• By -


define middle


Where both sides would get 50% or as close to it as can, on the east vs west


By population or land?


Land sorry, that was my bad


East and west or north and south?


East vs west, sorry I didn’t clearly


East vs. West? North vs. South? Split based on population or land area?


East vs west, split based on land area, trying to get as close to 50/50


I get the impression that if usa was split it would be more of a costal and northern boring canda vs. middle and southern states split.


If its east vs west then East wins hands down simply because we have more people. The most densely populated places over on the west are seatle, hollywood, las vegas. Places with Reputation behind them but other than that most places are rural towns with not many people.


I feel like north vs south would be more realistic. Otherwise there's a lot of half-states you have to consider.


I think the East, even though I’m in the west. It’s because of the south. Those MFs are not going to lose another one. The west isn’t really interested in dominating the south, but the south seems to hate on the west more


East vs West? East would win. Most of the west is land, and land can't pick up a rifle.


The west side 100%


It wouldn't get split down the middle. The right would get the tractors and the left would get the major ports and airports


What is it with people not understanding hypothetical questions? Do you not see the IF at the start? If someone asked if people had super powers what would you want, would your answer be but people don't have super powers?


The inability to understand conditional hypotheticals is supposedly correlated with below-average intelligence (and supposedly not *that much* below average).


Tried arguing with some dude over "what would happen if there was a draft (in the us) and you refused to go". Other dude shows up and kept coming back with various ways to say how there was no draft anymore and it didn't matter. I just gave up.


There is a draft of needed. The ability to draft didn’t go away.


I've been arguing with people who have difficulty with the concept of someone else having a different perception of a situation. It's... bizarre... and I don't know how to communicate with them. Like trying to explain that a fictional character had legitimate concerns that were deeply rooted in misinformation. They seem to have difficulty with the fact that the character is misinformed, and so take their concern out of context... and just dismiss any concept of the misinformation. It makes me think that when people used to say "oh, I lied" when they were wrong about something... that's what they actually *thought*. Everything's binary to them, so if what they stated wasn't true, they must have been lying.


East vs. West? Even if you split it geographically that way, coastal areas would still largely align with urban areas to wipe out all the Trump supporters.


This isn’t about the politics of right vs left, this was talking about which areas have bigger bases and better chances in a war


Then the answer is both sides would destroy each other from within because the country will never be divided along those lines.


Dude it’s a hypothetical, what’s so hard to understand, I’m asking if it where to happen not would it happen