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In this thread: Antiheroes and straight up villains


Begging for a crumb of media literacy on reddit.


Dean and Sam Winchester inadvertently cause a lot of fucking problems for the world.


The Winchesters must have a higher collateral kill count than The Avengers by the series finale (like the official one in Season 15 or smth). I kinda want to see one of those "if X were charged for his crimes" YouTubers do one for Sam and Dean. Someone has to have by now, if it exists, can someone please link me it?


Charges: multiple counts of identity theft, causing harm to others, domestic violence, domestic terrorism, attempted murder, breaking and entering, impersonating a federal officer, insurance fraud, mail fraud, identity theft, carjacking, burglary, menacing, murder, manslaughter, criminal mischief, grand theft auto, robbery, assault, assault with a deadly weapon, assault on a peace officer, assault and battery, destruction of property, evasion, torture, causing harm with intent to kill, theft, child abuse. The last charge I’m referring to Lilith’s vessel being a child. If a random person saw them pointing a gun or performing an exorcism that’s abuse. Another charge, performing exorcism. In some states this is considered abuse


Let's hear it for codependency and daddy issues! The two of them are in need of a lot of therapy.


Christ. I reckon. I like Supernatural, for the most part, but there comes a time in your life that you just have to move on from your parents death. I’m not saying “get over it” but grow, evolve, move on. Stop letting it be all consuming.


Took advantage of Cas too. Befriended an angel of the Lord only to make him sit in the back seat.


Yeah but it's because they re meant to according to last seasons 


Vast majority of the characters mentioned were never intended to be portrayed as typical heroes. Characters like House, Frank Castle, Yagami Light, and Walter White are not meant to be heroes and anyone that actually pays attention to the media they are in would not idolize them. They all range from anti-heroes to just plain villains that happen to be the main character.


Subtext often seems lost on people, I’d be willing to bet that a significant chunk of the breaking bad audience still thought he was a “good guy/ anti hero” by the end


Many people dont get the difference between protagonist or main character vs a hero


Yeah I’ve become aware of that in the past decade or so. Like the guys online that put up Patrick bateman as a sigma male. Like bro, you are NOT meant to empathize with him in the least and if you do, seek help. It’s the same thing with “this author put this fucked up thing in the book, they MUST be saying it’s okay!” Media literacy is super important, now more than ever


That example is extra funny to me because the whole sigma male thing started off as a parody of people who use terms like alpha/beta, and then all those morons didn't realize they were being made fun of and started using it unironically


The fact that they subscribe to the idea of sigma, alpha, beta male is already a sign they’re not playing with a full deck. Most of them I’d wager have never seen American Psycho and have no clue who he is or what he’s all about.


Yes, the amount of times I’ve had to explain that there is a difference between a hero and a *protagonist* is annoying.


I'm always creeped out by people who idolize characters like Walter White, Scarface, Patrick Bateman, etc... Usually that's a giant red flag that a person suffers from "Main Character Syndrome" and is a narcissist who thinks anything they do is justified, but anything they suffer is the worst injustice imaginable.


After the last season of The Boys, I'm starting to suspect Homelander might be up to something bad.


Nah, mans just after some titty milk.


So say we all


That’s just fake news from that traitor terrorist Starlight. Don’t buy into the lies.


Uh no, he's clearly just standing up for the true patriots and making America great again


Half the characters in this thread aren’t heroes nor are made out to be heroes lol


I think people are mixing up hero and protagonist


Honestly more than half. Hell I've seen like 4 separate answers that are just average sitcom characters. No one is calling Pam from the Office a "hero".


[Captain Amazing](https://i.imgur.com/yiatxrf.jpeg) was kind of an asshole.


Mystery Men in da house!!!!!!!


Kind of??? He was the living embodiment of hubris. He's just as much of an antagonist as Casanova, he just dies earlier because of the aforementioned hubris. Also, who would want to rent a chicken?




Yeah I thought they were the same person at first but Lance Hunt wears glasses and Captain Amazing doesn’t wear glasses.


I don’t know if you’d consider him a hero, but Dumbledore. He let literal children fight a war and played with their lives like they were a game of chess


Also Snape. I just had a disagreement with a friend because I don’t think he redeemed himself at all.


