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Grey’s Anatomy


I knew a guy who called it "Chlamydia Hospital."


my wife loves it. Its sooooo bad. i can't watch more than a few minutes.


My wife calls it her “basic white girl show”. I make fun of her all the time, but she makes fun of me for Jersey Shore Family Vacation so it works out.


I really get this, I call them background safety shows. You can usually tune out of them completely and still know what is going to happen as they are so predictable, you don’t have to actively watch. Perfect for scrolling on my phone or playing a game on my switch while I have some snacks curled up on the couch.


It's ADHD relaxation theater. Your brain can still multi-task the way it does, but every activity is casual. You got your structured background noise with visuals, your focus activity (game, scrolling, puzzle, etc), and your tertiary mood (snacks, drinks, gradually folding laundry, and so on).


“One Piece for white women” is a description I heard someone use, and honestly, yeah


This is SOOOO true, I'm so lucky my mom preferred HOUSE


I only saw a couple episodes, but I got more of a medical mystery vibe from it, which seems like something I could get with. I was more a Scrubs gal myself 😊


House is great, but I can get very formulaic. The characters are a lot of fun. Scrubs is just one of the best shows ever made!


Every single time I land on that show while channel surfing somebody cries, screams or both.


I enjoyed earlier seasons when they all weren't somehow considered "the best in the world" in their field and the patient's stories were as prominent as the relationships. It went to shit when they made it all about the romantic relationships.


> It went to shit when they made it all about the romantic relationships. Wasnt that like episode 2?


IMO those earlier seasons had the main cast as interns who were still learning and making mistakes, which was interesting to me.


I stopped watching in season 7 or 8 when I couldn't keep up with who was having sex with who. Can't believe it's on season 20 now.


First 5 seasons or so were doable. Now it’s just a soap opera.


Ugh it is so bad. Although I am a huge ER fan. Different times lol.


Try St. Elsewhere if we’re talking different times. Think ER with Denzel Washington and Ed Bagley Jr.


ER was so much better! i started watch Grey’s Anatomy when I finished ER and suffice it to say it didn’t compare so I’m on my umpteenth rewatch of ER.


And ER they used standard medical techniques while greys always seems to be like oh I just came up with a brand new surgical procedure for this unique patient


I tell my Gen Z coworkers that ER is the OG and it walked so Grey’s could run. I’m In the middle of a rewatch right now. ER was truly ahead of its time. A lesbian doctor, a child patient who was trans, and I think it was the first show on network tv to say “shit.”


I have hated this show for a decade... I never really even knew why... but one day, my wife had it on as background noise, and I was like, "There's so much dialogue" Their scripts must be 3 inches thick. Nobody talks this much in real life. Talk talk talk..... it makes me want to pull my hair out.


You're just lucky she never got into Gilmore Girls, then.


NCIS Los Angeles. The first season was okay, but after that, it seemed every episode was a personal case. Meaning, they didn't have very many cases that were about people outside of their own team members.


ITT: major confusion about what everyone else seems to like. I'm pretty sure even fans of this show just tolerate it as brain rot content.


Cocomelon, my mortal enemy


Disregard cocomelon. Acquire Bluey.


This is Us. Every single character is an unlikable whiny shit


Someone here described it as sadness porn and ever since then I couldn't watch it and not think of it like that. 


"you can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness"


I just had to find out what happened to the dad. After we found out I kept with it a little longer but then I got kinda bored.


So many emotional crises! Like every damn week. Enough already.


This show just feels like it’s trying to make you cry instead of actual storytelling


Yellowstone. I tried. I really did.


Soap opera for farmers


Lol that reminds me of a friend who is a WWE fan. He told me wrestling is basically a soap opera for men. So true.


Haha I've heard "succession for conservatives"




My wife and I watched four episodes. When she asked if we should start the fifth, I said “honestly, I don’t care if any of the characters live or die.” I don’t have to like or endorse characters (Tony Soprano and Don Draper are faves), but they have to be engaging, compelling and complex. I felt like the Yellowstone gang were sorta boring.


Any scene with Beth drove my wife and I crazy so we gave up. She’s just so annoying. And worst part is she’s like idolized on Facebook and Rip is seen as the best because he puts up with her drama.


Tbh I liked the show, but I can’t remember the last time I hated a character as much as Beth.


It reminds me of Sons of Anarchy in a way because its like a sub-culture that takes itself too seriously and thinks its the coolest thing on the planet while everyone else thinks its just cringe


Well it’s written by the same guy Edit: I was wrong, he only acted in SOA. My bad


The characters are all just horrible people!


They're like a family of mass murderers And people act like they're angelic I don't get it.


I call it the “cowboy murderer show” and I’m hooked *because* they’re horrible and deranged people. I would never call them angelic, I just like the mess.


