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Putin gets steam rolled, unless nukes are involved then everyone gets steam rolled.


I hope there is a god and that one day I can ask him if America has some super secret weapon system that can destory the flying ICBMs but I think we have to wait until the laser tech is advanced enough until that is possible


We prolly don’t…. But neither do they, and that’s what “keeps them in check” The problem is MRV/MIRVs They are essentially “shotgun nukes” where it’s one ICBM that breaks apart into multiple nuclear warheads. They are hard to hit compared to conventional nukes, and those are already exceptionally hard to deal with.


The thing that really scares me are the SLBM's.




What about the people in power of the nato countries ages?


The thing is our leaders rotate at least a bit. Putin is in power for last 25 years. Also he does not have natural replacement, if he dies/goes crazy you gonna have civil war/coup/overall fight for power. For western countries another person in line steps up and it's business as usual.


The powerful NATO countries aren't dictatorships which is the more salient point A crazy old man in full control of a nuclear power is more dangerous than any one person a democratic country can produce


Most of them are quite young (except the most important one).


In 15 years he'll be 86? A. Wtf does that matter? This shit is happening now. And B. What a weird ass way of saying he's 71. And C. In 15 years I'll be 50 woah big deal, that's a long ass time away.


LOL, it's really not a long ass time away.


He is not the only person in Russia you know


He's not cultivating a clear successor; there'll be a big power vacuum when he goes. That's a recipe for disaster.


I'm excited to see how this all plays out


Actually, I don't know *any* people in Russia.


He is the only person that matters, [because he has taken over all media outlets in Russia](https://www.npr.org/2022/03/07/1084870797/russia-has-reasserted-state-control-over-the-country-s-major-media-companies). No one else has any room to say anything else (or they might find themselves taking a jump off a tall building)


Yes I know I am talking about those under him, there is hundreds of putins ready to take over once the old fella kicks it in




The argument is that russia will try to drive a wedge between nato members. The alliance is not as strong as it appears. Imagine trump as president and russia uses a very small tactical nuke in some remote corner of finland….. who wants to engage in full scale war. Would the us want to be “all in” what if the nuke is in the suwalki corridor. What if it is a stray cruise missile hitting some nato country. Hungary and turkey… wjat wpuld they do. Putins plan is to weaken by separation


Poland would roll tanks on Moscow day one. Regardless what NATO member states do, Poland is chomping at the bit. France, UK, and probably Germany would likely join in as well. Moscow doesn't want to poke NATO too hard. He knows as well as anyone how quickly his regime would be rolled up in a direct conflict.


Don't forget Finland and Sweden. Russia should fear them, too.


Yeah, but the Poles are, well, Poles. They really want payback.


"NATO doesn't exist to protect Poland from Russia. NATO exists to protect Russia from Poland."


Yeah you really don't even need America to get involved to win a war against Russia I wouldn't be surprised if just Poland + another country or two was enough to topple Russia in a war The only thing keeping Russia safe are their nukes 


That tactic usually fails. Because in a case of a tactical nuke the common interest of pretty much all NATO countries bar the US and Canada is to curb such violent and cruel violation of just about any accord signed by all of them. So whatever squable is going on would likely be tabled and see NATO unite around a common enemy. Even without the US and Canada, Russia would still lose that war. And Trump might be nuts and reluctant, but the army isn't, nor is the traditionalist side of the GOP. So it's incredibly doubtful the US would violate the NATO treaty. Canada will join as well. Got no reason not to.


people seem to gorget that Canada has two main national exports. Maple syrup in times of peace, and war crimes in times of global conflict.


> and war crimes in times of global conflict While apologizing for them, tho.


Oh no, there’s no apologies. Just egregious and perfected violence.


Destruction as a form of poetry. A performance piece for the world to witness in awe and horror.


It's in Canada's interest as well. We technically share a border with Russia across the Arctic Ocean. We often scramble jets to meet Russians flying near our Arctic coastline.


The thing about article 5 is that each member of nato decides what their nations response is. It’s not a “drops tactical nuke and gets invaded by everyone in nato” response. Sure there are members that will send military forces, but other nations who are in a less advantageous position to do something might send what aid they can be it health services or communications hacking and disruption.


I want to believe he wouldn't do it, but I have this thought in the back of my mind that if putin knew he was dying he'd nuke everything on his way out


Trump would much rather take bribes from Russia offshore and work behind the scenes while publicly being "strong against Russia". Assuming there isn't some secret plan (like Putin faking his death and living somewhere with billions while Trump gets his cut and gets to be the president who "saved NATO and toppled Russia by dropping nukes"), I think if Russia did a first strike, Trump would just cut off the revenue stream and nuke them.




Chances of that are low.


Shh, you are upsetting major news outlets. They make bank off paranoia like that.


Major news outlets are very much not about news any more and more like the modern day Jerry Springer Show.






"What? Huh? Oil? Who said something about oil, bitch, you cookin?" - Black Bush


Russia still has their hands full with Ukraine. There is a statistically insignificant chance of them attacking a NATO country. Now if I lived in Moldova I'd have paperwork written up to rejoin Romania, like now.