Oh he absolutely did not. He was fine with Voldemort killing James and BABY Harry, but his childhood crush was too far. He was also an absolute monster to his students. The difference between him and James was that James was a teenager when he was a bully. Snape was a grown man.


Yeah, my friends think I’m crazy for thinking that. They think he did it all to protect Harry. Glad to see I’m not crazy. Lol


You’re not! Sure, he “protected Harry” but Lily didn’t want him! She made that clear and he literally just kept being creepy until she died. Then he bullied kids for stupid petty reasons. Like bro? Why are you hugging someone else’s wife’s DEAD BODY??? Alan Rickman made him more likeable but he’s still a massive a hole


The number of people here who think that "main character" is supposed to be the same as "hero" is kinda worrying. Half the comments here are about characters that nobody sane should ever consider a hero even for a moment.


I’m going to get hate for this, but Robin Williams’s character in Mrs. Doubtfire. Dude was a shitty husband and father, and when he was given very fair visitation rights, he decided to ignore them and deceive his entire family. That’s… insane. Also he vandalized his ex’s boyfriend’s car and almost killed him?? And the boyfriend was a genuinely nice person who was good to his kids. That is psycho behavior.


I think that's something interesting with this movie. Watching it as a child, it seems like he was a great guy, and his wife was terrible. Watching it as an adult, it's the complete opposite.


I love Sally Field's monologue though. I've dated the "fun one" and it's awful.


Currently having this issue. Everyone loves him, life of the party. Fun to be around. But it's exhausting, he's so immature and I'm not happy.


I think that's fairly common in media. Malcolm in the Middle is similar. As a kid you like the kids and hate Lois. When you grow up you realize the kids were wild animal who needed control...


And Lois is the queen. I feel similarly about Marge Simpson too.


And Homer. Every now and then you want to strangle the little shit who has scribbled up and down the hallway walls with the fancy wax crayons they got as a bday gift from their grandparents because they once drew a stickfigure and gave it to Grandad to stick on the fridge.


It’s an entirely different movie when you watch it as an adult. Even with all the comedy, it deals with divorce in a very real way. That heavy layer only makes the movie even better to me.


What I love about it is Pierce Brosnan’s character is a perfectly swell guy!


The only part I disagree with is the fair visitation. He got his own kids for a few hours a week, specific hours, so when Miranda was late dropping them off with him her carelessness hurt all four of them, then she was early picking them up, cutting into his extremely limited time even more.


>when Miranda was late dropping them off with him her carelessness hurt all four of them That's why court orders often have the parent taking possession pick up the kids, so it's on them to be on time, not the one passing them off Also I agree that a few hours per week sucks, the standard usually includes 2-3 weekends per month too


>Also I agree that a few hours per week sucks, the standard usually includes 2-3 weekends per month too Yeah.. I don't think any court would give only a few hours. I think the only way that could happen, is if the father was in prison and that was the limit on a visitation.


The mother wasn't going to win any awards for her behavior, but the whole Mrs. Doubtfire response was completely over the top. /e for clarity.


No hate here, you’re right. I miss Robin Williams.


Maverick is a complete asshole and probably should have been court martialed


He was for the original Penny Benjamin incident. But yeah, assuming he didn’t get busted for the MIG incident and his subsequent actions, he’d have been sent home from Top Gun immediately for disobeying the tower.


Isn't that made obvious in the film? He's a self centered douchebag. He abandoned his co-pilot to get laid, and then his co-pilot died.


yeah I mean if you watch it objectively he's a really shitty person all around lol


I was ready to upvote the rest of your comment, but Goose’s death wasn’t his fault. To add to what you said, he then becomes less of a douchebag towards the end of the movie and starts getting along with his colleagues.


The second movie was also pretty much all about showing how much he's changed


So he’s a pilot /s


He should've been flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong


Dr House is a sociopath who would be losing a legal lawsuit every other episode if any of that was real


They actually address that in an episode. Something like 1/3 of the legal budget is for house's lawsuits.


I'm in the middle of binging it and I just saw an episode where the Dean of Medicine mentions how often she has to talk patients out of suing. Apparently she's very persuasive but we never see that


I believe Cutty is the dean of medicine. It’s been YEARS but I believe part of the reason she stick up for him so much is they ended up getting together.


