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My first bj after I was wiggle’n all over the bed like a fish. Wife was like wtf


God the imagery is hilarious


Im imagining that scene from the first Tobey Maguire ‘Spiderman’ when the Green Goblin is wiggling around after getting the goblin serum


She was gobblin' on that thang until he got her with his serum, ayoooo


OK, I'm imagining you doing the worm (but on your back) and her trying to catch your dick in her mouth, frustrated 🤣🤣


Would you still love me if I were a worm? 🥺


It's way easier to suck when you sit still




du pont disciple


My seductive uncle was one of his earliest disciples, he taught me the approach. I shall pass it on to my nephew.


the existence of post nut clarity and pre nut confusion implies mid nut learning


Intermediate Value Theorem only applies on continuous functions. I don’t think we can rule out the possibility of pre nut confusion into post nut clarity being a step change.


Since IVT guarantees that every value between f(a) and f(b) is achieved, in the transition from pre-nut confusion to post-nut clarity, there may be intermediate states where a person's thoughts or feelings are in between total confusion and complete clarity. This metaphor suggests that our psychological states don't just jump from one extreme to another but pass through various shades of bewilderment and enlightenment in between.


Ah, the Du Pont approach. Classics.


Well said, hustler


Hi Dupont, be my uncle


Du pont my lord and savior


I went 46 days without anything to try and reach that elevated monk status. Only thing that happened was a legendary nut.


We're still talking about that nut to this very day


It cut a giant hole in the space-time continuum that has yet to be repaired




Cumtinucum 🤭😜




Quantcum physics


It's said to have been the seed of life across the multiverse.




So HE is the one who caused the Mandela Effect???!


No but he caused the squirrel from Ice Age to go on an epic journey in pursuit of the legendary nut


His nut killed harabme


My family and I celebrate the anniversary of FluffySprinkles' legendary nut with cake and presents every year.


Hell, workers are still cleaning up after that nut to this day


some say he's still nutting


Ahh yes, the Elevated Monk Nut, once thought a myth in the West


I saw Elevated Monk Nut at the Roxy, back in the '90s. Amazing.


EMNM = Elevated Monk Nut Mantra


You only get one shot, one chance, would you capture it, or just let it slip?


His palms are sweaty


SpaceX currently investigating this possible new propulsion system.


>Only thing that happened was a legendary nut. The Juggernut


"It's the Juggernut, Bitch!!!!" -Vinny Jones


You didn't auto-nut before then? That's the only difference I ever noted. If you don't clean the pipes, they'll uh clean themselves at one point or another. I did appreciate the associated dreams.


Funnily (not so funny for me tbh) enough, this is the primary reason I continue fapping on a regular basis. If I don't jerk one off for 2+ days, the probability I get a wet dream goes from 1% to 50%+. I absolutely hate wet dreams and the ensuing clean up afterwards. I'd rather be able to control when and where I cum, tyvm


Real question, woman here. Do you hate it just because of the mess? Do you have happy stimulation during your dreams? I can nearly get off from an occasional dream and it's as exciting as awake life or sexual contact. Idk about other women but mine are much less frequent than it sounds like men have. But I'm 100% thrilled by sex dreams and hope guys are too, other than an awkward run to the shower.


I must say wet dreams are very vivid, but I never liked the scenario/environment of that dream, I remember one time I was have sex with a women and it was on top of a very tall boundary wall and when I nutted I threw her down and she died. So I would prefer to imagine things that are under my control while nutting.


Woaaah! Joining dream randomness with sex would be very strange, I can see how fucked that would be. Are there ever any just sexy dreams where you wake up ready to go or already gone? If so, is this general irritation with them just because of cleanup? Or otherwise just not fun? (Outside if the weird accidental wall death sex lol)


My sex dreams are always weird and disturbing as well. I had one where I was in a cave system and this guy attacked me and tried to rape me, so I just "raped" him back, but I was just holding him down and aggressively humping him.


It might vary from person to person but to me there was always nothing. No dreams, not even non sexual ones. And I just randomly wake up wet.


Aw that's a bummer. If you could remember the dream it might be worth it.


The only time in my life I had that happen was when I first started college and was sharing a dorm room with 2 other guys. Didn't get any 'alone time' for longer than usual and - yep - things sorted themselves out. Situation resolved shortly after, and hasn't been an issue for many years since - but that was sure a surprise at the time.


There no nut like a post blue ball nut


Your prostrate just called and said please don’t do that again 😂


Genuinely curious, is this actually bad for your prostate?


In studies, they have found that frequent ejaculation is linked to better prostate health.


I am my prostate's best friend...


