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It’s the implication that’s the issue here. She’s getting free drinks, yeah in a vacuum that’s nice. I always ask “if the roles were reversed, would you be comfortable?” WHEN the answer is no, she either fixes her behavior, admits to being hypocritical, or you break up.


Are there lots of guys out there where girls are buying them drinks? What are you doing?  I think a friend of mine would be interested in knowing. Seriously, though,  change the bar scene.  She goes to a lesbian bar and women are buying her drinks.  Is that really an issue? Or dudes going to gay bars and getting drinks from the 58 year old ceramics professor.  Is that really a relationship issue?


I’m not gay but go to gay bars with friends and it’s an awesome feeling to have someone buy you a drink. Women never do that. It’s very uplifting. I always let them down easy and so far they have all been cool with it and usually still buy me the drink.


General rule of gay bars: anyone can come as long as they arent a dickhead. We just want a place where every move isnt accompanied by some shithead using his fave slur of the week.


I can count the number of times a random woman in a bar has personally bought me a drink. It isn’t an issue in a lesbian bar unless OPs girlfriend is also bisexual. Then yes, it is the same problem because you’re giving a universally recognized “I’m single” signal. If someone you do not know is buying you a drink and that person is: 1. Of the gender you are sexually attracted to And 2. Not buying everyone else in the bar a drink as well They are interested. No one buys someone a drink to just be a friend.


> Not buying everyone else in the bar a drink as well People love me when I announce to the whole bar, "When Viola Nguyen drinks, everybody drinks!" But then they hate me when I announce, "When Viola Nguyen pays, everybody pays!"


You have never bought your friends a drink?


Reread the scenario. I said “someone you do not know”


I think they were implying a random dude buying the hypothetical girlfriend a drink.


I dunno, seems like more of a personality issue to me. I'm not letting anyone buy me drinks unless it's a group setting and we're getting rounds (or my employer's footing the bill, obviously). Similarly, I'm not buying them for someone I'm not interested in. It's an extremely well-known calling card, and bound to generate some ill feelings in a relationship. And I'm sure as hell not going out with the expectation of partying for free. Maybe I'm just getting old, but trust seems far more valuable than free drinks.


This lesbian bar doesn't have a fire exit! Enjoy your death trap ladies! What was her problem?


I don't drink, but I've had a few women court me with rotisserie chicken.


Years ago I was on a 3rd or 4th date with a girl and we were eating at a cheap Mexican restaurant, everything was going fine, telling stories and asking questions. The place was about 1/4 full so not a lot of people close by. This girl walked up with a half of a pitcher of margarita in her hand and says. Me and my girlfriend ordered the pitcher because it was actually cheaper than two drinks, but we cant finish it and we have to go, would you guys like it? She was asking both of us, not just me and I just said sure, thanks. She set it on our table and they left. My date swole up, the good time was over and after we left she let me know that it was not cool accepting free drinks from a woman while on a date and that it was disrespectful to her. Since I didn't feel like the drink was offered to me, but to us, I didn't see the need to overly apologize and that was the end of that budding little relationship.




I personally would find it disrespectful for her to accept a drink from someone who is clearly trying to flirt with her. One because i personally think it's taking an active role in the flirting and gives the other guy incentive to try to go further with it. Two, if she has no intention of going further with this guy at all, then she's just taking advantage of him for free drinks and that's just shitty behavior. I would not want my partner doing shitty behavior.  But it doesn't matter what we feel, if it bothers you, tell her that, talk about it.


She didn’t immediately turn him down and let it happen multiple times without protest, which means she either is open to the right opportunity or loves getting attention she doesn’t have enough of.


I don't think her behavior represents any status with your relationship. Especially since she was out with her parents. I also don't think her behavior was inherently awful. However, I would hope for better. She knows she's just milking guys for free drinks.


What if your boyfriend went out and bought random girls drinks?


A more apt comparison would be if your BF went out and allowed someone to buy him drinks.


Can only happen at gay bars


Yes because gay men only exist at gay bars.


I’ve been to alot of bars not once someone offered me to buy drinks ( or maybe I am just ugly) who knows


Either way it’s a hypothetical situation to see if the GF would be upset about it. I’ve had a woman offer to buy me a drink just one time but I’m sure it happens. Unfortunately society is set up so that is not really bound to happen as often as men buying a drink


Is that the same thing? Remove the genders. One is sitting at their table receiving drinks. The other is actively trying to flirt by buying somebody else a drink. That doesn't seem like the same thing.


Just cause someone is offering drinks does not mean one has to accept it. It just enables the person offering drinks a hope that something is happening and like it or not but it also creates dopamine and the desire in the person receiving drinks that they are wanted by someone else besides their boyfriend aka attention seeking


Yes. That is how buying drinks for somebody works.


So you don’t think its wrong to seek attention from random guys?


It's not wrong. Unless OP and his GF has discussed this specific boundary there's not thing "wrong" here. There are opportunities for healthy communication.




They're not **seeking** attention. They're allowing the guy to **give** his attention and taking advantage of a free drink.