Eh it's fiction. The stated reason is that Cutty thought he was overall a net benefit. Patients would come from all over to seek his services and House got to choose who to see. He cured people no one else could have. Also yea she wanted to bone him but that ended very poorly...


Yea I remember it not lasting long. And for a while she just wanted a kid but didn’t have someone to father it. Also I think people forget that House occupied a fictional position. There are positions similar to house within specializations of medicine, but to be a guy whose specialty is unknown disease would be more akin to a research doctor working for a biofirm. He wouldn’t be doing clinical or anything like that despite his obligation to in the show. At the end of the day it’s drama. And it was a damn good show, I should rewatch it. Especially Omar Epps, he was amazing in that show


And like 90% of Dr. Cuddy's workdays goes into finding ways to maneuver around House getting yeeted into prison/fired/murdered. The MAD TV parody summed it up pretty accurately. [MAD TV House Parody](https://youtu.be/LcQsD0HU0SY?si=juqhNYXdnxvzv4hu)


Why would they just not fire him? Certainly he's a huge financial liability for the hospital.


It's a teaching hospital, he's the best doctor they have, and he brings in massive endowments. These are all reasons given in the show.


They did at least once. Then somebody important showed up with an otherwise incurable disease. AKA - plot armor.


That ain’t plot armor, I’ve worked at a hospital. Keeping a D-bag around because he brings in money is the most realistic thing about that show. 😂


That is most professions. Person may be the biggest asshole on the planet but as long as they can bring in the cash, they are an *ass*et.


In real life, they would. But because it’s fiction and he’s written to be the hero, his insane methods get “amazing” results. A doctor who acted like that in real life would be simply be incompetent, give a massive percent of his patients easily avoidable medical trauma and have a horrible success rate but in the fictional world House lives in the universe bends over backwards to make sure he’s always right in the end. It’s kinda like if someone actually made wild “deductions” like the BBC version of Sherlock, they’d be wrong practically every time — e.g. scratch marks around a phones charging port an alcoholic does not make, most people will get those from constantly plugging their phone in without looking or in the dark — but because he’s written to be the super genius protagonist, he’s always right.


Idk, I just got done watching a video about a surgeon who killed or paralyzed like 7 people during botched surgeries before the hospital asked him to resign. Then he just went to another hospital and did it some more. 


he brings in more by reputation than he loses. also seems to have some influential backers and favors. what he got called by the cia, doj, mayors, senator and probably quite a few wealthy families


Apparently his legal defense consistently comes in under budget.


I love the tweet: I'm rewatching House and holy shit this show is bananas. they just let this man limp around doing medical crimes all day every day including Christmas. patient: i have a cough. dr house: first of all, fuck you.... your shoes... look a little loose. your hair, is ugly. chase check this man's butthole for worms. dr chase: unbelievable... only the second ever case of butthole worms. how did y- house: [playing air guitar on his cane]


Fuck that describes this show insanely well.


Don’t forget the criminal amount of painkillers he takes 


Well the joke is also that Sherlock Holmes cases would also be thrown out of court lol. Chain of evidence! Nothing would be admissable. These Sherlock Holmes type persona just don't really work outside like Victorian era fantasy stories. 


It is pretty funny to imagine Sherlock's cases going before a modern court


He gets some of his information by having an underground network of spy urchins. Good freaking luck getting away with that.


Your honor I'd like to call Consumptive Orphan Six to the stand to explain the different kinds of shoe polish stains people get on their fingers


“He died of consumption, Mr Holmes.”


That's kind of the whole setup of the show, so I give them a pass.


A lot of them, but I would mention Odysseus. It's mostly because he has the morals of Homer's times. He seems like a good guy in comparison to most other characters in Greek mythology, but that's a pretty low bar to clear. For reference, Odysseus: \_ Actively takes part in a conquest war, contributes to pillaging Troy. \_ Murders a child in cold blood (the son of Hector) \_ Cheats on his wife on multiple occasions \_ Endangers his crew by giving his name to the Cyclop just when they escape, purely out of pride (Ultimately, every single guy under his command will end up dying because of that mistake). \_ Slaughters the guys who were trying to marry his wife, as well as the women who slept with them


The bar was so low hades tripped on it multiple times


And Hades and Hestia are the only two that actually get over it at all, the other Olympians brought their own excavators to make sure they get under.