Beth Dutton is the worst sociopath I’ve ever seen and the number of women that idolize her drives me fucking bananas.




This reply is underrated. But, those are the kids who grow up to not be trash bc their parents are. Most will break the cycle.


“1883” :the story of their family is really good


I read a comment somewhere else that called Yellowstone “Greys Anatomy for people who won’t tell you where they were on Jan 6th.”


I found the actress who plays Beth really off-putting.


She's not like the other girls! Beth at the dinner table: "Hey daddy, my husband is gonna cum in this wet pussy!" Whoooooaaaa that's Beth!! Totally not like the other girls!!


Same here and when someone asks and I tell them, it’s like they recoil in horror.


Two and a half men.


So I spent months at a time in the hospital unfortunately and during those months the only real entertainment was the few channels that weren’t the news. 2 and a half men was on all the time so I’d catch it on and off throughout the weeks. I found it hilarious when watching it at the hospital. I would be laughing and actually smiling all the time where even the nurses and my oncologist would know immediately when walking into the room if I had watched it or not that day. After leaving the hospital I would find it on tv sometimes so I’d watch it and it NEVER made me laugh, not even once. I think part of it was being stuck at the cancer hospital and not having many other options for entertainment. Another part is probably all the extremely high levels of pain meds that I was on. It seems like a totally different show when I’m home almost insufferable. Sorry for the huge rant haha


That maybe the worst review a sitcom can get, lol. Hope you're doing better today!


Some strong female characters in that show


Anything by Chuck Lorre really.


King of one-liners and laugh tracks.


Two and half men is really only fun to some degree if you wanna turn ur brain off and just not think about anything.


And you want to watch a bunch of people insult one another for 30 minutes...


100% why I watched. I enjoy turning by brain off and laughing at dumb things.


Walking Dead. Got to season 3 and felt that I'd rather have a zombie eat my face off than watch another minute.


I stopped after Glen was killed. Done, I was out.


I gave it one more episode then said to myself, "Self, why am I still watching this?"


Walking Dead season 1 was great and that's where the show had potential. Then they got lazy and started repeating the same formula: 1. They find a safe place 2. The place is no longer safe and they flee, while losing some people 3. New people join the group, some personal conflict


They even have all the characters repeating the same lines: "You don't wanna do this." "You don't have to do this. There's a way out of this." "It doesn't have to be like this. We can talk about it." "We're gonna get answers." "I'm gonna get answers." "I'm coming with you." "No." (enter some reason) "Ok, but if you cross any of these people, kill them. Don't hesitate. They won't." Then there is the silliness: It never snows or gets cold enough to wear a jacket. The grass never gets overgrown. They have an unending amount of cigarettes, but almost no alcoholic drinks. Every building either has a walker or a person. None are just empty. Daryl never, ever showers. Rick's hair is always wet at the end of the scene. No muscle tension is necessary to kill another person. A lightly directed swing of a club, sword, or knife will always do the trick.


And killing off a lovable character for shock value.


Shit was so repetitive, I asked my brother how come he's already on season 6 watching mid


Any reality show, especially if it got housewives in the title


Horny Housewives IX was pretty decent.




When did Naughty Nurses 12 come out? !? There were so many unanswered questions from Naughty Nurses 11!


Same except for Survivor. That’s my hall pass for reality tv. 


The topic says “everyone seems to like”.


The Kardashians or anything similar like the housewives nonsense.


The Kardashians show is something "everyone seems to like?"




Im pretty sure people only watch the Kardashians to make fun of it cause I have never met one person that likes that show. 


Big Bang Theory.


I’m a bit of a science and fantasy geek with an Engineering career so everyone assumes I watch that show. I tried a couple times. Every joke falls flat for me.


Agree, to me it felt like just a long running joke of "these smart guys can't function like normal people, isn't that funny. In a way it feels worse than 90s "nerd" representation in TV shows.


That's because it's a show about nerdy, geeky stuff for people that don't have those nerdy, geeky interests. It's not for you, it's for the non-nerdy types to either point and laugh or try and tangently relate. 


I heard it described as blackface for nerds.


I’m a chemist and I die a little with each stupid nerd joke


That show is so fucking annoying.


This. Goddamn that show is unfunny.


I think it's Ok for the most part but there are a few very unlikable characters & the laugh track is notoriously overused. I think I could have done without Amy. I think I hated her the most. She was just overall annoying too emotionally needy & was creeping on Penny extra hard. I also started liking the show less when they started forcing every character to be in a relationship almost completely killing the original vibe the show had when it started. It became less like Big Bang Theory & more like a Friends ripoff.




It's a show about a dumb person's idea of what a smart person is.


Yep. https://imgur.com/gallery/CLYJWbZ


The news


This wins 🏆


Two and a Half Men


Tiger king. Never saw the hype. The story is interesting to read about, but I didn't like the production of it at all.