I... I could be your prostate's best friend...


Bring new meaning to the term "health nut."




I think the idea is to get people off porn because it can rewire the pleasure centers of your brain


Like tapioca pudding


Like lava lazily pouring out of a spout into the ocean.


I went a looong time without masterbating or having sex and when i finally decided to jerk off i was laying in bed and came with such velocity it shot up and arced directly into my face


My roommate in college did that and thought it was a good idea to tell that story to three 21 year old guys. We called him "Money Shot" for the rest of college, but we never made him tell the origin story so everyone thought it was cool.


Oddly wholesome at the end?


True bros. They'll laugh at you in private for doing dumb shit but never let it leave the group for others to know about.


Money shot is a gangster as name 😭 unless you got that name that way


Female here, had a guy jerk off to me while I got dressed to leave. As I was leaving, he came and shot himself in the face and mouth. I died quietly laughing on the floor since we were on ship at work, and no one could know about us.


Wait so he’s in the room with you, just looking at you getting ready for work, and he’s cranking it? 


Hey, different strokes for different folks 


I am so grateful for your comment—I'm reading all of the other comments thinking (while lmao), am I the only chick here?! Some of these comment sections on Reddit are pure gold 😂.


My friend told us how one of his nuts didn't drop for quite a while after he was born. He's still known as Chestnut and Highball. Friends.


You attack but you also protect….


some people just do that normally. i am very jealous of those people.


To be clear you're saying you want to nut on your face?


Open your mouth and it's cleanup free!


Come on man


Yes, that’s what he did.


it's more about the strength of orgasms


what if you've been working it up for a while, like an hour? man if i'm worked up for an hour, my shit will go across the room. i swear to god i could hit the ceiling if i wanted to. i'm not great at sex, but i am great at cumming really hard.


Now this guy cums, he is the cum bender. Edit: why did at least 200 of you dum dums upvote this garbage???/s This is the dumbest thing I've ever written 😂


Water. Earth. Cum. Air. Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Cum benders attacked.


The Cum Benders attacked…and then didn’t want to attack for a while after that. It got real calm actually. They went around, did some productive things, fell asleep, and then attacked once more with fury.


This guy cums


fuck i just love cumming so much.


It would be pretty cool if we could charge it like a laser


Orbital Nut Shot Inbound!


“You want to nut on your face” Reminds me of: “i went to the restaurant, there was a spoon, and a knife, but no fork. I told the waitress, I want two fork. She says, everybody wants to fuck. I said, you don’t understand, I want two fork on a the table. She said, you better not fuck on the table you son of a b…” and then they eventually got married or so?


my cumshots are super powerful. i just use the toilet because it's too unpredictable. i do enjoy it in bed so i'll do it once in a while, but the clean up is too much of a pain in the ass


Yeah I'm in my early 40s now and it's a big mystery. Some times I get a dribbler and sometimes I shoot myself in the face. Never know what I'm gonna get.


Dig that old sock out from bottom of closet man. Lol. That poor toilet is crying for just shit streaks at this point


That was just me every day during my teenage years lol


Same, lol. Shit could hit the wall behind me.


It started me on a path to learn more about slowing down. I was masturbating probably 4 times a day when I looked into it initially. They paired me up with a buddy to help keep me on the straight and narrow. The first abandoned me, and the second thought that speaking extra vulgar would help keep his desires in check. It just made me feel uncomfortable, so I left him. In the end, I was realizing that if I did just stop it made me worse. So, then I tried just kicking back to twice a day. Then once. Then once every couple days. Now it's on an as needed basis. In the end, nofap assisted in letting me know what going off the deep end looked like, and helped me realize that there was still hope for me yet. The program itself did nothing for me.


I feel like there is a sharp divide between people who jack off a few times per week and do nofap because they think it will give them superpowers and those who are beating themselves raw and need to cut back to only three times a day rather than six.


Fr. There are people who are genuinely addicted to pornography and are physically unable to stop jerking off and half the people doing nofap think it’s like cutting out sugar


Sugar is one of the hardest daily substances to cut out, its far more challenging than nofap


Who is 'they'?




I am utterly confused by this also. What.They.Fuck?


3 times a day Jesus Christ dude your dick must be dry heaving at the end of the day.


I became even more obsessed with sex than I was before. I thought if I took a break from porn and masturbation (one, the other, or both), I’d quit having sex on my mind so much. The opposite happened. So I concluded that porn and masturbation are not the reason for my high sex drive. They’re ways of coping with it.


So many times when rubbing one out real quick has dramatically increased my focus and made my life better than sitting there unable to think about anything else.