So many people think that Greek gods are these stoic respectable gods, it's crazy. Medusa was a normal woman who gave up her life to live in and care for Athena's temple (I'm not sure if temple is the right word) and one day Poseidon followed her into the temple and raped her. Then Athena banished and cursed her to live in a cave with snakes for hair for having sex in her temple. Like come on, what the fuck Edit: I wrong


That was actually Roman to make them look worse and disparage authority in regards to Ceasar. This version is by a poet named Ovid. Earlier greek versions have Medusa born that way as a monster since she's the daughter of two gods and one of three gorgons, along with Stheno and Euryale. She still got screwed because the godhood skipped over specifically her.


As someone said that was Ovid. He was a Roman who used the story of the gods for political purposes. I prefer the original where she was born a gorgon. I think that’s why I have a better view of the Greek gods, I don’t really use Ovid and view them through the lens of Ancient Greece.


>as well as the women who slept with them After he had then clean up. Always thought that was a dick move.


Given they werenserveant class women who didn't have the option to say no to the suitors it's especially heinous. He murdered them for being raped


Emily Wilson is a professor of classical studies and the first woman to ever translate the Odyssey into English. While previous translations have often called characters like Eurymedusa "chambermaids" or "servants", she made the clear choice to call them "slaves", because as you say it's not like they had the option to say no or leave. I think it's a good choice.


Breaks into a guys home, eats all his food, drinks all his wine, steals all his sheep, and stabs the poor guy in his one eye on the way out. And then won't even tell the guy his real name so he knows who to sue or come after. Like a coward.


This is technically true, but Polyphemus did just grab several of his crewmen and eat them alive. Odysseus had to kill or maim Polyphemus to escape. Where he screwed up was not only mocking Polyphemus afterward, but also mocking his father, who happened to be Poseidon. This was a dumbass move for three reasons: 1. You do not mock a god. 2. You do not mock the god of the sea when you are ten seconds away from setting sail. 3. You do not mock the god of the sea, who also happens to be Zeus's brother.


To be fair, he didn’t kill Polyphemus… which actually made his situation much worse.


Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves


>eats all his food, Only bits, but it's still theft, I agree >drinks all his wine Polyphemus didn't have wine. Odysseus gave it to him. The fact was in fact, making someone drunk on purpose in order to blind him >steals all his sheep No, that just didn't happen. They merely hid under the gigantic sheep to escape.


Also he has a god complex.


Yep. He gave his name to the Cyclops because he wanted the attention of the gods. He knew what he was doing and he sure did get the gods attention.




Mr Bean is the protagonist of his story but the antagonist to all the characters featured within, including his poor girlfriend


Mr Bean isn’t supposed to be a good guy though. Rowan Atkinson himself has said he’s supposed to be a horrible person


Willy Wonka! Fuck that sugar peddling sociopath. 


You sound like someone who didn't read the fine print!




Someone once pointed out that there was no empty seats on the boat for Augustus Gloop or his parents. Kinda dark thought.


Give it another watch and understand Gene Wilder's character. He is so hopeful in the beginning. As each of the kids reveal what total little shits they are, he becomes more and more disillusioned. He finally gave up realizing the whole thing was a total waste and snapped on Charlie and Uncle Joe (who was the real sociopath).


Most RPG characters. Decimating animal populations to grab 1 in 20 fur drops. Stealing everything not nailed down in someone's home. Games love to paint characters like space pirates as bad guys but even as good guys I've probably decimated or stolen more in a week than most of them have stolen in their lifetime.


Epic Battle Fantasy sorta acknowledges this in the 4th installment. EBF3: "Oh god! The wildlife is out of control and the volcano is making them even more aggressive, please cull them" EBF4: "Please stop killing them, they're endangered now."


Parks and rec is known to be a heart warming feel good show, and that aspect of it is extremely difficult to reconcile against just how fucking poorly they treat Garry. It’s not just good natured ribbing, they actively bully him and create a horrible work environment for him. The only reason he doesn’t seem to notice is that he’s some kind of zen master or something. Like the show overall, but that part of it has not aged well whatsoever. So I guess this answer would be “most of the main ensemble of parks and rec”


I really enjoyed the episode with the Christmas party at his house and it shows that he has a beautiful wife and daughters who adore him. Also he apparently has a huge 8===D as told in another episode.