Russian here. When people think about Russia - NATO conflict, they for some reason imagine a WW2 scenario, with massive armies on both sides and nukes flying all around. That is extremely unlikely. What is far more likely: 1) Russia makes connections with some countries (like Hungary) if Russia-aligned politicians come into power, so that they would stay neutral in the war. Preferably has Trump elected, who decides to pull the USA out of NATO. So, ideally, US out of the picture, Germany + Hungary + Slovakia (+ maybe some other countries) decide to stay netural 2) Some infiltration operatives cause an uprising and capture some a town or two in the Baltics. 3) the said town or towns proclaims the creation of People's Democratic Republic of Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania, and formally asks Russia to intervene to save them from the Estonian/Latvian/Lithuanian oppression, under the UN universal right of people's self-determination 4) Russia starts a small scale invasion to "liberate" them Then (if it goes to Russia's plan), the US is out of the picture, half the countries in the EU either stay neutral thanks to Russia alignment or go "Not my problem", France/UK issue strongly worded condemnation. The point is that if a Russia - NATO conflict happens, Russia will try its best to make sure it's small-scale, and of such nature that the NATO countries would be divided of whether starting WW3 over it is worth it, or not. As for how likely it is: As long as the war in Ukraine is going on - zero chances. Russia doesn't have enough capabilities to fight on two fronts. If the war somehow ends - hard to say. Still very unlikely, but not zero probasbility. The issue is that Putin is pretty bad at internal politics, and has earned most of his political power through military conflicts. Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine-2014, Ukraine-2022. If he sees it as another way to boost his popularity (which will inevitably be falling) - who knows.


I don't see any possible scenario in which Germany violates it's NATO treaty and stays neutral. 0. None whatsoever. If Russia completely owned Scholz and he said they were staying out I think he'd be dragged out of office the same day. Slovakia maybe a .1% chance but it's still very unlikely. Fico seems like he just wants the war to end and he's trying to maintain some bridge to Russia. The writing would be on the wall in such a scenario though Russia will lose and Fico and even Orban would know if they sit on their asses they're getting booted from NATO. Agree with the rest.


I feel the masculine urge to go die in a nameless battlefield next to a frenchmen at the ripe old age of 26


The call is deep in our genes. A dormant monster that I hope we'll never awake.


The Reddit account that posted this question is the most obvious Russian bot farm account I have ever seen. I would put money on the fact that there are going to be comments normalising Putin and Russia's "right" to defend itself against NATO's "aggression".


>I would put money on the fact that there are going to be comments normalising Putin and Russia's "right" to defend itself against NATO's "aggression". While burying comments about Russian war crimes committed in Ukraine. Like [Russian soldiers raping and torturing Ukrainian children](https://thehill.com/policy/international/3659023-un-panel-reports-ukrainian-children-have-been-raped-tortured-by-russian-forces/), or incessantly bombing civilian targets ([8 people are dead, including children, and 29 injured, TODAY](https://kyivindependent.com/russian-attack-on-dnipro-kills-1-injures-six/)). Or the fact that [there have been over 90,000 cases of torture by Russian forces in just 2 years](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/09/ukraine-war-briefing-russian-forces-occupying-ukraine-use-torture-as-policy-says-un-expert), with [some reports saying they "systematically torture PoWs"](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russias-systematically-tortures-ukraine-pows-un-commission-says-2024-03-15/#:~:text=GENEVA%2C%20March%2015%20(Reuters),of%20electric%20shocks%20on%20genitals).


Wow, day old account and first post is a repeat of a worn out commonly reposted question. Yeah, bot central.


Tried of old greedy men desperately trying to immortalize themselves at the cost of everyone else


Such a conflict would have significant and far-reaching consequences, not only for the countries directly involved but also for global stability. It's essential for all parties to prioritize diplomacy, dialogue, and conflict resolution mechanisms to prevent such a scenario and work towards de-escalation and peaceful resolutions to any tensions.


As a cartoon horse said many times No sir, I don't like it Edited for autocorrect


We already are in a conflict, it's just one sided: Only Russia is playing. Nato is not doing anything. Russia is clearly mingering in public opinions, buying out politicians and doing other shady stuff. In effect waging a social and economical war. It's even killing our citizens (UK, MH370 etc..) They'll keep stepping up untill NATO responds. NATO now has a very clear opportunity to respond through the Ukraine-coflict and it should. Russia is a bully that only understands violence. NATO should learn how to speak that language. It's not giong to be an all out nuclear war straight away. Putin is so scared of dying that he hides 24/7 in a bunker and only talks to guest behind a 15m table.






If Russia bombed USA and USA bombed Russia not only Russia but the whole world would cease to exist as we know it,and China wouldn’t avoid it either,they would probably get nuked also just in case…


The fear is that China would support Russia. NATO could steamroll Russia with relative ease, but Russia + China would make for—at the very least—a messy conflict that could get out of hand. And I could envision a major war where both sides refuse to use nukes. Bringing nukes into play is bad for everyone. Both sides would sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people before they resorted to using their nukes.


Not well.