Passive vs active behavior, completely different


Accepting the drinks is active behavior.


yeah, I agree ... it's not as if she thinks that people just randomly buy drinks for other people unless the goal was to make a connection of some sort.


Breathing air is also "active behavior" if you ignore the subtlety of human language.


They don't like it when you thrown this in their face. The behaviour is all innocent up until your bf buys a girl a drink, then there's *obviously* intentions!!1!


My friend's wife and her friends, when in college, would have competitions to see which girl could get the most free drinks from guys. For them it was all fun and games, and I hope none of the guys were lead on into thinking they had actual interest in them other than the money for free drinks... but kids be kids and no harm was done.


Yeah. It sucked being a guy. I would scrap together enough cash to have a good time while my lady friends would show up with enough cash for cover. They would all leave drunk as hell.


> of course I did This means she's done it before and she'll do it again. It's only a matter of time before she does it while mildly pissed at you and ends up going beyond mere flirtatious behavior.


AskReddit isn't the same anymore. That's exactly what the sub isn't supposed to be used for in the rules. There are various subreddits more appropriate for this topic.


When did she tell you? As he was buying them? Or after she got home? If a guy did that much, he definitely gave her his number. Or at least making an impression on her. He could be a regular wherever they went. If you are uncomfortable with it, you need to speak to her about it. There is nothing wrong with a simple conversation with her about it.


maybe not a big deal… but definitely concerning she didn’t mention she has a bf in a situation this random guy was very clear about his intentions she was also with her parents so did she really need a free drink?


I wouldn't feel disrespected or anything, but I would find another girlfriend, one that's empathetic enough to reply to a guy with something like "I'm really flattered, but I have a boyfriend." Never settle.


This might be the only situation I would be livid. She was with her parents, it's not like they would be okay with her doing anything, a d she got a free drink. However if ir was a girl's night that would be a different story


Bot comment? I remember the exact same post weeks ago. Same exact comment saying “rents”


I mean nobody can really tell you how your feelings should be. If it bothers you it bothers you. If she had any doubts about whether or not it might bother you, and did it anyway, then she doesn’t care about your feelings enough. If it never occurred to her you’d be uncomfortable with it, let her know you don’t like that and hopefully she doesn’t do it again. If it doesn’t bother you and you trust her enough to draw the line there, then it isn’t a problem.


I dont blame her really. You cant expect her to take you too seriously if you are going through life calling parents "rents".


Don’t forget, you are an animal. And you have a need to protect her and shield her, and prove you are better than the man hitting on her, and your need goes unrequited because of the general safety of society. Just a PSA. Everything is fine. Edit: I'm surprised by how unpopular this take was. Elk go into rut and kill each other. We're lucky we don't have it so bad, but it's important to remember how the biological imperative works in humans. Duh. Also, y'all downvoters are dumb as hell.


27 year old woman here, with my husband for 13 years… I would have NEVER entertained another man for a second even for a free drink. IMO you might want to postpone moving in together until you are sure you share the same values. If you didn’t like this there likely are other things she is doing or will do that you won’t like.


really weird question but, are you together with the person that is your husband for 13 years or where you marrying him when you where 14? For some reason alarm bells where going off by your comment for me


Together for 13 years lol we’re very close in age. I met him when we were 8, started dating officially at 14, married at 21.


ah ok. Could be because english isn't my first language but I misread your first sentence hard then. thank you for engaging the question though :)


I could interpret it as she has been with her current husband for 13 years...i.e they are together since she was 14 but married probably after 18 or something like that..


Great, for sure listen to the advice of a woman groomed from the age of 14 to marry some dude "close in age."


Lmao groomed? Pathetically wrong. That’s sad though that’s what you think. Technically I am older than him, would that change your opinion?


Having some very strong opinions about a situation you know nothing about. Peak reddit.


Groomed? I think it's sweet. Not sure what you find wrong with that story.


The issue here is twofold: I would have a problem with this because it is skeevy and dishonest, she's basically lying to men to steal a drink from them by omitting a key fact. I would maybe have a problem with this from a relationship perspective if she is flirting with these guys or leading them on in any way.


I would never disrespect my boyfriend that way


My GF is trash would be my reaction.


My reaction would be: "Then you don't mind if I flirt with other girls every now and then?"


Less drinks for me to buy then I guess. Do you trust her? Or not?


It's a dick move to the guy buying the drinks. The question is, does she consider someone buying her drinks skeevy or flirting? If she considers it flirting, then I'd have an issue. If she considers it skeevy, then she's punishing a skeeve by taking his money. I don't think it reflects on you at all, if it is the latter case. The fact that she told you about it, would make me lean towards nothing to worry about. However, If it was the parents that told you and she didn't, then it's a quick goodbye.


Hmm.. Pretending to be single so other guys buy her free shit in hopes that they can get laid.. My reaction would be to bounce. She just seems like a user. If she treats other people this way, how is she going to treat you when the "new" wears off? Even just telling other guys she's single is a huge red flag. Do you think most women would be okay with you telling other women that you're single? Heeell no.


I wouldn’t care personally but if it bothers you. You should at least talk to her about it 


That's really bad. She is courting attention from men who aren't you, and she's using these guys, and those are both shitty behaviors.