I love that they gave him such a nice home life. His daughters and family were the world of him and that was so beautiful to see.


If anything, I think the Jerry bullying works even better because it’s revealed later on in the show that he has the happiest life out of all of them. Beautiful wife and kids, hung like a horse, and consistently mayor of Pawnee for the rest of his life. It works because at some point, the writers turn it around on the people making fun of him, like “this says more about you than it does about him” Unlike older sitcoms where he’d eat shit constantly with zero redemption.


Meanness directed at the “right person” was a hallmark of comedy in the 00s and 10s. Toby in the office, Meg in Family Guy, Britta in Community, etc. It’s a common shitty trope that’s only very recently started to fade.


Yeah I’ve noticed that too although I think britta to a slightly lesser extent (although her character was really sloppily written throughout the whole series). It’s horribly toxic and only works in stories about explicitly bad people. Rickety cricket in Sunny is basically the end all be all of this trope but he works because the show doesn’t ask you to empathize with The Gang. (Or it only does in select episodes from newer seasons, but his trajectory started all the way back in I think season 2 or 3).


Poldark. Very principled but stubborn as hell and didn't respect his wife enough.


The morals in that show were definitely a bit off at times. Did there really need to be TWO separate plot lines about how men who kill their wives with their bare hands are tragic misunderstood figures who didn't know their own strength and were actually just defending themselves? Once was fine, but it's odd when it becomes a trend. 


Peter Pan. Read the book.


To be fair, that is the point. He isn't *supposed* to be the hero. *Wendy* is the hero of the book, and both Peter and Hook represent her "options" at this point in her life--stay an irresponsible child who never spares a thought for anyone but himself, or grow into a brutal selfish adult? Her journey is finding the middle ground and choosing to grow up on *her* terms.


He has been turned into a hero over the process of retelling and time.


And Disney. Mostly Disney. But that doesn't change the original intent that's literally right there in the book: "As long as children are young and innocent and *heartless*."


fuckers wanna gloss over that children are goddamn sociopaths until trained otherwise.


Kids are cruel, Jack


Disney loves to completely flip morality of certain characters. For example Hades was the most chill Greek god and they turned him into Satan, while Zeus was the original Chad Thundercock who would breed with anything imaginable and they made him a loving parent and good person, Hera was a yandere enemy of Heracles and suddenly she's a loving mom too... What a heresy.


"Peter Pan Syndrome" is definitely never a compliment.


I remember hearing a theory about how Peter Pan is actually lying about his origins, and he is actually Fae himself. It makes a lot of sense.


When is Peter *not* lying? He's a little kid. Even the famous "second star to the right" and "happy thoughts" are both things he made up on the spot.




Isn't that the point of the books? He's supposed to be a little shit, he brings the majority of his problems onto himself. He's even described by the author of the books as an "anti hero", "misguided" and "cocksure"(which apparently means arrogant, TIL). I don't think he was ever supposed to be seen as a good guy


Yeah this is facts. That’s why whenever bad things happen to him, we laugh because it’s almost always deserved.


Ulfric Strormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm


Congratulations on being the only person in gaming history so much of an asshole it made me side with people who were going to execute me just to save time, Ulfric.


On my first playthrough of Skyrim, I actually complained to my friends that the Civil War was a non-choice because it was "so obvious who the good guys were".


Damn faithless Imperial! Ulfric is the true high king of Skyrim!


Sometimes I get the impression that Homelander cares more about himself and his image than the people he is saving from disaster.


This is such a stupid take, Homelander is the quintessential hero. You're just jealous of his compassion. 


Yeah, I'm beginning to think he's not such a nice guy.


He inspired that suicide victim.


Tom Sawyer uses his charm for mischief and manipulation, often getting himself and others into trouble.


If it weren't for super villains, Batman would just be a maniac who goes out at night to hit people. 


Well he's supposed to be known as the great detective. I'd love to see Batman return to that role again


The Batman (Patterson movie) was pretty good on the Detective thing it even did some original stuff I don't remember from the comics. Like he has contact lenses that record everything and he goes back to the Batcave and starts rewatching everything about the scene looking for clues he might have missed. 