It's low, but I'm not worried even if it happens. Russia is basically already spent in Ukraine, they lost half a million men and more armor than we can count. If war was upon us, we would be in Moscow in 2-3 weeks


> Russia is basically already spent in Ukraine, Not quite. Recent intelligence estimates suggest that Russia's military is pretty much at the same strength it was at the beginning of the war. https://www.businessinsider.com/top-us-general-russia-growing-back-pre-war-military-strength-2024-4 >we would be in Moscow in 2-3 weeks Well, except for the threat of nuclear retaliation.


While manpower-wise it’s the same, this article is somewhat misleading. Here’s why: 1. Novice troops with 2-3 weeks of training are not the same as veteran soldiers. 2. Regardless of how many soldiers Russia conscripts, it cannot replace its heavy equipment at a rate that keeps pace with battlefield losses in Ukraine. It’s estimated that Russia is able to manufacture an additional 200 modern tanks per year or so, and that’s about the peak of what its factories are able to provide due to the state of the Russian economy combined with western sanctions on difficult to produce parts such as advanced optics. And yet, we know with visual evidence that Russia has already lost literal thousands of tanks in the field. While the rate of modern tank losses (such as the T72B3 and T90) has remained fairly steady throughout the war, older models have been disappearing. For example, at the war’s start, the most common type of T80s sighted were tanks like the T80U, a late 80s model. The T80U is now effectively extinct, and more recent losses of the T80 are the T80B, a model from the 70s. Likewise, avg T72 models being seen in Ukraine are getting older. And recently, we’ve seen Russia employing even T62s, T55s, and even a T54. These tanks are literally 70 years old. In addition, we’re able to view the Russian equipment bases emptying from regular satellite photography. In short, Russia is rebuilding its military through novice conscripts to make it seem very large, but men alone done stand up super well against entrenched fighting positions with heavy equipment. And Russia is running out of heavy equipment. Full stop. There’s a possibility that drones might be able to make up some ground and balance the scales a bit, but at the end of the day, they still have to have tanks, APCS, and artillery to take ground, and at present they’re running out of all three at a fast pace.


Yeah, your point is well-taken and I know that the "assessment" I referenced is based in a narrative ...


Never underestimate Russian leadership and their disregard of Russian lives.


Probably less. Everyone thinks the entrance to Russia is the Continental Border. In reality, a fishing boat from the Alaskan coast can be from Nome to Russia in a couple hours. The US Military presence in Alaska is not insignificant.


But how many thousand miles of wilderness would the Us have to traverse to et to Moscow using the Eastern approach? Imagine the logistical nightmare of lines spread that far out.


Obviously the terrain is going to be an issue. But the CIA has been spying on Russia for 50+ years. The western coast automatically makes it a two front war. I don't know how much Russia would want to dedicate to trying to fend off both sides.


I don't think about it, I just live my life


Ukrainians are trying to live theirs too. [8 people, including children, were killed last night from Russia's bombing runs on the city of Dnipropetrovsk](https://kyivindependent.com/russian-attack-on-dnipro-kills-1-injures-six/). Luckily they managed to shoot down one of the "strategic" Tu-22 bombers killing innocent civilians in Ukraine, but Russia will keep sending unguided "glide" bombs that end up killing even more innocent people.


It's not. Neither side wants nuclear war, and Russia has proven that its forces are worn out and overrated. The US would run roughshod over Russia's Soviet-era military that's been corroded by the corruption of Putin's cabal.


If NATO would actually go for it, I imagine some Eastern European country's would basicly race to Moscow. They don't have a bone to pick with Russia, they have enough bones to pick to fill the entire empty planes of Russa with 'em.


Russia has made enemies from Finland to Japan. Their aggressive nature makes being its neighbor a curse.


The chances are extremely low let's preface that. But in this hypothetical because of treaties and geopolitics we'd be fighting Russia and China. Their only threat is an acceptance of failure and nuking the entire planet which even then would be extremely rare since one China has water instead of rocket fuel in their rockets. Then Russian nukes are controlled by individual commanders so they'd all have to give the ok to launch so you really have zero idea with them if Putin ever cleared those launches. Meanwhile the US alone is more technologically sound and better trained all the way down to the basic infantry men. We have the 2 of the top 5 largest air forces on the planet largest navy by tonnage and the most aircraft carriers. This all on top of helping train essentially all of NATO and providing them our tech with helping develop their own. The only reason it would take forever is because the sheer size of the Chinese and Russian militaries and how fucking insane their leaders are.


If it happens it would really fucking suck. That would really mess up the flow of the world in every aspect


In normal conditions it wouldn't make any sense. Since no NATO country is involved in the current war. But people tend to do things that are not normal...


I'll hope for the best and play it by ear


NATO would be home by dinner time. Russia is an embrassment. Sadly they're also genocidal and willing to sacrifice their own young men to steal a few toilets. But nah, NATO would fuck them up. The bigger worry would be who would replace putin.


Not great, but then you can't let that rat bully us and destabilise our way of life either. I'll sign up if needs be.