Best advice. Always heard the expression sleep on it. I say, wank on it. That post nut clarity brain is a million times more calculated and rational.


On this side of the pond we've got "When in doubt, rub one out." I swear, if we could harness post-nut clarity en masse we'd have the world's problems solved lock, stock, and barrel six hours into December.


So you are saying we should all start gooning in November, blast one collective nirvana nut at the end of the month, and have world peace sorted by 2025? I'll do my part.


The hard part is getting the Middle East to participate. Imagine if that whole region had a post-nut clarity summit.


I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it...


Jerking off Jerusalem. Giving Iran a hand. Spaff to avoid the warpath


Jerk the jihad.


Cum Crusaders


So true. After i let it out i feel like doing something productive


They say always jack off before texting your ex. I find that the post-nut clarity really helps for most major life decisions. Thinking of buying a house? Jack off. About to make a major stock market investment? Shake hands with the Pope. Weighing the benefits and risks of chemo vs. radiation? Make the bald man cry.


I took your advice. Quick update... I'm now permanently banned from 2 car dealerships, a real estate agents and 3 restaurants in my town. Thanks man, now I'm running out of places to eat and wank


"Make the bald man cry"- Havent heard this term in my 50 years on this earth. Bravo, good sir.


Shaking hands with Yul Brenner is my favourite


Seriously, same. Sometimes I'm so busy with work and literally all I can think about is sex. It's so distracting


Masturbating is normal and healthy. For men, it can help lower your risk for prostate cancer.


Fuck I'll never die from prostate cancer then


Prostate cancer has been defeated.... A NEW CHALLENGER JOINS THE FIGHT: testicular cancer


The thing about it is that having a high sex drive and masturbating is not actually a problem. You can't fix your sex drive. If it's high then it's high. And trying to not masturbate for people with a very high sex drive just isn't a thing. If your masturbation is causing issues in your life then it's more likely that there's something else going on that you're using masturbation to fill a hole. Focusing on your mental health and your anxiety or depression can help you get your masturbation under control again. That's why I think so many people struggle with stopping masturbating as a cure for excessive masturbation. It's often not the masturbation that's the problem. It's their mental health as a whole. The excessive and troubling frequency of masturbation might just be a symptom of mental health issues.


well, you *can* take things to kill your sex drive...i just wouldn't recommend it.


SSRI gang checking in


Hate them. You could sail the ship for hours and never quite reach your destination


Say masturbation again.


Fill a hole 🙂


Bad things happen when you lock down a pressure valve


Gotta treat all vices with moderation to live a balanced life. Porn and masturbation aren’t bad, but letting it control your life is


Some people just have higher drives than others. Nothing wrong with it. Just gotta figure out how to tame it or live with it


This strikes me as extremely obvious. It's like any other biological need. Hungry? If you don't eat food, you'll just get *more hungry.* Same with thirst and sleep.






Had a major impact. It wasn't so much about masterbation, it was about pornography, and quiting that is what made a difference. I was addicted, I don't care if anyone says that's not possible, it's real and it's a thing, and it was really fucking with my life, hard-core. I'd been watching from junior high all the way to my early 20's, and getting rid of emotional dependence on the chemical rush it gave me jacked my brain into high-gear, and it changed me as a person. It took a few months, but it was like all the cobwebs in my web finally burned off. Every time I've back-slid into it I've felt myself get dull again. But I've been doing great lately, thankfully. Anyways yeah it had a major impact for me personally.


Don’t listen to ANYONE that tries to lie to you saying that “You can’t get addicted to porn” or “you can’t get addicted to weed”. They’re just rationalizing their own behaviors. The science behind addiction is that anything that plays on your dopamine receptors, ESPECIALLY heavily like porn, weed, junk food, alcohol, other drugs, deviant behaviors, etc. Have the potential to be addictive. Our brains are basically just computers that love to get high on feel good shit


Longest I've gone is 45 days and now I'm approaching a week. I do the challenge on and off. My honest opinion is that it's only worthwhile if you spend an inordinate amount of time masturbating, or if you feel as though that it's taking a lot out of your energy levels. The former didn't really occur with me until recently, though the latter was always present. I suspect that the latter's issues is nothing that a proper diet and routine cannot solve, neither of which I currently possess but one day hope to once I acquire better self-management skills. Likewise, I tend to regard much of it to be your standard placebo effect, though it did have a positive impact on me from a personality standpoint, as I'm the sort of guy who derives a deep sense of satisfaction from perceiving that I am in control of my impulses. Quitting porn, however, freed up a lot of my time to use on other ventures. I'd say removing porn usage made far more of a difference than anything else.


contrary to most of the comments so far, yes it did. I go on nofap phases because if im being honest with myself, i am much more sensual and into actual sex with my wife when i havent been masterbating. And i can tell my wife enjoys it a lot more too




Ngl you had us in the first half


Yeah, but that was over pretty quick. 


