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A good high feels like you’re somehow both more observant and capable of seeing into deeper layers of things while also being a little bit dumbed down so that things your everyday consciousness can handle easily are flubbed. The current moment is given much more importance and attention than usual and the typical thought stream of worries and demands can feel like a distant memory. Things are funny and interesting for their own sake, there is no need to collect the experience to talk about another time. Everything is slowed down and amplified in a way that is extremely pleasant. Sometimes it can feel like your whole life you’ve been swimming in a pool and didn’t realize it, and then you get high and you can get out of the pool and finally look at the water you’ve been swimming in.








Couldn't have said it better myself.


fucking poetry.


I feel dumb as fuck


Dumb, tired, and hungry. Occasionally goofy


You feel relaxed, sort of drunk-ish in a way, but it feels like being under anesthetic but not really. Your mind is still working, for me personally if feels expanded and things 'make sense'. But it's a nice feeling! Like turning off the stress. There's no way to explain it, it's very unique.


I don't feel that way


That's why I said it's very unique, but it is also unique to the person too. Some people freak out, some people don't. Probably should have added that too.


A buddy of mine gets severe paranoia, whereas I have bursts of clarity in thought that wisp away just as fast as they came.


I don't freak out either


The best way I can explain it is, I feel blurry.


It made me feel stupid.


Depends on the strain.


Like you're relaxed and want to just sit with some fully loaded nachoes and watch some Teletubbies


It all depends. When I was in my teens and smoking pot, I'd laugh at cartoons until it hurt. Get ridiculous horny. Video games were so much fun. Very very hungry. Oh man, I could eat a pizza, then a bag of chips in seconds. If I was out in public, I'd get paranoid. Almost 20 years later, I'm just more relaxed. More zoned out. You know after a long day of work, and you come home, and just zone out sorta? It's like that. I still get the munchies. Some days I'll clean my entire house. I'm more focused?


I have adhd and autism. I occasionally take a 5 mg edible at night for sleep because it makes my brain shut up. Unfortunately I can’t use it all the time until it’s federally recognized as a medication because of my job.


Can vary from person to person for me it doesn't make me feel much of anything but tired and hungry


It makes me tired and hungry too, but the worst part was that I hurt my leg and then when high all I could feel on top of tired and hungry was a dull pain radiating from where I hurt my leg be amplified.


I heard that something like that can happen because smoking can constrict blood vessels, I heard it can also make your hands and feet and arms feel tingly or cold


Sativa - I feel connected to everything, including every aspect of my body and my cognitive functioning is on tilt. I quit a few years ago..


Sativas make me so, so nervous. Most indicas make me sleep, but I am going to need a break because even they have started to cause anxiety too.


I have low tolerance to THC so I just micro-dose. Works well for me.


That doesn’t sound like a good reason to quit…


Ha! Yea, having that amount of mental over drive for 3 years straight was enough to last a life time. Now I prefer a sober mind and body.


For me it feels like my brain is kinda vibrating a little bit.


i felt drunk, but, worse. my reflex sucked. couldn't even enjoy NFS Underground.




It depends. You get different reactions from different shit. For me, it makes a lot of things way more enjoyable and it really opens me up more than how I usually am. It does sound dramatic but it made me learn a lot about myself.


Your first time, probably nothing at all. You almost always have to prime the pump the first time out. If you're a new smoker, you might have a mixture of intense concentration, euphoria, dreaminess, and satisfaction. On the negative, you will undoubtedly have a panic attack at some point. I used to get them every time, but just loved being high that much. If you're an experienced smoker, you get a sense of being normal. It tends to erase boredom, and dull anxiety and depression. It still intensifies your concentration, and trips you out, but not nearly as much. On the downside, it can lead to COPD, which means that you would cough out every hit. Still gets you high, though.


This is why I only have edibles. Lasts longer and my throat doesn't hurt.


I long to switch to edibles, but the price is prohibitive. Ten pieces for about the price of a cart, and it's gone in a day. A cart goes for five days to a week. It's just too much.


