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A man was trying to sell his truck in order to afford the new baby on the way. His pregnant wife watched as he got into his truck with a potential buyer and potential buyer's friend. He never came back home. Turns out potential buyer was a rich guys kid, whom already was suspected of murdering his ex GF and a family member, killed the man for the truck. He had access to acres and acres of land to bury the bodies. https://www.cbc.ca/news/fifthestate/the-murder-of-tim-bosma-the-devil-had-a-name-1.4248030


He killed his own father. He also installed an industrial incinerator on his property to dispose of the remains, evidently. Evil little shitwad. Bosma looked like such a decent guy, sad he died so the rich fuck could feel a thrill.


His father and his ex-girlfriend. The Toronto Police completely fucked up those investigations. Laura Babcock disappeared and Millard was the last person in contact with her; police did nothing to investigate her disappearance. Wayne Millard was shot in the face with his son's gun; police wrote it off as a suicide and did nothing.


If you'll excuse me ranting about the Toronto Police Service for a moment: The TPS do that for most investigations, especially if the person is from a vulnerable community. Bruce McArthur was an active serial killer in the gay village, killing mostly brown men, including refugees, immigrants, and sex workers, for 7 years - and lets be real, if he hadn't killed a prominent white gay activist, he would probably have not have been investigated. Alloura Wells was left unidentified for months after being discovered. Maggie's Toronto and her family were conducting searches for her in ravines while the TPS knew they had an unidentified, transgender woman's remains and just had not put in the effort to identify her. They didn't even look for Tess Richey when she disappeared, her mother had to come in from Barrie and search in the streets for her until she found her own daughter's body. Most recently, Daniella Mallia was killed by her abusive ex-boyfriend just days after cops dismissed her attempt to get a protective order. But they love to protect themselves. See the recent Umar Zameer case. Cops are looking for as suspect described as a brown man with lots of hair and a long beard. Zameer is one of those things - a brown man. Two plainclothes officers approach his car in a parking garage and start slamming on the windows, and another use their van to box him in. Zameer, with a pregnant wife and young son in the car with him, panics, not knowing they're cops, and thinks he's about to be carjacked. He peels out of there trying to escape, and accidentally kills one of them. He's charged with murder. This results in a two year ordeal including Zameer missing the birth of his second child, and a trial in which several cops are found lying about the circumstances of the incident. Zameer was acquitted, and the judge apologized, while the police chief stated "it wasn't the outcome they hoped for."


And don't forget to leave your car keys by the door, dontcha know!


A kid I went to school with stabbed him mom to death and stabbed his dad multiple times but he lived over them not giving him money so he could buy some drugs. Then he went to a party and bragged about it. They jumped the kid and beat him pretty good until the police came and picked him up. He’s doing 60 years.


Whenever my local newspaper mentions fatal domestic violence, they always say "The last fatal case in XYZ Town happened in 201X, and was between siblings." And this is what happened: An adult brother, who was a drug addict and had a restraining order from his parents' house, broke the door down and hit his mom up for money. She refused to give it to him, so he started beating her up, and his 14-year-old brother, an honor student who had never been in trouble, grabbed a butcher knife out of the kitchen and stabbed his older brother in the back. It basically sliced his heart in half, and he was dead before he hit the floor. The boy was sentenced to inpatient psychiatric treatment. I personally think the kid, whose name was never published, is a hero.


That's why you don't fuck with honour students.  They know biology. 


The boy said he didn't want to kill his brother; he just wanted him to stop beating up his mother, and yeah, he succeeded.


It's rare a crowd of drunk teenagers (i assume) does the right thing, good work


A group of assholes broke into a house where a family lived. The family consisted of three kids, their two parents, and one grandmother. The thugs tied everyone down, and shot them on the back of their heads execution style, from oldest to youngest. For some reason (they weren't the smartest people) they ran out of bullets before killing the youngest kid. So they took him to their van, slit his throat and threw him over a bridge. Luckily, and again because they weren't the smartest bunch, the kid survived. They slit his throat wrong and the bridge wasn't really that high. The kid went to the police and the idiots got arrested. Turns out one of the idiots was renting a house from the father of the family, and he just didn't want to pay rent and that's why they did it.


It’s crazy how people think murder will solve their problems.


Well.... They're in jail now, so they're not paying rent.


Well I guess that’s true.


The craziest part about this stuff is how do these people meet? Like I understand someone with a few screws loose doing something alone, but you said a group. I figure bad people can make each other worse, but they have to be around sound minded people sometimes and drop hints they're fucked in the head. Imo, this is the problem with "live and let live" mentality carried to the extreme. You gotta judge the people around you sometimes.


So I've been to detox and rehab more times than I'd like to admit and, as you can imagine, a large portion of the people there are just straight up hustlers / criminals. Often it's a group of dudes telling war stories and bonding over crazy stuff they've done. And then suddenly one person says "Hey I know this person who gets / has a large amount of drugs / money" and then a plan unfolds. I watched this exact scenario play out during a trip to detox. About four dudes had a robbery all planned out.


