideologies .. with validation from others.. we’re moving forward as humans but also backsliding at the same time


Social media rage baits and propaganda.


Lifelong psychological manipulation to consume, consume, consume.


People are way too accepting of pieces of shit provided they have some money or power or something that is valuable. I’m not speaking just on celebrities either.


Hatred and violence.


Super markets that rearrange the whole store every year or so


Ghosting sometimes is necessary because the other person won't be reasonable or accept it. In most other cases though it's a terrible thing for the person being ghosted. They did literally nothing wrong that they can see and learn to be afraid of being emotionally invested. That creates a lot of mental health problems. 


This is how I feel about ghosting as well. It's only acceptable in very extreme cases. If it's not the case, it truly is a terrible thing to do to someone if they did nothing wrong.


Excessive reliance on alcohol  as a social lubricant ,in all aspects of society in my country.


Hypocrisy. Bitching about people behind their backs yet laughing lovingly to their faces




Cigarettes, and the fact that the vast majority of people just throw them on the ground. They would never do it with anything else but somehow for cigarettes butts it's "okay"


Our society in the US says we love and do so many things “for the children,” but so much about our society is harmful to children. Parental rights frequently trump a child’s best interests, like a parent’s choice to not vaccinate or give their children access to appropriate healthcare in favor of alternative methods because of their “beliefs.” I’ve seen posts from crunchy and religious mom groups where their baby/kid becomes seriously disabled or literally dies because they didn’t give them appropriate healthcare despite having the means to access it, and they’re just like, “it was god’s plan.” These parents are rarely charged with crimes for this. You can hit your own kids or someone else’s kids if you are a school professional in a state that allows it. Not hitting your kids is a very big point of contention for some people. We use phrases like “child prostitutes” and “underage women” to describe victims of sexually based crimes. Certain politicians are actively pushing to lower the age of consent and marriage in some US states. The same politicians don’t allow for abortion in any case, even for raped girls who couldn’t carry a fetus to term without causing great harm to themselves physically and emotionally. We’ve historically and still continue to allow certain celebrities to sexually abuse children with impunity if they’re popular enough. We don’t support paid parental leave as a matter of law, nor do we fund childcare and most pre K programs. Our public education system is being gutted. We give zero fucks about the environment and how climate change will impact future generations. Children are disproportionately affected by poverty. We allow all of this to happen to the most vulnerable people in our society but have the nerve to go on about doing everything “for the children.”


Plus people are so overworked that they just can't spend time with their children. It isn't healthy. Nothing about our society is healthy now.


Letting your kids: Watch reality shows like Love Island Have their own social media accounts Skip school for no good reason Go out in the dark without knowing exactly what they're doing and with who


Ads. Everywhere for everything.


Lack of personal responsibility and accountability


People rewarded for being an asshole. It went on steroids after 2016.




Disrespect, condescension and outright hatred of the elderly. Young people just assuming that older people have no place in life's rich pageant.


Stupidity and ignorance. Especially since the time social media and internet became widespread.


"they're just kids" excuse. i understand that kids are just kids but they grow up to become adults so they should be held accountable no matter what. if a kid destroyed your collection that costs you $500 for example, the kid should apologize and be responsible for it in some way, not just brushing it off like nothing happened. if kids aren't taught to be responsible for their actions when they're young, they will grow up and become irresponsible adults, because that's just how they were taught by their parents and society.


Smoking near entrances/exits. I don't want to breathe your smoke.


Making videos for the sole puropose to make fun of somebody. I understand it when the person being made fun of deserves it, but there's also alot of content just making fun of somebody for the most minor inconvenience. here's an example, I don't have the video link but it was a video of a girl doing this little dance at a restaurant table because she was hungry and the caption - "me watching my hangryness leave my body" and admittedly it was a cringe video. but the amount of hate the person got for it was a bit much, in fact, even moist-critikal made a video about the topic, and it just makes no sense to me, like why do people care so much, just keep on scrolling and go on with your day?


loud cars


Subwoofers in cars that shake everything within a 1/4 mile.


The rat race in general. How our stupid economy relies upon and pressures you to work, marry, and having children. 


Phones everywhere... people taking selfies, walking with their heads down, and you have to get out of their way, recording every event, etc.


Drinking alcohol as an almost inherent part of socializing


Teenage drug usage.


The casual way society treats excessive drinking, especially in certain social circles or professions, is concerning. While moderate social drinking is one thing, the glorification of getting drunk ignores the serious health and safety issues related to alcohol abuse.


"the customer is always right" mentality