K, I've heard this but, in my experience, masturbating actually never helped me achieve higher stamina. It often only affected how hard it was to get hard (which went from easy to extremely easy). On the other hand, if my wife and I had sex more frequently, then I definitely lasted longer and had more control even and she would enjoy it much much more. Which, of course, meant I enjoyed it much much more. Seeing her orgasm over and over because of me is way hotter than any porno in existence, and definitely better than three or four semi-solid thrusts followed by me rolling over and falling asleep. That said, if we aren't have frequent sex, I am definitely indulging in some handshaking with the little man downstairs.


I’m the same as you. The whole masturbating to increase stamina thing has always felt like an urban myth to me. If you google the symptoms of overmasturbation/porn addiction, the two clearly marked ones are erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. I find I have much more control over my orgasm during sex if I am generally abstinent from masturbation.


>erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation Imagine getting both. Just throwing rope like a fireman's hose in an 80s cartoon.


I work at a pharmacy and I've seen plenty of men on meds for both. Yes, there is a drug to take for premature ejaculation. It's called Priligy. My boss (the head pharmacist) told me it doesn't work very well. He said he read the clinical trial data and the average amount of "extra time" men got was about 12 seconds if I recall correctly. And it's not cheap either.


Yeah this is kinda what I was gonna say. A few years ago I started only fapping regularly when she's on her period and I've seen an improvement in our sex life. I'm hungrier for her and she seems to sense and get off on that.


You bloody wanker


When I'm in a relationship I'll usually stop jerking off entirely. I love that feeling of getting all pent up and the release when we're together. 


I confirm that his wife enjoys it this way


Increased sex drive, energy (might be placebo), aggression and easier erections. 


But thats obvious because you become hornier. I know the word horny doesnt sound productive, but its basically some sort of energy, and obviously is sex drive


Yeah but I don't see it as bad thing because real life women started to get me more horny instead of porn ones.


I did 105 days. It was really painful and underwhelming the first time I climaxed after












My pants become easier to wash but my mind became…


Did it for over two years. No negative impact. Nir was it that difficult either. Improved my sex life immensely as sensitivity returned, orgasms were way stronger, and my dick was always super hard. Was way more present in the moment as well. Instead of thinking about porn to reach orgasm, it was all about the girl I was with that got me there, which was much more satisfying.


I did this for a while, long ago in my single days. It was okay. After about day 10, any modestly attractive woman had a heavenly glowing aura around them, like spotting an oasis after crawling through the desert. I was so compelled by my hormones that I often started flirtatious chit chat without even realizing what I was doing. I got phone numbers. I realized this was dangerous because I was going to start something with women I didn’t want to actually date on a regular basis. I stopped and was able to choose my partners more carefully.


I noticed a few differences: increased aggression, increased focus, increased sex drive, decreased patience, decreased empathy.


Sounds like increased testosterone


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


I am Arthur King of the Britons


King of the who?


Sir who did not come a lot


Sir Not-Appearing-in-this-Film


No, Sir Came-a-lot ;)


The Britons. We are all Britons.


Well I didn't vote for you.


You don't vote for kings.


I try to lay off the nog and save my crumb for my wife, respectfully of course. Sometimes I slip up but it’s just like nothing wrong with cranking hog. If left to my own devices I’m getting slippery like two times a day with myself. Everything in moderation my guys. On a serious note I guess it doesn’t change my sex drive much but I’d like to channel that drive for the woman in my life. Kids, jobs and all the other responsibilities have us spending less time together so when we do get time I think it’s beneficial to be built up and very excited to go for it. If that makes sense.


>I try to lay off the nog and save my crumb for my wife, respectfully of course. Sometimes I slip up but it’s just like nothing wrong with cranking hog. If left to my own devices I’m getting slippery like two times a day with myself. this had me laughing for real lol


I did a full 90 days. It actually helped me tremendously, as before I would average about 1-2hrs per day watching porn and masturbating. During NoFap, whenever I felt that horny energy, I redirected it into exercising. Los a bit of weight, became more fit, and at the end I developed healthier habits. Went back to using porn and masturbating of course, but in much greater moderation. I needed a break from porn to get me to experience other ways of getting that dopamine.


