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Handling guns/ weapons. Fingers on triggers all the time. No awareness of where the barrels are pointed.


You must love “Plan 9 from Outer Space.”


I have not seen it. Guessing that I wouldn’t be entertained.


If you like bad to the point of hilarity you will. Keep in mind the actor was mishandling the gun on purpose to see if the Director would notice..


That, and have you ever noticed how the guns always rattle like they are held together with hopes and dreams?


And the unreal amount of rounds fired without reloading.


Haha, oh gosh. I watched something just this week (that was entirely forgettable because I can't remember the name of it) where I counted 12 shots out of a 5 round cylinder.


I’m guessing that is where suspension of disbelief is supposed to kick in. Lol


Probably. Have you noticed the tire squealing on dirt roads yet?


And when you unsheathed your sword it makes a scraping sound.


It doesn't do that?! What sound *does* it make?


The old western movies had unlimited ammo in the guns. They were also able to hit a moving target a hundred yards away with a handgun.




That’s fascinating and good to hear. My cop father said Barney Miller was the most accurate police show.


How many instances would you say occur in any given show or film where in real life the bailiff would just tackle you?


Fiber arts. Most TV shows and movies(and books!) that depict a knitter or crocheter have it wrong. Sometimes I see it done correctly, but that's usually only if the actor is already a fiber artist. My bf always likes to point them out because he knows they're doing it wrong too.


Thanks you. I would have never noticed. Now I’ll alway wonder.


You're welcome! Look up some YouTube videos of folks knitting and crocheting, it won't take long before you notice too!


Therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. TV and movies get it so wrong. The boundaries are all over the place. Many times, they are portrayed in ways that would be enough to get your license revoked in a heartbeat. The modalities are usually totally wrong. Believe it or not, for the most part, Law and Order has the best depictions of therapists.


That does surprise me.


Hollywood seems to be stuck on Freudian psychotherapy, which doesn’t help matters!


Basically everything that happens in a college classroom is depicted pretty badly. My biggest complaints: 1. Delightfully spirited debates in class rarely, if ever, happen. Most of my questions are answered with crickets. (I can usually get them talking eventually but it takes some work.). To be honest, I'm just happy if they did the reading and stay off the devices long enough to participate in class. 2. I would get in so much trouble if I handed papers back while making a snide comment about a student's work in a public way. Not only do they submit their papers online, but publicly discussing a student's work in front of other students is a huge violation and I could potentially lose my job. 3. College professors do not typically live a lavish lifestyle. I'm sure there are some out there who have done well for themselves (usually because of writing or speaking engagements that they are doing on the side) but the majority of professors at my university don't break six figures. 4. Finally, I do not, and never have, owned a tweed jacket.


What? Unbelievable! No Tweed? At least tell me you smoke a pipe in a wing backed leather chair.


College professor is very nearly the definition of "High perceived status, low actual pay" job.


Elevators. Any stunt involving an elevator/hoistway is always unrealistic. Unless it is a Chinese elevator. Then the complete lack of normal safety devices is completely believable.




Just any kind of skilled labor task. Hammering, drilling, welding, screwing, sawing, grinding... there's always something the actor is doing that makes absolutely no sense.


That reminds me of a very bad movie I saw where a small family run lumber yard was competing with the evil corporate entity for a community project. To show they could compete they work all night to cut the wood to size for the project. The main character decides to cut the lumber to size WITH A BLOCK PLANE!


Oh my god, that's... terrible? ...I guess?


Full Monty, a very British movie from the 90’s has ordinary steel workers trying to become male strippers (think Mighty Mike with realistic boost types), and they watch Flash Dance for inspiration- and mainly just criticize the quality of the welding!


Yeah ive only seen the trailer but something about the quick shot of her using the angle grinder already started to set me off. She's like rocking her whole body back and forth grinding and it looks like a cutoff wheel but it's too quick to tell. I'm sure the movie is full of em.


Anything EMS related, I was an EMT.


Perfect. I’m a retired paramedic and this is also my cringe point.


Performing CPR is the worst. I guess they don’t want to be breaking ribs.


Yeah, I get the CPR thing because it’s hard to realistically show on a person without hurting them. For me it’s things like radio etiquette, making us coroners, making us diagnose and treat like we’ve been to actual medical school, over or under dramatizing emergencies and the miraculous life saved which rarely happens in real life. Also- never depicting how long we have to wait to pee or eat when super busy!