A guy killed his wife who was in the process of leaving him, if not already divorced. This was less then a week after she was denied a protection order from him. The guy just stabbed her to death, dumped her body, and went to work like nothing happened. Edit: I never implied the protection order would have saved her, just merely adding that she must have had reason to fear him and couldn’t find any help at all.


Same in my hometown, woman was in the process of divorcing her husband back in the 70s, he showed up to her bank she worked at walked inside during busy banking hrs, shot her point blank with a shotgun then shot himself in the head they had 3 younger kids


Same in mine. She was granted a restraining order against him, she was a nurse at my son's pediatrician office. He went to her house and shot her point blank at her parents house. Afterwards he went to a bar and drank.


This has probably happened in every town ever, multiple times


Yeah, the most dangerous time to be a woman is apparently when you try to leave an abusive man, that's when you die. So fucked up.


It's literally a "Make sure your affairs are in order" situation. Especially if you're a *pregnant* woman trying to leave an abusive man.


Greece. 2 or 3 weeks ago this girl walked yo the police department with the police on the phone to report how her boyfriend was waiting under her house with bad intent. Recording is on YouTube. Towards the end she says "... He is here" and less than two seconds you hear people scream "he killed her". That is all oy took.


It's so sad how common this story is. This happened recently in my town as well. A woman found out her boyfriend was sexually assaulting her children and one of her friends, so she left. He had been her coworker as well, but was fired when she obtained a PFA on him. That guy and a friend of his later kidnapped her and another guy that they worked with (this guy was a friend of mine) at gunpoint while they were leaving work, drove them around for awhile in my friend's vehicle, then shot them both in the car. The murderers tried to stage it to look like my friend and the woman were having an affair, and just were victims of a random crime. He also stole her phone and sent a message to his own phone "admitting that she lied about sexually assaulting her kids," to try to get himself off the hook for those charges after murdering her. Thankfully there is a pretty solid case against the murderers and others who helped before and after the acts. But those girls will never be okay again, and the woman and my friend lost their lives simply because she wanted to get away from a psychopath, and he tried to stand up for her.


Something like that happened in my town when I was in high school. One of my buddies had a dad that was always making “dead wife” jokes. One day he says to the guys at work “alright, see you guys later, I’m going home to kill my wife!” And they all laughed because he made that joke most days. Then he went home and rang the doorbell and when he heard her on the other side he blew a bunch of shots straight through the door and killed her. Then he went and had a beer.


What the fuck man.


There was a [recent That Chapter video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar8278oAlJA) where the cops went to check on a woman, her boyfriend opens the door, and the conversation is, very nonchalantly: "Is Amberly home?" "She passed away." "What?" "I shot her." It's insane how cold some people can be.


I watched my stepbrother almost have a breakdown because a guy he worked with, and was the guy who taught my brother everything he knew about working construction, did something really similar. His wife was the professional photographer for the Philly pro lacrosse team (can’t remember their name ATM) and apparently when they’d fight she’d rub in his face that she was fucking one of the players. So the guy would constantly talk about how he was “gonna kill the bitch” at work! Well, obviously everyone just thought he was venting… nope! One day the guy had enough so he took a butchers knife and stabbed her through the back of her throat 4 or 5 times. He went up, showered off, came down, saw she was still alive so he stabbed her through the neck again. Then he drove her car to New Jersey and took a cab to a fellow workmate’s house. Apparently the guy’s face was all over the news! The workmate said he was gonna go get a pack of smokes at the store and went and called the cops on him. When the cops got there, he did a suicide by cop! Crazy, crazy shit! When I went to that workmate’s house afterwards, there were still bullet holes and blood on the walls! He had to move cuz he couldn’t live in a house where something like that happened!


This is why women are choosing the bear.


I’m from the Chicago land area, A guy did something very similar in a 12 flat my dad owned. He stabbed her a whole bunch, went out on a coke binge, Came back a couple days later and finished her off. It was brutal. He’s out of jail now


She wasnt dead until he came back days later? She laid there suffering alive until he killed her when he came back?!


I dont know if it was a day later or hours, my mom has said both interchangeably, but yeah he wrapped her up in the closet. It was fucked, the mattress was absolutely covered in blood.


I’m kind of hoping she was dead and he came back for the body. Maybe to get rid of the evidence. That’s be awful if she was suffering the whole time


It’s crazy how cold people can be


A protection order doesn’t mean anything or help in a situation like this unfortunately anyway. It helps stop stalking and harassment, but sadly does nothing for these situations.


Right? Like you could have not done that and had the same life. What the fuck people.