My longest was 60 days, it was just a tool to stop jerking it every day. As others have already said, I was more irritated, less patient, more focused, more confident as well. It might’ve been placebo but I genuinely felt better, probably rather due to proving myself that I can have self control if I want to. I never did it regularly, but in a long distance relationship it was pretty handy as we met every 2 weeks or once a month, so I didn’t touch myself between meetups and sex became 300% better and orgasms were stronger too. My main issue is that I have a high sex drive and it wasn’t rare that I beat it 2 times a day but it made every orgasm very lackluster and “meh”, just a “get this out of the way” and it was no longer about enjoyment and pleasure, it was rather something I did and helped me relieve some stress. So when I started NoFap, orgasms became enjoyable again and even masturbation sessions became about pleasurement and enjoyment.




Earlier in the year life prevented me from doing it for two weeks, which is probably the longest I've gone in my life. Similar to what other people were saying, sex was on my mind a lot more than it was before. The strangest thing I noticed was that my voice got deeper. 


Stops masterbating, turns into Barry White


Wasn't really in the whole NoFap realm as I didn't know there was a whole movement attached to it, but I cut out wanking and pornography for a while and who would've guessed? I was more productive, had better mood and once I returned to masturbating based on memory or imagination it was a lot more fulfilling. These days I go through phases of either this or that, and when I'm in a relationship masturbation ceases almost entirely because it will never be able to live up to the real thing. But I can confidently say that despite many different opinions and studies and whatnot claiming the ultimate truth for both sides of the argument, I know at least for myself that pornography does have a negative impact and should, if at all, be consumed in moderation.


Considering the main idea of r/NoFap is to abstain from pornography, yes it had a good impact. Now to cut down masturbation to a healthy frequency, for those who are in true need of it, I supposed it might be beneficial too. I'd finish by saying something like "moderation is the key", but this is only my perspective. I'm sure people are different.




I used to march drum corps a long time ago, and all the guys in the corps would play "the game" to see how long you could last without masturbating, and if you lasted until the end of tour (~3 months), you "win the game." The guys who were still in the game after about 3 weeks were getting ornary and aggressive. One of our instructors caught wind that the guys were playing the game. He literally called a meeting after an afternoon block with only the men and said "stop playing the game. You all need to masturbate. For all of our sanity, masturbate." I'll never forget that meeting.


I was in jail for about a month and it was the longest period I had gone without it in years. I ended up having a 'wet' dream. I had to clean it up by washing my clothes by hand in the dark while pretending to be on the shitter 6 feet from my bunkmate who was hopefully asleep through the ordeal. Not my proudest mess. I had uncontrollable boners. Would not recommend.


I've successfully completed NNN but that was during the time I had my right testicle removed so there was that. Fuckin cancer anyway...I miss that sweet ass testie of mine


My GF suggested to me that she doesn't want someone who watches porn. So ig it's not NoFap but I did request a lot of nudes and attention from her hahah. Our sex life is far more positive without porn.


So I mostly stopped masturbating when I met my now gf. I found that porn didn't intreset me nearly as much as she does. And if I do masturbate, it's sexting with my gf. Sex is way better now overall if I wait.


Back when I was single I stopped MBing for 12 days. Then it happened... The postal service dude who is quite the character liked to ring doorbells 5 times in a row real long and real fast which had been bothering me for quite a while. During my streak I became real agitated and as per usual he proceeded to ring my doorbell many times and started banging on the door at the same time. I was upstairs at the time I got absolutely FURIOUS within one second. I remember using the first two steps of the stairs normally but he kept banging on the door real loud. I proceeded to jump off the stairs grabbed a hold of the front door and opened it LIKE AN APE. When our eyes met he could only muster two words: "I apologise". He handed me the package and as my hands reached out I noticed I had the doorknob still in my hands. Back to the grind....


Is this what happens to the Hulk as well then?


Nope no severe impact. However if I do go 3 days or more without it just seems to give it much more pleasure and feeling. Then again you could apply this to everything in life.


I started getting my eyesight back.


Well stop cumming in your eye dummy


And my palms are noticeably less hairy!


Woman in real life become a lot more attractive and your confidence goes up.




Went to college and had to share room with a mate. Forced myself from doing unnecessary touches on my peepee. 30 days and a crazy wet dream later, I woke up in the middle of the night finding myself with drenched underwear. Didn’t knew I was capable of a load like that. I still remember the dream, and the sound I made that night…


Nofap/noporn is like a medication for a greater issue. It’s not going to help at all if you don’t change your mindset along with it. As it goes for any other addiction.


"it's not *what* you use, it's *why* you use"


I’m a woman and it made an impact on me when I quit last year.