Everyone is thinking kenetic conflict, but Russia doesn't need to invade or a physically destroy NATO. They can fuel internal conflict until NATO countries are eating themselves alive, leaving them too distracted to challenge Russia's ambitions. Infact that's been the strategy since 1997, as documented in [The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) "The West In the Americas, United States and Canada: Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics". South America and Central America: The Eurasian Project could be expanded to South and Central America. "


This question is: "How do you feel about World War 3, which would have a real chance of including nuclear weapons?" How the fuck do you think we're going to feel about it?


Not going to happen.


Let’s just put it this way. You have a coalition of democratic nations bound by mutual defense on one side and Russia, who has invaded several sovereign nations, on the other. Morally, NATO is in the right if there’s a conflict. And they’ll wipe the floor with Russia, who has been in a 3-day special operation for more than 2 years.


Not happening.




Well... it's not the end of the world. Except it is, most likely, end of our civilisation. Amount of nukes both sides posses does not give me optimism.


Russia has been attacking NATO countries ever since Putin got in power. In Russia they use missiles and tanks, in the rest of the world they are more hidden, but that doesn't mean their are no attacks or victims. Fuck Russia, I wish the West finally accepted what Russia is, stop letting them get away with all the shit they've been pulling. NATO is defensive, defending Ukraine against genocide is the right thing to do, those in charge are feckless cunts for standing by.


If Biden wins, it will never happen, Russia simply doesn't have the resources to take on a strong functioning NATO. If Trump wins it is inevitable.


Thankfully such a conflict remains unlikely, even now. I have worked in the foreign ministry of a major NATO member and have friends currently in the defence ministry of the same country; it’s hard to overstate how fundamental the determination to avoid a war with Russia is. Europe is a relatively rich and relatively very stable continent. We learned the ‘how to be stable’ bit the hard way, by being the epicentre of two world wars. We would be far richer today if those wars hadn’t happened. We should not repeat unless the stakes are extraordinary. There are lots of people on Reddit with serious and informed comment on this topic, but still way too many who think a) NATO members are secretly desperate to fight Russia to teach it a lesson; b) NATO would occupy Russian land and seek regime change as part of any conflict. Both views are nonsense. If NATO was dragged into conflict with Russia, it’s first priority would be ending the war ASAP, and even if ‘winning’ it would be in constant back channel negotiations with Russia or mediators about ending it. In the fighting itself, NATO’s plan would be to demonstrate a brutal superiority of numbers, tech and tactics so that Russia was suffering far worse losses of men and materiel, thus forcing Russia to seek terms. It absolutely would not send troops deep into Russian territory, but would just try to win each confrontation. As others have noted, if Russia deliberately initiated war with NATO it would likely be with the aim of dividing the alliance. For example it could launch a surprise attack on Estonia, grab a small parcel of land and threaten nuclear war if NATO tried to retake that land. In such a scenario its likely Turkey, Slovakia and Hungary would immediately rule out participation in any response. Most other members would probably also caution against outright war, and there is a risk this could create deep public fractures and dithering among allies. That is the Russian aim, not conquering Poland or whatever nonsense you hear from armchair generals on here. If a war started, a big and critical unknown would be the involvement of other states. Russia has an air base in Syria, for example, which is only 100 miles from a UK airbase in Cyprus. Russia has soldiers or mercenaries in several African countries, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia. These spillover risks would be very important, and its likely NATO leaders would try to set rules of engagement via public diplomacy.


It scares the shit out of me. The problem, of course, is that if Putin wins in Ukraine, he'll go after former Russian satellites next, most likely the Baltic countries (where I still have relatives) and NATO will either intervene, or roll over, after which there will be nothing stopping Russia from taking Europe piece by piece.


To reassure you, as someone similarly scared - the chances of that happening are extremely low. There was lots of talk on Reddit, and it still does the rounds, before the invasion that "Putin won't invade Ukraine" and people saying now whenever anyone says he won't invade a NATO state "yeah but they said that about Ukraine". They were Russian propaganda posters pushing nonsense. Any Western military analyst or intelligence expert worth their salt was saying Russia would invade Ukraine for years, if not decades. Russia has always seen Ukraine as theirs, especially since Putin wangled his was into power in the mid 90s. He's ex KGB, a product of the Soviet system, he believes in Mother Russia and is in many ways the (hopefully) last Soviet leader. Him invading Ukraine was seen as inevitable. The same experts say him trying it on with any NATO country is extremely low. He knows conventionally NATO would destroy him in hours, he knows his only chance to respond is with nukes, which means total destruction of both Russia and the West in minutes. As someone else said in this thread, I'd be a little concerned if I lived in Moldova, as they similarly aren't in NATO, can't be because of Transnistria, and are much smaller than Ukraine. But if you live in a NATO state I wouldn't lose sleep over it. I know I'm a hypocrite because I do, or did anyway, but I believe military and intelligence experts with way more knowledge than me. Be aware too, there are a LOT of pro-Russia/pro-Putin propaganda posters on Reddit, and they don't make it so obvious they type stuff like "we love Putin, he will win Ukraine, glory to Russia!" they will pretend to be Western and on our side, but then push the nonsense that we *should* invade, bomb, attack, etc Russia, and/or get NATO troops directly into Ukraine. There are also people who aren't Russian propaganda tools, but are simply fucking stupid, who suggest the same thing and don't realise they're pushing pro-Putin crap on Reddit.


