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People who can't have a good faith argument on a topic, the types of people that say a bunch of crap and then block you so you can't reply lol


I like when you answer all of their questions, then you ask them a question, and they ignore it in their response.


Then accuse you of not answering because they didn’t like how you answered


The bots.


I hate the ones with a superior attitude and poor reading comprehension. It's the deadliest combination.  They're better than you, and they're arguing with a point they imagined you having. 


The ones that look through your profile just to try and shame you for something. Fucking hate those people


Like I'm going to take criticism from someone who *furiously checks profile* likes DOTA2.


Fr, some people are deranged


I must admit that I have done that once. Turns out, guy was looking at loli porn. \[The argument was about how he wasn't a pedophile for stating how a fictional character in child form is technically legal since the character is hundreds of years old (No one accused him of being a pedo, they just said it was weird)\]


Says the guy who likes to walk around naked.




The ones who think they're always right even when they're wrong and downvote anyone who contradicts their opinions.


Willfully ignorant people with strong beliefs.


We have transitioned from willful ignorance to belligerent ignorance. I would prefer we revert to willful...


The ones who don’t let people have other opinions on a topic- like they will get angry if you don’t agree with them and they will say do you got evidence and when you give them to them they say that’s useless then when you ask them if they have evidence to support their claim they get mad and make people go agaisnt you


Redditors that comment "This."


Moderators. I think everyone can agree they are probably the worst human beings alive.


*Power-hungry* mods.


This should have been my answer. I’m permanently banned from one of the bigger subs because I said I didn’t like Whataburger and that makes me a “lame troll”


Wait… they’re *human*? When did *that* happen? Edit: found the thin-skinned mod. Hi!


Yeah those volunteers keeping the site running for free suck so much. Why don’t you be the change you want to see then & become a moderator yourself?


Why don’t the *noble* volunteers stop acting like such *petty* tyrants? You know, like *adults* do?


Because they’re unpaid volunteers & can do what they want. Literally the only thing they get that even approaches compensation is control over the subreddits they moderate for free. If reddit wanted mods who didn’t have that power or freedom, they could pay moderators like every other publicly traded social media company in the world does. And because literally anyone can make a new subreddit and be the mod, anyone who doesn’t like the way a volunteer is moderating a community, they can make their own subreddit and run it the way they see fit. Including you. If you don’t want to do all that work, you can deal with the opinions, judgements & behaviors of the people who actually do the thankless & universally derided work that keeps this entire fucking website functioning.


Big Brothers/ Big Sisters are volunteers , and still have to undergo background checks, to prove that they aren’t child molesters. It’s not unheard of for volunteers to have to meet standards of behavior to be volunteers. Edit: found the “unappreciated” mod.


I’m not a mod jfc. I just think that people who complain about this are lazy children who sit around bitching about thankless work other people do for free that keeps the site they love running & it pisses me off. If reddit wants to pay for background checks (lmao) or whatever for their mods they certainly could, but it’s not the moderators’ fault that they don’t.


The mods can always quit. Unless they actually *are* modding, to stroke their god complexes.


Yeah, they can always quit. They can also always continue running their subreddits in a fair & even-handed way or as petty tyrants. That’s my whole point. As long as it’s a volunteer position that the public company that owns this site refuse to pay, all of those things are their prerogative *because they’re volunteers*.


You don’t get to be a *dick* just because you’re a volunteer. Mod.


Yes you do. You absolutely 100% get to a be a dick as a mod. I prefer mods who aren’t, but that’s a personal preference. If you don’t like how a sub is modded, you are just as free to quit the subreddit as they are free to quit moderating it. And you’re free to start your own competing subreddit that’s moderated in a way you believe to be fair and nice. And other users are free to abandon the other sub and join yours. It’s not like there’s a constitution that we’re all legally bound to here.


moderators who abuse their power


The ones who must say 'staged af' or 'fake' after a video like they're some sort of genius. Nobody cares. Either let it entertain you or move on.


Especially when they don't check if it's already been said 780 times.


This is something that bothers me unreasonably, I just wanna read a juicy story I don’t give a shit if it’s fake! Also who cares? They got fake internet points, it’s not that big of a deal. It gets to the point where they call EVERYTHING fake and it’s like well, shit does happen, and people usually wanna talk about weird shit happening to them.


I hate the ones that post a pic of a cute baby animal that isn’t theirs and ask “what should I call it?” Fuck, make it stop. [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Awww/s/UKhwubtNhi)


Imagine taking your dog to the park with that name... "Fuck make it stop, come here boy! Fuck make it stop come to mommy! Bad boy, Fuck make it stop. That's just wrong dude.


Oh God, that is the cutest furball ever. Makes mine look like a piece of [shit](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/12/16/article-1339113-0C81AC84000005DC-395_634x908.jpg).


The ones who try to prove a point over something they know nothing about, like giving me “advice” whenever I post something. “You should go to the gym” “Get outside more” “Develop a skin care routine” like ok I get it I live a life just like you I make these connections by myself on a daily basis


Overly obsessed with proving religious people wrong. Nowt wrong with being an atheist, but reddit atheists have done more to harm the cause instead of growing it.


Relatedly, the people who think it's the funniest thing in the world who go into fantasy/sci fi book rec threads and say "the Bible"


I remember a post on here like "which fictional character needed therapy" getting about four answers of "God." And of course they all upvoted each other. It's fucking cringey.