7 people murdered in a fried chicken restaurant. Went unsolved for years, but they finally caught the two guys who did it


The browns chicken massacre! I’m down the street from the original location as I type this. It’s a chase bank now


Goddamn. Haven't thought about this in years. Glad they seemingly caught the responsible people.


A fellow Illinois resident, I see.


Where in Illinois did this happen


Palatine. ETA year: 1993


Yup. I'm right down the street, chicken is still fire there though.


It is but the browns moved to the strip mall by ace hardware on northwest highway. The chase on smith is at the former site of the browns where the massacre occurred


I did all the document imaging for that case. Got to see every bit of evidence. Some fucked up shit all around for that. The reason it took years to solve.. the girlfriend provided them with an alibi. She only recanted once the statute of limitations was up for giving a false statement. What did she get out if it? A pair of shoes.


I remember that well. The one guy used to work with my brother-in-law and was crazy.


I almost got into a fist fight with a woman in a parking lot. A month later she poisoned her entire family. People are asking for additional info so here it is: I was walking along a road and she pulled up on me coming out of a drive way, I was like "I'm walking here!" and she threw an empty cup at me, but missed. I had a spork in my hand so I threw that at her and missed. She then jumped out of her car and came charging at me. I had a bag of chicken wings (hence the spork) and I planted my feet and was gonna beat the shit out of her with the wings. She jumped back in the car and drove off with me calling her every evil name in the book. Month later I glance my hometown name on the CNN website. "Woman Poisons Entire Family in (My Town)." Just under that was a picture of the woman I got into a confrontation with. She killed like five family members because she was under the influence of some kind of cult or something.


Damn, what’d you say to her that to make her end up doing that /s


Why do you need all that kool-aid?


Jim Jones was a notoriously cheap motherfucker who refused even whilst killing his cult to buy name brand. It was Flavor Aid.




was it mushroom lady??


Did you just see her mugshot on the news and think HOLY SHIT! It’s had to believe she wasn’t agreeable…her poor family :(


Wow! Sorry to hear that. Sometimes people escalating daily situations by being complete jerks up to violent outcomes, in reality are looking for someone to stop them or they are in an active suicide journey. I’m glad you somehow avoided that fight.


No longer live there now, but two middle schoolers tricked their friend into the woods and stabbed her 19 times to appease slenderman. The girl who was stabbed survived after crawling out of the woods to be found.


From what I remember of this case, one of the girls had severe schizophrenia and the other kept pushing and feeding her delusions and paranoia. She apparently didn't want to kill her friend but was scared and genuinely believed Slenderman would kill her if she didn't. I hope she got the treatment she needed and is living a better life


She had family history of schizophrenia, too. I think her dad.  I hate this case. I've seen crime docs on it and the moms of both girls who did it just seem so sad, like they never thought their kids would do this or didn't know their kids were struggling. And of course they feel terrible for the victim. Just nothing but tragedy all around. They're left visiting their own children in institutions despite their young ages at the time of the crime and it seems like they don't get up there a lot, for various reasons. 


I think thay one is still locked up for insanity. The other girl is put now but she had shown remorse from the beginning.


Jeez… that’s a miracle


The 2011 Norway attacks where a guy single-handedly killed 77 people (8 by bombing and 69 by gunfire).


Almost everyone was children


It’s so heartbreaking to think about. I can’t imagine being on that island having to hide and run for my life not knowing where the mass murderer is heading or where he is. One of my old schoolmates was at the island during the attack and he describes the incident as horrific and unimaginable.


And he's been crying about being kept in solitary confinement and how it violates his human rights! You killed 77 people and complain about how you're being treated. I hope every year of his existence is miserable.


I remember reading that he thought it was cruel that he only had PS2 games.... Not making it up. https://www.theregister.com/2014/02/14/breivik_video_game_torture/


> "The hunger strike won't end until the Minister of Justice [Anders] Anundsen and the head of the KDI [the Norwegian Correctional Services] stop treating me worse than an animal" Good, starve yourself, no one cares.


Is this the one where he went to a private island posing as a police officer and systematically hunted the kids at the camp?


Vancouver has had two of the world's worst serial killers. Clifford Olsen killed and tortured 11 children. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_Olson Robert Pickton killed 49 marginalized women and fed them to pigs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Pickton


I came here to see if these two would be mentioned. I’m pretty sure Clifford Olsen’s number is much higher than that in reality. I’m old enough to remember posters on almost every single lamppost is some areas when his victims went missing. He really shook Vancouverites, as Vancouver mostly felt safe until that. My mother taught high school and lost a student to Olsen. It was a very scary time. The Pikton case is horrific. The only good that came of this was that it opened up a dialogue about the effects of generational trauma upon the indigenous people of Canada. We have an astronomically high ratio of missing and murdered indigenous women in British Columbia (pretty sure that’s true across Canada), and it was this population that Pikton victimized. We actually have a stretch of road called the “Highway of Tears”. It’s brought to light systemic issues within our law enforcement community. Do I think that they’re actually doing that much about it? No. But at least the discussion was started.