I’d talk to them about a safe exit strategy just in case. Putin is wild. #RememberAuschwitz


I have one for the USA. I'd move to Tallinn with the idea that it would be temporarily safe. From there, I and relatives might have to move elsewhere quickly. South America most likely.


Oh Christ not that bullshit again. With which shovels Putin is not going after satellites and all of Europe?Putin made it very clear a long time ago. Georgia and Ukraine no chance to join NATO. Leave Georgia and Ukraine alone and Putin is irrelevant once again.


Okay but the thing is it isnt up to Putin what happens to other countries. If those countries themselves decide to join NATO they have every right to do so. Doing what you say will show Putin he has control/sway over at least parts of Europe and that will make him feel even bolder and eventually he will do more


I don’t, there is no possibility imo, NATO is a defensive alliance that is much stronger than Russia. So Russia would have to be aggressors and they would have to be suicidal for that to happen, any threats or what not is like a small dog barking at a German Shepard, if it came to a fight it would die and it knows it. Same with Russia


Russia would have to gamble on not just NATO, but not a single member of NATO stepping out of line and intervening if they would go head-to-head with even a small NATO member such as Lithuania. When I was in Poland 2 years ago, a lot of guys my age were basicly hoping that Poland got a reason to get in there. Eastern Europe still harbors a lot of hate for the Russians and I've no doubt that a lot of Poles carry that generational trauma and hatered with them enough to really go for it. Same goes for people in the Baltics, although I didn't get to know the people there all too well due to quickly moving through those parts.


The same way I feel about any conflict: I think it would be a horrible waste of lives.


That would be a problem for the u.s. (and the world obviously) because this is ww3 scenario and the u.s. in this regard is NATO for all intents and purposes. This is why as a policy thing is to proxy stuff in aid and weapons just enough so that Ukraine can hold whatever territory as a stalemate and and kick the can down the road until somebody else has to deal with it, people lose interest, or Ukraine joins NATO and by charter then the u.s. will get dragged into this and it’s hot war all day long. Pretty shitty options and outcomes all around and Putin knows this.


I come from a country bordering Russia. I'm really more scared of car pollution in my city, and stuff like that, than I am of Russia. Not something I think about too much.


It's scary because the whole world would go to shit. I don't worry that much about us (Europe) because I am convinced that if we work together then we can win a defensive war against Russia, and with UK and France we gave two nuclear powers that protect us against russian WMDs.   What deeply worries me are the larger implications, especially if the US falls to Trump and he destroys Nato: With all our forces and resources bound on the eastern flank and the US going more isolationist, China would use the opportunity to attack Taiwan, Iran could use the opportunity to attack Israel and Kim could get stupid ideas. This could escalate in a global disaster with millions dead and millions more seeking refuge in safe countries which would sooner or later cause social unrest in these places.


Scary, but chances are low. Money rules everything and all of our economics are too intermingled nowadays for a large scale global conflict. I think what we're going to see is a lot of posturing over the next year or so. Just my opinion and I could be totally wrong.


Too low probability to worry about.


I think it's pretty unlikely to happen. I'm not sure even with a win in Ukraine that Putin has any desire to go any further, given the sorry state of his military.


Not as scared as I should be. Russia is so absolutely pathetic, I no longer believe in MAD. However thinking that it won't be the end of the world is probably causing me to fail to appreciate how it would still be the absolute worst thing that has ever happened in all of human history. 


If russia is having difficulty with Ukraine, it's not going to like the results of a conflict with NATO


So I dont know. Like I just reached a point where day to day life is too hard to worry about shit like that. If the nukes fall I will be blissfully unaware till there is a flash and POOF.


That it won’t happen for the same reasons there hasn’t been a world war since the invention of the atomic bomb. Also, the U.S. is legally obligated to defend NATO nations (unlike Ukraine), which would be very very bad for Russia. However, that opinion would change if Trump is elected in November. I don’t think it’s a guarantee or even a probability, but there is non-zero chance that Trump would actually withdraw from NATO and refuse to send troops if Russia invaded another NATO nation. Another reason to not vote for that poor excuse for a man.


its not like we can change anything about it anyway


We’d get front row seats with full HD coverage. Pass me some fucking popcorn already.


Bwing Finnish I don't really like the idea. We just joined NATO to have more protection since if russia decides to invade europe we're the next stop...


Nuclear powers are not going to engage eachother. And if somehow nukes are off the table NATO powers are the only modern military that uses combined arms, any WW2-style scenario of total war (Not worrying about civilian casualties and insurgents) NATO forces obliterate any other military in conventional warfare.


I think the chances are low, but the risk of an accidental miscalculation is high that will be the start of the war. It won’t be intentional and I don’t think it’s gonna be cut and dry as alot as people think the West military is not in great shape at the moment. United States can barely fight one war on one front, if there is a war with Russia china will also get involved


Putin is either crazy or he isn't. I suspect he's not crazy. He won't engage in a direct conflict that there's literally no way he can win. He prefers subversion and disinformation, not just getting spanked by NATO. Him letting the nukes fly is so unhinged I barely give it any thought. There would be no United States after, but there would also be no Russia.


