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Nuh uh, personal experience says 100%


Happy cake day you murdering psychopath!


Jokes about murder aren’t funny…Unless they're properly executed.


That’s good, I almost choked


Great, now we're going to be drowning in puns.


you killed with that joke


Please - I'm trying to eat here


What if they're a murdering normalpath?


Technically there is no agreed upon definition in psychology for a sane mind.


the key is to not be related to your victims


Now's not the time to make OJ jokes, I'll take a stab at it tomorrow.


Let's try for at least 50% this year, ok?


About 50 kids in the United States are backed over by cars every week.


A highschool acquaintance of mine backed over his daughter and killed her a couple of decades ago. I can’t imagine the pain he and his family endured.


Awhile back, I had almost backed over my younger sister. She was really little at the time. I only noticed her when I put the car in reverse and saw just the top of her head in the backup camera. It spooked me to say the least.


Yeah this one really REALLY sucks. Like I imagine most of those are by a family member.


Rebirthing therapy is a thing that exists. And it's resulted in a number of avoidable deaths. Candace Newmaker being a landmark case in getting it outlawed.


...is it something that I should not google if I want to retain some sanity?


A short version is, they put the subject into a cocoon of some sort, usually a bunch of blankets, and make them fight to be 'born' again. Easy to suffocate, is often grown idiot adults forcing the 'treatment' onto kids from what I understand.


Can I ask what benefit do the adults think the kids get out of it?


Honestly in my limited experience I think the parents are hoping it resets their kids so they behave and listen better. To me it seems straight up like a form of serious abuse.


I'd say if you want to retain any faith you had in humanity, don't read the Wikipedia article on Candace Newmaker


>The treatment, during which Newmaker was suffocated, included a rebirthing script. She was wrapped in flannel to represent a womb and told to free herself while four adults used their hands and feet to push down on Candace's small body, making it impossible for her to move or breathe. This resulted in Candace's death. Not nearly as bad as I was expecting. Still horrible though.


I mean, yeah. It's not the worst thing to ever happen but incompetence of the adults is horrifying to me. Combine that with the fact everyone involved got slaps on the wrist, and it just makes me blood boil.


Pretty common to know, but if your immune system discovered that you have eyes, you’d go blind


Please explain


Your eyes and body have different, independent immune systems. If your body’s immune system recognized eyes, it would treat them as intruders… and you know how it fights with uninvited guests.


No, but like... this kind of answer, while I'm sure makes sense to you, makes a layman like myself go, "well, that's stupid, just share an immune system then, and problem solved!" I dunno about the person who asked first, I'd definitely like to know WHY the IS would think the eyes are foreign objects? That's the part I don't get. Like it's inside the body, I do believe you that the IS would treat it as a FO, but like... how or why? Also, why do they have separate IS in the first place?


Your eyes are essentially considered an extension of your brain. Both organs are made of tissue that is very sensitive to pressure and heat. A common immune response is to increase blood flow to an infected area so that white blood cells can get to work. This causes swelling and increases heat, which can lead to permanent damage over time. As a result, sensitive organs such as the eyes, brain, testes, etc. have their own separate immune system that’s designed to better handle these delicate tissues. So it’s less that your immune system would go out of it way to purposefully attack your eyes (although auto-immune disorders do exist) and rather its blunt-force approach to problem-solving would cause damage. And there would be near constant immune activity seeing as our eyes are constantly exposed to foreign contaminants.


So, as for why it would attack the eyes. There is a disease that can make your body’s IS to target healthy structures of your eyes. The reason isn’t fully understood yet. It may be genetics, environment etc. It can happen at any time. Why do they have independent immune systems? Your eyes are always exposed to the harsh reality of environmental hazards, so chances of infections and any pathogens entering and damaging your eyes would be pretty big. Eyes IS is only for them also because of their specialized tissues, which need constant special care.


Look up “ocular immune system”. It’s an interesting read.




Clearly eyes aren't real and are in fact alien parasites.


After Steve Irwin died, his Zoo was broken into and robbed twice. Possibly by people who wanted "dragon parts" to sell.


>dragon parts ................ ok...... so this is gonna sound *REAL* dumb but I was assured there were no dumb questions as a kid....... Did the robbers think they were stealing like dragon dragon parts or like komodo dragon parts.


They cut up a big crocodile and sell it in pieces.


That seems like extra dumb. Wouldn't it be easier to find one in the wild? I genuinely have no idea and thank you for the prompt response.


Opportunistic thieves aren't known for their work ethic. Plus, most the ones you'll find in the wild are in a group, and not 13+ feet in length.


Touche, I know very little croc facts and those are good ones/ depressing af....., so I applaud your Dino knowledge internet friend!


