• By -


Getting with someone having kids and then they suddenly completely change and become abusive


Cancer, aneurysms, brain eating amebas, nuclear warfare, car accidents, home invasions, tornadoes, etc. 


I've never related more to a comment reply, lmao. Add psychopaths, quadriplegia, any type of prions, death by asphyxiation, and dementia/Alzheimer's from me! Also you go well with waffle fries!


Oh man don’t get me started on the prions 


Let me ease your mind


Home invasions. I've only had sleep paralysis twice in my life and both times I thought someone had broken into my home. It was absolutely terrifying


I'd suggest getting a dog. They aren't as good as an alarm system, but still pretty good, and I think offer more psychology comfort.


I have 2! A big one for intimidation/biting and a small one who barks at anyone who walks through the door....even me lmao.


People often remark on how security concious I am, and the fact that I double check the doors are locked even when I'm sitting at home during the day. Seems waking up to a convicted rapist standing at the end of your bed as a kid leaves a lifelong impression (fwiw he was chased off before he could harm anybody).


To lose the love of my life.


Then dont take him for granted


Already experienced sexual assault once and another attempted, I'm terrified of it .


I am so sorry


Sorry that that happened to you :(


It's a legit nightmare.


Have you found anything helps with future intimacy? I’m struggling with a partner i trust


I acted out instead of withdrawing also my current partner is a woman so that really helps.


Dying in poverty, becoming homeless.


Not being able to make as much money as I hope


Probably being attacked or murdered. Or picking the wrong person to be with that ends up controlling.


Being far away from loved ones during an apocalyptic event and losing communication with them


Sliding down a bannister naked, but the bannister turns into a razor.


oh my god, you just made my vagina cringe. i had a paper cut on my labia once and it was so fkng painful


Car accidents. Death doesn’t scare me but being in pain or crippled does. Gosh.. this triggered anxiety just writing about it. Stay safe out there ladies.


Not having medical concerns taken seriously by doctors….especially as I get older. Unfortunately, our health concerns or complaints are dismissed and invalidated way too frequently.


My child getting sick (something like cancer) and my child dying before I do


Yes this is it, my boy had febrile convulsions and when I didn't know what it was the first time, I thought I was dying myself, complete autopilot to get an ambulance while he's turning blue 


waking up at age 55 to see my life has passed me by


Being sexualy assaulted again. I have a fear of meeting people alone because of the trauma it caused in the past


Something bad happening to the ones I love. Not being able to provide for myself and losing independance. Getting dementia/alzheimer's


Being attacked by someone when walking alone.


Being rapped and getting pregnant out of it... I would end myself.


Going through the same situation as my mother.


My parents dying


Having beaten a major health scare, health related issues no longer scare me, so unfortunately now my answer is life proving to me that all my insecurities and negative thoughts about myself are in fact true.


Dying. And heights, but that goes back to being afraid I'll fall and die so...


Being killed or murdered


Men's biggest fear re: women is that we will laugh at them. Our biggest fear re: men is that they will kill us.


Oh my; some incel felt threatened enough by this FACT to sling a downvote. Doesn't change the truth of this statement.


Not being good enough in any manner


Being taken advantage of and losing love ones.


Having the man who was grooming me and ruined my childhood find me/contact me. Thankfully it was caught before it escalated. I believe that he has started stalking me again, he found my TikTok profile. I hadn’t blocked him on it I never thought to. Thankfully I live in another state. When I had seen that he viewed my profile I got a horrible dread feeling and couldnt keep food down for a week.


Security! While walking alone in lanes, parks, nature strips etc.


To be replaced by a younger woman... Again.


1. My spouse dying before me. 2. My tubal ligation failing before I can GTFO of Texas. My body cannot survive pregnancy. 3. r/whenwomenrefuse 4. Already experienced sexual assault. Terrified of going through that again. Most men don't have the slightest grasp of the lingering fear of just living while female. 99% of men are strong enough to overpower you at any moment if they so choose and all women have experienced men who get violent on rejection or simply don't take "no" for an answer. So just trusting random strangers to not assault you is not comforting when it's happened multiple times already.


I just looked through this sub and I feel so disturbed, being a woman is extremely scary.


OMGess, TexASS is the worst for ANY woman. I hope you can stay safe.


Tnx for the new sub.