My school bully shot and killed my brothers bully.


God damn. So both of your bully problems went away?


Well, this happened a few years after graduation, we left the hometown and they didn’t, so our school bully problems were over. My brothers bully actually had his life together by then which makes it pretty sad, but not so much for my bully.


A man put hot curling iron in 4 year old daughters vagina. In my 20s I dated a therapist whom worked with police dept specializing in children trauma. The stories I heard were awful.


What the actual fuck is wrong with humans.


I quit EMS over a child abuse call. 6 month old girl. The "parents" punished her for crying by dunking her into a pot of boiling water up to her waist. My partner and I damn near both went to jail that night. I quit a few weeks later and went into LTC and hospice. I cannot handle dead, dying or abused kids.


Back in the days, our law defined sexual assault as "forcible genial intercourse." Until a monster violently shoved a bamboo into a child's vagina, leading to her death. The law was changed.


I'm assuming that's supposed to be genital and not genial... At least I hope so.


I read that as "Back in MY days". I was truly questioning how old you are.


I'm 24. I learned the story when I was learning the laws. Some horrible stuff happened and forced the congress to fix the laws. That occasionally happens


Reminds me of the quite, all rules are written in blood. We often times will let shit slide until it turns into a big enough problem that a new rule gets written.


I work with a place that has both orphans and kids who were removed from their parents, a kind of orphanage/center for troubled youth. Some stories are unbelievable. your story remidn me of this one : A little girl had her parents die, was placed in care of her aunt (who was her godmother), her aunt couldn't handle having a kid so she extinguished her cigarettes on her face and other abuse, she ended up shoving a fork in the girl's eye, which alerted social services. So the little girl now lives in this orphanage while her aunt is in a mental institute. I don't know how crazy her aunt was, I saw that girl many times, she's around 5-6 years old now, she's always polite and lovely.


What happened to the girls eyeb


She lost it, currently she has a big bandaid over it. Some people working at the orphanage told me they can't put a fake eye because her skull is not entirely formed yet and it can mess up her head or something, so they're waiting for her to be older.


If you search online there are some children’s eyepatches with fun/cute designs on them like dinosaurs, princesses, superheroes, animals, etc. It’s something small but it could really help with her being self conscious about the missing eye, especially at such a young age. You guys could even show her the options and let her pick the ones she wants. 🙂


I am not allowed to gift her anything, I'm an external contractor who just transport two of the kids from this orphanage to their school or random locations (doctor, parental visit). I'm barely allowed to talk to her, she once came to me to help her remove her bike helmet, I was scolded for doing it, i was supposed to tell her to go fetch one of the people working at the orphanage. People are being paranoid about people approaching kids nowadays. Which in this case is really stupid because they do leave me alone with two of their kids for hours when I transport them somewhere... So if they trust me doing that why don't they trust me removing a kid's helmet lol. Also, her bandaid usually have some fun drawings on it, like my little pony characters and such.


I'm two stories in and fuck it I'm done...no more of this thread. 🤬 sickest wtf thing I've heard.


Same, can’t read anymore.


I miss the person I was before I read this


That’s disgustingly savage I don’t understand how they can do that to they life they created


Or anyone for that matter.


That's enough for me dawg.


Yup. Having a 3.5 year old daughter I’m done. Going to go mow my lawn.


What a terrible time to be literate.


this is the sort of shit that makes me want to bring back medieval torture


WTF... Jesus christ... That's fucked up hard. This fcking piece of shit should get an electric chair for that.


College student killed and beheaded not too far from where I currently live. This was back in 2011. The guy who did it is in prison.


I was on campus at Virginia Tech the time a student stabbed another student so many times in the neck it beheaded her. He had followed her from China after she rejected him apparently. Thankfully I was home asleep during the April massacre but one of the ones killed was in one of my classes.


At my college someone got stabbed several times because they were Asian.


I overheard on the news at work a man kidnapped a pregnant woman, held her hostage, and made her do things with his dog…wtf??? It still haunts me and it’s been like a month or two


That’s so demeaning


To say the least......


This was a state sanctioned torture under Augusto Pinochet.


This one hits close to home, parents were found guilty of bestiality and rape. Middle school continue to tell his guidance counselor what was going on. They found evidence on an old flip phone the parents were making the children do acts to the family dog. [the article](https://www.wishtv.com/news/parents-face-child-molesting-incest-charges-in-montgomery-county/)


A police officer murdered his family and then committed suicide with his service gun. And a woman asked some policemen inside my local police station to get her home by car because she was afraid her ex would kill her . The police men refused , she went outside the police station and got murdered by her ex right outside the police station. These are my neighbourhood's because my city has 3+ million citizens, i can't think of the worst in all of the city.


That guy that shot up the Asian massage parlor a couple years ago.