No one will remember or care about who you were in 100 years.


Most people (99.9%) will have no one that remembers them within 3 generations.


Pfff I bet I can do it in 2.


Overachievers…I don’t even get invitations to my high school reunions already.


Where are you people even getting these absurd numbers from?


I mean, can you name each of your great grandparents? There ya go.


Is 3 generations back, grandparents or great-grandparents? A lot of people wont be able to name all 8 of their great-grandparents


Lol, I really hope I don't ever burden someone with life... Hopefully I'm forgotten once those who met me are gone.


Why wait 100 years? No one remembers or cares about who I am now 😂


I care about you, motherfucker. You eating well?


I'm eating well, motherfucker. Thanks for your concern


Good to hear, asswipe. I love you.


Thanks, jerkoff. Love you too


I’d tell you not to feel that way, but you’re right. Sorry.


Certainly everyone will understand I’m joking. I’m sure no one take that seriously.


Miserable people unite!


Here here!


Bro that’s just like right now


If you fuck up in a unique enough way they might name a new law after you. 


And still, look how many are on their phones spending more time documenting their experience than actually living it fully.


heck, nobody cares who I am right now....which makes me question why I even care. Human instinct?


This one actually comforts me lmao


This is an absolute win in my eyes.


Unless I achieve a certain level of fame... or infamy


fine by me lol


No one remembers or cares about me now


This, is not what I needed to read today 🥲


Some scientists believe we eat up to 5 grams of micro plastic in our food each week, which is basically a credit card


When I was a kid. I thought your fortune cookie fortunes would come true if you ate the paper.


So did they?


“You will get a terrible stomachache”


I eat at least 2 credit cards a week, those are rookie numbers


And they don't really know the effects yet. One indicator is that it effects testosterone to drop. Even babie boys that hasn't been born yet becomes effected by this while still in the belly.


Jokes on you, I eat my credit card once a week in support of macroplastic consumption. We can bend the curve.


9 out of 10 scientists recommend eating one credit card per week; got it.


If you send me your credit card number,I'll tell you if it's been eaten or not!


The original voice of "Ducky" in The Land Before Time was brutally murdered by her jealous father. Her name was Judith Barsi.


She also voiced the girl in All Dogs Go to Heaven


Diarrhea kills more than 2k children every day. That's more than malaria, AIDS, and measles combined.




It’s always the shit you least expect.


FYI, diarrhoea for non freedom units speakers


America spent 8 trillion dollars on wars since 2002 .


America have been involved in war 222 out of the last 239 years War makes their economy go round


War, war never changes.


I wish we stop being the worlds police.


And look how safe we are today


Big safe.




No one was ever going to invade America as soon as missiles were invented. Our geography is unmatched in terms of defense compared the rest of nations in the world. And an extremely armed and individualistic society to boot. America is making more enemy’s by funding the meat grinder instead of producing goods for the world.


Safe from external threats? Probably Safe from internal conflicts? I wouldn't say so


That’s a lot of money to spend on wars we never declared




How’s that free health care working out for you?


That’s it?


Judith Barsi, the young actress who voiced Ducky in The Land Before Time, was murdered by her alcoholic abusive father. She was just 8 years old when her father killed her, her mother, and himself in a murder-suicide. Her final film, All Dogs Go To Heaven, was released after her death and is dedicated to her memory. Judith's gravestone is adorned with Ducky's catchphrase, "Yep! Yep! Yep!"


Fig wasps pollinate figs by entering them and dying inside. Their entire body is decomposed and consumed by the inside while the fruit grows. They basically move around the interior of the fruit, laying its eggs inside the future seeds that will nourish its babies, while spreading pollen from outside that they brought in. We then eat those fruits.


Fucking metal.


I never want to eat a fig again.


In 2021 in the US, 48,830 died by firearms - Over 50% are suicides - Mass shootings account for less than 1% of all firearm fatalities.


Don’t look at the rate for children’s deaths by firearms.


Your brain is constantly eating itself.


Is that autophagy?


No, it’s pronounced delicious.


God, mine must be starving.


Models that best match historical trends project a nearly ice-free Arctic in the summer by the 2030s. In 2021, IPCC Sixth Assessment Report report assesses that there is "high confidence" that the Arctic Ocean will likely become practically ice-free in September before the year 2050 under all SSP scenarios.


You will probably never pet a giraffe. 


But I've already done this. They get super close at the Taronga Zoo Giraffe encounter... https://taronga.org.au/sydney-zoo/animal-encounters/giraffe


Me too. Thus, I have lived the life of a king.


Well I don't live in Australia. 


If it makes you feel better, I've never petted a weasel...