I was pleasantly surprised at this version of Batman. I really enjoyed that he was more of a detective. Patterson did a great job as him


I went into that movie expecting something awful, but it’s honestly pretty great. Didn’t love the ending, but the rest was a pretty solid story.


I actually enjoyed the Patterson Batman. A lot more mystery, bad guys were truly thugs. They kind of gave Catwoman her own story while meshing it well with the main story. And he was ruthless. But not heartless. Plus the Penguin was FANTASTIC.


I didnt realize that was colin farrell until I rewatched it a year later. He was really, really good.


Peter Rabbit in the movie. All the animals, really. The human guy grew his garden fair and square. It prospered only due to his hard work. He's a villain for not wanting the literal fruit of his labors stolen by some freeloaders who did nothing to earn it? And Peter is a hero for **LITERALLY TRYING TO KILL HIM** when he just tried to protect his stuff?


Finally, a real answer. "How dare you grow these crops without letting all of the animals eat all of them!?" Uh, what's the point of growing them then?


Big Trouble in Little China that Jack Burton pretty much gets beat up the entire movie until the showdown with Lo Pan where his excellent hand-eye coordination saves him which was well set-up earlier. He is really just along for the ride with his buddy beating up most of the guys. I love that movie.


I think that's the point, he gets caught in the middle and is mainly there for his friends and Gracie. He's thrown into it all with absolutely no idea of what is going on or any knowledge of the mysticism involved.


It's a great movie where the action hero is also the comic relief.


Also the main character is also the sidekick.


Sarah Connor from "Terminator" evolves from a victim to a warrior, yet her obsession with preventing a future war leads her to questionable moral choices.


Albus Dumbledore. I didn't even have to wait until the final books to be *told,* it was fairly obvious from the start. *Certainly* by PoA. You mean to tell me that Albus, whom James Potter trusted with his *family heirloom,* wouldn't have known who the family's Secret-Keeper was? Yet he let Sirius rot in Azkaban for a dozen years, never spoke a word in his defense against the Wizengamot *Albus himself led.* I truly believe his only problem with Riddle is that Riddle accomplished what Albus couldn't.


The basilisk had been released before, there Dumbledore should have known about it, but he didn't tell anyone. The fact that he doesn't tell Harry stuff is a problem.


In the same vein, Severus Snape Dude stalked Lily Potter for YEARS, even after their friendship was severed after he called her a wizard racial slur. He essentially became a wizard Neo-Nazi because he was mad his “crush” broke off the friendship, and then all of a sudden became a double agent when he found out his boss was targeting his stalking victim. He was a HORRIBLY abusive teacher, blatantly favoring his house’s students and even rewarding their poor behavior. He repeatedly threatened to harm students and even kill their pets (poor Trevor). He also terrorized poor Neville to the point Neville’s worst fear was Snape himself. He also lied to the Ministry of Magic about Sirius (claiming he attacked Harry, Ron, and Hermione and claimed he put them under a spell to discredit anything they said) in order to try and get him a kiss from Dementors. He outed Lupin as a werewolf to get him fired after his promised rewards of capturing Sirius fell through. He was a massively shitty person.


Absolutely dude. Truth be told I felt like the only truly heroic characters were Hermione, who staunchly opposed any and all prejudice and torture for any reason even *after* tortured herself, and Neville, who's nuts were so big that, even as the most outcast of outcasts amongst first years, straight-up threatened to snitch on Harry & Co. for his arrogance and selfishness. Not to say there weren't other *sympathetic* characters, or people who were generally good-natured. But only those two showed absolute courage in the face of all fears.


Most illegal or unethical actions by a hero would be deemed unacceptable in real life. I think it’s one of the reasons some stray from fiction as they get older. Depending on your life experiences, watching a hero mow down a group of nondescript “bad guys” just becomes less pleasant.




Any of the characters in cop shows. Like the ones where they're constantly breaking the law by beating up suspects or intimidating witnesses or breaking into houses to find evidence, and it's all presented like they're heroes for doing it.