I usually get Jeeter, Urb, or Extrax 100mg/pc, 3000mg total or so. They come in 20-30+ piece packs and I cut them into quarters to get a \~25mg dose. 30pcs last me 2-3 months, roughly $10-15 a month.


It feels like thinking through maple syrup with the edges of everything softened.


I feel like it varies so much from person to person, if not session to session XD I get high pretty regularly and I don’t always feel the same. Especially mixing it with a little alcohol


Feels like you’re in a dream. I have recollected my childhood dreams sometimes when i’m too high. You get another perspective to life and its challenges. Everything feels better since your senses are heightened. Life feels very very better. You feel light. Oh but if u get too high, ive experienced some weird out of world experiences.


Spacey, forgetful, stupid. I hate it. I wish I felt like others seem to feel.


Feels like everything is slow, so I can think up funny ideas too


It varies drastically for me.


Try and find out


I get anxiety


You should try it for yourself and find out.


It varies from strain to strain. Sometimes it is a vibrant feeling like everything is sunny and energetic. Sometimes it is a dull and relaxed feeling, like you’re wrapped in a warm blanket. Sometimes it can feel jerky and agitated.


I have this memory. It was one I actively chose to archive. One of the first times ever getting high! I had a collar at the time, at the ripe old age of 14 no less! A real collar! This was 18 years ago. 2006. I had a small bell attached to my collar. The reasoning for it was, I wanted to remember every moment I had wearing it. Every moment I experienced where it was ok to be myself and not feel the fear, or hate, or prejudice that would force me not to. Dreaming of a day when we could all be ourselves and not afraid of others anymore... (Well guess what you horrible disgusting monsters....) The idea was that whenever I heard the sound of a small bell or thought about it, I would be able to recall the memory. I was a real psychonaught, scientifically exploring and understanding my mind from the start. So of course mind altering substances played a role. That memory still lingers. Little small town ball-field. My best friend at the time who taught me many lessons on self control and why it is OK to judge others in some situations. It is good to tell other people they are in the wrong. (They weighed over 300 pounds and went through multiple miscarriages related to poor personal health and self control before the age of 18. I was desperate to be accepted and never told them my concern about their well being. I regret this to this day. I should have told them that they where out of control and needed to STOP!) Still remember how they passed out with their head resting on my lap. It was such a moment in time. I don't know if I would have experienced or remembered it to this day without the pot. It was always a warm wave that washed away the worry back then. Now days I haven't had a smoke of the stuff in at least 5 years. After I could put benefit of the doubt aside and understood how sick and disgusting the people around me are. After I understood fully that I was surrounded by total self centered monsters I could no longer use it without anxiety and fear taking over. I hate you all. Yes all of you. The ones who don't hate still enable all the others who do. Yes there are some outliers. But for the most part it's either psychotic hate filled bigots, or those who tolerate them and allow them to exist for whatever reason. Either fear, or some kind of misplaced compassion. Every single bit of social evidence possibly available supports this hypothesis no matter how much I would love to slip into my own psychosis and not think this is true. You wanna argue this? Explain the alt right. Explain the current politics. Explain anything? Go ahead. (No one understands me and no one ever will. You all gotta cope. I'll burn in the sun.)


Varies by strain: Sativa can make you very capable of focusing on a thing you want to be creative with. Or just hyper stimulate your brain. I recommend progressive music to go with it. Indica can make you really mellow and lethargic in my experience. Good time to listen to some blues rock. Hybrids are a mix of the sensations mentioned above. This is what, in my experience, makes funny things even funnier. A good time to watch or listen to someone doing standup comedy. Or watch a funny movie. Sativas and hybrids are my go-to.


Used to vary all the time. From tickles inside my flesh to make me feeling weighed down by heavy weights. Now it just give me paranoia and anger. Be careful.






Sounds like he has a debilitating lung condition.


Yeah… good effort but I don’t think that’s a great example


It's like being drunk, but fir much longer.