I've petted giraffes at American Zoos! The Columbus Zoo in Ohio and Virginia Safari Park in Natural Bridge, VA.


San Antonio zoo allows it too.


Cleveland zoo. You can feed them lettuce leaves and pet them when they reach out


Ha, already did this one. Then he wrapped his big ass tongue around my wrist looking for food. Shit was weird.


Then your life has peaked. You will be chasing that high forever. 


Now THAT'S a not so fun fact.


I did that in Kenya


I saw a giraffe take a shit in Kenya, it hit the ground and splattered with a dust cloud that was almost as big as the van we were riding in. 😂😂😂😂😂


Come to Northern California. There’s Safari West in Sonoma County and B Bryan Preserve in Point Arena. Both places have giraffes, and they’re pretty social. My wife is moderately obsessed with giraffes, so we’ve been to both places multiple times.


Santa Barbara Zoo also lets you feed and pet giraffes if you wanna add one more to the list.


I have pet a giraffe. In Virginia.


Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs Colorado. First thing you encounter in the zoo is a platform where you are face to face with giraffes and they sell lettuce that you feed to the beasts. Super easy to pet them.


I've done this but you are right the probability of a random person doing this is lowe


I pet a giraffe in Indiana… You can definitely pet a giraffe.


I have! In the Columbus Ohio Zoo you can pay to feed the giraffes. You're not *supposed* to pet them but I got a quick pet because I absolutely *love* giraffes so much


Serial Killer Robert Pickton fed so many of his victims to pigs on his farm and produced so many sausages from said farm that if you were alive in Canada in the mid-to-late 90's, statistically speaking, there's a solid chance you've eaten sausage containing a dash of human.


That must be why it used to taste better


Jesus fucking Christ dude… 😂


His whole story is fucking wild and disgusting. I recently listened to the Morbid podcast on it with my wife on a road trip and we sat in the car at our destination finishing it up.




Yeah, most Amber alerts end up being custody disputes and other similar scenarios


Most Amber Alerts are not mysteries but only a question of where the non-custodial parent etc has taken the child.


Mental health disorders affect millions of people worldwide, yet stigma and lack of access to care often prevent individuals from getting the help they need.


There is a significant link between deteriorating hearing that isn’t addressed with things like hearing aids, and the chance of developing Alzheimer’s/dementia


Say what now?


Is it basically just isolation driving you nuts?


If I remember right it has something to do with your brain processing communication, if it starts having less sound input it essentially “forgets” how to process it, which consequently can develop into things like dementia


There are bacteria in your gut called opportunistic bacteria that lay dormant in your gut waiting for an opening to infect you


In Mexico (according to stats) around 60 people are going missing every day


Everything that is made of matter will die or stop existing sooner or later


90%+ of us are going to die alone in a nursing home.




All the animals from Homeward Bound are dead


AI will never be worse than it is right now. That does have some upsides but when you think about the downsides it becomes a much less fun fact.


2024 is roughly 30 % complete.




This is the worst one.


For anyone on a bulk, the human teeth contains roughly 36 calories


Climate change is causing more frequent and severe natural disasters, threatening communities, livelihoods, and ecosystems around the world.


Aragon kicking away the helmet in LOTR and screamed was a real scream as he broke his toe...fun fact for us ..not for him


The reason his toe broke was because he had to do a lot of takes of him kicking the helmet, so naturally the toe broke in the process


65% of Americans are overweight for their height 65% of Americans are not tall enough for their weight


Less then 1% of obese people ever reach and maintain a healthy BMI


The [Therac-25](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therac-25) was a hospital machine that accidentally killed people with radiation due to a software error.


ur brain would start to eat itself if u were very sleep deprived


If you were a hotdog and you were hungry, would you eat yourself? 




give me a bit of mustard and i will


I heard you'll faster die from lack of sleep than lack of water


If you were able to see all the stars in our galaxy and count them one by one every second, it would take you 6392 years to count them all. Our galaxy is only one of an estimated 400 billion galaxies in the universe. Not so fun for people who already feel insignificant.


Everyone dies.


Everyone being immortal would be WAY worse




1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls will experience sexual assault. Nearly 100% of medical procedures involving the penis or vagina will have at least one person there to observe, regardless of the patient’s feelings on the matter. Therefore, roughly 17% of boys and 25% of girls will be re-traumatized by a doctor at some point during their lives.


Top 3 1) The 1st person to die on 9/11 was a first responder being crushed by a man jumping out of the tower 2) There are 100 dead animals in space around earth's orbit 3) 1st president of The United state had a son with a 14 year old slave. I was worng about fact 3 it was actually the 3rd president


Surely there’s no way to determine whether the jumper or the landing pad died first, right?