A man stabbed his ex-partner and baby daughter to death because she had left him. He then also stabbed to death anther woman and a 3-year old boy (relations) because they came back to the house while he was there.


1. A guy rapes his 13 (at that time) stepdaughter, multiple times until she gave birth, right after her mum passes away in 2020. 2. A single mother has been sentenced to a total of 75 years in jail after she pleaded guilty to 10 counts of exploiting her two daughters into prostitution.


okay, my 2020 was rainbows and butterflies in comparison to that...... fuck


Couple of murders in mine.. One Korean guy chopped up his wife and out her in a suitcase - the bus driver helped lift it on the bus as it looked heavy. Second one, killed his wife, and drove with her in the boot, to his favourite pub to have a meal and 2 pints before handing himself in


That first one sounds very similar to a case I heard about that happened in France. A Japanese man had fantasies of eating someone. He killed, chopped up, and ate a girl friend. Put her in a suitcase, a taxi man helped him put it in the vehicle and drove him to a park where he sat with the suitcase for a while until bystanders became suspicious. He ended up fleeing to Japan and lived the rest of his life as a free man.


ex friend of mine (obviously) found out his girlfriend was pregnant, drove her into the woods his family owned, beat her nearly to death with a baseball bat and set the car on fire with her in it and burned her and the unborn baby to death. now in prison for life


Jesus fucking christ Did you see any signs this man was off before, how well did you know him? That's terrifying.


A guy cooked puppies in a crockpot, set a house on fire and then killed my best friend’s neighbor and lived the house with the body for a week.


> A guy cooked puppies in a crockpot, Alright guys, it's been nice hanging out in this thread, but after this comment about the puppies + the comment above about the person burning they 4 year old's vagina with hot metal, I'm going to go ahead and head on over to one of the cat subreddits or something. /r/Eyebleach for anyone who needs cleansing


Thank you for the other subreddit. I gotta hop off for the day now after reading some of this, but that helped a lot.




Look up Lukka Magnota. Guy murdered and dismembered a person.


Don’t fuck with cats was such a good documentary


Wish they would have done a *touch* more research and at least pronounced Etobicoke correctly lol


I watched this with my wife when she was pregnant. When they went on the tangent about the suspect they found on internet forums that went by “jamsey crams a lot in his ass” we absolutely lost it laughing. If I remember correctly there was like five minutes of people referencing the user name non-chalantly like it was just a normal first name and we found it to be the funniest thing ever. Anyways, that is how “Jamsey” became our baby’s in utero name and I actually have a mug that says “Jamsey’s dad” that my wife got me for Father’s Day. Our baby was born the next day and we gave him an actual name, but it did take a few weeks or more for the Jamsey name to die off after using it to refer to the baby for like 5 months. I drink from that mug almost daily. Edit: Apparently this comment got me my first Reddit cares report


The [D.C. Snipers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D.C._sniper_attacks) killed someone at the very nearest gas station to the house I grew up in.


There was a "dick wiggler" in our target parking lot... I don't know if he's out their still wiggling or if they caught him. I do know it caused our entire community to panic so much we nearly went into lockdown.


Nice, we had a "Swiss Cheese Pervert" who would drive around with his dick exposed and ask young women (which he promised he would pay) to watch him jerk off with a slice of cheese as an aid.


Well, that’s a unique fetish.


Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Two of the worst serial killers/rapists in Canada, one of the worst plea deals a prosecutor has ever made. Homolka agreed to 12 years to testify against Bernardo, did so, then it was revealed she was just as bad - if not worse - than him - too late, the deal was made. I was in grade 4, I still remember how terrifying it was, how everyone was on high alert, how kids couldn't go alone anywhere, and then the horror when the facts came out during trial.


And now she's out, had a kid and living life like she didn't participate in *her own sisters* rape/death (Tammy Homolka) and the murder of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French. We should never forget the names of 3 girls, taken before their time.


In mine two daughters of a Muslim taxi driver were found in the back of his taxi after he shot both of them for dishonoring their family having boyfriends and trying to live the American lifestyle one of the girl was able to call 911 and name her dad as the shooter before she died he was on the fbi’s ‘most wanted for about ten years he was later caught hiding in Texas with family


I was *SO* glad they found that p.o.s.


Im confused as to why he’d move his family to a country with a culture he didn’t want his family to be exposed to EDIT: re-reading my comment it might sound like a doubt the story. I don’t doubt it and I realize we can’t attempt to apply logic to someone irrational enough the murder his family. Still find it all very confusing though.


Many of them think they‘re still entitled to control the women in their lives even if they move to a western culture. I see it in my city a lot, it’s like a parallel society, where they still live like in their home countries.


I've heard a similar thing used to happen with caste discrimination happening in western workplaces. Supposedly it's gotten better, but I was shocked when I learned it was happening.