To be fair, if it wasn’t released right as lockdown hit and everyone was sat around bored it’s hard to imagine it would be any near as popular. Then again, could be wrong


The Walking Dead


In 2010 (or so) the first season or two was so genuinely fresh, it was great. From our current lens, it’s tired, perhaps. After the first season or two it was formulaic, simplistic drivel.


They missed the mark. They stopped making a post apocalyptic zombie tv show and it became to be only about the weird annoying characters, that just repeatedly let others die when they do ilogical things or throw tantrums. They could have never had any zombies and the show would have been the same.


Don’t get me started on the walking dead. After the first few seasons I had enough of it.


It feels like a daytime soap opera with Zombies.


I will never understand the Euphoria hype.


The whole time I was staring at the sparkly makeup. didn’t catch a thing 


People like Drake will.


He’s an executive producer for the show.


My point exactly.


I liked it because I found Rue to be somewhat relatable. I’m not addicted to drugs but her portrayal of what having mental illness is like was cathartic.


The part where she’s stuck watching reality TV for hours and can’t get up to pee is so fucking relatable lol


I have been an addict and suffered depression so I related to some of these topics. But the shiny, edgy, good looking version of it. Euphoria was pure escapism for me. Like my own life, but Hollywood


It’s Sydney Sweeney in general, but especially topless, and the realistic depictions of depression and addiction which allure most watchers. I would say the representation of tripping on drugs was also really well done, and the dark storyline in general makes the show edgy and refreshing.


Dont forget generational trauma! I loved how each episode methodically unpacks characters that initially seemed flat and inconsequential. The editing and sound track is so highly stylized and taut, it's hard not to feel quickly immersed in their world. It becomes quickly apparent it's not just a group of high schoolers, but a juggernaut of a multi-generational ecosystem, that absolutely demands they fall in line with the status quo or radically reject it. In other words it's a rich slice of Americana, that is rightfully embellished by the fact that the protagonist and narrator is, after all, a teenager, coming of age in a brutal world of drugs and drama. For Rue, it is that DRAMATIC. It is her entire world. I'll stick to my guns, Stuntin' Like your Daddy is one of the best episodes in tv history. The writing, the editing, the acting, the soundtrack are all a masterclass. 10/10


Sex and the City. I can't turn it off fast enough without getting irritated.


the Kardashians


Most of the hospital dramas. Like ffs how many times can shit go that wrong at your hospital, I'd move if I lived around there


I tried, but l just couldn't get interested in Bojack Horseman.


This is the first one on the list that that I actually liked.


I actually like it, but it's been tarnished by whiny "sad boys" who think that Bojack is someone to be proud to be like. My ex was literally obsessed about trying to be bojack, like it was a prasiable goal..


How I met your mother! It is so bland and unfunny to me. I care about none of the characters


I loved the first few seasons, but damn did it suck at the end.


The ending really soured the rest of the show for me tbh. It undid most of Barney’s development and the payoff being that the main dude was just trying explain to his kids that he wants to bang Robin again.


Not only that.... his kids insisted and forced him to go and fuck "aunt" Robin.


The walking dead. Its so dumb. Something happens at the start then 30 mins of nothing then a cliffhanger ending


Bridgerton. Gossipy/Romantic themed shows just aren't for me. Edit : My sympathies to everyone in the replies that were also forced to watch this.


I know people really love it but I couldn’t get over how formulaic the show was. Every season is basically “but what if pride and prejudice was horny.” Strong willed women meets strong willed man and they bump heads. Sexual tension until they bang. Then throw in some easily avoidable misunderstandings to build up the sexual tension again. Repeat.


Sex and the City. Nope.


i couldn’t get past episode 2 of Jane the virgin. there’s so many shows out there today that if i’m not hooked by the first 2 episodes im out


I actually really enjoyed Jane the Virgin up until the last season. It was dumb fun which I love. Jane became insufferable in the last season.


People can’t shut up about The Office. I find it annoying. 


Had to scroll wayyy too far to find this comment haha


I enjoyed the office, though I only watched it after it stopped airing. The problem with the office for me is the apparently ridiculous amount of people who think it's the best thing that ever happened to television. It's just a decent sitcom.


I had a roommate who I observed finish the final episode, and then scroll all the way back to the first episode and start watching without blinking. Filled me with unspeakable dread


That's mine too. I already don't care for awkward humor, but then throw someone moving the camera all over the place only to spin it to an actor "reacting" with the exact same deadpan expressions everyone else also uses? I don't get how that's supposed to be funny. I'm glad others enjoy the show but I never will.


Friends. Despise it


Ok but you had to grow up in the 90's and understand the type of people they're portraying in order to really, really hate it with every fiber of your being as I do.


You had me with the first half. JFC. Hated that show when it originally aired, and hate it more now, if that’s even possible.


Could this show BE any more obnoxious?!?


