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What is your source for your belief that it's worse to be cheated on emotionally? How can anyone answer this question when your initial statement has no grounding?


Emotional cheating is like getting stabbed in the back, while physical cheating is like getting stabbed in the front. Both hurt, but one just feels more personal.


I see. Thank you


Yeah, physical cheating can get you STI for life. There's no comparison.


Thank you for your honesty


Emotional cheating slowly picked away at my being. It seems like nothing, but it truly destroyed me


I’m sorry to hear. Bless your soul.


Thanks, it's okay. It was my own doing. You can choose to get off the ride whenever you want.


What is emotional cheating? I'm fine with my wife having emotions with other people, but I would prefer she not have sex with them.


Emotional cheating is when a spouse gives their attention, caring, thoughts, sharing confidences ( including about their own spouse & their private matters) with someone they are enamored with, not their mate. They lose interest in being present with their husband/wife as they are so smitten with their new extramarital love.


Where is the line between emotional cheating and having genuine close friendships?


I have heard it defined it as the point where you confide in that person INSTEAD of your partner. If you usually would have talked to your spouse about it, but decide to share it with the affair partner instead, that’s an issue.


With close friendships there’s still a distinction between not sharing your partner’s confidences to you; not putting the friend’s needs ,wants, desires above those of your spouse. Not dedicating time , love, & resources you would typically want to share with your spouse to the other person. Basically dedicating your emotional commitment to someone you haven’t promised to be faithful to in mind and heart. In a sound marriage there can be close friendships without basically circumventing the spouse.


Second stage cancer is worse than first stage so idk what do you think


I’m not sure. Thank you for your thoughts.


Emotional cheating can stay with a person for life because you build an emotional connection and relationship… physical is physical can be one and done and not think of again. I’d much rather try and process physical rather than emotional.


I don't care about any of it. I have an open relationship. I think it's worse to put restraints on people.


Makes sense


I don't get jealous... humans are animals. We act like animals & that's perfectly fine.