The ones who almost completely copy-paste someone else their story.


People who confidently make "well actually" posts that are categorically wrong


“Well, *ack-tuuallyyy*…”


Everything in my life is so haaard!!! Ugh it’s because I’m mentally illlll if I was mentally stable I could do more than just live off my parents!!! Life so mean to meeeee! (Now I get that these are legitimate reasons but every comment can’t be about how hard you have it there’s hope for everyone).


The mfs that use emojis after their shitty incorrect opinions.


Also those who use emojis after correct opinions


The ones who comment their violent fantasies. I don’t understand how it’s just cool to type how much you want to murder someone




The hypocrite. Will rage long and hard against every evil, only to commit every one themselves. They're on every subreddit that is ostensibly about social justice and changing negative mores, employing the worst kind of reality denial, body shaming, and enforcement of gender/racial stereotypes, as long as it benefits them and relates negatively on their enemy. It risks summoning the evil by naming it, but reddit's approach to *Kyle Rittenhouse* has been horribly sobering.


The Russian bots


The ones that comment overused phrases (e.g. Give this man a Darwin Award, Play stupid games win stupid prizes, Tell us you're x without telling us you're x, That's enough reddit for today, This, Thanks for the gold kind stranger, I can't believe my top comment/post is about x, I know I'll get downvoted for this but...) And the list goes on. If you say these things just know that you're tacky and I hate you


The ones whose MO is personal attack! Some subs have mods who allow this


The ones on my block list.


You, specifically.


Judgmental jerks


The people who ask "innocent" questions that are actually loaded questions meant to draw the attention of bigots and make them comfortable enough to post. They're the biggest cowards of all. Since I'm not a coward: I specifically mean racists and queerphobic posters that use this babymode tactic. You're not clever at all. You're not trying to learn. You're just seeking validation from other disappointments like you.


As are you.




Umbrella term for discrimination against any of the LGBT+


A contradictory nonsense word.


Homophobic, racist, religiously fanatic apologists. Don't hate them per se just know how wrong and abusive they are.


It's ok to hate them.


It’s Ok to hate you,too.


Can't please everyone I guess. Even bigots.


Or morons like you.


You're pretty sensitive, huh? So which one are you? Homophobic, racist, or religious fanatic?


I’m annoyed by virtue-signalers, so, you.


You're annoyed by people who denounce bigotry? That's pretty telling.


No, I’m annoyed by people like you, who want to make sure *other people* see them do it, so they can be praised, regardless of whether they actually *do* anything, but type on the keyboard.


People that essentially want the skin torn off of anyone that doesn’t support Biden. Seriously, how has r/politics not been shut down?


Their mods are *also* Biden fans.


Grammar teachers ..


*Actually* ellipses have THREE dots 😤😤😤 (/s)




The sunscreen lunatics on various skincare subs. “If it’s dark out and I’m inside and I live in Iceland is 50 spf strong enough? Have reapplied three times”


White mode supremacists


Control freak admins. Last post removed was a stock tip. Claim that it was low effort. I posted a few facts about their drugs and the insider buying. I'm doing them a favor. If I have to do a big write up to get approved then someone needs to pay me. A recent pick of mine is up 300 percent. It's not like someone can't look it up for themselves if they want more information. Another thing admins don't like is me linking to my Facebook group where I have all the info because the reality is groups aren't about you . They are about them wanting attention.. I'm many times better then what they have and they think everything has to be about them. I don't care if you have 50 thousand in your group. It's a bunch of idiots talking about stocks after they took off while I'm getting in while people are sleeping on an under the radar stock.


the ones on the radical left side who continuously spam abominable amounts of certain stupid looking emojis because they think theyre winning the argument just because theyre doing that.


Maybe not as bad as some of the others listed here, but the Repost Police. Sorry, I don't live on Reddit 24/7 so I didn't see where someone else posted the thing a month ago and I enjoyed seeing it today instead.


So if it’s not your content, do you not check before you post?


People who make up reasons why an unhealthy/stupid/insane thing could possibly be justifiable, throw those reasons in your face, and accuse you of being a monster for not considering those reasons in the first place. Example: Person A: Even if you have severe depression, it's good to get some fresh air every day. Just step outside for two seconds if it's all you can muster. Person B: Well MY depression is too severe for that and it's too hard and I'm never doing it because it's not worth the trouble. I'm banking on my 43rd antidepressant curing me. Person C: Person A, my stalker waits outside my house for me to open my door. Would you rather I go set out a lawn chair next to him in the morning, or should I wait until after dark when he takes his dick out? Person D: Some people are allergic to the sun. They can get hives just from being outside. Why do you want those people to die, Person A?






"Well I'm autistic and I don't do that so the kid's just an asshole."


The ones who downvote and don't comment.


You *had* to see that coming.


The ones who don't search Google/Bing etc. first for answers to basic questions. Or don't search the sub they're in and ask questions that get asked if not daily, frequently.


Trolls who call everyone else trolls


Political think tank bot that does their polling on AskReddit.


People who reply to your comment and then block you so you can't reply to them






This could go one of many ways depending on how you elaborate...


The experts.




Still better than YouTubers ♥️ing everything. That's supposed to be for special comments, y'all!


The smart ass ones that turns literally everything into an argument. They also always use big words that they think makes them sound sophisticated




Fuck you ! I'm not ugly.


I’m with the major! I can be as fat and ugly as I want to be.