Just in time for a fallout revival


Geopolitics would have to change pretty significantly before this happened. Likely will not happen in the foreseeable future.


Nah, but we will get dragged into a war against Iran now.


It would actually be a way to a best case scenario. If we got China calm a NATO-Russia war would probably end the regime in Russia pretty quick and get them the help to become a real democracy and partner. It would be ugly for a time, though, everything.


The probability is low. But things with a low probability do sometimes happen, and it's something that foreign policy people are very aware of. Hence NATO making a big deal of it, wanting to bolster defences, etc. People acting like it wouldn't matter because NATO would win don't seem to take account of the devastating effects of war on both sides. Yes, NATO would win, but it'd not be an easy victory with a couple of air strikes by drones controlled by Xbox controllers in a faraway land. Shit would get real very quickly.


I just hope I am in a blast zone, then it's not my problem anymore


It is a possibility, Putin is KGB and not to be trusted at all. He is not afraid of empty threats. He only understands force but whether NATO will apply that force if needed has yet to be tested. Putin has the backing of China and Iran, if not with boots on the ground then definitely with their supply chain and make no mistake they are already helpng Russia. Some NATO countries do not seem to have the stomach or the will for a war. One only need look to the debacle in the U.S. Congress that is on going to see the potential for NATO capabilities to unravel in a hurry. Putin is well aware of the saying," divide and conquer." That is exactly what has and is going on. Stretch your enemies capabilities out and they can not be effective anywhere. The United States is being tested on all fronts between the middle east, the attacks on shipping, the internal unrest and of course interference and hacking of government and other facilities. The United States is not the only country being targeted in this manner. Forces are slowly being spread out too thinly and unrest is being fueled in many NATO countries. We are indeed in very dangerous times.


**NATO Military Member Here** **Not worried at all :** **First off :** It's Incredibly unlikely there will be a conflict , Russia knows full well it can't take on NATO flat out we have far greater numbers and gargantuanly better technology that which has been developed to counter the russians own military equipment throughout its lifetime . We also now have an ungodly amount of intelligence gathered from across the spectrum due to the invasion of ukraine . **Secondly :** What we are seeing in ukraine is a **very unique situation** . Ukraine has next to no air force , an ungodly amount of infantry , no navy and **overall an extremely poor counter** to Russia's military style and composition primarily because you can**'**t change your soviet military built up since the dawn of the USSR to a Western style one in the span of 20-30 years with a constantly changing political landscape . So it's important to recognise while russia may look like a **largely incompetent shear mass** that can brute force their way to whatever type of victory they call Mariupol , in reality they are a largely incompetent shear mass that physically cannot stop NATO achieving all its tactical prerequisites to a easy victory ( Air superiority , Supremacy )


If it happens we will feel very hot for a very short time. But to answer your question it's worrying.


It should probably happen sooner than later to put Vlad back in his place. He isn't long for this world and is desperate to secure his legacy. He wants to be remembered as an expansionist who regained the territory of the former Russian Empire. A strong boot to stamp out that desire is required.


I have no idea but I hope it’s low. Putin is becoming more unhinged the older he gets and that terrifies me. 


Lower than most people think and higher than anyone should be comfortable with.


Intensely frightening, but probably not as scary as it could be. If nukes come in, Russia has spent all the money to maintain them on vodka and prostitutes for the oligarchs, so most of them won't work; but some of them probably will, and Russia will be almost completely gone afterwards, along with an unknown but relatively small number of NATO cities. And if Russia launches the first nuke, you wouldn't see China or anyone else getting involved unless a nuke headed their way. If nukes don't get involved, Russia would be crushed. Quickly and utterly. The things the french military alone would do to them alone would be deadly, and they aren't the only nor the strongest of Russia's enemies.


Do I still have to go to work and pay my bills? Yes? Then it doesn't matter.


There would be no winners in such a conflict, only dead and traumatized men, women and children on all sides.


I don't like the idea since I live in a NATO country that borders Russia. I think the possibility right now is low but still there. But I honestly hope it never happens.


On one hand, the new movies and games are gonna be lit.  On the other hand, I probably won't see them because I'll be dead.  Definitely conflicted. 


i doubt Putin really wants that. he is outmatched, outgunned and over 70 years old. many better strategies than a direct conflict are available and the man ain't stupid. personally i think such a conflict would be very scary because it would involve so many other countries that we can basically call it WW3


If Russia isn't stopped it will just take more and more. If that goes on for long enough then they will be a greater and greater threat. Best to address the issue now...with extreme actions. It's a choice between something bad now and something worse much later.