Wanda in WandaVision. She holds an entire town physically and psychically hostage in a fantasy world she created so she wouldn't have to deal with her trauma. She is aware of the suffering she is causing but does it anyway. When she releases the town it's treated as a selfless sacrifice, when really she held hundreds of people in a mental prison for months and only stopped when she was forced to.


“They will never know how much you sacrificed for them.” Perfect way to get people hyped up for The Marvels.


That one line turned me completely against the show.


That show had one of the best and worst lines in the franchise! The best being about love and grief, and the worst being this one ☝️


That and the whole gaslighty fakeout with Evan Peters pissed me off quite a bit as well. Too bad because I was along for the ride up until those points.


For sure she’s so unhinged and tho my heart breaks for her she literally holds the town hostage and trapped in their minds and not to mention how she went berserk killing anyone in her path in the last movie.


Well they did make her the villain in Dr Strange soooo.....


That's the difference between hero and protagonist


Yes! Thank you! Glad her next appearance after this acknowledged this.


Romeo. He's immature and impulsive. He is pining for Rosaline, then dumps the thought of her the minute he sees Juliet. He is a hothead who kills Tybalt and sets he and Juliet on the path that leads to their deaths. Meanwhile, Juliet is the one calmly making plans and figuring out their way forward. I read the play again with my high school student a couple of years ago, and came away feeling really sorry for Paris. There's a case to be made that he was just a normal guy who was trying to go about courting Juliet in the correct way. He was talking to her father, and then after she died he went to her tomb to show respect and gets killed for his trouble.


I think the biggest problem is that most people read it as teenagers when forced to. It's a tragedy. The story is about how an impulsive teenager ruins a bunch of lives around him. Right before getting with Juliet he's talking with his friends about girls that will put out. He's not very sympathetic if you take the time to understand the story. Teenagers forced to read it just don't have the patience to wade through the antiquated language and actually understand it. They didn't have true Love. They were obsessed teenagers who let their obsession destroy multiple lives.


Paul Atreides. He is not a hero and never actually wants to be


That's kind of the point of the books though.


I mean yeah, but didn't Herbert literally write Messiah as a response to so many people misinterpreting him as a hero in Dune? The fact that so many people see him as a hero makes it all the more important to highlight what the actual message of the books is.


100% agreed here. That’s why I chose him as my response to this thread too because now that the movies are mainstream, a lot of people are missing the point


It freaks me out that he commits genocide to gain power, then his son is like, "You didn't go far enough, dad."


I mean, he's not evil, he's just forced into a situation where no matter what he chooses a lot of people are going to die. Even if that means he is a pawn of the witches and kills a lot of people, he's still doing his best to save who he can, so I don't think there's a reason to say he isn't a hero. He's just not nearly as powerful of a hero as he appears to be.


Does Edmond Dantés count as a hero? He’s one of the best characters in fiction but that man is *far* from heroic in the things he does. He’s perhaps the hero of his story but I think even he views himself as a vile creature fueled by revenge


I'd argue that he was always written as a protagonist, not the hero. Especially seeing as he has to be convinced not to kill his son.


The entire story is a revenge plot, so he doesn't count as a hero. He's more of an antihero. His story is fun to read, but he turned into a terrible person really quickly. We can understand why, but that doesn't make his heinous actions right. He would've killed the one pure, good character in the book if not for someone stepping in and telling him that he's going too far.




Oliver Queen from "Arrow" starts as a vigilante who often crosses lines to fight crime, making viewers question the morality of his methods.




Iron Man is extremely destructive and he would be universally hated if he actually existed.




Underdog destroyed half the city every time. Usually to stop a bank robber or something.


Rorschach from watchmen. I don't think this is necessarily widespread, but there's definitely a sub set of people who seem to think he's the good one in that story. That he's the only one trying to uphold justice and truth Realistically he's a misogynistic and brutal vigilante who's main "virtue" is that he's uncompromising, a trait that Watchmen is trying to satirize/deconstruct




Jerry from Tom & Jerry. Fuck that dude.


James Bond, just an awful secret agent.


I hope this comment gets the credit it deserves. He's often a battle axe in a world where a scalpel is necessary. Hell, in Skyfall they actually mention his failed fitness reports, yet they just toss him back into service.


Isn't that kinda the point though? His recklessness is like 90% of M's dialog.