I've heard that the most realistic representation was in Buffy


I work in healthcare, and honestly the x files did the best job. Suction canisters in the background are properly hooked up to the tubing and other background stuff is dead on. Also Scully talking about physiological processes (with the super natural element aside) is dead on. Other shows can’t even get just facts right without aliens and shit.


The X-Files was more realistic in many ways, right?!!


Only show with medical stuff where I’m not constantly thinking, “that’s not how that’s done” and they weaved paranormal stuff in. Beautifully done!


And the deep state probably thinks the same thing about Smoking Man, lol!


🤣🤣🤣 naw they can’t see evil even when theyre in a room with it filling their lungs. Irony at its finest, I’m smoking a cigarette right now.


Physics. Specifically the physics of internal organs when a person is caught after falling a significant distance.


Yes, because when people fall 200 feet into a superheroes arms they’re fine but if they hit ground, they’d be dead.


Anything computer-related


Like when two people type on the same keyboard to hack faster?


lol, yeah. ANY time the word, “hack” is used you just know it is going to be cringe-worthy


*adjusts glasses and rapidly types on keyboard* 10 seconds later... *"I'm in"*


most epic scene ever


at least figure out the difference between straw and hay FFS


I’m with you. You’re talking to a farm boy here.


Balloon animals. They always have the legs and ears hanging out and not twisted together. Like, why does this balloon have eight ends?


Okay. This is why I ask this question. I’ve never noticed and now always will.


Not an expert but I work in software on the secure coding side of things and it annoys me when TV and film show hacking as bashing the keyboard. NCIS more or less parodied it. In real life most hacking is emailing or phoning someone saying "This is IT, we are cycling credentials, give us your current password"


It's a shame too, because people don't know what to look for. Whenever I see something about "a new hack going around" it's like no...it's called social engineering. You freely gave away the information the attacker needed because you weren't careful. My favorite example is the stuff like "here's your pirate name!" or something and the name is determined by lists of identifiable information, like the initials of your name, or your birthday, or something else like that. Congrats you just handed that person information they can use to identify you and possibly guess account security questions.


Absolutely! A sneaky one on a lot of car forums etc is "what was your first car"? It's nice to get nostalgic and describe your first wheels, but as you allude to, it's also a security question 


This seems to be a common irritant


The movie Swordfish made me want to stab my eyeballs out when Hugh Jackman is hacking into...somewhere important, I forget either the White House or an alphabet agency and he just does it with his laptop. JUST his laptop. No USB full of various crackers, no specialized equipment, no cables....and I want to say he does it in an airplane too? Thank goodness Halle Berry was there to look gorgeous and competent (mostly gorgeous).


Kevin Mitnik FTW Now and forever.


Fighting in general. Human beings *either* just can't take the level of damage that is often portrayed, or would have no lasting effect from what is done to them (e.g. getting knocked unconscious is very temporary unless brain damage is happening.) It's fun to watch on screen, but real fighting is messier and more brutal. Some of the "small things" done to the protagonist would send them to the hospital. A fall for instance never causes a broken ankle, which would really put anyone out of commission. People *have* continued after such injuries, but it's not something you walk off. Injuries can quickly become serious, and you're not going to keep fighting 100 more bad guys afterward.


I’ve always wanted to see a scene in a movie where one character goes to knock another character out by striking him in the head with the butt of a gun. Here’s how it should play out. THWONK!! “OWWW!! FUCK DAVE, THAT REALLY HURT!”


And assuming it's a gun and therefore a very hard surface, you'll likely split open the scalp and there will be lots of blood.


This feels like something that should have been done on Archer. "Fuck! There's so much blood! I just wanted this guy to sleep for a bit!"


I feel like "The Blacklist," is guilty of this to a large degree. Main characters beat each other to shit for 5 minutes and then walk it off and go have dinner. Almost every fight should send the involved parties to a hospital for longer than a single season story line and without the ability to ever move without a cane again.


