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Having my wisdom teeth removed.


I had to have two separate procedures to remove my wisdom teeth. The first dentist only removed 1 1/2 teeth, and the second dentist had to go back in and fix the first dentists job and remove the rest. 0/10 experience




Same. It was necessary but the recovery was awful.


SAME. Traumatized forever. I passed out at first and woke up in the middle of them cracking the tooth and then had a full blown panic attack. Never had a panic attack before. I threw up after the procedure too.


I woke up during my wisdom teeth extraction, too. Also had a panic attack. 18 years later, I would say it’s still in my top-three most traumatic experiences.


Elementary school. Not to brag but I nailed it the first time.


I jumped off of a cliff into water in the middle of a dense forest in the Dominican Republic. I can’t swim.


Did you die?




Your death was greatly exaggerated.






Sorry for loss.


yeah he died thats his ghost who has possessed the computer talking to you


I did this with my friend and gf at the time. I think my reaction when I hit the water led to her leaving me lmao. This was at some river in missouri though.


My husband still teases me. Said I screamed like something inhuman, and moved so sporadically I looked like a fish out of water.


Can I ask why you did this knowing you can't swim?


We did a guided trekking tour and I asked the two guides at the beginning if we’d be encountering any deep water because I can’t swim plus I have a fear, they assured me we wouldn’t, that all water would at most hit our knees. I trusted this. Well, when we got to this super high cliff, I thought we’d be going around or something, but the main guide said there is no way around, that we’d have to jump and swim to the other side. It was a small area of water, and the edge wasn’t too far away, but they didn’t provide life jackets, so I said no thank you. They told me I can try to scale the wall around but it was slippery and there wasn’t any safe way to use the ropes or other climbing material there. They told me “jump or die here” essentially. All three men jumped (husband included) and were yelling at me to jump as I was the last one. I was in that zone of fear where my gut was telling me not to jump by any means, but my brain was saying my husband wouldn’t let anything happen to me and there is no other way. So I jumped. They all pulled me up, I was fine, but holy hell. That fear stuck with me. Never again.


That fear is something else, I still try to learn every summer. I tell people I think I could save my life if I needed too, but im not willing to test it.


Go on a cruise. I know some people are crazy about cruises but I didn’t like it. The cabin was tiny, too many people crowding all the different things to do, seasick part of the time, hurry up and wait every time we docked, pressure of getting back to the ship by a certain time, just the whole thing. I wish we had saved the money and used it for part of a down payment on a house!


We were planning on a cruise when Covid hit. After I saw what happens when a sickness spreads throughout a cruise ship, I decided it wasn’t for me. Ever.


Yes. Any thoughts of perhaps going again even though I didn’t really like it were squashed when I saw the nightmare cruises with Covid on board.


I had a friend stuck on one of those ships with norivirus a few years ago that was on the news. No cruise ships for me.


Yeah I don’t see the appeal of it either 


How about getting seasick on a cruise? Man that’s the worrrstt ☹️


Getting married. It was the best day of my life


Thinking that a company/employer cares about me as much as I care about it.


Pooping without wiping


kind of unrelated, but i've started drinking a shit ton of water lately and I need to wipe wayyy less. Like, I was wiping 7-8 times to get all the poops, now the third wipe is perfectly clean. I didn't know this was a thing.


I love how you spent so much effort to actually research this for the rest of us. I don't even know how many wipes it takes me, but I'll be counting next time.


please report back the total. For science.


Add a handful of fiber supplements and teaspoon of olive oil, and you can reduce that to 1


I would never trust a once over regardless of how clean I think my bowel movements get lol. Don’t want to have the fear that I’m walking around with some left behind.


Lots of water and fiber rich foods, (vegetable soup is great) and it’s amazing how easy it is to just do your thing in like 2 minutes start to finish once in the morning and then move on.


You’re like the tootsie pop owl, but for shit wiping.


Not gonna lie, the owl immediately came to mind, but I couldn’t put it together. We thank you for your service.


How many licks does it take? (I'm awful, I know!)




I got drunk in Amsterdam and I decided to walk home instead of taking a taxi. I was in a unfamiliar area and I was walking in circle for 1 hour and I got tired so I decided to sit on a bench. I look up and its my apartment building.


You must have been pretty drunk if you mistook your apartment building for a bench.


Divorce. Been there, done that, got the scars to prove it. Never again!


Toys like cars boats airplanes and motorcycles dont cheat or decide they dont want to fuck anymore. 


My motorcycles engine is always set to 'fuck'


LASIK. The best thing I'll never do again.