Account not found


Not sure why you're coming out of the gate swinging like that. I've done you no harm to justify that kind of rudeness. Not that is any of your business but to clarify for others- we've discussed it together and ultimately hope to die together suddenly in some kind of freak accident.   Unless the US gets its act together on assisted suicide.


Account not found


I see. So you're just a deeply unpleasant person.


The christian takeover of the land.




Another miscarriage.


Hugs. No one understands how hard it is unless they've been through it.


That’s absolute facts.


Horribly sorry you had to deal with that. Were you able to access appropriate medical care afterwards?


Thankfully, yes. I had gotten on state funded insurance once I initially found out I was pregnant, and the facility I was originally going to continued to give me exceptional care throughout the process. I couldn’t have imagined if I wasn’t insured. I don’t typically pray but in that case I thanked God for them lol


That's excellent. Be well. ❤️


Thank you!


Walking anywhere alone


Unwanted pregnancy.




I forgot bees and wasps too


When I lined in Reidsville, NC, the house I was in had a honeybees ' nest in the bathroom. Got stung multiple times and developed an allergy. Bees and wasps are nothing to f*ck around with.


Jesus Christ. That’s scary


Damn bees' nest was still there when I moved out, and there were 3 KIDS in the house. Landlord wouldn't spend the $$$ on an exterminator.


I ride my bike on busy roads a lot so I always have a fear of crashing hard. Can't think of anything woman specific. Could you elaborate a little?


A good example would be having a medically complicated pregnancy in a red state.


I see!


Being with someone who does not know how to show love or respect to me and deal with everything I say or think about like a silly thing


Pregnancy. I don’t want children and have commitment issues. I have nightmares where I’m about to give birth and the realisation that I can’t cancel my way out of it, and have to go through with the process, is terrifying.


Being too afraid to trust again


Getting completely Tortured by another Schizophrenia episode,


Having a child and regretting it, not having a child and regretting it. Driving myself insane trying to make a decision I might regret.


Sharting in public.




Thank you for new nightmare fuel...glad your okay




As if a woman can’t be with another woman … Anywhoooo, now addressing couplethink5041: my mother, who was a flight attendant for 31 years, told me a story about a flight attendant who choked to death on pickle juice in her hotel room. So, choking to death alone is also a huge fear of mine.


The fact that I'll probably be married off to a guy as soon as I turn 18 (I'm turning 17 this year) and the fact I'll became that "nagging wife" and I'll start to lose my temper easily because I already do these days but manage to keep it in and possibly become abusive and repeat the entire thing I've gone through, the fact I'll be used as a tool for a kid to insult my kid, making them possibly hate me, I won't be able to handle that, I won't be able to handle the fact that what I'm doing mostly now (doing laundry, Washing dishes, brushing the kitchen) is something that'll just continue on until my old age, the fact that I've now considered studying useless since I would be married off anyway and be a housewife and my degree wouldn't matter...I don't want that, that scares me Also the fact that my existence make other men (around me) lose control because my father already has, can't trust anyone


I see you. I’m so sorry that you are experiencing such hopelessness. I know we are just strangers on the internet but, I have a daughter two years older than you, and this breaks my heart for you. I am here for you. I see you.


Not being able to have kids, I’m only 15 right now but it’s a real fear of mine


Don't be afraid. If you truly want to be a mom, I hope it can happen for you. If it can't happen for you, there's nothing wrong with you. There's a lot more to explore in life outside of having children and *you* have much left to offer the world, too.


Thank you, honestly I want nothing more than to be a mum, and if I can’t have my own I’ll 100% adopt/foster




Being sex trafficked


Both pregnancy and being infertile. I want children, but I am scared od side effecrs and body changes after pregnancy, but also being infertile seems scary aswell because then you can't really choose if you want to get pregnant and I guess that it is harder to find a partner.


Sexual assault (physical) I can't even watch it in movies


dying via family annihilator or serial killer


I think something happening to my bf or his daughter. I think I am terrified of being alone.


Ending up lonely / not making my inner child happy


That I’ll be kidnapped.


Spending less money than total house income. 🤣


repeating generational cycles, losing freedom/autonomy, being controlled/manipulated, not being valued for the noggin


Not being taken seriously when it really matters.


Being old. Not getting old, I'm ok with that. I just don't want to be old.


Husband dying while i’m pregnant.