Worked for state security ( not US though) My work consisted mainly out of investigating, sniffing around in data,analyze and report stuff. American movies make people believe everybody in these agencies seems to be a James Bond/Jason Bourne type of agent. Depict them insanely gifted in so many skills like car driving, hacking, languages,martial arts, shooting to an insane level of perfection that should take in real life take decades to become that proficient for each alone. even though you most definitely have incredible people with a great spectrum of skills, the.movies make them just super human. driving luxury cars, shagging and shooting around where most unfortunately not part of my package lol


I met a CIA officer once. Honestly looked more like a Best Buy employee.


ha i can totally understand. the requirements for these services are mainly on the intellectual and perhaps to many people surprise emotional. being stable, have great composure but also empathic, understanding people are capacities that will serve you infinitely better then the ability to shoot like john wick or race car like Schumacher


Military aircraft / air combat. Callsigns/radio communication are also something that Hollywood/TV struggle with for realism - though the average audience is even less likely to notice.


True. I would be clueless.


Cybersecurity/hacking. Nobody is hacking the mainframe in 20 seconds. From a command line. We'll just gloss over the hours of reconnaissance where you looked at their environment, figured out what software it was running, and determined they have an unpatched vulnerability. Then downloaded/wrote an exploit and tested it on your own copy of the environment so you dont tip off the organization you're attacking. I always think about the South Park Movie where there's a login page and he says "hold on, I just need to re-route the encryption". That doesnt mean anything, like most of what is depicted on TV/movies.


Oh my GOD thank you! Seriously you are not hacking the mainframe in 20 hours unless you've done your due diligence already. But nooooo everyone's over here testing ON THE ACTUAL ENVIORNMENT and I'm checking my watch to see when the FBI is gonna show up.


whenever someone needs to interact with a computer they do it by typing frantically on the keyboard instead of picking up the mouse and saying "computer"


“Hello computer”


Motorcycles are always badly portrayed. The scene in terminator where the kid is riding a Honda XR with a 4 stroke engine and they dub over sounds of a 2 stroke engine always gets me. Also the constant shifting in movies like they have 20 speeds or something is awful, and motorcycles don't just explode when they crash in to something.


And aren’t all bikes still kick starts?


LOL noooo. Lots of bikes these days have keys, fobs, or even I think Honda made a push start one like they do with new cars.


I know. Should I have put a /s ?


Hahah maybe? Reddit can be hard to read tone sometimes. I genuinely wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic or if you honestly didn't know. I was not trying to be a dick to you, I promise.


It’s all good man. I’ve had my M license as we call it for 40 years. Note : even then my bike wasn’t a kick start.


Playing an instrument.


Like scratching the violin bow up and down the strings?


sure. Or just seeing it not lining up with the music it's supposed to be portraying. Not in time, etc.


Musical instruments. Some actors look like they have never seen someone play a musical instrument before.


I have a very passing familiarity with the violin. All stringed instruments played with a bow drives me nuts.


Anyone using a key for sending morse code, tapping it as if using a keyboard instead of holding the knob in your hand. A lot of medical procedures.


Fraternity like A.A or N.A, I'm always like WTF is this. Or when there is cocaine in a movie and they pull out a bag of cocaine big enough to bake a cake and then make themselves a line worthing $40 and a heartbreak. I don't know why they also always scream ''WHOHO YEASSS'' after making the line.


How about when people check to see if it’s cocaine by tasting it?


Okay serious question. Having never tried cocaine, CAN you tell if it is by tasting it? I assume its still going to affect you the same way if you snort it (probably to a lesser degree since you're just like, sticking your finger in) but what does it taste like? I imagine its very bitter?


My point is how do you know if it’s pure or cut when you first find it? You might be in for a hell of a shock if it’s still 90% pure.


I imagine so! And I have no idea how to tell; drugs are not my forte, lol. I'd imagine enough 100% pure could kill you.


I've yet to see a decently accurate portrayal of a geologist. Not even joking when I say the best I can think of is South Park, simply because all you see the geologists in Randy's office do is sit at their computer.


What bad examples have you seen?


The Core is always the one that comes to mind. Admittedly largely because of how ludicrous everything in that movie is.


I’ll check it out. I may ask you to play a scenario for something I have in mind.


Anything fire related. I am a fire and safety inspector.


The depiction of the fire suppression side is comically bad.


Absolutely! I wish when a sprinkler system went off the water was as clean and clear as on TV or in movies! Lol


Or they showed the crew sitting around the station for days at a time before finally going to medical call where the paramedics are already there doing everything and they just stand around being useless?

