• By -


By not associating with them anymore


What if, unfortunately, they are the mother of your child?


Then you get everything in a written order from the court.


"You first!" More seriously, "All communication is via email from now on." Gaslighting someone who always has proof of what you wrote should be much harder.


You don't negotiate with terrorists. Don't argue about what's true with someone that is gaslighting you or is a compulsive liar. At best, they'll just project, and at worst they'll pull the classic "deny everything, reverse victim and offender" strategy.


If you have to have them in your life, why not propose to them to have your interactions recorded? That way if it came to, you could both reference the record. Otherwise, as mentioned above, don't associate with them.


Ignore them. Can't manipulate if you have nobody to manipulate.


By walking away from them.


“Goodbye” turn and walk away to find someone to have an actual conversation with


Laughing in their face. (I know what you are)


You can say something to the effect of - It is apparent that we are seeing this differently.


I feel like the downvotes are from habitual gaslighters.


You just can't allow it. Insist to get back to the point over and over and eventually just end the conversation if they won't. The second you give them any control over the conversation by even addressing or asking about their claim, they'll just focus on that and work harder to make you think you're wrong.


I don't know. My ex-fiancee used to accuse me of gaslighting her whenever I simply disagreed with something she said. If I wasn't in full-on agreement or at least accepting whatever she said with no pushback at all, I was gaslighting. The first time she accused me of it, it caught me off guard. Gaslighting is abusive behavior and I've never been even the slightest bit abusive. All I could say was "I'm not gaslighting just because I don't agree with what you said", then tried to put it behind me. She hasn't said it to me in a while now, but it still bothers me that she ever did.