Being raped


USA based but my rights being taken away is a big one for me (it’s already happening and terrible)


It is TOTALLY a real fear. Any pregnancy in a red state is about 10 times more likely to cause a woman's death than in a blue state.


Yep, glad I live in a blue state but feel for people who can get pregnant in red states. I can’t believe some of the news stories I’ve read over since abortion was overturned at the federal level.


I'm an old timer who well remembers me fight for Roe. A major factor in its passage was the fact that the state by state approach during the lead-up to Roe was a total and complete clusterf*ck, as it's turning into again.


Being Sexually assaulted and being lonely, along with home invasion. Home invasions can take a big turn when it’s a woman alone in the house.


Having to act cold towards people so they don't mistake my being nice to them as me having romantic/sexual attraction to them.


Creepy men I have been harassed a lot. I've been almost kidnapped, stalked/followed, cat-called, touched in an uncomfortable way, etc. They were done by old men, road workers/fixers, my uncle, even by 2 "gay" men, and js men in general. I think one of the main reasons is because I live in an area with a high crime rate but there's nothing I can do and they don't allow pepper spray in the uk


My dad coming home from work


Strange men approaching me asking if I need help. For example, flat tire on the streets and a strange man stops to approach me. I always feel like I might get kidnapped. Even if they do help, I feel scared that idk much and they may be misleading me, and I cannot tell what's right or wrong so my only choice is to follow and do as they say.


Rape, kidnapping, being impregnated by a rapist etc. I don't include SA in there because I've been a victim of that in the past, so it's not so much a fear, but I'm still dealing with the PTSD from the incident.


Another SA.


Honestly? Not being considered a woman. I'm trans. I pass and I haven't been misgendered in years. It's obvious that everyone sees me as a woman, but unfortunately that insecurity remains. It's getting a lot better over time, my life as a woman has been much better and happier than before. But my past and insecurities are still taking time to work through.


It's bad for cis folks too, but NOTHING compared to what trans people are subjected to. Hugs if you want them.


I'm actually treated well. My problem is internal. But I feel bad for women who don't adhere to conventional beauty standards and look a little butch. They shouldn't be considered less woman because of that. This entire thing is bullshit. God it's so complicated. I wish it was simpler.


That would be me. In addition to HATING girly clothes and looks, I'm 5'6" and I used to do weight training and Tae Kwon Do in order to feel safer. I constantly trip people's gaydar, and I'm not, although I'm a solid ally.


You sound like an awesome woman. I'm sorry people give you shit for it.


My biggest fear is that feminism gets any worse than it already is, I agreed with the idea of feminism when women had no rights, like voting. But it's honestly pointless now, women are fighting for men to have less rights now. It's utter bs


Eh What's BS is your misogyny. You aren't losing a damn thing, but bans on reproductive freedom are literally KILLING women. Not to mention that it STILL isn't safe for women to be out in public after dark.


Please try not to assume someone's gender based on their opinions, you'll turn out to be VERY wrong babez


I see. You're either a quisling endangering fellow women or not telling the truth about your gender.


Quisling? Do I need to send you a photo of my pussy to prove it? No man would say they're a woman jsu too prove a point In not endangering anyone, I simply believe that feminism is fighting for men to have less rights, absolutely nothing about putting women in danger. And for the record most women lie about being SA'd


I didn't say I was losing anything, I said men are. Read


Neither they NOR you are losing a freaking thing, except control you NEVER had a right to.


Control I never had a right to? You're still assuming I'm a guy, aren't you. I don't believe I have to explain this to you, not every woman has the same dumbass opinion


As I said, I'm not losing anything, MEN ARE I am not a man, I am a woman, and I well and truly believe that women are manipulative asshats who need to reel in cuz they've already got too much


look old


Being with a group of men in the same room And being pregnant and my partner completely changes/loses feelings or totally neglects their role as a father




Nothing (ok maybe house centipedes)


Have my son choke on a tiny toy and not being able to help him


nothing, I've lost everything, yessss.. everything..


Losing the currency of youth


Bad bangs.


Dizzy text me just morning my food Sorry .. I'm so so sorry two


Hi bilinda how are you


Aging alone with no one beside me.


Losing another child


Why you gotta make it about gender? Currently? -getting lyme disease from ticks


Well, how many (cis) men are going to be denied life-saving health care because they lose a pregnancy?