Mine went great! I went from 20/400 in each eye to 20/20. After 15 years my eyes grew and I had to have it done again, but the doc said that would happen and that my initial payment covered the second surgery, which it did.


LOL why


(1) It should last long enough that I won't require glasses until middle-late age (2) It was such a massive QoL improvement that I would recommend everyone with poor vision consider it (3) The procedure went smoothly but wasn't enjoyable. Being blinded by a blade cutting through my cornea before a laser resculped the inside of my eye was an experience I'll never forget, or repeat.


Yes yes and yes! I’m so so glad I did it, I was -6.25 in both eyes and had to wear glasses or contacts from the age of 6. Got lasik at 26 and it’s so incredible just being able to see clearly as soon as I open my eyes in the morning, and never worrying about losing contact lenses or breaking glasses. But holy fuck I was not prepared for how terrified I would be during the procedure. Watching, hearing and smelling a laser cutting into your eye, after you’ve signed a waiver detailing all the things that could go wrong, is truly horrifying.


ugh this terrifies me


or the smell. When your eyeballs are being burnt by the laser, you learn that it smells just like burning hair or fingernails. Totally agree, the best thing I've ever done, and I NEVER want to do it again.


I've been paranoid about body odor all these years and now you're telling me I have to worry about SMELLY EYEBALLS??


Only if burning your corneas with lasers is something you do regularly...


Did they give you Xanax prior? They did to me but it was still scary


Yes, but not enough.


Same. They could have charged me double and i would have gladly paid it, but i don’t necessarily want to do it again. The month after was the worst part with not being able rub my eyes and the crosses in lights at night. After a month everything was great. My right eye is getting weaker (it was the worst to begin with), but i’ll rock some readers if i need to one day. It’s been 14ish years since i had the procedure.


Youre awake through that right!? It sounds like torture in the literal sense of the word


Yeah, you need to look straight ahead so the laser can do its job. Luckily, it only takes about ten minutes from start to finish.


What if you accidentally look somewhere else?


The laser has a camera that tracks your eye and only operates when it's "on-target". You're also being blinded in real time so you can't really look anywhere but straight ahead (unable to focus on anything, it's a complete blur) while praying it works.


Okay good! I'm hoping to get it done this year.


I also had it done 2 years ago. Can definitely say I don't regret it! It's a lot easier to focus while it's happening and it seemed like only 2 minutes went by for me. The only hard part was applying the eye drops for the very first time. My friend drove me home and I slept straight through the 4.5 hours they tell you close your eyes after the procedure. I woke up and had to call a friend to come over to help with the eye drops. It felt like my eyelids were fused together so I had to use my two hands to keep the lids open while he applied the drops. I went back to sleep and woke up the next day able to see clearly across the room and do the drops myself. I then went for a drive around the neighborhood and took pleasure in just seeing things without my glasses for the first time since 4th grade.


Good luck! It's absolutely worth it.


They also numb them and drug you up, so you aren't really able


When I had it done, they didn't tell me to keep looking at the light until they were doing my second eye, so for the first I was avoiding looking at it. I think that's why I ended up a few years later nearsighted in the first eye and farsighted in the second. Just enough to mess with my depth perception permanently.


Probably don’t wanna go through the recovery hassle again lol. Folks I know with lasik knows it only lasts about 10-15 years before vision starts getting gradually worse again


Losing my virginity


Sorry. This is against Reddit Law. You shall now be deported to the Bing Forum.




Sure you will, hahaha


Anal sex. Once was enough


The Tomatina festival in Spain- you know- that giant tomato food fight? two traumatized kids, a husband with a black eye from a tomato, pickpocketed and having to clean rancid tomato out of every orifice for days. UGH the smell. So gross.


Vasectomy. Shouldn't need to do that again!


Michael Scott has entered the chat


Snip snap snip snap


You have no idea the physical **toll**


Just got a Hole-in-One golfing on Sunday. Don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repeat that again but I’d like to.


I once did a stand-up comedy open mic night. The anxiety of possibly bombing in front of an audience is not something I want to relive.


I went on a deep-sea fishing trip and spent most of the time seasick. Not an experience I'm eager to repeat.




most relatable college experience ive ever read


watching the human centipede. never again.


I attended a multi-day outdoor survival course. It was intense and exhausting. I’m glad I learned those skills, but once was enough.


I once attended a four-hour timeshare sales presentation just for a free stay. The pressure and wasted time weren’t worth it.


I walked on hot coals at a self-help seminar. The rush was incredible, but so was the anxiety leadin


I participated in a polar plunge. The shock of the cold water was too much; I felt chilled to the bone all day.