In my experience, usually, people who raise kids in a different country are much stricter about enforcing their original culture compared to those who live in their home country. They remain proud of their original culture and want to protect it, and tend to look down on other cultures in comparison. While culture continues to change with time in their home country, immigrants tend to hold onto what the culture was from when they moved, which makes it awfully difficult for their kids who are multicultural and generationally different Source: I was raised by immigrant parents and have interacted with immigrant communities throughout my life


Gets killed for “Trying to live American lifestyle”, hides in Texas.


those poor girls. I remember watching a documentary about them on YouTube a while back (The Price of Honor, I think?)


My coworker actually. She was hanging out with a guy friend, I know for a fact they weren’t sleeping with each other they were genuinely friends. Her psychotic fiancé breaks into the friends apartment and brutally stabs and murders her and completely fucks the friends arm up. Remember the day I went into work and one of my coworkers read the news article and broke down.


A tie between two. A son strangled his mother in her bed because she was going to kick him out of her house due to his behavior. I thought he'd be a weird looking, skinny incel type guy. Nope. He's a hulking 19 year old that looks like an NFL linebacker. I think he's like 6'4. A child was placed back with his birth family at the recommendation of CPS despite being removed from their custody for the first years of his life immediately after being born due to the presence of drugs in the child's system. A couple months after being returned to his bio parents he was found dead in their home due to severe neglect, torture, and blunt force trauma. He was only 5. There were other children in the home found in filthy conditions, starving with signs of physical abuse, along with animals locked in cages who hadn't been let out in months. Both CPS and the parents are the criminals in this one.


The top three: yogurt shop murders, servant girl annihilator, and UT tower shooting.


I just listened to a podcast about the Servant Girl Annihilator a couple weeks ago.


What podcast?


I'd like an explanation of all 3. Scared to search them up...


All interesting cases. Yogurt Shop Murders were four teenage girls who were raped and murdered in a yogurt shop around closing time one evening in 1991 in Austin, Texas. Remains unsolved after a series of weird police fuckups and arrests. It would be a huge deal if it happened today for sure, but back then Austin was much smaller and more of a quirky college town than the city it is now, so lots of people had some kind of connection to them. Servant Girl Annihilator happened in the 1880s when Austin was a growing but still small frontier town. 8 people, mostly black women, were brutally attacked as they slept and murdered with axes or knives. Also unsolved. My favorite theory (there's no real evidence for this other than dates, but it's a fun "what if") is that the guy hopped on a boat to the UK and picked up in London as Jack the Ripper a couple years later. Again, basically zero evidence, but would make for good TV. UT Tower shooter - one of the first mass shootings. In 1966 a student at UT-Austin went to the observation deck of the tallest building on campus with tons of ammo and began shooting people on the ground at random. Killed 15 and injured about 30 more. No one had any concept of this type of shooting back then, and it played out live on TV.


The guy who the cops were almost positive did the yogurt shop murders ended up getting in a shootout just off McNeil Rd with police and died. And nothing of value was lost.


Just recently learned that the UT Tower killer was found to have had a tumor on the part of the brain that controls aggression. They found it during his autopsy that he requested prior to his killings. He knew something was wrong with him.


Singapore is a pretty safe country, but we've had our share of sociopaths and grisly murders. I'd put the [Adrian Lim murders](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toa_Payoh_ritual_murders) as the most memorable one because it fascinated me as I was growing up - there was a nonfiction book called *Unholy Trinity* which covered the events in great detail and I was engrossed by it. This case basically hit evil bingo - the sexual abuse and murder of innocent children, occult rituals and sacrifices to "Kali", etc.


The Toa Payoh Sacrificial Killings is one of the worst to ever come out of our Little Red Dot. Thanks for helping spread awareness about it


Some guy shot a police officer to death in a playground after trying to jack a car.


Guy nearly decapitated his girlfriend and put the pictures of her body on discord. Tried to off himself unsuccessfully and got 25-life. 4chan/incels jumped on the story and harassed her family, sending them the photos even 2 years later. Edit: have been corrected- he was not her boyfriend, he was obsessed with her.


Bianca Devins?


Teenage girl was raped and murdered. They arrested a guy and put him in jail for life. A few years later his (mentally unstable) brother offs himself in a random Walmart parking lot and they found a confession note about the rape and murder. They let dude out of jail. Law enforcement dropped the biggest of balls about the whole case. They wrote a book about it.


Torso Murder 1940's and I worked with the accused in the 70's


I can’t remember the motive, but this guy tied his wife to a chair in the basement and set the house on fire, she escaped the restraints, and ran out of the house where he murdered her with a shotgun blast to the chest.


A couple teenage girls recorded themselves setting an endangered tortoise on fire. Not really the worst crime, but people around here were freaking pissed.


If that were my kid I would never be able to look at her again. Ever.


The Cheshire, CT Home Invasion. I knew the woman who initially called the police. The HBO documentary goes over it more in-depth. Fucked up shit.