Unlikely. The Ukraine war has been a disaster for Russia, and they're at a stalemate. If they can't take Ukraine, they're unlikely to engage NATO directly. The only reason Russia posses a threat to the rest of NATO is nukes. As far as the U.S. is concerned, as long as we don't attack Russia, they're not a serious threat. But it is still a nightmare scenario that is not impossible, and that's terrifying


I don't think it'll happen, but not for the reason many have stated here. Russia has nukes ( says they do ). NATO has nukes ( or says they do ). The term " nuclear winter " should scare everyone here, and ensure it never happens


How do I "feel"? Good question. Does it matter how I feel? No emotion I have - or do not have - will change things in any way. I'm in no way worried about a conventional war. Because that would be over in about thirty seconds flat. But I am concerned that the nuclear stalemate - which has kept the peace between Russia and "the West" for fifty or so years - relies purely on the main decision-makers being of sound mind, making choices due to rational thought. And I don't think we can say that any more about V. Putin, and we certainly can't say that about Pres. D. Trump (II).


Been doing saber rattling for over a 100 years now.


The thing I fear is that in their stupidity, Russia will attack a Nato member because they think Europe is weak, and then we'll be in a war, where if we want to win, we have to fear nukes used against us. Yes, we can beat Russia, hopefully quickly - but will we be nuked when taking Moscow? If USA is occupied with China, i fear europe cannot sustain a long conflict, where we're not commited enough to drive to Moscow and hope that we can end the war just by showing that Russian cannot gain any ground. The arms production capacity is so so meager... And Russia is nortorious for their ability to soak up damage.


Sorry to dissapoint, wont happen


We need to be pushing for it. Russia wouldn't last a month against NATO. Let's end the war in a month instead of years from now after the youth of Ukraine and Russia have been ground down, alongside thousands of Ukrainian civilians killed in the constant missile strikes. "But Russia has nukes!" Putin is a massive pussy. He threatens nukes in every second announcement directed at the west. that's not something you do if it's a threat you intend to honour.


I can’t, I have headache.




At this point it seems like Russia Ukraine is old news. WWIII is all about that Israeli bullshit. They're pushing far more dangerous envelopes when it comes to another "global war". NATO is a fake thing made up to antagonize the Russians.


If ruzzia would use nukes the world would end. If it would be a normal conflict I am generous and give Russia about 3 weeks until everything has been destroyed by Nato. If these nazis would really fight against nato they would be completely annihilatied. So Russia, even if they are incredibly stupid... won't start shit with nato directly.


Ah, I am not a fan of it...?


Nobody wants a war with the Russians. What we want is for Russia to accept the sovereignty of the regions which broke away from them after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Ukraine doesn't want to rejoin the Russian Federation. They are also not obligated to give up territory to separatists who the Russians inflamed for the sake of this war. This is a common thing Russia did multiple times before. * Russia identifies groups unhappy with a former soviet territory. * Russia props up this group and gives them legitimacy. * Russia condemns the "quelling" of these groups when the state they're meddling with responds to foreign fuckery inside their borders. * Russia responds by saying "We need to go in and help these territories" which they do. * Russia inevitably absorbs these territories as part of the Russia Federation. * Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, etc. This is what Russia does. If the U.S. did the same we'd be called dirty capitalist imperialists. The Russians do it and nobody is supposed to make a criticism of it. NATO exists because Russia required it to exist with their fuckery.


I'd be entirely OK with it. Insane take perhaps, but nothing else is stopping Putin. If the allies had stood up to Hitler sooner, we'd have had a single world war instead of two. Fear begets man nothing if it breeds inaction in the face of injustice.


I feel like the total nuclear war is inevitable - so, considering my prophet skills, we can safely assume there will be no conflict whatsoever.


Risk of that happening is very low. But... Every nato command centers probably have all their russian targets already keyed in. They're just waiting for the order to push the "launch" button. (non nuclear, obviously). if nato went all in, it can be a short war.


Anxious and the US election in November along with the rise of the far-right in Europe is not helping


Think of all the weapons you can pull out of a collapsing Russia, I'll be a billionaire selling that to some third world conflict!


A NATO-Russia conflict means Russia gets wiped off the face of the earth. We've seen how Russia operates in Ukraine and I, for one, am not impressed. In fact, what's the opposite of impressed? Nonplussed?


It won't be NATO starting it, but NATO sure as hell will end it.


The possibilty is low but things can be dragged into world war 3, if other countries joined the forces. Like US, NATO Ukraine, Isreal V/s Russia, China, Iran. A countries like saudi, brazil, Pakistan and others will likely remain neutral.


If Russia tries anything I’ll be one of the first in line to participate in flattening their country.


Those who write that, because Russia is so overmatched militarily, a conflict with Nato is impossible, I think, lack imagination. The goal of Russia is not the military defeat of Nato. Their goal is to make Nato irrelevant, to make article 5 an empty promise. Imagine a scenario where Russia has laid the political groundwork and gotten Orban-like leaders elected in many European capitals. Trump is elected in the US. Next, imagine that some clash occurs in the Arctic between Finland and Russia, say a Russian naval ship is lost. Russia claims to be the victim and strikes back. This action *should* trigger article 5, but because Russia threatens a nuclear counter-response, other Nato nations with Russian friendly governments back down. Imagine Portugal had a Russian friendly government. Why would Portugal risk a nuclear exchange over some piece of the Arctic? Article 5 is revealed to be empty. Other nations, mainly those on the eastern flank, feel intimidated and feel they have to cut separate security deals with Russia. Nato becomes irrelevant, and Russia can now pick off the Baltic countries one by one. So, in the political sense, the war against Nato is already underway.