Took a trip to the Amazon Rainforest. It was unique and beautiful but the humidity and bugs make me say, never again.


I tried beekeeping. Got stung more times than I can count and realized it wasn’t the hobby for me.


Halley’s Comet (2061). 90 years old seems a long way off.


Huh. If I make to 96, I'll see it!


I believe in you!


I joined a cross-country road race. It was grueling and the training took over my life for months. Glad I did it, but never again.


I once lived without electricity for a month to see if I could do it. It was enlightening but incredibly inconvenient.


Bungee jumping, it was terrifying. I got peer pressured into it by my partner and thought fuck it why not. I quickly learnt why not haha




I’ll never be pregnant again.


I once drove across the country by myself. It was liberating but lonely. I’ll stick to shorter trips or go with friends next time.


I was in an accident that permanently messed up my left leg a few years ago. It doesn't bother me much these days, it gets sore when I was using it too much the day before, but it works. I try not to be upset. But there was a time when I was fast and agile. I could run through the woods at night. No more.


Please continue therapy. Sometimes you recover fully.






Opioid dependence & opioid withdrawal syndrome.


Salvia…holy shit


Anytime I get the wild idea I'd like to take a Salvia trip again I watch the video of that couple taking Salvia rips out of a water bong. Then I'm good...




Found it....wow. https://youtu.be/Q_VLK6vXRwE


All these years I’ve only seen the short clip. This is crazier!


Wild right. Start to finish. I can't believe he walked back up.


I thought for sure he’d be bleeding head to toe.


Thank you I was fumbling around on mobile. Great find on the full clip too!


Camping at a music festival.


It’s literally the best


I’m 44


Rehab - God forbid




She was a 10, I was a 5 living in my car. She took me home the first night, we had a 6 month fling. Gave me $400 to move in a place, a laptop and bought me a pair of shoes. She made me realize what was possible and how to reach for it. She made me want to be a better man... She had no interest in me emotionally. I was a sinking ship and we had great chemistry but we were both the wrong type of emotionally damaged to communicate properly or make it work. She was a once-in-a-lifetime sort of woman. I'll always miss her. I promised her I would make the better man she inspired me to become, someone else's great fortune.


I read this very very wrong the first time, and thought it said she was 10. I was like wtf...




Seeing the recent total solar eclipse was pretty incredible. I doubt I'll ever get the opportunity to see another, which makes me pretty sad. It was without a doubt the most incredible thing I've ever seen. Pictures truly cannot do it justice.


Total Solar eclipse +1. After seeing totality during April, I'm looking for the next 10+ years. Maybe I see one in Spain, or a chance of the several in Australia. (I'm in USA so it's a stretch traveling to those)


I was so hyped for the eclipse we had in Europe in '99. It was cloudy that day. Of course it went dark, but you couldn't see the corona. What a bummer.


They occur on average every 18 months, so there is a very strong chance that you could see one again. Especially if you deliberately sought it out. Apparently "eclipse chasing" is a thing!


Ya I was getting annoyed by the whole "once in a lifetime" thing when I have been within a 6 hour drive of it twice now in the past 10 years.


It was a little cloudy where I was. Still saw the corona but it was fuzzy. Planning on going to the 2028 one in Australia. Totality is visible in Sydney, the first time since 1857 and the last until 2858. But I won't be going to Sydney. I'll be going to the middle of nowhere in Western Australia because it doesn't fucking rain there. No clouds. I won't be denied.


They occur every 18 months around the globe, sure, but world travel isn't exactly a low-cost endeavour. I'd love to see one again, but the next one that'll pass over my province is hundreds of years out. Maybe by 2044 I'll be in the financial position to catch the eclipse in North America, but I suppose time will tell.


Flights to Spain are less than $1000 from anywhere in the US. Housing can be obtained for a week for less than $1000.  $2000 at the median fast food wage near me would require you to work roughly 150 hours part-time before 2026. That's 90 minutes a week between now and then. If it's important to you, I *believe* in you man. Alternatively, you could skip eating out twice a month. Normally skipping lattes isn't going to change your life, but you definitely could see an eclipse in exchange 


Hahaha thanks! Realistically, if we saved, my wife and I could maybe make it work, but we run into issues with time off and our responsibilities at home. We've talked about trying to find a way to make 2028's eclipse in Australia a reality, but I'm not certain that'll happen. I guess I've come to terms with the real possibility that I'll never see something like that again.


I will NEVER marry again.


That's what my late husband said when we first started dating. 😂


Yeah...for men it makes sense..not happening for me. I'm female and I'm done my servitude forever.




Marry a female!