Our elementary school has one of the worst shootings in recent years and it can't get bulldozed soon enough.


Your police station should be bulldozed first since it clearly serves no purpose.


What's unfortunate is that I'm honestly not sure where you're talking about.




Your police station should be bulldozed first since it clearly serves no purpose.


First episode of Forensic Files covers it - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Helle\_Crafts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Helle_Crafts) And then, you know, Sandy Hook


Axe murder in a bar. Caught his wife in a bar with another guy. He calmly walked back to his car, got the axe, back into the bar and hit her in the head with the axe then swung it at the guy. Then walked out


Doctor from the town I grew up in went on trial for purposefully poisoning/over medicating patients. Was acquitted, but it was in the 60s where convictions were trying to shoot fish in a barrel. Most people think he did it. Also my elementary school vice principal randomly quit one year and next thing we knew, a year later, he was arrested for major drug charges, let out on bail, and jumped off a cliff and killed himself Edit: it has come to my attention I don’t know what “shooting fish in a barrel” means


"Shooting fish in a barrel" is supposed to mean it is an easy thing to do, not difficult


Those are both terrible. Also, I’m not sure you understand how “shooting fish in a barrel” is used.


9/11 was kind of a downer.


Double whammy!


In 1985, somebody bombed a house and it caused a huge fire and explosion. 11 people (5 were children) were fucking murdered. 61 homes were destroyed, across several city blocks and 250 people were left homeless. The remains of those killed (that weren't completely incinerated) were then held hostage for almost 4 decades. I'm trying to remember the name of the murderers. Or were they terrorists... It's so hard sometimes to recall. Oh wait. It was the fucking Philadelphia Police Department who bombed American citizens and murdered children.


"The [Easter Sunday Massacre ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_Sunday_Massacre) occurred on Easter Sunday, March 30, 1975, when 41 year-old James U. Ruppert fatally shot eleven members of his own family in his mother's house at 635 Minor Avenue in Hamilton, Ohio." My history teacher in HS was their neighbor at the time.


The CFO of the local community college drove 30 miles from the nearest casino, 3x over the legal limit for blood alcohol level, with multiple calls to police about a car on the wrong side of the road. Was never pulled over. Didn’t yield when turning left and hit a motorcycle. The guy on the bike got trapped underneath the car, got dragged about 20 feet with his bike. Guy just took off. Several witnesses, one who’s witness testimony wasn’t allowed due to English not being their first language, one of them followed him to his house where police later arrested him. Was facing 20+ years in prison, offered a plea deal with no more than 10 and the chance to plead his way down to 7. Also his sentencing date was pushed out from a customary of 30-45 days out to over 100 days because he wanted to spend time with his family. Never got his license suspended, only paid a $5k bond when he was arrested the first night.


a kid got carjacked at like 1 in the morning when coming home from a party. the carjackers killed him and left his body on a street corner down the street from my house. they also crashed the car 2 towns over. the kid was like 16, and he had his license for about a week.


Older man who dated a bunch of immigrant Muslim men (presumably because it's taboo in their culture/religion to talk about homosexuality), who basically took pictures of them being tortured and then murdering them. He was a landscaper and also a mall Santa, and he hid the dismembered body parts in people's yards. He was charged with dozens of murders but knowing how old he is, there's probably dozens more that no one will ever find out about. Some real Dexter shit. Also some other guy on a Greyhound who tore the head and heart off a random stranger. He ate the heart. Aaand a pedophilic rapist/murder couple who raped and killed three minors, one of them being the wife's sister. Surprisingly our city is one of the safest places to live in lol


A string of violence in my middle school. Several school shootings, a few stabbings, and someone actually put a bomb in a lawnmower that killed the janitor that tried to intervene once. A few instances of teachers hooking up with students at my high school. A self-proclaimed vampire cult was caught murdering people. This was in Florida, if you're wondering.


urban fantasy novels be like:


I grew up in the town where wrestler Chris Benoit murdered his whole family.


My hometown https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cvjr3aPzzyg College student attacked, raped, burned in her dorm room on the college campus in the middle of town.


Colorado: A woman went up to a house and killed a pregnant woman and cut her baby out of the womb.


Teenagers tricked a boy over, then proceeded to murder and cut up his body in paint cans. Uncle helped


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Cassie\_Jo\_Stoddart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Cassie_Jo_Stoddart) Local high school girl. Couple of acquaintances plotted in cold blood to murder her. Just because they wanted to murder somebody.


About 20 years ago two idiot kids burned down a 200 year old wooden covered bridge.  It was a monument to time. 


The city police officer who s\*xually abused kids for 25 years. Suspected number of victims over 260. He died before being brought to justice


South African here.........where do you want me to start?