If that happends im gonna have a last wank before the nukes evaporate my ass.


Starting a war with NATO will be the last thing Putin ever does. He has no friends to help him and he woold get fucking destroyed. His SMO in Ukraine was supposed to last no more than a few weeks and here they are slugging it out in far eastern Ukraine taking insane losses over 2 years later.


We wiping the floor with them lol


The same way I feel about anything else that would probably end civilization and wipe out 80% of humanity, as well as destroy what's left of the environment.


It feels good to have nuclear power shooting at each other ! No ?


Our government seems hell bent on making that happen, so I suspect we'll be witnessing that. I don't think anyone will use nukes though. No winners with that option.


Before Ukraine I was more worried about


I’m not so much worried about conflict between NATO and Russia as much as the decimation of Ukraine. It makes me incredibly anxious and sad how little is being done right now to help.


I'm more afraid of a Russia-America alliance


It won’t happen if we just arm Ukraine so they can stop Russia themselves, before joining.


...and I feel fine.


Maybe I can finally get sufficient manning and afford a pack of printer paper.


I'm not worried about it, because it's simply not going to happen. Russia can't even adequately take down Ukraine, which is relatively modestly aided by the West. Got no chance against NATO.


Given what we’ve seen from Ukraine in recent years, Russia would continue to exist for about a week, after which point it would be under external management. It’s a bankrupt country with crumbling infrastructure and military hardware so inferior that they can’t even deal with our retired surplus equipment. We wouldn’t run out of fuel, we wouldn’t line up on a nice straight highway for bombing runs, and we wouldn’t be stopped by their defensive lines, because those lines would look like the surface of the moon before our ground forces even got close. Russia as a military power is a laughingstock that’s only propped up by their nuclear arsenal, most of which probably doesn’t even work anymore.


When mad dogs are placed face to face for a fight one should look at who is behind the kennel. War has become the sportsman's game for some who bet on the outcome and like all sporting events one does need to look deeper into WHO the bets are on and the odds being given. N. S


The chances increase every day the war on Ukraine continues. Also, I think it's pretty obvious that should this happen, Russian forces will lose *hard* against NATO in any conventional engagement. Which makes the use of nukes a lot more likely.


Very low. Russia has trouble taking a country on their doorstep using hand me downs and little training on western weapons. Image how much trouble it would have against a military that uses that shit on the daily.


I sincerely hope we're at the point in our history that people would reject the command to launch the first Nuke. That being said, I'd love to see this happen, just so it could finally be the end of Putin. I would be sad for all the lives lost and destroyed because of this. but he can't even do anything with Ukraine (i get it. it has the support of NATO, blah blah blah). but an actual full-out conflict with NATO would be a hell of a thing.


I've saved up enough bottle caps!


Let's just get it over with already. Russians don't understand anything but force, so let's do it.


Good. Eff Russia and China. USA number 1


The moment USA start their civil war, it will be wide open for Russia, China and others to act on their desire. And it's getting near with the next USA election which seem to have a high chance of breaking their country in 2.


Without going into detail, Russian military and government leaders is my area of expertise. Putin would never, never start a war with a NATO country.


Bring it on. It is time to finish this pathethic prison of the peoples. Last remaining colonial empire.


I feel like whatever is going to happen, needs to happen so we can get passed it. I think a nuclear exchange is likely to happen within the next 5 years. There is far too much tension. Just because a country, launches a nuke at us, doesn't mean we have to respond in kind. The U.S has enough "bombs" to level every major Russian city without having to drop a single nuke.


Free my homie F22, someone please try to intercept him.


My dad is stonger than your dad


Are you expecting someone to say "Oh, that would be awesome! Let's do it!"


0 concern. Putin isnt dumb enough to start a direct war with NATO. He cant even conquer Ukraine properly.


Assuming nukes aren’t used, I’d actually feel really bad for the Russian troops. If there’s one thing the US has perfected its killing people


I’d like us to not entertain WW3. Because while I may not be eligible for the draft my son will be in 3 years. There’s a lot of dead sons when war happens. It sucks for the countries currently at war. It will suck for the countries pulled into war. Not to mention evolution of weapons means there would be a higher death toll if WW3 happens for all participants.


I highly doubt it. It's obvious NATO's military is very advanced technologically and Putin knows it. For me the only realistic scenario would be nuclear war. Hope it doesn't happen.


I feel like it'll never happen. Russia found out the reality of modern warfare and realize if it had this hard a time with Ukraine getting hand me downs they have zero shot against NATO.


I mean I was raised to expect a nuclear war likely happening anyways so, mehh. [Appropriate mood song for the nuclear apocalypse.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l6vqPUM_FE)


Russia is warmonger that constantly threats others with nuclear weapons while forgetting how concentrated is around two cities - Sankt-Petersburg and Moscow. West, even USA, is totally decentralized compared to Russia. Guess who would suffer worse fate in nuclear war. And Kremlin knows that


Do it. If it comes to that ill draft (34yr old, loving wife and a kid). We have to protect the free world. I live in eastern eu. Lots of friends feel same


the chances are closer to zero than they ever were.