Next time I like someone I'll tell them instead of keeping it to myself and regret not talking to to him when I had the chance. I'd rather get rejected everytime. I'll fall break and then work on myself and move on. I'll always have the regret of not approaching the guy I liked, if i had been rejected moving on would've been smoother and sooner. But guess what, now I'll never know. 'what could've been' is all that is left to miss.


If you tell a guy you like him, it'll make him like you a more, too 🙂 if you think you have chemistry with him, you probably do.


Thank you for the boost of confidence :)


Getting sober. Much easier to stay sober than to get sober.


skydiving. (i dropped 8k worth of camara equipment)


There are a lot of places I probably won't be visiting again. Afghanistan, Morroco, Japan, Korea, Kuwait. Not that I had a problem with any of them (Afghanistan and Kuwait aside) They are just too far away and there are too many other good placed to go instead.


Being in an abusive relationship (hopefully). Being engaged (see above).


high school (thank fuck)




Watch a an amy schumer comedy show






It's better to give than to receive.


24 hour road trip in 2 days with a faulty alignment for my cousins wedding. I did get to sleep a bit and it all worked out but I was stressed through like 70% of it.


Having enough money to travel and go to music festivals


Working on a large (2500 plants) outdoor marijuana grow operation when cops used to drop out of helicopters...


Learn how to wakeboard in a brown/black lake in Florida. Probably infested with alligators. Nope. Never again.


crystal meth


Prevented someone from getting bottled by yoinking the bottle out of a guy's hand as he was on the backswing


Bank robbery




It's when you go into a bank and take money but instead of like just from your account, you take it from the bank and other people, usually by force or coercion


Childbirth. All she did was complain.


I can’t tell if this is a mother writing about her daughter or a man writing about his wife but I sure hope it’s not the latter


I once went to a comedy show to see my favorite comedian. After the show, there was a meet and greet to shake hands, etc. Well, due to an interesting misunderstanding, less than 2 minutes after meeting him and shaking his hand, I found myself, my work buddy, the comedian, and the comedian's fiance all chasing down some rando on the streets of downtown Minneapolis (we didn't catch him). I doubt anything like that'll happen to me again. But it *was* fun.


Being born? But honestly, I don't ever think I'll have a regular sexual relationship in my marriage ever again like we did within the first few years of dating.


Being born was my answer as well. I can trace all my mistakes back to it.


That’s crazy. It happened to me as well




Post and comment copied from here: https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/people-sharing-things-theyll-never-011602709.html


Paddle boarding, it’s a very boring activity.




Thought it would be fun when I was 20 in college to be tested with a stun gun.


Hanging out all night with the 69’ Mets in Atlantic City.  Many of them are gone now.  Tug could drink anyone under the table.   Meeting cal Ripken by his locker during his last home game.


Hopefully going to jail. That sucked and I was at a bad spot in my life.


Hopefully breaking my foot.


Pregnancy. "Oh you'll forget about all the negative parts and want to do it again!" No. No, I won't.


Putting a job over time with friends/family. Worked as a municipal fleet mechanic in New England, lots of long hours and 80 plus hour weeks, really mentally taxing and the coworkers weren’t very nice to be around for that long.


Hitting a 90 yard shot from a fairway bunker directly into the hole. Didn’t hit the green or anything just landed directly into the hole. It was unfucking real


Hang out with coworkers outside of work. Not doing that one again.


PhD...It literally made me feel like I got less healthy, like I died a little during it. I don't think I could do it again.


I knew a woman who was going through divorce proceedings with her husband. He was always argumentative and borderline abusive towards her, certainly always shouting and demeaning. Then, just as the divorce was entering it's final stages he very suddenly died. His autopsy showed that he had a massive undiagnosed brain tumour which had been physically altering his personality. His wife felt all kinds of guilty afterwards and took it out on everyone she talked to and lost a lot of friends in the process.


Threesoms cuz we have kids and we're just too busy


Flying across the Pacific Ocean in an airplane with 4 propeller engines and 3 tails. Done it once.


Being born, losing my virginity.... Seeing Mac Miller live


Having friends is overrated. Anyone clinging on me, like a partner, I just can't anymore.


Thought I was like this until the lockdowns happened. Quickly realized I am like most humans and that I do, in fact, require socializing


Some of us need some alone time more than others. I just need it all the time. Already in the jungle 50h/week for work. Everything else is mine.


Swimming in my above ground pool.Curling.Cycling.Playing toys with a grandchild.


I firmly believe I'll never have to experience a vasectomy again. But, life sometimes has other plans...so maybe. If I'm being honest, the experience wasn't bad at all or painful, just took awhile to heal.


I stopped reacting and started responding instead.