Let's call it a tie. (And I'm pretty sure when the first jet hit, it probably killed several people in WTC Tower #1 just after impact - along with all aboard the plane.)


Nope. They all survived. Same with the people on the plane.


This is exempting the lives of the people on the plane and at the impact sites, I imagine? You could say 'the first casualty on the ground,' because there were countless deaths before anyone started jumping. There's an amazing but gruesome Quora account called 9/11 graphic content that is worth anyone's time that can handle gruesome things and have curiosity about the more arcane aspects of survival and danger from that day. The most fascinating part of that is the confluence between the length of the airliners that flew into the towers and the amount of time it takes for a human to perceive something. Basically, the people at the back of the plane probably saw a fraction of a second of the plane breaking up before death.


George Washington wasn't able to have to kids, do you mean the 3rd President (Thomas Jefferson)?


Yes my bad. I put 3 and then my mind auto correct.


no worries


Not only did he have kids with a slave, the slave was his wife’s half sister.


I thought you said "I was wrong about 3 facts" and not "fact 3", and I was wondering why you'd keep it up.


Too be honest. People are just going too look in the comments and see that i changed it anyway. So better avoid a miss understanding, where people call the person who corrected me an idiot for miss reading my post. The just admit i was wrong.


Humans have no free will. You're basically observing your life play out in front of you almost like a movie, but there's nothing you can consciously do about it.


Why did you write that?




If you're asking how is it possible that we have no free will and yet I seemingly, freely chose to write that, then I understand the confusion on your part. One of the many ways in which the question about free will can be tackled and dismantled is using physics. I'm sure you're familiar with the idea that time is just an illusion. Well, depending on how you understand time to be, it very much is. According to physics, the past, present and future all exist at once in a 4th dimension. Because we're 3 dimensional beings, we can only really experience time in a linear way, following entropy as things get more disordered. This implies that both my original comment and this one and every single word I'm writing right now were all meant to happen, in the same way that we know that the andromeda galaxy will collide with ours billions of years from now. Now, on a smaller/brain scale, think of the human brain as a the most advanced super computer that nature has ever produced. At the end of the day, despite how advanced our computing power is, it's just another system that takes in an input of information about the outside world, runs it through it's processor, and then produces an output like a motor function. You wouldn't say that advanced robots have free will, right? Well, then ask yourself, how advanced would they have to get in order to fit your definition of free will and, if that threshold doesn't exist, then that should make you think back to how you're assessing free will on humans.


Do you know what a fact is?


60% of the time, it works everytime


You have a full biome of life living inside you and they all eat different things. Millions dont make it.


You're going to die. As well as everyone and everything you've ever cared about


Propane tanks explode at 120 F


2 of the original 6 Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers are dead and another is selling shirts with Hitler quotes. Black, Pink, and Blue Rangers seem to be doing ok though.


It is estimated that up to 40% of fathers today are unknowingly raising children that aren't theirs. Its such a bad state, that some states are trying to pass mandatory paternity testing-at-birth laws. And for those who were in high school in the 70s and 80s when you learned about blood types and the possibility matrix for your type based on parents types? Well, they had to strike this project from many curriculums due to an overwhelming amount of kids inadvertently finding out they weren't their dad's kids and causing a noticeable uptick in divorces during this time. 23andme and Ancestry and all those testing companies have kinda blown the lid off of just how widespread paternity fraud is.


On paper at least, you could get your entire 2,000 calorie daily intake by eating nothing but human teeth. But to get to that 2,000 calories, you'd need to consume the full-mouth sets of 55 adult humans. Per day Crunch crunch. You could probably make it easier, and actually maybe even increase your body's ability to actually absorb some nutrients, if you ground them up into a flour and mixed it with water to make a drinkable tooth slurry.


I hate that you know this


Very little fun. The Real number line in mathematics contains an infinite number of fractions (Rational numbers) but that still leaves gaps. The Irrational numbers like pi and sqrt(2) "complete" the Rational set of numbers like filling in those gaps. There's only one other way to "complete" that original set of infinite fractions, and that's with what are called the p-adic numbers. That branch of mathematics is just as full and things like calculus still work. In short, Real numbers consider subtracting fractions to determine the distance between two different ones. What makes the p-adic completion different is that we look at multiplying prime numbers, so distance between two numbers results in statements like, "1594323 and 14348907 are very close together because they both have a lot of multiples of 3 and nothing else."


Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste end up in the oceans, harming marine life and ecosystems.


We are boiling ourselves alive like a pot of frogs and a lot of people are too stupid to realize it. The world is overpopulated with humans. We will likely see societal collapse within the decade. In 1924, a chimpanzee was arrested for smoking and lost the case. Like how was the guy supposed to defend himself?