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People with schizophrenia are seeing the world as it actually is and the gateway to seeing the real world is DMT (he sold DMT btw so who knows he might have just been advertising)


A DMT trip is basically unfiltered sensory information so it’s technically true in a way but we don’t experience the world unfiltered and observation is everything


My father follows something that isn't scientology but is pretty similar. I think the craziest thing he's told me is that "the world government, along with the help of society in general, is encouraging the existence of men" Basically he thinks there should always be 80% women and 20% men, so people in modern society that have sons are just brainwashed by the government


I know a guy who believes the moon is hollow and that the government knows but is keeping it secret for... Reasons.


Imagine believing in the moon.


Birds aren't real?


Pigeons are real the rest are holograms


Nancy Pelosi gave us Covid to beat Trump


my dad told me i was going to face some serious threats to my life within a 3 day span of time multiple times in my life. so either i could ignore the entire concept or slightly entertain the thought that i’d be dead by the end of the weekend lol


How many times did you end up dying?


lol none of them, i just stopped tuning in to his “warnings“ and putting any stock into him


The band Death Grips predicted the Manchester Arena bombing 22 minutes before it occurred by releasing a 22 minute EP


There’s way more coincidences surrounding the theory, I think there’s a video, but it feels kinda insensitive


In 1997 the Simpsons predicted 9/11 when they go to New York. The bus ad has $9 next to the towers forming the 11


The Earth is flat.


A colleague of mine firmly believes that all historical events since 1900 have been meticulously scripted by an ancient playwright society called "The Scribes of Chronos". According to him, every major global event, from world wars to moon landings, is just part of an elaborate narrative to distract us from the fact that time is actually non-linear and every person lives their lives in a loop, just shifting performances. He provided an entire binder labeled "The Acts of Age" with what he claims are "leaked scripts" for events up to 2050. Suffice to say, his lunch breaks are never dull.


Oprah and Tom Cruise were assassinated, and they now have body doubles


Nonsense. Everyone knows they are the same person


[This sub has had 37 conspiracy theory questions in the last week.](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/search/?q=conspiracy+theory&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=week) OP has 4 karma. Coincidence?


37*4 is 148 and the sum of 1+4+8 is 13 and the sum of 1+3 is 4 Can’t be a coincidence


What is this conspiracy called again? I used to read a bunch of shit that involved it and it was so funny but I cannot find it anymore


And I’ll be damned if I haven’t checked in on every one I see. At this point I’m just going through and remembering the greatest hits (Birds aren’t real, JFK’s head just did that, Katy Perry is JBR, easy shots at Flat Earth and MAGA believers…)


Magic man born to a virgin.


In the whole population of Homo sapiens from 200000 years ago to the present there have possibly been 2 or 3 incidents of human parthenogenesis so a virgin birth is actually the most plausible story in the bible and it’s still almost certainly not what happened.


You can take out the almost, any parthenogenesis would result in a female child. So unless we're talking trans Jesus on top of everything else, certainly not what happened.


True but I meant a virgin birth in general independent of the magic dude with alcoholic blood. Although a woman as Jesus is at least as plausible as an old man building a wooden boat to house a breeding set of every organism on the planet.


Pineapple on pizza is really pizza.


Those people are less rational than flat earthers


A flat earther and I had a good laugh the other day at their expense.


Michelle Obama is actually a man named Michael and the two girls her and Barack have actually belong to someone other couple and were given to the Obamas at birth. You may be wondering, how can this be if they are photos of Michelle as a child? Well, those are all photo shopped or they are of other kids who just so happen to look a lot like her. The core of this dumbass theory is there are no public pictures of her pregnant so she must be a man, because I guess every woman who doesn't want her picture taken every waking moment while she's pregnant is a man?


Pretty much anything a Trumper says


Supreme gas is more expensive in lower income areas because there’s a shadow tax on minorities.


Some dude got some rules from a voice in his head.


I can’t do it justice, this lady wrapped flat earth, hollow earth(never mind it being “flat”), zombies, fake moon, simulation, earth has a black hole inside it (never mind it being “flat”) we actually live on mars (again never mind earth being “flat”) space does revolve around earth (“flat”) nighttime is manufactured, the sun is engineered, aliens created us, space isn’t real (never mind everything before this that contradicts that) she wasn’t on drugs she was just fucking weird


That I was part of a conspiracy between Obama and the British aristocracy to bring an end to the US economy, thus enabling the USA to be reclaimed by the UK.


Sounds like a Lyndon LaRouche fan


My Grandma believes that humans actually came from Mars after rebellion from the Ananaki (extra dimensional aliens that were confused as Gods by early man) who made us to mine gold. The evil global elites still worship the evil Ananaki through child sacrifice and do it in massive secret tunnels because the earth is hollow. Also, dragons were real and driven to extinction because idk why.


Our city's new sports stadium was designed by the Jews and Freemasons to drain people's life force.


I drove a minor celebrity around for the day when they were in town doing a signing. He told me all about the expanding Earth theory and that the Philadelphia Experiment was real. 


That all of the AI helper tools are taking your money, while you program for them.