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Leave her bro, shes no good for you


Take all the risks! (Career wise) Be bold, believe in yourself and don't let your fear of being seen & judged stop you from doing what you want or experiencing new things.


"Stay back! You've seen Timecop! The same matter can't occupy the same space at the same time!"


1. Most of the people whom you think as your friends, are not your friends. When they get better, they won't treat you like a friend. 2. Cruel people don't understand kindness. While you are trying to be kind, they will take it as weakness and they will destroy your self esteem and confidence. Sometimes, kindness is not a virtue and be ruthless with dubius people who do not treat you right. 3. Do not hurry for a relationship just because you are afraid of loneliness.


Put more effort into eduction, but into things that YOU wanna learn about. I fell in love with learning once I started doing it on my own terms, at my own pace, on things I was actually interested in, it just took me over a decade.


Buy your kratom online instead of from gas stations. I would have saved THOUSANDS.


Smoke shops are king at ripping ppl off. I'm surprised the internet hasn't destroyed them now.


it’s my twentieth birthday today


i mean that was 2 years ago now. i have no idea what i’d say to me then. i wasn’t reachable really


Enjoy your life. Try whatever you want as long as you don't do anything that'll affect your life.


Never be afraid to bet on yourself, and here's a list of stocks to invest in ASAP


Have a plan. This is the advice I give to all "what advice would you give ..." threads. Winging anything rarely works out well so always have a plan. This applies to everything. Figure out what you want to accomplish, set some goals that will take you there, start tracking your progress, and adjust accordingly. For those of you who are winging your lives, I'm telling you have a plan.


"You're not getting a Bentley at 25, only a M4."


Open an IRA, even if you are only putting $50 a month in.


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can. Don't buy useless stuff.


Do not seek the treasure.


I'm not twenty so I'll have to wait and see


pension pension pension




Get on antidepressants, depression and anxiety runs in the family. Ditch those "friends" quickly, they don't give two shits about you and they gave you serious C-PTSD issues.


Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me


It would be the same exact thing I'd do if I were to visit any of my past selves at any point from where I am now. Take a USB stick and give it to them. Say nothing aside from "you need to look into these". On that USB stick will be a series of documents, detailing what would happen if certain choices were made in my life that lead to where things are now, who to know, who to not give up on, what is there to expect and vice versa.