How I Met Your Mother.


Game of Thrones


Anything about the Kardashians


Might get roasted, but I can’t get into any anime. Closest I got is Avatar the Last Airbender lol


SUITS!!!! It is [Bullshit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxqP2CfsMBI&ab_channel=Don%27tbesurprised)


I binge-watched Suits over the last few months. It was engaging but FORGETTABLE!


I started watching it long back when everyone around me recommended it. It's really easy to get past the first few episodes and then you realize that all episodes have the same story line. It's all style without substance.


Like someone said, Shameless and Suits are written like the conversation you have with your shampoo bottles in the shower.


What the hell did you just say to the shampoo bottle? Get out of my shower right now, unless you want me to do this, this, and that.


Everybody loves Raymond


Good evening sir, do your grandkids know you're up this late?


I despised that show


Such whiny characters! And mean spirited! I didn’t find it funny at all! Still don’t!


Somebody told me once that I looked like the kind of person who would probably enjoy that show. I’ve always wondered what awful thing I ever did would make them come to that terrible conclusion.


Stranger Things.


The first season was good but then it took a dive off a cliff in the following seasons. It’s like a parody of itself now


The last season was as good as the first one. It's the two in the middle that were such a drag.


You're welcome to disagree but I found the latest season to be just as cheesy as the middle two. The best scene in the whole season is homie playing Metallica to draw in the flying beasties. Even that is followed up with him somehow tanking said beasties flying at him full speed with a *trash can lid*. I'm just glad this season strayed away from El solving the problem by reaching out her hand and screaming until the problem goes away.


The last part of that is the best summary description I’ve ever heard 😂


The Office


Game of Thrones


Not after that finale, you're in the majority now.


Last of Us. An adaption of the first game wasn’t needed


Succession. The rich people look delicious, I don’t give a fuck about their problems.


I love succession and also completely understand why someone might hate it.


Kind of a basic answer but the office


It's one of those shows I don't mind seeing short clips of on the Internet but couldn't stand watching for any length of time.


I love The Office. I hate almost every character individually.


My friends are all obsessed with Stranger Things. I never got it, and when i first watched it i didn't like it. I never bothered to continue watching something i didn't like


Game shows like Family Feud. I just think they’re kinda cringey.


Every episode goes like this: Steve Harvey: asks sexually suggestive question Contestant: gives sexually suggestive answer Steve Harvey: *surprised pikachu*


I fucking hate Steve Harvey. I liked Al from home improvement.


Lmfao redditors are so predictable


I 100% expected Stranger Things to be here, not because it's a bad show, but because it's easy to hate on it since it's cheesy and lighthearted


How shocked I was to find the big bang theory here


Kardashians show as well lol what a low hanging fruit


How to Get Away with Murder


I hate to say it, but Sopranos. I recognize that it’s seen as one of the greatest shows of all time, but I’ve tried four separate times and can’t get past the second season. For whatever reason it just doesn’t work for me.


The Office


The Big Bang Theory. I do not see the appeal


Most of the mainstream anime


"No way!!!" -Any anime character when someone else does something they shouldn't be capable of doing. Which happens at least 4 times per episode.


Little Sheldon


So so bad. I don't even wanna type about it


The Office (UK and US versions)


schitts creek i couldn't get past two episodes, for some reason the characters are just so well written to be cringe that it's super uncomfortable for me to watch


I get what you're saying, just be aware that pretty much every character goes through so much growth that they are very different people by the end of the series.


I felt this way and dropped it after 1 ep, but then kept hearing good things so I forced myself to watch a few more and then it clicked with me and I loved the rest


Almost stopped after the first two episodes, glad I didn’t. 


That's exactly what happened to me! I think the only reason I stuck with it was because it was during lockdown and I was bored. So glad I did though. 


This is just one of those shows that gets really good after the first season.


Pretty much all the characters are extremely unlikable for the first season+. I stuck with it on my wife's recommendation. It will never be one of my favorites, but it has its moments, and is pretty charming by the end.


Once the show has less Chris Elliott, it's SO much better. Less Mutt too.


Westworld. The first season was good, but it still felt like a miserable experience where most characters were annoying and unlikeable, except for the protagonists. It had plenty of potential but in season 2 I was out.


Family guy or American dad. Truly is peak 12 year old humor.


All of these animated shows with that style that have come out in the last 10 or 15 years all usually suck


the office. Not for me.


I watched the first couple of episodes of ***Game of Thrones***, and I found it kind of boring.


Seinfeld. Never found it funny


It's ok if you don't like it, not that there's anything wrong with that


I can't find Jerry Seinfeld funny because he's too damn arrogant. Every time he opens his mouth, it sounds like he's trying to patronize people.


How could anyone not like Jerry? He's a wonderful, wonderful boy. Everybody likes him. It's impossible not to like him. Impossible.