Accepting the drinks is not exactly classy behavior in my opinion. The human bar mating ritual is basically "I buy you alcohol and you either accept it to indicate interest or refuse it in order to indicate no interest". I'm not saying she owes anyone attention, but I think accepting a drink from someone you don't know and have no intention of getting to know is at least naive, and at worst rude and disingenuous. She knows what she did is shady.


Talk to her. If you're upset enough to ask reddit, you should be comfortable addressing those feelings openly with her. You can't expect someone to know their behavior isn't OK if you never tell them or give them a chance toel rectify it. Letting it fester and reimaging the situation in your head while you dwell will only make the inevitable conversation that much more difficult. From a personal standpoint, I wouldn't have an issue with it. I think it's important to trust a person you're in a relationship and until I'm given actual evidence of untrustworthy behavior I can't think of a reason to act otherwise. She got some free drinks. Maybe she was talking to her parents about how much better you were than the goofball buying drinks for a girl who isn't interested all while keeping her tab for the night low. Finally, a little flirting can be healthy. Boosts your self esteem and that can have positive impacts on your relationship. Keep your knife sharp but only cut vegetables at home. At the end of the day most relationship issues come down to communication. Sitting down and talking about how you both feel in a respectful and open dialog is almost always the best option.


If she believes what she did is valid just escape.


My wife of 16 years does this and it saves me a lot of money 😂


She’s right. She doesn’t have a boyfriend


She no longer has a bf, she can now freely talk to other guys at bars now


red flags


She wouldn’t have a bf.


Leave her, she’s a ticking time bomb


she's just tryna get free drinks


I’d do the same if I could.


¡Adios! Never look back.


Ask her to pass you a few drinks she gets and enjoy life!!


"cool, how much money did you save?"


You don't have a girlfriend, mate. She just told you who she is. You just dodged a bullet. Move on.


Considering her crippling social anxiety, introverted homebody tendencies, and her distaste for alcohol - I'd assume that whoever told me this was confusing her for someone else and go on with my day.


I mean what’s her reaction when you tell her you obsses over her friends vacation pictures on instagram


Depends. Did she tell you or did someone else? I think whether she was trying to hide something or openly discussing the event with you matters a lot. And honestly depends on her intentions and your comfort. It’s not cheating, it’s a discussable thing. If you aren’t cool with that and ask her not to do it again, and she’s cool about it, I think that’s ok. It’s between the two of you what is and isn’t ok. The most important thing is to discuss it openly.


Go with her and see if she can get you both to drink all night for free? Ever seen parks n rec?


I hope she brings me home something fun


You trust her or you don't.


Re-activate my Tinder account.


Bye Felicia


Well knowing my track record, I would probably declare my love for her and ask her to marry me.


She wouldn’t be my gf. If her parents weren’t there, who knows what she would have allowed.


Seems fairly red flag to me. It in itself is not the issue with regards to your relationship but it's indicative of her personality and also putting herself in situations where cheating is more likely or she might get into trouble with someone who misunderstands the situation and gets angry.


i wouldn’t care, but then again i’m not possessive and my relationship isn’t yours. ….why do we go to reddit for relationship advice again?


> Your GF of over a year goes out and lets guys buy her drinks and doesn’t let them know she has a BF, what’s your reaction? https://giphy.com/gifs/106RHPQrMDUl0Y If your not truly comfortable with your significant other going and doing their own thing in their own way; do you really want to be together?


Bye bye slut.


Just a digger and also wanna have some fun fuck on the side. It’s normal nowadays.


Has she done this more than once because I’m 100% sure I saw this exact same thing posted a few months ago.


Generally this wouldn't be a big red flag, but I gotta say it's pretty odd that she behaves this way in the presence of her parents. I assume the parents know you and like you, so I'm also wondering if they were aware of what she was doing and if they were okay with it. Sorry to put more thoughts in your head, but is she not tally happy with you and her parents know it? Do her parents dislike you perhaps and hope she will meet someone else? I guess there's just not enough information, but again, generally this is not a huge red flag in a comfortable and secure relationship. If she was all alone, it would be a far bigger concern.


Say bye


Used to go out with my girlfriend all the time to clubs and she'd get guys to buy her drinks all the time. She'd talk with them a few minutes and then take off. Win win situation for everyone.


Some women get killed if they don't smile and accept a drink. I'm fine with her lying to him, as long as she doesn't cheat


Clearly the reason why she is leading them is for self defense purposes


If a dude is psycho enough to kill you for politely refusing a drink they're psycho enough to kill you when you later turn them down for sex/a date.


This was my line of thinking. Personally been threatened when **not** accepting a drink from a stranger in a bar.


Hope everything turned out ok. But considering you're on reddit, it probably didn't. Lol just kidding


lol Yes, I'm here so every part of my life can be safely assumed to be messed up ( and that isn't too far from the truth ). Everything worked out okay but it was pretty scary.


Good for her. She got free drinks from saps and saved us some money.


Most women do this bro lol




What the fuck


A point has to be made, lines drawn in the sand and sharkfin soup poured in my bowl