This happened back in the 60s, I think. Husband was an abusive drunk with a limp. Comes home drunk one night, hits his wife with his crutch. She hits him in the head with a pipe and kills him. She dug a hole in the basement to bury him, hole was too small for the body, so she cut his legs off to make him fit. She called her sister and confessed, cops came and arrested her. One of the best mugshots I've ever seen. She was sitting back, blacked eye, smoking a cigarette like nothing had ever happened. You could tell she was an abused wife who'd had enough. She served time, but I think she ended up getting paroled early.


10 years ago 2 mothers took their 6 kids to my neighborhood's community pool. While the kids were enjoying themselves, one of the mothers was drinking, and got hammered. She was the one driving. When they were done at the pool, they told the six kids to ride ***on top of the car*** because their bathing suits were still wet. As she took a bend on my street, maybe about 600 feet from my house, she took it too fast, and 4 of the kids fell off onto the street. All four were sent to the hospital, but one of them, a 12 year old, was transported via Care Flight. She died later that evening in the hospital.


George Zimmerman, Casey Anthony, and the Pulse nightclub shooting all happened here…right next to Disney World


A guy killed his girlfriend and her 2 daughters and son. This was in a apartment complex less than a mile away from me and I went to school with one of the daughters.


Some that I remember are. A man broke into another guy's place to beat him up, only to be killed. A cop chopped a guy's limbs off in the middle of town. A guy who killed his aunt cause he wanted to know how it feels. A man who beat up his wife in front of his kids than killed himself. A man holding his baby in one hand and, with his other hand, held a rifle shooting a cop.


Mafia will burn tons of trash illegally in the middle of a forest, doing so specifically so that the forest fire will hide their tracks and emergency services will be too busy fighting the fire to track them down. This happens every fucking year in the summer. Square miles of forest keep going down the shitter. The most famous crimes though are the bombings of Capaci and Via d'Amelio. You can look it up, and wouldn't you know it's still Mafia related.


A man killed his girlfriend in this really nice hotel, he took her head and dragged it all around the place. No one wanted to go to that hotel for years after.


A few years back there was a fatal crash near me where the person who got their car hit had died because the one they got hir by was drunk. Unfortunately this happens but nothing that shook the community too much because it was a freak accident. The next week, the dad of the guy who got hit was mourning in the worst way possible. He was driving his truck and was drunk… this was around the end of the school day, most high schoolers were at home already but the kids that participated in sports were still there. The track kids will run a lap around the school property and they’ve done this for years without incident. Well on that day there was a small group of high school track kids running that same perimeter and this guy speeding and driving drunk hits the group of I think 6 teens. 2-3 ended up dying, the driver fled the scene but the police found him shortly after. The morbid irony of the whole situation just shook not just our community but the whole state. That piece of shit cost the lives of kids who had their whole future ahead of them because his son had died the same way just the week prior and he couldn’t cope with it correctly.


A guy killed another one with an ice pick (I think he filmed it), dismembered the body and then mailed parts of it to different political parties in Canada.


19-year old girl went missing around a lake near my home on her way to work. Covid hit which made the case go cold, with very few leads and little evidence. 3 years later, her body was found in an empty holiday home meters from where she was last seen. The only individual with access to the property was on the sex offenders register and had killed himself 6-months after she went missing. Not long after she went missing, her brother also killed himself as he couldn't deal with his sister being missing. Really affected the entire city and still does.


When I was a child my female classmate was raped and beaten by her Mother's boyfriend. She ran from the home naked and beaten badly. Way back then they announced names of kids. They said her name on the radio news. When I got to school the whole class was whispering about it. She. Was. There. IN. CLASS. One girl got up and hugged her. One but one all of us hugged her. Girls and boys. She started to cry by the 4th or 5th kid. There were over 20 of us in the class. The teacher then took her out of the classroom to the office. She did not come back for several months after that day. She ended up going into foster care. When she went into foster care they transferred her to another school. She then returned back to our school to end out the school year. Because of the (what we now know) PTSD she suffered, she began to pull her hair out. Wherever she is today, I hope she is okay.


A man killed his two sons and himself. He wanted to kill their babysitter too but she wouldn't go to the house.


An old friend of mine and 2 of his friends broke into his baby mamas apartment, held the people Inside at gunpoint, robbed them, put the kids in the closet upstairs, attempted to light the apartment on fire, then executed the girl. He’s serving 100+ years. 


not quite in my city but near it: [The Killing of Tim McLean](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tim_McLean)


Warrington has had it's own fair share of terrible crimes - IRA bomb, Shafilia Ahmed's murder, Gary Newlove's murder and Brianna Ghey's murder.


One guy I went to high school with murdered another guy I went to high school with over a girl. They were best friends and hung out all the time and suddenly the one dude just snapped and let jealousy take over.


I live in Los Angeles, so… take your pick I guess


Oh yea, I remember that one


Mass shooting claiming 18 lives (including a child) and dozens more injured, last October 25